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10132484 No.10132484 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw sinking into depression again

>> No.10132491


>> No.10132513

Stop. Just don't. Quite focusing on the as and future. Stop focusing on the negative side of everything. Stop going on 4chan. If pure depressed 4chan and most Internet shit makes it worse.

>implying you want to actually feel better
Lol you're probably comfortable being sad and dwelling on your on poor well being. Standing in place instead of actively making an effort.

Inb4: no motivation. Your motivation should be to feel happy. Why the fuck would you want to be sad. If you dot have the motivator of big happy, then you validate my point that you're a self pittying cuck who dwells on staying sad. Nobody actually wants to make a fuming effort. People go to shrinks and leave cause they're too lazy to move foward and just wanted to pay 200 an hour paying a faggot to validate their sadness.

Unless you have a chemical imbalance. But we both know you dont.

>> No.10132671

I was depressed a while ago, cause you know, I was alone in a new city, was afraid I wouldnt make new friends in college, gf had left me, and I was just really sad overall.

Just start with the small things, try to eat better, say nice words to ppl on the street (and in the internet), help someone.

Being nice to other ppl (even if you dont really want to) will warm you, I guarantee it! You`ll be better in no time, OP.


>> No.10132689

Depression is /fa/.

>> No.10132696

people putting 'inspirational' shit like this on 4chan makes me want to off myself and i'm not even depressed

>> No.10132776

>say nice words to ppl on the street

that seems creepy. what if they think im a creep

>> No.10132817

start a fight club brad reputation

>> No.10132823

most people will find it nice

if they find it creepy then it doesnt matter because you will never see them again

>> No.10132848
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1435637212858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your mother starts harassing you about getting a job and thinking about the future
>tfw you tell her you want to kill yourself and that getting out of bed os a struggle
>she does a complete 180 and seems extra happy when you get some clothes in the mail the next day

>> No.10132979
File: 236 KB, 382x389, Captura de Tela 2015-07-19 às 20.26.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not necessarily ppl on the street, but mainly ppl in your circle. Your parents, your bro/sis, friends, ppl you just met, the cashier, the guy who takes the trash.

It doesnt even require a conversation, a "thank you" followed by a smile (even a forced one) can change everything, or at least something.

>> No.10133016

>tfw sick cops arent doing it anymore

>> No.10133019

ur a fuckin asshole and u have no idea what anxiety and depression are. u think ur smart as fuck but not everyones brain works the way you think it should

>> No.10133047

you're mommies good little boy now!

>> No.10133055

Change it to father and you just described my lif

>> No.10133063

Me too

>> No.10133086

It's a cycle. Even if you do fall into depression again just keep in mind it doesn't last forever.

>> No.10133166

>tfw my cycle is just going from moderate to severe depression

>> No.10133183


>> No.10133229

>you started spending thousands of dollars on your sick fits to impress girls and get a girlfriend
>you stopped caring about girls
>now you just buy stuff because of the high you get when you're expecting your next package
>grills mirin your fits
>too self absorbed to care about them
>tell them to fuck off or that I have a girlfriend
>I don't

>> No.10133235

>he hasn't been depressed all his life

get out normie

>> No.10133241

>I was depressed a while ago, cause you know, I was alone in a new city, was afraid I wouldnt make new friends in college, gf had left me, and I was just really sad overall.

this isn't depression. You were sad with many reasons for being that way.

>> No.10133249

>being this ignorant

some people were treated like shit by their parents for years and their brains are literally wired differently to normies like you. Easy for you to talk about how easy it when you clearly haven't had any real issues

>> No.10133273
File: 4 KB, 205x246, oispodfsdpo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw same suit since 1962

>> No.10133287

told my dad i was depressed, he thinks depression isn't real, and that i'm full of shit, i'm not depressed anymore.

>> No.10133329

anon this shit is lit
got anymore songs that might be similar?

>> No.10133440

this is cool af

>> No.10133557

Youre /fa/ as fuck just btw

>> No.10133575

>be 10
>say 'my life is a misery' a lot
>my mom says that i have no reason to say that and that i should be greatful for what i have
>now i have a proper depression diagnosis
sure showed her

>> No.10133612

>Aw someone said something real and I'm sad about it

Isn't this fucking 4chan?

>my parents

Yeah so what? Would you want your kids to be this way? You all sound like big piles of shit that have no motivation in life. Quit being goddamn pussies and blaming your life's problems on other people. You are the one in control, if you can't realize that yourself then you'd be a lot better killing yourself because life is never going to get easier until you realize that you can control whatever you do. It's literally that easy.

>> No.10133623

>it's literally that easy

thx donald trump. ill wave 2 u n ur limo 2 ur private jet man u r so kool dude. wrk fuckn hrdrrrrr #fuckyeamotivationals

>> No.10133628
File: 554 KB, 733x700, 1429940134147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw suffering from depression because ugly
>said i can be model but /fa/ dissaporve
>tfw i just swallowed 9 Tylenol pills
>tfw i was asked out by by cute person a week before
>tfw doubt
>tfw bout 2 die

>> No.10133636

Yeah alright buddy. I guess trump also came from an 18 year old single mother, got into a top 10 engineering school and has a job landed out of school making $100k.

I remember when I was depressed, had only a high c in my high school physics class.I looked for ways to get out of having to work hard. I thought about becoming a musician or writing a book. Then I realized that I could do something I love if I just work a bit harder, and I was able to bring my grades up, finishing with close to a 4.0.

You have the chance to make your life better, getting annoyed by someone else telling you its possible isn't the way to do it.

>> No.10133639

have fun w ur panic attack when it overwhelms ur system n the large hospital bill ;)

>> No.10133642

Are you being serious or making a hypothetical /fa/ situation?

>> No.10133644

why is my birthday the most depressing day of the year... ;_; hold me /fa/

>> No.10133651


quit lying for attention faggot you are like a female, you fuckin thot

>> No.10133653




>> No.10133656

>depressed in high school
>muh personal anecdote
>everyone is the same as me
>muh 100k makes me undepressed cuz I had mild depression that one day
yea okay kiddo

>> No.10133657
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>someone compliments me
>spend the rest of the day panicking thinking about what ulterior motives they may have had to say such a thing

>> No.10133659

Grow the fuck up.
This better be a joke, you massive faggot.

>> No.10133663

Maybe you`re right, but I dont think my advice was bad at all. People can overcome depression by changing atitudes, wich will change their mindset.

Its all about getting it started. But if OP just can`t, well, seek medical advice. But since OP came here to talk I don`t think thats the case.

>> No.10133666
File: 47 KB, 455x425, madohead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been depressed since puberty, probably brought on by close family losses. My father also commited suicide so I guess I'm probably fucked in the head from his bad genes.

Shit, when I was a teenager I thought I knew what brought this hell on and that all my problems were artificial/could be easily fixed (I had no friends, no money, I was a virgin and had never travelled).

Eventually I worked my arse off and saved up the money to travel for a year, I made friends, got a gf and did all those things I dreamed of. It was pleasant, but it didn't change a thing, I still have this fucking monkey on my back. The constant nagging at the back of my head, the lack of appetite and sleep, the complete feeling of indifference is always there no matter what I do, I feel like an empty shell.

>> No.10133674

God damn. This is how I know you're a failure. You fucking complain.

>Everyone is the same as me

I'm an average Joe like the rest of you but eventually I put my foot down. If you honestly think you can't do something then how the fuck do you expect to do anything?


Absolutely anyone that says money doesn't play a role in happiness is lying.

>muh this person is younger than me he can't be depressed.

Yeah, being depressed when your mother is going through bankruptcy, your grandparents are splitting and also facing financial problems, your dog dies of cancer, you hate where you live is completely unbelievable.

>> No.10133681
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>tfw you finally catch up with everyone else and the inevitable realization that it's too late to unfuck your shit up
[spoiler]checked :^)[/spoiler

>> No.10133682

>these faggot freaking out over 9 Tylenol pills
You'll be fine. Fucking throw them up if you're so damn worried. Go out with that qt. See what happens. Maybe life isn't that bad

>> No.10133687

I'm more rich than you.

>> No.10133690

>complete feeling of indifference
Symptom of depression.

Other than that, if you actually have problems with nihilism, read a book. No, seriously, read some philosophy. Start with Camus's Myth of Sisyphus, or something like that.

>> No.10133691

>more rich

Did you work for that?

>> No.10133694


Holy shit you really are not getting this
okay look at this
You felt kind of sad in your teen age years
I'm in my late 20's, no job, no degree, I've attempted suicide multiple times, I've been inside the mental ward 4 times, 3 were forced.
I haven't had a close friend all my life, I've never been to any kind of outing or had anything to do with a girl. Not that girls matter to me anymore as I've long since given up.
The only thing I have is trying to look as good as possible so that I'll leave a good looking corpse when I die.

>> No.10133702

my mom was an alcoholic who beat me, my dad died when I was in middle school, I spent the majority of my adolescence getting threatened by my grand parents to take me away to an orphanage, and my cousins trying to steal the little money that my dad had left me that I would receive when I turned 18
they won

>> No.10133703
File: 187 KB, 327x316, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"This is how I know you're a failure."
>He said whole also posting on an image board dedicated to Cantonese Puppetry

Salvage what little dignity you have and stop posting.

You haven't helped anyone and your inspirational words are being seen a joke by everyone that glances them.

You probably realized that a long time ago though and whatever arguments you have and will continue with any other anon are a way to project your desire to be correct and your inability to cope with the fact that your words haven't fallen to deaf ears, but have come from a mute mouth.

>> No.10133708

>correcting my grammar
>thinking your 1 week of depression in high-school is remotely similar to chronic depression
>saying money is so important when it's been proven over and over to only be important in a certain threshold
>then going back on your argument in the next post
oh geeze... which angle do I take. Why don't you just go and stop trying to 'help' people with your sage advice.

>> No.10133714

>people can overcome depression by changing attitudes
holy shit it's like saying people can get over schizophrenia by just forcing themselves to be sane
wow it makes so much sense
why isn't everybody doing this

>> No.10133718

>someone is nice to me
>theyre just pitying me or doing their job
>someone i care about is nice to me
>they say they care about me but im nothing

>> No.10133727


>> No.10133739

>I've attempted suicide 3 times

Great, I had a tough life. Now you're an adult. No one gives a fuck about your past anymore. It may be shitty but that's life. You eventually have to move on past your hardship and start focusing on your own life without the focus of anyone else.

Wow dude i really fucking care that people don't take my advice. That hurts me deep. Especially whenever I don't know these people at all. I've just enjoyed posting. Do you not enjoy posting?

Sure. You can also stop reading and giving a shit if you'd like.

>> No.10133753
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>Wow dude i really fucking care that people don't take my advice. That hurts me deep. Especially whenever I don't know these people at all. I've just enjoyed posting. Do you not enjoy posting?
>He says "ironically", while still posting and defending his shitty opinions
>He's still going for it.

>> No.10133758

you're getting pretty defensive arent you

>> No.10133759


>telling the mentally ill to just get over it

>> No.10133762

>great, I had a tough life
>just got sad a bit in high school when he felt indecisive

>> No.10133763


No sir, he just doesn't care ;)

>> No.10133801

if ur arguing this type shit on the internet u must be some sort of depressed or retarded, faggit. isnt this 4chan?

>> No.10133832


>> No.10133838

I think I might be too, anon. I can feel myself sinking again. I'm going to put quite a bit of effort into being happy though. We can be happy, anon. We can make it.

>> No.10133858

mental illness is all in ur head :^)

>> No.10134031

This is the exact situation I'm in right now.

>> No.10134069


People do can overcome depression by themselves. Depression comes in degrees.

As I said, if this is not possible, then OP should seek medical advice. But for sure he should try something before this.

>> No.10134116

this shit is sick

>> No.10134166

>>10134116 stfu already please faggot

>> No.10134821

>tfw all of your friends dress like shit because you're from a working class area and everyone has no ambition
>tfw one of them is only now going through his menswear phase at 22 years old
>tfw no one does anything effay so I pretty much only play vidya with them now
>tfw need new effay friends but socially autistic and can't make new friends

does anyone else know this feel

>> No.10134822

just don't be depressed guy, its easy :^)

>> No.10134824

'Doing /fa/ things' is a stupid meme. If you like video games, you should play them. If you genuinely want to do '/fa/ things' such as visit an art gallery etc, you should attempt to pursue that either by yourself or with family, if your friends wont join you. Art galleries are best when you're by yourself anyway.

>> No.10134851

>tfw lack of social contact which leaves more time to spend with truly valued friend and also alone time which keeps me sharp
>loneliness gives me lot of time to pursue on my goals and interest and make me more independent
>knows that i can't carry a relationship since i'm going to be too emotionally attached and also sometimes a bore to be with since i'm a goddamn frugal kike and knowing that having a gf wont fix everything
>depression makes me appreciate every bit of happiness i get and dulls the pain of rejection and neglect

you should be more content on your situation and have some self reflection,even though depression makes you feel shitty you should try to see all the positive aspect and appreciate life more

>> No.10134945

Second day after a week speed marathon. Feels bad man. Funny thing, that i even want to go deeper in my depression.

>> No.10134948

the way you described yourself makes me like you a lot.

>> No.10134963

y-you too anon

>> No.10134974

Doing gods work my man, don't let these retards put you down. Deep down, they know you're right.

>> No.10135020

No. You're talking about PMS, not depression.

>> No.10135092

Yes you are exactly like me

>> No.10135131

This thread is making me really sad

>> No.10135139
File: 131 KB, 382x430, 1435932482097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw robot
>tfw can't go into depression

>> No.10135141

>tfw got depressed after moving back home to a shit flyover town after college
>just got a new job and signed a lease in a relevant city
>feeling a lot better but can't wait for work to start in two weeks
>girl I love is depressed and tells me that's what's keeping us apart
>she lives 3 hours away

sometimes i just wish she would move in with me so we could fuck all the time and i could take care of her and make dinner for her every night when i get home from work. fuck

>> No.10135152

also forgot to mention that i'm an alcoholic and am drinking at 6am when i have a work deadline due (for another side job) at noon. fuck me

>tfw 1200 words due in 6 hours and i'm drunk af

>> No.10135154


>>girl I love is depressed and tells me that's what's keeping us apart

It isn't, but it is what's keeping you both depressed. Nothing'll change the way you feel when you surround yourself with more of the same. Been there, done that. Only after a clean break from what kept me down could I recover.

>> No.10135169

Sounds like you just got done being depressed and realized how shit it was so you're trying to make everyone believe it's a fluke.

>> No.10135180

long distance relationship like that is superbly hard to maintain anon
try reconsidering it since a failed relationship will sink in you deeper anon

>> No.10135182

other anon but we will make it ;)

>> No.10135188

>It isn't, but it is what's keeping you both depressed. Nothing'll change the way you feel when you surround yourself with more of the same. Been there, done that. Only after a clean break from what kept me down could I recover.
yes, i kinda know. it's a girl i've known since high school. i don't think i can make a clean break from her because i'll always see it as an opportunity missed. i really do care for her and feel bad to see her in the situation she's in. every time we have a fight (usually the day after we fuck) i tell myself that I have to stop thinking of her, but she's just so damn cute and smart I can't do it. literally never met a woman before up to her par

>> No.10135200

i am looking for girls who live in my city, but it seems tough since she's always in the back of my mind. once i move she'll only be 2 hrs 15 mins drive away. i've done that same commute with another girl i used to date. it was a pain in the ass that's true. wish she would just move in with me tbh

>> No.10135205

good fucking lord anon
we all have that same fucking view on seeing the perfect partner,you compare her with everyone else and she just outshine them but you don't realize how much it's distorting you
you're deluding yourself into believing that you wouldn't be happy unless you have her,you latch all your emotion into her and eventually the void left is filled with presumptions and doubts
you gotta ask yourself first if you're actually happy now or not,if no you cannot expect her to just turn it around 180 degree and you'll be a reformed person,just make her another heartbreak on your list rather then continuing this madness

>> No.10135231

here's the thing

you're putting so much emphasis on her perfection on how she's the best damn thing you've seen

you're creating a situation which means that you would never be content on living happily without having her on your life

what you don't realize is when you view someone as so perfect and infallible is when you start getting real close and see the real crack and fault

you'll be in denial about it since you've been lead by yourself to believe in the opposite,creating a rift between wanting to be continually happy with her,but ignoring her faults or break if off,creating huge amount of regret on yourself for letting it happen.

just forget about it if you really feel it wont work out,it's kinda the plot of 500 days of summer and shit,you've gotta move on

>> No.10135251

thanks for the advice anon, but i still can't stop thinking of her. it's not that she's perfect (far from perfect), but she's just so good. plus the sex (when we have it) is absolutely fantastic. plus she's the person who probably knows me the best. we never run out of things to talk about. just feel like i can't live w/o her ;_;

>> No.10135262

well then,nothing i can do then wish you luck on your future endeavour
but like i said,it can be very self destructive if you don't get out of that hole that you dug

>> No.10135336
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>most creative when depressed
>less likely to be fat as no will to eat
>destroy all pre-existing relationships due to isolation and downed mood
>run more

Born to be Alone

>> No.10135343


>not taking your jew leaders with you


>> No.10135355

I know this is usually bombarded with comments to shut up, but my Christian faith is the sole reason that I find contentment and joy even when I sink into depression at times. I've been through tough family circumstances just like a lot of you probably and it's easy to lose hope, but knowing that there is someone who loves me to the point of laying down his life for me despite all my mistakes is mindblowing and gives me a reason to try to live right and love others

>> No.10135382

it's cool man that you have faith

i hope i could believe in god or something to make it easier when i'm in despair but i just can't

>> No.10135461

9 tylenols most likely won't kill you. I did like 16 floricets the other day and didn't die. Good luck.

>> No.10135466

See a school or university counselor. See a doctor. Don't just sit around waiting for it to pass as things can get much worse quite quickly. Get help man, don't put it off for ages like I did. You'll regret it.

>> No.10135475

I'm not OP but this was me until relatively recently. When you lose religion it can feel like you've lost one of the main pillars keeping you from falling down the cliff. But even then, it never really solved anything, just made it bearable. I had to eventually get some help.

>> No.10135480
File: 84 KB, 611x503, 154485612.tTcQr52r.05604531BCELaoTzuleavesChina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga help me outta my struggles and he can help you too

>> No.10135491
File: 116 KB, 500x278, tumblr_maarn0Kl5f1rqxcpvo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that ffmpeg but have you actually tried I was depressed and then I actually tried training myself to not worry about shit and think about lame shit all the time and just concentrate on livin that life and I stopped being depressed and then started being depressed again/

>> No.10135498

dave jah voodoo, shiiieett
definetly feel allah in this thread

>> No.10135506

I was depressed pretty severely for a year after my best friend of 20 years dies. All I can say is that eventually I just got better. I didn't do anything to get motivated or go out and meet people. Time is sometimes the only cure.

>> No.10135636

you sound like a privileged underage retard

>Aw someone said something real and I'm sad about it

yeah, what you said was ''real'' bro, keep telling yourself that lmao

>Yeah so what? Would you want your kids to be this way?

Are you actually a complete retard? Where did this question even come out of? Holy shit you are so dumb

>You all sound like big piles of shit that have no motivation in life.

By the sounds of it I'm probably more successful than you, I can't imagine an ignoramus like you has gotten very far in life. Nobody here is talking about material wealth. Try having everything you want and still wanting to die everyday. What do you suggest then buddy?

>Quit being goddamn pussies and blaming your life's problems on other people.

Ah yes, so mommy and daddy loved their little snowflake and now you can't comprehend how anyone can feel different when everything is just so easy for you! Remove yourself from the gene pool you stupid cunt.

>You are the one in control

Talk about stating the obvious...what does that have to do with anything? lol

>if you can't realize that yourself then you'd be a lot better killing yourself because life is never going to get easier until you realize that you can control whatever you do

I think everyone knows they control their own life pal but thanks for the revolutionary advice anyway. God how can someone this close-minded and ignorant tell OTHER people to kill themselves? hahaha

>> No.10135639

>I remember when I was depressed, had only a high c in my high school physics class

must be a troll

>> No.10135643


>> No.10135646 [DELETED] 

>tfw depressed because no job
>get a shitty job at a factory
>even more depressed
>quit job

I can't imagine myself happy with any job at all to be honest

>> No.10135677

I'm guessing he really ruffled your jimmies huh

>> No.10135679

There are people have have lived with the burden of depression the majority of their lives. Allowing time to 'do its thing' directly contributes to their depression because they simply give up and hold onto the clutch that time will heal and self help is pointless.

>> No.10135694

ITT being depressed turned everyone into a tumblrina.

>> No.10135700
File: 50 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realised I had an underbite a couple of weeks ago, and it's all I can think of.
Surgery isn't an option because I can't take that much time off uni for recovery, and I've heard teeth extraction would make your profile look worse(?)
Should I just kills myself?

>> No.10135707
File: 119 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My teeth. I just feel like I'd be so much better looking if it wasn't for this fucking underbite. I've got good skin I've worked hard to achieve, I'm in good shape, best hair I've ever had (kerastase elixir hair oil is a dream) but this one thing just invalidates all that

>> No.10135714


>> No.10135716

Just kill yourself.

>> No.10135720

>Should I just kills myself?
you should

>> No.10135722

The real problem isn't the underbite, it's your insecurity. Do you think girls will actually give a shit that you have an underbite? No they don't. Imperfections are what make a person different from the rest. Your teeth are in very good shape and I have to say I'm a bit jealous. Stop worrying about the little things bra.

>> No.10135725

I'm poor as fuck but I want to be /fa/, I keep spending my money on clothes and shoes and everytime feel more depressed

>> No.10135737

>tfw too ugly for oneitis

>> No.10135740

what denomination anon?

>> No.10135746

I'm trying to find other women. Happy that I'll finally be moving out of my shit town (where all the smart girls go away to college and never come back) and going to the big city. Hopefully I'll find someone who can love me.

Still gonna always think about that girl tho, i consider her my best friend.

>> No.10135750

I actually had them when I was younger, but they took them off early. I'm 20 now and I don't think braces would fix it
I've never noticed my underbite until recently, and now I've realised that an underbite ruins your profile

>> No.10135762

>there are people here who unironically believe in a magic man living in the clouds who post pictures of men in hats if you point this out to them


>> No.10135785

>tips fedora

>> No.10135797

The fedodo maymay only works on the unattractive and uncharismatic. Too bad I'm beautiful, tall, and enigmatic on top of being bombastic, pragmatic, and I sing better than Gabriel, Michael, or Lucifer.

>> No.10135809

Sending happy thoughts your way, OP

>> No.10135827

you only fucked her and shown no other sign of commitment right

>> No.10135854


cringe lmao

you're insane bro

>> No.10135875

what other signs of commitment should I show?
we went on christmas vacation for 2 weeks and she's met both my parents. I've met both her parents too.

and we were friends for like 9 years before we ever actually fucked. i think the sexual chemistry is great, but sometimes she doesn't want to do it (who doesn't want to fuck???)

>> No.10135898

Should I roid for college sports or nah? Do they check your lock boxes in university or nah?

>> No.10135911

You sound autistic

>> No.10135912

well any declaration of love or have you really talked and manifested your feelings into more then just being best friends
you fail to seek another girl not because there's a lack of it,it's because you became too attached to her and now all other girls seems pale in comparison to her
just ask yourself if it's really worth it to have higher chance in heart problems,man boobs,shrunk testicles,skin problem etc for enhancing your performance

>> No.10136027

>people can overcome depression by changing attitudes
any therapist/psychologist will tell you this too

a psychiatrist will just give you meds

>> No.10136125

just b urself man :^)

>> No.10136261

>improving yourself for girls
You are never going to make it with this mindset. Self improvement should be for yourself, not others

>> No.10136366

...did you read his post?

>> No.10136503

I'm twenty, but have this obsessive idea, that i fucked up my life, like it's over and i have missed all the fun. Kind word like "you're so young bla bla bla" ain't gonna help. I understand how ridiculous this sounds, it still bugs me. Especially when i see 15 yrs olds, on big parties or in clubs, doing dope like and fucking like they're grown up. The fuck is wrong with me, why can't i be normal? Why can't i get some fun, like they do?

>> No.10136519

Go to uni, get a degree while having the time of your life.
your underbite is fine

>> No.10136561

i feel the same way

>> No.10136623

>Don't be sad, be happy


>> No.10136642
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You'll end up complimenting people with words you'd want to hear yourself from others...

Good luck OP

>> No.10136672

I'm going to try that. But i'm not sure how that'll work out. The problem is that i moved to another country, and lost all my contacts and friends. Found new ones, but man it got so boring with them. Last three years i was mostly staying home, playing games, reading, watching movies etc. So while i was building up my personality, those kids were having shitload of fun. I'm not some kind of anchorite or something. I mean i kinda love to be alone sometimes, but i'm good enough with my social skills. Still i got only one real friend, and a bunch of buddies, who only smoke weed every other day. And when i see other peolpe, who got like 300+ friends, i feel that i'm doing something wrong. Most of those people i'm talking to in clubs or on parties are kinda really dumb, i mean i don't consider myself smart at all, but i clearly see just how different we spend our time. I've been expiriencing this depressive state for like 5 years now. Sometimes it gets really bad, but mostly i'm just really sad and apathetic. I can't even think of positive stuff in my life, i tried. This loneliness that eats me up inside isn't the only reason of my depression, as far as i know. There are plenty more, but mostly i'm concentrated on that one. I also started doing drugs, but not for fun like those party guys. I do it just to let it go for several moments. First started with weed, which got really boring lately. I always hated how it made me slow and dumb, but it helped at times. Then i went on experimenting with other stuff. Now i'm pretty addicted to meth/amphetamine. I'm very afraid of dying, but at the same time i don't really care anymore. I'm not even sure if it's all real. So yeah speed is the reason why this post is so long. I actually could just stop at i feel lonely and isolated. Emotions are obscured. I guess someday things are gonna change, doesn't matter how.

>> No.10136758

My phone stays at 0 notifications unless I get spam email or a text from my mom

How do I wear all my sick fits when none of the "friends" I made in high school ever talk to me after or want to make plans? I literally have no friends now.

>> No.10136773

Grew up Baptist, but I've been researching the Orthodox faith a good bit recently.

>> No.10136782

You probably don't even listen to Gentle Giants, Cardiacs, and Magma

>> No.10136785

>regularly go to grocery store for random shit
>mum wakes and forces me really early to go withdraw cash or sumshit
>still groggy as fuck cuz i slept only 2 hrs from working(editing a music video)
>cashier says asomething along the lines of come to my birthday party can't remember i was still groggy
>2nd time she works there she literally calls at me out at the exit and i just nod at her,thinking whatevs probably im walking with my more successful uncle
>after months of not going to that store today i see her by the ticket counter and decide hey let me try
>i swing by and greet
>"hey wassup"
>let's go out for drinks this friday,theres this cool place i wanna show you
>"it's complicated cuz im working on friday"
>"alright i can do another time when im free,give me your number and we'll talk"
>"[laughs]i dont trust you its complicated"
>"me and you i dont trust"
>"ask me next time you come again and we'll talk"
>"nah that'll be weird me just going to the ticket kiosk"
>"you should come next time"
last chance at having a gf and i blew it tbqh

>> No.10136788

Finding friends is easy. If you can talk to people ofc. Finding the right people is easier via internet.

>> No.10136800

>tfw book of Job

>> No.10136801

wear them anyway
im pretty much the same
my only friends are online ones who ive never met but i hardly say anything during the time im at college

>> No.10136812

help plz /fa/,havn't fapped for 4 days now

>> No.10136819
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has anyone here done only 3 college courses

some context, my college recommends 4 courses per semester for a total of 8 courses per year. both times ive done 4 courses in one semester i failed 3 of said courses.
this semester im doing
>japan wwii-present
>psychology introduction
>modern physics
as my courses
im really terrible with maths and im having trouble finding other courses that fit into my schedule to begin with, is it okay to only take 3 courses

>> No.10136829

>im depressed
>im more depressed than you!!
>no ur not!!!

quality thread

>> No.10136876

Yea yea fucked up, tragedy! Yea girls, the ultimate goal, the meaning of life itself. What's the problem?

>> No.10136883

did she flat out decline on me

>> No.10136923

I don't know, i don't give a fuck. You should neither.

>> No.10136942
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u cool b ;^)

>> No.10136955

thx buddy)

>> No.10136971
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>all these religious people
any satan in?

>> No.10137019

>their brains are wired differently
That's why I mentioned the chemical imbalance you literate faggot. My mom's brain is wired differently too. She's been depressed since she was 5, so I understand that. If your brain is wired differently (what I called a chemical imbalance) the best help you can get are pills. They are not some diabolical scheme by doctors. If she didn't take those she would be a dysfunctional mess.

>> No.10137038

Well I have a few friends on the Internet but I usually have to message them first still to get a conversation going, and I can't go to the beach or get lunch with them

I usually only wear them when I have to go out to get lunch. It just seems like a waste sometimes, but it's nice when I see strangers mirin

>> No.10137045

> They are not some diabolical scheme by doctors.
No, they're a diabolical scheme by prescription pill manufacturers.

>> No.10137058

Ill admit they're overpriced, but they aren't bullshit. They actually work man. Its changed alot of lives around me for the better. It's your choice. Depressed wearing tinfoil hat, or paying too much money to be happy. Also health insurance really takes the cost down by a significant amount, making it more reasonable.

>> No.10137067
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>> No.10137093

SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed anti-depressants. Psychiatrists get paid out the ass by huge medical corps to prescribe Prozac, Celexa, and Lexapro to unwitting idiots who are too depressed to know any better.
They're ridiculously expensive and function about 3-4% better than placebos.
They also have more adverse side effects than you can count on one hand. They either kill almost all sexual desire or increase it, they often cause sexual dysfunction, they can aggravate other undiagnosed mental disorders, they can cause seratonin syndrome either in reaction to another drug or by themselves, and the chance of you killing yourself skyrockets once you're on SSRIs.
There is no 'tinfoil hat' here, this is all medically documented.

>> No.10137132
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Hey. I feel you, man. I was in pretty bad shape earlier this year, had to go to a doctor and met with a psychiatrist a few times. I'm on medication now and feeling much better, but I'm scared that I'll never feel "good" again, I'll just have to settle for "not terrible", and that someday I'll just lose my grip for a second and plunge right back to the deep end again. But, you know, a day at a time, there will be better days. Keep on keeping on.

>> No.10137176

You got a source for this?
And I'm speaking from observing both my step and real mom. I don't really know much about the specific science, but all I know is that without them my parents wouldnt hold down a job without them. They become a fucking suicidal beast if they run out of pills.
They don't cure depression by the way, they just make you functional. In extreme cases of depression they are a necessity. The best way to fight depression is to take your mind off the negative shit. Easiest way I've found to do this is find something you're really passionate about, and try to live in the present, rather than in the future or past (as I mentioned above.). Pills arent the be all end all, you'll still be depressed if you hate your job and hate every day that goes by. That is more of a mindset. But this can be nearly impossible even with pills.

But what I'm saying only applies to people with shitty wiring. Most of the faggots in this thread are just in bad moods and don't want to make an effort to feel better. Which, I completely understand because I personally find sadness extremely comforting. But in the end, happiness is more important to me than that comfort.
Also loneliness makes it hard to be happy. so making friends is important.

I dunno if you specifically are depressed anon, I'm just contributing to the thread. I'm curious on this prescription pill manufacturers thing though.

>> No.10137200


>> No.10137227

what kind of fucked up system do you have in america lmao

why are you doing three completely different things in college like wtf

>> No.10137253

>Negligible effectiveness

The combined market of SSRIs is worth about $10.9 billion.

Psychiatry is literally drug therapy these days. Their entire profession relies on drug companies.

'Shitty wiring' or not, prescription drugs are not the way to go.

>> No.10137255

North America has an epidemic of people throwing money at medicine companies to make problems go away. Most of the drugs just hide symptoms. The best way to cure (most medical) problems is to work towards them; if you have high blood pressure, fix your diet and exercise. Depression and similar mental conditions are harder to just cure like that, which is why pills are so common.

Im not the guy you replied to, but hes right in saying that most modern medicine is a scam just designed to make money. Theres apparently some natural scented oil that can somewhat relieve depression, ill try and find where I wrote its name down and report back.

>> No.10137623

become a roman catholic. it's the one true, holy apostolic church

>> No.10137771
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>second day back at college
>already feel like throwing up or crying

>> No.10137775

only thing that makes me sad is thinking about how i fucked up in school and i loathe myself for it

i just completely go into a retard lazy depressed mode mid of semester and start missing completely.

yeah, ive met people going to class for only 2 courses because theyve got other stuff going on. As long as you're getting your credits and passing the few classes its all good

>> No.10137805

lol kill yourself

>> No.10137821

Slok's patented formula for beating depression

>450mg venlafaxine
>45mg mirtazipine
>160mg propanalol
>15mg diazepam
>16mg subutex
>smoke, chain

If these doses scare you, you aren't depressed.

>> No.10137850

People who take overdoses of paracetamol do not fall asleep or lose consciousness, although most people who attempt suicide with paracetamol wrongly believe that they will be rendered unconscious by the drug.[68] The process of dying from an overdose usually takes three to five days.

>> No.10137894

underrated smithsbro

>> No.10137972

depressed here too anon, like really bad as well. The best i advice i can give you is to do what makes you happy, try to achieve that great moment in your life you always wanted, whenever is getting the dream job, you always wanted to just going some place or even doind a super cool hobby you always wanted to try, just try your best to make it happen and don't do anything stupid till then. I really like making and writing movies, i feel that if i didn't have this love for it i would've hang myself, and i really do think about it a lot.

>> No.10138405

>Most of the drugs just hide symptoms. The best way to cure (most medical) problems is to work towards them; if you have high blood pressure, fix your diet and exercise. Depression and similar mental conditions are harder to just cure like that, which is why pills are so common.
Well, duh. They don't give you pills and say "here, these will fix you", they give you pills and say "here, these will help you not kill yourself while you work on your shit". As you said, mental illness is hard to cure, so it takes time. Most people need help to get through it.

>> No.10138445

it's concerning that alot of people here thinks that having a gf would solve all their problem
a gf is an investment,not some sort of clear cut purchase of happiness
if you cant be happy by yourself,you wont be happy with a significant other

>> No.10138485
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ITT: retards arguing over who is most depressed

>> No.10138486


>> No.10138495

how to cope with receding hairline? Just buzz it and start lifting?

>> No.10138501

toupee and wigs

>> No.10138509

>image board dedicated to Cantonese Puppetry
kekd softly

>> No.10139557

>see someone at college that you went to high school with
>havent seen them in a year and a half
>theyre all cheery and want to talk
>have to fake going to a class to get away from them

I get that theyre trying to be nice but fuck man how are you meant to deal with this

>> No.10139563
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>> No.10139583

Me too. Crawling out though. I'm taking on a shit load of writing work in order to help me get through it. Having something published is probably the only break I get from the real world.

>> No.10139587

>writing work
explain, im interested now

>> No.10139613

>Why can't i get some fun, like they do?
Honestly they're not having a normal behavior. Fucking a lot of young girls means having a lot of shit relationships, drinking a lot of alcohol means you still have difficulties interacting with other people and that it's a way to cope with it. Worst thing is, it's possible they're not even happy while doing it, they're just going at parties to kill time and because that's the only way they know having fun

Biggest trap here is believing a 15 years old shithead telling you fucking and partying is the only way to live your life. Once you really get to know them, you realize some of them feel even more miserable than you, they just trash yourself just like you do to forget about it.

The one true way to happiness goes by realizing that people who looks extremely happy are most of the time putting up a facade

>> No.10139627

why is miyuki on there twice uh

>> No.10139639

Just bands and gig reviews and shit for streetpress/websites. Sometimes important stuff, sometimes not. It pays for my wardrobe so there's that. I did some food reviewing too.

>> No.10139648

that sounds pretty cool man, im jealous

>> No.10140122

Good riddance

>> No.10140125


>> No.10140133

blah blah blah bullshit

>> No.10140218
File: 181 KB, 500x549, 1436760211526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when dreaming and am with some random group of kids in a mix between El Paso and Wyoming
>get hungry
>we all happen upon these weird dog/coyote animals
>pick one up, it slowly starts to look more like a dog
>all of the Mexican kids are eating the dog's boogers
>one holds a dogs nose up to my faxe and tells me to smell it
>tell him I can because the air is dusty and my nose is stuffed up
>spend rest of dream huddled in a circle with some Mexican kids eatinf dog boogers
>keep feeling like I'm going to fall over because of the way I'm crouched
>one of the kids kept grabbing my shoulder to steady me before I fell over

Can't remember the rest.

>> No.10141735

what i gleaned from this thread is that a healthy social life is what keeps depression away.
reminds me of those talks about drug addiction. people make it a friend instead of making friends of other people.

>> No.10141964

you can't make friends if you don't have friends