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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 67 KB, 496x511, That+feel_c68fe9_4147976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10043294 No.10043294[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>dress well
>nice guy
>girl sits next to jerk instead

why the fuck does this shit always happen?

>> No.10043302

you smell

>> No.10043309

I wear cologne and deodorant

>> No.10043311

Because you dress well.

>> No.10043315


>> No.10043323


>> No.10043324
File: 2.49 MB, 640x360, bat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe she was a shy girl who thought you were really pretty and wouldn't sit next to you because she would be too nervous :')

>> No.10043327

Since you think dressing well will get girls to sit next to you, you are probably trying too hard.

>> No.10043340

I actually had something like this. Had to take a shuttle to the next city 1 hr away. Bus was pretty full, qt girl in new balances gets on at the last minute, ends up sitting next to me. We get to talking. Apparently she's 18 years old and 2 months pregnant kek

Eventually we get to the city, I still have to wait an hour for my ride to show up so we go to her mom's apartment nearby. Her mom's gone and we end up fucking on the couch. I cum inside her because she's pregnant and idgaf. Tell her that my brother's here and I have to go.

It was pretty fun. The girl seemed like a total slut, but who cares i'm never going to see her again

>> No.10043359

You look worst than the jerk

>> No.10043371


so spaketh the biggest virgin on /fa/

>> No.10043377


>> No.10043419

Iktf op

>> No.10043464

you probably gave her the i wanna fuck you look and freaked her out

>> No.10043467

>be you
>be cuck

>> No.10043607

Shut the fuck up

>> No.10043740

If there were 2 seats left would you sit next to the hot girl or the decent looking girl

>> No.10043848

Decent girl.

>tfw no qt pi shy frumpy gf with frizzed out red hair and a messenger bag filled with books


>> No.10043856

You either gave her "Don't sit next to me" vibes or you smell very bad. (Bad breath WILL cause ladies to vacate.)

Go easy on the Axe-baths and pop a mint the next time you feel like chatting up a sweet bus honey

>> No.10043857

If you were a nice guy you wouldn't automatically assume that someone is a jerk just because a girl would prefer sitting next to them than to you.
The fact that you get so butthurt about such a tiny thing makes you seem like a faggot anyways.

>> No.10043870
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Pic related.

>> No.10045054
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>> No.10045056

>Reading into shit like this

>> No.10045071

Because girls are retarded.

>> No.10045074


>> No.10045088

they're intimidated, which is a good thing

>> No.10045124

holy fuck bats are like fucking dogs

like flying dogs

>> No.10045141


>> No.10045152

Why the fuck does it matter who sits next to you on a bus? I am just trying to get to my destination. I don't give a fuck who sits next to me.

This is the only place where I've seen this autistic shit made a big deal about.

>> No.10045159

~Do you know why you're lonely?
Because you're fat and gay.~

>> No.10045162

Would you sit next to the hottest girl on the bus?

I wouldnt because I wouldnt want to seem creepy.

>> No.10045183

How does sitting next to a hot girl make you creepy? As long as there is a free seat, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Actions and what you say to a person makes you creepy, not sitting next to someone.

>> No.10045213

Well if there's plenty of free seats where you could sit alone and you choose to sit next to her it'd be really fucking creepy

>> No.10045322

>nice guy

need to tell people you are nice, you must be a cringe fuck

>> No.10045327
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>> No.10045332

I'm a girl and I don't sit next to the cute and "stylish" guy. I get to nervous and start acting weird. bit I'm a really awkward person.

>> No.10045335
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>> No.10045339

I usually pick seats based on practicality (how far from the front compared to how far my stop is/proximity to a bell/am I near a window I could open if I need to) rather than who is next to me.

You could look like a swamp creature but if you're by a bell and a window with a handle I'm sitting next to you.

>> No.10045346

Girls have fear to fuccbois just like guys to hot chikkks

>> No.10045351

Unfortunately they can carry a host of diseases, and you need to be specially vaccinated to handle them. :(

>> No.10045358

Does anyone have that image where the girl thought he had cancer?

>> No.10045364

>Sitting down in computer lab
>Grill sits at computer next to me
>I look at her and she smiles back
>Couple minutes later asks for help with her computer
>Act awkward and she laughs in a nice way
>Starts asking me questions about myself
>Talk for 10 minutes and I have to leave
>Don't ask for her number

ever since I started lifting years back grills mire, but my personality is still in high school sperg-mode

pls help

>> No.10045374

Stop masturbating every night, not even joking.

>> No.10045376

think of urself checkin out a fine mami but ur too intimidated to sit next to her, same situation big boy : )

>> No.10045377

are you talking about girls or bats

>> No.10045378

>buy new clothes
>feel a new sense of confidence while wearing them
>chest out, controlled voice, autism under control
>find it easier to talk to girls, chatting them up all day
>still don't ask any of them out or get any numbers

I'm not the only one right?

>> No.10045436

Just another reason why they fucking suck and I'd never want to be in the presence of one

>> No.10045445

youre a pussy and look like you have no confidence and the girls can smell your mindset of 'i bet she wont sit next to me even though im in my best button down and am a nice guy" an interesting jerk is way better than a boring sweet boy

>> No.10045469

you're not.

>Start dressing well
>become more confident
>girls all over me
>seriously couldn't give a fuck

Must be similar for guys who get /fit/

>> No.10045477

As opposed to not trying at all?

>> No.10045478

Check out the thread that makes fun of the people that posted in facial esthetics threads, somebody posted it there.
I'd link you, but I'm on my phone and honestly can't be assed

>> No.10045479
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Because your girl with me

>> No.10045489

There's this guy in my group of friends who recently started hanging out with us because he knows one of the guys in the group, he's pretty chill and nice and kind of shy but holy shit he intimidates way too fucking much, I know for a fact that he lurks this board because I've seen him post his Saint Laurent fits around here a couple of times, he's the only well dressed guy in the group too and I don't know, makes me feel insecure for being a basic bitch, I've tried to talk to him but I get really nervous and blush too much, I think some of the other girls feel this way too but I'm not sure. Maybe just look too intimidating, OP.

>> No.10045520

I'm the same way.

good looking, impeccable wardrobe.

I can tell women are interested in me, the way they look at me, their body language.

as egotistical as it sounds I almost feel like they think that they're not good enough for me which couldn't be farther from the truth.

I would love to take a slightly above average woman and make her feel like a queen, but when it gets down to it I'm so crippled by the fear of rejection I don't even try.

I keep telling myself it's better to try and fail then not try at all, it's just viscerally terrifying putting myself out there.

I'm just going to man up and ask the most amazing girl out that goes to my gym next time I see her, I know if I don't I'll regret it for a long time to come.

fuck it

>> No.10045529

didn't read

>> No.10045542

same tbh

>> No.10045553

What exactly makes him intimidating though? Do you feel like he's being judgmental?

>> No.10045559

hahaha, if you describe people you don't know as jerks just for pure jealously, you are bottom line autistic or simply way too ugly. Also who the fucks dresses in order to impress women?
seriously, if everyone dressed to impress, every single guy will be using the next 2 outfits. All J-crew slim fitted smart preppy or simply a pair of shorts along with a tanned Herculean body.

>> No.10045568

who need to take the bus when you have fucking internet

>> No.10045687

people with jobs

>> No.10045697

Damn, dat overconfidence mixed with a beta mentality, truly a conundrum. I know that feel, tho.

>> No.10045706

people with jobs have cars

>taking public transportation anywhere
stay pleb

>> No.10045733

>Having to stay in traffic bored as fuck when you could be sleeping on the way to work

>> No.10045735

I'm alone because sometimes I think I'm better than everyone and other times because I feel like I'm too pathetic to have anyone interested in me.

just fuck my mind up fam

>> No.10045738

thanks I will

>> No.10045753
File: 98 KB, 868x1026, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he's pretty nice, and humble even though all the shoes he owns are worth 1k+. Maybe it's because I like him but feel like I'm not good enough for him, that's why I've started lurking /fa/ and hopefully improve the way I dress

>> No.10045754

I feel the same way :(

>> No.10045762

same tbh

>> No.10045766

same here too

>> No.10045769

For me, I do it because if I don't find a guy attractive, I don't want to give him the wrong idea by sitting beside him. You don't know how many times I've just sat down and it happened to be beside some guy that just started chatting me up as if I gave him a sign.

>> No.10045778

No one cares, slut.

>> No.10045784

you're the one who asked, loser.

>> No.10045805


2 years ago I lurked /fa/ hard, took a lot of fashion advice from here and different bloggers and magazines. I noticed I didn't get as many chicks as I used to almost like they were imdiated by the way I dress. And maybe cause I also felt uncomfortable like these clothes weren't from me. So I gave up went back to the old me, put my skateboarding shoes on my element shirt and my semi loose fittings pants, grabbed my skateboard and was me again, suddenly pussy came right back

>> No.10045823

Some ppl just like to talk, don't assume that everyone that chats u up wants to get in ur pants u self absorbed sloot

>> No.10045833

this is fucking pathetic...

>> No.10045838
File: 817 KB, 200x233, 1433222499805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people just don't like to talk to random weird strangers. Do you understand the context in which you have to talk to a person? You can't necessarily just get up and leave. You're pretty much stuck in that seat until it's your stop. So you either have to deal with somebody yapping to you that you dont want to talk to, or get off and wait for another bus.

I've had a guy follow me off of my stop before to keep talking to me. This is why I don't sit next to people like you.

>> No.10045849

Not that guy, but you could just tell them you don't feel like talking, not that I'm saying you shouldn't choose to sit wherever you want. It's just kind of pretentious/snobby to expect nobody ever should be able to strike up a conversation with you lest they be a "creep".

>> No.10045850

oh yeah it's so easy for a little girl like me to tell some guy twice my size leaning up on me barking into my face that i want him to stop talking to me. This is why you'll never have a girlfriend, you just don't understand basic dynamics.

>> No.10045856

I have a girlfriend, and you're victim complex is just pathetic.

>> No.10045861

yeah whatever you say loser.

>> No.10045865

obvious b8 m8, I doubt you're even a chick

>> No.10045873

the same reason why you don't think there are any girls on here is the same reason you'll never have a girlfriend

>> No.10045884

I don't think there aren't any girls here, but I don't think you're a girl. You sound like some misogonystic r9k kid pretending to be his idea of a typical woman, you need to work on your subtlety

>> No.10045902


>> No.10045907

I'd rather be in my own personal climate controlled vehicle listening to the music of my choice than in some shitty bus or train packed in like sardines next to a bunch of plebs and smelly poor people.

There really aren't very many situations in which taking public transportation is any faster than taking a car. I don't have to walk to a station and I don't have to wait for anything. I can just get in my car and go. It's a lot quicker in almost all instances.

>> No.10045914

what if you do sit next to a guy you think is kinda cute and he doesn't say anything because he doesn't want to be a creep? do you wish he would strike up a conversation or will you do so yourself?

I've actually never really met anyone on a bus or train before. I mean, I've made casual conversation a few times with strangers, but only because normally they engage me first.

Sometimes I've seen cute girls I've wanted to talk to, but normally don't. In most cases they have earbuds in or whatever, so I don't want to bother them in some stupid way.

>> No.10045927

This is true. That's why there are so many shitty fits in WAYWT, because their style isn't coming from a personal place and they let their clothes wear them.

>> No.10045939

This has happened too. It's all about the body language and signs. Around guys I do not want to talk to me, I keep my headphones in, look out the window, do _NOT_ ever look at them, stay pretty timid with closed body language.

Around guys I do think look cute or interesting, I'm a bit of a pussy and won't speak to them directly but I give pretty straightforward subcommunication that I'm open to conversation. From looking at them and maybe smiling, twiddling my thumbs or playing with my hair, looking in their direction every so often, I'm a lot more relaxed and open and actually look "approachable"

for the previous posts, im not saying don't talk to anyone on transit ever, i'm saynig if i have my headphones on, hood up and im looking out the window, don't tap me on the shoulder and say you like my bag/pants/shoes and try to force me to talk to you

>> No.10045944

/fa/ in general is pussy repellent

>> No.10045947

>have to ride a shuttle to get to/from the parking lot at uni
>get upset when nobody sits next to me because they must think I'm weird
>get upset when someone sits next to me because I'm afraid I'll accidentally touch them and I can feel them judging me for existing and occupying space

No matter what you lose with public transportation. Your best bet is to just space out and not pay attention to anyone or anything around you.

>> No.10045949

also, generally I take my earphones out or keep one in if I want somebody to talk to me. It's just really weird to talk to people with earphones in

>> No.10046158

i don't have the full story, but you don't have to put up with anything. if you don't want to talk, just say you don't want to talk or give him the cold shoulder. if he tries to get violent in a public area, then he is going to be in big trouble anyways. but yeah, that guy who followed you was creepy.

>don't tap me on the shoulder and say you like my bag/pants/shoes and try to force me to talk to you
well, technically, there isn't anything wrong with that. but i understand it can be annoying if you are not interested in talking. i would just say thanks, and ignore them after.

talking alone doesn't seem creepy. it is only creepy if you say gross things or are insisting when the girl is obviously not interested. there is nothing wrong with striking a conversation with a girl on a bus or train, but you have to read social cues, just like you would in any other situation. if you try to talk to her and she doesn't seem interested, or she is wearing earbuds or something, then it is probably best to let her be.

>> No.10046162

yeah cause it's just so easy to put yourself in a situation where you could potentially have violence used against you. You guys are really fucking deluded about how women think.

>> No.10046183

i am a girl. some guys are just retarded. you need to say, "stop talking to me" before they get the idea. most of them aren't going to react with violence. you need to stop being such a timid flower. saying "no" isn't a bad thing. it is okay to be assertive.

but you're probably baito, so whatever.

>> No.10046196

You're delusional if you think every guy is out there to rape you or something. But hey keep believing you're not autistic like the rest of 4chan if that makes you feel better about yourself.

>> No.10046214

yeah cause women don't have the right to just sit and be undisturbed on transit. Yeah fuck off scumbag.

>> No.10046282

I don't understand why every woman has this irrational fear of being mugged, beaten, raped, stabbed, or otherwise attacked any time they are in public places? It takes such a huge amount of narcissism/deluded paranoia to legitimately believe a random stranger is secretly following you and planning to attack you every time you are in public. Are women really this mentally unstable or what is the deal? What is the rationale behind these thoughts? Can a woman please explain?

>> No.10046289

because it happens? moron

>> No.10046301

men get attacked too but I don't obsess over the possibility of it happening to me unless I'm alone in a sketchy crime ridden area, in which case it is logical to be on the lookout.

>> No.10046304

It also happens to men.

>> No.10046313

It's pretty funny that a stranger you're not interested in can't even talk to you casually because it's almost like a capital offense, but when it's a cute boy you magically don't want to be undisturbed and give hints to make him talk to you lel

Anywho way to miss my point, but I was half expecting that sort of behavior based on the previous posts.

>> No.10046336
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>> No.10046352

yeah cause men are just as vulnerable as tiny girls

>> No.10046361

i think it all comes down to how we our raised. growing up, it was instilled into me that i should be careful around certain men, and always look behind my shoulder when walking on the street, and all of that shit. this was taught by both my mother and my father, although, admittingly, i grew up in a pretty shitty area.

and in the media, you get bombarded with stories about college date rape or raping on the street and what not. it all hits so close to home, it makes you a bit untrusting of strangers.

there is some caution that women should have, but when the line crosses over to paranoia, then it is excessive.

>> No.10046368

did he recently shave his head?

>> No.10046372

not everybody lives in a perfect little rich white town like you. I live in LA and taking transit is hell. It's plagued with degenerates who try to chat me up who can snap at any moment.

>> No.10046376

underrated post

>> No.10046385

fuck off with your shit bait. nobody is fucking falling for it. go on /r9k/ and bitch about why women are shit and keep making excuses for why you are lonely fat degenerate loser.

>> No.10046387

Car accidents happen all the time but I don't constantly think about how I could die at any second while I'm driving unless there is a sheet of ice on the road or some other logical reason to believe my chances of crashing are higher than normal. I don't think that every person behind the wheel is a functioning retard about to slam into me at every pass. I don't drive recklessly and with total trust but I also don't have delusions of grandeur to the point where I believe everything revolves around/will happen to me--because statistically that is not the case.

>> No.10046395

comparing the chances of car accidents to the chances of rape when a creepy guy approaches you in a completely inappropriate situation.

yeah. You don't have a girlfriend for sure.

>> No.10046404

>oh no! the no gf card yet again
How many times are you gonna keep telling people they don't have girlfriends until you feel like you can live with yourself? :^)

>> No.10046407

car accidents are actually much more likely to happen than random public rape

holy shit you are stupid

>> No.10046408

oh really? when a creepy guy sits next to you on the 1am bus youre alone on then follows you off of your stop, the chances of any kind of assault happening to you is less than the chances of getting in a car accident at any given moment?

fucking idiot.

>> No.10046418


>bases his self-worth off of his relationship

Grow up, kid. Try having six of them (two at the same time).

>> No.10046419

yes car accidents happen with more frequency than random public rape. for the second time. And yet for some reason I am totally comfortable driving and you seriously believe you are on the verge of being raped everywhere you go.

>> No.10046423

>car accidents happen with more frequency than sexual harassment
bet you wont make that point, which is what the thread is really about you dumb fuck

>> No.10046434
File: 648 KB, 1556x1037, 1402097056555[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fa thinks they "dress well"
>pic related

man would you sit next to any of these autist? then again op is thinking of connecting on public transit

>> No.10046440

Dressing well is pretty subjective breh. I've seen way worse fits posted here then those in the pic, to be honest.

>> No.10046444

ok you're right. I still think women generally have a sense of self-worth and ego completely disconnected with reality.

>> No.10046446

okay, you put all women in one category. You really ARE an idiot.

>> No.10046455

>Dressing well is pretty subjective breh
hot facts inc - you must feel like youre the first on fa to project that

>> No.10046456

I'm asocial, afraid of beautiful girls and feel uncomfortable being around them, may be some girls feel the same way?

>> No.10046458

no i'm not. i also think men are generally more aggressive than women. hurrr i put all da mens in a category what a retard i am!!

but it is true

>> No.10046461
File: 907 KB, 3110x2073, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the original, faggot.

I sure as hell would sit next to Dylan

>> No.10046473

>saving autism
im not putting that much effort in, but ty

>> No.10046478


>> No.10046481

whos the guy with the bucket hat

>> No.10046482

Not really, but you if you think that pic is autistic then you really haven't been browsing /fa/ regularly.

>> No.10046486

comes from a really wealthy family, parents own several businesses in milan

>> No.10046492

This, if what OP is saying is true.
Some girls are just as anxious talking to guys, as guys are talking to girls. Some of these girls might get on that bus not wanting to actually speak and meet some new person, without it being pre-planned on her terms. It might be easier for her to sit next to someone she won't and doesn't have to impress, whereas you just think she's not into you.

>> No.10046493

it took me about 15 seconds to realize this wasn't the original

>> No.10046515

Lol, the whole "no free release will make you go out and earn it" idea. Yeah. K.

>> No.10046535

Fucking this.
>tfw it's a crowded bus and no one sits next to you
>tfw someone takes the seat next to you and you can tell they're judging you through the corners of their eyes
>tfw they sit next to you but move seats once another becomes available
>tfw when that one basic bitch sits next to you and she's probably wearing an entire bottle of Victoria's Secret perfume

>> No.10046552

U won't do shit

>> No.10046565

>Some of these girls might get on that bus not wanting to actually speak and meet some new person, without it being pre-planned on her terms
This is an interesting point. Because girls will sit next to some regular unattractive or moderate guy whenever. Sometimes you're just in that threshold where a girl finds you attractive but not attractive enough to be bothered. Or maybe she's in a relationship or had a bad day. Just know where you stand, if you're not overtly physically repulsive, the reason she's not sitting next to you is almost always positive unless you stink.

>> No.10046566

>~10 autistic anons meet up

>"youre not an fa regular

shut that shit up you cant even go back to slater

>> No.10046779

the fuck is wrong with the niggas neck

>> No.10046785

Before you start typing some random incoherent hurr durr bullshit on the internet, take a look at that keyboard on your phone and assert whether it is worth the embarrassment pointing out how retarded the psyche of your being is.

>> No.10046797

you must be one repulsive motherfucker