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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 55 KB, 770x433, bowl cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9998605 No.9998605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

W2C sick bowl cut?

>> No.9998620
File: 53 KB, 599x399, 11401493_949227498473620_8453429654082104775_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real shit though this jacket is dope

>> No.9998621

agreed tbh


>> No.9998622


>> No.9998651
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/dangerous/ boys report in

>> No.9998653


>> No.9998659

who is this?

>> No.9998665

A very naughty boy!

>> No.9998950

stance with a bowl cut

>> No.9998980


Dylan "Pull the trigger on every nigger" Storm Roof.

>> No.9998989

this thread is gross. have some fucking respect

>> No.9998997

Dylan "Stormfront" Roof

>> No.9999009


>> No.9999011


>> No.9999022

this is /b/ tier shit.
very unfay.

>> No.9999027

Is it easy to maintain? I hate to use hair products.

>> No.9999030
File: 157 KB, 720x960, 11253918_10206809343021719_5395215026274792399_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wait are aviators back or no

>> No.9999041

kill yourselves edgy faggots

>> No.9999043

Not fashion related plz read the rules

>> No.9999048

Ameriblacks upset no one cares about their shitty racial hangups
America is a sinking ship and this shit is going to keep happening

>> No.9999049

The most specialized flying tetrapod ever was probably Nyctosaurus, with huge, long wings, a tiny body and complete loss of all manual digits except the wing bearing one.

Some pterosaurs, like Anurognathus were slow, agile flyers like potoos or broad winged bats. They probably came out at dusk to catch flying insects.

Azdharchids were giant, dragon like storks of terror who could fly so good that distances between continents probably meant nothing to them but who could also run fast on four legs.

Istiodactylids were scavangers and hutners of small animals with sharp teeth that could cut flesh.

Ornithocheiridae were another type highly specialized for flight. They lived in marine settings and used long distance soaring, landing onthe water survace to dip-feed on some fish.

DImorphodon was probably a forest dweller who jumped from branch to branch, hunting small protomammals, insects and reptiles, whose flying abilities weren't so good. His broad wings enabled him to maneuver between the trees, though.

>> No.9999050
File: 543 KB, 640x480, platnumb_mad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do you hate fun?

>> No.9999055

how old are you?

>> No.9999058

suits you decent

>> No.9999060

Not a lot of people can pull off a bowl cut and not look dumb as fuck, bravo

>> No.9999064
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, you'reDONE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old enough to post.

>> No.9999067

cant hate, dude reminds me bladee

>> No.9999095
File: 81 KB, 735x427, police fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9999106

siq as fuck

>> No.9999110

this country is most definitely embarrassing, however lacking basic empathy and compassion for real people world-wide and not taking an interest in global issues that are affecting the world in which your fuck ass is occupying space in is not "effay" it's actually cringy as hell

so about 9?

>> No.9999111


>> No.9999116


>> No.9999117


>> No.9999118

>global issues that are affecting the world
autismal Americans going on shooting sprees isn't a global issue

>> No.9999122

Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.9999126

>not taking an interest in global issues that are affecting the world in which your fuck ass is occupying space

Nigga we talkin bout bowlcuts here wtf

>> No.9999135
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x720, rice_rockteer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> interest in global issues that are affecting the world in which your fuck ass is occupying space

By exterminating those cockroaches and possibly preventing a few from being born, Dylan has done far more than any of us will in our lifetime. Imagine the future lives he saved by killing off a couple violent future coons.

Missed the kid though.

>> No.9999136

is america no longer a part of the world? are you even serious right now?

get the fuck out of here bro. because this ugly mother fucker is the only dude with a bowlcut that could've been posted? i know this is 4chan but try not to play too dumb

>> No.9999139

>is america no longer a part of the world? are you even serious right now?
by your logic every issue is a global issue then

>> No.9999154

try not to slice your fingers on that keyboard man. in case of an emergency use your cum stained shorts to add pressure to the wound

um yes any ongoing issue that is prevalent and predominately affecting one or more areas of the world (in this case racism, discrimination, hate-crimes, etc) are global issues..

>> No.9999161


Are you a girl?

>> No.9999173
File: 13 KB, 320x287, 78676553856..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to tumblr you dumb cunt.
Whoers like you always bring down the quality of discussion

>> No.9999176


>> No.9999178

>in this case racism, discrimination, hate-crimes, etc
except the way that this is manifested is almost unique to America

>> No.9999197

will you pop a boner if i am?

that's because america is a nation that was literally built upon the backs of minorities

>> No.9999206


What do your feet taste like?

>> No.9999209

>that's because america is a nation that was literally built upon the backs of minorities
nice meme!

>> No.9999235

so many fanooks itt

>> No.9999249


>> No.9999252

>Autists. When will they learn?
Roofistan should have an hero'd.

When he goes to prison he's going to have to get himself a big, strong Aryan Brotherhood daddy to protect him from the blacks.

In the end all that he accomplished was locking himself into a future of prison yard prostitution providing homosex favors.

>> No.9999256
File: 308 KB, 546x700, back_to_tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9999260

it will be an interesting trial at least

>> No.9999265
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>> No.9999283

I seriously hope post 9999999 will be Charleston related.

>> No.9999294

I hope it's "Back to mfa"

>> No.9999299

This website has become so predictable.

>> No.9999327

this is shit. awful

>> No.9999332

Where did he cop those boots?! So sikk!

>> No.9999337

They're probably milsurp

>> No.9999345

After 10 minutes of reading all the threads

It can't be denied this man browsed /fa/ the last part of 2014

He's definitely a faggot

>> No.9999415
File: 356 KB, 865x564, 1434651395882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i c wat u did there

>> No.9999446

u can tell he get bully evry day of he life and prolly had no friends either so he think he;s the shit by having existential thoughts lol he shouldve just killed himself worthless fuccboi

>> No.9999485


his fit's actually not bad yet he's got that fucking mom in the kitchen yee yee ass haircut


>> No.9999487
File: 36 KB, 512x534, pepe_rare_meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's one more to add to the collection !

>> No.9999506

lmao if the quality of discussion is dictated by racist edgelords that sounds lame as fuck

>> No.9999525

>calling others edgy
>tells them to kill themselves


>> No.9999535

I don't understand the autism on both sides of the argument ITT.

It's possible (and easy) to both deplore and mock this guy. What's wrong with that?

>> No.9999541

look at this loser has to scapegoat because his life fucking sucks hahahaha how do you even frequent /fa/ with your head lodged so deep up your ass

>> No.9999544

oh and you being empathetic and compassionate is really going to bring these people back isn't it? Do you think you are going to change the world or something? Get off your high horse and go fuck yourself

>> No.9999550

not going to change the world, but at least prevent this board from a cesspool of filth

>> No.9999560



>> No.9999566

>that is prevalent and predominately affecting one or more areas of the world

hahaha can you try any harder to sound smart? You're failing miserably by the way

>> No.9999578

Lmao dude there are far worse threads than this one in the catalog right now.

At least this is relatively on topic.

>> No.9999579

>global issues

Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.

>> No.9999586

Do you admire him for being a fucking racist facist murderer ?

>> No.9999587

what the fuck are you talking about. We need to destroy capitalism

>> No.9999596

is there a particular reason you are asking this in every thread about him to the point of bumping dead threads

>> No.9999601

Why do you think the OP is admiring him?

Are you autistic?

>> No.9999602

>a cesspool of filth

I love how offended people get lol. In the real world, miss tumblrina princess, nobody gives a shit. Your fake emplathy isn't going to help anyone. You don't give a shit and neither does anyone in this threas. You might feel sad for a while and then you will forget about it and carry on with your life. My point is it doesn't really matter whether you are empathetic or not, if you aren't going to actually do something about it then shut the fuck up, because you are having the same effect as all the edgy faggots making jokes about it : zero.

>> No.9999617

thanks honky. I am a nihilist so idk wtf you're talking about, I just hate racists and fascists

>> No.9999625

>le nihilist

cringing tbh

>> No.9999627

There are no more barriers to cross. All we have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem we have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone.

>> No.9999628

so why does this bother you so much when the overwhelming majority of interracial crime in America is black on white

>> No.9999649

... what

>> No.9999653


>> No.9999661

>girl power
>traditional values

>> No.9999662

w2c those sick patches?

in english this time?

>> No.9999666

You mean the crimes that get prosecuted. Blacks in America are subject to constant low intensity violence from whites in the form of social/racial oppression.

>> No.9999668
File: 11 KB, 320x272, 1434599746019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about sri lanka? you know, how the sikhs are killing tons of israelis over there

>> No.9999672


Dat get

We are close

>> No.9999673

quads/trips speaks truth

>> No.9999678

>You mean the crimes that get prosecuted.
do you really fucking think it matters if the crime is prosecuted or not?
is this really how you think?

>> No.9999684
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 1434602374481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blacks in America are subject to constant low intensity violence from whites in the form of social/racial oppression.

>> No.9999686

Come on, there are a lot more problems than Sri Lanka to worry about.

>> No.9999698

The beautiful part of that quote is how he contradicts every single point that he brings up.

>> No.9999726

aka land of white/jewish kids with daddy issues

>> No.9999751

very edgy :^)

>> No.9999764
File: 892 KB, 1946x3456, Trunksisthekiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao trunks is gunna need a new haircut now

>> No.9999833
File: 109 KB, 914x632, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were sleeping on his dope church fit smh

>> No.9999855
File: 320 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that an acne fw 15 sweater?

>> No.9999860

Jesus your other tabs

>> No.9999863

>that sweater
acne has just lost a customer

>> No.9999868

"poop porn"

>> No.9999888

Just realized
Those look like sweats

>> No.9999912
File: 104 KB, 854x859, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin checked, so ready for the get

>> No.9999916


>> No.9999947

the "innocent bowl cut" with hate face and edgy jacket is next level.

how long till this style gets co-opted by liberal fags? fucking normies

>> No.9999994

We need another isis thread those fits are p bonkers

>> No.9999996

i actually like that haircut and he really pulls it off pretty well. shame hes a terrible person.

>> No.10000008
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>> No.10000087
File: 50 KB, 620x465, faragev2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was a literal feminazi

>> No.10000093


>> No.10000103

welcome to 4chan retards