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10551730 No.10551730 [Reply] [Original]

>this is the average Kanye West fan


>> No.10551733


>> No.10551738

Average Kanye fan is white

>> No.10551741

NASA x ADIDAS x Kanye West

>> No.10551949
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>> No.10551954

The average Kanye fan is a 14 year old white girl.

>> No.10551957

This x1000

Kanye makes shitty whiteboi rap

>> No.10551958

said the eminem fan

>> No.10551963

Not a fan of eminem or kanye. But eminem is absolutely better than kanye. No question whatsoever.

>> No.10551964

lol this board is retarded in regards to music,you can say whatever you want but few artist have made something in the level of MBDTF and college dropout

>> No.10551969

shitty b8

>> No.10551974

That album blows.

>> No.10551975

They're both shit

>> No.10551977

The only person I know who owns 350s is my friends little sister, I'm pretty sure she only wears them when taking instagram pics.

>> No.10551984

Kanye isn't half the mc eminem is. That is undeniable. People will say "but kanye is a better producer". Then why are all his tracks so boring and predictable with terrible timbre?

>> No.10551986

fucking kek

I was like this with Marilyn Manson when I was 12 we all grow up eventually.

>> No.10551992

This tbqhmssfffc (to be quite honest my super sweet family friend from childhood)

>> No.10551993
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>> No.10551998

we are talking about a board that thinks the smiths is music tho

>> No.10552002
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>people defending eminem
is this fa/ or r9k/

>> No.10552004

Are you saying that kanye is as good a rapper (absolutely wrong, without any arguement or question) or that he is good as a producer? I'd rather listen to any of Warren G's records than a single kanye one.

>> No.10552014
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I bet you listen to plebcore

>> No.10552018

Considering that this board thinks Ride is a good rapper, I'm not surprised that people think Kanye is good.

>> No.10552022
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this is now a rich piana thread

>> No.10552023

Way to argue. Give me a good kanye verse. He doesn't do half the styles that eminem is capible of. I don't even listen to much hip hop but even I know the guy does at least 5 more styles regularly than kanye does.

>> No.10552040

there aren't that predictable

>> No.10552042

Lol these boots are so sick.... im gonna cop some on grailed for $1000!!

>> No.10552044

gorgeus> anything eminem has done
eminem is cringey, edgy, simple and corny in everysong I dare you to name a song from eminem that does not have those characteristics

>> No.10552050

Rap God. Next question, Kanye cuck.

>> No.10552057

>rap god
are you even trying

>> No.10552059

eminem songs are more predictable tho
I'm a crazy rude white boy
I'll kill motherfaka
le rap god
le talk fast
edgy moment
I'm tough
watch me be unrespectful

>> No.10552064

They have like 2 chords per verse with one predominant the entire time. No good bass lines, ever. He switches in a sample every couple lines but the actual song structure is trash on every kanye track I've ever heard. There is never any good rhythymic syncopation. Then his style of rap rarely changes in it's rhythym either. It just leaves me bored every time.

>> No.10552065

Rap God is objectively better than everything Kanye West has ever rapped on, you're just too blinded by BBC to see it

>> No.10552066

kek, isn't rap god cringey?
"Look, I was gonna go easy on you not to hurt your feelings" first verse is already cringey corny and simple
what are you 12 anon?

>> No.10552070

no it isn't, it's probably one of his worst songs
I feel like you need to see this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daDLgR6kxSM

>> No.10552071

You're telling me "Ima Need to see some fucking hands at my concert", "I'm a fucking monster" or the entirety of "black skinhead" isn't corny as all fuck? Are you joking me?

>plebs who think lyrics are as important as song structure and flow

>> No.10552074

I am 35.

>> No.10552078

I'm at work in the bathroom taking a huge shit atm and I can't watch that video. Not like I would anyways, kek

>> No.10552079
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some are corny, but eminem style is by itself corny
>mfw someone is actually arguing eminem is good

>> No.10552085

choose one

>> No.10552087

lol are u white bro?

>> No.10552097

isn't saying you like eminem enough evidence you're <18,
where are the mods whe you need them?

>> No.10552102

He's objectively good. Get over it. I don't even like him or his music, but he's just factually good.

>> No.10552104

black skinhead is corny but tbh almost the entire eminem discography is worse

>> No.10552111

He's a hell of a lot better than kanye. I pretty much only listen to dad hip hop anyway. When hip hop lost it's funk roots and stopped having good rhythym it lost my interest as well. I also don't really care about lyrics compared to the average person. I care about the song itself. People who don't actually play music tend to care much more about lyrics than those who do.

Eminem is technically superior to kanye even if the words are corny. I'm talking about the rhythym of the words spoken.

>> No.10552118
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why are you in /fa/ do you even dress effay?
i feel like you belong more to /vg/ or something like that
pic related

>> No.10552133
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>no Kanye
>no Death Grapes

>> No.10552136

but kanye speciallty are the beats and the production, samples etc. are you really gonna argue that eminem has better beats than kanye?? a guys who samples 21st schizoid man and has gorgeus and lost in the world??? just listen to dark fantasy literally the first song in the album and tell me eminem has better beats
eminem beats are generic at best, I'm not fan of his lyrics but that's what the 13 yo who listen to him actually like

>> No.10552139

I don't listen to any of that. I don't go to /mu/ because they have completely unironic threads about noise and trap. And no, I deliberately dress un/fa/.

A couple of my favorite bands are Glassjaw, Jamiroquai, and Brand New.

>> No.10552143

>comparing kanye and deathgrips to skrillex and eminem
kill yourself

>> No.10552147

I listen to music that actually has good rhythym. See: Jamiroquai. I don't listen to kanye or eminem. I'm not impressed by either. But eminem does have a more varied rhythym in his rap.

>> No.10552154
File: 37 KB, 266x400, 1445118160924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35 and fan of eminem visiting /fa/
just out of curiosity anon, why do you visit here and how do you dress?

>> No.10552159

Eminem is a better mc, but his tracks are far more predictable than Kanye's.

>> No.10552167

choose one
literally he has one good song in each album and the rest are fillers that are the same.
he has like three topics:
1.I'm super though and I'll fuck ya up
2. saddy emotional corny song about how life is hard and cruel
3. witty comment about famous celebrities straight outta the youtube comment section, OMG miley cyrus is dumb, kardashian ugly, paris hilton slut hehe

>> No.10552173

digging the hole deeper

>> No.10552174
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>lyrics, not rhythym

White as fuck thought process.

>> No.10552178

I can't believe how accurate this is
but you forgot the new eminem
4. mega produced song that is going to be in the radio every second for an entire year with another big artist he should hate or promoting a videogame or movie

>> No.10552183

Eminem is probably a top 5 lyricist, but dudess songs are trash. If you can't tell the difference between those two things, then you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10552186

his rythim is actually very repetive too

>> No.10552190

Fuck off to /mu/ you retarded faggots

>> No.10552192


>> No.10552196

why is rich leave humanity behind on effay?

>> No.10552208
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because being a mutant is fa/ as fuck

>> No.10552216
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let me guess you like RATM and Limp Bizkit too

>> No.10552223

you don't need to be from /mu/ to know eminem is shit tbh

>> No.10552224

Lemme correct: Eminem is a more skilled rapper.

>> No.10552226

Full BBS. I visit here mostly to see what the younger people interested in fashion are doing. I am not a fan of Eminem.

>> No.10552230

you didn't answer the question tho

>> No.10552233

If you're really here for this motive, do not take this board seriously. It's fucking cancer. The sense of fashion here is fucking bad, even worse than what you can find in the streets.
>but there's 1/100 threads that's actually good

>> No.10552236

>Full BBS
>check up on youngins

Yea I did.

>> No.10552240

how do you dress mr Icheckyoungings/pedo?

>> No.10552241

>theres people browsing /fa/ openly admitting to listen to eminem
this is the kind of people i share this forum with

>> No.10552242

I'm aware.

>> No.10552246

>Full BBS

It's becoming more and more obvious that you really have no idea what you're talking about here.

>> No.10552248

It isn't on some of the old shit I've heard at least. I don't have tv or listen to the radio so I can't say about new stuff. But he used to be able to go from southern to new york to midwest in the same tune.

>> No.10552254

>how do I make money?

>> No.10552255

I'm not getting it neither, is it some kind of dadcore? what does BBS stand foor ?

>> No.10552260


>> No.10552264

This is the wrongest opinion i read in a while.

>> No.10552269

Boris Bidjan Saberi. I hope you're new.

>> No.10552271
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>> No.10552276

I am tbh I just added that to my SLP, techwear, gothninja, palewave, dadcore, vocabulary

>> No.10552279

What is your ninja way?

>> No.10552281

I didn't recognize that shit because that's like abreviating Rick Owens to RO, raf simonds to RS or alexander wang ro AW it's retarded

>> No.10552282

Eminem is literally the worst hip hop musician to ever exist.

>> No.10552286

u forgot kanye

>> No.10552287

All good.

No, it really isn't.

>> No.10552299

nice try 35 yo man

>> No.10552301

any one that actually thinks eminem is a good rapper literally only says that because he is white

>> No.10552306

Nope, not me.

>> No.10552308

this x1000

>> No.10552309

Tied with Kanye and lil wayne tbh

>> No.10552321

not really..
shit tier:
lil wayne
snoop dogg
ice cube
notorious BIG
maybe nas tho illmatic is pretty good
a bit overrated meme rappers:
MF Doom
A tribe called quest
meme rappers:

>> No.10552324

anyone who says that jay kay is a good singer literally only says that because he's white

anyone who says obama is a good president only says that because he is black

anyone who says that bruce lee is a good actor literally only says that because he is asian

>> No.10552331


>> No.10552335


>> No.10552337

2pac put out 3 albums with no bad tracks and one double album with a couple fillers.

Biggie put out 3 good tracks

>> No.10552338

where would drake fall on your list?

>> No.10552340

Jay Kay is a better singer than mj or wonder tbh fam

>> No.10552361

But you're white too

>> No.10552367
File: 234 KB, 400x400, 6bd47c59e424bcf73db245aafb6fd4fa_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it

>> No.10552399

kinda between meme and shit maybe meh tier along with guys like J. Cole, you know ocasionally good, not bad, tho my heart says drake is cool

>> No.10552411

yeah but they are not saying eminem is good, they're saying he's the best.
anyone who says he's the best is white, people who like him could be anyone.
Bruce lee doesn't apply because objectively he could be of the best martial artists but I doubt anyone who isn't white would say jay kay is the best same goes to eminem

>> No.10552413

that guy is cool but hes the biggest hypebeast and bites kanye's style and wardrobe a lot

>> No.10552423

nice b8

>> No.10552427

lol bad b8, m8

>> No.10552440

Ice cube shit tier, Nas overrated? nigger please
Dead accurate on the meme rappers though lol

>> No.10552446


>> No.10552448

Lol that's every rapper at one point in their career
Except for white boy

>> No.10552449

J-Roc a real nigga tho

>> No.10552465

I want to clarify that I meant ice cube post nwa otherwise I would have said nwa and yeah I think I went a bit far with Nas

>> No.10552470

yes, but eminem has done like 6 album on these topic instead of 3 songs like the average rappr

>> No.10552485

these topics*

>> No.10552608

Anyone who likes Kanye Wes is a cuck, unless they're black, then they're smart, for a nigger

>> No.10552685

Lol racism

>> No.10552759

underrated post

>> No.10552783

>rapping is about talking fast

>> No.10552795

Alright this is the worst thread ive seen on fa in all my time here. Theres this whole "everybody that is on here is an underage autist" thing. I knew there was some truth to that, but not like this. This thread looks like the fucking comments section on youtube. I think im done with this board

>> No.10552831

this was my goal, as the OP. I wanted you to see the shitstorm this would create. think about it.

>> No.10552865

sup /pol/

>> No.10552922

cuck fag

>> No.10553507

shut up cuck

>> No.10553969
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>> No.10553975

why is /pol/ so angry and combative?

>> No.10554070

whoa that guy is very hip

>> No.10554244

is she fuckable m8?

>> No.10554607

Cuck tbh

>> No.10554612
File: 67 KB, 553x567, cozy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably cause the majority of them are virgins and jelly when they see interracial couples on the street during the day. :^) don't get mad >>10552608
I'm sure one day you will find someone

>> No.10554732

ITT: people taking the most obvious bait of all time

>> No.10554827
