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/fa/ - Fashion

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10419338 No.10419338 [Reply] [Original]

I think these need to be fairly regular since everyone seems to have complains about this board.
All I'd have to say is that I don't understand how we can have fairly decent discussion of designers and clothing items, but when it comes to our WAYWT threads, all the outfits are shit, usually crossposted from teenmfa. Fix it /fa/.

>> No.10419380

Most of the fits and shitposting are xposters from other boards, and they don't attempt to troll the designer posts because they don't know enough to know what would rile people up, and they won't get their reactions.

A good example of this is "cuckcore" which is pretty much the embodiment of this issue. They will comment, call someone a cuck or whatever, then just disappear back to their own board and come back hours later and see their handiwork, because of how slow this board is.

The best way to stop this is to just not respond to the trolls, and only respond to actual critical analysis of fits in WAYWTs.

>> No.10419393

Also, having active mods/janitors to keep this board free of the 3 WAYWTs we had earlier, five boot generals, and six threads asking about hair would help immensely

>> No.10419424
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thers no problem with having at max 3 waywt
but the fucking x effay threads have go

>> No.10419436

Having 3 WAYWTs at once is fucking retarded. All it accomplishes is bumping other threads off the page and then not giving everyone the constructive criticism they need.

>> No.10419610
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>but the fucking x effay threads have go
>not wanting to know if important personalities like the God Emperor of Mankind is effay

>> No.10419654

Haven't been to any boards in a couple years. Are there any others that actually are active AND want heavy moderation but don't receive any like /fa/? I guess there was a point when /jp/ wanted to lighten the load of shitposts, but that ship sailed like four years ago.

>> No.10419679

This is one of the few boards I visit, so I wouldn't know, but I do remember about a year and a half ago a sudden spree of off topic post deletion, that lasted about a week or two on this board, then it suddenly stopped, and no help from mods or janitors since.

>> No.10419685

The people who are likely buying up the expensive pieces are also likely smart enough not to post themselves in WAYWTs.

>> No.10419691

WAYWT are just bad fashion advice columns

I don't know why anyone who has a passionate interest in clothing and is buying stock from recent shows would post there.

>> No.10419715

the waywt is a poor reflection of the board overall because those who are more certain in their personal style and engage in those designer discussions dont really need the validation, so what you have left is mostly young newfags/poorbois trying to either get critiques or reassurances that theyre being a good little boy (the ones who dress palewave, stan smiths + pinrolled black jeans, budget slp, or whatever nonsense trend theyve latched onto to fit in). its only once in a blue moon do you get good fits, but mostly its for posterity and those people have moved onto tumblr cause thats a much more manageable way to archive your fits

>> No.10419796

>dont really need the validation
Yeah, then why is anybody who has ever posted a /fa/-approved designer fit is a tripfag?

Problem with /fa/ is that they've latched on to the 3 or 4 fucking WORST designers in the industry, and anything that doesn't fall into the too-dark-for-you black-as-my-soul omg-ultra-rad-anime Hot Topic 3.4159265 aesthetic is >>>/mfa/-tier.

Post your gothninja knockoff in the WAYWT thread so I can laugh at you or try to due more thorough job the next time you slit your wrists.

>> No.10419838

isn't it a bannable offense to shitpost up the WAYWT threads? Anyone posting non constructive criticism should be banned. I report shitposts but they never get taken down, I really wish mods would actually post here once in a while so we can interact with them.

Reminder however that you will always get a reply if you post a feedback form, so be sure to do that.

>> No.10419845

people who spend money on "fashion", time on talking about it, but are too scared to post their own outfits must have massive cognitive dissonance and self-loathing
fashion is completely subjective and visual as a hobby, so not displaying it with one's peers actually communicates a lot about that person

>> No.10419854

This board has gone to total shit, not that im here for a long time, just 2 years.
Honestly the only good and active community now is /r/mf

>> No.10419855

yesh and everyone was super salty and furious and crying m-muh uncensored discussion m-muh fascist mods when they did

grass is always greener, scrub

>> No.10419859

>WAYWT threads are a joke
>Hip hop related shitposting
>Unwillingness to discuss any brand outside their comfort zone (e.g 'You can keep that' spammed when HBA is brought up)
>'what core is this' threads
>People giving advice when they dont know what theyre talking about (often seen in WAYWT threads)
>Shitposting in animecore threads (This has decreased recently)
>Inspo threads are often the same pictures over and over

>> No.10419864


this too


people with anxiety and insecurity and fear of embarrassment btfo, on suicide watch

>> No.10419873

This, but hey what could you expect from a growing anonymous community on a site witch is in decline of quality. This issue is a site wide problem.

>> No.10419909


>WAYWT threads are for constructive criticism, if you're not giving solid advice or posting your own fit, don't bother posting at all
>Put some effort into OP posts, simply posting a picture of something you like with the title "are x effay?" is shitposting and will get you b&
>Nobody fucking cares about how many PoC were in the newest runway show or that x race can't pull off y style. Nobody. Fucking. Cares.
>If you see somebody shitposting, don't reply to them. Report their post and hide it.

thoughts? I'm sure if we all sent this in to the mods and they put it up it would give a solid precedent to crack down on shitposting.

>> No.10420109
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Camo is effay

>> No.10420118
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>> No.10420125
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>> No.10420134

>tan or sand
Jesus, American has spent so much time in desert that our camo isn't even fucking green anymore. Thanks Obama.

>> No.10420137


>> No.10420289

*thanks bush

>> No.10420426

>implying people will follow the sticky
>implying there are mods to impose rules

>> No.10420483

a lot of /mu/ users want heavy moderation.

>> No.10420503

i started a thread for primary color inspo. 90% of the posts were just me. so there may not be a demand for anything but dark/ninja and streetstyle.

>> No.10420508

I feel like the space you're describing, of unfettered subjective experience doesn't at all reflect that which /fa/ fanatically constructs, which intends to break the self-confidence of all but the most hardened or mentally dull. People can be both assured of themselves AND sensitive to communities that they try to represent. It's healthy to take into consideration the views of others. If the only view you know you'll get is hostility, character assisination, or disinterest in your process and effort, then not even the designers themselves would post here. I can't come up with a single reason for someone truly interested in fashion to post on /fa/'s waywt. The only exceptions are people like knoch who make fashion a personal project that he invited /fa/ into, making his posting more like updating a blog people follow than flippantly posting whatever the fuck you we're wearing. The other point is that there's simple disinterest in self-presentation among some of the fashion elite. They keep to themselves. They do not feel a need to translate their clothing. It is highly critical to their identity and they know they don't have a relationship with clothing that reflects the gaze of the casual waywt poster. I would say a place like 4chan has a lot of these inward facing individuals that don't have any use for waywts nor do they wish people to make of their fits what waywts do. I much prefer other forums where there's a community agreed rule of no commenting. That's the sort of open area those types of people would consider showing their clothing in.

>> No.10420511

Tere wasnt even a real fashion week thread

>> No.10420525

There was exactly two I saw, but they died while I was in them, less than thirty posts a piece. However the bait article about some model who walked in NYFW with Downs Syndrome got 60-70 and stayed up for two days.

I've tried a lot of fashion oriented threads of the years and I'd say they're way less productive use of time than just flipping through a fashion magazines and occasionally posting fits from lookbooks I like in the general inspo threads. So that's what I do now.

>> No.10420527

>but are too scared to post their own outfits

WAYWT is just shit though, doesn't matter if you are one of the few decent outfits

>> No.10420529

*over the years
*they're a

>> No.10420540

>isn't it a bannable offense to shitpost up the WAYWT threads
What do you define as shitposting? What rule is that violating?

>> No.10420545

I was on /mu/ the other day and garbage like "real nigga hours" got blasted in less than twenty or so minutes each time. Dick threads got pruned asap too. Dunno if that's representative of all the time there. I just stick to /noise/ and /bleep/.

I think people just want a board where "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF BROWNS?!?!" doesn't last more than a few hours at most.

>> No.10420552
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Is there some reason we can't have a discussion about anything except /fa/ approved designers, i.e. muh rick and raf and slp?

>> No.10420569

There's already a set of guidelines in the sticky, but guidelines are not the same thing as rules. It's really up to the mods to acknowledge that kind of thing for it to matter.

The only one I agree with there is the first one anyways.

>> No.10420573

Lot of Reddit users too

>> No.10420578

Because most people here don't really care about designers or designer clothes. Just the way it is

>> No.10420585

Threads that are dedicated to smaller labels/designers get too few posts, I've tried quite a number of times. Threads dedicated to high fashion/menswear get swamped with shitposters complaining about how something "looks like shit" and "it embarrasses me to look at this" etc. unable to just step away from the thread and let others enjoy different, respectable styles. Just look at a simple women's fashion inspo thread. Bunch of trash strewn all over the place among some pictures.

>> No.10420603

>r e d d i t
the most overused justification of letting this place be a shit, and most overused term to dismiss anything anyone disagrees with. but this is a meta thread. so i guess it should be in here.

>> No.10420620
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I see what you want. You want to talk about fashoon. Sorry, my friend, this place was never about fashoon. Its all about cringe, shitposting and memes. You cant change the rules. Also, I think you look like this guys on pic. So, I think you shouldn't even trying to talk about fashoon.

>> No.10420628

same thing I've noticed with "NXTLVL" threads as well as various niche design threads.

interesting threads die, because there isn't enough interest among the users.

also: questions are asked in threads and there isn't enough knowledge or motivation among the users to answer them. people want to "get" more than they give back here. people ask questions in threads, and then they don't care about bumping them or sharing knowledge.

/fa/ is the /b/ of fashion and mainly for style-related shitposting.

if you're actually into fashion and style, see >>10420588

>> No.10420629

Just the way it is, brother. Most long term 4chan users don't want excessive moderation. Newfriends tend to come in here and complain about things.

>> No.10420656

Yah I visit most everything on that list already. Thanks for the consideration though. Gotta look out for one another.

>> No.10420688

i only come here for the banter

>> No.10420768

This board sucks because of the crossposters and insecure teenagers. This is why there's just a handful of dominant trends/memes that dictate a majority of the actual fashion discussion. Even though this board is literally half shitposting, the actual fashion discussions could boil down to a pretty damn small number of topics.

I only drop by this board every once in a while just to see you've gotten your shit together, but it really has only gotten worse.

>> No.10420793

the irony of it being that while these teenmfa invaders insist that said aesthetics are still relevant

[green text] they haven't been in two years [/green text]

>> No.10421078

Most of us dont care about fashion. We just want to look good without having to think about it. We want a simple uniform. All black shit and monochrome fits do that. Replace the whole board with an infographic and most of us would be satisfied and go back to bantering actually interesting boards.

>> No.10421142

WAYWT threads have gone too far. This is true.
They are less of a catalog of styles than a hive of bullying.

/fa is a place where you floss. Fashion is about flossing after all, imo.

The problem is this board is more focused on money fame and status than fashion.
The fashion is less clothes and more insults, whats the cool new dissmeme and such.

The board is all about rick/raf. Barely see it in WAYWT and 'inspo' shit etc.
I think more people are just trying to prove they know what rick/raf is than that they wear it.

Trends change too, this decade will be remembered for being 'ironic' in youth culture. Hip-Hop fashion looks like like 70s punk fashion these days, for instance, what the fuck is up with that?

This board is full of dumb shit all the time. People asking how to comb their hair, where they can get socks from, what orange juice is effay and all that stupid shit.

I think if we started embracing more of the fashion world and just ignored the rems we might come out the other end with a decent and relevant style, there has been some terrible 'cores' recently (I hate that too)

Lastly, when will people realise if you can make a £10 tee look badboy you are doing it right. If you still look shit in £200 shirts you have bad taste/slave to fa/shion

>> No.10421174


>> No.10421207
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any time bro

does anyone think an /fa/ offshoot could be in order? or is it simply a matter of redirecting people interested in fashion elsewhere, to forums already active?

>> No.10421246

I mean I think that's what the 8ch /fa/(s) are for, but my experience with mirrored boards there has just been "a bit worse/worse than the real thing, but 'freer'" , but in this case the alternative needs to be A LOT better, and /fa/ suffers from TOO MUCH freedom in posting. I think caretags was the response from Sufu/malefashion/legacy /fa/ users for the sort of "state of decay" they saw. The trouble is that it's too slow. Personally I'd like a decent /fa/ IRC with people just sharing things they're grooving on aesthetically.

>> No.10421254

Just use rizon and load it through kiwiirc (or your own client) and it's not too different from an endless /fa/ thread.

>> No.10421371

>>10421142 here


Its this kinda shit

I mean, if you cant shop socks for yourself why are in a fashion forum....

>> No.10421435

Someone should just start an IRC channel for people to go after work/school and share today's daily bread of fashion.

>> No.10421446

Fair point but, at the same time when you get people who have no clue what they're talking about trying to offer advice to users who are clearly more knowledgeable than they are its frustrating and discouraging, then again I guess that's part of the beauty of 4chan

>> No.10421449

gimme a name for it, fam, I'll start a rizon channel right now

>> No.10421483

If they can't handle the opinions and perspectives of other people actually interested in fashion (and not some pleb at their work/uni or on the street) then really what is the point of being involved in a fashion community at all? I am not saying you can't just enjoy clothing or fashion for its own sake completely internally without any other people involved. But if someone is like that; a kind of clothing collector who is autistic/obsessed about their personal interaction with the garments rather than the social aspect of fashion, which is what the vast majority of people are focused on, fashion-interested or no, then why would they even care to talk to others about it? Why not just buy shit and enjoy it in their own way in their own lifestyles? It's so pointless to be here if you can't even engage or express yourself through your clothing, that is the entire point of this place and other places like it.

>> No.10421493

doesn't need to be waywt. could just be pics and fits of a new rick bomber posted in the seemingly popular rick owens general, or a review of some sneakers and a snap of how you've styled them in a nike thread. its not all some cult of personality ego-wank, not that there is anything wrong with that either

>> No.10421516

I think that's just the thing, right? There really aren't that many people engaged in the fashion community, at least online. Think about the thousands and thousands and thousands of 200-5000 usd price-point designers all around the world (i.e. the bread and butter labels of people "interested in fashion".) I'll be damned if I see even .00001% of the fashion industry's output in the "big three" for people who post on /fa/, comprised of Sufu/SF/SZ. It's always a mystery to me where all that clothing disappears to. It certainly never shows up online among the fashion forward. Heck I just saw like my first locally Chinese designer on Sufu the other day, Eyes and Sins, and they've been kicking it for years and years. People just consume in relative silence I think. Frankly I'd be most interested in talking about fashion theory, but being a primarily leftist field, I can't say I'll ever find a good space for that discussion online.

>> No.10421554

I try to talk to my non-fashion-interested friends about their clothes sometimes, because we are all in our late 20s and either have our own businesses or a professional career that affords us disposable income to buy clothing, among a lot of other things. I can tell they put effort into the buys and how to wear it and they probably spend more money than me as they get their shit full retail from department stores instead of online, or second hand. Yet when asking about it they mostly get very flustered, uncomfortable and are unable to articulate themselves well, despite all of my friends being university educated and well-spoken. I think for many people their clothing choices are extremely personal and for straight men, we also associate fashion as a feminine or homosexual pursuit, so to admit that effort and money and consideration have gone into their choices exposes their ego to criticism and attack. Not to mention that they are not stupid, so even if they might not know why a particular look doesn't work, they can still realize they are not movie star or model and rather than putting effort into correcting fit and style to match whatever they have idealized for themselves and their image, they just shut down.

This is rambling now and off-center from the discussion regarding why fashion forums like /fa/ are struggling, but the thought processes of those uninterested in fashion may be useful in understanding the failings here.

>> No.10421565

>post bad fit in WAYWT
>100 replies, all say 'kill yourself my man'

>post good fit in WAYWT
>5 replies, all say 'best in thread'

This board has no idea how to give advice

>> No.10421581

Just started an IRC channel on Rizon @ #c(e)ffay (cafe + effay if it wasn't abundantly clear)

Join in if you wish~

>> No.10421584

Don't post in the WAYWT threads then. Make your own thread or a critique thread, or a thread dedicated to whatever designer or aesthetic you follow. It doesn't matter. If it sucks no one will reply. Just don't reply to trolls and you'll be fine.

>> No.10421600

how to connect?

>> No.10421611

Now this is exactly the sort of thoughtful posting I would want out of a fashion forum. Thank you for this.

I have to imagine this can be generalized out to most fields, no? The fear of crucifying oneself for critical awareness. I mean this, you know, you must die for your sins if you wish to gain awareness. Suddenly there are so many demands, so many contentious places where to believe means to stake oneself against public life (this is the trouble with fashion--how to liberate oneself when it means you must do so in the open, in the people's square.) Instead we chose to be liked. Humbly professing no knowledge of clothing is an easier path to be liked than living seriously under the gaze of deep engagement with it. That's a burden. Who has time to be burdened by their clothing? Already the sun is too hot and we're overdressed, or it's too cold and we forgot our gloves--that's already too much suffering our clothing causes. I think there is a fear of how much autonomy good clothing actually has. How much it actually stands outside ourselves and *doesn't* reflect our decisions about it. You have to learn to speak to a garment--it's corny, but nonetheless true. Too much effort, too much risk to feel "insane", no reward, only alienation.

>> No.10421614

I'm using kiwi irc

Go to kiwi, click try now, then select the Rizon option on the right. Paste in #c(e)ffay to the channel box and get a nick.

>> No.10421637

rip Zach

>> No.10421648

Well said, and I agree. But for those of us who do wish to engage with others in the same boat, what is the ideal channel? Fashion discussion forums seem to attract people who need validation and friendship as much as they want to discuss about fashion; and once they have established themselves, it seems to kind of limit the potential for honest discussion: to save people's feelings from being hurt; politics; etc. /fa/ isn't afflicted with that issue as much, but because of the lack of moderation, it also allows sadistic children to destroy the process by filling it with vindictive white noise that invalidates the medium. I am not really sure how it may be resolved. Or is the decline in quantity and quality of discussion online a wake up call for us dinosaurs to get with the program, wear whatever is laying around, clean and comfortable and embrace our smart phones and instagram accounts and tumblr blogs for our corporate-mediated self-expression needs?

>> No.10421696

Hey man, I'm about to hit it for the evening, work tomorrow, but I am happy to have just a brief time with you. I will try to respond tomorrow if you're still around, but I'm 15 minutes past my cut-off for getting a reasonable rest.

Take care and take it easy.

>> No.10421704

have a nice rest, catch ya

>> No.10421904

people aren't interested in discussion about the clothes they choose to wear. the most off-putting thing is seeing a good fit of designers i *personally* like with negative one line replies. this forums participates in the labeling of "fashion dos and don'ts!" no one likes anything because they truly like it. also sick of seeing rick threads

>> No.10422057

>also sick of seeing rick threads
I'm fine with that, it's good to have them stick to their own threads. We need more individual designer threads like that

>> No.10422073

the rick threads seem really good if you are into rick. the techwear threads seem to be getting a bit better these days as well. maybe we can move to just having regular general threads for different aesthetics/designers and people may develop some discourse and community in that way, while still being accessible by newbies with the anon system

>> No.10422164

#c(e)ffay has closed for the evening, many thanks to those who gave some time up towards friendly discussion and fashion

See you all again tomorrow

>> No.10422309

>techwear threads seem to be getting a bit better these days as well

>> No.10422443
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nice to see you here

>> No.10422458

Hair inspo thread full of insecure fucks asking if they're balding. Great Inspo. Meanwhile hair general is not used

>> No.10422521

I bever met people, who know wtf are they doing, here.

>> No.10422645

speaking mostly about some of the shit guys like mother,straw(mostly positive but still) would get, despite obviously knowing what they're doing and despite having an incredible wealth of knowledge when it comes to contemporary men's fashion

>> No.10422655

yeah techwear threads are getting better but techwear is garbage and massively overpriced

know a guy who dropped 5k on acroym and sht's coming apart at the seams from just normal wear. shit is not worth the pricetag at all, also i find there to be a lack of footwear choices, i mean you have sneakers, free runs, qasas, various other y-3 shoes, and i;ve seen good techwear fits with visvim boots but there doesn't seem to be too much else there.

hey ;^)

>> No.10422668

>know a guy who dropped 5k on acroym and sht's coming apart at the seams from just normal wear. shit is not worth the pricetag at all
dont post that on sufu, you'll get lynched
some serious errollson cocksuckers on there

>> No.10422676

I think I first started coming to this board in late 2012, back when all the fashion advice was "levi 511's, OCDB, Clarks desert boots". It was all very boring and samey, but I remember people seemed to actually care about their clothes and their advice and criticisms.
What happened? It seems like there has just been an influx of the 18-20 year old crowd and all they do is spout the same 5 memes over and over in every thread. I shudder to think what responses I would get if I posted a fit ever. I legitimately only come here to laugh at how stupid the users are now.
tbh i think /fa/ is fucked and I think there isn't anything we can do about it short of making an entirely new /fa/ that is heavily moderated as far as "is x /fa/" threads, hateful threads, or useless threads go.

tl;dr /fa/ was once an ok ship with a few leaks that we could bucket out, now it looks like swiss cheese and we need to build a nicer (albeit smaller) boat from the wreckage

>> No.10422682

yeah i know lmao but hey, sufu is dead!

>> No.10422690

you'll get flamed in slow motion, one or two days at a time

>> No.10422897

Delete the sticky and don't bother making a new one.
The sticky will always be outdated, irrelevant, and never cared for enough to be updated.

Fashion is always evolving.

>> No.10422904
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>> No.10422916
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>> No.10422918
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>> No.10422922
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>> No.10422924

this. I think it's still pushing monocuck, which peaked early 2013 and is very dead to people besides mfa, teenmfa, and the state of Nebraska

>> No.10422927
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>> No.10422946

You're cancer

>> No.10422955

Just because they use black doesn't mean Yohji and Rick are goth you retard.
I wish the designer and avant grade fashion threads were more popular but they're just not. Plus, in almost every Rick thread we talk about Ann D, Jan Jan van Essche, Sruli etc

What designers are you into?

>> No.10422964
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>scared of posting
Top kek
Do you think people fear going out in public wearing goofninja less than posting on a small fashion site?

Have you even met anyone who was into high fashion? Most of them are so busy will their lives that they don't need to spend time showing off on waywt. What's the point? They don't need validation since they're already have self confident.

That's something you can't cop buddy.

>> No.10422984

the fuck are you talking about stop this psuedo intellectual nonsense sometimes people don't wanna be judged by a bunch of ugly 17 year old shut ins who think people like that asymmetric 70s wannabe look good.

>> No.10423424

Or maybe they just don't want to post a picture of themselves on fucking 4chan?

>> No.10423662
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Remove tripcodes, people here don't use them for what they are intended to be used for. Entire threads get derailed because Reeee decides to answer every post or sieg comes into lie about how he's not a virgin and people just HAVE TO respond to them. It always just devolves into the tripcodes having their own chatroom for the rest of the thread until it dies and then move on to the next one without the topic at hand ever being discussed. Remove the vermin.

Get a janitor to enforce bans on people who don't read the sticky.


Leave then.


You aren't supposed to post with a tripcode, but like that stops anyone from doing it. Beyond that, this place seems to have a lot of people from other websites who are too keen to try and fit in. It seems like a lot of the shitflinging is either for attention or because they want to show that they are in line with what /fa/ generally agrees on.

>> No.10423682

While we did have some shit trips, trip codes are important in yohji/Rick threads because when your buying expensive clothes you want your information from trustworthy people.

But there ar either reasons as well. For example I trip so I have an easy to find archive of all my posts.

>> No.10423741

ree hasn't posted in months (thank god)
sieg rarely posts

get up to speed with the boards, bro

also, the recent survey shows that a minority of the board is anti tripcodes

>> No.10423747

>too busy to post a single fit on waywt
>spends hours a day on fashion forums shit posting
pick one chucklefuck

>> No.10423749

hahaha struck a nerve? truth hurts i guess you pathetic little faggots

>> No.10423751

that's mean
be nice.

>> No.10423773

Who says I shitpost?

Are you going to argue my claim or just act like a degenerate?

>> No.10423787
File: 509 KB, 750x1125, 42875058_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know, I've been on 4chan for 10 years now (fuck me, that is weird to type out) so it's weird for me when people tell me they even use archives. The entire appeal for me initially was the anonymity and lack of a record, you could post anything and it would hold as much weight as anyone else.

As for the rick/yohji threads, you could provide a photo with timestamp rather than trip to prove you own an item and can comment on its quality. Beyond that, I would not trust any information I get on 4chan without looking elsewhere to verify it first.


That is unfortunate that they feel that way, I will acquiesce if that's how most people here feel.

>> No.10423790

Learn to read, dude. He is talking about people who are active on fashion forums and don't post their own photos. Not people into high fashion who don't spend an appreciable amount of time online.

>> No.10423802

/fa/ needs more anime tbh

>> No.10423816

yeah, the crowd seems very divided but...

>Should tripcodes be removed on /fa/?

>Yes 127 45.2 %
>No 154 54.8 %


>> No.10423824
File: 356 KB, 680x1020, 6a00e54ef96453883401a73e030895970d-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with these a lot, but do you know how much of a pain it would be if every little piece of advice needed a time stamp? It's not even always about proving you own an item. Certain trips like NAHK, EDC, and facist know a shitload about Rick and other designers. I really appreciate their opinion on I.Ding fakes and shitty deals on grailed. It's also a great way for newfags to not listen to trolls.

Take Massive for example. During the summer he would shit up as many Rick threads as possible and get butthurt about, then he would shitpost some more.

Now what if he didn't have his trip? His anonymous posting could very easily make some poor kid spend all his cash on a shit deal, or even fakes.

Also nice anime

>Beyond that, I would not trust any information I get on 4chan without looking elsewhere to verify it first.

>> No.10423963


>> No.10424161

shouldn't you be getting bullied out of onani gang or something chuck?

>> No.10424174

>onani gang
Don't know what this means tbh (to be honest)

>> No.10424180
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What you're describing sounds like IRC

>> No.10424237
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Or we could just use the built in trip code system and ignore shitty trips

>> No.10424238

don't think it's our chuck, our chuck has left us.....

>> No.10424372
File: 885 KB, 987x720, f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it is time to create our own /fa/

>> No.10424389

#c(e)ffay has reopened for the evening, friends

>> No.10424400

On the Rizon network, I should mention

>> No.10424406

have people stop asking w2c for stupid reasons

>guise where can i get that pair of black jeans that looks exactly like tho one on the discount rack at macys

>guise w2c that white t shirt

>> No.10424452


>> No.10424602

download an IRC client join rizon from the network list and join #c(e)ffay

>> No.10424610

Alright I'm back sorry for those who joined and I was afk/disconnected

Been writing a paper

>> No.10424734

Fucking irc are you serious?

>> No.10424872

We having a good chat in here man