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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 86 KB, 1200x800, my stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10479849 No.10479849 [Reply] [Original]

Stats thread

>> No.10479854
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>> No.10479934
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>> No.10479971

how do you get into stock trading
and how much do you make

>> No.10480065

Worked at some Jews investing firm
Last year i made 350 k without taxes
That Jewish dude taught me a lot tbh
Live in America too

>> No.10480067
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>> No.10480320


>> No.10480482
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wasting time todayy

>> No.10480498

Damn, that's mad money

>> No.10480511

why are you sad fam?

>> No.10480519

damn bro where'd you go to college? I feel like you have to come straight out of any ivy to be making that much

>> No.10480550
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>> No.10480552

Went to a pretty chill school
New York unit at Binghamton
The Jew dude was pretty good and we just traded commodities and real estate
My grandparents and uncles have passed
My father has cancer

>> No.10480623
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>> No.10480651

Should've put "Y-you too" in the virgin spot

>> No.10480661
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>> No.10480665



never thought i'd see another airsofter on /fa/, least /fa/ hobby in the known universe but fun as hell

>> No.10480669




>> No.10480683


luckily ur smarter

how can you quantify intelligence with a fucking self-appointed slider? of course it's silly

i rated it with how happy i am with how much i currently know

>> No.10480686

welcome to fourchan.

>> No.10480727
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>> No.10480728 [DELETED] 

>The Jew dude was pretty good and we just traded commodities and real estate
Then why do you say you're a stock trader? Or are do you not work in finance at all?

Because I feel like if I asked you about the differences in beta between securities, commodities, and REIT's (Or however you did real estate), you'd just blank stare me.

>> No.10480780

>The Jew dude was pretty good and we just traded commodities and real estate
Then why do you say you're a stock trader? Or are you not?

Because I feel like if I asked you about the differences in beta between securities, commodities, and REIT's (Or however you did real estate), you'd just blank stare me.

>> No.10480887

lad, i'm on holiday
I understand economics and the market pretty well
wew lad

>> No.10480906
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Why not.

>> No.10480962

idk i'm smelling something fishy here

would you be the type of nigga to lie on an anonymous gook fantasy board

>> No.10480992 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 1200x800, KnifySpoony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antiques Roadshow Die Hard & Veteran Shitposter

Pls tell me the secret to your happiness, I need tips.

>> No.10480999
File: 113 KB, 1200x800, KnifySpoony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antiques Roadshow Die Hard & Veteran Shitposter

Pls tell me the secret to your happiness, I need tips.

>> No.10481002

I will never understand how you're a lawyer but you get STEM degrees for fun
Like what the fuck man, I'm struggling to finish my undergraduate physics degree and it's not like I have a job or anything

>> No.10481016
File: 205 KB, 860x984, SEQ_SSV_IBA3s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dressing up while airsofting
that's part of the appeal for me anon

>> No.10481022

Doing classes for fun is a very different animal than doing shit that's directly related to your ability to get a job. You have a very rational fear about grades and translating your skills into an actual job, I can kinda freewheel it and not give two fucks if I get a bad grade. I was a mental wreck during undergrad and law school, and to be frank, my GPA suffered for it - I remember one time being so stressed out about an undergrad exam that I was subconsciously biting my left hand while writing with my right and I ended up bleeding on the goddamn test.

I can also assure you that the EE classes I'm taking are almost certainly not nearly as hard as your physics courses, so don't stress about that. I just had an upper-level physics course today and BARELY skated in with an A. I was like 0.01 points away from an A-, and I probably deserve a C at best, I just got lucky.

>> No.10481027

Fucking hell

Are you one of those milsim elite crye tier polarstar operators?

>> No.10481033


>> No.10481052
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>> No.10481082

I think it's admirable that you can learn stuff on your own like that. I always have an issue with working by myself; I pay attention fine in class and take good notes, I think, but when it comes to doing self directed work I crumble. I wanted to get into Engineering, but I was only like 40 points off (2 grade boundaries in terms of high school exams, so say a B instead of a C x2) and didn't end up getting in, maybe that was for the best.

Where do you do your online learning? I'm being encouraged to do summer school courses to make up for the classes I haven't done so well on, but if I can do them from home and still get similar content out of them that would be nice.

>> No.10481099

bruv trust me, I cinsider myself a stock trader due to the fact that i started out selling an d buying stocks from stores and brands that i grew up around
Then I switched to commodities because this Jew bro showed me the light about how goat they are

>> No.10481230


trips chek'd

i'm the first poster you linked

can't guarantee i'll help but a few tips which at least work for me

- don't rely on anyone else for your happiness. know how to have fun by yourself.

- don't rely on drugs for happiness.

- don't let yourself stay in a slump.

- realize depression, short of some rare form of brain tumor, can only be changed by you and your own mind.

- learn to value normal things. try to go without them in order to realize how important they are if you need to.

- know your own power. try to accomplish big things.

- figure out who you want to be and work towards that. you don't need to 'accept yourself' but determine what you actually want and make it happen.

- balance pleasure and accomplishment. some things may be consistently fun to you, but make sure you're developing yourself and mixing it up at the same time

- get comfortable with being uncomfortable. 'stability' is for people with children who rely on them.

- do things which you fear. do weird things. confidence is only overcoming fear.

- there are generally only a few things people desire in life. comfort, luxury, wealth, power, violence, sex, love, speed, knowledge, adventure, and adrenaline are a few. what do you want and how can you attain it?

- don't worry about what other people think of you. as soon as you stop this, the people who you will actually like will gravitate towards you.

- realize the people around you aren't going to share all of your hobbies and taste. objectify people if you need to - have a friend who likes biking, one who likes drawing, one who likes coding, whatever. maybe somebody eventually will be everything for you, but don't bank on it.

- unless you just want comfort and stability, avoid making friends with people just because 'they're nice.' besides for if you realllyy need emotional support, they'll just hold you back.


>> No.10481232
File: 25 KB, 343x248, nigga pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niall Ferguson
Might as well read Jared Diamond while you're at it.

>> No.10481235
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way to sound like a motivational speaker, i guess. but I truly am happy! and i haven't always been. maybe it's the things i've had to overcome, but i've learned to be happy with what i have and the pursuit of what i want. if i can help somebody else do the same that's good enough for me!

pic related - cool shit that makes me happy

>> No.10481267


>that sex life


>> No.10481286

>sex life


nice try Cat

>> No.10481300
File: 2.75 MB, 1200x800, wowwhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i deducted one point to health because i went into anaphylactic shock last night lmao

>> No.10481304

>looks 8/10

>> No.10481318

I think it's great how everyone think they are a fucking genius

>> No.10481321


Fuck off.

>> No.10481327


most people rate themselves about a 7/10

when you consider the amount of people in india, china, and africa, it's probably about right for the worldwide average. especially for a college or high-school educated person with internet access.

>> No.10481328

These are all very nice tippies, thnkyu for taking the time seppo anon

Of all the things you could've pseudo intellectually stunted on in that post I'm surprised you choose that. Fair cop but it was still a good book.

Thankyou human crumb

>> No.10481329

holy mountain is wicked 11/10

>> No.10481339

lethal good taste, would platonically hang out with IRL/10

>> No.10481362


>The Holy Mountain is a film outside the tradition of criticism and review.

Fucking love it.

As for the virginity thing, I just can't see it as a huge deal. At it's most simplistic, the only benefit is physical pleasure. I've been in situations where I could have, but chose not to. I will wait for an ideal person and situation instead. I think society as a whole overemphasizes it. I don't really stress it. It's different for everyone.

>> No.10481373
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save me

>> No.10481405
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The Holy Mountain was so weird, I loved it. Please rec anything similar.

>> No.10481459



>> No.10481467
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>> No.10481470


>is definitely dating a white guy

>> No.10481474
File: 95 KB, 640x445, Shadow_Company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just like to play military dressup and i dont want to join the forces just yet
most of my guns are jg or snow wolf

>> No.10481476
File: 102 KB, 1200x800, fa pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasted way too much time on the hair, this turned out poorly but it's 4am

>> No.10481488

>wearing fakes
im honestly upset
stop it

>> No.10481489
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>> No.10481494

I like you, swirly flower flag bro

>> No.10481517
File: 68 KB, 500x507, S444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chose this fate

>> No.10481519

Where did you go for undergrad?

>> No.10481664

Not since high school, have Asian bf now.
I loved Shaolin Soccer.

>> No.10481696

Whoa you're an animator? That's fucking awesome. I love animators. Animators are some of the coolest people I know.

>> No.10481748
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>> No.10481769
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>> No.10481785

fick dich und dein clepto tshirt

>> No.10481790
File: 101 KB, 1200x800, 1444515932451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me fam

>> No.10481793

those who rated themselves highly are either highly delusional or shouldn't be here

>> No.10481794

well is was at my worst, so there's that

>> No.10481969



>> No.10481989

>I understand economics and the market pretty well
But you don't work in economics; you work in finance.

Why you gotta lie, nigga?

>> No.10481992
File: 168 KB, 1200x800, 1444515932451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we probs know each other cunt

>> No.10482003

Bruv whats the font on this its tasty

>> No.10482005

>Pls tell me the secret to your happiness, I need tips.
work your butt off and stuff your day with things to do so that you dont have time to think much. atleast that keeps me busy and happy without too much time for myself

>> No.10482010

perth cunt?

>> No.10482016

Syd - UTS you?

>> No.10482023

tafe brah
how's the film industry over there? no jobs over in perth

>> No.10482038

Enough corporate bullshit to pull together a rig for other fun stuff, but no where near enough to live on or make a real living.

Though I did meet the guy who turned down DOPing Sex lies and video tapes the otherday so that was kinda sad.

>> No.10482047
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>> No.10482050

i've come to the conclusion that it's probably a better idea to get a shitty job and make movies for fun with friends and shit rather than try to make a career out of it

>> No.10482067
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>> No.10482068
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>> No.10482070
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2/2 (at your best)

>> No.10482072


>> No.10482078

Look I mean if your passionate it will hopefully work out but your are going to need a second job for another 7 years at least

>> No.10482082

worth giving a go i recon

>> No.10482084
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>> No.10482086
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>> No.10482090

better than a stick in the eye mate

>> No.10482094

Lose everything but the phones and headphones

>> No.10482098

I'm new to /fa/ and am honestly looking to upgrade my wardrobe.

Can you tell me why I should lose everything and then also show me what I should replace them with?

>> No.10482101

fucken ay

>> No.10482103

Pack your bags and come to Brisboner. Me and two other film m8s are holding down enough work that isn't bone crushingly uninteresting and actually making us some bank. At the end of the day if you hang around long enough, brown nose enough people and you're not a complete acidic dickhead, people will bring you on board with stuff.

I don't know who your friends are but every animator I've met is a huge piece of shit no excluding myself

That's my usual MO, but every 2-3 months after going hard in the paint I have this huge career anxiety burnout and spend 2+ days moping around like an idiot.

>> No.10482104

whats the jacket bruv

>> No.10482110

What kinda work are you getting? ATM im doing alot of conferences and shit like that.

>> No.10482124

sounds decent, a lot of people in my tafe course are talking about going over east next year, considering it

>> No.10482130



>> No.10482132

We're working with some ladies on workshopping a whole shitload of kids content. Stuff for sesame st, a Youtube partnership and some general kiddy tv crap. I've been doing all their concept artwork & my friends have been helping make the teaser reels for the live action stuff. And we've all been writing scripts. They're going to shop all the concepts around with the networks and hopefully move some stuff into production by the end of the year.

It's not DR3AM JOB material, but it's interesting work for now and they're paying us...reasonably ok. It means we've now got a pretty secure footing in the local QLD industry so I guess that counts for something.

>> No.10482134

Either that or Adelaide. Adelaide actually has a really healthy live action film industry. Apparently they're attracting a lot of big budget stuff because there's such a variety of landscape nearby it cuts down travel cost.

>> No.10482149
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>> No.10482156

adelaide? huh, will check it out. i always forget adelaide even exists

>> No.10482161
File: 135 KB, 949x801, bowiesinspaaaacenippleantenna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you smoke grass in space, bowie? or do you smoke astro-turf? ooooh

>> No.10482196

It's always nice to see fellow French posters on /fa/, OP!

>> No.10482234

twewy ---> fugging gud

>> No.10482250
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Well this took quite some time

>> No.10482297

Im loving that we can get a better discussion on the aus film industryon faaa than on tv

>> No.10482361
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>> No.10482363
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Just kill me please.

>> No.10482366

Sorry, I have a rule not to disclose my undergrad/grad - my name is all over the websites for both, so I wouldn't be hard to find.

>As for the virginity thing, I just can't see it as a huge deal. At it's most simplistic, the only benefit is physical pleasure. I've been in situations where I could have, but chose not to. I will wait for an ideal person and situation instead. I think society as a whole overemphasizes it. I don't really stress it. It's different for everyone.
This is an extremely mature approach to the topic. The usual problem with people who wait is that they blow sex out of proportion like it's some sort of life-affirming experience, but your opinion seems to be genuinely founded in reality.

>> No.10482388

>bwaaaaah I'm 18 and my parents are loaded but I have no gf so I'm depressed bwaaahhhh
lmao how pathetic are you?
just an hero already

>> No.10482414
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>> No.10482445


>> No.10482467

what was your major in undergrad?

>> No.10482585

>lmao how pathetic are you?
Very pathetic

>just an hero already
How do i become one ?
Why would i become one ? People IRL have never been kind to me, why would i be ?

How did you ID me ? Just the fits/music ?

>> No.10482665
File: 61 KB, 560x588, 1400405304783 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would i become one ? People IRL have never been kind to me, why would i be ?
kek, ask me how I know you're a newfag?

>> No.10482808

Get friends and drink with them

>> No.10482825


Other Jodorowsky films like El Topo and The Dance of Reality can be a good start. There are many other abstract and psychedelic films, but few with such ludicrous budgets.

You might also like Cat Soup, Eraserhead, The Wall, and Naked Lunch. They're similar in a sense.

>> No.10482829

The Color of Pomegranates

>> No.10482942
File: 67 KB, 1200x800, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is going according to the plan right now

i know where i'll be in 5 years

>> No.10482979

look at you, stupid little bitch, you think you're attractive but clearly nobody else does. How the fuck do you even go through life being a 19 year old virgin, knowing the rest of the world lost theirs at 15?

>> No.10483007

ohhhh a banana boy bidimbip, little flip thinks he is a ladies man, you ride the bus in scarborough little banana? with your friends wearing supreme little banana? all virgins banana boy buk buk?

>> No.10483017
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u sound pretty unhappy buddy

>> No.10483166
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>> No.10483196

whats your solo mmr

>> No.10483229

hahaha no i'm not from there and i get no girls / dont like supreme :)

>> No.10483282
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im shit

>> No.10483352
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>> No.10483385
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>> No.10483403

Brand New, meu negro!

>> No.10483428
File: 131 KB, 879x583, Screen Shot 2015-10-11 at 21.24.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me

>> No.10483613
File: 81 KB, 1200x800, 4chan me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10483658
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>> No.10483942
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>> No.10483964
File: 46 KB, 393x600, KIM-KARDASHIAN-AND-KANYE-WEST-all-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could totally imply that your future involves you wearing all-white like Our Lord and Savior Kanye West

I'd ask what the body pillow is of but I probably don't wanna know

Industrial Boilermaking sounds like a fucking manly-ass job, a little jealous

I get this overwhelming suspicion you live in Portland or SF.

EE bros

(hopefully you don't shock yourself nearly as much as I do)

Older versions of you are pretty much what I try to date. Just minus the ukulele. I knew a girl who would whip out a ukulele at a party and play it like a fratboy whips out a guitar and plays wonderwall, it was... grating.

>> No.10484133


>> No.10484155
File: 253 KB, 1200x800, sickm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyy lmao

>> No.10484246 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10484257

>older versions of you are pretty much what I try to date
>likes taylor swift and arcade fire
>still a virgin
l m a o patty l m a o

>> No.10484277

>literally everyone between 18 (probably a bunch of 16 year olds pretending) and 20

is this the most underaged board on 4chan?

>> No.10484296

Ainda estou para ver onde é que os tugas do fa se estão a esconder.

>> No.10484302

Good guess, but I live in New Orleans.

>> No.10484305

>latin jazz
tell me that you like bossa nova so I can sleep peacefully.

>> No.10484306

it's this or /mu/ tbh fam

>> No.10484331

/b/ takes that title for sure. All manner of high school freshman probably lurk that board.

>> No.10484333

ayy tuga who likes brand new as well

>> No.10484358
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It's a blazer in the future, i just dont know how to draw one

>> No.10484362

tfw no replies

>> No.10484468
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>> No.10484528

Not him, but I went to an all boy private school. I never got the chance to know a girl

>> No.10484530

can I get some examples of ignorant New Orleans rap?

>> No.10484545

holy fuck you are the most basic person ever

>> No.10484549

>stock trader
More like unemployed..

>> No.10484550
File: 458 KB, 1200x800, SadBoy4ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10484559

holy shit could you be more of a faggot

>> No.10484576

Brother, You need to start your own thread, We can help you there. Post that fit, and you'll get the answers you need. Also, that who fit is pure autism, but it's ok, it's not too late

>> No.10484585

Yeah, Lemme suck on that juicy cock

>> No.10484632

projecting doesn't make you look tough.

also it doesn't where you were but where you're at. that chemical engineer with the audi who's spinning plates could have lost his virginity at any age.

>> No.10484637

No, I'm nothing like that. Wonderwall is too lame. I prefer Creep instead. What a classic!!!

>not being able to tell I didn't take it seriously

Yes, I love bossa nova.

>> No.10484653

seem p chill

>> No.10484680 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 1200x800, 1444515932451 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About halfway through I decided I didn't want to do this anymore

>> No.10484696

congratulations, you lazy shit, you did everything except the purpose of this board

nobody cares that you're canadian or metropansemisexual

>> No.10484727
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>> No.10484791

>smoking is first hobby
C'mon man, you seem way too smart for that.

Please tell me you wear more color than that.

How did you land an audio engineering job at 18?

>Two flutes
I'm gonna assume this is an implicit bisexual gangbang

>> No.10484813
File: 56 KB, 1200x800, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the flag. United States.

>> No.10484820


>> No.10484839
File: 306 KB, 1440x851, Me IRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly college apps should be more like this. Write a 300 word essay on why you drew what you drew in each thingy, remove the irrelevant-to-school stuff and replace it with more relevant stuff and require you explain your reasoning behind each answer. Flesh out the hobby music and stuff and require a description. Would be lit for sure- if I ever become an admissions prez for something I'll make this the process.

>> No.10484867
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>> No.10485073
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>> No.10485083

coffin xD

>> No.10485105

Listen Up Phillips a good movie

>> No.10485202

Freelance animator here
How's the garbage industry treating you

>> No.10485229
File: 92 KB, 1200x1258, 1443931516280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even on a good day i'm a parody of a human being

>> No.10485285

Why are you going to be so pale?

>> No.10485289
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>> No.10485358

Thanks for the recs I'll make sure to check them out. Already seen Eraserhead, creeped me out in a good way.

>> No.10485360

I like how rick and morty is in the majority of TV shows list

>> No.10485365
File: 88 KB, 1200x800, Untitleds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck are you people drawing so well with a mouse. This was probably the hardest thing I've done today.

>> No.10485421
File: 202 KB, 1200x800, here we go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10485423

here ya go






Want to really party?


>> No.10485462

It's a really good show, Back to future meets Star Trek's episode by episode scientific spontaneity with a dash of Dr. Who absurdity. Needless to say I hope its the new Simpsons.

>> No.10485496
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how the fug do you draw on a computer

>> No.10485508
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>you reckon?

>> No.10485543
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>> No.10485545

what trap you listen to?

>> No.10485554

There's no possible way that everything else about your life is so overwhelmingly positive if your happiness is shit.

>> No.10485557

sup danskbro
cheer up man, we live in one of the best countries in yurop

>> No.10485562

>single: no
>virgin: yes
>sex life: 9 / 10

something does not stack up here

>> No.10485563

You show me a pay stub for 350,000, I quit my job right now and work for you.

>> No.10485569

chief keef, Future, King Louie, Migos, Young Thug, A$AP Rocky, Schoolboy Q, 2chainz, Jeezy, Gucci Mane, Raider Klan / Xavier Wulf, etc

i used the term trap very liberally to save space so i kinda just meant all the drill / trap / memphis rap stuff similar to the genre that isnt technically hip hop

>> No.10485588
File: 150 KB, 284x319, Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 7.07.40 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a good position job wise at the moment, It could be worse. But psychologically it's fucking wrecking me meng.

I work from home and I hardly get to see my mates and it's driving me fucking insane. Then on top of that it's super demoralising when you can't get ongoing financial security, while all your friends are off being big dick law firm interns and google ambassadors and you're sitting there doing College Humour comics. Knowing that you would actually enjoy doing the work that they're doing but your industry is full of unambitious shitheads :'^|

But ayy, keyframe purgatory solidarity fam. What kind of stuff are you working on?

His next movie is going to be more of the same except a lady having a full blown breakdown in a picturesque summer lakehouse and it's going to be dope.

>> No.10485686
File: 284 KB, 1200x800, paska elämä.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are stupid and ya'll faggots spending so much time on these but I hope you guys have a nice day

>> No.10485694

nice, cant stand americas edm trap.

what about grime? skepta etc

>> No.10485771

Travis Touchdown?

>> No.10485778

cool dude

>> No.10485795


>> No.10485935
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>> No.10485960

hi there

>> No.10486007
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>> No.10486033


>> No.10486047

only guy in this thread id chill with

>> No.10486079

>being /fa/ any day

>> No.10486182
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>> No.10486224
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>> No.10486228
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Am I too late?

>> No.10486243
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Here u go

>> No.10486255

Me neither, I can't stand EDM as a whole tbh. I like skepta but I haven't really got into the genre much yet. My friend's been on me about it, sending me links to grime songs and I liked them I just haven't really had the time to go into it in depth yet.

>> No.10486259


>> No.10486573

I wasted too many minutes on this picture

>> No.10486592
File: 53 KB, 1276x776, infothingie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx 4chan for not uploading it

>> No.10486788
File: 77 KB, 1200x800, 1444515932451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just need to cop more yohji and ccp for future me to be born

>> No.10486874

Took you 5 years to put on a tie?

>> No.10487007
File: 127 KB, 1200x800, statistician.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry if not up to standards

>> No.10487025
File: 49 KB, 1200x800, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice nose, and future

>> No.10487194

you may be in the jobcentre, but at least you'll be looking your best

>> No.10487507
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angry old person when??

>> No.10487537
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>> No.10487559


Fuck, just when I thought I find my sugar mommy.

>> No.10487626

are you me? what's your steam?

>> No.10487665
File: 472 KB, 1200x800, fuckmylifefam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10487677

we should play insurgency fam
add me : http://steamcommunity.com/id/xLoliconx/

>> No.10487691

>Waah I'm poor
>Waah you lying
I can't hear you over your pleas for a promotion wageslave
I'm just kidding, but seriously you slip up with a sentence and they go all fucking crazy

>> No.10487832
File: 261 KB, 1200x800, 1443563854677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have another version of the template, but I'm not gonna change it

>> No.10488064
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>> No.10488323
File: 80 KB, 1200x800, Cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me

>> No.10488537

Haven't played much lately. Been Hella busy but when I do yeah. I'll add you tomorrow.

>> No.10488542
File: 100 KB, 1200x800, lifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10488556

what's the manga font?

>> No.10488566


>> No.10488603

I was thinking of reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra... Is it pretty good? Is it conceited Freud shit? Does it relate übermenschen to people like Napoleon like Dostoevsky does in Crime and Punishment? I am a Dostoevsky fanboy.

>> No.10488713
File: 102 KB, 1200x800, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10488715

wat school