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/fa/ - Fashion

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10525851 No.10525851 [Reply] [Original]

are me and my girlfriend effay?
>low-rent apartment
>very little food
>sometimes we do H

>> No.10525855
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>> No.10525856


i don't like your jeans, other than that i have no complaints. she's a babe, but you have good aesthetics too. where are you guys from before nyc?

>> No.10525860

You're supposed to dress well

>> No.10525861

For sure

>> No.10525866

>she's a babe
not with that nose shes not

>> No.10525870

Idk man you guys look like you stink like shit tbh fam

>> No.10525875

you two are hippies, being poor is not /fa/ at all.

>> No.10525878
File: 83 KB, 720x960, 10387397_576875802443128_3466890256306145207_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's born raised New york while im from texas, lol. usually i just buy whatever fits from the thrift store, but will consider buying some jeans.

>> No.10525879

Moon Temple

>> No.10525887

stop doing heroin you moron

>> No.10525889

youre a better looking frank javcee

>> No.10525893


>> No.10525900

Just noticed the ring girl behind you btw.
stay frosty my friends

>> No.10525901

>texas transplant
gf is okay

>> No.10525905


>> No.10525906

you twoo look like the usual heroin addict, not effay at all

>> No.10525907

you guys look dirty.

>> No.10525911


>bad taste in everything

not effay

>> No.10525913

you guys are /fa/ pal

>> No.10525927


keep buying fits from the thrift store, but a good pair of well tailored black pants will make everything look 100x better. and a good pair of black leather shoes, if that is an option.

your homegirl's hair might need help, i like the messy look but its a bit off here.

>> No.10525948

kike gf

>> No.10525959

if grimy and greasy was effay you would be top tier

>> No.10525985

You look like you're from Denton or Austin. Which is it hipster?

>> No.10525997

>texas transplant

>> No.10526024

Degeneracy is not effay, pls take a shower

>> No.10526035

are you poor?
trim a little bit
stand like a fucking human beign!
it´s like a fucking tornado came to your lives
like you beat your gf and then take a photo for shaming her

>> No.10526036

>>sometimes we do H
what is it like?

>> No.10526043


not op but heavily dose dependent read a trip report if you really want to know

>> No.10526065

young white people in nyc. so interesting.

>> No.10526070

This belief is worst thing about fa

>> No.10526087

The most comfortable feeling in the world, like a high dose of oxy x10. Wrapped in a warm blanket floating on a cloud. Never do H

>> No.10526093

so good that it'll ruin your fucking life

>> No.10526105

Look like druggies and heroine addicts, so typical fucked up new yorker. Your gf is cute but looks broke and looks like she eats out of a trashcan.
sxy asf gf in this pic. Dig her hair. Would cuddle w/ 4evr.
She looks ratty here. Make sure her hair covers those hairs. You look fine here but mostly not cuz of your clothing, but mainly because you dont look like total dirt like you did in the other picture.

>> No.10526109

I meant ear not hairs twice. But you get it probably.

Also stop doing H so you can afford

>> No.10526111

is the fucking truth man, being a hobo is not effay, holy shit this new age hipsters are disgusting

>> No.10526119

Of course being a hobo isnt effay but being thrifty and creating great fits without spending a lot is definitely effay.

>> No.10526122

you look like the cover of a Garden State-tier movie poster

>> No.10526128

These two look like they eat half eaten pealed bananas off of the ground at union square and then shoot up and sleep behind a bush at night

>> No.10526131
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Me and bae's legs.

>> No.10526134

have you never seen a real life homeless person

>> No.10526139

their fits are shit, literally only long and old clothes mixed up

>> No.10526143

by sometimes you mean whenever you have money right?

>> No.10526155

lmao stop reaching. if anything they look like 2 white kids gentrifying bushwick and tell all their friends they 'feel so bad for living there, but that's where the cheapest rent is' while shopping at the union square whole foods

>> No.10526365

show her feets

>> No.10526431

you guys are borderline dirty looking in the worst way possible but just barely pull it off. some minor improvements would make you look more effay and less disgusting.

>> No.10526666

better than niggers
regular black people are fine though

>> No.10526674

They live in nyc, of course they do

>> No.10526683

girl is pretty you are ugly

>> No.10526689


>> No.10526707

but chekd tho

>> No.10526713

you legit look like a misshapen skinny pete from breaking bad and that's not a compliment, like you shoot people in alleyways to steal bus passes

both of you look like human garbage but girls can always be effay just by being girls so the look works better for her

>> No.10526747

you should watch requiem for a dream, its basically the path you going down

>> No.10526752

You look exactly like what you're very obviously trying to look like. Take that as you will.

>> No.10526808

Nice quads
Nxtlvl satanism

>> No.10526816

YES thought i recognized her lmfao

>> No.10526921
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>> No.10526924

she looks like a prettier victoria legrand and you look like a way uglier alex scALLY

>> No.10526925

you guys just seem like a couple of try hard posers. I don't even know what the fuck is happening to your girlfriends hair, or yours for that matter. Wipe those dumb ass expressions from your faces and start being useful to society, fucking losers.

>> No.10526929

>greasy looking
>zero style
>wears shit clothing because poor
>does h
>will probably die of an overdose or some type of weird infection from being so greasy by age of 30

Yeah you guys /fa/ good job fam

>> No.10526932

omg so qt

>> No.10526934
File: 262 KB, 640x672, BROKEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometimes we do H

>> No.10526960

she looks like golum

>> No.10526969

girl not gonna be cute for long doing H.
injecting drugs is stupid. At least stop injecting.

I have very little hope for either of you. I doubt you guys will get off the ship before it sinks.

>> No.10526978

you're idiots for romanticising drugs and some kind of 'artist' lifestyle in nyc, get your shit together

>> No.10526983

Ignore the normies who pretend to care about you and your health.
heroincore is always effay.

>> No.10527055

>everyone drink 3 L of coffee and smokes a packet of cigs a day
>loool they do drugs sooo unhealthy


>> No.10527075

Your girlfriend looks like she'd fuck any dude that complimented her and you look fucking horrendous. Your hair is disgusting and your legs are twigs. No h8 tho

>> No.10527096

don't do drugs if you're poor

>> No.10527120

you are in the hobo community

>> No.10527208

hang out with me in nyc

>> No.10527218

kill yourself

>> No.10527221

>gentrifying bushwick

theres nothing left to gentrify

>> No.10527226

fukken shave

>> No.10527227

Your gf is hot.

>> No.10527250

lmao so much dick sucking itt. you guys look like two fucking failure.
hippie are a fucking disgrace. what kind of pleb actually takes pride in doing h. carelessness isnt effay, only those who build something good for themselves can be effay.
fuck you btw

>> No.10527488

you look like beach house

>> No.10527530

The god of effay has spoken, guess theres not much else to say. What this guy says goes unfortunately

>> No.10527569

fuck you pedro

>> No.10527577

being useful (read: submissive) to society is not /fa/ at all

>> No.10527595

This nigga knows whats up

>> No.10527641


there's literally zero substance behind your shallow and transparent life

>spends all his time trying to appear cool so he can post pictures of himself on a 4chan board
yeah look out guys new smith & mapplethorpe in town


>> No.10527658

I'm glad to see there will always be people who made dumb enough decisions to be stuck serving me coffee.

>> No.10527771

If having severe daddy issues is /fa/, then yes, you two are very /fa/.

>> No.10527895

no one asked for your irrelevant opinion you ugly fuck.

>> No.10527903

you look like if a dying dog ate puke and then repuked that puke onto an already dead dog

you look like the elephant man after a house fire

you look like a murder scene if Roseanne was homeless, given male hormones & beaten to death with a trash can

you look like a fedora reddit meet-up collectively shit in a pile and subsequently hired a sculptor and independent contractor to mold a redditor shit person and seal it to protect it from the elements with industrial grade epoxy respectively

you look like the devil shit in a mirror and tried to take a closer look at himself, smashing the shit mirror into his face and massaging the broken shit glass into his cheeks and eyes

>> No.10527906

If you are more than 12 and still thinking that, reconsider your life.

>> No.10527907

top lel, I was just noticing it

>> No.10527911

You look like degenerate subhuman scum.

>> No.10527912

You know the before and after shots of addicts? You guys are in the middle tbh.

>> No.10527924
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>> No.10528029


lmao strong

>> No.10528041

>real human beign

>> No.10528048

Yup, you're right

>> No.10528143

Drinking coffee isnt bad as long as you get proper sleep. Besides research actually says coffee is good for weight loss.

No one said anything about smoking cigs. That is also unhealthy behavior and uneffay (and also smelly).

>> No.10528151


>> No.10528231
File: 137 KB, 183x313, ju-on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are getting haunted by the grudge literally and figuratively

>> No.10528250

>living in NYC
biggest continued joke ever.

>> No.10528275

I was busy shitposting on FB, I shaved afterwards.

>> No.10528300
File: 732 KB, 600x1020, PAGE-43-A-VALIDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You look like the kind of urban trash I have my personal security detail shove out of sight in the streets

>> No.10528316

holy fucking shit you're getting haunted by the grudge OP >>10525851

>> No.10528694

she is, you're not

>> No.10528708

Ha take that hipsters

>> No.10528727

She is
you dress terribly, however

>> No.10529530

UM BTFO? Rude.
I've never even posted a picture of myself under my alias, so your edgies are invalidated TBH.

I used to frequent /soc/ anonymously, though, but I stopped going there because my facial structure is rated 8/10 on average every time.

My dick is what people are most passionate for though, I got drunk one night and decided to make a dick rate thread, it got over 400 replies with everyone begging for my contact info. I know I'm rambling but 4chan has given me a lot of confidence; just had the best summer of my life and I can die happy now. I need to keep living for the sake of procreation, though.

>> No.10529598

is this real

>> No.10529689

You sound really pathetic man. /soc/ is pathetic and meaningless when other 3/10's are rating you.

You don't even realize what a meaningless life you live where you have to go to 4chan to seek validation.

>> No.10529702


> a pathetic delusional racist

ah yes I'm on 4chan

>> No.10529993
File: 121 KB, 500x323, sam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like a skinny Sam Hyde

>> No.10530020

Christ this board is shit.

>> No.10530040

nyc friends i need some guidance. i wanna move there next year once my lease on my app is up but i need to find the cheapest piece of shit hole in the wall so i can work less and skate more. what areas should i be lookin in? I dont even need a shower or a kitchen i just need a place to lay down at night

>> No.10530049
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>> No.10530148

Lmao Harry is not your friend.

>> No.10530157

same tbh, can i join you? i want to skate as well. we can lay down next to each other at night

>> No.10530162

Trigger-nigger detected

>> No.10530175

Most people in the 21st century live meaningless lives, I'm just as pathetic as the next guy. I have a lot of fun though, so I think that counts, hedonist or not.

>> No.10530325

ho lee fuk

>> No.10530491
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 4_17_n_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>she's a babe
>not with that nose shes not
>whatever fits from the thrift store
>grimy and greasy
>Degeneracy is pls take a shower
>beat your gf and then shame her
>looks like she eats out of a trashcan
>These two look like they eat half eaten pealed bananas off of the ground at union square and then shoot up and sleep behind a bush at night
>you legit look like a misshapen skinny pete from breaking bad and that's not a compliment, like you shoot people in alleyways to steal bus passes
>both of you look like human garbage
>human garbage
>garbage girl
>You look exactly like what you're very obviously trying to look like.
>very obvious
>you're very obvious
>you're idiots
>Your girlfriend looks like any dude
>you're poor
>hobo community
>kill yourself
>hangkill yourself
>serving me coffee
>you ugly
>shit in a pile
>also smelly
>urban trash
>meaningless lives

>> No.10530777

you look like autistic hobos

>> No.10530802

Patrick Basedman

>> No.10530809
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>> No.10531464



>> No.10531496

NYC and low rent ? Do you live in a shithole in NYC?