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/fa/ - Fashion

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10053194 No.10053194 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /fa/ I want to lose weight as fast as possible and I don't care if its kind of unhealthy. Do you have any tips about what I should do? I'm 6'2" and about 190lbs

>> No.10053201

i do coke and smoke cigs

>> No.10053222
File: 598 KB, 161x178, 1431467193230.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop eating, smoke, lots of coffe and mdma

>> No.10053236

Ride a bike or start swimming at the gym and cut out the meat for a month. Drink green tea.

>> No.10053249

assuming you are just trying to lose weight now and eat at maintenance

gradually over a week or two, decrease your calorie intake to about 1000. if you want to experiment, you can go lower eventually, but just consume 1000/day for a month or so until your body is used to low calories and you've dropped 10 pounds or w/e

eat healthy, filling foods. stop eating bread and junk food. if you really like something and get a craving, you can indulge, but don't pig out. it will overall be easier for you to diet if you treat yourself occasionally. but obviously, its best to just cut out junk food completely if you can.

keep your diet balanced. for example, don't just eat fruit all day because its high in sugar.

exercising isn't nessicary, but it will speed everything up a lot + you'll feel better about your body throughout the weight loss process. i think a big thing in weight loss is that u gotta feel good and love yourself while you are working towards your goal.

coffee is great. you can use it to ward off hunger and it gives you a bit of a boost. i love caffeine.

not rly any secrets to it. be patient.

>> No.10053280

Start cycling DNP and Clenbuterol. You may die but you said you don't care so it's okay.

>> No.10053290

Lol, 190 wouldn't be bad at all if you actually lifted. Start lifting weights, do cardio, and cut out useless calories and you'll be good.

>> No.10053296

just exercise and eat only when you're hungry. scheduled meals result in over eating

>> No.10053301

nobody on /fa/ wants to be /fit/ or they would be posting on /fit/

go home

>> No.10053308

500-1000 cal + 1hr walk every day, lost 66lbs in 4 months but my metabolism is kinda of fucked up right now. i took multivitaminics and whey too

>> No.10053382

Thx m8 best option I'm thinking

>> No.10053415

eat more veggies, fruit and protein
and less in general wtf is this go to fit

>> No.10053432

That's because the people on /fa/ are lazy and think constructing a new image will make up for their autism. That's why there are tumblr and instagram threads. It's pathetic.

/fit/ is similar but with hypermasculinity.

Both are fucking dumb as is. But both you can learn rhe basics from.

By the way, 190lbs at 6'2" isn't even big. I am and pretty much everyone thinks I'm a medium despite being a large.

>> No.10053434

Eat zero carbs and force yourself to stop eating while you are still hungry. About a half hour after eating you will no longer feel hungry once the food passes down your intestinal tract. Your stomach will quickly shrink to adapt to your reduced intake and it will take less and less time for you to feel full after eating. Generally fill up on vegetables and protein, eat fruit in the morning for an energy boost and get to know quinoa spinach and flaxseed, all are super good for you and pretty low calorie.

>> No.10053441

Dont eat whatsoever, move as much as possible and physically exert yourself, take stims

this is the fastest possible way to lose weight besides separating parts of your body via blade

>> No.10053444

you sound like the autist

and yes, 190 is technically overweight

at 6'2 you should be around 160 if you don't work out

this is good advice!

>> No.10053451

This should be in the sticky

>> No.10053466

what would you call this hairstyle? what would I type into the archive to find more pictures of it?

>> No.10053473

im also 6'2" and 190

Losing weight isn't the way to go here, you should do some minimal lifting and drink protein shakes to get the right kind of slim body.

if you try to lose more weight you're going to look like a crackhead and people are going to treat you like one.

Only saying this from experience.

>> No.10053480

you heard it from the source guys

if you aren't overweight, you are going to look like a crackhead

>> No.10053489

>if you try to lose more weight you're going to look like a crackhead and people are going to treat you like one.
i'm 6'2" and 155 lbs and i'm pretty fucking skinny fat

>> No.10053504
File: 537 KB, 832x930, 2015-02-07 06.38.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

160 was what I weighed when I was 16

>> No.10053613

lose weight

>> No.10053637

not anon
please stop giving weight advice to somebody actually physically toned

>> No.10053646

I blocked my credit card from accessing food stores close to me (like blocking facebook in your DNS if you don't want to be distracted), forcing me to travel to get food... most times I get lazy and don't bother so I skip meals.

Got Ondansetron for food sickness. It stops nausea and also I think it may cause temporary malabsorbtion of food (as it tries to negate nausea antagonists). I've been taking it every couple days since (it gives a nice chill feeling too), and I've lost a bit of weight since taking it with no other changes besides it.

When I want to eat something I brush my teeth (nothing tastes great after brushing teeth) and chug a glass of water.

>Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
>You can always be thinner, look better
>Want v Need
Written inbetween apps on my phone's background, notes next to my computer, notes on my fridge door, etc.

Yeah count calories measure portions blah blah but you need to work on self control/motivation moreso than routines and journals.

>> No.10053672

this is pretty good advice
>too lazy to diet properly
>take advantage of laziness

>> No.10053933


/fa/ or /fit/, theres no excuse for high bf%

dunno how you can make that body fashionable lol you will look like shit regardless of what u wear

>> No.10054220

Other things

Identify if you eat during certain activities, e.g. snacking during a TV show, stopping that activity will remove the eating that comes from the activity

Staying away from places of eating during times of eating (save call backs/emails/chores for during breakfast, lunch, or dinner time)

Food = fuel, not taste. Whatever you eat floats around in your veins, freaked me out about unhealthy shit and food in general.

Not sure about guys but I've never liked the feeling of sex after eating, I'll not eat for most of a day if I know I'm getting laid

Also OP is so dreamy x.x

>> No.10054221

tfw no gf

>> No.10054232

post feet

>> No.10054333

>No sugar
>No bread, cokies, potato (eat only lean meat and vegetables)
>No fried stuff
>No alcohol
>Do some cadio

don't starve yourself, that will make your metabolism slower, you will likely gain weight more easily

>> No.10054697

They're cut and bruised atm nty

I've never experienced this though, your body needs to eat something, it'll either eat what you eat or eat you

>> No.10054766
File: 826 KB, 1670x2325, karlie kloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your body needs to eat something, it'll either eat what you eat or eat you
Yes, but, it's not that simple if you wanna stay thin, the idea is to lose only fat and have a fast metabolism. Most women still believe that starving yourself for a month and zero exercise works, but they fail miserably. Thin models hit the gym almost everyday and eat smalls meals during the day, usually chicken breast and vegetables

>> No.10054777

Maybe I'm high test

>> No.10054829

That helps for muscle gains, but no that much for burning fat (although, having more muscle mass means more burned calories just for being there) And it also depends on your age, with each passing year after teen years you'll need more cardio and eating less carbs (and sadly less beer) to avoid abdominal and facial fat

>> No.10054848

Greetings from old /fit/
enjoy dieing when OD

>> No.10055019

They should just be redirected to >>>/fit/.

While /fit/izens don't share the same goals as you lot, lurking the board will give you a decent introduction to calorie counting.

>> No.10055090

>fast metabolism

confirmed for you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

thin models are thin because of diet and exercise sure, but not because of "speed of metabolism" which is scientifically negligible. they simply eat their chicken and vegetables at or below calorie maintenance. it's cals in / cals out.

you could eat the most lowfat shit in the world, but if your cals in exceeds your cals out, you're gonna develop fat regardless of how "fast" or "high" you think your metabolism is

>> No.10055114

6'3 and about 165, still pretty skinny fat been going to the gym while cutting this past week, how long until I get a flat stomach? I wouldn't think it should be too long since I'm not that fat.

>> No.10055737
File: 979 KB, 598x735, tumblr_nifb1dCJL21qfjuhgo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both of you are NOT /fit/ and have no reason to feel confident at 190 lbs - as someone that has been lifting for 5 years I cringe everytime I see skinnyfat "/fit/izens" trying to scold people on other boards for not being 6 months into SS and GOMAD.

If you're above 12% (as e.g. the guy quoted is, he's around 15%), you have no reason to tell others you're "fit", nah you're a skinnyfat bitch. Back to topic, on an average person (and the 2 newbie lifters itt also count as average as they look DYEL) at 6'2" 190 is too much, lower your bodyfat fatties; eat less, it's that easy

pic related, unless you're atleast in this condition at the ht/wt you have no excuse thinking that you're at that weight because you're "fit".

>> No.10055740

oh and the picture I posted is a guy at 6'2" 190 - compare to the skinnyfat mess in >>10053504

>> No.10055835

Step 1. Go to /fit/
Step 2. Read the fucking sticky
Step 3. Commit.

>> No.10055906

Smoking doesn't make you lose weight you fucking retards. How does damaging your lungs make it easier to lose weight?

>> No.10055912

>unless you've attained AT LEAST physical perfection, you can't give advice and you're a noob

>> No.10055920

>have no reason to feel confident at 190 lbs

>have no reason to feel confident

You have to lift to maintain your confidence? You sad fuck.

>> No.10055934

nicotine is a stimulant. stims suppress apetite.

why do you think models and ballerinas suck down cigarettes and coffee?

>> No.10055935

this. run every day, work out every other day. eat fruits + veggies. drink a fuck load of water.
dont eat shit. dont eat a lot.
running and other versions of cardio (i highly recommend swimming (uses all muscles and controls breath and low impact) and running) are good for fat loss, but you want to make sure to lift to counteract muscle loss. if your doing mostly running, focus on arms, but dont skip leg day completely. if your going for that /fa/ skelly look dont do too much lifting.

>> No.10055946

literally the only guy with one fit in reality in this entire thread.
thats an incredibly good 'average' body.

>> No.10055956

>and sadly less beer
should i just kill myself now or what are my options here?

>> No.10055958

you must be a fucking holocaust survivor, friend. cop some muscle. im 6'3 and 200 (yes kind of fat) and im like a month away from a flat stomach

>> No.10055992

Oh shit, this looks disgusting, I'm sorry, but >>10053504 looks a lot better in my opinion

>> No.10056020

i think its partly to do with his weird pose and flexing instead of just a natural well lit pic

>> No.10056082

the key to all of this is getting a xanax connect, because you will start having severe anxiety/panic attacks from losing weight so quickly

>> No.10056896

I agree with you very much except for your final sentence, you don't need to have made it to be fit.

>> No.10056911

don't eat after 6 pm, run 12 miles / 20 km a day like shia labeouf, don't eat meat, drink water only and green tea, don't eat, don't oversleep, starve yourself

>> No.10056930

yeah but the 6-months-into-lifting fags such as >>10053504 with unimpressive physiques that feel the need to go to other boards and state their shitty neckbeard-opinions just piss me off. the guy thinks he's 190 because he's "fit", not because his bodyfat is above 14%; then tries to belittle non-lifters on /fa/ for being slightly smaller than him, top kek

>> No.10056950

why does it make you lose weight?


>> No.10057299

Spirits. I drink vodka and lemonade, shit's dope

>> No.10057322

I agree and do this, but don't promote it at all. just run and eat at a deficit from all the food groups (except carbs)

>> No.10057336

I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day and take a green tea extract & caffeine pill in the morning to kick me into high gear. that's just my routine. I don't eat much usually until night either due to working all day and not wanting to spend money on food. I'm not super healthy.
6'1" ~145 lbs so I'm not really skinny either. but that's just because I eat a hefty amount of carbs.

>> No.10057347

Wait, is meat bad when you want to lose weight?

>> No.10057375

this tbh
take a month of feeling like garbage but losing weight

>> No.10057468

how tall are you/how much did you weigh when starting? i feel like i'd be lucky to lose half that amount in that time

>> No.10057481


protein in large amounts (even if you're not taking supplements) can make you bulk.

vegetables, lots of cardio (so jogging or swimming) is an easy way to lose weight safely and is relatively healthy.

anyone else trying to get you to lose weight any other way you should disregard

>> No.10057604

Loads of bad advice here. All I can say is take a caloric deficit that's pretty large, consume a lot of protein and cut out carbs. Cardio is great for weight loss, but you're gonna look skinny fat after losing weight if you don't exercise, meaning lifts and lots of core. Remember, diet is 95% of weight loss, regardless of how much you exercise, you're not gonna get anywhere if you eat too much.

>> No.10058140

you''ll bulk with muscle though, not fat.

>> No.10058440

you cant slow down your metabolism you shit

>> No.10058451


>> No.10058455

eat less
move more
take the stairs
do cocaine or adderall

>> No.10058571
File: 749 KB, 722x1492, 2015-03-11 11.54.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 32 waist. If you aren't breaking 200lbs at 6'2" you aren't a big guy.

>> No.10060065


>> No.10060328

again, a fucking skinnyfatty that thinks he's heavy due to illusionary muscle
protip: You're a small guy that lacks definition, pls cut to a decent bf% before giving your retarded advice to autists.