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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 225 KB, 625x680, walt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10535696 No.10535696 [Reply] [Original]

What are you autists wearing for all those Halloween parties you're going to?

>> No.10535706

I have long blonde hair, all i can think of at this moment is Jimmy Saville or He-Man... anyone got anything else?

>> No.10535725
File: 24 KB, 600x300, 18384133-18384136-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couples costume, tell me how pleb we are

>> No.10535731

probably DC/Marvel shit like every other pleb on the block

>> No.10535762


>> No.10535774

skwisgaar skwigelf

>> No.10535776

be taylor swift

>> No.10535777

I'm going to a deftones concert so won't have a costume

>> No.10535795

Tbf, it is acceptable for Halloween, as long as your not tacky.
Totally pleb man up your game.
>Tfw curly hair
I could straighten and throw on a flannel... ty anon

>> No.10535803

that's cool man where they playing?

>> No.10535815
File: 73 KB, 746x514, bear picnic table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda useful /fa/gets

>> No.10535829

Ventura, CA. it's a small theatre but they can get some p good shows

>> No.10536067

>going to parties
Normie plebs get out.

>> No.10536091

I'm probably going as Patrick Bateman and Paul Allen with a kid on my floor

>> No.10536101
File: 16 KB, 236x322, moz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an incredible poorfag so I'm going as Morrissey. Just gonna wear my biggest shirt and some cheap plastic beads whilst carrying some flowers, I already wear glasses and have dark hair that can be styled like his.

>> No.10536152
File: 16 KB, 385x385, 61g+9kCRLEL._UX385_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find a decent skeleton morphsuit. What the fuck.

>> No.10536156

still spooky tbh

>> No.10536568
File: 49 KB, 736x532, 3ee192fbb7151bd08f45c26bbd135b48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not part of my culture

>> No.10536604
File: 115 KB, 391x308, 1445029514849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going simple and being Umaru.

>> No.10536620

im going to a club night, im wearing a comfy fit of old clothes because im going to getting sweaty and probably taking my t-shirt off.

the t-shirt is going to be like the t shirt freddy krueger has, very light nod to halloween. yup.

>> No.10536641

i meant sweatshirt.

>> No.10536682
File: 860 KB, 1257x660, hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10536901

naruto headband

>> No.10536909

going as drunk captain crunch - going to be dressed up as captain crunch but act all drunk and strung out on heroin

>> No.10536928
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>tfw never been to a party

>> No.10536936
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>> No.10536940

wow this is fucking cringey

>> No.10536945

raoul duke from fear and loathing in las vegas

>> No.10536955

shrek with a netflix t-shirt

>> No.10536962
File: 988 KB, 500x268, evil-dead-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be pretty groovy.

>> No.10537023
File: 76 KB, 662x604, Vince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw parties bore me to tears

>> No.10537027

nigga what kinda parties do you go to

>> No.10537082

Any suggestions for somebody who wears glasses?

Otherwise, I think I'm gonna go as Fry from Futurama

>> No.10537095


>> No.10537181
File: 137 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im goigg as kanye
My yeezus tour jacket is coming

>> No.10537191

very cute, kyle

>> No.10537200

>inability to relax / have fun
>don't understand how anyone would want to spend time with me
>hate loud noises and crowds
>don't drink alcohol / do drugs, which is how most people loosen up
>small talk bores me to tears

>> No.10537210
File: 113 KB, 179x336, Devofit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10537260

tbh you just have to get over yourself, nobody cares about what you do as much as you think they do

>small talk bores me to tears
??? small talk only exists with people you don't know, if you have any friends at all conversations should be free flowing and loose. do you expect people to want to talk about heavy subjects

>> No.10537278
File: 26 KB, 349x368, 4652a7653f10b6fbbab827cb94d246c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White T-shirt with GANGAM STYLE written on it in sharpie.

>> No.10537279

Last friday I went to a party which had 'indecision' as the theme (can't decide between costumes, think disco astronaut or cowboy fireman) as genderfluid (dress and jeans with boots )

next week i have one thats vaporwave/80s miami themed so I'm thinking about taking that liberally and doing some hotline miami thing with a mask maybe

waiting for more parties to pile up

>> No.10537354

I was going to be Donald Trump for a party this Friday but I'm having second thoughts about spray-dying my hair because I just know it'll get everywhere.

I'm toying with a few relatively low-effort alternatives, including Ash from Evil Dead, art major, Newt Geiszler from Pacific Rim, a Redshirt, or Optimus Rhyme.

>> No.10537825
File: 7 KB, 220x229, jimbo jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have shoulder length long brown hair, I'm looking for a casual costume (regular clothes) that doesn't require a wig so I can be as effay as possible

Was thinking jimbo from the simpsons, but my hair is way curlier and i'm not sure if that costume would be good. Please help /fa/

>> No.10537886

How do I dress as a dad?
I'm trying to dress up as a dad but it's difficult because all my clothes fit and I'm young so I end up just looking like a dadcore autist or a frat boy.

>> No.10538227
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too sure about any parties but, take a guess :) also anyone have tips on what pants to get for this costume, once they guess what it is, or I could just tell you if you're truly stumped...

>> No.10538341
File: 156 KB, 960x1280, 1445828735439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be Marty McFly and I'm currently working on the hoverboard, here it is so far

>> No.10538504

Never noticed mr white was wearing wallabees

>> No.10538527

>I'm gonna be Marty McFly
Wow, original.

>> No.10538557

I went to an 80s party as George McFly

Was pretty

>> No.10538625
File: 16 KB, 250x333, 5989ffe0e7602b54631c9af7f236253c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going as a Roman L O L
How can I make something like this spoopier

>> No.10538663

Why not drink or do drugs?

>> No.10538675
File: 38 KB, 245x304, 1482_Tom_Cruise_Top_Gun_26242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own this flight suit, aviators, and a bomber. Easy stuff. Only thing is that the legs on my flight suit are a lot baggier and less perfectly shaped for my legs.

>> No.10539121

glue plastic dagger in the back +some blood
+ zombie make up

=julias caeser is back

>> No.10539133

george michael

>> No.10539155
File: 81 KB, 700x525, raoul-duke-cuff-5-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hat hides muh hairline
>can hit people with a flyswatter all day and they love it
>the more I get fucked up, the more people like me
Easily the most enjoyable day of the year tbh

>> No.10539178
File: 77 KB, 800x800, crock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be swimming in pussy

>> No.10539182

>no crocs

>> No.10539183

This is genius

>> No.10539196
File: 43 KB, 746x751, halloween-jumpsuit-animal-anime-totoro-kigurumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to be Beavis and Butthead with my room mate. I'll be Beavis.
Wanted to buy this to be honest

>> No.10539202
File: 395 KB, 1360x2169, Halloweener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking god man I'm gonna buy a pair right now. Thanks

>> No.10539261

actually dope

>> No.10539303

u never been to a party lol be real

>> No.10539310

using this. Thanks fam

>> No.10539328


>> No.10539335

Liquid Snake

>> No.10539345

Bet your hairline is sick as fuck anyway

>> No.10539352

considering this too, just need to find the cigarette holder thing, any idea where these things are sold?

>> No.10539358


>> No.10539362

Amazon has them ranging from $4 to $20; I got mine there. Same with the glasses, shirt and hat.
I had to get the shirt tailored to make it fit nicely though.

>> No.10539454
File: 402 KB, 402x536, Image-1-Guy-Fieri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna hit the salvation army to get the right pieces

>> No.10539484



>> No.10539749
File: 29 KB, 550x309, vlcsnap-2013-10-01-01h42m03s200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to cop similar blue shirt?

>> No.10539757
File: 16 KB, 174x231, 1417475196500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck can I do with glasses? Seems like it limits my options.

I am thinking of just going as Fry from Futurama, although I could totally do something like >>10539202 and wear glasses over the sheet

>> No.10539779


>> No.10539940


>> No.10539957

Why didn't I think of this, I'm gonna do this. Thanks anon.

>> No.10540287

Oh shit nice danger five, I like that Russian chick on the show

>> No.10541287


>> No.10541307

this is dope how did you do that white thing?

>> No.10541424
File: 264 KB, 1280x781, nux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my brother are going as Nux and Slit from fury road. got a friend to do some 3D makeup work. should be good

>> No.10541430


>> No.10541508

dude weed lmao

>> No.10541706

Hope you have a god tier chin to pull if off m8

>> No.10541783
File: 26 KB, 296x539, socks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already bought all the pieces so i guess i'll be cross dressing this year

>> No.10541790

is crossdressing now /fa/? i think yes

>> No.10541926
File: 74 KB, 569x573, tumblr_mao5fseq9z1rdxvm2o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you nerds think of a gender-swapped Velma?

I'm just trying to figure out something to do about making sure my fucking glasses fit in a costume and I can't think of anything.

I figure I could just get a sweater and some chinos from like H&M or something. Don't know if I have any shoes that really fit

>> No.10542049
File: 29 KB, 520x693, cn9990599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think I can do this and people will get it. I think I might go for it.

Do you guys think that these are an okay color for the pants? Only like 30 bucks, and can probably have the sweater from somewhere else for around the same (or if I can find one thrift even better)

>> No.10542137

Notice that her shoes are red also because she has orange socks separating them from the skirt.
So you might want to do like a preppy look with red shorts, orange socks, and red shoes.

Why Velma though?

>> No.10542175

i went as a dad last week at a college halloween party. i just went to the thrift store and bought an ugly suit jacket and a tie and wore them with a white ocbd, brown chinos, and beige new balances.

>> No.10542193

Fuck man me too, probably gonna split some acid with a friend before a party and get really in character

>> No.10542215

Fuck man me too, probably gonna split some acid with a friend before a party and get really in character

>> No.10542220

Because I thought it seemed like a nice idea that would be pretty fun.

Actually though I think I"m gonna change my costume to Dexter from Dexter's lab. Sik labcoat action + a lot cheaper to put together given my time frame.

perhaps next year. Then maybe I can find an orange turtle neck to complete it~

>> No.10542304
File: 55 KB, 600x450, src_1327926837495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less of talking, more of drinking

>> No.10542427


>> No.10542430

fuck you motherfucker no one cares about your shit jokes this isnt fucking facebook neil is a shit name you virgin piece of human feces fuck you

>> No.10542441

a bit rude tbh

>> No.10542443
File: 265 KB, 748x875, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CIA ofc

>> No.10542456

Going as Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes.

Too bad my good friend got a girl friend and he can't be hobbes with me.

>> No.10542461



>> No.10542479

I was gonna wear a plain black or grey t shirt tucked into my looser light jeans and buy some cheap ass sneakers and then get some thick glasses

>> No.10542499

Oh fuck I'm doing this. Is there a specific character of person I could say I am or should I just say I'm an Eastern European?

>> No.10542500

Im going as "definitely not an alien"
Making my own alien mask and just gonna go in my most effay black pants and shirt and put glowing stars all over them.

Ayy lmao

>> No.10542504

Tfw cant go as an easter European because I am an eastern european and this is what I wear every day when chilling, going to tje gym or drinking.

>> No.10542510

I think it's savage as fuck, I'm paying homage not hating

>> No.10542513


>> No.10542556

I was thinking of doing this but I'm afraid i'll just look like a regular guy with flowers

>> No.10542564

>glowing stars
Very gay.

>> No.10542567

Make sure to paint your face red and bring a shotgun.

>> No.10543464
File: 21 KB, 480x239, mad-max-warboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to order the raf googles, so now i can't really go as Nux.
Maybe Slit.

>> No.10543527
File: 100 KB, 880x1336, Batman_Vol_2-37_Cover-2_Teaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i need are white gloves and face paint, my hair is already the same but idk what to do to make it green, might just leave it

>> No.10544043

w2c sheet

>> No.10545185

Ayy lmao

>> No.10545425

Mankind from the WWE tomorrow (need advice on mask and making my belt made from card wearable). Shirt, tie, loose-fitting joggers and white dad-core runners.

Got pub golf on Thursday, made an argyle vest with an oversized v neck (sleeves cut off, drawn pattern on), rest of fit is burgundy polo, basketball shorts, argyle shorts and my white chuck 2s

Johnny 2x4 from Ed, Edd n Eddy on Saturday itself. Not sure how I'm going to manage plank as I won't be able to take a 12x4in plank of wood into a nightclub. Got everything else though. White tee, some ugly as shit blue jeans and disgusting sandals.

>> No.10545593
File: 38 KB, 700x466, shia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me /fa/, i've been invited to a "lame costume" party and i have no ideas.

Was thinking about going pic related with a green cardboard pasted on my back and fullblack clothes. But i have no beard to rock it with.

>> No.10545596

Go as Costanza.

>> No.10545604
File: 155 KB, 480x720, p27820_p_v7_aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more or less something like this.
the mask + torn/bloody clothes.
some friends and i are handing out candy and then drinking.

>> No.10545657

Just try anyways, tell them its for your costume
worst that can happens is you have to throw it away

>> No.10545667


I got a hawaiian shirt, tassled loafers, wire glasses and a pipe. New balances would have been best but I couldn't find any.

>> No.10545679

Went as him to a spookfest already.

Thinking about Peter Parker since that's all I can really do.

>> No.10545801

Literally just buy some swisher sweets for $2 and tear the ones that come with them off.

>> No.10546608

Kaneda from Akira

>> No.10546611
File: 105 KB, 364x646, Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 10.25.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10546807

was gonna go as Daredevil from the Netflix show when he's the masked man in all black but the stuff would come in too late so idk wtf im gonna do

might do a poor man's daredevil

>> No.10546930

Legit want to go in SS uniform but have nothing to work with. What do??

>> No.10546959

how would i do a lion with just basic clothes and shit, i got a girl to do my hair in a mane style

>> No.10546998

Pic of hair!

>> No.10547022

>dressing up as a meme

kill yourself

>> No.10547181
File: 1.21 MB, 1063x723, costume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already got some pilot goggles in the mail. Just gotta thrift some brown leather boots

>> No.10547186

>also collar in or out?

>> No.10547197

its not done right now, but most of my friends said it looks like a lion's mane when i get out of the shower, so ive got a friend that's going to try to keep it that way, plus is going to put put the face paint/makeup on

black btw

>> No.10547229

best in thread

>> No.10547344

good luck getting those ricks

>> No.10547347

>going to a halloween party

>> No.10547349

i hope there will be a lot of niggas

>> No.10547492

taller than a tree

>> No.10547695

Ur a slav
Get a newspaper and a bottle and write 'wodka' on it

>> No.10548165
File: 282 KB, 600x450, Screen+shot+2013-10-15+at+9.54.38+AM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the suit, the cat, the cane.

Thinking of having a painted "sun halo" that follows me around.

>> No.10548180

>being alone for the 5*10^3 time on Oct. 31

>> No.10548196

prolly a massive pussy who is afraid all molly is meth even tho meth is gr8

>> No.10548203
File: 118 KB, 618x707, showbiz-james-dean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working from 8am to 8pm on Halloween so I might not go out. If I do, I'll just throw together some things from my closet and be James Dean.

>> No.10548221

I am a ginger what should I go as

>> No.10548223
File: 6 KB, 251x201, ppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing velma because I already have a similar haircut/color, glasses, and freckles.
my costume is just clothes i have already other than the skirt so it's kind of lazy but i think it'll work. I'm doing a half sleeve tight sweater, and the socks are less bright, but I think it'll be recognizable.

>> No.10548546

Bump for Halloween

>> No.10548629
File: 328 KB, 1280x800, bang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go as Travis but don't want to part with my hair.

>> No.10548639

is that tee rick?

>> No.10548640

I too am a ginger, just get a wig or spray some color in ur hair n be whatever u want

>> No.10549064

bump, help me be cyberpunk

Visor, or one piece goggles
what should i use to cover the lower half of face

>> No.10549072


>> No.10549087

i'mma buy a black morph suit and use duct tape to stick some old motherboards and shit to it

>> No.10549092

is that from little budda?

>> No.10549118

W2c jacket?

>> No.10549133

Spray hair tint in green, go over it 3 times but let each layer dry in between.

>> No.10549135

My house is hosting a party, and we're doing "Many different Johnny Depp's".

I'm being Johnny Depp in Nightmare on Elm Street, when he's his youngest and hottest.

>> No.10549138

Collar in, looks awesome

>> No.10549165
File: 18 KB, 499x499, 1437047526310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>going out for halloween

lol u fucking normies make me sick

>> No.10549170

Friend is urging me to go out, I don't want to at all.

If I do I might just go all black and paint my face skelly.

It would be fun to hit the club and fuck a chick in a slutty or interesting costume.

>> No.10549174


just accept reality and realize you will not have sex with a girl unless you are a natural born alpha male

>> No.10549204

To be fair 90% of parties are shit unless you have drugs

God bless MDMA

>> No.10549243

is that a pogo stick?

>> No.10549490

ye man my fake confidence once worked but then I accepted that it was made up and not really who I was, hopefully I can watch

>> No.10549815

this is siqq

>> No.10549833

i'm going as "and chill" pinned to my crotch, gf is going as netflix.

>> No.10550433

Lol old navy
Yeh bro got it for like $3
Fasho homie

>> No.10550674

Mental health issues on my mothers side (bipolar, schizophrenia), alcoholism on my dads side

Im fucked up enough already

>> No.10550720
File: 734 KB, 1280x800, picture-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished watching The Cars that Ate Paris.

Gonna go as a cereal box mask and hospital gown

>> No.10550741
File: 537 KB, 1080x743, cityhunter[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I know where McCoy got the inspiration for City Hunter.

>> No.10550870

I attended a Japanese funeral not too long ago so I'm just borrowing my sister's black kimono and a wig, hopefully gonna look like The Grudge or some shit like that

>> No.10551204
File: 82 KB, 1920x1080, archer-tv-lana-kane-sterling-archer-2789112-1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making use of a half black friend.

>> No.10551236

john wayne gacy

>> No.10551248

I think I'm going to do the Hotline Bling turtleneck outfit

>> No.10551255

>only good one itt

>> No.10552392

is being homeless gunna get SJW's mad at me?

gunna wear ripped light wash jeans
really fucked up old gazelles
stained shirt
ripped plaid shirt
normal hoodie
army coat
grandpas old parka
cuffed toque

>> No.10552408 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 640x652, FEELINGS_NOBG_ID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An alien morph suit
Billionaire boys club shirt
Slim black joggers
white socks
some raf ozweegos
maybe my white raincoat with pic related patch on the sleeve too

>> No.10552419
File: 71 KB, 558x793, The-man-with-no-name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10552422

alien morph suit + billionaire boys club tee

>> No.10552513

Was going to go to a party doign the usual Danny darko thing, but Mets are in the series, so I'm going to a sports bar instead.

>> No.10552675

Moz is the man, but please don't do this

>> No.10552702
File: 166 KB, 1600x1005, live_zarata_mayhem_dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zero effort

w2c face paint?

>> No.10553125

This is a good costume idea. I was thinking of going as someone from the Norway Black Metal scene as well, although I feel like way to many people will think I'm from KISS

>> No.10553130

get contacts

>> No.10553134
File: 183 KB, 620x350, american-jihadi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10553466

if you cant have fun without drugs then you're probably one boring cunt.

>> No.10553472

That's pretty cool but it's a pussy deflecctor.

>> No.10553486

So fucking horrible

>> No.10553489

I have that kind of fun all the time.
My brain craves novelty and drugs are an incredible way to deliver novel experiences, of which I will always crave until I die.

>> No.10553499

Holy shit this would be dope

>> No.10553731

draco malfoy all day niggas

girls go crazy for that shit

>> No.10553765

this is true. there is just something about him being an utter douchebag that makes girls want him to spank them.

>> No.10554931

then smoke weed, nothing milder really, solved a lot of my anxiety over my low confidence

>> No.10555087

Kill you're self my good man

>> No.10555342

You both will.

>> No.10555361


>> No.10555362
File: 58 KB, 620x372, hot-leonardo-dicaprio-love-movie-titanic-favim-com-267989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10555377

Going as Slenderman. Kinda mad, I cut small eyeholes because I couldn't see shit underneath the bodysuit but they're way more visible than I wanted them to be. I mean, the shitty eyeholes look creepy in their own right, but it's not what I was going for.

>> No.10555412
File: 94 KB, 878x659, donald-trump-i-dont-wear-toupee-its-my-hair-i-swear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha how original, haha anon top kek!

I've got nice well fitting garments to pull this off tbh

>> No.10555573

>Lol old navy
really? link?

>> No.10555634

>have nothing to work with
What does that even mean ?

>> No.10555639

Just use leather polish for the black.
Idk about white though. Non toxic paint for kids/schools maybe ?

>> No.10555697

johnny bravo

>> No.10555778

he doesn't have an ss uniform

>> No.10555918

Any alternative ideas?

>> No.10555922

How do I put this together in a day?

>> No.10556527

hah this is me from last year

>> No.10556534
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>> No.10556568

Spending $40 on 'costume' that looks like shit from your closet. Nice job.

>> No.10556583
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>> No.10556619
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You made me proud fam

>> No.10556629
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Cool party, white boy

>> No.10557108


>> No.10557130

nice url fag

>> No.10557158

nice tbh

>> No.10557178

I'm doing a gender-swapped Kim Possible, fuck with me

>> No.10557191
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>> No.10557218

going as stalker
got a flight suit, a gas mask, a heavy camo snow jacket, web gear, canteen, an air tank connected up to the gas mask and some other props n stuff
the gas mask took 2 days to repair, no idea what it is or how old it is but it looks great

>> No.10557252
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are maids effay

>> No.10557264
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>if you cant have fun without drugs then you're probably one boring cunt.

>> No.10557272

if you're able to have "fun" without drugs then you must be an obnoxious fucking fag.
Kill yourself manchild

>> No.10557426

allah ackbar?

>> No.10557562

Looks good, but how the fuck are you going to see and drink?

>> No.10557583


whatever you think you're doing that is novel is not nearly as novel as you think. going to a rave on mdma is a novel experience once, just like skydiving or scubadiving or fucking. if the drug makes you think it's novel, it's gonna get real depressing when your body/mind gets tired from it and you realize your life is built on stimulants

>> No.10557586


>> No.10557598

You sound like you have an addiction problem

>> No.10557601
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Opinions on this guys ? I am not that happy on how the teeth came out

>> No.10557611

Try drawing in the jawline as well, and add some random lines to create some definition

>> No.10557619

Thanks will do, also I am open for more suggestion from you guys

>> No.10557805

you're not supposed to blacken your lips. redraw the teeth over your lips so they meet

>> No.10558002

Just found out I'm going out tonight. Can anyone think of last minute halloween costume ideas apart from like tearing up a shirt and putting blood on it?

>> No.10558050

What do you have in your closet

>> No.10558116

I dressed up a garbage last night. I ripped a hole in a trash bag, and then put it on and taped a bunch of paper and recyclables to it. It was cheap, easy, and doubled as a poncho when it started to rain on my walk back.

>> No.10558131

plz no

>> No.10558181

What kind of outfit should i wear withouth having a costume?

>> No.10558737


>> No.10559587
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Guess and I'll reveal myself

>> No.10559651
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"My daddy's a lawyer"

>> No.10559667

tom cruise

>> No.10559705
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"my race is not a costume" - egyptians

>> No.10559716
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I didn't do the teeth well but I did this in a rush.

>> No.10559734
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Excuse my effeminate jawline

>> No.10560928
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Are Japanese schoolgirls effay

>> No.10560952

was about to say...

>> No.10561094
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I improvised Meyers. Though people and qts in Jason costumes wanted to make selfies with me, it wasn't comfortable. Hell, I put mask off after two or three hours and it took me 15 minutes to put the robe off just to piss. Hate parties, and I forgot to give blonde underage qt whose ass I touched all the time my phone number. And drinks were so expensive I should have better spared for my yeezy cops.