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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 80 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10075506 No.10075506 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do when you see a cute girl? Do you pretend to ignore her?

>> No.10075511

I run over and ask her "please please please be my girlfriend pleaaasseee" and get on my knees and put my hands folded

>> No.10075515


>> No.10075518

You're making it sound like there's other options besides pretend to ignore her

>> No.10075524

i haven't been interested in a girl since i was around 13, maybe i'm too picky, or maybe there just aren't any quality girls where i live, they're all basic as fuck, girls i like probably never leave their rooms

i would casually ask them for their name and contact info after striking a small conversation, all it takes is confidence

>> No.10075535

I awkwardly stare at her, think about us together and i sweat like a pig under my six layers of clothes.
Since this ruins my fits and my hair, now i only look to the ground. I don't have time to spend on girls who think i dress for them.

>> No.10075540

look at her in the eyes because 90% of the time shes already glancing at me

>> No.10075550

Say hello and converse like a normal human being

not that difficult really

>> No.10075558


I take a picture of my self, tap her on the shoulder and say 'i took a picture so it'd last longer'. pretty pricey move though, go through about 30 a week in burners and old nokias.

>> No.10075560

>I awkwardly stare at her, think about us together

This, until who she is and my fantastical perception of her are too separate to ever build a relationship of any kind

>> No.10075561

I realize that she probably thinks I'm just a thirsty guy and is not aware that I realize that she thinks that I'm just a thirsty guy and then I proceed to realize that we will never work out because I have no legitimate reason to talk to her in the current setting and/or neither of us will get out of our own heads and have a true chance to connect like normal people. Instead, we will keep being human and self-absorbed and nïave and stupid and continue to be lonely even though we really have a shitton of the same tastes and would get along really well with each other if we just tried and didn't fuck ourselves up so much. Umh. Yeah. Cute girls, no problem.

Either this, or I become too nervous and then have to talk to the person right next to her and hope that she thinks of me as the cool person that I want to be by my slightly less awkward conversation with her less attractive friend or other person standing in our party-circle-thing. Or that she.. umh... understands that I'm nervous and purposely redirecting my attention so as to not appear completely autistic. I don't know, it's complicated. Parties are weird.

>> No.10075562

I stare at her and slowly build up the courage so that when we make eye contact I can smile at her, but when she looks at me I look away and then try to build up more courage but then she won't look at me anymore until she does finally and I pussy out again so then I tell myself next time will be the one and I will smile at her but then she looks at me and I realize I'm alone in my room imagining social situations because I barely go outside and am real lonely.

Suck not being able to show off my sick fits to people in real life but whatever.

>> No.10075616

We're here for you m8. We might be racist, homophobic, sociopathic idiots, but we're also accepting, homosexual, empathetic graduate students and we're here for you. It'll be alright homie.

>> No.10075628
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>tfw you know this girl and you follow eachother on tumblr, occasionaly liking eachothers posts and replying to eachothers comments
she lives halfway across the country though

>> No.10075641

who is she?

>> No.10075656

I go back to looking at cuter anime girls on my phone because 3d women are disgusting

>> No.10075663

you guys are autistic

>> No.10075664

if i gave out her url, i feel like she would know its me and feel betrayed. she posted it in the tumblr thread before though and thats how we met

>> No.10075676
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>> No.10075677

:[ ok

>> No.10075686

Autismo : The Thread

>> No.10075693

Half of them are b8 mate

The other half... well yes

>> No.10075898

I fall in love for the moments I'm around her.

Then I get in a depression over how I'm not good enough. How there are billions of people on this earth yet it's so hard for me to become part of an individual's life.

It's like a sad version finding your first love everyday on the street, train or anywhere else for the first time.

>> No.10075907

Who are you people that cant just treat attractive people like normal human beings? They're about as easy to talk to as anyone.

>> No.10075909

just kill yourself anon. it's the simplest way

>> No.10075917

I know, I'm just a pretty big faggot and like to shitpost on /fa/ every now and then, did you know I'm not even black?
I'm just pretending to be because I'm insecure about my dicksize.
I'm sorry, I love you.

pls respond

>> No.10075940


>> No.10075948

if she dresses nice then i'll compliment her on her clothes

tfw never had this problem and girls approach me instead.

>> No.10075982

I don't notice cute girls when I'm outside, I stare on the ground all the time.

>> No.10075995

I look her in the eyes and smile.

>> No.10076025

*unzips dick*

>> No.10076040
File: 39 KB, 500x404, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to go somewhere today and this qt sat next to me and started playing with her hair and giving me quick looks, I mean there was nothing next to me so I assume she was looking at me, just pretended she wasn't there and didn't even looked at her once. Girls are invicible to me after I fap.

>> No.10076056

I dont fucking care this is an underrated post I'm crying laughing thinking of some autist from this board doing that in their geoducks

>> No.10076061

I admit no contest - very rare - expensive wardrobe and good taste with a /fa/ lifestyle to the max - when I see a QT who is QT-er than me, I gawp, then have a brief period of being offended, before I acknowledge and applaud, then befriend. Being a QT myself I understand the lengths one tends to go to to attain physique + style / security X confidence.

>> No.10076074
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When i see attractive girl i try to avoid her and if i can i start to get REALLY anxious and i get feelings of terrible inadequacy.I try to keep a stern look on my face but sometimes they say or do something funny and i can't hold my face and i start to smirk.At uni twice girls said "lol look at him smirking" and i felt so fucking awkward, i didn't know what to say so i smiled like a retard.Another time a very skinny and tall girl i used to stare at when she didn't look at me said hi to me but i thought why the hell would she say hi to me so i didn't turn around to greet her.Later she asked me something about uni, i think just to probe me.I was very polite.I saw her again today at an exam and she looked amazing.I involuntarily stared at her again and at one point she looked up right into me and i was like FUCK and i looked away.
I think she knows i want to be her autistic manlet dildo.

>> No.10076078
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A few weeks ago I asked a girl out on the metro and we had two dates but then I got stood up for the third one, which would've been a little over a week ago. She was a simple, sincere, and cute normie and I guess I didn't have that vibe...

>> No.10076080

/fa/ summed up in a tldr;

>> No.10076225

iktf... sometimes when i check a girl out at work they have this fast reflex to look back at me. It's really awkward because I feel embarrassed being caught.

>> No.10076358


>> No.10076391

I think about war documentaries (huge fan of it), about people freezing in the snow while waiting for enemies and stuff like that; after you picture that in your head you realize that approaching a qt is not a big of a deal. Yeah sounds funny but it helps me a lot.

>> No.10076404
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you sound pretty autistic bro. No worries though i may be attractive but i'm right there with you. currently a girl at the library who i'm in love with basically and I haven't even gotten close enough to read her nametag. She smiles at me and holds a stare which breaks off my stare because I get scared. Then I turn the corner and melt into steaming campbells chicken noodle soup and am transported home by professional football player donovan mcnabb where he slurps me up like a faggot and I contemplate my social inadequacy with attractive females (and only attractive females) as I'm reborn into a naturally tanned hungry skeleton in a public library looking up from a collection of goethe's poetry to see my would-be qt waifu staring back at me with medusa's gaze.

>> No.10076424

Stare at her until she looks at me then look away in embarrasment. #betaproblems

>> No.10076569

I grabbed this chicks ass at a rave and she seemed to enjoy it but I walked away because I was scared. I'll never see her again

>> No.10076575


>> No.10076576


who is this fgt pls go

>> No.10076579

Make just enough eye contact to notice when she checks me out - then ignore her having got the self esteem boost I need.

>> No.10076627


>> No.10078121

what the fuck is wrong with this board? you all seem fucking confident with the clothing criticism and the dunning-kruger disorder and I cannot believe you aren't capable of approaching a girl and ask her for her number when you're so "well-dressed"
I've seen ugly dudes wearing vans and shorts hit on pretty girls

>> No.10078150

youre homosexual, anon

>> No.10078166

w2c confidence

>> No.10078199
File: 98 KB, 960x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm /fa/ as fuck but only attract basic bitches

getting girls is easy to me, but I don't want them. all I want is a qt that likes the same stuff as me.is that so hard?

>> No.10078213
File: 146 KB, 552x601, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to 4chan! Is this your first day?

>> No.10078243

Holy shit

>> No.10078253

I love you sally t

>> No.10078263

It's the hardest goddamn thing on the planet, past diamonds and bruce jenner's calcified cock.

>> No.10078277


>all I want is a qt that likes the same stuff as me

you want a man

>> No.10078339

under rated post

>> No.10078380
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>> No.10078383

Top post

>> No.10078407

>Say hello and converse like a normal human being

cop ramones instead

>> No.10078408

her tumblr tag is calupico she has like 5k followers i doubt she would give a fuck if you followed her

>> No.10078457

Are you trying to imply 5k is a lot?

>> No.10078593

im implying that this guy >>10075664 is retarded. idk m8.. prety easy to fuckign pick up

>> No.10078605

I actually trained myself to say "hi" to every cute girl walking by. But I'm still too awkward to get a conversation longer than 30 going

>> No.10078612

>she lives halfway across the country though
hahaha why do all you faggots keep posting girls from san jose

fucking losers

>> No.10078620

Can very relate to these

>> No.10078633
File: 59 KB, 609x607, 1435833546709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>falling inlove with a girl online or a tripfag

This is the single most beta thing you could ever do.

>> No.10078636
File: 65 KB, 700x525, 1429363058782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

word up, we need more niggas like you.

>> No.10078660
File: 87 KB, 500x484, 1421353838404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the dance floor in the club drunk as FUCK
>lock eyes with the best looking girl in the club no doubt (slim, long legs, stylish, nice hair and pretty face)
>smile and approach her
>she says "ur really fit"
>i mumble something under my breathe and put my hand around her waist
>i realize i am standing their awkwardly and tell her that i am going to find my friend

god dammit im fucking retarded man

>> No.10078661


did i mention that she bladdy kissed me on my forehead and i didnt do anything i just giggled inside and started cumming

>> No.10078883

Try not to be too weird about it. especially not to shy gals.

>be walking down the street
>car slows down and pulls up next to me
>okay, assume they need directions
>guy asks where I'm going and if I need a lift
>turn him down and keep walking
>guy says he just really wanted to say "really cute, so cute" and asks me for my number
>decline, walk faster

>> No.10078908

Sort of on topic. When going to a formal party/dance does your tie match your date's dress?

>> No.10078927


jesus dude, this is bad

get ur shit together.

just learn to not give a fuck and do you

>> No.10078999

grill here. at what point should i tell you i already have a bf and am not interested?

i don't want to seem presumptuous if a dude is just being nice. i also don't want to waste your precious time you could be getting laid by someone else.

i've made many fuccbois butthurt in the past in this situation. opinions?

>> No.10079017

first thing, just slip it in there dont waste our time
if its a nice dude he'll continue talking to you

>> No.10079018


>> No.10079024

I stop looking into the mirror.

>> No.10079027

I'd rather say hello and cp's like an effay human being

>> No.10079031

daily reminder this is what this ugly monkey looks like

>> No.10079043

Just be like " hey anon, do you feel something for me, because I have a bf " or something like that, you see, most people will get mad even if you tell them you got a bf, they will be like "bitch i am not after your pussy".

Better option, add on Facebook, and they will find out once they look your profile.

>> No.10079047

lol using an old pic to justify how ugly i am. yet i have already been scouted.

never change /fa/

oh and spam my imgur is nothing compared to how good i like rn.

oh oh and btw i bet u will never be able to recognize me irl if u tried that imgur can never decipher my true beautiful features

>> No.10079053

yeah scouted by the san diego zoo

>> No.10079058

thanks. it seems hard to bring it up organically, but whatever

i meant more for like guys who approach me at bars/parties, where chances are i won't see them again. so adding them on fb is out of picture.

>most people will get mad even if you tell them you got a bf, they will be like "bitch i am not after your pussy".
yeah that's what i don't want

>> No.10079062
File: 1.81 MB, 245x281, 91mVO2F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeding the trolls

>> No.10079068


post pix

>> No.10079073

https://imgur.com/a/cc7Nw#16q61kn is "it"

>> No.10079075

>i meant more for like guys who approach me at bars/parties
why do you go to these places without your bf ? anyways, don't mind them since your are not going to see them again they are not important

>> No.10079080


It's adorable when some girls think that their having a bf means they won't put out to a charming enough third party. I've fucked two "accounted for" bitches in the past two months - a boyfriend is just another obstacle.

>> No.10079081

recent pix i meant since she claims she is much hotter now

>> No.10079084

no cam atm, sorry :/
im not trolling, i actually did get scouted. And honestly i am not bad looking at all.

most of the people making fun of me are patrick and a bunch of low lives who for some reason save my imgur until my upcoming.

>> No.10079086

you can see 80% of her face, she's fucking beat

>gook eyes
>monkey protruding mouth
>shit fried monkey straightened hair

those pics are of 2 months ago BTW

>> No.10079088
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lmao sheboon got fukken rekt

>> No.10079109

because we are allowed to exist separately sometimes kek. but mostly we have some different friends/interests
thanks though

wow congrats

>> No.10079118

>no phone
>no webcam

>> No.10079119

where to find qt /fa/ girls?

Do i need to go to a meetup?

>> No.10079123

she's black, i'd believe her

>> No.10079127

>qt /fa/ girls
hehe lol

>> No.10079138

I heard they're pretty bad ass, and based off of the fits I see from the pictures, I don't see how there aren't girls all around them :)

How are you this evening, anon? :)

>> No.10079147

no, if shes at least a 7/10 ill make a face gesture and continue staring at her till i catch her eye then i look to the side and then i look back down at her as she walks right by me. 9/10 shes looking back up at me. same shit for public transit. unless shes with her man, shes most likely going to take a second glance which is always convenient if the environment calls for me to approach her and start a conversation. i just fucking hate it if shes not my type. those girls just approach me and invade my space. iv had girls take pictures of me on the sky train and their loud about it. iv had girls try and wake me up while i was ripped to shit on the skytrain going home at night. so annoying man when im just trying to space out and listen to my music, know what i mean?

>> No.10079155


Post a signed pic, uggo

>> No.10079158

should be easy enough to find at least an /fa/ qt azn grill if you live in a college town with a sizable azn population.

if you don't/didn't go to a college with a sizable asian population then you're retarded.

>> No.10079160


Asians are ugly though. Especially Asian guys

>> No.10079161

GT fag here. Literally every asian is a gross engineer. tfw no qt jp chem girls to do carbon dating with.

>> No.10079162
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thats because im not trusted with it, my mom is a bit poor not sure how much my dad has but hes not using a flip phone like my mother is.. oh and i dont go to a free school u turd.

lol no actually thats 3 months old, almost 4 months and my face gets bloated sometimes but yeah i still look p great irl ok

>> No.10079163

2015 caring about how i look. lol
>being insecure?
>no thanks that would require me taking the picture and uploading i just wanted to share my experience with woman, maybe you should just take what i said and apply it yourself. YOLO rite.

>> No.10079174

honest question, why do you even trip? it seems like you just get attacked everytime lel

>> No.10079175


the saddest part is how fat and ugly this guy is irl

>> No.10079177
File: 126 KB, 1024x577, tumblr_my8rkacifv1rjmikvo3_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigfuck i will end fatherfucker. stop it.

>> No.10079182
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Figures your father isn't a part of your life. Could you be any more black?

>> No.10079187
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>> No.10079195
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honestly just trying to crash the board.
i am /fa/ already does that to itself but there's nothing more annoying then a tripfag so thats basically why i trip.

im not actually serious but i am honest about being scouted though lol..
you have to admit though its pretty entertaining.

>> No.10079201

watching such a primitive lifeform walk talk and dance like a real human is pretty entertaining

>> No.10079203
File: 54 KB, 500x334, 1435120481022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he actually is, the only thing is my parents both seperated.
i see you went full tryhard on finding a stereotype or /pol/ meme in that. lmao at u

>> No.10079208
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>> No.10079210


Yeah you're not kidding anyone, chimpo. We know you invest more of yourself into tripping than any supposed benefit you claim to reap from it.

You don't stir anything but amused disgust, thanks to your racial handicap.

>> No.10079214
File: 1017 KB, 500x333, there there.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it up, dumbass. Why are u going after a RACIST? the ONLY THING MARTIN DESERVES IS A BEHEADING imho

>> No.10079222
File: 61 KB, 449x640, metizoue1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say this irl to a person. who isn't a scrawny kid. and then we'll see what happens.

>> No.10079223

pigfuck isnt even online atm

this is a genuine consensus among other /fa/ggots that this sheboon needs to make like her ancestors and take to the rope

>> No.10079225
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>> No.10079230

you can still tell this is the monkey just by the primitive way it speaks

i cant believe it figured how to take the tripcode off and samefag

>> No.10079231


Lmao, why post some rat-faced Mexican?

>> No.10079232

>We know you invest more

I know you think im easy to read but im really not. the fact that you spend that much time on this board that you know how often i trip is truly sad.

and im not even here most of the time.

>racial handicap
you only project that, that isnt even the case.

>> No.10079236

LOL my ancestors never went through slavery retard..

>doesnt even know where im from

truly saddddddd

>> No.10079240
File: 61 KB, 500x375, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a different person, edgelord. I think it's to exterminate you and your ilk, don't you agree? You useless fucking leech.

>> No.10079244
File: 132 KB, 500x464, waiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo you ugly imbecile
*it's time to

>> No.10079246
File: 69 KB, 953x799, wah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are waay too dumb to not only make a decent insult, but fail miserably at getting anything right.

i mean your fits are always shit.

>this is coming from some1 whos new to fashion

>> No.10079250
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>> No.10079253
File: 681 KB, 1024x595, white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has every thread have to have a sperglord acting out. Fucking cringe everytime /fa/ and I've only been here less than 2 months. Holy shit you all are embarassing.

>> No.10079255
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1422320149180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whaaaaaaat im going after a racist? my god.

i think you guys need some serious psychological assistance.. like its not even funny i have spoken to an actual psychopath who isnt this much of a nutcase..

>> No.10079258

I buy her rick owens and make her take photos with me for the internet to flex on anonymous users on a laotian pictograph forum

>> No.10079269

lmao i dont even try to make a proper sentence on here. thats how petty you are to me /fa/

>> No.10079270
File: 150 KB, 500x376, whyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only one in need of an intervention is u u ugly, dumb piece of shit.

>> No.10079279


Don't flatter yourself, orangutan, this is the only thread I needed to read to learn that you're just a monkey trip trapped in a prison of fantasy.

You've landed yourself in a pretty sad predicament. You know that tripping is costing you more than you gain, but you feel compelled to do so because this is the only place where you have the perception of mattering even the tiniest bit.

Outside, you're just another coon with a chip on her shoulder, simultaneously trying to deny and cope with the shit hand you've been dealt as an ugly black woman. You cling to desperate reconstructed memories of being "scouted" as a sad attempt at preserving what little self respect you think you have. I mean, look at you, you're a black woman on 4chan., An anomaly in the worst possible way. While other female monkeys are steeling themselves against adversity in the real world, you're running away from your unfortunate life circumstances through a virtual existence that's based on delusion.

Don't tell me you're not easy to read, leatherlips, you're an open book.

>> No.10079282
File: 38 KB, 467x700, 84359858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funniest thing about this is that im pretty sure all of you attacking me are adults, keep going honestly this is quite funny. I cant even type right because im off my seat laffin

>> No.10079288
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>> No.10079289
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>thread autism intensifies

>> No.10079290


>> No.10079293
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that's brutal man

>> No.10079298

Lol at all the autists bullying sudoku. If a black girl has thick enough skin to trip on 4chan, do you really think a bunch of people making fun of her will get to her?

>> No.10079299


The weird thing is I could totally see this as being true.

>> No.10079300

just roasted this bitch so hard it sparked several wildfires in northern british columbia

>> No.10079305


4chan isn't the real world, kid. This place doesn't mean shit when you recognize that everyone here is insecure and mentally defective.

>> No.10079308
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ahh im dyin man

>> No.10079314
File: 48 KB, 330x319, 1435166987316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOOOL omfg honestly /fa/ its hard to hate you but its also hard to love you i find it so funny how someone wrote a whole theory about me sadly its gone to waste because i dont have time to read all of that.

honestly you guys are unintentionally funny and thats also why i love tripping.
fucking hilarious.

its like you think they've reached maximum level retard but then it gets even better

>> No.10079325

exactly why im here, its kinda funny seeing people going loose like this, its like going to the zoo or visiting a mental asylum.

the best part is also how they critique each other despite them all being the same. and they dont realize im making fun of them

>> No.10079374

I am a cuck that would eat ur pussy out yummy yumm yum

I m about the bbc and bbp

>> No.10079386

This bitch needs the african spear ifuknowwatimsayin


>> No.10079392

I want to pls sodokou with my tiny gook dick

Itashimashite senpai!!

>> No.10079411

Where r u my caramel cream bb? My sweet baboo? My sweet and sexy ooga booga jungle bunnie? I will make u queen of the Africa

>> No.10079422

Omfg i cant stop laughing everytime i see this thread, all i had to do was reply ONCE. Fuck i should come here more often.

>> No.10079424

It is lonely in my ballet studio in the middle of this black neighborhood without qtp2ts like sukodick

Sukkiodku pls be new orleans

I have the permission to love

>> No.10079436

Pls respond sexi

I want to be like the dolphin in your brown ocean

>> No.10079506
File: 11 KB, 154x161, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well played, very pseudo-phycologist.

>> No.10079515

man im white and half asian and i just realized how the majority of the racist comments especially towards Mexicans are comming from white people. the fuck is going on man, i swear to god its so stupid but then again its 4chan.

>> No.10079521

If i were a salesman i would Always Be Closing on that pussy

>> No.10079526

>hapa dweeb
lmao, kill yourself elliot rodger

>> No.10079529

why? was he all what ever like that, is that why he killed himself?

>> No.10079538

all male hapas should just kill themselves


>> No.10079543

When i was reading this i imagined a pair of legs moving on their own with a bearded man's head on top of these legs, sans torso and body. The rear of the head has a full buttocks with a curly pig tail. The mouth is open and painted red like a nightwalker sucking the dick of paying clientele.

That is literally how I imagine you..

>> No.10079550
File: 38 KB, 700x526, 84359855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diagnosing your mental issues online

kek kekkity kek kek kek

>> No.10079556


>> No.10079569

I find you attractive, and if I didn't know you any better I'd want to date you.

>> No.10079830

You're a faggot though.

>> No.10079867
File: 1.00 MB, 1268x1434, tmp_14215-lemme whisper1008956280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.10080178
File: 403 KB, 803x283, negros get out reeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10080182

>I don't have time to read all of that
>Continues shitposting for another hour

>> No.10080221

yea same boat man. it aint the way to be tho

>> No.10081338

Steal glances at her and then sadly reminisce about not talking to her for most of the day

>> No.10081808


>> No.10081830

don't u already have a qt gf to do that with? :(

>> No.10081836

>i haven't been interested in a girl since i was around 13, maybe i'm too picky, or maybe there just aren't any quality girls where i live,

Have any of you even met any grills? Cuz I doubt it. I mean get to know them, not see them and judge them.

>> No.10081841

whew god damn all that cringe
>trying this hard to hurt a 15 year olds feelings

>> No.10081849

>just now realizing most white people are racist trash

top kek

>> No.10081858

your standards are unrealistic and you're not actually good enough for the girls you want. thats all there is to it.

>> No.10081861

when she's white i get nervous

when she's asian she is always all over me because i am an asian girl magnet, but i don't even like asian girls so i just get uncomfortable

>> No.10081875

w2c sincere girls? all the girls I date are proper fucking flippant

>> No.10081880


are these intentionally made to be bad

>> No.10082668

Fuck the girls in San Jose, not trying to go full Elliot Rodgers but they all dress like whores.

>> No.10082696

post that big purple roastie

>> No.10083878

looks like she made her tumblr private.

I blame henry.

>> No.10083888

and shed just made her insta public again like a week ago too

t-thanks /fa/

>> No.10083890


>> No.10083925

im not a roastie..... and its not purple?

>> No.10083930

oh and kill yourself pls.

>> No.10083980

all she did was change her url

i'm not giving it away since it's obvious she doesnt want it posted on 4chan but it doesnt take that much work to find it

>> No.10084008

yep pretty easy it's now three numbers followed by three letters

>> No.10084052

Ok dude

>> No.10084054


>> No.10084066

Lol that's soo tight bro

>> No.10084486


>> No.10084604

>maybe im too picky

you already know that my post is the truth.

>> No.10084607

i sent her an anon about this thread thats probably why hahahahah.

>> No.10084727

I'm gonna try this, sounds pretty awesome

>> No.10084746

they're for the Onion, yeah

>> No.10084753

This thread is the reason all of you are miserable and can't get gfs.

>> No.10084922
File: 15 KB, 560x398, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freak out and sweat like a monkey.
happened to me recently. on a random trip to office depot i noticed an ultra cute cashier.
for weeks i planned on going back just to ask her out.
i finally went and hid in an aisle. a male employee noticed me and asked if i needed help. in a state of nervousness and resignation, i confessed my intentions. he told me "dont worry brah ill tell her to come over here" ignoring my pleas that he not do that. she walked over and asked if i needed help. by this point i was sweating buckets. i scratched my head, avoided eye contact and awkwardly asked her out.

>mfw she said no
>tfw she asked if i needed help with anything else
>tfw i just mumbled my surrender, drove home and sat in my closet for days

>> No.10085063


I see cute girls all the time, they're nothing special. Now if they're wearing a really cool fit, have style, and seem to be like a fun person to be around, that's when I go over and talk to them.

>> No.10085212

top kek

>> No.10085379

why do y'all care (and whiteknight) so much about some random tumblrite lol unless you know her personally and if that it shouldn't matter

>> No.10085489

I've seen her a few times in my area but I don't know her personally

I just think its creepy as fuck that people are impersonating her and posting her city and school.

>> No.10085554

Last time I liked a girl was when we would be able to make anything seem fun and we held hands almost 24/7 and it was great. She would truly enjoy my humor and prescence. It Sucka that it had to end when she left my 3rd grade class. I was the teacher.

>> No.10085573

lies all lies
>implying tis easy to tell an Asian girl apart

>> No.10085627

shut the fuck up nignog

>> No.10085630

This tbh. There are of course girls I would fuck, but wouldn't want to get into a relationship with because they're all boring and basic as hell.

>> No.10085647

>tfw can never bring myself to make eye contact and smile at a qt as a girl
O-one day

>> No.10085652
File: 75 KB, 659x609, 1432960001643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad

>getting this mad over a comment

my sides have fully transcended into space from intense laughter and now i might just pass out.
oh effay

>> No.10085795 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im mad at whoever gave this monkey a computer


>> No.10085836

just filter it bro

>> No.10085845

me too. maybe we just aren't getting to know them? what if we seem basic to them?

>> No.10085846

You're mad because i use /fa/

I won't include any details like shitposting and tripping because that is the epitome of this board.
I think this board is saturated with 10 year olds despite of their age, for some reason along the progress of aging their brain is having some sort of dilemna on developing.

I suggest a therapist even or better; a live.

And I don't understand why people are spamming that imgur it was ironic and only for critique by one person.
Even the title was also a bit ironic.

It is quite confusing at times and most of the time pretty creepy. The obsession over this is not healthy.

This is actual good advice that is more mandatory than the aspect of wearing something that fits well.

>> No.10085858


Grow up you sad sad anon.

>> No.10085867

I'm pretty sure they do think that of me because I'm not into their normcore fashion and top 40 music.

>> No.10086436

straight fire emoji'd that monkey

>> No.10086436,1 [INTERNAL] 

>hurr durr faggots

You should be shot dead you eugenist socialist Demokkkrat piece of shit. Fuck your "rights."