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File: 51 KB, 493x335, dermnet_photo_of_bitten_nails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10369233 No.10369233 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw cant stop biting my nails

yes i know its uneffay and it makes you look like a child pls help me /fa/ how do i stop doing this

>> No.10369236

stick all your fingers in your asshole every morning

>> No.10369244

just DO ITT

>> No.10369284

theres this transparent nail polish that tastes like pure acid without being a risk for your health if you're that weak minded

>> No.10369313

I'm thinking about picking up another addiction like smoking or drinking so I can do that instead of eating my fingers

>> No.10369351

basically this but try something like chew or sunflower seeds and just do it when ever you feel like you want to bite your nails

>> No.10369362


>> No.10369370


Lol don't, now I smoke and bite my nails.

>> No.10369430

rub disgusting tasting shit like perfume on your nails every morning, keep toothpicks in your jacket pocket. That's how lots of people stop.

>> No.10369451

I don't bite my nails because I finde the feeling between the teeth disgusting. it makes me feel like the curb scene from American History X
but still, if you feel the urge to bite your nails, try to get yourself distracted by doing something that ISN'T related to chewing! (sit on your hands, squeez a ball or something like that)

>> No.10369518
File: 96 KB, 396x388, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduated from biting my nails to chewing on the skin near the nails
Now I just have to move onto another disgusting oral habit

>> No.10369527
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>tfw using the sharp bits of nail you chew off as a pseudo floss to clean the bits of food from inbetween your teeth with your tongue

>> No.10369565

this is the only good answer

>> No.10369603

Das it mayn

>> No.10369743

Pay to get manicures, worked for me. They fix your nails up so much you don't want to damage it. It also costs money, so you don't want to fuck with it.

>> No.10369862

What if your nails are consistently bitten down to nubs? How could they manicure that in the first place?

>> No.10369883

How do you people even develope these habits, when do you decide to start chewing your nails? I never ever had the urge to CHEW my nails

>> No.10369890

I used to have the same problem, OP.
What I did was I stopped fucking do it. That's it. You know how I quit smoking? I didn't want to do it anymore so I stopped. I don't understand people like you.

>> No.10369894

Most start as kids. In some cases, it goes all the way back to variations on the suckling instinct, i.e.

breast feeding / bottles > weening > thumb-sucking > nail-biting

>> No.10369895

>You know how I quit smoking? I didn't want to do it anymore so I stopped.
I can imagine that it's far easier to quit smoking than to quit biting your nails. You can throw away all your cigarettes and force yourself to never buy them - but your nails are always there on your fingers.

>> No.10369906

I can confirm this works. Some brands are formulated to help your nails regrow faster. You also have to reapply it otherwise it turns yellow and looks disgusting.

>> No.10370040

>but your nails are always there on your fingers.
Pull out your nails then. That or paint them. Those are the only options really.

>> No.10370407

Start chewing gum

>> No.10370410
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>tfw save nails in bags to reuse later, or as a midnight snack

>> No.10370480

Glue tacs to your nails you fucking sicko

>> No.10370493

perhaps there's some true to the calcium deficiency theory - reason why you'd bite your nails, to supplement your intake; suppose a child has a calcium deficiency and grows up with that habit, without improving their diet, even. it'd be tough to change.

>> No.10370621
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good bye ・・・

>> No.10370643

>tfw cant stop eating boogers

>> No.10370674

Dont even bite my nails anymore, just pick at them with my other half picked off nails and my fingernails look as bad as this. Can't even use this method >>10369284

I think my gf would prefer me to finger bang her with nicer looking nails

Send help

>> No.10370703

Use nail varnish. Taste bad, gives a visual cue when you go to bite them and best of all nobody will notice how ugly your nails are because they'll be too distracted by the fact that they are fucking painted.

>> No.10370795

There additives in cigarettes for the purpose of making people addicted, such as: nicotine, and small amounts of caffein and in addition to that they add a number of chemicals that reinforces some of the properties in nicotine and makes it more addictive.

Nail biting addiction is purely psychological.

>> No.10370806

I quit a 10 cigarettes a day habit cold turkey no problem. I bite my nails though and most of the time I only realise I've done it when I've already bitten it off. I can actively avoid picking up a cigarette, I can't avoid my hands.

>> No.10370823

>the taste

it must be horrible

>> No.10370832


I cut them every 3 days so, there is nothing to bite
did the trick for me

>> No.10371708
File: 8 KB, 178x250, 1442019581006s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You touch all sorts of things during the day, right? When you're biting your nails, just think, you're putting into your mouth pretty much everything you have touched during the day. You're probably transferring all sorts of bacteria, microbes and various worms and viruses right into your mouth. Not to mention when you bite your nails, they eventually start looking real fucked up in the end and maybe even hurt for a few days cause you bit them too low. Keep those things in mind when thinking about biting. It is a nervous habit so daily exercise might help as well, like even just going for a short walk or doing some sit-ups. Another thing that will help is buying nail clippers and trimming your nails so they are too short to even bight. Also, stop fapping so much, you're depleting your energy, likely a reason you are nervous. Also, get more silicon in your diet and your nails will be tough as well, nails.

>> No.10371727

just dont let anyone see and you're good my man. we cant let anybody know about our awesome habit

>tfw you got a boogie and it's big wet and juicy

>> No.10371733


breh, that boogie is likely a worm.


>> No.10371754

i was referring to some stupid ass rhyme everyone sang in elementary school. after googling, i cant find anything similar to it. we were weird kids, then.

>> No.10371770

look at this nerd and his underdeveloped immune system

>> No.10371785


you're probably one of those scrubs who never wash their hands.
