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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 64 KB, 637x677, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10302113 No.10302113 [Reply] [Original]

have beards finally eclipsed the fedora?

>> No.10302281

It's just hair. Get over it.

>> No.10302291

maybe that style of beards. not all hats are fedoras not all beards are as corny as that

>> No.10302298

A fedora is made of wool so it's also "just hair"

>> No.10302336

Its in caps because having a beard now screams these things.

>> No.10302363

The only reason /fa/ shits on beards is because the demographic here is mostly composed of effeminate, teenaged boys with twinkish bodies and baby faces.

Honestly, beards are like anything else. If you can pull it off, they look good. If not, they look like shit. Some guys look great with one and others look awful.

>> No.10302371

>>10302363 is right, it's all about how you pull it off. My beard looks like shit tho

>> No.10302376


This was too spot on to be typed ironically.

Go back to reddit beard faggot

>> No.10302380

congratulations, you are more obnoxious than the people who post this seriously

>> No.10302385

Wool is not hair, it is wool

>> No.10302387
File: 155 KB, 652x784, 1439322423830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao spotted the beard culture nerd

>> No.10302394


Beardcore faggot :^)

>> No.10302495


placing bets for samefag

>> No.10302504

>has a beard


>> No.10302598

A fedora is just a hat, get over it. See how this works?

>> No.10302608
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>> No.10302609

isn't there a similar one of these?

>> No.10302617
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>> No.10302620

I remember subscribing to these guys before they got a Youtube partnership, it's interesting how money makes everything really fucking awful.

Needless to say I unsubscribed shortly after their partnership began.

>> No.10302653

>itt: men who can't grow beards complain to make themselves feel better

I can't grow one either, but it doesn't make them any less cool.

>> No.10302669
File: 47 KB, 467x600, Clint_Eastwood2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only when they're done properly like pic related

>> No.10302690

He's already handsome as fuck
He'd look good with beard or without

>> No.10302697

making your own furniture sounds cool though

>> No.10302699

I just realized how much Hugh Jackman looks like Clint Eastwood

>> No.10302705

God Clint is so fucking good looking. God damn it. I just want to be him so bad.

>> No.10302716

Yeah but don't pull a Laserface and brag about it in every conversation.

>> No.10302806

Im not gonna lie, I'm a little disappointed in my shit tier facial hair

>> No.10302813
File: 31 KB, 451x640, 1672341-clint_eastwood_art[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even his caricatures look fucking amazing

>> No.10302815

racist tbh

>> No.10302821

Have you seen his son? Jesus fuck he's beautiful.

>> No.10302831
File: 9 KB, 160x160, 35346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er, what?

>> No.10302842

If I dress in Americana/heritage clothes (I'm pretty fit so tricky ricky isn't an option), listen to indie music, and ride a fixie BUT DON'T have a beard, tattoo, irrational love of bacon, or have a "real man" complex, am I ok?

>> No.10302847

dehumanising black people tbh

>> No.10302848

Well.. Yes. Nobody in the real world takes memes this seriously. You have to be autistic if you have a genuine hatred towards fedora's or beards.

>> No.10302853

If you have to ask the members of a Finnish VCR exchange forum for permission on how to dress, you're not ok.

>> No.10302859

pretty much anyone who uses ironic "xD" faces. They think by being overly aggressive towards something mildly embarrassing, that it will somehow hide their very embarrassing personality.

>> No.10302874
File: 99 KB, 570x737, SCOTT-EASTWOOD-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cheating at life tbh

>> No.10302882

Woah, you watched them before they had a partnership? Fuck you're cool bro can I get your autograph??

>> No.10302888

>Finnish VCR exchange forum

>> No.10302906

How is that exactly?

>> No.10302937

Shit that dude must have had errything in life handed to him.
Yet because he is manly handsome i want it so fucking bad, pure envy.
Dis leif is struggle

>> No.10302985

Apparently old fashioned Clint made sure not to hand him shit.

>> No.10303094

I don't care if someone wears one. I'm not 15 anymore.

>> No.10303257

I don't understand why this argument only stands when we talk about beards.

When you say you don't like crocs because they are ridiculous nobody says ''that's because you can't have a pair''.

>> No.10303511
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>> No.10303550

I don't hate beards but I really hate the manliness meme with the forced frown and everything.

Nothing that you just get by waiting won't make you a man

>> No.10303571

Holy shit, rick works better on fit bodies, just look at rick himself

>> No.10303604
File: 19 KB, 258x196, 1440568335617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probaply the point.
Dumb looking fgts grow a beard because it's cool and hides the lack of jawline

>> No.10303629

>hides the lack of jawline
bingo. beards are great for repairing shitty faces. kind of like that trend when every girl was wearing giant sunglasses that covered the shitty 30% of their face.

>> No.10303636

technically becoming a man is all just waiting to age, but depending on how you want to define "man" i guess

>> No.10303659

congratulations, you are picking up on basic/transparent fallacious defense mechanisms

>> No.10303715

So I was listening to my new track the other day while out skating. I think the snare needs to be deeper in the mix. What do you guys think?

Also I wore some Raf today.

>> No.10303753
File: 31 KB, 504x336, guyjjhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assholes, all of you. i've had both a beard and a fedora for years, since long before you lot memed them into oblivion. now i am hated. i still will not relent. see you in hell.

>> No.10303758

Isn't it obvious?

>> No.10304301

smh tbf fam th

>> No.10304334

mixtape fire pass the aux cord

>> No.10304888

What about moustache

>> No.10304897

lol I'm smooth like a WAYWT-poster

>> No.10304930

Dudes that are way too into their facial are annoying. Dudes that whine about other guys having facial hair are also pretty fucking annoying.

Kinda sad that the obnoxious, huge beard trend has pretty much come and gone and there are still kids getting butthurt about it.

>> No.10304934

Don't let your clothing or hobbies define you and you are fine. I smoke a pipe, have played ukelele since I was a kid, wear Americana. I just don't act like it fucking matters, because it doesn't. :D

>> No.10304948

traded the undercut and big beard and americana for slicked back messy longer hair, stubble, black jeans, black chelseas, black moto jacket, and grey button downs or henleys. feels good tbh

>> No.10304956

This perfectly describes a guy at my work apart from the beard.

>> No.10304964
File: 26 KB, 396x360, 1439869342730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beards today are like Roshes and shorts
they make sense, and look good, but are way overdone to be cool anymore

Beard lotions and shit like pomade and newwave barbershops are like nike id or pic plastered Roshes, the last nail in the coffin

Another example: chuck taylors in colours or leather, and the ramones geobaskets

Beards are done, they got sold to the normies

>> No.10305042

Are dark red low top chucks ok?

>> No.10305092
File: 17 KB, 236x236, 1439216164067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Chad wearing them in the frat?
Would your uncle rock them?
Do you find knockoffs cheap everywhere?

They look good, but they are done
I am sure you could find something a little bit different and fullfilling
probably cheaper too

>> No.10305234

Yeah they are well made knockoffs.

>> No.10305476

A good rule of thumb to follow is, if you have to ask, it's done.

>> No.10305873

If I could grow really nice facial hair I totally would. Not saying I would grow a beard like that guy, but facial hair can look good if you aren't a douchebag and you know what looks good on you.

>> No.10305920

Pretty much same thing I wear sans messy hair, Used to but it´s easier to run with a small pompadour since there´s no curls falling on your forehead.

>> No.10305938

My barber

>> No.10306016

> beards are how our faces look naturally
> littel babbies r upset bc they can't man

>> No.10306030

Low T beardless children ITT

I'll tell you what's eclipsed the fedora: getting pissy about facial hair.

>> No.10306040

good on him

>> No.10306147

This thread is fucking hilarious! Thanks for putting a smile on an eternally depressed faggot's face.

>> No.10306151

I'm ok with the fact that 4chan shits on everything from Rick Owens to Zara, death grips to Kanye and beards to clean shaves... it makes people not take that shot too seriously because... fuck taking facial hair or clothes seriously - don't be assholes kids. enjoy whatever you enjoy lil buddies.

>> No.10306162

Yes, Beardcucks are literally Reddit tier hipster faggots now.

>> No.10306170

>tfw tash twiddles by itself
>people comment
>have to shave it off
ree tbh lads, i just wanna be a neckbeard

>> No.10306175


kek thanks for the new vocab

>> No.10306770

Can someone who is actually able to grow decent facial hair and chooses not to make the "beards are fedoracore" argument? I find it hard to believe that anyone who has the ability to grow their facial hair in a decent manner and/or is above the age of 21 cares enough to post such negative comments about beards.

>> No.10306779

>facial hair is a trend
>hair in general is a trend


>> No.10306820

why haven't mustaches returned yet

>> No.10306829

its the style of beard, not beards in general.

and it's basically a uniform at this point.

>> No.10307235


Pretty much every bearded guy I know is a vegetarian and also probably doesn't even know what medi/pedi is. They're all lazy pot smoking bicycle riding tree huggers. And they don't ride bikes to be hip or help the environment, it's because they can't afford cars

>> No.10307239


>> No.10307278

I beard to hide my shitty jawline

>> No.10307291
File: 69 KB, 640x640, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally don't mind people with (trimmed) beards, but the whole 'let's reclaim the manhood of yesteryear by emulating its artefacts while remaining pussies' subculture gets on my nerves. This isn't just beards, it's also straight razors and posturing with pipes and wearing old timey shitclothes and beer fanaticism and retro pin up tattoos and thinking you're hot shit for drinking scotch and stuff like that. You know, pic related and types like that.

>> No.10307375

what about stubble?

>> No.10307401
File: 24 KB, 339x502, don johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you rocking that 80's palewave?

>> No.10307614

high end hats arent made of wool, fam

>> No.10307647

only in our pussified western culture
>le me playing along with you are meme faec

>> No.10307682

moustache+beard stubble is GOAT

>> No.10307695

agree there. it's the layering of manly affectations that makes it ridiculous. i don't care so much that it effects me, but i just find it terribly silly.

i wonder if they realize they're swinging on the pendulum, a clear reaction against the mainstreaming of "metrosexualism" of the early aughts.

shit. i'm just trying to do me in the meantime. but if you don't look like you're part of some kind of culture, sub or mainstream, you just look out of the loop. i'm sure i look out of the loop.

>> No.10307699

I want to agree with this, because it's true, but unfortunately, saying it out loud only makes you look like a envious beardless faggot.

>> No.10307726

If beards haven't, tattoos will soon.

I mean, John Mayer woke up one day, late 20s, and decided to get a full sleeve.

Neck tattoos used to be rare, seen on legitimate outcasts of society. Now they're on baristas.

They've lost all meaning. They went from being the mark of an individual (in western society. don't play polynesian games with me, tat enthusiast.) to something done to fit in.

There's some interesting sociological shit going on here regarding male identity in the modern era. Haven't bothered looking for thinkpieces and theses, but I'm sure they're out there. Maybe they have an explanation. Maybe it's the internet.

>> No.10308222

holy shit.. im gay

>> No.10308235
File: 138 KB, 736x1111, clint holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10308242

its all about getting pussy.. theres no reason for anyone to have a tattoo/something similar (discounting obvs shit like "holocaust" survivors).. no one has a tattoo for any reason other than vanity or some similarly weird/useless fixation

>> No.10308265

I have a beard, more religious than anything.

Most think it suits me and tell me it looks good. I just take good care of it.

Also I'm afghani so it's thick af.

>> No.10308281
File: 154 KB, 476x345, 1407752369822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beard and undercut

>> No.10308282

fuckboy starter pack

>> No.10308285

they probably say that in fear because they think you'll kill them otherwise

>> No.10308289

do you really think people associate your beard with faux-americana buzzfeed-tier lumbersexuals?


>> No.10308291

The only time this sort of beard would work is with long hair going for Jesus-core

>> No.10308307

hahahahahah anon so funny XDXDDDDDDDD
i have ltierally never herd jokes those funny b4 hahahhahahahahahhahaha

>> No.10308309

damn he's mad... take cover lol

>> No.10308337

I've got to be the only person on /fa/ with a good beard.

>> No.10308363
File: 133 KB, 1024x1024, 1440433666951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a bearded motherfucker, and i know when to shave man
it is that simple

and right now it's overdone, such as the hitler youth cut and fades

Long beard + hitler youth + Roshes + buttoned printed shirt + shorts + tattoo sleeves + pomade + burlesque chubby gf = 10's fashion casualty

>> No.10308386

i know a girl who was always a little fringe punk/rockabilly.

started putting on weight from a bit too much drinky drinky.

went full rockabilly. first with the librarian glasses. then the short bangs. then dyed her hair fire engine red (she's like 33).

went from cute to depressing in like a 2 year transformation.

people think these things are memes. or just something on the internet. nah. these are real people. this shit's really happening.

is she gonna be a 40 year old rockabilly fatty? 50? christ, what a mess.