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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 437 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10163813 No.10163813 [Reply] [Original]

>she has tattoos
>she has piercings other than her ears
>she dyes her hair with flashy color

>> No.10163833

>shes not white

>> No.10163835


>> No.10163852


Why are these red flags?

- most hipster type effay girls have a tattoo somewhere on their bodies.
- Highly likely they have nipple, nose or tongue rings too

I'm not super keen on silly hair colours, like blue or pink, so i get this...

>> No.10163858

correct, all others except african american females--they are only good for fucking, nothing else.

>> No.10163867


>why are these red flags
>most hipster type effay girls

>> No.10163892
File: 114 KB, 1024x1024, lTe0V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not wanting to pump a /fa/ qt like this full of baby syrup...

For example, girl in pic is probably a little bit kinky (tattoos). If she likes hip-hop and isn't a feminazi she's pretty good tier

>> No.10163900

>she has ever had sex or been in a relationship with a black man

>> No.10163906


Why are you this insecure?


>> No.10163914


These and she's a NEET.

>> No.10163915

Even if she is black herself?

>> No.10163978

lol what? dumbass..

>> No.10164014

this is the picture I took to the hair salon 3 years ago when I first when to get my hair pixie-chopped. Major qt

>> No.10164078

shes white

>> No.10164109

spotted the coalburner

>> No.10164138


>> No.10164179
File: 104 KB, 592x592, HanSolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls go back to r9k
>she wears the han solo cosplay

>> No.10166172

>she has a vagina

>> No.10166225
File: 19 KB, 396x300, spaceballs3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>han solo
Damn, now that you mention it…

>> No.10166312
File: 65 KB, 640x290, leo_gatsby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she gets the most tech savy female award for being able to use html on Tumblr and you're the head of the robotics team and into FPV drone filmmaking

>> No.10166360

>fake vuitton handbag

>> No.10166382

Personally I just can't fuck with girls who aren't independent or have daddy issues/are fucked in the head some other way.
Or I just won't be attracted to them at all for some reason.

>> No.10166387

i think it's just me but i tend to avoid girls who wear really short shorts and who colour,highlight or dye their hair ridiculously (non natural hair colour)

>> No.10166394


Here's an even better/worse one

>REAL Vuitton bag

>> No.10166442

Fucking this. Fuck SJWHub and all that shit.

>> No.10166664

+ dressing in slut-core

>> No.10166685

This. Disgusting.

>> No.10166692

nipple piercings are fucking gross

>> No.10166745

Why don't you?

>> No.10166766

would sodomize

>> No.10166773

This. I guess it's all those years of browsing /b/ but fuck that's disgusting man

>> No.10166803

>she likes anime

>> No.10166834

Only room for one weeb?

>> No.10167009

Who wants a mentally challenged girlfriend who's over eighteen and still watching chinese pedophile cartoons

>> No.10167016

Bout to start seeing a girl who I know is fucking crazy, don't even care, it's gonna be fun.

>> No.10167114

perfect teeth

>> No.10167169

>hi I'm intimidated by anything sexy

>> No.10167178

>dyed hair


>> No.10167188

>wears leggings with designs on them

>> No.10167198

being this much of a cuck
reddit plz go

>> No.10167201

>attention whoring

>> No.10167213


>> No.10167224
File: 72 KB, 484x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf too fat to be /fa/

>> No.10167228

its a pet peeve of mine when people take selfies with their toilet visible in the background

please ask her to retake the picture then try posting again

>> No.10167231
File: 106 KB, 470x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it weren't for that pretty face and nice tits I probably would've dumped her long ago

>> No.10167240

she is definitely not your gf and also underage

>> No.10167249

If shes a thick as fuck
over 5ft 5
doesn't have nice teeth

>> No.10167253

>hipster type
pick one

>> No.10167258

Why girls full of tattoos only date guys full of tattoos?

At times it looks riddiculous. You would think this people are very open minded, still they only date their similars

>> No.10167259

Having the toilet in the pic is one of my fetishes. Even better if theres shit in it

>> No.10167265

just gross

>> No.10167292


People gravitate to those like them. Dating someone with tattoos means she doesn't have to deal with a million and one questions that every single un-tattooed person she ever meets inevitably asks.

>what does that symbolize?
>how much does it hurt?
>What did your parents say?
>Do you think you'll regret it when you're 60?

Doesn't mean you wouldn't have a chance if you spoke to her in a bar, or swiped her on Tinder. Just cuts the bullshit.

>> No.10167316

What, did /fa/ get taken over by Mormons?

Yep, Mormons.

>> No.10167324

>she not religious

>> No.10167618
File: 121 KB, 640x640, 1436729904947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she takes horse riding lessons
>she has a dog
>she is a nurse
>she is a waitress

Also these

>> No.10168462

>she has a tumblr account
>she plays video games

>> No.10168523

I like well done tattoos and piercings in moderation, but dyed hair is the female equivalent of the fedora.

>> No.10168631

>she doesn't have a trust fund
>she didn't attend a more prestigious university than me
>her mom isn't still hot

>> No.10168798

>she is friends with her ex boyfriends

>> No.10169103

>she has a penis

>> No.10169150

you didn't get it because only girls can get most tech savvy female award dumbass

>> No.10169159


Fair point. I wouldn't want a girl already stretched out.

>> No.10169245

these and if she has friends that don't like me

>> No.10169321

>she has ever had sex with another male

>> No.10169335
File: 52 KB, 500x498, tumblr_noo4pjKlrs1uvq3s5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about a black girl with good genes

>> No.10169388

that tune will change soon enough.

>> No.10169430

you're a pretty bad guy, dude

>> No.10169454

butthurt nigress detected

>> No.10169474
File: 36 KB, 720x404, 1431912702413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how exactly am i butthurt, i only asked a simple question.

>> No.10169511
File: 86 KB, 640x360, good vibrations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you had to implement the term "good genes" to justify you being black (or any race, for that matter).

>> No.10169551


>> No.10169572

because they are common to spoiled girls with daddy issues

>> No.10169578

what would a guy look like with this hair cut
what is a guy pixie cut

>> No.10169580

What? That literally does not make any sense. I wasn't justifying myself having good genes neither did the comment had any directory towards me. I was just wondering if an african with good genetics could defy who he/she is regardless of their skin color.

Usually people here only go for Caucasians because of their history, inheritance and of course good genes.

>> No.10169592

Not only black but indian,latino,asian etc.

This world does not consist of only black and white people. This world has really brainwashed you people, no wonder you would implement something that surreal.

>> No.10169667

> was just wondering if an african with good genetics could defy who he/she is regardless of their skin color

Just stop.

>> No.10169674
File: 20 KB, 233x217, 1437686042898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer my question anon. And quit cherry picking, I forgot to include other races too.

>> No.10169689
File: 30 KB, 625x669, degnerate bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone for bingo?

use current/former gf or secret love interest to play

>> No.10169711

Stop trying to take the attention away from my question anonymoose

>> No.10169724

that is called a white girl

>> No.10169766


>> No.10169772

>reading this thread
>people wonder why they dont have girlfriends

>> No.10169780

>she has a vagina

>> No.10169833

i just came back to /fa/ for the first time in months and i remember why i left

>> No.10169837



>> No.10169865

Preppy or jocky girls wearing "hipster" glasses. It is a cry to the world that they are "n-not dumb!"

>> No.10169916

>thinking in terms of preppy or jocky past the age of 15
>Not realizing that wearing the hipster glasses for a sincere reason turns them from something ugly into real fashion
>Not being in on the joke

Enjoy your mail-order Russian Bride and your Calvin Klein, Mr. Second Wave.

>> No.10169923

Define sincere reason

>> No.10169927

>trying this hard to troll /fa/ without even using the word hipster

>> No.10169986


>> No.10170000

What's wrong with nurse? This is the only one I don't understand from entire thread

>> No.10170007

It's a sign of insecurity and i use it to my advantage lol

>> No.10170062

shit is tiring n she prolly works crazy hours n she prolly get stuffed fulla Dr dick all the time

>> No.10170108

I didnt realize /fa/ is so full of rednecks. Or are you just underaged. Im suddenly happy that I dont have to deal with this kind of ppl irl

>> No.10170162

shit tier girl detected

go blog about it

>> No.10170175

I don't know why a chick playing video games annoys me, maybe I just think its too masculine or its an act to be edgy or something

>> No.10170209

>she takes horse riding lessons
What is this a sign of?

>> No.10170222

you do have to deal with these people they're just smart enough to hold their tongues

>> No.10170241

>Browses tumblr
>Rides horses
>Listens to pop punk

>> No.10170270


>> No.10170301


all girls are crazy tbh

all guys are crazy too

we're all crazy

>> No.10170304

You just described tumblr feminists, so yeah I agree.

>> No.10170311

Eh every time I think of a nurse it's some lazy as fuck older black/minority woman. Stuffed of dr dick I highly doubt it you watch too much tv

>> No.10170313

this thread is why all of you are lonely

>> No.10170318

What if she grew up on a farm and lives that lifestyle?

>> No.10170327

these threads really bring out the garbage tier women

>> No.10170337

horse girls are a particular kind of crazy... they will never love you as much as that horse..

>> No.10170359

it's also why women are lonely and go crazy when they get old and become a crazy cat lady

>> No.10170425

>she doesn't have a penis

>> No.10170470


Back in the day women would get off to the vibrations of the horse saddle causing women to break their hymen prior to intercourse. Horse girls are so crazy about horses because it get them off whether they realize it or not.

>> No.10170504


>> No.10170510
File: 8 KB, 152x225, 11025194_411099565681724_6873268069713860809_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The delusion is strong in this thread.

>> No.10170512
File: 987 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-26-17-09-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's not a latina

>> No.10170647

>the ass isn't fat

>> No.10170761

>Bad oral hygenie
>Poor care of hair and clothes
>String of relationships
>Does drugs
>Drinks regularly
>Isn't well educated and articulate

>> No.10170771

Not taking care of their hands / feet

>> No.10170772

dumb normie

>> No.10170868

>loud chewers
>excessive swearing
>prays before meals

>> No.10170870

fake/long nails

>> No.10171192
File: 15 KB, 332x340, arena-byupg-vertical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>prays before meals
>mfw no girlfriend who goes to BYU and is a cheerleader.

>> No.10171208
File: 60 KB, 716x716, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has more than 200/250 friends on Facebook.
That's literally an instadrop clause for me.

>> No.10171231

>Has a horse
>No style
>She's religious (any religion)

I've also had very bad experiences of women who are into yoga.

>> No.10171244

guy nurse here... nurses are red flag for me. I would never date a nurse. they are high level feminists, stronk independent women who don't need no man. Their gonna make sure you became their bitch.

>> No.10171245
File: 81 KB, 737x621, 1434632189737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- tattoos
- showing too much skin

If you fit in one of these categories, you can't be /fa/

>> No.10171357

>has a horse

I mostly live in the country, and where people get around on horses just as much as driving trucks. As somebody who constantly travels, and meets people, I've learned something about girls who ride horses. Let me tell you: girls that ride horses will be harder to please sexually. Before these girls act sexually, they would have had their hymen broken while on the saddle. It is known that riding on the saddle, over many years can partially desensitize a woman. The same is true for girls that get around on motorcycle.

>> No.10171368


- has a horse

Kek, I don't know why girls who have horses are all the same but it's so true.
I'll never date one of these girls again, I swear.

>> No.10171460

>is alive

>> No.10171461

>likes me back

>> No.10171495

>has a vagina

>> No.10171501

>If you dislike AIDS and daddy issues, you are insecure

>> No.10171510
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>> No.10171522

That's pretty fucked up but I think you may be on to something.

>> No.10171525

and y'all wonder why you can't get a gf

>> No.10171536
File: 498 KB, 262x200, 1354853599085.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've been chatting with a horse girl who I thought was cool
Thanks for all the warnings guys I had never heard about this issue prior to this thread.

>> No.10171547

it's like public masturbation except nobody can ever notice, sometimes not even the girl on the horse

>> No.10171568

What can you infer from my post?

>> No.10171621

A tumblr account isn't a red flag. Almost every girl I know has a tumblr account, and the ones who don't are usually religious.

>> No.10171626

>the ones who don't are usually religious.
is this supposed to be a bad thing

>> No.10172934


>She doesn't like piss play

>> No.10172977

This is your first time here, faggot. No one that's actually /fa/ posts during summer

>> No.10173600

>shes asian

>> No.10173859
File: 83 KB, 628x948, tuaguagem-idoso06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously 4chan hates tattoos, especially on girls, but girls full of tattoos don't only date guys with tattoos. i have a full back piece and a half sleeve, and i'm only now dating a guy with tattoos. when we met, he only had a few small ones. the guy i dated before him (4 year relationship, and i already had my back piece started when we began the relationship) didn't have any tattoos.

>no piercings
>natural black hair
>always wear long sleeves
>everyone always shocked when they find out i have tattoos

but >>10167292 has a point. it's really annoying when people ask me if i'm going to regret it or why i got it. it's worse when they tell me not to get more. people with tattoos rarely ask those questions.,

>> No.10173884

>she has a vagina

>> No.10173898

screw off you are a degenerate

fucking hell this is where your taxes are going guys

>> No.10173899


>> No.10173944
File: 1.80 MB, 245x245, Isabella.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her mom isn't a MILF
>She reposts things on Facebook
>She doesn't have mile long legs

You know not of what you speak. Pic related

>not liking tall girls
That is incorrect.

Fuck off

>> No.10173984
File: 99 KB, 500x550, tumblr_mf00hzpdpo1qgi72fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially then. Haven't you noticed that all the hottest black girls only like white guys?

That looks cute though

>taking this thread seriously
>not going by own judgement

>> No.10173992


>> No.10174007

I'm back in the dating scene, so some shit I've seen in the last few weeks:

>Jersey knit dresses
If the best dress you can whip out for a high-end restaurant is jersey knit, I am concerned.

>Empire waist anything
Hiding her stomach.

>Bad skin
Even I have a skin routine. And she has the benefit of makeup, for fuck sakes

>Unusual hair color or fake eyebrows
Guaranteed feminist or soon-to-be mental patient

>Way too much cleavage and/or obvious sun burn spots on her shoulders/chest
Invariably some sort of ex-bartender desperate to "date up" from her last boyfriend, who will invariably have been in either the Marines or the Army

>Lives with parents if over 22
I learned my lesson when I had a girl doing a summer internship in DC stay over at my place for sex and her parents called the fucking cops because she pretended to be ~at a party~

Jokes on her, she went home with sex hair.

Way more examples but not even remotely /fa/ related.

>> No.10174086

>implying jordan megamind dun is attractive

>> No.10174114
File: 559 KB, 720x480, dick sucking champion 2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going more from personal experience than from looking at celebrities. Skinny/sane/not ratchet black girls all seem even more afraid of getting mugged by black guys than old white ladies. This ends up working out in my favor, pic related.

>> No.10174118

>post ugly alien bug faced creature

haha well memed my friend

>> No.10174125

>I learned my lesson when I had a girl doing a summer internship in DC stay over at my place for sex and her parents called the fucking cops because she pretended to be ~at a party~

lmao what type of girls are you picking up bro

>> No.10174130

What can I say, I like them darkies.

Lets see who you've fucked to be so critical of a pretty young girl.

>> No.10174192

I'd rather heed a warning and take smaller steps with more caution than trust that I'm always right.

>> No.10174221



>> No.10174271

The hero fa deserves

>> No.10174286
File: 199 KB, 1080x1080, 11374587_411209445734679_1832744028_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if she is insta-famous

>> No.10174290

>she has a vagina

>> No.10174292

>she has tattoos
>she has piercings other than her ears
>she dyes her hair with flashy color

So my ex (who is black btw). Okay.
A red flag for me is if she smokes weed often. Idk just rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.10174308

Aren't you that girl with pink hair?

>> No.10174312
File: 139 KB, 640x640, 11334451_812422922198432_1427201583_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah smoking weed a lot is pretty high school behavior

>> No.10174314
File: 318 KB, 427x593, thickoutof10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'd never date a non-white/asian but god damn I'd do anything to go another round with a black girl.

I may have been a little drunk, but I was at a party and ended up having sex with a black girl, and I was hitting her from behind and nutted so hard that I passed out and fell on my back because her ass was literally that divine

>> No.10174320

i don't think i could ever fuck a girl with an ass like that. my pencil 6" dick would disappoint so many women

>> No.10174327

Depends on what games she likes, and what kind of tumblr she has.

If she's into casualshit like Skyrim, instadrop and probably a huge slut yearning for attention.

>> No.10174328
File: 130 KB, 800x801, 3XIubvG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10174340

Just don't fuck her in the asshole and everything is gonna be fine. You're not supposed to anyway.

>> No.10174362
File: 58 KB, 500x666, Why men love fat booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ass
>doesn't squat
>piercings other than ears
>dyed hair
>tons of makeup
>body hair
>untrimmed pubes
>talks more about other people than anything else
>super religious
>not white or asian
>browses 4chan, reddit, or tumblr

>> No.10174368
File: 455 KB, 1600x1590, 0fn1lc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10174394
File: 211 KB, 1024x1536, Lina cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're my #1 fetish above black girls. There's something exotic about it

>> No.10174403

rip layt

>> No.10174410

whines about feminism/minority issues

>> No.10174417

hated the dirty fucking hapa lmao

>> No.10174418
File: 93 KB, 640x640, 11355816_600254626744306_747577733_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10174420

>There's something exotic about it
That's maybe because that's exactly what exotic fucking means you moron ?
And posting a fucking cosplay picture makes you look even more stupid.

People bashing asians are ridiculous too btw.

>> No.10174429

Mines pretty long...

>any color that's not her natural hair color
>has to dress up to do anything
>wear make up every time she leaves the fucking house
>piercings anywhere but ears
>watches the lifetime channel
>goes on pintrest
>constantly on snaphat
>judges everything
>talks about kids randomly
>wears heels and complains
>tattoos but especially quote tattoos
>doesn't have an alcoholic mother that you have a chance of fucking
>replies to messages with "Well..."
And the basic,
>no ass
>doesn't have at least b cups
>wears rockabilly shit
>browses tumbler

And my favorite one of all...
>"some people can't handle me"
Fucking done. Fucking dropped. Not even worth a nut.

>> No.10174449

>these nigga fetishing over asian girls
>thinking anime/cosplay/kpop/dramas accurately describe your average asian girl

As an Asian man that's dated plenty of asian women and non asian women alike, this shit is hysterical

>> No.10174478
File: 15 KB, 359x480, 2ds0q3t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks, but such is life

>> No.10174495

Mind is blown fuck horses.

>> No.10174512

also calling asian women exotic and describing it as a "fetish" is the #1 way to get on the yellow fever asshole creeper list and never date an asian woman. Literally just say you like asian features, not that you have an asian fetish, and you'll sound 100% less scummy.

>> No.10174518

Horses, every girl I've ever known who's into horses has problems.

>> No.10174572

I checked off like 4/5 of these.

Im worried.

>> No.10174587

Idk about this.

2 of the girls I've dated this year are "insta-famous". At least by my standards. One had 150k, the other 750k. Both were very independent of their parents, made a decent income, had degrees (one was art though) and were very fun to be around.

Still even talking to one of them. It did take a moment for me to get passed all the thirsty guys commenting on her stuff.

>> No.10174621

lmao latinas arent fa, bottom of the barrell almost all the time

>> No.10174628

what? how is he implying not liking tall girls you moron

>> No.10174657
File: 111 KB, 640x640, 11117039_672422336234911_1831133676_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well the point is that since they are insta-famous they will probably feel more devoted to it, than they do to you.

I mean for some people these kind of sites will give them so much. Money, friends, admiration, a feeling of importance etc.

Unless you're someone that will help them boost up their popularity, then you're kinda of dead weight to them.

being famous on instagram can open a huge world of opportunity and frankly temptation.

that being said of course you'd grab at the chance to date a "famous" person but in the end you'll feel like you got left in the dust while they move on and post about how great their life is without you for all the world to see.


>> No.10174676

Horse girls are usually somehow both crazy and boring at the same time.
Caring for a horse takes a huge amount of commitment and work, so they're both gonna be distant and boring because they're so busy with their fucking horse.
They're also constantly thinking about fucking their horse and are kind of in love with them in a not okay way.
Fuck horse girls.

>> No.10174798

He said over 5'5" is a warning sign and don't call me a moron or I'll tell on you

>> No.10174807

her face looks like it's about to fall off

For you or for your gf?

>> No.10174828


bullshit, post their IGs

>> No.10174829
File: 529 KB, 1224x1632, 1434916463641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she has tattoos
as long as they're not stupid then i don't really care. if they're pretty cool and compliment her style then it's a bonus

>she has piercings other than her ears
nostril is prolly as far as i would go. although it depends on how hot they are to begin with.

>she dyes her hair with flashy color
yeah this is definitely "don't stick your dick in this" kinda shit. these kinda girls haven't grown out of their scene stage from middle/high school and are very likely to have psychological issues.

>> No.10174840
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, 1434273489507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10175004

Wtf everyone just keeps saying that.
But I've got to admit I had the same experience.
I think we're onto something guys.

>> No.10175223

marry me

>> No.10175260

>lmao what type of girls are you picking up bro
Apparently fucking dumb ones.

In my defense she was fucking hot and from Princeton so I guess she was one of those no-common-sense types.

>>goes on pintrest
This, but ESPECIALLY if she's collecting wedding dress pictures and shit.

>Horse girls are usually somehow both crazy and boring at the same time.
Very accurate. It's basically like the "country girls" who are into "muddin and trucks" except someone gave them a fuck ton of money to waste on horses affirmatively trying to kill themselves.

>> No.10175270
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>She's religious (any religion)

>> No.10175348

Don't listen to 4chan you moron

>> No.10175356

It's not unreasonable. I live in sweden so 95% of all girls aren't religious to any meaningful degree.
For those who are religion is really fucking important, and i don't want a girl like that.

>> No.10175367

So why should he listen to you? oh the irony

>> No.10175377

>I live in sweden
most swede girls are probably used goods thanks to jamal and ahmed. the 5% that are religious probably are still pure. they're cream of the fucking crop, and you don't want them? cuck.

>> No.10175519

>Judges everything
>>Judges everything
>>>Post judging everything that makes a woman undesirable

uhhh anon..

>> No.10175547

> Horse girls are usually somehow both crazy and boring at the same time.

Fuck, this is so true. I wish I knew before.
I dated this girls who took horses lessons and she couldn't talk about anything but her horse and when I tried to talk about something else, the conversation was so boring that I would kill myself if I could.

>> No.10176217

>eats meat
>wears fur
Biggest turn offs by far

>> No.10176620
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>> No.10176884

I meant judging other women in general for like no particular reason just something to bitch about.


>> No.10176902


>If she likes hip hop ages pretty good tier
Slim shaddy pls

>> No.10176912

>liking hip hop a qualification

>> No.10176931

I would never date someone who's instafamous. The sheer narcissism keeping their head floating about their shoulders.

>> No.10176944

can corroborate the hair color thing, but tongue piercings are by far the sexiest piercing and I prefer them

>> No.10176975
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a few caveats:

She HAS been raped, not a claim.
She was promiscuous, but it was a reaction to having been with the same person since 14 (she left him at 22).
The MMO is Destiny
Also I love her, she's one of the most genuine and kind people I've ever known, so I'm going to say this chart means nothing.

>> No.10176991

I generally don't like piercings at all, except maybe one on each ear, but I am really trying to convince my gf to get her nipples pierced. something about it just drives me wild

would never date a girl with pierced nipples tho

>> No.10177011

/fa/ speaks the truth
not only might it create some sexual problems, it's a sign of a pampered, spoiled, youth.
They probably have daddy issues, and weren't socialized properly.
They also don't understand how fucking beougie spending 15 grand a year on an emotionless animal that creates nothing is.

>> No.10177038
File: 66 KB, 625x669, kris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fucking close

>> No.10177059

biggest one in the thread

>> No.10177064

>he didn't have a pony growing up
must suck to be poor

>> No.10177077

spoiled femanon pls go

>> No.10177089


>> No.10177093

other than the "major ends in studies", she might be alright.
to what degree was her promiscuity? what are we talking about here?

>> No.10177102

jesus christ is this current or former gf

>> No.10177119
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I love you, Bateman. the ex-bartender thing is so fucking true that it hurts me

>> No.10177122

Holy fuck this and this. Was barely seeing a chick who "broke" up with her spineless boyfriend but they both had the same friends so they'd see each other all the time. Eventually she just crawled back to his bitch ass.

>> No.10177152
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>> No.10177207
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Good god....

>> No.10177208


also /r/makeupaddiction girls are fucking nuts too

>> No.10177218
File: 134 KB, 750x1000, 1433403977654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no red flags when you look like this

>> No.10177232


nah b

monroe piercing is GOAT

>> No.10177237

>she has a vagina

>> No.10177241

>I meant judging other women in general for like no particular reason just something to bitch about.
that's exactly what we're doing

>> No.10177251

>also /r/makeupaddiction girls are fucking nuts too
So true.

I dated one girl who was super into that subreddit and her makeup use was over the damn top. I suspect /r/makeupaddiction is kinda like /fa/ - there's this slippery slope to going way the fuck overboard. I'm sure it would have looked good if photographed (which i'm sure was the goal), but up close it looked aggressively fake.

>> No.10177282

girls that don't know how to put on makeup correctly are the same ones who go to reddit to learn try to learn how, except nobody has any fucking clue what they're doing

>> No.10177293

Your degeneracy bingo card is helping me realize how great she is. The only things circled are ones I don't care about.

Major ends in studies but she's not a feminist or a liberal? What?

>> No.10177296
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forgot attachment

>> No.10177300

Not to their extent though. I see a girl walk down the street, check her out, forget her go on about my day.
When a girl see's another girl down the street...
>ugh her clothes does she not have a credit card?
>she doesn't shop at sephora smh
>that clutchbag ewwwwwww
>her nails are glittery what a slut
>why didn't she do her hair this morning she looks ugly
>shes only got 200 Instagram followers lmao
>i need to tell becky real quick
>"omg guess wat I saw today and it really bothers me..."

>> No.10177410


>When a girl see's another girl down the street

do you have any idea how many girls a girl will see when walking down the street?

as long as the other girl has no significance in her life, she'll do the exact same thing as you

>> No.10177449

Not exactly, from talking to a few crazy broads this is what they're thinking about most of the time along with some other crazy shit, like kids and wedding dresses.

I know not all girls are like this. Wish I could meet normal ones.

>> No.10177479

Then she wouldnt be taking horse riding lessons

>> No.10178001

Do you have autism?

>> No.10178094

glad im not the only one, ive been offput by a few girls cause of the 1k+ fb friends or 2k+ insta followers
idk why either

>> No.10178099

>nipple/tongue ring
>not a red flag
top cuck

>> No.10178266

im a guy and tacitly judge everyone I see based on their shoes.

>> No.10178318

I dunno m8 sounds like a lezzy to me.

>> No.10178424
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>romanticizes mental ilness
I don't give a fuck about a lot of things in this thread, but whenever I see a girl going "Yeah, I'm bipolar/actually I'm a sociopath not a psycopath/sometimes I think I'm completely crazy" or shit like that, boy, do I want to punch her

>> No.10178565


>> No.10179240

I hate it when girls wear converse tbh

>> No.10179254
File: 1.09 MB, 1179x710, 1431758020049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do bronies stay in their containment board but /r9k/ and /pol/ don't ?

>> No.10179266

Because before they even had a board they were running rampant on /b/

>> No.10179316

Into /mu/ pls

>> No.10179322
File: 108 KB, 625x669, IMG_20150730_101810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this girl exists

>> No.10179377

>jamal and ahmed
/pol/ you are boring.

>> No.10179383

are you actually telling me you want a "worn in" woman
it's not like were talking about white sneakers here, they don't get better with a little wear, the opposite is true

>> No.10179406

Man, just end it.

>> No.10179420
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>> No.10179578
File: 49 KB, 625x669, 1438057690393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminist girl who used to be heavily into me, talking about loving me, having sex dreams, having sore thigh muscles from masturbating so much to the thought of me fucking her with her as sub. Crazy father complex, radfem, bipolar, autistic younger brother, worked in a piercing store, everything.

I turned all of her offers down because I stuck my dick in crazy before and know what I'd get myself into and because her looks didn't make up for her craziness, so she started getting mad at me, texting me that I am a toxic person in her safe space and that I had fucked up big time with her. Bumped into her a few times irl and she looked scared, avoiding eye contact. Fun times!

>personal blog, the post

>> No.10179603

>half asian and white
>history with self mutilation
>no friends
>shows you her vagina on the first date

>> No.10179623
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yay i want to shitpo ... i mean play too

i met her on tinder and she´s pretty cool, she´s tall,does ballet (dat body), she´s into fashion and arts but she´s fucked up in the face, nothing some Dior cant fix

>> No.10179632

damn son, you better run from her, and really fast

>> No.10179650

It's cute and ironic how you're even getting cucked in your own fantasy.

>> No.10179686
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>but she's fucked up in the face

>> No.10179752

>but she´s fucked up in the face
kinda like you, eh?

>> No.10179755

>she has a vagina

>> No.10179992

I bet if most you filled this out for yourself half of it would be filled.

most of the shit on there isn't even bad lmfao

>> No.10180288

Actuarial studies

>> No.10180571

it's not a fantasy, it's a reality. swedish men are the biggest cucks on earth. i don't like that it's happening, i think it's disgusting, but it's the truth.

>> No.10180640

/r9k/ and /pol/ are are some of the core cultures of 4chan. That's why it seems like they are everywhere. It's the same as complaining about anime.

>> No.10180693

Go be an entitled whore somewhere else

>> No.10180723
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>> No.10180804


>> No.10180828

LOL at all the horse talk you fucking cucks.

>mfw you're all insecure because of having to stack up to horse cock.

>> No.10181363

being white.
absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10181450

wtf that's r9k in a nutshell

>> No.10181524

> white chick
> has dreadlocks

>> No.10181550

>implying you need to worry about "red flags" when you haven't talked to a women seriously in any sort of environment

top kek

>> No.10181797

>Having no standards

>> No.10181806

they actually refer to their horses by name too, even when they know you have no idea about the fact they own one

>> No.10181902

How do you know?

>> No.10181905

basically just a hitler youth except with slightly longer sides. it'd probably look fine

>> No.10181950
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>septum piercing
>pixie cut
>drug addict
>daddy issues
>unnatural hair color

sex was fantastic doe tbh.

>> No.10182102
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>> No.10182111

the fuck am i even looking at here? what is this?

>> No.10182141
File: 229 KB, 800x600, photo(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she came over once but was on her period and still horny. ive had sex with girls on their periods before but she wasnt 'bout it 'bout it. she didnt want to blow me this particular time around but wanted me to please her and i said no cause i didnt want to be blueballed

so she laid on my bed and masturbated in front of me through her yoga pants.

>> No.10182322


>> No.10182334

>masturbated in front of me
>on her period


>> No.10182382

lol what

>> No.10182385

I don't think I like girls anymore tbh. The whole period thing is just so fucking gross to me.

>> No.10182388

you know that's a gross bitch when grossest bitch on /fa/ is sketchy about it

>> No.10182427
File: 1.39 MB, 200x150, trre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one of these threads, heh?

>denim booty shorts
>dying hair unnatural colors
>having basic bitch tattoos (anchor, dream catcher, infinite love sign, etc)
>neck chockers
>bellybutton ring
>septum piercing
>blue/pink/red/rainbow highlights or dye job
>white socks
>hat indoors
>cargo shorts
>undershirt visible under button down
>lists a knife as an accessory in carry threads
>women with short hair
>hitler youth haircut in 2010+20-15
>anime themed apparel
>dresses exactly like a popular inspo or waywt pic on /fa/
>fjallraven kanken
>short people wearing boots, especially rick boots/ sneakers
>part time job
>parents divorced
>liberal views


>> No.10182500


well what wound up happening is she let me finger her ass while i stroked myself, then when i was about to cum she flipped over and i came on dem titties.

another time she thought she was into rape roleplay. turned out she wasnt as into it as much as i was.

>> No.10182546

>women with short hair
used to be into it, but then I noticed that most are fucking insane and rapt with daddy issues

>> No.10182550

>mouth breather
>uses ghetto slang (fam, thot, etc., regardless of race)
>when in school, always has to be with group of friends, never alone
>thinks that partying is cool
>chews with open mouth
>lives with parents
>coalburner(read:has slept with black person)
>wears uggs/north face
>buys fake/real vuitton, michael kors etc bags to "stand out"
>no college education or useless major
>posts selfies online constantly
>friends with a lot of guys
>against abortion
>cannot articulate herself
>listens to meme music
>is loud when she talks in public
>anything acid wash
>wears mostly leggings
>tiedye clothing
>doesn't have her own opinion
>vents about personal life on social media
>vegetarian/vegan/any of that crap
>talks to guys
>talks to anyone
>wedding dress pinterest shit as mentioned before

>> No.10182558

>not knowing white girls are the most self absorbed, self indulgent, vapid whores in the world

Guys that say they would only date white girls are either racist rednecks/midwesterners, or guys that have barely dated any white girls.

>> No.10182560


>Over 18 year old?
So you basically want a child? That's mature. I didn't know /fa/ was basically as shitty as /r9k/. That's disappointing...

You guys are so fucking insecure.

>> No.10182579
File: 35 KB, 620x666, ss+(2015-07-30+at+08.31.26).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im good, right?

>> No.10182608

>Wears Unknown Pleasures tshirt
>likes joy division period

>> No.10182732
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1360734138525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hilarious man

>> No.10182968


i take it youre talking about the rape-roleplay bit. shits happened to me a couple times actually with several girls. they always think theyre ganna be into it cause they read/saw 50 shades and diddled themselves and fantasized about it, but when it comes to actually doing it the first time they freak out and say its 'too real' on the brink of tears and tell me to just lay next to them.

that usually marks the end of the relationship.

>> No.10182990

>and tell me to just lay next to them.
Wow that's actually some fucked up shit. I see what you mean though, strange how even today primal stuff like rape is still fantasized about while at the same time shunned so much.

>> No.10182991
File: 349 KB, 544x733, 1435580716610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're trash

also this thread made me more proud of /fa/, loving the nigger hate, 14/88 white pride my friends.

>> No.10182999

>same time shunned so much.
yeh its weird that rape is illegal and rapists are ostracized by society, agreed. rape is completely natural and all those of the islamic faith should be allowed to rape with impunity.

>> No.10183083


>strange how even today primal stuff like rape is still fantasized about while at the same time shunned so much.

ive read that rape fantasy has to do with women having promiscuous sex or sex out of wedlock get off on it so much because society shuns both activities, so being 'raped' is like a loophole.

or some shit idk it truly baffles me tbh, fam

>> No.10183109


Boohoo :^(

>> No.10183130

Not really that complicated. Women like dominant men. Rape is a form of dominance, albeit a fucked up one.

>> No.10183167
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The thing I love most about these threads are the stupid as fuck "normies" that come and post on it.

>"No wonder you guys complain about having no gf"
>"Stay a virgin"

>> No.10183435

Being gay is effay

>> No.10184004

Damn, I guess I have to try that too.
Current fb also told me about some rape fantasies of hers, and stuff like wanting to be choked during sex.
I am way to beta to try, especially since I have to go slow to actually fit into her, but damn, I really ought to try.

>is chocking chubby chicks /fa/?

>> No.10184538

>another time she thought she was into rape roleplay. turned out she wasnt as into it as much as i was.


>> No.10184623

everyone taking that chart seriously sound like entitled autist.

that we all know will settle for some average looking mediocre dumb chick in the long run any ways.