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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 14 KB, 390x390, marlboro-red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10423987 No.10423987 [Reply] [Original]

Is smoking fashionable?
If so, what is the most /fa/ brand?

>> No.10423992

turkish silvers
Paul Malls
spirits turquoise pack

>> No.10424005

no marlboro reds?

>> No.10424028

newport lights are pretty damn fa

>> No.10424033

Pouch tobacco is /fa/

Cutters Choice
Amber leaf

>> No.10424037

>Is smoking fashionable?
nowhere outside of Europe or third world nations

>> No.10424040

good thing i live in guatemala, eh?

>> No.10424047

why would you even try to be fashionable living in Guatemala?

>> No.10424053

being healthy is fashionable

>> No.10424055

Thats some highschool tier shit

>> No.10424056

ghetto brand tbh

>> No.10424063
File: 25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't say these are the most /fa/ brand, but these are what I've been smoking.

>> No.10424066
File: 430 KB, 1024x768, guaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz its the most /fa/ place in the world nigga

>> No.10424071

If you're smoking BLUNTS then yeah but cigs nahhh

>> No.10424239


>> No.10424252

only if you're in the ghetto

and marlboro is for cowboys
and camel is for your dad
and lucky strike is for edgy teens
and viceroy is for the homeless

el oh el

>> No.10424263

and now we've come full circle to the realization that smoking is not /fa/

>> No.10424274

Fuck off. Nobody cares that you ingest carcinogens through a fiery paper straw.

>> No.10424281

but im in college ;-(

>> No.10424287


you guys are all faggots, how about you go and buy a pack of smokes and find your own fucking taste for once. and no, smoking makes you look stupid and you smell like shit and it burns a hole in your wallet every day of the week.

you just sound like those kids who do it just to try and look cool.

really, some highschool shit tier beta fuckery going on in this thread. im out. just had belmont.

fucking queers give a shit about how their cigarettes look.

TLDR; what is the most /fa/ brand?

enough fucking said. i need a smoke now your shit post stresses me out.

>> No.10424297

Is cancer /fa/?

>> No.10424310

i thought this place was ok at first because one of my friends is always on it.

once i started lurking myself, i realized how cringy most of these guys posting are irl.

once in a while ill see some decent threads with pretty cool people posting but then you get the rest of the cancer once those guys get off their computer and live a fucking life.

>> No.10424472

> burns a hole in your wallet

nice metaphor but im fuckin rich nigga

>> No.10424482
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If you're smoking because it is "fashion", Kill yourself some other way. Smoke for the feeling.

>> No.10424484


>> No.10424487
File: 70 KB, 500x333, tumblr_nd002ewtDG1rlofi8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempted to get into pipe smoking.

Not for a "le ebin classy"/"le wrong generation XD" /other fedora-wearer reason, it just seems like a more relaxed way to smoke, similar to hookah, but without the effort of actually setting up a hookah.

>> No.10424701
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>> No.10424804

Same, the stigma against them is so harsh tho...

>> No.10424812

The aromatics smell really really good too, most people who find tobacco smell to be unpleasant somewhat enjoy the smell of a good aromatic blend.

>> No.10424821

people who hate on smoking with a passion tend to be those types of people who smoke weed yet think cigarettes are bad

they dont even know you dont inhale pipe smoke lmao

I think Im more concerned about looking like a pretentious doofus than getting looks from hamplanet tumblr cores

>> No.10424830
File: 31 KB, 600x600, american spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Spirit Black

>> No.10424844

/fa/est brand, always and forever

>> No.10424846
File: 15 KB, 390x390, lucky-strike-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10424850

but that's for neckbeards

>> No.10424853
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It's like you're not comfortable with your sexuality

>> No.10424868

it's like you're making excuses to act like a faggot

>> No.10424875
File: 2.50 MB, 3872x2592, 236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10424880

Pipes are great in a private setting. Between dinner and sleep.

The only people ive seen pull off the public smoke are old men while fishing on piers.

Pipe smoking goes great with the sea or the mountains. You need something to quietly gaze across.

>> No.10424884

I don't smoke too much, but when I do, it's a swisher or a backwoods at a party. not my thing

>> No.10424902

Yeah, the stigma of the fedora shit is why I've been wary about taking it up.

Might just go "fuck it" and get a pipe.

>> No.10424904

>not smoking organic

>> No.10424965

>not /fa/

>> No.10424970

My homie smokes these and I'm constantly bumming cause they taste like candy canes

>> No.10424975


>> No.10424980

Besides international students, I hardly see people smoking on the campus of a state, east coast school.

>> No.10425001

Yeah, it's still fashionable. Generally weak shit or menthols in the most plain packaging you can get, and never packet tobacco or weed in public.

That said, smoking fucking sucks. It smells like shit, forces more trips to the dry cleaners, and the mix of mints/gum and smoke on your breath is disgusting.

>> No.10425066

I love it, but smoker's cough it's an asshole. Today's it's specially horrible, i think i'll lay down the cigs for a few days.

>> No.10425079
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If you have smoker's cough you're in too deep mate

>> No.10425100

not really, being smoking for only 3 years, with a period of 6 months i didn't smoke
i also never go more than 3 a day

maybe is just a cold, i don't know

>> No.10425189

Got the same problem
Only been smoking for 6 months /up to 3-4cigs a day and I've been coughing like shit past few weeks

>> No.10425196
File: 113 KB, 350x350, viceroy-red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only correct answer you goofballs

>> No.10425201

Ive never inhaled. Started with cigars, so now if i have a cig, i just mouth the smoke.

>> No.10425218
File: 11 KB, 245x211, 1439271021029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if you're kidding

>> No.10425219

You will never ever be Mac.

>> No.10425247
File: 2.70 MB, 4400x2937, fine wind clear morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fashionable to not be fashionable, if you do so fashionably

>> No.10425249

i bought a fairly expensive mouth fedora and im regretting it already.

>> No.10425256


Only have a smoke once in a while when drinking. So its whatev.

>> No.10425393

it's fashionable just don't get addicted

>> No.10425396

Smoking pipes is really enjoyable but you will look like a dork in public.

>> No.10425412

>amber leaf
My nigga

>> No.10425434

you're pathetic
fedora is your own personality fam

enjoy and own that device

>> No.10425476

i-i'm glad my mom is /fa/ :(

>> No.10425514

Is anyone in this pic actually old enough to post on 4chan?
I've been wondering for some time now. Especially that babyfaced faggot in the middle, he looks like 12 at best.

>> No.10425582

people only smoke the blacks to look edgy. they taste like shit.

>> No.10425590

I've got a falcon international pipe which I smoke on occasion when I'm alone or sometimes with friends if we're all drinking/smoking or around a hookah. NEVER in public or you will look like an absolute spastic.

Pipes are really good for a tranquil, enjoyable time relaxing on a nice night with a nice drink. Pretty much like cigars.

>> No.10425595

I always backwoods to be nasty as fuck.

>> No.10425616

trust me
you look ridiculous
everyone is laughing at you
if you smoke do it properly otherwise it looks really sad

>> No.10425620

get out greekfag

>> No.10425641


smokes for Pretentious faggots

>> No.10425645


Yes, Marlboro gold, marlboro red and L&M or camel.

>> No.10426012

I don't really intend to smoke the pipe in public (At least not in a populated area. I think the deer would be too afraid of me turning them into venison to care.) , so that's not a worry.

>> No.10426323
File: 17 KB, 322x443, New%20Look%20Davidoff%20cigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best

>> No.10426616

camel blacks are the greatest cigarettes out there

>> No.10426844

Used to smoke Camel Turkish whatevers and fuckin Camel Crush but I quit like a year ago. I keep coming into fucking cigarette threads, though, and it makes me want to smoke again. I just gotta live vicariously through you guys

>> No.10426852

camel crush
dumarier menthol

>> No.10426854 [DELETED] 

canada reporting in

belmonts tbf

>> No.10426919
File: 46 KB, 438x645, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here

>> No.10427108

Wish these were in Europe

Smoking Camel Activate right now

>> No.10427302

Do people in the states smoke straights regularly?
In England the only people who smoke straights are white girls who don't smoke

>> No.10427304

fucking faggot.

>> No.10427311

my nigga, i was born in guatemala, live in Florida now. Gallo beer is the shit

>> No.10427328
File: 48 KB, 562x960, received_482791895260142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to smoke Marlboro reds with my pals behind the gym until we got dizzy. I always wrote "Fuck off" on a piece of paper and stuck it in the cellophane and we joked like we were smoking Fuck Off brand cigarettes. Good old Fuck Offs. Never let me down. Smoked em until I got into the accident and my lungs couldn't take it anymore.
Smoking is good for when you're an edgy teen, and doesn't do much for your image once you've grown out of that. They're great tools for self-loathing, especially the shittier brands with a shittier taste. Really gives you an outlet to hate yourself with. If that's still your thing, go for it, but you gotta grow up sometime.

>> No.10427337

I dunno, I often got compliments for it for both the smell of the tobacco and the "classy look." I'm also an incredibly good-looking blond, so...

>> No.10427356

don't lie to yourself you look just as autistic as the fat fuck next to you dressed in ill-fitting menswear and a smelly fedora

>> No.10427366

Prove it. :^)

>> No.10428137
File: 1.04 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you guys even smoke? I usually have somewhere between 5 and 10, about to enjoy one now

>> No.10428154

pack a day sometimes
1/2 pack other times
>$14/pack in nyc

>> No.10428163
File: 11 KB, 396x385, 1432969922121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3.50 a pack for marlboro 72 golds in alabama

>> No.10428228

smoking is for gutter sluts, the total antithesis of /fa/ memeism

>> No.10428623

Yea boi

>> No.10429731


>> No.10429851
File: 28 KB, 500x561, whatyoulooklike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10430129
File: 411 KB, 516x510, smoking_kills____slowly_by_mprox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No smoking is disgusting

>> No.10430202

mah nigga
fantasias are sick

>> No.10430217

no, smoking is a disgusting habit of the poor people

>> No.10430225

lots of healthfags hating on smoking

why do you think literally every single model smokes?

>> No.10430242
File: 49 KB, 200x367, Richmond_Superkings_Menthol_cigarettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only acceptable answer

>> No.10430259


>> No.10430298

what are those

>> No.10430331
File: 60 KB, 1060x988, 1433201082132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10430336

>why do you think literally every single model smokes?

idk tell me

>> No.10430379


>> No.10430664
File: 20 KB, 178x283, benson-hedges-gold-small1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are lorry driver tier

B&H Gold master race, they look effay and the taste and even the smell is enjoyable, also people think you´re top shit when they see you with your $5 pack and your $60 chromed zippo, the perks of living in a fuccboi town

>> No.10430669

>not aiming for the supreme heroinchic asthetic llifestyle
its like if you´re not even trying to be effay

>> No.10430702
File: 37 KB, 320x320, 5675644567465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i smoke i smoke this stuff
but last time i smoke a cigarette was before summer

>> No.10430818

Nigga those are shit, get the ones in the brown box

>> No.10430822

it's waiter and lorry driver tier

>> No.10431252

>hey fogman, may i grip a cig?

>> No.10431283


>> No.10431554

Viceroy because Mac DeMarco.

>> No.10431563


>> No.10431939

You can just buy Marlboro Beyond in Europe

>> No.10432200

what accident bra?

>> No.10433559

most delicious smoke's out there

>> No.10433601

Fasionable, maybe not
Delicous, fuck me yes!

>> No.10433679

the best

>> No.10434782

Lmao my reaction exactly

>> No.10435061

Yeah it'll seem a bit dorky. I'm a pipe smoker myself. If you really want to get into it get a corncob pipe first, just in case pipes arent for you you havent burned a hole in your wallet. Look up pipe smoking on youtube for more info, I suggest Jay Dagner's videos since they father and son are chill and not the /le muh pipe losers.

>> No.10435103
File: 110 KB, 447x684, HG0000290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10435115

>0-1 cigs a day
>2-5 cigs a day
>10-15 cigs a day
>2 packs a day
>5+ packs a day
rick ovens

>> No.10435163

Smoking doesn't even cause cancer only if u have beta lungs also it's only cool if you're addicted, I smoke Marlboro lights because they taste nice enough, rolling is for tramps

>> No.10435364

I used to work with an elder with a deep, raspy voice once. you'd swear he inhaled it, but he told me he only mouthed it. would smoke a pack a day regardless of it.

>> No.10435447

i mouth the first few puffs to get my throat used to the smoke after a few days without a smoke

>> No.10436361

whats the point of mouthing a cig? do some people really "smoke" only because they think they look cool? fuck man

>> No.10436374
File: 24 KB, 260x316, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longest and strongest cigs out there

>> No.10436403

imagine smoking for 20~30 years, just mouthing it. a lifetime of spending to only just mouth it.
it's mind boggling.

it's not like they're avoiding mouth cancer anyway.

>> No.10436490

Dajarm Blacks

>> No.10436498

This is some retarded shit


>> No.10436520
File: 45 KB, 640x360, patriciancigars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only cigaretts
>not cigars

>> No.10436533

only acceptable situations to smoke a cigar are at a wedding or any other celebration, or if your over 60 otherwise you're just autistic

>> No.10436535

Hope you like mouth cancer

>> No.10436541
File: 1.20 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20150929_013451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckies have the best boxes bit after sometime with regular cigs i'm going back to mentol ones

>> No.10436549


What about a designated cigar bar?

>> No.10436551


If you are closing a deal with your illumeenaughty friends that will bring jobs to the locals, then yes

>> No.10436560

>guatemalans like gulping cock
Hardly surprising.

>> No.10436569

my nigga, a fellow chapin. I wasn't born there but I been there a few times.

>> No.10436580

>tfw you can't detect an obvious joke
>tfw this 15 year old is funnier than you

>> No.10436844

WTF sort of aesthetic does your health give you? Smoking looks cool AF.

>> No.10436850

You smoke for a reason other than looking cool?

>> No.10436864

Those facial aesthetics are tight tho.

>> No.10436980

>spirits turquoise pack

>> No.10437003

you are me, cigars were starters now its just natural for me to mouth cigs.

>> No.10437033

They taste like a blend of a Camel Filter and a Marb Red.

>> No.10437610

I live in fucking australia, who just decided to bump the prices for ciggies up costing me upwards of like $28 just for a pouch of tobacco. Everytime i go overseas though i get on Amercan Spirit or Benson & or Hedges though.

>> No.10437666


>> No.10437713

These threads have been happening since /fa/ started, long before you came here fuccboi. just learn to deal with them or leave, its never gonna change.

>> No.10437751
File: 223 KB, 500x367, cigarro-de-palha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke this, but you won't find it anywhere.

>> No.10437767

Cigarro de phallus

Lmao fag

>> No.10437783

>Cigarrinhos de paiol

>> No.10437790


>> No.10437795
File: 595 KB, 705x941, 1442924745800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make your own cigs and grow you own tobbaco if you don't want cancer.
>Buy a nice looking tin
>smokes last longer and are cheaper
>enjoy smoking without getting hooked
>quit easily whenever you realize your a faggot

Sounds like a plan boys? Right?

>> No.10437814

hahahah faggot

>> No.10438074

early in the morning

>> No.10438179
File: 268 KB, 904x656, 4499-20110111-7c0902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10438193

>if you don't want cancer.
It doesn't work that way, friendo

>> No.10438699

those look so dank. Menthol is for pussies

>> No.10438848

Do cigars make your voice deeper?
I already have a deep voice but I want to get to Mel Gibson tier

>> No.10438935

Marlboro reds and lucky strike's are /fa/, fuck everyone who thinks otherwise

>> No.10439662

American Spirit, particularly the turquoise pack...non-filters aren't bad either.

>> No.10439679

still the faggiest thread there could ever be.

>> No.10439730

There it is

>> No.10439747

Nah, that's be the "Let's be autistic and list what inane things we think are red flags" threads.

>> No.10439815



>> No.10439974

Only if you're a teen or early 20s. Smoking past then stops being angsty and edgy and insteads becomes a gross habit.

>> No.10440031

Tobacco doesn't specifically cause cancer. Burning anything and inhaling the smoke causes cancer.

>> No.10440078

Brazil shit

>> No.10440131

Pipes smell nice and don't fuck up your lungs since you don't inhale but it's much easier to fall into addiction without noticing it since packing a pipe after work and smoking it becomes habitual and if you're used to only smoking in the evening you don't get nicotine cravings during the day all that bad. I've never seen a casual smoker that smokes a pipe.

>> No.10440455

What type of lighters do you use effay?

>> No.10440468

all colors really, but you'll never catch me with a cumskin lighter fam

>> No.10440482

bics of course
crack lighters are broke boi tier and anything else s fedora-tier

>> No.10440506

Black bic

>> No.10440770

How are clippers fedora?

>> No.10441145

this is true tbh

>> No.10441196

not trying to impress anyone. just sharing a cig with friends when drinking. everyone knows i don't inhale, no one cares. it's not high school. it's about the communal act, not appearances.

>mouth cancer
like 6 cigarettes a month. not worried.

>what's the point of mouthing a cig
what's the point of mouthing a cigar.

>> No.10441526
File: 1.38 MB, 1224x674, truthsmoke252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if this is satire, but these fucking commercials actually make me want to smoke more. I don't know how they expect to reach teens with this such garbage. This shit will give you cancer faster than any cigarette will.


Fuck, even after linking this shit I feel dirty. I need a smoke

>> No.10441527

literally a mouth fedora

>> No.10441529

How? How could smoking be /fa/? I'm a smoker but that's because I started when I was young and am addicted and lack willpower to stop.

But I don't think for one second that its fashionable. You literally breathe in toxins and then release smoke which stinks. Not /fa/ whatsoever.

>> No.10441561

>looks cool as fuck (especially in photos)
>makes you smell like a big ashy shit

Gotta pick your battles. It really does smell so fucking awful.

>> No.10441624

As someone who's smoked a pipe for 10 years I'd say keep it at home till you're older, you literally have to look a certain age for it to even work due to it being a lost art form.

>> No.10441807

tfw 2 girls literally approached solely because I started smoking in front of them the other day
>hey where's starbucks

>> No.10441901

Should've burned them with the lit end.

>> No.10441905

Where to smoke on a smoke free campus? Only ever smoked while out driving, obviously annoying tbh

>> No.10441909

this. /thread.

>> No.10441932

In the lot. Sitting on your car.

I switched to vaping since my murican spuhruts were fucking up my cardio. Helped me quit ezpz though I only just stopped coughing up black shit this month, 6 months after quiting.

Between school and work full time it was one of my only joys. Vapes aren't that bad and no combustion means no lingering smell.

Dumb that they're treated like cigs. Car exhaust is much worse for you but you don't hear anyone bitching about that. Ignorant fucks don't know you get the equivalent of 2 smokes carcinogens from a 2 way 45 minute commute.

Can also lightly heat glycerin and hash oil ezpz for a cheap high. It mixes like an alcohol tincture. Alcohol was making me too fat.

Swapping one addicting for another.

>> No.10442483

try harder

>> No.10443671
File: 1.77 MB, 1536x1418, macdemarcintoshplus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking impossible to get these in New York.

>> No.10443739

Dat cheap aguardiente
>Disfruta quedar sin higado y ser /fa/ al mismo tiempo

>> No.10444008

My friend gave me some of his 2 weeks ago. That was the last time I saw him. I think he dropped out of school to join the navy

>> No.10444130

when did you guys noticed you were addicted?
i've been smoking 3 or 4 cigs a day for like 2 months but i don't feel the need for it tbh so i think i'm not

>> No.10444359

IMCO streamline.

Use a chink fake of the triplex when I go to shows.

>> No.10444443

Can we stop with these. Of course it's effay.