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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 116 KB, 640x290, basic4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10400262 No.10400262 [Reply] [Original]

What's your hometown?
How plebby/basic do people dress?
What's the most common fashion crime?
Any memorable failures?

>> No.10400288

I'll start

Niagara Falls, Ontario
>how plebby
Very much so
>Most common fashion crime
80% wal mart slobs IE plaid cargo shorts and polo shirts
10% crack smoking wiggers
10% aging tatted up celtic punk/psychobilly fat failures eternal fratboy manchildren
>memorable failures
One guy literally dresses like he google searched "hipster" and copied the first thing that came up. Twirly moustache, square glasses, slightly less common wal mart get up, hitler youth cut

>> No.10400321

college is for nerds

>> No.10400327

this x1000

>> No.10400350

What's your hometown?
>Santa Cruz, CA
How plebby/basic do people dress?
>Very fucking basic
What's the most common fashion crime?
>Board shorts, white people with dreads, flip flops, rasta colored everything and fitted hats that have something to do with weed, the bay area, or reggae
Any memorable failures?
>I see at least 20 different ones a day

On a positive note, I saw a guy walking downtown wearing a pair of geobaskets today.

>> No.10400360

Not sure. Don't live there anymore, and when I do visit, I'm not basic enough to notice, or care, about how basic they are.


>> No.10400364


white dunks? that was me homie :^)

>> No.10400380

i bet youre some college fag studying cuckoldry and afraid to say "violation" for fear of being expelled for triggering speech

>> No.10400381

Burlington, Vermont
All the young hipsters and college students dress well but pretty much everyone else dresses like shit. Also pretty much everyone from Vermont outside of Burlington is a huge hick and dresses like it.

>> No.10400392

Who /bayarea/ here? What city?

>> No.10400418


Wollongong, Australia

>how plebby/basic do people dress

>what is the most common fashion crime
Doing up a top button of a shirt when not wearing a tie and growing a moustache when it's obvious you can't grow one

>any memorable failures
None, it's just the norm to dress like an idiot around here

>> No.10400439


depends on the part you're in, some places they try at least.

the leggings and uggs combination is fucking everywhere in the winter time

>> No.10400455

I used to live in mountain view/San Jose. It is a capital of cucklord nerd core

>> No.10400467

>What's your hometown?
Lake Tahoe, CA
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
The locals dress basic as fuck
>What's the most common fashion crime?
For men it is always a work hoodie, jeans, and either beat up trainers or boots. The area has so much potential to be fashionable, but the locals will resist it to the bitter end.

I was just back there for an event--daytime, nice and sunny, on the lawn by the river--and wore a white button down collar, light jeans, and oxblood loafers (I'm /mfa/ as fuck and love it). One of my peers (wearing a ratty graphic tee, swim trucks, and flip flops) called me bourgey pretty much because I was wearing a collar and shoes that weren't beat up and nasty as fuck.

>> No.10400489
File: 17 KB, 493x370, show me on the doll where the bad man touched you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god I know that look

it's like 16 year old skaters trying to dress like the guy who molested them as a kid

like a silent cry for help

>> No.10400495

I like that more than every post in waywt.

>> No.10400533

>What's your hometown?
Bendigo, Vic, Australia. An hour from Melbourne
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Very. Santa Cruz, basic sneakers (black on white roshes) and mainly shit from Factory and Cotton, and the cancer of my town.
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Everyone has Roshes and Fluxs
>Any memorable failures?
Not particularly

>> No.10400568

>What's your hometown?
auckland new zealand
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
vomit inducingly
people genuinely proud of making fast fashion purchases, people camping out for several hours on the day topman opened
>What's the most common fashion crime?
yoga pants/leggings
being proud of fast fashion
buttoned shirts done all the way to the top while not wearing a tie, often with loud patterns
vans and roshe runs

>Any memorable failures?
i was walking across campus to a class, a few minutes early
the space i was walking through had noone else, apart from 2 other guys walking together
one eyes me for a couple of seconds, glances at his friend then looks back at me and says in a very loud voice
>so, do you like this hoodie i got? it was $20 from hallensteins
while keeping his eyes on me
his friend mumbles something and they walk off

apart from that nothing is really a 'failure' because everything here is so terrible most of the time
i dont dress particularly well because bad appearance, lack of $ and lack of confidence but i can still talk smack

>> No.10400601

Wait dude where do you work?

>> No.10400606

depends on their culture. I would say Koreans/asians in general are the best dressed here. Generally the further you get from downtown/plateau area, the more disgusting plebby shit you see

Greatest fashion crime is dadcore anglos

>> No.10400655

just seperate already you frog, nobody wants you in canada. also frogs all dress like george st pierre but even more douchey if thats possible

>> No.10400690

lmao I'm anglo dude. If you've ever lived here though you'll know exactly what I'm talking about with the dadcore shit, I see these people everywhere.

>> No.10400710

Dude I wish I could visit new Zealand. A group of new Zealand girls visited my work and they were smoking hot. I love the accent.
As racist as this is, but I love kiwi birds. They are so cute


>> No.10400884

the auckland person forgot to add kathmandu jackets to the most common fashion crime.

>> No.10400895

>how plebby
not much so
>Most common fashion crime
basic streetwear victim
>memorable failures
their failure is that they are not memorable

>> No.10400955

Basic, anywhere outside of London is basic tbh

>> No.10400973

new zealand's north island is a waste of space
only the center (around lake taupo) is nice, because of the scenery, and only at wintertime
even then the skiing and snowboarding are awful because the snow is like ice, not powder
theres also far more niggers, theyre loud and obnoxious and are extremely tryhard. im not trying to be racist, i mean its a sterotype that can be applied to most people, the majority of them are maoris and islanders with a handful of whites

the south island is far nicer
you can drive 10 minutes out of any town and see some nice scenery, the weather is better, albeit colder in general, theres more wildlife, the snowy mountains are better for skiing/snowboarding, its also cheaper, people are nicer, almost 0 islanders, the maoris are actually nice and not scum

only issue is its very far removed from a city lifestyle. if youre looking for nightclubs and stuff dont come to new zealand, especially the south island (they might be good in queenstown during the winter festival though)
good place to visit, pretty average to live, cant really complain though my house/neighborhood is nice enough

i suppose ive become so accustom to seeing them that i dont notice them anymore

>> No.10400976

This is pretty true, although there actually are some really fashionable people in auckland

it gets really, REALLY bad on the north shore and the coast though...

like really fuckin bad

>> No.10400977
File: 47 KB, 534x534, 11745924_10154021848800410_6969126447653938708_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me

>> No.10400987
File: 81 KB, 665x443, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Surprisingly not that basic, especially downtown. Among youth there's still a lot of swag shit though.
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Hipsters, because we're the birthplace of hipsters.
>Any memorable failures?
The birthing of hipsters.

>> No.10400989


>> No.10400995
File: 125 KB, 748x750, 1425258531056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Estonia representing.
Hole country very basic. Slavs, tumblr hoes, ratchets and hy jogger type fuccniggas.

>> No.10400997

>What's your hometown?
Brisbane, Australia
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
>What's the most common fashion crime?
"eshays" wearing nike bombers and just general shitty streetwear + girls wearing "boob tubes"

>> No.10401001

Brisbane, Ausland
>How plebby
The Brisbane-Basic outfits:
Roshe Runs, Chinos w/ elastic cuffs, Ralph Lauren Shirts and an unstructured Ralph cap
Boat shoes, Ralph Polo, beige shorts
Don't even get me started on the girls
>Fashion Crime
Thinking Ralph Lauren = cool

>> No.10401054

oh man that photo
laughing but also quite sad at the same time
what is happening

>> No.10401128

>What's your hometown?
Ann Arbor, MI
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Very. It's all 90s curtains, manbuns, monochrome, and bomber jackets as if it's still 2012
>What's the most common fashion crime?
doc martens and the 2012-tastic black jeans white tee black bomber white lowtops
>Any memorable failures?
saw a full fledged outdated reddit tier faggot with a topknot and geos yesterday. what an irrelevant outdated cuck

>> No.10401229

We're abouts in the gong your from lad

>> No.10401269


Manbuns weren't a thing in 2012 lol
there isn't really any new stuff since then that has been mentioned on fa now. what would fashionable people be wearing then?

>> No.10401287
File: 500 KB, 480x228, 1392136926904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has to ask
>relying on fa for what's fashionable
>doesn't realize manbuns peaked in early 2013

>> No.10401340
File: 248 KB, 900x675, cool-weather-fashion-3(pp_w900_h675).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the people in my town are obese so they do not really have a say in what they can wear.

Pic is a "fashion guide" someone created for my town. May the good lord have mercy on us all.

>> No.10401350 [DELETED] 
File: 855 KB, 1028x862, Screenshot from 2015-09-20 22:31:03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my unis fashion society fb page

>> No.10401376
File: 1.79 MB, 3300x4200, visvim-portrait1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh dude man buns were pretty heavy on /fa/ since 2011 at least

that picture of Nakamura of Visvim was posted a lot back then

>doc martens and the 2012-tastic black jeans white tee black bomber white lowtops

lmao I'd seriously shake my head if I saw anyone wearing this outfit

that's basically like walking into a store and buying everything on the mannequin, except the store is the internet fashion forums,

>> No.10401402

The colours are good though, just because it's 'basic bitch' doesn't mean she's void of any sense of style. Maybe if you stopped autistically hating everything that doesn't subscribe to your personal style you'd have more friends.

>> No.10401412

did you just apologise for being racist because you said you're attracted to new zealand girls

sorry they wouldn't fuck a massive cuck like yourself lmao

>> No.10401420

everyone here subscribes to the reddit tier minimalist dark streetwear meme that reddit is all about and is obsessed with and everyone that is remotely fashionable and ahead recognizes as reddit aesthetic tbh

>> No.10401425

post a fit then if you dress so well

>> No.10401443

Don't get me wrong, I'm no stranger to the reddit aesthetic (DAE striped shirt and camel coat? xDD) but at least I'm not so autsy as to shit on everything that isn't a carbon copy of what I'm wearing.

This all-dark shite is really getting on my tits tbh, maybe not in preppy fratwear but I actually like seeing colourful fits done reasonably well, especially on grills.

>> No.10401460

so you faggots know what's actually fashionable now? fuck no I don't need some autistic shut in scrubs knowing the aesthetic, I enjoy that fa is permanently 1.5-3 years behind

>> No.10401471

i don't have a hometown, but where i currently live is fucking shit.

>> No.10401500

guys wear khaki joggers and toms/vans usually accompanied by a button down, band tee or soccer jersey, depending on what category they fit into, or are jean shorts, graffic tee scrubs
every girl is a variant of feux-boho and tripster. that or they wear wearing running attire or I don't give a shit skinny jeans and college tee.

I'm honestly probably the only kid at my campus who owns a long shirt tbh (to be honest). I'm an h&m/asos poorfag and hell, I even have a pair of beat up toms, but at least I try and be different from my suburban counterparts.

>> No.10401506

I'm from dapto m8. You?

>> No.10401524

>fast fashion
second time I hear this on the board today.
what does it mean?

>> No.10401533

Mass produced styling

Stuff you see for sale at the overpriced place all the pleb teenagers buy there clothes at

Poor quality plain tees, shit tight fitting jeans. It gets its name from being able to go into a store and buy an entire passable wardrobe at once, I.e. General pants is a fast fashion store

>> No.10401545

>What's your hometown?
Fort Wayne, IN
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
everyone dresses terrible, so do I. literally no one dresses to /fa/'s standards and because of that, I do not. i'm not going to walk around wearing geobaskets and being constantly made fun of. i wish i lived in new york

>> No.10401636
File: 642 KB, 476x595, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
Jakarta, Indonesia
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Either rly /fa/ or very basic because we're such self-conscious trend-following drones
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Leggings as pants, statement trucker hat, HBA ripoff local brands
>Any memorable failures?
Tie-dye back in 06-07, patterned leggings, people camping out when H&M opened last year

Jakarta ppl where u at

>> No.10401644

it seriously bums me out that over the past 4 years or so plain tees became more popular than graphic tees among the scrub masses

>> No.10401678

newport beach, CA

people dress like horsefuck

board shorts + sandals when you ass was not at the beach at fucking all that day

>> No.10401739

Why would you want to live in a third world nation, you disgusting scum?

>> No.10401761

Because I was born here. Or maybe I could move out to Europe and breed with a local and piss off white supremacists.

>> No.10401772

Gothenburg, Sweden.

Not very pleb, most people dress pretty well. I go to a pretty nice university studying business and people at my uni dress exceptionally well.
No real fashion crime comes to mind.

>> No.10401776

My hometown is a small city in western michigan. Everyone there dresses like shit mostly because they're just poor. It's all just walmart trash. Anyone remotely intelligent or interesting moves away for college after high school and never comes back.

I live in Chicago now, so that's at least a little better.

>> No.10401794

small town in michigan

where the only thing to do is to stick your dick in your sister occasionally

and go muddin'

>> No.10401842

i wish i woulda had a cute sister to fuck. all the women here are absolutely disgusting. last time i was hanging out at the bar i got to talking with this toothless redneck and by the end of the night some land whale came up to us and told us she wanted to have a threesome. she ended up leaving her phone on the bar top so i stole it and sold it at the pawn shop the next day. i also frequently have underage girls at the park try to come on to me and are quite explicit about what they want, but i'm not a kiddy diddler so i stay away from that

lots of drugs and shit in that town, it also is like 30% black, but the white people are just as poor as the blacks so it just feels like one big ghetto even though it's barely 10,000 people.

>> No.10401850

Greymouth, New Zealand

>How basic/pleb
Incredibly. Like half the town is too bogan to care about fashion and the other half wears tan joggers + roshes/frees + nike hoodie

>Most common fashion crime
Yoga pants and uggs, socks and sandals, puffer jackets everywhere, people having mullets unironically

>Any memorable failures
Two people at school have mullet/bowlcut combos going on, another guy at school wears 3/4 jeans that have an opening thats like 2x the width of his leg with shitty oversized bomber jackets and military boots

>> No.10401854

You know what bourgey means right? Bourgeois is better than proletarian, at least in terms of how you dress.

>> No.10401857

>What's your hometown?
Tijuana, BC
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Quite plebby
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Leggins as pants, squared toe shoes, oversized jeans, having a giant undershirt show while wearing a dress shirt, wearing neon bright sports apparel and laying flat the collar of a dress shirt
>Any memorable failures?
I believe the city as a whole is one big memorable fashion failure

>> No.10401864

Greymouth boyz here, this is all true

>> No.10401877

Ugh I hate how nearly 100% of the townies are dressed on a Friday night romping around church street on the weekends

>> No.10401915
File: 87 KB, 960x720, 539256_10150955695136724_1191287717_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
Florence, Italy

How plebby/basic do people dress?
The majority of kids are pleblords, middle age people dress way better.
What's the most common fashion crime?
Ridiculously cuffed pants

Any memorable failures?
When I was younger everybody used to wear the gayest sweater ever ,made by some soccer player, called "baci&abbracci" (kisses and hugs)

>pic related, the nephew of Gucci (with the stupid foulard). You can have tons of money but if you don't have taste you're prettymuchfucked

>> No.10401919

>What's your hometown?
Wellington New Zealand
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Probably the best in the country, sure there's still fuckwits who think a hallenstines sport shirt is the epitome of dressing up, but if you're going to see an on point fit anywhere in the county it'll be here
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Ralph Lauren is street wear. There's a few vintage boutiques that import second hand Tommy and Ralph from the US and 'jocks' will happily wear a Ralph Lauren polo with jersey short, roshes, and a nike cap. I'm not saying I like Ralph Lauren but where the fuck did people get this idea from.
>Any memorable failures?
This one guy who wears three quarter jean shorts, graphic tees with shitty v neck sweaters over them and chunky skate shoes. He is constantly singing to himself while he walks around campus.

>> No.10401925

Small, 40k town in southern Poland.

Let's say we have McDonald for like 3 years now and first mall since last year. People consider Levi's and Wrangler luxurious brands. Those who dress basic actually look nice and clean compared to most habitants. By basic I mean
>stripe shirts to look more "elegant"
>jeans, rarely chino
>terrible half-sport shoes like gino lanetti.
>ugly high-school tier graphic tees and hoodies

Lot of people from the concrete blocks of flats dress "street style" but they didn't get the memo that the 90s' are over, so they wear baggy jeans, baggy hoodies, air maxes and polo shirts. For summer they get 3/4 jeans pants, also baggy. It's something between chavs and aussie lads.

>> No.10401938

>What's your hometown?
Toronto, Canada
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
On a scale from 1 (pleb) to 10 (nxtlvl), I would say a 5? People are generally inoffensive to the eye, I guess.
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Indians dressing like gangstas from '04
Michael Kors basic bitches (so, almost every single Chinese girl)
Any memorable failures?
Saw a "/fa/t" guy wearing a fuckboi tshit. Which one of you losers was this? I almost had a stroke.

>> No.10401939

>What's your hometown?
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Walking advertisement
>Any memorable failures?
A fat guy with pink trousers , no sleeve blue shirt and a golden basketball shoes .

>> No.10401947

Oh man. I went to see my grandparents in a ~25k town in Lithuania for the summer, and I know exactly what you mean.
They built a mall there 2 yrs ago (no McDs), and it's *the* place to showcase their sikk Eastern Europe fits.

>> No.10401955

>What's your hometown?
Newcastle, England
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
I don't think they're very plebby. Most young people dress like a mixture of roadman and (modern) football hooligans. Most older people dress like 80's football hooligans. There is very little dadcore and that kind of shit. Of course we still have wannabe hipsters and shit like that.
>What's the most common fashion crime?
short back and sides with a perm on top (yes, on males). Also white elesse hoodies, pale blue jeans, and white huraches.
>Any memorable failures?
none come to mind

>> No.10401983

Vancouver & Montreal

In both these cities people generally know what they're doing, but since both are also considered pretty hip you also see a lot of annoying trend shit like lumbersexuals, beard fetishizers, shit topknots, and fuccboi-on-a-budget.

>Common fasion crime?
Doing too much, for certain people

>Memorable failures?
Guy with a topknot so laughably small (it was seriously like 1cm out from the top of his head) that you really just had to stop and wonder why

>> No.10402014

I remember that one
It was all over the place here too, and I'm a Balkanslav

>> No.10402026

Failure? That shits just too nxtlvl for you

>> No.10402027

>poor quality plain tees
you must be one of those pissmonkeys who buy €100 white T-shirts for their 'quality' and 'organic woven cotton'

>> No.10402115
File: 87 KB, 640x572, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Augusta, Georgia, USA

>how plebby/basic do people dress
sub-basic with hick flair

>what is the most common fashion crime
Dressing as if your going golfing or hunting but you just dress like that everyday. Women just pair an ugly designer bag with whatever they woke up in. Pic related

>any memorable failures
I would say wearing pajamas in public but so many people do that its part of the normal fashion here now.

>> No.10402137

>tfw this is my hometown, oklahoma city, oklahoma, I work in norman and it's very apparent there.

>> No.10402232

>What's your hometown?
Manhattan, KS
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
seems like the only people who put effort into fashion here are Asian college students
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Dudes wearing t-shirt and ill-fitting jeans every day. Girls wearing the basic Uggs/leggings/ugly sweater/north face jacket thing.
>Any memorable failures?
kids at the high school I went to used to wear those t-shirts with the fleur-de-lys shit on them, Monster snapbacks, DUDE WEED LMAO clothes

>> No.10402254

hey I was born there :^)

Ottawa, Ontario

>How plebby
Really plebby in the suburbs, gets slightly better the closer you get to downtown

>most common crime
Beige joggers with ugly ass patterned tees and bucket hats. Black twitter kid tier

>Memorable failures

>> No.10402371


Rinse and repeat for every girl between the ages of 14 and 28.

>> No.10402379
File: 72 KB, 720x587, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexico cita
>how plebe
Few self conscious lot of trend Chaka followers
>common fashion crime
Bright colors like a rainbow turd, also obnoxious branding
Chaka avant garde

>> No.10402385

I don't get why mexicans teens are so obsessed with faggy styles. I remember the mexican emos being the worst ever.

>> No.10402393

haha oh boy, yep.

>> No.10402401
File: 55 KB, 540x600, bandicam 2015-09-20 19-26-10-959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you see very basic

>> No.10402402

we should all fucking secede from our countries and buy an island specifically for us so we can move away from these braindead trendy fucks.

>> No.10402405

Correction. It's poor mexican kids.

>> No.10402409

yes, lets all fuck each other in the pockets of our slim fit levi's while arguing about the aesthetics of nike and new balance shoes.

>> No.10402414

I was thinking more like fucking eachother in our SLP skinny jeans while arguing about rick geobaskets and CCP drips.

>> No.10402450

lmao you are a fucking cuck bro

I lived there three years, girls all wear those viking fur vests and giant 50s chic round hats, guys are either wanna be american lumberjack hipsters with those poor fitting beanies and round glasses or some andra lang wannabe 70s skinny hipster cuck

no wonder nobody respects your country and its being taken over by arabs

>> No.10402483


you still in newport? lets go get drunk

>> No.10402500
File: 19 KB, 385x347, 61DYZEjjowL._UX385_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
medium sized town in Bavaria

>How plebby/basic do people dress?
graphic tees, baggy jeans from the 90s, in club: popped collar, gym backbag with funny quotes

>What's the most common fashion crime?
traditional shirt of the alpine regions all year even there is no fucking beerfest, or girls wearing lederhosen instead of a Dirndl during a beerfest

>Any memorable failures?
cable ties as shoelaces, rope as belt etc. full bum core

>> No.10402646
File: 52 KB, 640x480, FB_IMG_1442773605614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local bar near me, kill me

>> No.10402666

Those Elesse jumpers are cancer. So are perms & so are huararches. Roadman wave in full fledge at the moment alongside huararches, seems America's just caught onto that one. 90s fashion is starting to be noticed by the 'normies'

>> No.10402669

Nürnberger hier.
verdammt, alle in Bayern ziehen sich an wie scheiße,seeeehr wenige ausnahmen.

>> No.10402799

Kann dir als Bayer noch nicht mal widersprechen.

>> No.10402919

Ist eher ein deutsches Phänomen.

>> No.10402947

/fa/ggots en CDMX. I'm scared

>> No.10403060

16 is legal in Canada bro
and you're in a border state
think about a weekend trip bro, would kill for legal 16 year old pussy

>> No.10403068

oh god, beaners still pop their collar? That fence can't be built quick enough

>> No.10403083

Houston, TX
It's nice around Montrose, heights, midtown, river oaks, rice village etc and areas near the city within the loop
I've been noticing people trying to dress better but there are a lot of basic bitches and obviously dressed by /fa/ guys (one dude wearing cheap white stans, striped shirt, hy) but there are truly FA people too. The Houston scenes are more underground than austin

>> No.10403100

Ann Arbor, MI
There can be some really good streetwear, and the sophistos are okay if they're younger, but other than that it's pretty garbage
>Most common fashion crime
Usually tie dye. For some reason, the people are pseudo-progressives, but the fashion isn't
In high school, we had to give senior presentations on a year long project. This one kid came in wearing a suit with huge shoulder pads, baggy everything, pants pulled way too high, the thick-ass 80's tie, and extremely long square-toe shoes.
This kid also had a patchy pedophile mustache and greasy black hair to look like he's from some shitty anime. He died his bangs patchy blonde and said he was waiting to get the rest done, but it didn't happen the entire year.

>> No.10403110

>not doing the top button

>> No.10403123

That wasn't 2012, just because it's already cancerous now

>> No.10403235

>beaners still pop their collar?
Yes and the worst thing is they actually think is fashionable, some of them leave the buttoned down collar unbuttoned even

>> No.10403254

>also obnoxious branding
Ah yes, I forgot about this; if I could spend a day without seeing a giant letter in a belt it would be glorious, fucking mexicans

>> No.10403354

maybe not 2012 to cuck scrubs that just discovered fashion, but it was totally being done when fa was either dressing workwear, dadcore, or for most of you, being 14 and just wearing whatever mom would let you get from pacsun, faggot

>> No.10403426
File: 537 KB, 2560x1434, IMG_3939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skiing / snowboarding in the North Island isn't really that bad man, like sure it isn't as good as skiing in Wanaka (even though most places in Wanaka don't really get much better powder that Ruapehu) but it's still not bad, people just complain about it because they hear others do it or they just want to complain about something

The only thing that's actually worth complaining about imo is the unpredictable weather

pic related, one of the shots I've got at Turoa

>> No.10403453


All saints scoop necks, fake tan, iced gem haircut

students overdoing the whole 'wavey garms' 90s thing. I mean sure if you want to get some sort of retro jumper thats cool but I see some kids wearing 'wavey' items head to toe

>> No.10403472

What's your hometown?
>Middletown, CT
How plebby/basic do people dress?
>Very basic, not that plebby i guess, but extremely basic as in everyone is literally clones
What's the most common fashion crime?
>printed leggings, speries, people wearing full athletic clothes that don't do any type of physical activity all day (i.e PINK, nike,) shitty forever21 flannels around the waist still, maxi skirts and dresses, faggot ass sneaker heads, those fucking L.l bean moccasins
Any memorable failures?
>idk, galaxy leggings with leaning moccasins, crop top,

>> No.10403491
File: 156 KB, 500x370, 2421296956_5ba23ed22b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
lexington, ky

>How plebby/basic do people dress?
redneck and white trash getups are the norm. ralph lauren polos and backwards baseball caps for frat fags. farm hands, coal miners, and hunters wear their filthy uniforms out in public and don't even bother to wash the grime off their hands.

>What's the most common fashion crime?
cowboy boots. guys wear them with jeans and chicks wear them with dresses.

>Any memorable failures?
recently saw a dude in a leather jacket unzipped to his navel (no undershirt) with fingerless gloves and cowboy boots. his hair was also gelled the fuck up like a redneck saiyan with downs. it looked like spikey plastic.

ky blows but I'm thankful that I at least don't live in indiana.

>> No.10403669

i saw some dude wearing a full print dragon ball z shirt at the best buy in the south park shopping place a few weeks ago

>> No.10403889

Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba

>how plebby
Most effay city in Cuba, still is shit to world standards

>Fashion Crime
Guys wearing sandals that are way to big for them, oversized shoes in general and Polos that are ripped/tattered

Regular college town stuff, frats wearing bermuda shorts

>> No.10403901

shes cute, guess indonesia doesnt seem that bad anymore

>> No.10403908

What's your hometown?
How plebby/basic do people dress?
What's the most common fashion crime?
Literally everything from head to to
Any memorable failures?
Mullets, Everything green and gold, fat people, Relaxed fit jeans

>> No.10403920

What's your hometown?
Rosario, Argentina
How plebby/basic do people dress?
Basic as fuck, lots of streetwear and sometimes i get to see really good fits
What's the most common fashion crime?
Bright colors nike/adidas caps shorts or shirts, Baggy jeans with trainers and some graphic tee or shit like that
Any memorable failures?
Cargo shorts with bright red shoes and black t shirt with a silly stamp on it

>> No.10404256


yep, shit taste confrimed

>> No.10404277
File: 569 KB, 845x768, Areyouevenwearingpants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
Mobile, AL
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Very, see pic related.
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Being a conformist, that and 40 year olds wearing holister and shit.
>Any memorable failures?
Not really, no one wants to be different enough to try.

>> No.10404317

>wears flannel
>wears shorts

It's one or the other buddy

>> No.10404324

>What's your hometown?
Whogivesashititsashithole, Midwest

>How plebby/basic do people dress?

Aside from every girl under the age of 30 dressing like a "Basic White girl", it's even worse than basic:

>IF YEW DON'T WEAR FLAGS U H8 MURCUH-Korps (Even though flag apparel violates the flag code.)
>Cholo wannabe-core
>Generic high school athlete that's just gonna Beluga after graduation-core
>Trailer park autist-core (WWE/NASCAR/Local meth Addicted Dirt Track Racer/Monster/Mountain Dew branding)

>What's the most common fashion crime?
All of them.

>> No.10404336

Do you know a good dry cleaners?

>> No.10404482

i'm living in san jose right now. fuck the fits here.

>> No.10404545

A little town of about 3000 people in the thumb of Michigan.
It's a lot like this,but instead of 30% black people we have 30 black people in the county,and rather than being poor it's because they're all hicks.

>> No.10405127


dem sum conflicting styles

aint no geobaskets ever looked good with slp jeans

>> No.10405134

>North Highlands, California
>Everyone thinks they're black
>Denim shorts that go to mid calf
>Two black midgets fighting over a pair of child sized jordans at a footlocker

>> No.10405810

It's basically the same way here in statesboro, Ga.

>> No.10407806

>What's your hometown?
Indianapolis, Indiana
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
very, very much so, vineyard vines and roshe runs
>What's the most common fashion crime?
motherfucking cargo shorts with the awful baggy pockets
>Any memorable failures?
This guy I saw at the mall was wearing a fedora and a trench coat 3 sizes too large with cargo shorts and a brony shirt. He was talking to his friend about how no one dresses "classy" like they used to.

>> No.10407900

ma lahen panka

>> No.10407935

From nyc, not very basic tbh

>> No.10408650
File: 614 KB, 245x216, 1401105381990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not the only Montrealfag around

>> No.10408826

>browsing /fa/
>not knowing what fast fashion means

>> No.10408839


>> No.10408877
File: 75 KB, 530x713, 160973_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living in Fresno, Ca
>90% of the people dressing like this

>> No.10408885
File: 51 KB, 550x413, shibuya-crossing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
Tokyo, JP
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Not very
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Supreme for young people. Anyone over 30 wears a suit or business casual (they call it coolbiz here) otherwise they are unemployed.
>Any memorable failures?
If I go to Shibuya or Shinjuku there are way too many to count.

>> No.10408901
File: 13 KB, 336x150, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your hometown?
Mexico City
How plebby/basic do people dress?
I would say very pleb, but depends on the zone and obviously economic position. The average girl tries to dress like american white girls, average guys dress basically frat/dad core.
There's also loads of tumblrinas and streetwear fags, decent fits are very rare around here but I have seen some /fa/ people specially in downtown and close areas.
What's the most common fashion crime?
Ughh, where to start? uggs, bad replicas of common brands, drop crotch, really fucked up streetwear etc...
Any memorable failures?
Just too many.

>> No.10408911


The Hamptons, New York. Would rather not divulge which Hampton.

>How plebby/basic do people dress?

Depends what season it is. In the summer when the yuppies are vacationing the overwhelming majority of people you see walking down the street are very effay. In the winter the native Hamptonites re-emerge and are comparatively pretty plebby.

>most common fashion crime?

Tough call. Could be the "frat" look: the shorts that are too short with a pair of loafers, a Ralph Lauren polo and a pair of Ray-bans.

>memorable failures?

None that I can think of.

>> No.10408962


this, or second and third generation farming families who dress in expensive, ill-fitting designer clothes that highlight a complete lack of aesthetic sense

>> No.10408968
File: 61 KB, 380x380, 1435856399045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
Koreatown LA
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
The Koreans wear typical korean shit like baseball caps and puffy jackets and track pants

The white hipsters dress like insufferable retards
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Basically being white.
>Any memorable failures?
Generally whatever most white people are doing

>> No.10409002

hey thinking about moving there. good area/ is echo park ok?

>> No.10409013

not him but echo park is way better but only if you know people around there, house parties in echo park are more fun than any club in los angeles. koreatown is nice but it's like a suburb-city if that makes sense. either way it's not like you can't take a drive to wherever. i prefer echo park though.

>> No.10409048

>What's your hometown?
Small town in sweden 15k people live here
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Very, most people dress in trackpants and a hoodie and the people who try to look nice wear Ralph Lauren, GANT and Levi's, trying to look psuedo preppy. Levis is considered the best jeans brand ever.
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Wearing shitty shoes with kind of nice outfits.
>Any memorable failures?
This old dude in a grey ponytail that every summer walks around shirtless wearing only a pair of shorts that are waay too small.

>> No.10409188
File: 127 KB, 771x749, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
35k town in north Croatia
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
For guys its either airmaxes or white converse,mustard colored joggers and some atrocious 2013 streetwear HBA ripoff sweatshirt with terribly done HY's.
For girls its white converse or ugg ripoffs with leggings with some wool vest or a croptop and rocking terrible ombre hair or pic related.
>What's the most common fashion crime?
>Any memorable failures?
One dude rocking jncos and a hoodie,same fit every day for the past 10 years.Also some guy rocking cowboy core and a transgendered freak who dresses like a 5yr old girl.

>> No.10409219

jävla bratten

>> No.10409229

kek in the thumbnail it looks like a retarted squished mario face

>> No.10409238

Wow, you're right. Haha :D

>> No.10409297

Bruges, Belgium
>how plebby
People dress quite nicely here actually
>Most common fashion crime
Ralph lauren polo with logo the size of a shoe
>memorable failures
Camo pants with camo sweater

>> No.10409303

There's a guy at my Uni, he wears dark denim jeans, an ill fitting light denim blazer over a loud button down & a fluro bucket hat. No one can quite work out whether he's an idiot or whether he's transcended fashion itself.

>> No.10409322

When you fuck with irony too much, you become a walking black hole.

>> No.10409389
File: 66 KB, 300x381, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
Gex, France
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
depends on people, I live at 20 minutes from Geneva so people know how to dress
16-25 dress pretty well here
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Stan smith/ Superstar
>Any memorable failures?
Man leggings

>> No.10409420
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I dont see it fuck

>> No.10409692
File: 52 KB, 540x462, WEBPAGE_20150922_031017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Home town : Puna Hawaii
How plebby: fucken miserably so
Most common /Fa/ offence: lack of clothing and Gaughtie as fuck Tattoos over worn Surf Brands mixed with west coast swag fag shit
Memorable failure: bunch)of half breed Asian whatever the fucks pregidous to white people sporting Metal Muhlisha shit with blatent white power over tones on Graphics lmao

>> No.10409701

Worst place >Thread

>> No.10409716
File: 41 KB, 600x600, david hercegovac1 B05H7SFCUAAXtQ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ayy lmao, could have been worse - just look at Serbia

pic rel, average upper plebdress from Croatia

>> No.10409726

This serb plebs packing a toolie

>> No.10409734

>This serb plebs packing a toolie


>> No.10409751


Living in Milano, italy B)

>> No.10409783
File: 58 KB, 480x720, 1378450786748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sydney, Australia
>How plebby
Depends on where you live. Out west and in the shire is pleb central, whilst inner suburbs and city aren't so bad
>Most common fashion crime
Pic Related
>memorable failures
Pic related. Apart from lads, nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.10409906

>david hercegovac

back to int

>> No.10409940
File: 1.90 MB, 1209x816, Haninge Pleb Central.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
Haninge, Sweden. Small town of about 30k people, but we'll be aggressively expanding due to all the immigrants flocking here.

>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Pic related.

>What's the most common fashion crime?
Don't follow fashion enough to know any "crimes", but most everyone dressed badly here, in one way or another, if that counts.

>Any memorable failures?
All the Somalis looking like tents, weighting <100lb and wearing XXXL-shirts and pants from Dressman, trying to show the world that yes, they really CAN afford some extra fabric. Swag.

>> No.10409949

>how pleb
incredibly basic, a couple really well dressed people here and there though
>most common fashion crime
too many to count.
>memorable failures
some chick at flinders street with the legs of her cutoffs literally higher up than her cunt

>> No.10409955

>What's your hometown?
Chatham, Medway, UK

>How plebby/basic do people dress?
To the max. Guys wear matching baggy grey hoodie & gym pants all day erryday. Girls wear basic chav shit, basically anything tight and cheap and obnoxiously coloured.

>What's the most common fashion crime?
Different type of fashion crime, but you can get beaten up for wearing 'posh' clothing (jeans and casual shirt) in the wrong place at the wrong time.

>Any memorable failures?
It all sorts of blurs together.

>> No.10409973

What's your hometown?
>Sandyeggo California
How plebby/basic do people dress?
>Either awful or good. Barely any people who dress just okay (lots of hipster boho tumblr chicks which is a good thing IMO)
What's the most common fashion crime?
>Most surfer brahs are just dirty TBH. Hair is always greasy and messy, never have on real fucking shoes and wear shorts year round and brag about it.
Any memorable failures?
>LOTS of fedora-core in our downtown area during the weekends I'm a guy who likes to wear a hat but only if I know I can pull it off and the situation permits. We have dudes showing up to the dirty little dives in fedoras and a jackets during the summer time. I have a "friend" who is Reddit tier "le classy gentlemen" and will wear a sport coat every time he goes out at night.

>> No.10410000

>What's your hometown?
Canberra, Australia

>How plebby/basic do people dress?
A lot of the population here are public servants and wear poorly fitting business suits, otherwise it is standard bogan attire, though you can find pretty good fits in some places.

>What's the most common fashion crime?
In general (at least where I go to school) girls think they are so attractive, that they stop caring how they dress and start wearing compression leggings with thongs (flip flops) and socks. Guys try too hard to dress well a lot and end up looking terrible.

>Any memorable failures?
A guy comes to school everyday with his short sleeved target brand button up, and wears it with a tie, loose fitting jeans and asics runners.

>> No.10410016

>wears it with a tie, loose fitting jeans and asics runners
Jesus I knew Canberra was bad but not that bad

>> No.10410041
File: 1.14 MB, 1500x1054, 1370900448518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Sub 150k population Canadian town starter pack"

>> No.10410047

14 on the PH scale fam

>> No.10410052

I feel so sorry for him because he thinks he dresses so well and doesn't realise that people make fun of him ALL THE TIME.

>> No.10410089

The guide is alright tbh

>> No.10410098
File: 165 KB, 920x1183, Refinery29_x_Primark_920_Large_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the Swedish pseudo-preppy outfits. Packs of 4-6 white teenagers would roam the streets all wearing pic related. Disgusting.

>> No.10410117
File: 70 KB, 358x292, dickies-13-work-short-khaki-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
Wangaratta, Australia

>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Basic+stuck at least 5 years behind current basic trends

>What's the most common fashion crime?
Motocross shirts, skateboard branded t-shirts, surfwear (300km inland), pic related shorts

>Any memorable failures?
close friend tried to hard when there was a formal event on at school often wearing stupid ties etc. We only remember it because at our graduation a few years ago his suit was fucking incredible and put the rest of us to shame. It made us think of all the times he had failed to pull off the most basic of formal outfits and wonder how he managed to get that one right so effortlessly.

>> No.10410121
File: 29 KB, 450x450, spiky-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Central valley people actually exist on here. I mean in high school this was it mostly, but the colleges their not too bad or jus basic. 2 many manliest tho Also the late 20's/30's guys who try to pull this off everywhere at parties wearing bright neon polos

>> No.10410216

>What's your hometown?
I'm "from" a small town in NC, though I never lived there long.

>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Everyone is dirt poor and fat, so lots of racing/skating gear, lots of shit from Belk, lots of ill-fitting suits, etc. It's even worse than basic. Also a lot of confederate flag gear.

>What's the most common fashion crime?
Probably just poverty wear, so shit like ratty t-shirts and jeans.

>Any memorable failures?
A local lawyer got his ass thrown out of court for showing up in a full three-piece seersucker suit and sperries. From what I've heard the judge told him he wasn't fucking Matlock and to go home.

>> No.10410353

What's your hometown?

Stockholm Sweden

How plebby/basic do people dress?

Not so pleb, lots of rich people get acne or other stuff simply because its expensive and become unintentionally fashionable.

What's the most common fashion crime?

Immigrants usually dress in stupid swag shit and also slav adidas track pants except for the usual black guy trying to look like the Weeknd, which never looks good.

Any memorable failures?
Yung Lean. jk i love yung lean

>> No.10411952
File: 21 KB, 220x256, chav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My area is full of white teenage fuck boys. They're all scumwave and utter faggots.

>> No.10411964

>What's your hometown?
Tonbridge in England
How plebby/basic do people dress?
Suddenly started seeing centre parted wavy bowl cuts making a resurgence along with 90s sportswear for some reason. Most Goddamn awful decade of fashion. Most women here are fat chavs and most men don't give a fuck or wear skin tight skinny Jeans.
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Leggings without anything covering up the hanging ham clam
>Any memorable failures?
Fat guys wearing spray on skinny jeans

>> No.10411976

Oh shit, I forgot people wearing zip up hoodies, but tying the strings in a bow while not zipping the hoodie up.

>> No.10412007
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>fuck boys

>> No.10412027

this plus everyone who wear sperrys with chubbies and vineyard vine (or southern tide/proper) shirts.

>> No.10412045

You think so? I'm from the shore and it seems to be aight, my only complaint is the ammount of roshes

>> No.10412109

>she ended up leaving her phone on the bar top so i stole it and sold it at the pawn shop the next day.

>> No.10412120

you guys have internet in cuba? what's it like living there? are you a native?

>> No.10412180

Ayy Fort Wayne, i am from kendallville.

>> No.10412259

You gotta keep your collar buttoned. ..

>> No.10412317

"mate did u see that post on UniLad it was fucking proper funny mate"

>> No.10412717

No i am the immigrant fag

we had internet there even in the 90s when i lived there but it was just regular shitty dial up.
there is regular high speed internet but its restricted, like china.

Im not some fucking trashy mestizo or nig-nog "native" im hispanic, If anything i just look like a tan white person.

Living there, it was like living in any college town, the majority of the population worked in tourism, and my dad worked for the city. Not rich, but not poor like you'd expect, it was by far superior to Havana .

>> No.10412738

Go to many shows?

>> No.10412820

>and will wear a sport coat every time he goes out at night.

>> No.10413073

Would smash/10 :^)

>> No.10413200


How you feel about the mosque lad? I'm from Ballarat and the fashion is pretty similar. The cunts that hang out at karova and shop at op shops almost exclusively are pretty /fa/ tho

>> No.10413225

Ann Arbor is not THAT bad....

>> No.10413259

2 close 2 home

>> No.10413639

Lol damn, you post on DB? I grew up there and go back often. The worst was when everyone did preppy with boat shoes and an undercut or some variation of it, +- ties used in a non formal setting. Now it seems like everyone is jumping on the streetstyle bandwagon

>> No.10413831

It gets 90 plus during summer at night here. A sport coat isn't appropriate attire for every establishment. Not over dressing is an important part of dressing well.

>> No.10413856

it's fucking terrible here :'(

>> No.10414107

>What's your hometown?
Helsinki, Finland

>How plebby/basic do people dress?
80% of young people wear white low top converse or some pleb mainstream shoes. Niggers still wear HM "street goth" shit. Fa meme fashion trends arent a thing here, for example Stans are moderately rare. If u go past the urban areas, you are gonna see more effay fits.

>What's the most common fashion crime?
Every obious one, shit fitting clothes etc.

>Any memorable failures?
Too hard to pick one.

>> No.10414317
File: 582 KB, 1024x683, 11517506164_416677647f_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the further outward you venture from the city, the less people are concerned with fashion

>snap backs

>no failures in particular, just always thought snap backs with stickers were goofy looking

>> No.10414516

ayy I am Croatian also.

Hrvati su više effay nego Srbi, ali ipak...

>> No.10414574
File: 101 KB, 500x276, 56976634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uk in general

>> No.10414993

>I live in Miami
>typical Cuban pleb outfits include POLO graphic tees, basketball shorts, multicolored sneakers, ugly ass tank tops, diamond earrings and a tub of hair gel
>every female has some sort of MK watch or MK bag
>occasional LV bag
>basic as fuck
>typical teen pleb outfits include, khaki chinos, white/black polos buttoned to the top, apple ear buds over one ear
I have to say from someone who enjoys dressing out and layering clothes I live in the worst city for that. Way too fucking hot to wear any sort or sweater or jacket. Gtfo to new york

>> No.10415345
File: 2.59 MB, 2816x2112, DSCN4523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
Dublin, Ireland
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Very basic, see pic
>What's the most common fashion crime?
Cargo shorts probably
>Any memorable failures?
I see too many of these daily to list

>> No.10415869

>cuban immigrant fag reporting
What part of miami? Coral Gables here

yeah everyone here does dress shitty

>> No.10415885

I'm from Dublin too m8 is very basic but there is a lot of Cheeky Nandocore and bad sportswear fits also which are bad in a different way! There's a lot of normcore esque stuff going on though so many young people on the tola vintage shell suit jackets!

>> No.10415923
File: 125 KB, 1325x1323, 8UVrGwq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hometown is brighton UK. it's a shithole

people dress medicore, the average young person dresses mediocre but everyone else dresses like shit.

Most common fashion crime is stan smiths

Most memorable failure? A guy who walks around in a long sheepskin coat with his hood up everyday. Two trousers on, a HUGE sheepskin coat, hood up, scarf, gloves on, walks around like that in summer.

>> No.10415939

how do you dress?

>> No.10415973

>What's your hometown?
burnaby, british columbia
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
basic urban shit, generally. mall shit. love the mall thugs at metrotown, they hold it down in north face and deuce custom ink.
some dece hypebeast hongers, once saw rickdidas on the lougheed town centre train platform.
white kids generally dress pretty well if they indie enough, you can't get away with basic college shit in burnaby.
>What's the most common fashion crime?
i kid, but honestly what the fuck is a fashion crime? probably the only fashion crime is knotting yer panties over someone else's outfit.
>Any memorable failures?
yea, i should have hooked up with this qt earlier this year before she fled the country. she was perfect. i fucked up. pls don't remind me further.

burnaby has my heart, people have an inner-city sensibility that i don't see where i am now (kits- i fucking hate it).

>> No.10416226

Almost every woman here has tattoos, a nose piercing, PINK, yoga pants, and short shorts

most of the fashionable women are mentally unstable special snowflakes

the only actual good looking and fashionable women here are Chinese immigrants or locals who are married and pregnant at 19 since they're Apostolic Lutheran

"90% white town" is deceiving

>> No.10416395


>> No.10416853


No fucking way hahaha!

I'm from North Burnaby never thought I'd see someone on /fa/ from Burnaby.

Unfortunately this means there's a 50% your Chinese...

>> No.10416863

Virginia Beach, very. Janoskis or Vans, crew socks, chino shorts, Vans/Volcom/RVCA tees & tanks. Everywhere. I be keeping it real tho.

>> No.10417324


>> No.10417351

SUNY Geneseo student here from Rochester, NY. Alfred U was my safety school. Can confirm for redneck plebs.

>> No.10417436

I use peerless at the local shopping center, pretty sure you can just look it up

>> No.10417483

If Surrey, 50% chance he would be Indian lol

>> No.10417837
File: 268 KB, 1276x1800, phob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your hometown?
richmond, british columbia
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Either extremly basic castco/superstore or extremely FOB. pic related. 50% of the city was born in china
>What's the most common fashion crime?
wearing any combination of pic related to any occasion
>Any memorable failures?
three people wore jordans to my high school's valedictory ceremony

>> No.10417859

Katy, Texas

It's fucking terrible

There's some basic bitches which is fine and all but god damn please stop wearing plaid shorts

lots of people unironically wearing cowboy boots

Memorable failure was back in highschool the coach got mad at half the football team for wearing cowboy boots to school and not bringing trainers for the weight room (they expected to be able to lift in cowboy boots)

also all the people wearing knee high socks with slip on sandals

>> No.10417880

I'm not sure how you come off saying the most /fa/ city in Michigan is "very" pleb. Come on now. Shame to be living close to a cuck poster. Please leave my region.

>> No.10417888

so much boy london the chinks are wearing around here

>> No.10417900

i worded this horribly

>> No.10417912

>guys wear them with jeans
if you're gonna wear them, isn't this the way to go?

>> No.10417998

not him, but i live in a podunk cow town and the problem i have with cowboy boots is that people wear them when they're not working, or worse, if they don't even own some sort of ranch
it's just become "muh redneck culture"

>> No.10419179


>> No.10419521

where do you live?

>> No.10419718


More like 80% haha

>> No.10419775

I swear to god most of them would fit right in here in Helsinki.

>> No.10419998

What's wrong with wearing black jeans and a white top? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10420028

>Stan Smith
Stop memeing so hard, it's a good shoe

>> No.10420062

>What's your hometown?
Walvis bay, Namibia
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
>What's the most common fashion crime?
probably that just about everyone is wearing second hand clothing from European charities
>Any memorable failures?
guy wearing sleeping bag with holes for his limbs to stick out of.

>> No.10420090
File: 40 KB, 480x720, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oakville, ontario

>> No.10420440

douglasville ga
>how plebby/basic do people dress?
fucking khaki shorts, plad dress shirts, and sperrys.
>most common fashion crimes?
cargo shorts
>memorable failures?
crocs and socks was big for a second.

>> No.10420597

As someone who goes to The University of Alabama, this is quite literally 70% of what I see dudes wear.

>> No.10421677

>What's your hometown?
>How plebby/basic do people dress?
Most people just leave home with whatever on but I've noticed people are getting smarter in what they wear mostly people in their 20s.
>What's the most common fashion crime?
basketball shorts, generic graphic tees, Aeropostatle or Abercombie. Socks and addidas sandals too.
>Any memorable failures?
Young guys straight from south american countries bring outrageous fashion trends like lip gloss and misfit white pants.

>> No.10421683

Oh, I missed you. I'm in coral gables too. What's up?

>> No.10421685

What did his suit looked like?
Just curious

>> No.10421714

what's up? what school do you go to?

>> No.10421724

MDC, maybe one day ill get into UM. You?

>> No.10421746
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something like this, i don't remember. 0% cringe tbh

>> No.10421754

Salisbury, MD
>How pleb
Pretty pleb
>Fashion crime
Wearing camp or shit with our state flag on it. I see countless people daily with MD hoodies, shorts, socks, etc. on and it always looks rather ridiculous.

>> No.10421820

Ah I see, thx for the rough idea

I'm not sure if id look good on a grey suit, or is it because I tried a grey with a semi-checkered pattern.

>> No.10422084


little fat turkish girls clad in h&m
faggot AZN ninja/ hiphop/ future fucks, believe it's what you call fuccboi on this board

>> No.10422139
File: 130 KB, 422x576, guess my country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls kill me

>> No.10422142

Somewhere SEA

>> No.10422170
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>> No.10422176

Far left not bad if different shoes

>> No.10422251

>people unironically wearing cowboy boots

I feel your pain on this one, same with other anime posting about it. I live in a pop. 3000 town and our local Sheriff likes to wear a cowboy hat + cowboy boots with his police uniform (this is pretty common in tiny Texas towns though).

I used to live way out in the country and the cowboy boots out there were always fine since they were always worn by actual farm workers. Out here though people throw them on with literally any outfit just because hurr durr Texas.

Both of my parents probably collectively own like 10 pairs of boots. They go out to this country club every other night and tell me about how every single person there basically has cowboy boots on, and its basically a competition for who has the nicest cowboy boots. My dad will throw on cowboys boots and a cowboy hat with blue jeans and a t shirt. My mom literally wears every dress she has with every pair of boots she has and the proportions end up looking awful to me. Oh well, they're having fun I guess so whatever.

>> No.10422278

im coral gables too, why are so many people on effay from the greater miami area

>> No.10422308

Cheektowaga NY
>how plebby
very with minimal exceptions
>Most common fashion crime
white trash with badly dyed hair and people trying to be emo in 2015. Also alot of weeb attire
>memorable failures
just on tuesday i saw a kid with a tapout shirt a splotchily dyed purple hair

>> No.10422449

Wearing sleeping bag... Nxtlvl !

>> No.10422464

I live in "heartland" NZ, I see (mainly brown) chicks wearing kathmandu puffers in the peak of summer all the fucking time. Suffering to look like shit.

>> No.10422546

Majstore odkud?

>> No.10423205

white as the mountain tops, my friend. lougheed mall area.

>> No.10423552

I live in a suburb in central NJ and there is wanna be redneck kids that wear workboots and camo hats, and then theres the kids who match their snapbacks with their jordans and have chinstrap facial hair.Also high socks with shorts.