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10460446 No.10460446 [Reply] [Original]

We always see faces of meth and how bad it can degrade someones appearance, but rarely see recovered addicts. My gf used to use and its really emaciated her appearance. I know she'll probably never look as good as she did a year and a half ago before she started, but what kind of things can rejuvenate the appearance of a former meth user? I think one of the reasons people continue to use is because it eats up you appearance so fast, the find recovery hopeless. I have found a few pics of recovered addicts who used for longer than my girl and regained most of their looks, but no mention of their regimen

>pic semi related. Not her. Tbh my gf looks alot worse than that right now

>> No.10460458

Eat well, sleep better, get lots of sun light. The healthier you are mentally the healthier you should be physically. Good luck for the both of you

>> No.10460460

excersise and diet breh is all it's gonna take

just out of interest, Australia? and how do you know she's really off it because shabadoos turn into souless monsters

>> No.10460462

sorry to hear that dude. not sure what would wor except good diet / excercise / lifestyle / makeup

>> No.10460464

Absolutely disgusting.
Leave her

>> No.10460468

Eat healthy, drink lots of water, lots of vitamins, sunlight, exercise, and avoid any counteracting things like smoking or drinking.

Over time the body will regenerate its cells and tissue, so any damage to that will heal on its own; and maybe even the mental effects too.

>> No.10460470
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Thanks. I really appreciate it. First step is getting her away from everyone in her family. At least for a while.

Right now she's still constantly around it and I know a relapse can't be far behind. It's fucked up because she lives with her parents, but she pays the majority of the rent and bills. She has this huge sense of obligation toward everyone and can never say no or be mean.

She lives off disability (she actually has a legitimate one, not just working the system BS) and her parents get her card and almost all of her money every month. I haven't pried into this too much but I get the impression it's because if she were in control of her own cash, she'd just go out and get fucked up all day long. It's even more fucked up because her Dad uses occasionally, sister uses all the time and her mom is a pill popper.

Nearly every day there's some kind of drama going on in the house and it's usually drug related. Her sister is always having her methhead friends over late as hell and I know it's only making it harder for my girl to stay clean. The entire environment over there is just toxic as hell and I think removing her from it would be a huge first step.


>> No.10460474
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Brief background...

>love this girl
>I cheated
>sent her into spiral. she moved. First out of state with a friend (where the addiction started), now she's 4 hours away back with her parents
>start talking again
>try to get her on skype
>shes resistant
>playfully beg her to skype with me
>tells me she's embarrassed
>tell her she has no reason for that
>tells me "well im missin some teeth now. I still really like you and don't want you to see me till I get them fixed"
>tell her its not a big deal
>she's still resistant. I dont press it.
>chat a bit longer
>she sends me pic via text
>looks completely ate up in the pic. I mean faces of meth status. Just awful
>then right after she sends me another pic taken that day.
>looks much better in the most recent pic. Obvious she actually has quit for a while but you can still tell the meth has taken it's toll.
>I keep things light, compliment her on the most recent pic taken that day to get her on skype and make sure she didn't change the order of those last two pics.
>Get her on Skype and she looks much better like she did in the pic she said was taken that day.(still some pretty bad residual meth face going on, but nothing like the other pic)

The contrast in the two photos makes it obvious she has been clean for a while now. But it's still a huge concern for me.


>> No.10460483

I know you're probably not looking for love advice, and trust me I have had experience with troubled partners before. But you gotta make sure you don't forget to look after yourself; make sure you keep yourself from getting heart broken, troubled girls are always the worst when it comes to that.

Even if your girlfriend is made all better because of your efforts don't expect her to stay afterwards. attempt to gain as much as you can from this experience, because you're probably not going to be left in the best situation.

Anyway hope you two make it bro, good luck!

>> No.10460506

>having willpower this weak
meth is the shit, it also naturally selects against those who can't
resist the call of the flute

>> No.10460509

Nope. US

I gave a brief explanation in

She already looks a million times better than she did in the first pic. It's apparent that she hasn't used in a while and is really trying to stay clean.

Ok.. . so I realize this isn't my personal blog. I just wanted to give you all some background and highlight that I can tell she's been clean for a while, but still looks nothing like she used to.

I feel shallow as hell because I still really care for her but fuck man... I need her to get back to at least 70% of what she looked like. She used to be so damn attractive. She's 26 and now she looks at least 36.

Here's the issues with her appearance

>Teeth - Already working on it. Moouth looks terrible right now, but it's the easiest fix and least of my concern.

>Deepset/sunken in eyes - I don't know what causes this. Maybe just a side effect from being so skinny? Any ladies have some makeup tips to reduce this effect? I'm hoping it gets better as she puts on weight.

> Wrinkles on forehead/ laugh lines - Her skin used to be so smooth, but now it looks ten years older than she is. I'm thinking bangs to cover up her forehead but anyone got some good anti wrinkle treatments?

> Overall level of emaciation. She's always been thin, but now she looks like skeletor. Any foods in particular that are healthy and will put on weight?

I know. And she's troubled in the sense that she had/has an addiction, but she's extremely loyal and kind. She just gives and gives. Tbh, I don't even care if she leaves me. I just want to help her.

>> No.10460536
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>posting love/relationship advice on a fashion board

>> No.10460542

I'm not looking for relationship advice at all. Only trying to provide some backstory. I already know How I'm going to handle that part. I just wanted to nip it in the bud before I get a ton of "shes still using" or "Who, what, when, where, whys"

What I need from you all is health and makeup tips that can aid in reversing the aesthetic toll its taken on her body and particularly her face.

>> No.10460661

Fashion is not what she needs.
She needs to eat healthy and more.
Some excersice Would be nice too.
/fit/ is where you should ask.

Also like the other guy said, dont expect anything back.

>> No.10460818
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>whites and their drug addictions

>> No.10460842


why are you with a meth head

get into a routine of making big tasty meals, steak, carbs, veg


>> No.10460878


>Dark Circles

Quickest fix would be dropping by a Sephora and picking up the Shisedo Eye Cream. It comes in a pink opalescent pot, it works wonders. Head over to the skincare thread and read their post on dark circles. Vitamins & water really help. Korean Beauty Product to mention is the Panda Eye mask from TonyMoly.

Green based concealer hides purple shadows under the eyes? I don't know if this helps. Set up a day with Sephora and have her get a makeover.


Snail Cream (Mizon Snail Cream) works the best, start using facial masks to increase moisture, just pick a few and find which works best. I do three or four a week.

>overall level of emaciation

vitamins and minerals, eating 3-5 meals every day, lots and lots of water. Balanced meals and a healthy lifestyle is all that's going to fix this.

I hope the best for you anon and your recovering gf, I know that it's probably not going to turn out well for either of you, but I'm rooting for you.

Don't get hurt, you have a good heart.

>> No.10460890

Take her to a dermatologist, skincare is going to be more important than makeup long term. Scars et al can pretty much didappear when treated right. Skincare, diet (she'll want to fatten up a bit, no "eat at a slight deficit /fit/ nonsense), nooo drugs at all. Work out, but nothong too intense. Go for long walks out in nature, jog, whatever, because she's going to need to feel happy if this is going to work out.

Seriously, I used to juggle heroin, xanax/flunitrazepam and alcohol/nicotine/anything i got my hands on for years - the one thing that made me want to keep on living was adopting a cat who came from 5 years of abuse.

Not saying you have to get a cat (but seriously, get a cat), but it's very important she finds something to live for. It can be a hobby, it can be a friend, a pet, reading - anything. Mental illness destroys your body's immune system.

>> No.10460980
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No dude, you're coming at this with the completely WRONG attitude.

She's not a "pretty object" you fix up with your list of imperfections and how to address them.

You are obviously a narcissistic person and trying to be kind and loving at heart but not really able to in the healthiest most positive ways.

What's best for you, esp. if you don't find her looks agreeable, is not to try to get back with her romantically. You can support her as a friend in her recovery process, but go find another girl that your eyes find hot, without the laundry list of "wrinkles on her forehead, knees to sharp" kinda bullshit.

I could care less about moralizing, it's that you're setting yourself up for an unhealthy relationship that won't be positive, ultimately won't work out, and won't make you happy...

TLDR: find new girl, stop trying to "fix" ppl

>> No.10461055

why would you want her off the meth? Get her good and hooked and you have a slave who will do your bidding (give her all your money, any degrading sexual act, get beaten) and when her looks are destroyed enough, use her to find a new one.

>> No.10462174

Thanks. I really appreciate the tips.

>lots and lots of water

I've been harping on her about this. She doesn't drink near enough water and still drinks soda all the time. Been trying to break her of this habit. No idea how she handle all that sugar as bad as her teeth are. I guess at least it's putting some weight on her.

Luckily she doesn't have any scars. She never got to the scabby stage and I'm really grateful for that.

>it's very important she finds something to live for. It can be a hobby, it can be a friend, a pet, reading - anything. Mental illness destroys your body's immune system.

I completely agree. Since we've started talking again I can see she's already looking better. Today was the first time since we caught up that I really say a spark of the old her again. I had her smiling and laughing, which it really hard to do because she's so self conscious about her teeth.

Yes, I'm narcissistic. Yes, I want her to look for my sake. I also want her to look better for her own. Like I said in my OP, I think one of the reasons people continue to use is because it eats up you appearance so fast, the find recovery hopeless.

This isn't a "knees too sharp" scenario. She's really fucked off her once good looks. She's looking a lot better lately though and I think she's still salvageable.


I might make a thread on /fit/, but I know there are more than a few drug users over here and I think their makeup tips in particular would be helpful.

>> No.10462188

so why'd you cheat?

>> No.10462193

I'm an asshole I guess. Won't try to justify it. Just something I did.

>> No.10462198

more details please.

how long was the cheating in the works?

or was it more of an in the moment passionate thing?

what became of the girl you cheated with?

>> No.10462208


man these fucking words crack me up. asshole

>> No.10463098

>how to I counteract emaciation?
Eat more

>> No.10463101

what the fuck does this have to do with fashion?

is being a meth addict effay?

>> No.10463415
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Yeah mayng, >>10460980 here, I think OP doesn't realize how ridiculous he sounds saying this shit. People have very poor insight into their own socially miscalibrated behaviors and OP's posts practically self-diagnose NPD.

I'm only saying this because I'm hyper-aware of these traits in my own personality and studied all this shit (medical school, going into Psychiatry), and having grown up relatively comfortably with Ivy League everything, am surrounded by these types of ppl. I've been that asshole, and I know what to look for.

But dude you sound so ridic right now, just drop her, help her as a friend but find a new GF. And don't look for one you think you could "show off", look for one that deeply appreciates you for who you are, the true you, not the social mask you.

>> No.10464162

I'm concerned about the aesthetic effects and looking for suggestions on how to counter act them.

I don't need your relationship advice or pseudo-psychological bullshit. I know I'm narcissistic. Don't care. I'm just looking for tips to get her more normal looking again.

>> No.10464194

Actually, direct sunlight causes wrinkles according to reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction - this might also be a good place for your gf to check out.