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/fa/ - Fashion

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10190823 No.10190823 [Reply] [Original]

serious question: what is shaping up to be the trendy peices/aesthetic going into f/w 15-16? same tapered pants, bomber/camel coat, chelsea boots mostly monochrome, late 2014 dressed by the internet look, or will it start to be different? are bombers still king, or going the way of fishtails in lieu of harringtons/leather moto/___?

please help I am an unoriginal cac but want to be on the hype right when it starts, not months later

>> No.10190889

I hoped you kill yourself, saged

>> No.10190922

Hijacking this thread: is a good aesthetic timeless?

>> No.10190931

>i have no clue I am a frickboi and i am super salty plz respond so i know too

>> No.10190957

stay away from:

skinny jeans
chelsea boots
cream coats

2014-15 fuccboi trends

>> No.10190967
File: 150 KB, 480x720, North-Face-White-Label-for-South-Korea-Swipe-Life-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully something along these lines

>> No.10190984

if we're talking mainstream trends, I think trousers and cropped trousers are gonna be a huge thing

looser bottoms in general, skinny jeans are slowly making their way out

>> No.10190989

>lists things that have been widely accepted as basic standards since the 70's
>calls it 2014-15 trend

Fucking teenagers today, think they invented the fucking wheel.

>> No.10191015
File: 230 KB, 1240x1772, tumblr_no7ayrrDwb1sjf4hzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can one acquire cropped black trousers as styled by Loic Joachim?

>> No.10191022

no shit they've been around but they're trendy as fuck right now, kids weren't wearing chelsea boots on the street 5 years ago. don't be mad because I've insulted your wardrobe

there's nothing wrong with fitting in with everybody else anon

>> No.10191041

Where do you live that you didn't see people wearing Chelsea boots 5 years ago?

>> No.10191080

/fa/'s poor conception of minimalism is certainly the biggest trend right now

I went to the bar the other day and I swear 80% of the guys were wearing a white or black tee with black jeans and boots. popular outerwear of choice was a black bomber

>> No.10191117

w2c aswell

>> No.10191125

Browsing /fa/ is definitely on the way out, if you're still on /fa/ by this Winter there is no helping you.

>> No.10191138

Chelsea boots and bombers have been a think for decades, pal. I give you skinny jeans and cream coats, but thats it.

>> No.10191143

thrift shops have tons of trousers, bring them to a tailor to bring the waist in (usually can be done up to a couple inches) and get them cropped

>> No.10191215

>he thinks skinny jeans will ever go out of fashion


they're fashionable because they look good

>> No.10191245


>> No.10191353

I'm not a regular hear but yeah I've seen this one coming too.

>> No.10191468

Black jeans and white or black t-shirts!
Never before have I heard something so shocking and rare!

Shit what will they think of next in this strange world of modern fashion?

>> No.10192014

overcoats will catch on big time this winter.

>> No.10192045

worst post ITT

>> No.10192178


>> No.10193124

they didn't look good to literally anyone 1997-2001 prove me wrong

>> No.10193144

obviously all the cool kids will drop skinny jeans and black shit, its already happening.

there will probably be much more acceptance of things considered lame by some like straight jeans and converse because as a reaction to the way internet fashion has homogenised things over the last few years in a massive way

you dont remember the past lol
skinny jeans are basically dead now
right now we are at peak post-streetgoth; the uncool teens are the ones wearing white huaraches/some other hype trainer, black skinny jeans, white t-shirt, black bomber
some of /fa/ might not see this because their towns are behind or something idk
but the '/fa/ look' will be packing out nandos this lunchtime for sure

deffo a lot of outdoors/camping influence i see this for sure

i think normcore as a more conscious ironic idea wont rly be a thing but i reckon we'll start to see a lot of items that in the current climate would be seen as a 'normcore move' because of the poststreetgoth sentiment that hangs over everything just beign used in more nice and creative ways.

>> No.10193149


he gets them from incotex, but tailored ofc

>> No.10193154

Designer camping/hiking gear: techwear that doesn't look autistic or automatically cost a fortune

>> No.10193180

lol the idea of designer camping gear makes me feel queasy
all the ~fashion~ stuff that is inspired by outdoors gear is underdesigned to appeal to the mostly uncreative ppl who are into fashion
and if its not mad dull in the way it usually is; whats the point?
just buy ye craghoppers and have fun lol

>> No.10193209

you don't know shit do you son

>> No.10193463

thats because everyone looked like shit in those years

face it, if you're tall, slim and have long legs you owe it to yourself to wear skinny jeans. and if you aren't slim and tall then basically just kill yourself

>> No.10193489

The burden of proof is on the accuser kid.

Prove yourself right.

>> No.10193503
File: 19 KB, 480x412, end my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we arent in court lmao

silly ass faggot thinking hes top shit cause he uses some generic reddit argument fuking LMAO kill urself you STUPID fuck hahahahha

hahahha dumb ass punk kid

>> No.10193514

im guessing by your reaction image that you're a sixteen year old who desperately wants to have nostalgia for the nineties but isn't old enough to.

>> No.10193556

Oh no, you cut me so deep with all that edge.

>> No.10193562
File: 68 KB, 640x544, 1438343258959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10193572

15-16 trend predictions
>straight leg cropped jeans
>continuing white adidas trend
>probably palewave starting to see more normies wardrobes
>most definitely overcoats

>> No.10193598

This is true but a lot of people here wont buy it. It's not that these are new things going out of style, but more that they were rotated back in recently and will probably be rotated back out soon enough, just like every recurring trend in history.

>> No.10193601

They look like a more cotton/linen textured pant, as opposed to wool or poly, just basing it off that photo. There really are no necessary specifics with trousers though, you can get them in any cut, colour, material you want, at varying price points.

>> No.10193605

Where I live it's all sports jerseys, dropcrotch joggers and bombers.

>> No.10194061

hey faggot u mad skinny jeans are on their way out? hahaha

>> No.10194066

>everyone looked like shit

if you were your age now in 1998 you would disagree and think 2015 fashion was retarded bullshit. it's all subjective



face it, most of you are behind as hell, you're basically mall tier aesthetic you're so behind, just average commoners

all truth, if you disagree / get salty it's because you don't realize how unfashionable you are

>> No.10194081

Already, normies are making fun of tight jeaned hipsters, so I expect a counter culture loosecore movement in the very near future. Expect baggy, comfortable, loose fitting clothing, maybe reminiscent of the older 60s-70s styles.

>> No.10194105

>normies are making fun of tight jeaned hipsters,

this has happened for years though

there will be no loosecore movement, only impressionable kids on /fa/ would fall for something that unflattering

>> No.10194160

But dropcrotch pants somehow caught on, and those aren't flattering in the slightest

>> No.10194194

yeah but they never overtook or replaced black skinny jeans completely

>> No.10194222

black skinny jeans replacd slim straight indigo, loose non denim is next

>> No.10194233

skinny jeans aren't "standard"

they started as ridiculous shit glam metal stars wore in the '80s, if you can remember that far back. they still don't flatter most people.

nobody dressed "monochrome" until the 2000s either. or "normcore".

>> No.10194256

funny thing is that historically trousers in the 60s-70s were considered "tight", they were usually slim straight or with a slight taper

now we have fucking jeggings for men and all of a sudden they seem loose and billowy

>> No.10194258

Honestly they did really exist during that time. The straight leg jeans were there all throughout history. Once skinny jeans were brought about it quickly replaced the prior style of jeans simply because it looked better. Same how touch screen phone replaced flip phones. I honestly don't see skinny jeans going out of style. It goes with too many thing and provides a good silhouette

>> No.10194261

>actually thinks nobody dressed in outfits consisting of only black/grey/white before the 2000s

Just because you only started noticing your friends in school doing it at that time doesn't mean no one did it before.

>> No.10194275
File: 381 KB, 1080x1776, 1435700592167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good silhouette
Usually only in suiting or formal outfits.

>> No.10194277

best post in thread

>> No.10194288

>no one dressed normcore pre-2000

have you even watched seinfeld

>> No.10194298

i mean as in the concept of normcore. dressing that way intentionally to achieve an "aesthetic"

>> No.10194300

>cherrypicking a picture of a manlet with shit legs

yeah no wonder they look shit on him m8

>> No.10194312

Point being that they do not universally "look better", and they haven't replaced the versatile straight leg.