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10083188 No.10083188 [Reply] [Original]

so how to get this physique

>> No.10083196

By crossing the Middle Passage.

>> No.10083255

get noided

>> No.10083257


>> No.10083479

high rep, body-weight exercises.

probably a diet of tobacco, caffeine, and moshing too

>> No.10083565

don't eat that much and do cardio or act like a crazy person on stage nightly for your job

>> No.10083597

teach bitches how to swim x F

>> No.10084206

From the pic it doesn't seem like he does any weight training. I think a lot of calisthenics and cardio with a high protein very low carb diet.

>> No.10084881

be a vegetarian
do body weight exercises and start sprinting
smoke cigarettes and drink coffee

>> No.10085318

Slightly lower calorie diet combines bith body weight exercises should do fine.

>> No.10085348

>be a vegetarian

>> No.10085363

Are 12 and think vegetables are disgusting?
Your mom should really force you to eat them anyway..

>> No.10085370

be an ectomorph and do drugs :DDDDDD
no joke, story of my life.

>> No.10085372

i was a vegetarian for 18 years because my parents were
it's unhealthy
it's about trying to distance yourself from suffering so you can feel morally upright
go eat some meat

>> No.10085378

insanity workout + running on free days

>> No.10085413
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I agree, meat is life.
Are you a frail midget because of your vegetariansparents ?

>> No.10085424

im 5'5'' male, dont feel too bad, im hot as fuck, and i still think im better than you

>> No.10085425

thankfully i made it to 6'2 but i still have a while to go in terms of strength and mass

>> No.10085429

is that fish jerky?

>> No.10085437

>hot as fuck

>> No.10085444


First: you have to understand that he probably weighs close to 200 lbs.

Then: you have to realize that being skinny and looking good are not mutually exclusive

THEN: bulk, lift, and cut, like everyone else until your goal body is achieved. If you don't innately know how to do that, use google or go to /fit/

>> No.10085452

>he probably weighs close to 200 lbs.
We got an expert here

>> No.10085473

>it's unhealthy
It's not you illiterate fuck.
Maybe your parents were retarded and didn't know anything about nutrition but if you eat the right things it's just as healthy as eating meat or even being vegan.
But i agree that forcing your child to be vegetarian is fucked up.

>> No.10085474

>I still think I'm better than you.
Well, vegetarianism didn't do any good for your complexes

>> No.10085480

>it's just as healthy as eating meat or even being vegan
no sorry

>> No.10085520

Okay, genius.
Name one nutrient or vitamin that can't be ingested through vegan food.

>> No.10085580

your favorite drink (semen)

>> No.10085589


>> No.10085611

vitamin d

>> No.10085629

>being vegan
lol OK so I fully believe vegetarianism can be healthy but if you're vegan you can very easily end up visibly malnourished. and not in an /fa/ way. i mean things like your hair thinning and shit

OP: you just have to exercise a lot and eat little. abs are primarily from low bf

>> No.10085633

that delicious and nootrishus ANIMAL PROTEIN you dense fuck

>> No.10085642

Vitamin D is present in almost every type of mushroom.
Besides that: vitamin d is also synthesized in your skin from exposure to sunlight

>> No.10085651

>vegan food
vegans, everybody

>> No.10085660

See i'm not even vegeratian myself but saying that it's generally bad for you is just dumb.
You can easily satisfy your need for protein and every other nutrient or vitamin through vegan nutrition.
If you are healthy or not just depends on what you eat. If you are vegan and solely eat leek it's surely unhealthy. But the same goes for solely eating fast food.

>> No.10085669

Do a couple of pull ups and push ups and don't eat a lot
not really impressive

>> No.10085672

You are either trolling or retarded.
If you can read you will see that i mentioned MUSHROOMS.
But even if you don't eat mushrooms you will most likely not suffer from vitamin d malnutrition because you have enough vitamin d intake from being outside your mothers basement

>> No.10085679


Its not about availability. Its about quantity. You need to eat truckloads of shit to get the same protein than in a slice of beef, thus eating more calories and getting acustomed to eating tons of food, which isnt fa

>> No.10085681


Sort of. It's cured, but not jerky.

>> No.10085683

why cant i be trolling AND retarded, asshole? the two are not mutually exclusive to your mothers basement

>> No.10085688


>> No.10085703

work out you tard. core and upper body

>> No.10085707

So you eat more legumes which have less calories than beef. I don't get your point.
Or are you imlying you will get fat from being vegan? If that's the case please kill yourself

>> No.10085853

Animal protein =/= vegetable or soy protein
Don't pretend to know what you're talking about when you clearly don't.

>> No.10085859

>Or are you imlying you will get fat from being vegan?
Vegans, everyone. Go take a thermodynamics class.

>> No.10085930

As i said before: i'm not even vegetarian.
You are just spouting ad hominem arguments because you have obviously no other way to defend your uninformed opinion.

>> No.10085953

We are talking about a vegan or vegetarian diet being healthy. I never said vegan protein is as effective as animal protein. But this doesn't change the fact that it's entirely possible to live a perfectly healthy life and even build muscle while eating strictly vegan.

>> No.10085965

Ride's beard looks like that pic of a muslim anorexic tranny looking person with a beard. he should shave that shit off, i hope he has done it long ago. Haven't been following

>> No.10086033

You're right, my bad fam.
Still, sushi/sashimi is the greatest food on earth and I'm sorry for your sushi-less existence.

>> No.10086040
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>> No.10086047

see footage 3 x f
mdma snorting 4x 5
can't get erection because you did too much mdma 1 x 1

>> No.10086066

False. Many vegan sources of protein, contains far more than fx beef, in the same amounts (100g beef/100g broccoli).

Plant protein is WAY better than animal protein. Fuck. You fucks should try to educate yourself a little. And no, I'm not a fucking hippie. But those statements are both dumb as shit.

>> No.10086072

Bro, i'm not vegetarian nor vegan.
I love meat just like the next guy.
It just rustles my jimmies if people claim that a vegan diet is unhealthy per se

>> No.10086074

And with better, I meant more beneficial for the body.

>> No.10086081

how old is stefan? 30?

>> No.10086087

probably 35-40

>> No.10086101

Your jimmies need more sushi b

>> No.10086116

You got it wrong m8
Broccoli doesn't contain more protein/100g (2-3g) than beef (25-30) but more protein/100 kalories (~12mg) than beef (5mg)

>> No.10086133

>Plant protein is WAY better than animal protein. Fuck. You fucks should try to educate yourself a little. And no, I'm not a fucking hippie. But those statements are both dumb as shit


>> No.10086149

Not him but i think what he is saying is that it's generally healthier to satisfy your need for protein via vegetables than via beef because cholesterol and shit.

>> No.10086178

>Plant protein is WAY better than animal protein. Fuck.
Citation needed, faggot.
Whereas a quick google search on Animal Protein vs Plant Protein refutes your point 10 fold.

>> No.10086195

>morally upright
nigga what?

>> No.10086207

hes referring to the fact that most vegans think the meat industry and killing animals for food is immoral

>> No.10086213

who the fuck would categorize that as "plant protein is better than x" then? no strict diet allows you to have all amino acids that cant be metabolized from other amino acids anyways, dumb arguments

>> No.10086228

Well he also thinks broccoli has more protein per 100g than beef so..

>> No.10086233

This entire thread is filled with kids that failed High School Biology lmao

>> No.10086253

well i guess "you should educate yourself dumb fucks lmao" works as a good argument then

>> No.10086258
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>posts dubious claims with no citations


animal proteins are cancerous, you're retarded

I'd post some citations but your curing your cognitive dissonance is not my responsibility

>> No.10086275

>tfw vegan
>tfw get to casually fuck impressionable qts who actively avoid meat-eaters

feels good

>> No.10086277

>being vegetarian is unhealthy
what the fuck?
are you people serious?

>> No.10086279

not him but the way you categorize things speaks for your lack of education, just stop believing everything your momma told you

>> No.10086297


Are you?



>animal proteins are cancerous

I think your statement is what's giving me cancer lmao.

>> No.10086299
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look, it's nothing!

>> No.10086307

just tryna have a civilized discussion about things with truth values but guess you're up for something else, whatevs

>> No.10086316
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You have said nothing of substance

As far as I know there is no downside to animal protein (vs plant protein) however when eating food, what you get is not just protein. You get a complete package that includes (a combination of one or more of the following - protein, fat, cholesterol, antibiotics, carcinogens, etc etc. )

And guess what, there is overwhelming evidence that the other stuff most commonly found in meat, like LDL cholesterol, is strongly linked to various diseases.


Many things increase your risk of cancer, eating animal proteins happens to be one of those things.


"Researchers have always been puzzled about how other mammals could eat a diet high in red meat without any adverse health consequences.

Now they have discovered that pork, beef and lamb contains a sugar which is naturally produced by other carnivores but not humans. It means that when humans eat red meat, the body triggers an immune response to the foreign sugar, producing antibodies which spark inflammation, and eventually cancer."

"When cancer researchers started to search for links between diet and cancer, one of the most noticeable findings was that people who avoided meat were much less likely to develop the disease. Large studies in England and Germany showed that vegetarians were about 40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat eaters.1-3 "

-- http://www.pcrm.org/health/cancer-resources/diet-cancer/facts/meat-consumption-and-cancer-risk

"The epidemiologic studies published to date conclude that the excess risk in the highest category of processed meat-eaters is comprised between 20 and 50% compared with non-eaters. "

-- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2661797/

>> No.10086319


"Consumption of red meat has long been linked to the development of certain types of cancer. "

-- http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/d-brief/2015/01/02/red-meat-cancer-immune/#.VNc7R7YYEus

"Countries with high rates of animal product consumption—meat, dairy, eggs, and fish—also saw high rates of 12 different types of cancer, including breast, kidney, liver, ovarian, prostate, testicular, and thyroid cancers."

-- http://www.prevention.com/health/health-concerns/vegetarians-have-lower-cancer-risk

Commercially produced cows milk has high levels of ifg1 which the American Cancer Society warns raises cancer risk.

There's also the relationship between a high meat diet and cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Studies do show that vegetarians do tend to live longer. 7th day Adventists tend to have a lot of vegetarians for health reason and the vegetarians seems to om average have better outcomes.

>> No.10086349

that's not what >>10085629 said. In fact it's directly the opposite, you retarded fuck.

>> No.10086403

he still said it can have undesirable visual traits or w/e
yeah I guess. I stopped eating meat, avoid processed foods and certain ingredients, lots of sugar etc. I don't care about animals or the morality of it all.
I just noticed how sick I felt eating certain foods. now I feel so much better and my head is clearer etc. If I eat anything shitty I notice my body reacting immediately.

>> No.10086411

>As far as I know there is no downside to animal protein (vs plant protein) however when eating food, what you get is not just protein. You get a complete package that includes (a combination of one or more of the following - protein, fat, cholesterol, antibiotics, carcinogens, etc etc. )
carinogens are a term for a set of things that have a correlation with causing cancer, it's nothing quantative itself

>protein, fat, cholesterol
cholesterol is fat
proteins and fats are something in a food that are decomposed to something which they consist of, proteins especially amino acids, cba goign all through protein synthesization and shit but it's just your use of your language thats fucked up here

saying vegetarian source of protein is healthier than meat in terms of cholesterol and shit sure, but what really matters is the amino acids that the protein consists of - you don't get the all necessary from vegetarian protein only as you dont from meat protein either

also long term studies are stupid here, too much random variables

just work out your semantics

>> No.10086488

I feel the reason being Vegetarian/Vegan isn't as healthy as a normal diet is because you are cutting out a lot of essential fats from animals.

You need fats to transport vitamins in your body, for better hair/skin (I think), to make things taste good and to leave you full and satisfied

>> No.10086504

nuts and seeds are one of the biggest sources of fats around so nah, you don't lack them if you just know what you're doing

fats are needed for lots of cell-level and enthzymatic system to function properly
sorry for the ramble, trying to sum these up simply rarely works

>> No.10086594

stop eating 3x10

>> No.10086626

do a few pushups and dont eat as much

>> No.10086755
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>Ha, SEMANTIC drivel
>no citations

>> No.10086807


Also, do you not know what spirulina / hemp is? There is no meat that comes close to containing the same amino acid profile

>> No.10086819

Does anyone have that pic? >>10085965

>> No.10086824

I know exactly the pic Igor means, but I can't find it.

>> No.10086898


I'm vegan and your post is completely wrong about everything.