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/fa/ - Fashion

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10004717 No.10004717 [Reply] [Original]

How common is an interest in fashion/modelling/model life? Do you think the average person wished they could be a model and live a model life?

>> No.10004722




>> No.10004737

Probably very common.There are always those basic chicks who watch Victoria's Secret fashion shows and want to become an Angel, or those frat boys who want to model for Abercrombie. But they usually lack the looks or body requirements, and don't have much interest in fashion beyond what they can find at the mall, so they get nowhere with that.

>> No.10004744

The average person may want to look like a model, but being a model is a dangerous proposition. The second you get too old, your profitability instantly goes to zero, and your skillset isn't exactly portable.

The ideal solution would be to model while acquiring a degree or something. Few do that, so far as I know.

>> No.10004750

who is that qt

>> No.10004758
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gemma ward

>> No.10004882

>tfw in school now for engineering
>my youth slowly leaving me

People have said I should model...but like I'm afraid of rejection and what people think of me. wat do.

>> No.10004896

Depends entirely on your appearance, but 21 isn't necessarily too old. Or 24. Or even 27.

>> No.10004900
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most people aren't as fucking vain as /fa/
And the people I admire and want to be don't care too much about fashion and looks as much as /fa/
I don't want to hang around with you people irl

>> No.10004909

Then why the fuck are you here, nerd?

>> No.10004916

But definitely 28.

>> No.10004922

to shitpost and I been here like from 2008

>> No.10005065

nice doubles

>> No.10005080

some models go into acting

>> No.10005350

It matters how you look more. I'm 22 f and I've been modelling the last 8 months and have been paid for most of it.
I've been told to go to an agency by a photog and some MUA friends/people I modeled for, but I don't really know how to go about that

>> No.10005453

If your a guy your never too old. Women it's probably 28 max. 18 is the peak and 22 is when the decline rapidly starts

Unless you have amazing genetics or a good plastic surgeon

>> No.10005459

Or asian, half-asian or Slavic. Western Europeans age faster than anyone

>> No.10005934

That's really sad

>> No.10005946 [DELETED] 

Not really
I like 4chan and /tv/ is my main board and I get a ton of movie recommendations and dank memes from virgins
I fucking /fa/
Such a vain fucking place but I come here to make fun of retards who thinks "losing weight" and buying high fashion shit will solve the ugly face problem

>> No.10005947

It's my dream to become a model but I have no idea where I would even begin to attempt it

>> No.10005948

Not really
I like 4chan and /tv/ is my main board and I get a ton of movie recommendations and dank memes from virgins
I fucking hate /fa/
Such a vain fucking place but I come here to make fun of retards who thinks "losing weight" and buying high fashion shit or growing out their hair will solve the ugly face problem

>> No.10005990

Eh, instead of shitposting on a board that you clearly hold no interest in, why don't you go back to /tv/ and continue ogling at underage actors?

>> No.10005997

Model here.

this is true.

it's suggested that models also go into acting, at least in the beginning. I have gotten a majority of jobs "acting" in commercials rather than print work or anything else.

>> No.10006010
File: 49 KB, 500x611, IMG_6341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitposting on a board that you clearly hold no interest in
I dress better than you, that I know
I post my honest opinions but they usually get ignored because most of you are 15-16 and don't understand what looking good is.
Get raped soon anon :^)

>> No.10006016

u don't know what you are talking about m8


Cara Delevingne is also trying to get into acting

>> No.10006020
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Talk shit post fit. Here's a basic one just so you can't go "no u"

>> No.10006029
File: 122 KB, 468x663, 1434491577448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fit
but i won't call it amazing
don't buy the hype and start wasting money on cops that cost over 500 dollars
Also no one is looking at you as intensely as /fa/ and if someone judges you for how you dress they don't really need your attention or respect
That's just my opinion
dress comfortable, be confidence
that's all you need to do.
Also I'm not going to post my fit you kidding me :^) after all the shit talking I did fuck that

>> No.10006030


>> No.10006063

If you're gonna call people out on being insecure try not being such a weak little bitch. What are you scared people might say some mean things about you?

Also you 'honest opinions' are probably terrible just like everyone else here who acts like hot stuff without anything to back it up.

>> No.10006071
File: 2.60 MB, 3216x2136, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg. I'll agree with your point though that /fa/ is filled with impressionable teens which is why I can't comprehend why'd anyone not interested in looking beyond presentable would browse this place. This became my homeboard after I left /b/ so I'd like to see it flourish, as autistic as that sounds.

>> No.10006074

sure sure
It's just that I never take photos of myself like you vain fucks.
If you read my simplified opinions I makes great sense but again what do you know and why do I even care what you think I ignore people like you real life :^)
but keep on shit posting

>> No.10006082

>nice fit
>but i won't call it amazing
>don't buy the hype and start wasting money on cops that cost over 500 dollars
>Also no one is looking at you as intensely as /fa/ and if someone judges you for how you dress they don't really need your attention or respect
>That's just my opinion
>dress comfortable, be confidence
>that's all you need to do.
>Also I'm not going to post my fit you kidding me :^) after all the shit talking I did fuck that
stop posting.

>> No.10006085

>sure sure
>It's just that I never take photos of myself like you vain fucks.
If you read my simplified opinions I makes great sense but again what do you know and why do I even care what you think I ignore people like you real life :^)
but keep on shit posting
eliminate self.

>> No.10006088
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And filtered

>> No.10006093
File: 102 KB, 800x685, 1433954962770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete these
I'm not joking

>> No.10006094

So taking photos of yourself to share is vain now? God damn dude quit being so judgemental because it's likely that you aren't perfect either.

Also stop acting like you're any better than anyone here unless you have some proof that you're above it all. You're still on 4chan, you're still shitposting i'm gonna say it's likely you're not exactly a pariah of successful living.

>> No.10006112

my step-brother was the runner up in a show called search for a supermodel in 2000 :-]
modelling is shit, kate moss used to work 17 hour days. it's difficult, incredibly boring and not at all glamorous. you have to be a certain kind of person to succeed at it. a job or two when you're young might be a good idea for fun and a little bit of cash but it's really quite a shitty career decision unless you're a kloss or a moss. people that dream of modelling are usually very vain with little idea of what it actually involves.

professionals at least get good networking opportunities. a lot of models move into styling, photography or design as their career moves on.

>> No.10006118 [DELETED] 

OHHHH who said I was BETTER than you fucks
I said I like to make FUN of you fucks
I never said I was some smart ass fuck here to act like some god over you simple minded assholes
I just said you guys are vain and don't know how to look good but I never said I was better than you fucks and never pretend to be I just remember being so sensitive to other people's opinions
Like I said I just post opinions no one reads and shitpost
Also how is taking a photo of your clothes to upload on a website to get critique on your looks not vain?
I don't care if you take a photo of yourself and upload it on Instagram or facebook so your friends can see it but to do see how you look and see how people will judge your looks? That;s pretty fucking vain

>> No.10006122

OHHHH who said I was BETTER than you fucks
I said I like to make FUN of you fucks
I never said I was some smart ass fuck here to act like some god over you simple minded assholes
I just said you guys are vain and don't know how to look good but I never said I was better than you fucks and never pretend to be I just remember being so sensitive to other people's opinions
Like I said I just post opinions no one reads and shitpost
Also how is taking a photo of your clothes to upload on a website to get critique on your looks not vain?
I don't care if you take a photo of yourself and upload it on Instagram or facebook so your friends can see it but to do it to see how you look and see how people will judge your looks? That;s pretty fucking vain

>> No.10006125

That being said it's not like all models are miserable, they're like actors, if you're the right kind of person with enough love for the industry it's the best job in the world. If you watch interviews with (admittedly) successful figures in modelling they talk about it with so much love and admiration for the artform. Some people are just wired in a certain way so much that they cant even do much else.

>> No.10006131

yeah fair enough actually i sorta agree with all that.

but you did say you dress better than us, which i've often found to leads to hilarious results when people try to back that up.

>> No.10006135

>interviews with (admittedly) successful figures
they are certainly the minority though. a combination of passion for the industry and commercial success are rare. still, some people can definitely make it.

>> No.10006137

Okay that was shit posting to full thrust and was going over board because I was never going to post a pic :^)

>> No.10006142

Definitely, it's like any job that leads to being a celebrity, the people who can do it are generally just crazy and can't even handle normal life.