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File: 11 KB, 250x335, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10406317 No.10406317 [Reply] [Original]

thinspo thread

can't find one in catalogue tell me if i've fucked up

>> No.10406342

how to befriend cute ana girl at uni? Her thighs are thinner than her knees very nice

>> No.10406555
File: 93 KB, 495x700, 1442415592629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just treat her like a normal person. Befriend her the way you would befriend anyone. Try not to bring up the ana issue at first, but don't avoid it either, just be a human I suppose.
On an unrelated note, does anyone have a male celebrity thinspiration? (other than Machinist Bale)

>> No.10406583
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I'm going to dump some thinspo.

>> No.10406591
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>> No.10406604
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>> No.10406611
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>> No.10406621
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>> No.10406629
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I hit 47kg this morning, at last.

>> No.10406655
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>> No.10408088

why would you guys want to look like a bitch?

>> No.10408100

I'm this skinny but I had enough anons, girls don't like stick thin guys. I don't wish upon anyone to be this skinny. I'm lifting weights and I feel and look better now that I'm slowly gaining muscle with no body fat.

>> No.10409736

because they're beta softboys

>> No.10409880
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>> No.10409921

im a girl and i fuckin love skellies. why do you think yaoi dudes all look like that

>> No.10409932
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>> No.10409938
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>> No.10409956

How do I into Skelly mode? I'm 130 lbs but I still have love handles. Skinnyfat is suffering. And don't eat at a calorie deficit, I've been doing that for years.

>> No.10409960

stop eating carbs, start doing cardio. do a "fat fast" for a couple weeks if you can stand it

>> No.10410149

Thanks mr. Skeletal. Spooky and just in time for Halloween. You don't even need a costume.

>> No.10410150
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this thread is making my eating disorder flare up, nice work everyone keep it up

>> No.10410735
File: 48 KB, 400x600, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys doing anything interesting food-wise? What has worked best for you?

I'll post some thinspo as well.

>> No.10410737
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>> No.10410742
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>> No.10410745
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>> No.10410751
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>> No.10410756
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>> No.10410814

Hot sauce pls

>> No.10410915

pumpkinspice_ on mfc.

>> No.10410923


>> No.10411151
File: 72 KB, 540x304, maidenfed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing thats ever really worked for me every time was no carb or fat fasting. i think my metabolism is just too fucked for anything else, including regular ol starvation.

actually i take that back, the alternate fasting days worked well for me. <500kcal on, >2000kcal off alternating. hard mode is no cheating on weekends. you run a hell of a calorie deficit but your metabolism cant shut down because you're still eating. some research suggests its life-extending


>> No.10411210
File: 91 KB, 320x315, IMG_20140320_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might try that out. Thanks man

>> No.10411489
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>> No.10411557 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10411571

Can we all add each other on my fitness pal?

>> No.10411836

It's yom kippur why aren't you fat fucks fasting

>> No.10411988
File: 74 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nsfo9sN4mc1tx9amio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more

>> No.10412050 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10412083
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How am I doing guys?

>> No.10412114


>> No.10412129
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Fabulous. Theres a website devoted to single nipple men here bringvictory.com

>> No.10412583


>tfw the best thing i ever did to lose weight is keto in 2012
>stupidly become a vegan in 2013
>now its hard as hell to do low carb and stopping being a vegan is not an option anymore

on the bright side,i havent ate ice cream,pizza or burgers in almost 3 years, and people stopped offering me junk food because most of it has dairy.

>> No.10413028

any realistic diets someone can follow? past week or so ive just been drinking water and eating some pita chips and jello once in awhile. should i continue? currently at 45 kg

>> No.10413164
File: 45 KB, 500x718, tumblr_nlq9v4CkXf1tx9amio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're goingto tank your metabolism and that jello and chips is just turning into stored fat because your body thinks its starving. keto or alternate day fasting. regardless, the boy needs protein

>> No.10413513

assuming this comment is serious, same

>> No.10414248

not the guy u replied to, but im curious. alternate day fastin as in like eating <500cal one day, and the next eat >2000cal? how does that work

>> No.10414267

not the guy u replied to either but its how it sounds. one day have some coffee and like an apple and a fiber bar or something then the next eat normally but still track calories so you dont go overboard

>> No.10414740

that promote weight loss? lol

>> No.10414756

ive been doing it kind of unintentionally cause im a weak bitch for about a week now and still losing weight

>> No.10415783

how to lose weight? 5'11 160 lbs. want to be 126

>> No.10415890

this doesnt fucking work
diets dont fucking work anymore im gonna have to start running uuuuuuuuuugh

>> No.10415897

L o w t e s t

>> No.10415910
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>> No.10415912


>> No.10415935

is a faggot

>> No.10416007

burpees. how many can u do and why cant i do them

>> No.10416036

Fake, She Head Too Big For She Gotdamn Body

>> No.10416538

tbh fam i feel like the only thing that works for me anymore is absolute starvation + intense cardio
don't do anorexia, kids

>> No.10416615

what cardio do u do

>> No.10416649

floor workouts in my room with shit like jumping jacks, butt kicks and what they taught you in track

>> No.10416659

tfw used to be thin but ate myself up to a 16.7bmi
efficient weight loss tips would be helpful and appreciated

>> No.10416667

stop eating
post on anorexic generals

>> No.10416697

how much cardio should I be doing? I try to walk places whenever possible but I can't do anything much more intensive because then I faint :/

>> No.10416702

just do whatever you can, you're burning calories when you rest too and its important for broscience reasons
try to do more + less intense

>> No.10416707

Alright. Thank you for the advice

>> No.10416720

If this thread isn't memebait, you are all astronomical faggots. Enjoy your no-bitches.

>> No.10416724

>implying we're doing this for bitches
>implying we're even mentally healthy

>> No.10416728

I'm a fairly straight female, so I'm content with no bitches. Also,

>> No.10416743

>implying starvation mode is real

This concept has been pretty thoroughly debunked fam.

>> No.10416747

low test = cuter

>> No.10416749

what bmi range is god tier? i'm a straight 18 and trying to get down to 17~17.5

>> No.10416756

Ugh thank you I hate people who spew that garbage, if you barely eat you WILL lose weight, there isn't some magical "mode" that prevents weight loss

I'm 16.7 but still look fat so idk lol, my goal weight would land me at around 13.9
I'm a female btw, I don't think males look good when theyre too far below 17 so take that into account, then again thats just my opinion

>> No.10416762

Uncanny valley skeletons are Not qt. I like thin girls but she's literal anorexic skeletal. Eating like a fat ass would be healthier than what ever shit she's doing.

>> No.10416764

im starting to get into the weird headacey confusedness part of being hungry

>> No.10416785

are you gay or something?
im saying low test boys are cuter

>> No.10416799

Uh the webm is of a girl right? Please tell me I'm right.

Low test boys are faggots. I guess to a female they would be less intimidating.

>> No.10416812

>Ugh thank you I hate people who spew that garbage, if you barely eat you WILL lose weight, there isn't some magical "mode" that prevents weight loss

Don'tcha know that when your body is starving it can magically turn 500 calories in to 5000??

>> No.10416827

>Uh the webm is of a girl right

>> No.10417035

Christian Bale's body in The Machinist is really good thinspo btw

>> No.10417129

I'd hope so, I'm a girl. I don't watch her to jack off, but instead because she looks great.

>> No.10417136
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So have some more fam

>> No.10417140

Low test is a fit meme referring to the men that like twink/skellies.

I also dont know what It is with women thinking the uncanny valley looks great.

>> No.10417141
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>> No.10417147
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Yeah I know it's a meme, I'm just bored. And everyone has their own taste, it ain't just women.

>> No.10417177
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>> No.10417180

I find this really attractive for some reason, veins are cool af

>> No.10417213
File: 11 KB, 495x720, B8DS_TnCIAAsu8n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right

>> No.10417228

i finally started using youtube enough it autoplays me full albums and the albums are a good timer for workouts
do one album, take a rest, take small rests in between songs

>> No.10417546

i want veiny hands / upper arms. what bmi should I be to have them? currently 165 lbs / 23.5 bmi and have none, dream is to be 125lbs / 17.5 bmi

>> No.10417917

to have veins you have to have good circulation
so, not be anorexic

>> No.10418563

No specific bmi, but lift a bit while eating less, get a low body fat % and then you'll have veins. Don't go crazy with the deficit, just as long as your body fat is decreasing and you're building some muscle and keeping your blood pressure up. Drinking coffee also helps.

>> No.10418569

This is very good advice, seriously.

To put things in perspective, there's a good argument to be made that the sexy "veiny arm look" that some girls are into is just seeing forearms that are muscular.

>> No.10418611

Oh yes.

>> No.10418622
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>> No.10418629
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>> No.10419264


Running is good for you!

After a few weeks of exercise I've found that I become addicted to it. The first month or so is fucking hell though.

>> No.10420498

fam I'm 178cm and 48 kilos girls don't find this attractive yo! Why would anyone want to be this skinny...

>> No.10420517

maybe you just are ugly

>> No.10420561

did you lose or gain weight?

>> No.10420778


>> No.10421025

hey m8s do cigarettes really curb hunger? what kind should i get?

>> No.10421158

help effay i want to be thin but im fat as fuck what do i do

>> No.10421298

stop eating, cut down on calories, find your goal TDEE and eat less than that. also exercise.

fuck no, dont be a retard

>> No.10421907


Are there any small things I can do to lose weight? Does staying up late help up lose it?

>> No.10422857

loool no

eat less

>> No.10422931

Im naturally like 110...

>> No.10422943
File: 44 KB, 485x624, main-qimg-accf3a3e766fa0900289b34bd855f05b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody got some wide-shouldered thinspo?
I've basically got down to an effay weight, but I'm finding my fairly broad shoulders awkward, wondering if they put out my proportions

>> No.10422956

Just checked my scale. Im actually 105 and 5'3

Manlet life

>> No.10423091

>girls don't like stick thin guys

that's where you're wrong. i only date skinny blonde guys

>> No.10423394

i had a dream i got on the scale and was like 114 pounds
im 130 irl

>> No.10423399


Are there any little things I can do?

>> No.10423423

okay, you could substitute things you currently eat with low-cal options so it feels like you're eating the same but really you're consuming fewer calories.

e.g. coke with diet coke, milk with skim milk, etc.

>> No.10423426

barely so in my experience. adderall is you best bet, but it can be dangerous to use it to lose weight

>> No.10423574

the runners high is really nice, i just wish people didnt have to see me. in high school, i used to use the treadmill every day in p.e.

>> No.10423577

don't say this shit to me, this is the number one thing im afraid of

>> No.10423584

> substituting soda with soda

>> No.10423591


>> No.10423596

it's better than drinking normal coke though, far better...

>> No.10423599

i'm so tired, but i feel like i'm not losing weight when i rest
i started doing some yoga poses instead of sit around so i can at least still burn calories

>> No.10423643
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>> No.10423661

fucking christ
i'm all for being skinny but a stiff breeze could get the best of them

>> No.10423674

What? Is that true?

>> No.10423678
File: 869 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat--7643910521964297825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I been losing weight I have major veins, most of the time with out high blood flow, like just resting.

>> No.10423687

are you kidding

>> No.10423699

i know its stupid but im afraid of it. i feel like i'm never losing weight

>> No.10423713

5'10" 180~ lb
is there any hope?

>> No.10423770

Start by working out and being more healthy, then start the starvation it will come with time. I'm 6" 150 started at 180 not long ago, lost 10 pounds in a week at one point. Just keep with it. Recently quit nicotine making cravings for food much worse, sucks ass.

>> No.10423957

I'm full ana myself, BMI under 17, but please, pleeeaaasse, if you're going to go full skeleton wear designer clothes, it looks so elegant with YSL, Dior, and FoG styled outfits, but with half assed almost prep like your pic related it really does look disgusting.

>> No.10424135

It is literally impossible for that to happen.

>> No.10424139

Diet sodas increase cravings. Just drink water you fat fuck.

>> No.10424190
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>> No.10424299
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Reviving the thread ...

>> No.10424305
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>> No.10424309
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>> No.10424979

Thank you.

I am doing a 4 day water fast, so far am 24 hours in, before I fly to Japan on the 28th. So far so good! I'll be 36 hours in once I fall asleep and wake up tomorrow, assuming I don't eat in my sleep.

>> No.10425027

women go fuck yourself
Gay-power heil!

>> No.10425031

Gay skins - unite!

>> No.10425052

so perfect it hurts

>> No.10425085

this is my fetish

>> No.10425190

I'm probably skinny enough I qualify as skelly so its weird seeing people that covet the look given that I've been trying to gain.

bmi 14, goal is 18.

in the pursuit I've gotten skinnyfat. Sigh.

>> No.10425335
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>> No.10425360
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read the wikipedia article or google it, there are a thousand different fad diet version and any of them will work. mae sure you arent getting woozy while driving or anything though.

it works but you need to REALLY vary your intake. it becomes hard to eat enough on the feast days, harder than not eating on the fast days.

jesus i had no idea this was one of those huge bodybuilder controversies so i dont think "starvation mode" in the sense of how /fit/ means it is what im referring to. im using the term coming from proana web lol. you just get rebound weight if you starve steadily for a long time and then eat anything. long term anas survive on near nothing for years (i maintained weight with exercise on a 800kcal/day diet) and often when they 'recover" they get fat. anecdotal but very typical report here: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Eating-Disorders/Metabolism-Devastated-Post-Anorexia/show/1354367

>> No.10425361

skinny with wide shoulders is like the anime ideal its hot as fuck

>> No.10425739
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>> No.10425743
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>> No.10425745
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>> No.10425749

6'5 eating at 1800cal for the past two weeks and haven't lost a single lb

>> No.10425760

is there any hope for a guy with twig arms and legs but a flabby belly? also why have i got flab in one place?

>> No.10425927

>twig arms and legs

i imagine you just look like a skinny highschooler that doesn't give a shit about their body. i know a few like that. try restricting a bit or some sort of cardio and see what changes. cycling would be good for you. will help define your quads (if you don't eat a ton you won't get big thighs) also cycling will be really good for your belly

>> No.10425931


>skinny fat
>bmi 14
you have a mental illness!

>> No.10426343

ty for your advice anon, i just wanna lose that bit of extra cushion

>> No.10427176

>twig arms

Wrist curls, etc.

>> No.10427207


>> No.10427229

whatre those?

>> No.10427433
File: 383 KB, 654x876, 1384812397768085128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have an effay body?
Sorry for the shit lighting
18 years old if that makes a difference

>> No.10427736

very effay

>> No.10427745

I thought being fat was bad but this is a whole other level

>> No.10427958


>> No.10427978

Looked at pic and thought this was "trainspo" thread. Which ever I guess.

>> No.10428041

please be my boyfriend

>> No.10428059

prime boipussy right there

>> No.10428064

height weight?

>> No.10428066

>Completely average body is getting compliments.
Fuck it /fa/. Why are you guys so pleb?

>> No.10428355

w2c pants in 28x34?

atm i have some 29x32s but if i don't cinch them on with a belt and sag them below my hips they don't fit at all

help please

>> No.10428371


>> No.10428382


that's about all that i've found and they're generally just 32l

i'm also too poor for that right now

appreciate the suggestion though, any other ideas?

>> No.10428707

thirst can make a pleb of anybody

>> No.10428784

6 foot
133 pounds

>> No.10428807

Cheap Monday.

>> No.10428890

For context, I've been at my current weight before and was primarily muscle. I weighed even less once due to illness and got back to my current weight, but now my composition is less muscle and more fat. I now I need to gain more but that just kinda sucks, I have cellulite now an my stomach is a little flabby. I hope to put on a lot more muscle and do a cut later.

>> No.10428920

i want to watch you struggle as i fuck you

>> No.10429143
File: 148 KB, 667x896, tumblr_ndto9d1hbH1qb4hiyo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit 47.8kg today fuck yeah

>> No.10429177

What's your height?

>> No.10429654

While I'm trying to gain weight..

I've always been naturally skinny, and I probably have an eating disorder but idk. It's hard for me to eat 3k+ calories a day and lift/exercise frequently, so I guess I'll just stay skinny until I find the motivation.

>> No.10429736
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reporting in

>> No.10429878


>> No.10430116
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will dumb the few pics I have

>> No.10430123
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>> No.10430126
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>> No.10430132
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>> No.10430140
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>> No.10430146
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>> No.10430152
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>> No.10430161
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not sure about this one anaboys but w/e palo alto is effay

>> No.10430172


>> No.10430178

somebody make a gayspo thread

>> No.10431049
File: 269 KB, 500x667, Skinny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I envy you. This is me right now.

>> No.10431122


>> No.10431373
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>> No.10431376
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>> No.10431401
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>> No.10431411

not meant to be ana my friend. sorry

>> No.10431456

Is this person male or female?

>> No.10431482
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>> No.10431492


>> No.10431649

can someone give a short but thorough explanation of alternate day fasting

>> No.10432263


>> No.10432311


>> No.10432315
File: 5 KB, 260x193, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you guys would be a lot happier on reddit

you get to upvote, downvote and hang out with lots of cool people who also enjoy these kinds of threads

you should all go there, cheers

>> No.10432322


>telling /mental illness general/ to go to reddit

this is one of the only threads which deserves to be here

still haven't found pants, any other ideas? under $50 please... poor

>> No.10432326

No it is literally impossible. The law of conservation of energy has never been violated and that is exactly what that would mean.

>> No.10432522

shave the trail

>> No.10433399

cant sleep 2 fat

>> No.10433401

what kind of proana bullshit is this honestly
>you dont deserve to have crippling mental illness :^)

>> No.10433406

i'm 5'4 and ftm and my life is basically pointless
at least i have my vanity

>> No.10433414

what the fuck is this then
fuck it, i'm starving myself to death

>> No.10433469

tfw food inside me

>> No.10433589

No idea, I'm sure your body can change the rate at which is uses energy, but if you eat less calories than you burn you will lose weight. It's all about being able to consistently do that. Use my fitness pal and count cals /fa/m

>> No.10433757

best in thread so far