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/fa/ - Fashion

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9933904 No.9933904 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ confessions time

>Once wore Express dress shirts because I liked the spandex in them for some reason
>Have given female friends bad fashion advice to keep them showing more skin

>> No.9933940
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I shop exclusively at mall tier shops like Topman and River Island.

>> No.9933944

I once almost bought a fedora.

>> No.9933947

When I get really drunk I start ranting about different designers for no reason in particular.

>> No.9933964

I bought fake geobaskets once. They looked laughably bad and fit horrible on me, so I sold them to some guy and told them they were really nice fakes.

>> No.9933969

i only buy fast fashion and running shoes

>> No.9933974

I want a recording of this pretty badly haha

Pretty much grailed in a nutshell. Minus the attempt at scamming people.

I mean half the damn sneaker threads are people trying to convince themselves running shoes are fashionable. You're in good company.

>> No.9933980

i bought geos for retail

>> No.9933984

I once owned a fedora.
I shopped exclusively on H&M.
I used to think that the emo look was 'cool'.
I was a regular stupid teenager basically.

>> No.9933992


Go back to /b/ with this bullshit.

>> No.9934020

there's a whole lotta regret cops hanging in my closet rn.

i just feel kinda bad for spending the money and idk if anyone would buy my stuff.

>> No.9934031

i sell fakes on grailed and ebay all the time, nobody has ever found out

>> No.9934044

Fuck you

>> No.9934047

I refuse to use the word "lumbersexual" but I am super into the new rugged hipster image.

I also really like the bowtie/suspenders look (only as formal wear, never casually) as long as the colors are very conservative.

>> No.9934054

my mom literally refused to let me get a fedora all throughout middle school.

Thank you so much mom.

>> No.9934059

Sometimes after buying pants, shirts, etc. I will wear them for an entire day or two as a 'test drive' and if I don't like it I'll return it.

>> No.9934064

I hide a secret cum stain on the pants I sell on grailed ;^)

>> No.9934091

>I refuse to use the word "lumbersexual" but I am super into the new rugged hipster image
I like it, too. It upsets me that I can't grow a beard.

>> No.9934193

Somebody has to.

>> No.9934259

i act offended when people call me a hipster but i know exactly what im doing and dress that way on purpose to seem different,alternative and "hipster" and i actually like being called one

>> No.9934271

Piece of shit

>> No.9934280

/fa/ secretly wishes it was lumber sexual

This is /fa/ in a nutshell.

>> No.9934287


>> No.9934306

Damn I just realized this is me

>> No.9934342

This is actually exactly me too. Holy shit.

>> No.9934352
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I hate indie looking folk but pretty much look like one 24/7.

>mfw my cougar fuckbuddy told me I "look so indie!"

>> No.9934498

my gf is far more /fa/ than i will ever be
>nearly always wears black dresses
>makes/thrifts all of them
>dad was a founder of sub pop

>> No.9934596


you finally admit what everyone else already knew about you

>> No.9934626

I enjoy wearing patterned dresses every day and I don't care if it's too basic or too twee for /fa/'s standards.

>> No.9934642

I bought fakes.

>> No.9934656

There's nothing wrong with that. Seriously.


>> No.9934665

I take hipster as a compliment

>> No.9934831

I feel really uncomfortable after a while if I don't wear all black.

>> No.9934843

I sold comme des garcons shirts that are quite possibly fakes with a mark-up to some malaysians on sufu

>> No.9934844

In 2011/2012 I sold fake HBA on ebay for copious amounts of money

>> No.9934856

I can respect that. Very enterprising.

>> No.9934882

I hate the word "hipster" because it's become a meaningless trend, but I consider myself to be what the original definition of one was.

>> No.9934890

Lesson of the day: fuckin tons of people be scammin in the secondhand fashion industry

>> No.9934937


That really is something a faggot hipster would say

>> No.9934944

you shouldn't be buying designer clothing if you can't afford to buy it retail anyways

it's tacky and embarrassing when you wear clothes made for the wealthy, yet you can't even afford a car or have to live with roommates

>> No.9934952

>>mfw my cougar fuckbuddy told me I "look so indie!"
how old is she? i was fucking a married 32 year when i was 17, was bretty gud. she still looked great and was a far better fuck than any of the girls i've been with my age

>> No.9934961



>> No.9934962

where do you idiots live where people actually still use the word "hipster"?

didn't that die a quiet death in like 2008?

>> No.9934968



>> No.9934980

How the fuck did you swing that?

>> No.9934981

Yes, which is why it's so weird to see the term thrown around here regarding beards. Every beard thread you go into, you will see "HIPSTER, SHAVE THAT SHIT, THE TREND IS DEAD." It leads me to believe most beard detractors are out of touch and/or envious teens.

>> No.9935016

thought you said 'I fucking married'

good job tho man

>> No.9935033

I think a lot of the comfiest stuff I wear is from Target, not the higher end brands.

>> No.9935038

i know it sounds generic, but she lived in my neighborhood a few doors down and i used to mow her lawn in the summer since her husband was out of town for work often. she was bored and childless. she'd invite me in for lemonade after i finished mowing and she let me swim in her pool (she also had a hot tub!). things started pretty innocently at the beginning, she'd just sit close to me on the couch, testing barriers, etc. it went on for 3 years until she moved away. she was smart, caring, compassionate, and not the least, beautiful. i still think about her occasionally even though we haven't had contact for several years.

>> No.9935048

also forgot to mention that she was into rape and incest play, which was pretty fucking hot

most of the girls my age i've fucked since then just lay there like a dead starfish not doing a damn thing

>> No.9935071

You basically lived the life of some sort of sex comedy. Jelly.

>> No.9935159

Yeah, but it didn't have any of the comedic elements you find in the hollywood teen comedies.

She took my virginity during a time I was somewhat vulnerable, but she was sensuous and loving about it. Damn, even writing about her makes me miss her a lot. I hope she's doing well. Every boy should let an older woman teach them how to be a lover. She'd even cook meals for me, visit me after I went away for college, send me cards. I feel like she cared about me more than any other gf I've had since then.

>> No.9935326

you make me feel, anon.

>> No.9935407

Does sound bretty fucking gud.
My first gf was some years older than me too...
It's true that older women seem to feel way more at ease in their body than younger chicks...
v turn on

>> No.9935412

I'll confess I also had a relationship with a 35 year old when I was like 20. Was awesome. She got too clingy though

>> No.9935428

First gf was only like 4 years older, but that felt like a huge deal when you were 15-16.
Haven't crossed the 30 mark yet. Kinda want to.

>> No.9935456

i've collected drop dead clothing for the past 3 years

>> No.9935476

i talk shit all the time on here but i wear nothing but school (mainly athletic) apparel and meme smiths

>> No.9935492

you're the worst

>> No.9935497

i think this is 99% of this board

>> No.9935503


>> No.9935506

i inherited 36k from dead grandparents and have blown almost 15k of it on mostly useless shit.

in terms of clothing i haven't spent wisely either, a lot of it is mall stuff i simply don't wear

>> No.9935512

yeah but people here need some shit talking

the amount of kids who think that just rolling up their pants makes them oh so /fa/ is ridiculous

>> No.9935619

In sixth grade I bought a fedora to look like the guitarist of Avenged Sevenfold

>> No.9935628

wowww what did u buy?

>> No.9935641

I'm not really embarrassed about anything I've worn. I was just living to my social surroundings tbh

>> No.9935647

I wouldn't say TOPMAN is really mall tier..

>> No.9935652

I browse mfa just as much as here, equally ignoring about 75% of the advice from both

>> No.9935654

Yeah you're right topman is exceptional quality and fits incredibly well

>> No.9935661

I've worn the same outfit every day for the last 3 months or so. Wash it about once every week and a half. Seriously the greatest feeling. So stress free.

>> No.9935669

Yeah dude, i've ordered so much stuff from them. Their shoes quality is downright awful though. fell apart within 2 months.

>> No.9935784

If you honestly wear designer clothing only to show people how much money you have, I really pity you. You must be an insanely boring person to associate with.

>> No.9935797

>spend years obsessing over brands/designers/copping wardrobe

>only thing you do with the wardrobe is shoot in it and play in magic the gathering tournaments

>> No.9935881

Southern California, but here anyone with good taste is considered a hipster.

>> No.9935987

Perhaps you are at comfort because you don't care if something were to happen to it? I never feel comfortable wearing my "new" shoes because I'm afraid to walk in the grass or have them be stepped on, but then again, it's fulfilling when people ask if my 3-year-old shoes are new

>> No.9936021

Are they how we portray them to be?
>swag is for boys, class is for men
>dress to impress
>be a noble gentlemen

>> No.9936028

I'd rather dress to be fuckable than to be /fa/ (girl btw)

>> No.9936032

the negative emotions /fa/ causes me far outweighs the interesting posts but i still come back

>> No.9936034

at least you can impress neckbeards with your 'fashion' while you go 0-2 and drop :)

>> No.9936058

same here sort of

i dress like the kind of person i want to attract which is weird logic??

i want a guy thats into minimalism,simplicity boring, safe but good fits

and i dress that way even though they would probably be more attracted to your average basic ugg and north face wearing bitch????

either way, im lame and doesn't work :)

>> No.9936068

and it doesn't work*

>> No.9936129

I can't wait for my grandparents kick the bucket. I only have my grandma left, and despite how fucking old and delusional she gets, she still won't die. Still love her tho

>> No.9936136

you don't understand, it's not about showing off your money, but it's about dressing to who you are

it's like the concept of being hood rich, still living in the hood, but blowing all your money on stupid shit to make yourself look rich

>> No.9936148
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I think I have a real issue with copping shit online. Like if I dont have something to be looking for or purchasing I feel bored or as if I desperately need that one more article of clothing to complete my wardrobe. Anyone else know how to deal with this feel?

>> No.9936164

how do you dress? I think any girl that's dressed well (and has a decent body/face and personality) is definitely fuckable.

do you just wear really short jean shorts and crop tops or what? what do you think is a "fuckable" look? how often do you have sex? how often do you just pick up random guys and let them have their way with you?

I really like a girl with the confidence to wear a short skirt, not enough seem to do that anymore. But short skirts are very sexy, especially knowing the idea that it's so easy to just flip it up, pull down there underwear and fuck them right there. I once drunk-fucked a girl in public who was wearing jean shorts, it was kinda a pain in the ass since she had to get them almost all the way down to allow me access to her

>> No.9936170

Spend too much time online and you become presented with too many options to handle. I cant take that too well so I mainly only ever buy stuff in physical stores, despite there being much better deals online. Stops me from buying too much shit as well, makes purchases feel more meaningful.

>> No.9936178

lmao no wonder ur a virgin

you probably dress like shit too

>> No.9936179


Holy shit same

>> No.9936186

thirst is real

>> No.9936190


At least I haven't pretended to be a girl on the internet lmao

>> No.9936200

fucking burn

>> No.9936209

>how do you dress?
Usually like a normal girl. I like to show off my stomach and legs and ass and cleavage when I can though. I like men to look at me and think of fucking me

>do you just wear really short jean shorts and crop tops or what?

>what do you think is a "fuckable" look? how often do you have sex?
One that makes me look unlike other girls

>how often do you just pick up random guys and let them have their way with you?
I've never done that. I have a boyfriend and I like when he wants to fuck me and I like that I'm his and not other people's.

>I really like a girl with the confidence to wear a short skirt, not enough seem to do that anymore. But short skirts are very sexy, especially knowing the idea that it's so easy to just flip it up, pull down there underwear and fuck them right there.
I don't wear underwear

>> No.9936223

maybe if u weren't new you'd realize ur retarded

>> No.9936225

i take pleasure in being nice

a sick, nasty pleasure in complimenting people and making them feel accepted

its perverted as fuck

>> No.9936230

jesus christ

>> No.9936238

>I don't wear underwear
never? do you ever wear skirts? isn't vaginal discharge a problem?

i used to insist that my ex-gf not wear underwear sometimes when we went out with friends or out for a fun night on the town, but she wore them everywhere else

>> No.9936243

ree i want u to stop posting

>> No.9936249

I wish I could do the same, but I'm attracted to androgyny, which is rather hard to pull off if you don't have the build/face.

It'd be great to be able to wear your gf/bf's sweaters and vice versa. Plus the inevitable wardrobe conflict at the end of the relationship

Apart from that though, I do have the same logic when it comes to style.

>tfw stylistically coherent with your partner

>> No.9936252

i own full h&m and hollister shit tier stuff except for shoes

>> No.9936258

i don't care what want tbh

>> No.9936280


maybe if u weren't retarded you'd realize that nobody is buying your cover story.

Please stop talking before I embarrass you any further

>> No.9936334

why do you pretend to be a girl?

do your parents not give you enough attention at home?

>> No.9936339

haha did i piss you off honey

>> No.9936361

Can you confess to being a boy now? This is a confession thread. You shouldn't be here if everything you say or do is a lie.

>> No.9936368

I originally thought "no poo" meant not taking a shit.
>tfw I didn't shit for almost a week.

>> No.9936390
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Do you break the autism spectrum on a scale of 1-10?

Im literally fucking laughing my ass off.

>> No.9936404


Didn't I tell you to stop talking to me?

Are you too stupid to understand simple words?

>> No.9936419

I just discovered the casual belt I'd been wearing the past couple of years was a meme belt (one of those ones with an airline seat belt buckle, plain design). Only found out after it broke and I went to look for another.

I'm going to order a new one online anyway.

>> No.9936425

dont buy that please.

>> No.9936450


I bought a regular belt to replace it and so far it's felt inferior. Buckle snags hair on gut, undoing when pulling down pants more inconvenient. I usually only wear untucked shirts with it so it's never visible anyway.

>> No.9936461

that's no more of a meme belt than wearing a seashell necklace is a meme necklace

it's just tacky, and well, very dated. did you just step out of a time portal from 2001?

>> No.9936469


No. I just have never been fond of regular belt buckles, I saw it in a shop and thought it looked interesting so I bought it and found it much more convenient/nice to wear. Maybe because I've never spent money on belts before but I've always found with belts the fabric/leather bit ends up getting fucked around the hole. I don't follow fashion much.

>> No.9936472

I don't wear underwear when I'm trying to attract men. I can sometimes rub my pussy against the seam or fabric of my clothes and that turns me on

I wear them sometimes with pants or daytime dresses. I don't have a lot of discharge since I have an IUD unless I'm horny in which case it drips down my thighs

>> No.9936491

I used to wear Black Scale, Pyrex,HBA and Been Trill exclusively (add some 10deep, BBC and Ice Cream) and Jordans during middle school. (2011- early 2013)

>> No.9936496

>dressing to who you are
>you are brand labels

the hood rich thing is COMPLETELY different. the whole point of it is to flaunt designer brands like gucci and louis vuitton because they have very recognizable brand logos and you can show wealth. being interested in fashion and owning some expensive second hand sneakers or jackets isn't anything like that because 99% of a poorfags friends aren't going to look at your plain black jacket and say "wow, is that Rick Owens? you must've paid a fortune!" unless of course you tell them yourself. in fact, when people ask about my clothes, i usually undermine it and say i got them on sale or from some online shop, because they think buying expensive clothes is insane. I mentioned paying 50$ for a supreme tee once a few years ago and got a slew of confused looks. It's not about the price or label, it's about the silhouette and fit. Unless you're just a trust fund baby that flexes pictures of himself with his dad's rolex and memebaskets on instagram to make up for a lack of personality, which it seems the case for you

>> No.9936516

I started to get into fashion because of that flash game hipster boy dress up or whatever its called I bought like every piece in the game or something similar

>> No.9936543

I browse /fa/ even though I dont own any effay clothes myself. I'm saving up my money to eventually get a new wardrobe though

>> No.9936648
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how'd i do?

the music is so soothing

>> No.9936661

best post in this thread

>> No.9936707

I tried to be with a significantly older woman, but she literally just used me as a boytoy to fuck and look at sometimes and otherwise would get drunk and leave me home, where I couldn't go anywhere because it was so far away from anything. It actually sounds a lot more fucked up now that I write it out.

But yeah, older isn't the only key to something like that, you really lucked into finding a genuinely compassionate person.

>> No.9936725

I wear basic bitch fast fashion mixed with animecore.

I keep buying shit online which 9 times out of 10 wont fit me and will just sit in my wardrobe. I cant stop, I just love waiting for shit to arrive in the mail.

I love wearing black because its easy as shit to look good in (hence its popularity here and in fashion in general) and because im out of shape.

>> No.9936727

>I'd rather dress to be fuckable than to be /fa/ (girl btw)
I like everything about this, selfishly.

>I don't wear underwear
Aaaaand the floodgates open.


Yes, it's an addiction like any other. I get that way myself when I'm bored. Explore new stuff. >>9936170 is right.

>i own full h&m and hollister shit tier stuff except for shoes
That's not all that bad IMHO. It's not like the stuff will burn your skin or something. Decent fitting clothing from Hollister or A&F is superior to ill-fitting clothing from Rick (though arguably you could tailor the latter and blow the former out of the water)

>airline seat belt
I thought those died with the whole skater fad thing. Weird. If you want something simpler, try slide belts - I like them when I'm up for something different.

>middle school
I think we have a pretty solid middle school amnesty policy on here.

>I'm saving up my money to eventually get a new wardrobe though
Good strategy and good luck!

>> No.9936734

>10 deep BBC

Did it hurt?

>> No.9936739

>aaaaand the floodgates open
do you think I'm a slut or are you attracted to me?

>> No.9936742

I can relate to you so hard it stings, all of my spending money goes towards clothes that I sparsely ware.

>> No.9936752

zumiez and h&m are my favorite chain stores. ;) xD!!!!!!

>> No.9936753

>do you think I'm a slut or are you attracted to me?
More like openly talking about being a girl with any aspect of sexuality is basically making yourself a major target for creepy bullshit.

>> No.9936772

My reasoning was that if I hold in my shit, my body would reabsorb the nutrients in my poo, causing me to have great hair.

>> No.9936808

I have a few new fit tees from topman which i fuck heavily with(probably my favorite tees) I own alexander wang tees and i have owned a rick tee as well. And i like wearing these more than the more expensive shit.

>> No.9936817

this is the right way to do it

>> No.9936895

YESS. and once it arrives im only satisfied for a few days until i want to buy something else. the only way i can stop is when im broke.

>> No.9937002

don't get your panties all tied up sweetie

you seem a bit mad at someone on the internet? :)

>> No.9937056

i sure hope this is sarcasm

>> No.9937067

u spend all ur waking hours on /fa/ pretending to be a girl

>> No.9937072

hey uh, i-i'm into minimalism

>> No.9937110

>Decent fitting clothing from Hollister or A&F is superior to ill-fitting clothing from Rick
Wellllllllllllllllll that's a bit of stretch

>> No.9937118



did you JUST catch on to the fact that patrick bateman is a troll

>> No.9937136

funniest thing i've read in days
thanks anon

>> No.9937155

try again

>> No.9937394

Says u

>> No.9937638

I purchased boots on Grailed and then turned out and sold them for a hundred dollars more. It's amazing how easy it is to sell people with a nice description and good photos.

>> No.9937687

>I'm a girl

sure jan

>> No.9937708

I get complimented for my style by many girls i've recently met through friends of friends, but still have the confidence of who i was three years ago, which was a socially awkward gamer. My self esteem over this year has gotten better but i still find it hard to keep a conversation going since I have no clue what to say ahhh

>> No.9937732

I've started dressing more in plain t-shirts and tight jeans because that's how all the pretty girls in my vicinity say they like me best.

>> No.9937737 [DELETED] 
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>poor enough that i cant really afford to buy much
>save pictures from rakuten or grailed and pretend i brought the pieces
>use these pictures to construct outfits and pretend im wearing them

>> No.9937740

It's also how most of /fa/ dresses, and your reason for it isn't even that bad.

I've completely changed my style into some hipsterfagshit after a break-up and it has yet to go back to normal

>> No.9937769


Is this your comeback?

A 4chan equivalent to "ur le mad xD".

I told you to stop posting and Children should listen to adults.

>> No.9938099
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>> No.9938153
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brendan, is that you?

>> No.9938168


She's 39, I'm 22, been at it for 7 months or so.

Petite, blonde, big tits, tight ass, pretty and just a gem. Fucks like a tiger too.

Older women are awesome.

>> No.9938178

My favourite stores are Esprit, Anna Field and Benetton. I also wear Crocs indoors.

In my defence it's because they're easily washable, I've got a dog that drags filth from the outside and sheds, and all my fluffy shearling slippers have gone to shit thanks to him.

>> No.9938191

95% of my clothes are from uniqlo

>> No.9938194

>Wellllllllllllllllll that's a bit of stretch
Haha, admittedly true.

>I've started dressing more in plain t-shirts and tight jeans because that's how all the pretty girls in my vicinity say they like me best.
No shame here.

>> No.9938195

Oh and I own a pair of trackies. Not even the good ones, but the cheapy Fila ones.

>> No.9939110

buy a decent regular belt then. sounds like you got one of shit quality. really though those seatbelt belts are absolutely atrocious. I wore one in 7th grade and realized they were too immature for me then.

>> No.9939163

my sides

>> No.9939376

no, im kind of a skeleton

>> No.9940214
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I actually have a cool story about this.

>met a girl 9 years ago
>fall desperately in love with her
>we start making up stories about us with me being a wolf and her my moon
>every full moon we use to climb a mountain near home and go to sleep in the forests, gazing at the stars
>one day I discover her parents have to move to a foreign country
>we decided not to talk again, not even texts so we would be able to go on with our lives
>I don't know what she's doing, probably fucking BBCs, I don't care
>every full moon i slit a razorblade over my heart, to remember those moments
>been with a couple of girls, never forgot her
>eventually thought about suicide because the rest of my life is shit and I've never been able to sort my shit as the misfit I am
>Maybe one day I will get to see my Luna again, and let her heal my scar

Call me a faggot, a cuck, whatever but I still believe in Captain Enigma

>> No.9940215

I own 2 Borsalino fedoras but i dont dare to wear them, but they look awesome on the coat rack in the hall way...

>> No.9940279

Pot calling the kettle black

>> No.9940291

I autocop any remotely interesting thing from Jap auctions for fairly cheap. If they don't work out, up to grailed they go. My margins are extremely low tho.

Like now i'm having second thoughts about a needles shirt i copped

>mfw the difference between the IS pants and made in vietnam APC's i sold were a mere $100

>> No.9940294

1) I wear straight leg jeans and chinos.
2) I've got a pair of Clark's Wallabees in rotation.
3) I prefer quartz movement watches to automatic. I'll always dish a bit extra for quality.
4) I wear henleys.
Forgive me padre for I have sinned.

>> No.9940307

>have worn a tweed trilby

>> No.9940309

I actually bought one and I'm still living it down to this day. Doesn't help that I even bought it from a hatmaker so it cost so much fucking money god I was dumb.

Maybe I'll just keep it until i'm 60 so I can finally get some use out of it.

>> No.9940310

Only bad one is 2. Calm down.

>> No.9940314

none of these are bad and wallabees are amazing

>> No.9940941

Their basics are exceptional. Like they really are form fitting and cheap

>> No.9941277

When i first got into /fa/ around the time i started college i was a really bad metalhead-esque just short of scene kid in the way i dressed
the way i "improved" myself begain with my mom cutting my hair short and combing it back and wearing dress shoes....with hot topic skinny jeans and metal-t shirts. for some reason i thought band shorts looked somewhat formal.
anyways im not that much better but im not awful like that anymore

>> No.9941301

dude :/

>> No.9941484

thank you, this shit needed to be said

>> No.9941496

It will come back to get you :)
And when you get pissed, all you will have to do is blame yourself.

oh yeah btw suck a fucking gorilla wang.

>> No.9941665

I once beat the shit out of someone when I was drunk for saying my Y-3 Qasas were ugly. My girlfriend told the the police he was harassing her and groping her and that I noticed when he put his fingers up her skirt. I got off scott free

>> No.9941667


>> No.9941672
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lol i'm c00l 10/10 white and 6'2 with an IQ in the 100s

>> No.9941673


>> No.9941683


all you guys saying this is you need to but up

no one actually CARES you are a hipster, what they do care about though is how fucking obvlious you'd have to be to NOT know you are clearly a hipster.

that is extreme crnge guys, just admit you are hipster and be done with it.
It's like a neckbeard fedora wearer denying they're a neckbeard

>> No.9941684

Ah shit

>> No.9941712

This. Inland empire? Regardless it fucking sucks, you either dress like a plain bro or you stick out and get lumped under "hipster". Might as well live in a flyover state unless you live on the beach/ LA

>> No.9941778

Ah shit

>> No.9941923

underrated post

>> No.9941946

i don't know whether to say 'well done' or 'fuck you'

>> No.9942081

damn thats some straight up nigger shit nigger.

>> No.9942083

calling yourself a hipster is way more cringe than being called a hipster especially if you come off proud about it

>> No.9942138


>> No.9943060
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I'm 18 and wear a two tone rolex

I actually hate how I physically look, dressing the best I can (or at least how good I think I look) merely allows me to feel like I'm slightly less unattractive.

My confidence doesn't seem from true confidence, it seems from the fact that I distanced myself so much from people that I eventually stopped caring because I didn't believe I had a chance with anyone so I merely stopped wasting my time worrying about it.

I wear cable-knit cardigans with a white button up, tie, a pair of slacks and some dress shoes most the time unless it's summer.

I spent $600 on a Jil Sanders Green Whale Intarsia Sweater and $200+ on a Jil Sanders Tan Dinosaur Intarsia Sweater

>> No.9943215

Once I got married I got rid of most of my clothes.
All the above knee and shorter dresses and skirts, all my pants and jeans, shorts and low cut blouses, all dark and busy clothes went to the bin.
Now I only wear midi skirts or dresses and never show my cleavage. Sort of 50s inspired figure with modern cut and materials.
No one knows that the minute I get home I turn the slutty gauge up to the max.
It was all my husbands idea and I'm absolutely loving it.

>> No.9943227
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I jerk off to the ASOS models, male and female... and then buy the clothing that they were wearing

>> No.9943290
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>responding to ree

>> No.9943362
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my other two main boards (can u guess what they are) keep me from reaching fah potential tbh cuz i keep wasting money on nothing

>tfw have been coming straight home just to play splatoon for the past 3 days

A game hasnt made me do this since mw2 9th grade tbh

Thats it i guess idk what to rly share

Sometimes i just wanna sell all my clothes and just b a NORMIE but im in too deep

>> No.9943396

This is quite common I guess but I jerk off using the backside of my leather jacket by sliding my dick or take the sleeve and wrap it around my dick then I start pumping. I had cumstain all over the jacket, I need some waxing.

That's why soft leather is the best feeling ever, like being blown or something.

>> No.9943400

Oh shit, this is /fa/ no spoiler tags. Sry.

>> No.9944511
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>> No.9944797

>fake bragging about not being retarded

>> No.9944808
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I buy all my clothing from eBay and thift stores, over the span of three years I have amassed a decent wardrobe full of designer/high-end pieces and shoes

>> No.9944853

thanks anon I just got fired for laughing too hard

>> No.9944874

thanks for reminding me never to listen to any of the things you say on this board

you literally play with childrens games, that's fucking embarrassing

>> No.9944902

today I wore a bandana, Henley, skinny jeans and vans and I still think I look better than 90% of people I see

>> No.9944918

pix of u inserting peach into ur asshole

>> No.9945716

Might as well ask here. A lot of you bois talk about quality items worth paying money for, so i'm gonna call you out. Take your best quality item and tell me whats makes it "quality". Construction, stitching, small details. If its materials like leather what makes it special, etc

>> No.9945977

I've considered getting replica TNFxSupreme but figured it wouldn't be as warm

>> No.9945999

My shearling coat can withstand zero-gravity conditions, the blistering sun and scorching desert, North Pole temperatures all the while still managing to look absolutely flawless and show no signs of wear. It's cosy, warm and the material feels really soft. It isn't too heavy and it fits well. I'd say that's quality.
It belonged to my dead grandma so it might be infused with her soul or some shit.

All this said, I don't think garments are good quality if they have to be babied and polished all the time.

>> No.9946012
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>>tfw have been coming straight home just to play splatoon for the past 3 days
>A game hasnt made me do this since mw2 9th grade tbh
my nigger

>> No.9946436

Good start. I've got my grandpa's jacket myself. A little bit small but has withstood 3 generations. Fully lined (probably poly tho), heavy cotton outter i think. Ribbing has stretched abit but nothing too bad

Other than that one of my personal faves is probably my oni secret olives. Crazy well done stitching, fabric is insane, and solid hardware

>> No.9946461

I think it totally depends on the nature of the clothing.

I think that Schott jackets and Wolverine/Red Wing boots are totally meant to last a lifetime. As long as you don't throw them into a proverbial woodchipper, they are solid as a rock.

As for stuff that is durable-given-what-it-is, I'd think Brooks Brothers dress shirts and really solid heavy weight denim from nicer jeans brands like Naked & Famous. It'll fall apart in your lifetime, but the construction quality is still solid.

As for specific features? Depends on the garment, but obvious attention to detail regarding how seams are finished is a big deal to me. I've always thought - probably erroneously - that a company too lazy to end a stitch/seam right probably makes a kinda crappy product.

>> No.9946466

I'm secretly a basic bitch.

>> No.9946516

Can we go on Starbucks dates?

>> No.9946552

there is no area of the inland empire that touches ocean front

that's why it's called the inland empire

inland....and then the entire place ranging from high desert to san diegoish

>> No.9946552,1 [INTERNAL] 

just buy a faux leather jacket from zara or something and you can fuck that jacket up big time with your cock and cum and it wont be a big problem having it get wet and stained. just dont rub your wet dick on a slp leather jacket and youll be fine