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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 345 KB, 772x758, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10391752 No.10391752 [Reply] [Original]

Someone from here reblogged this.


>> No.10391759

meh . . .

>> No.10391763

who cares

>> No.10391766

who care

>> No.10391768

wait aren't these all european companies?
as in where non-models-of-color come from

>> No.10391777
File: 52 KB, 500x563, 1439493372194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white women, in majority, are prettier than all other races

This is a fact.

What's wrong with companies using the prettier models?

>> No.10391780

who wants a nigger wearing clothes they might buy

>> No.10391782

>High end labels
>Marketing to some of the poorest demographics in the world

People need to shut up about diversity shit and let people do what they want.

>> No.10391784

*cough* who gives a fuck *coughcough*

>> No.10391809

oh that's terrible. there should be laws for art so nobody's feelings get hurt.

>> No.10391819

(not true tbh btw fam)

>> No.10391842

What is a fam?

Is that the new "anon"?

I guess I should lurk moar on boards like /b/ and /v/.

>> No.10391852

uhm it says it is a fact in the post you quoted

>> No.10391876

I want to buy from them now.

>> No.10391905

>fashion labels should sign people of color because every other industry has to meet their quotas!
yeah they have a point i guess

>> No.10392102

It is proven that black people like to buy things advertised with white people

>> No.10392119


Well if there's anything we can conclude from this, it's that white women are better looking than colored women.

Stay mad SJWs

>> No.10392167

>model of color
>people of color

When are we going to stop using this stupid fucking term? It groups every culture and ethnicity that isn't white, not caring for where they are from, their heritage, country of origin or anything, only demoting them again to the status of being a 'colored' person. What the fuck?

>> No.10392183

Imagine being so fuckig sensitive that you can't appreciate a piece of art because it doesn't have enough niggers in it lmao

Smh tbh imho fam

>> No.10392185

fashion isnt about race. who gives a shit if the models are all one race???

also this so hard

>> No.10392189

Good, I'll buy from them more often.

>> No.10392194

and they did well.

fucking niggers. gas the kikes.

>> No.10392203

Modern models are look boring.
Skin and bone, nothing very interesting about them.

Women of color or women with interesting body shapes would be something good. That's just my opinion though.

I'm just getting sick of this anorexic-titless-rat phase.

>> No.10392205

Modern models are boring to look at*

>> No.10392213

that is a fucking lie, there were minorities on the runway for several of them.

>> No.10392218

except high fashion models tend be some of the weirdest looking women. most also have 0 tits and ass

i mean i agree with you buy using high fashion models to prove your point is a bad choice

>> No.10392219



>> No.10392224
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>> No.10392225

I actually agree with you but we both know that's not the reason the tumblr user is bitching about a lack of blacks

>> No.10392264

all these fucking titless white people look like the product of redneck incest its fucking disgusting. i'm so fucking over white people theyre so fucking boring, go sip on some ketchup and complain about how spicy it is.

>> No.10392333

>go sip on some ketchup and complain about how spicy it is
My sides are in orbit.

But I do agree with you, white people are rather bland. They all look the same and generally behave the same.

>inb4 muh white heritage

>> No.10392344

Who gives a fuck. Maybe because whites are the best looking race?

>> No.10392366

>shitskins in charge of not being angry and jealous


its like im really on tumblr!

>> No.10392370

i would care more if all of these brands weren't all fucking jokes to anyone outside of dumb nouveaux riches who think dressing well is synonymous with dressing expensive.

but since all of these brands are tacky as shit without a lot of clout in the way fashion is headed i don't care much

>> No.10392375

>le rick owens face

>> No.10392383



let me guess, weve got another "archival raf and helmut" fan on our hands?

>> No.10392396

>LOL in caps
>muh supreme white heritage

Fifty-year-old conservative, Facebook-browsing Christian confirmed. Go jerk off to your waifu Donald Trump or something.

>> No.10392444

and then they get mad if you say "colored people"



>> No.10392463

Well now I know which brands to support

>> No.10392465

but gucci and versace are ok since only ignorant rich black rappers wear that shit

>> No.10392477

black isnt a color, neither is white, theyre the absence of color

>> No.10392483

no way man, im voting bernie sanders, hes going to make my liberal arts degree free. black lives matter!

>> No.10392602

Aren't Gucci and Versace basically for blacks now? Surprised they don't advertise to them. Not surprised by SLP though. How many black men are actually that skinny? It seems like they're either ripped or fat.

>> No.10392614

yes but if they model their clothes for blacks then they wouldnt be regarded as high fashion anymore, they have a reputation to uphold, plus blacks that buy it and wear it are ignorant to this fact so its a win win situation.

>> No.10392641

i'm pretty sure some non-white people are going to buy this stuff simply because they like seeing white models wear the clothes (i.e. chinese new money). wouldn't surprise me if some black people are like this

>> No.10392645

negresses are ugly, everyone knows this

>> No.10392648


you never market high fashion down, stupid pleb

>> No.10392653
File: 695 KB, 2024x1331, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: list of brands I will buy from

>> No.10392700

lol no white is not the absence of color

>> No.10392701

>They said that white people are bland, they surely must be one of those dumb immigrants with a tumblr blog that expects the government to hand everything to them on a silver plate just because of their skin color! Goddamn liberals! Yeah, that'll show 'em! XDDD
You have autism.

>> No.10392726


tumblr shitskins pls go

>> No.10392753 [DELETED] 

s-sorry d-did i offend ur pasty ass white privilege?

>> No.10392754

>Calls white people bland
>In next breath calls opponent autistic
>Niggers in charge of not being hypocrites

>> No.10392767

>muh race quotas

>> No.10392781

this tbh.

>> No.10392781,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why does everyone care about this so much. Look at runway shows in other countries and oh no some of them don't have a single white person. Really is this why the black community has come down too? Do we need to be invited to every party?

>> No.10392808

good. we don't need any more walking turds around.

>> No.10392814
File: 126 KB, 800x621, 800px-Grey_square_optical_illusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be treading a fine line but . . .
A white model shows off the clothes better. They are all usually similar looking, can basically be ignored and the clothes highlighted. If you got shiny skin and your wearing that purple number you may 'outshine' (scuse the pun) the garm.
Pic related.
Then again, we do live in a crazy world. Coincidences do happen.

>> No.10392815


>> No.10392865
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 86972-johanliebert2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to impede on people's artistic visions and creative processes for the sake of "equality"

It's like living in communist Russia.

Oh wait...


Never mind. It's like the prelude to a dystopian sci-fi novel.

Oh wait...


>> No.10392898

O-oh no! What have I done! Now I have lost the debate! All because I called someone autistic! Now I can never browse 4chan again!

Stop steering away from the topic.

>inb4 no ur changing the topic see!

>> No.10393532

They're contrasts*****

>> No.10393540

Finally, a definitive list of the brands with the best taste. w2c?

>> No.10393599

I wish I was rich and buy from each of these brands just to support them more

>> No.10393767

thats everyone who likes fashion

>> No.10393838

>dont hire people just because theyre white!
>hire people just because theyre not white!

>> No.10393842

No they aren't. Just because a fashion house doesn't shit on their black customers doesn't make them a brand specifically for black people. Their clothes are still considered to be high fashion pieces and not race specific.

>> No.10393856
File: 176 KB, 640x640, pugspugspugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Fuck all this crap about fatties, niggers and retards running catwalks. It's usually all the ugly and fat people spouting all this crap too, maybe they should work on themselves instead of polluting social media.

>> No.10393859

Fashion is white and western. "People of Color" have no place in it, at all.

>> No.10393861

fuck political correctness

>> No.10394634

all of those brands are complete shit.

who gives a fuck.

>> No.10394723

>Fashion is white and western

>> No.10394732

Now i know which brands to support!

>> No.10394745

Burberry is by far the worst brand on that entire list. Its a fucking insult to common sense that this work wear trash brand actually manages to sell its junk level products.

Shit construction, shit raw materials, pathetically bad cuts, Prorsum generally is a fucking travesty of a collection. The brand itself is a goddamn disgrace. And please dont give me this 'lol u too poor' bullshit. I buy stuff from similarly priced or even more expensive labels. Burberry simply is a fucking job.

Not even Gucci is as overrated as that shitstain of a company. And that says a lot.

>> No.10394754


>being this poor and bitter

>> No.10394759

>man can't wait for this skinny model trend to die out lol
get off this board

>> No.10394764

>shit taste confirmed

get the fuck off this board

>> No.10394765


>> No.10394944

This is laughable. Are we going to retroactively destroy art in museums because they do not feature PoC?

>> No.10394960

chick in the middle is hot af

>> No.10394964

>Are we going to retroactively destroy art in museums because they do not feature PoC?
m8, this doesn't even begin to make sense
I'm not even sure what point you thought you were trying to make here

>> No.10394978

Fashion isnt about the models, hope that helps :^)

>> No.10394983
File: 149 KB, 736x1103, 48658e939c6de3a9bda547f10efbe226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shit taste is real

>> No.10395004
File: 931 KB, 250x197, 1365067286524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm black and I follow a whole lot of black tumblr's and this shit fucking got me lol. Not casting black models isn't discrimination at all, because you're showcasing a work of art, you're presenting an aesthetic. If I have a vision of a line of clothes that would look nice in a certain way and I want all the people on the runway to have long hair, then I would put them all on the runway with long hair, because putting a short hair bastard would ruin my vision. Honestly I think people who make shitty digs about the nature of someone's creative work without talking about the actual content are ruining fashion and art in general.

>> No.10395049

Best opinion

>> No.10395256
File: 18 KB, 343x450, 129958-004-C9B8B89D[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss me yet?

>> No.10395260


so skin color counts as aesthetic, cool.

>> No.10395335

yeah well good luck with the one shirt you can afford fuckboy

>> No.10395338

Black people wearing white clothes would be cultural appropriation.

>> No.10395928

thats the point though
the point thyere making in the post in op is that there were only white (or at least, white-passing) models

>> No.10395953

As a black person. I don't fucking care

>> No.10395978

It makes sense as a term for someone whose ethnicity or you don't know. You can't just assume that based on appearance. Also it makes sense in this context as a blanket term for anyone non white rather than listing every possible race, ethnicity, nationality and so on.

>> No.10395980

Lol brethren anonymous internet racism is still funny in 2015 way to stick to those oppressed groups of people.

>> No.10395988
File: 40 KB, 316x400, 1437353662589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've come full circle

>> No.10396635

>posts a mixed girl


>> No.10397405

something white people say online to sound black.

>> No.10397848

pure sjw bullshit designed to make one appear more forward thinking and liberal. most of these brands have historically used black models for campaigns. it would be more racist if their choice of models felt forced or didn't fit the aesthetic. there's a time and place for your white guilt but this isn't it.

>> No.10397862
File: 126 KB, 736x968, 8xVWCDj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10397881

back to reddit

>> No.10398058

sheboons are grody

>> No.10398587

get out

>> No.10398668

Not a hard FACT
But >>10391780

>> No.10398681

You could have posted a better example, she literally looks like a fetus.

>> No.10399090


>> No.10399090,1 [INTERNAL] 

they also didn't have normal weight white women, white women over a certain age, white women who don't fit a steretype etc