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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 247 KB, 401x620, Them+manlet+feels+oc+by+which+i+mean+i+comic_99605a_5085097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9916936 No.9916936 [Reply] [Original]

18 and 5'6
how to stop being a manlet, /fa/ ?
I at least want to be 5'9
This board is filled with manlets so at least one of you has to know something.

>> No.9916938

Russian gene therapy or human growth hormone are theoretically the only ways, once a person passes a certain age when they stop growing.

>> No.9916943
File: 18 KB, 291x343, 1418087324875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry friend but I don't think you can just 'get taller'
just hope for a growth spurt I guess :/

>> No.9916951
File: 7 KB, 217x250, 1417156403408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This board is filled with manlets so at least one of you has to know something.

If they knew something they wouldn't be manlets

>> No.9916952 [DELETED] 


u dont
there is literally you can do about it
makes sense
own up to it you pussy

>> No.9916964

Get a good career
abandon all hope of ever having a family
live in the shittiest cheap room thing you can
Save every penny for limb lengthening surgery
you could probably end up 5'10

>> No.9916967

That fucks up your bones though. Well I guess it's better than halving your lifespan.

>> No.9916975

5'6" isn't even that short. Just have a personality, some interests you're passionate about, and a sense of humor, and you'll be fine.

>> No.9917001

Don't worry about your height.

Just date girls that are shorter than you.

Or grow a pair and date whoever you want.

>> No.9917077

Cop better genetics

>> No.9917084

hahahahha what the fuck

limb lengthening surgery is a real thing

>> No.9917112
File: 29 KB, 500x342, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 5'9" isn't a manlet

>> No.9917133

lol, what were you expecting OP? Your height is genetically pre-determined.

>> No.9917138

>5'6" isn't even that short

>> No.9917154

I hooked up with my first two girlfriends when I was still around 5'7". Both of them approached me first and said they'd been crushing on me for a while. I'm 21 and 5'10" now and honestly not much has changed in the chicks department, besides the fact that maturity has made me better at approaching them instead of vice versa.

I seriously think a lot of Internet people over-attribute their successes and failures to height. This is what I do: Groom reasonably, don't stink, wear whatever makes me feel good and compliments my attributes, crack jokes, and be friendly.

Having a likable personality goes a lot further than +/- 3 inches in height IMO. It's also a lot harder to develop when you spend all your time being insecure and angry on 4chan, surrounded by edgy rejects who probably hate themselves.

>> No.9917169
File: 189 KB, 485x337, Michael-Kors-Files-For-IPO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's taller than most manlets

>> No.9918101

18 and 6'2
how to stop being a manlet, /fa/ ?
I at least want to be 6'3
This board is filled with manlets so at least one of you has to know something.

>> No.9918112

5'9 isn't thaat bad, around average height.
I categorize manlets as below average height, so 5'8 and below

>> No.9918121

I'm 5'8

>> No.9918123
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>> No.9918129
File: 259 KB, 681x1024, Dennis-Graham-and-son-Drake-at-Marquee-NYE-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9918143

>tfw slightly taller than my mother and shorter than my dad

>> No.9918238


>> No.9918381

Do you actually stop growing at 18?

I just turned 18 last month and I'm only 5'4". Havent grown much since middle school, used to be the tallest kid in my grade and everyone said I'd be a giant by now because my dads tall

I guess, unfortunately, I was screwed over by my moms 5'1" genes .-.

>> No.9918389

haha my mom is like 5'4 and my dad is 6'1 but im 5'7 and im still growing, im probably taller now i should go check.

>feels good man.jpg

>> No.9918480

It's like every day we have the obligatory height post.

1) You care about this more than anyone else will, ever.
2) /fa/ and /fit/ blow the situation out of proportion because it's an immutable and objective characteristic they can latch on to criticize people,
3) The few people who do care are assholes, much like people who criticize girls for breast size or guys for dick size,
4) Most of you aren't done growing yet because you're under 21 or whatever the final cutoff age is, and
5) Even if it was a major flaw, dressing better and being confident will "fix" it every time.

>> No.9918547

>Do you actually stop growing at 18?
No, you don't.
Men are fully developed somewhere in their mid-twenties, I think it's somewhere around 23-25. For women it's around age 18-20.

>I just turned 18 last month and I'm only 5'4".
It's tough to say how much, if any, you could grow, but you still have like 6 years. I'm 19, going to be 20 this year, and I'm still growing. Was 6' a little more than a year ago, now I'm just rounding up to 6'1. Both my parents are around 5'10-11 and I take mostly from my mother's side of the family, especially her father, and he was around 6'3, so I could potentially end up on 6'2 or even more.

>> No.9918563

if you are under 5' 10", women will consider you "short" - that's not necessarily a deal breaker, but it definitely makes things harder. there's exceptions to the rule, but most short men i know are not successful with women

>> No.9918627

Tall people can't buy Japanese clothes
5'2" reporting

>> No.9918732


Pretty much this

Being attractive and having other positive personality traits can negate the shortness for most people

The girls I've seen who are really fixated on height are usually the ones with not much to them aside from the fact that lots of guys want to fuck them

Also there are a lot of insecure short/tall girls with fixations on height. With them you can pretty readily tell it's a projection of their own insecurities, so you're basically dodging a bullet there.

>> No.9918760

Eat lots of protein
Grew from 5 3 to 5 11 as a result

>> No.9918777

stop giving a shit

>> No.9918780

listen to this guy

>> No.9918823
File: 442 KB, 2000x1087, 1432681828473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the manlets

You're 18, pretty much a toddler, you'll grow some more. Maybe. If you're lucky.

>> No.9919003

Underrated post

>> No.9919034

im 5'7 and female still growing, whos the manlet here?

im sorry i just dont give a fuck 100 percent of the time

>> No.9919056
File: 87 KB, 2550x3300, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this info graph template for this thread's topic and especially you. Feel free to put manlet brands for your height, and keep track of all the brands for people 6 feet and above.

>> No.9919067

do ppl actually care what people here dub as fahsionable? thats preschooler shit.

>> No.9919084

check that your posture is perfect, if not that could help you get another inch or so

>> No.9919086
File: 187 KB, 1500x884, 1433012092970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man, we're really insecure about our appearance, that's basically why we have this board. We even made a info graph about what's fashionable

>> No.9919090

Oh, it's short, but not Skrillex/Tyrion Lannister short.

The tallest girls usually are is about 5'7" - 5'9", so 5'6" isn't too short in comparison. It's still shitty, though. I'm 5'7" and do not like it at all.

>> No.9919096

Don't give him false hopes, most men stop growing around 18. I grew up to 6'6" at 18 years old and most of the people I know stopped growing at 17.

>> No.9919107

>1) You care about this more than anyone else will, ever.

Well, yeah, other people can dismiss you, whereas you're stuck with that body forever.

>3) The few people who do care are assholes, much like people who criticize girls for breast size or guys for dick size,

…or like guys who don't like obese girls. Which is most guys. Chicks dig a tall man. You don't have to be tall, but it helps.

>> No.9919112

>lots of guys want to fuck them
Well I wonder why.

>> No.9919128

5'10 and i hate my fucking self.

>botched male model potential

>> No.9919145

>Well, yeah, other people can dismiss you, whereas you're stuck with that body forever.

People can also dismiss you because they look like someone who stole their toys as a kid. Being insecure about this is simply unnecessarily crippling.

>…or like guys who don't like obese girls. Which is most guys. Chicks dig a tall man. You don't have to be tall, but it helps.

I'll agree that many girls like tall men, but (1) the definition of "tall" is pretty variable, and (2) obesity is a byproduct of laziness and lack of self-control, not necessarily immutable physical characteristics.

But yeah, sure, if you're 5'2" you might not get as many girls as a guy who is 6'2". If you let that burden you and define your interactions with others, you're going to have a shitty life.

>> No.9919160

Since you're just about young enough for one last spurt:
Human growth hormone + paleo diet or anti-estrogenic diet + full body exercise (e.g. swimming or burpees)

Avoid drinking beer: if you want to get hammered, don't do it more than once a week, and go for wine or hard liquor. Cocktails are fine, the main thing is to avoid hops and excess of alcohol.

>> No.9919193

You're the only trip I like

>> No.9919202
File: 7 KB, 566x76, Patrick Bateman confesses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9919204

Hmm, you seem like a likeable person.
... Ironically that already makes you so much more attractive than two thirds of /fa/ regardless of height.

>> No.9919206

>tfw 6 feet but really skinny with huge hands and feet

life is suffering

>> No.9919224

Those are exactly the proportions you want.
Work on your anxiety.

>> No.9919239
File: 559 KB, 1024x681, 1428538204703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Mexican and 5'9

At least if I go visit family or go to a party I'm a fucking giant.

>> No.9919246

>liking trips

oh i see why.

>> No.9919332

If you're not at least 6 ft you should kill yourself.

>> No.9919338

you seem to have some issues mate

>> No.9919340

betsy is actually a little funny today

>> No.9919353

>The tallest girls usually are is about 5'7
Not in white people countries.

>> No.9919363

Why are you appropriating Quentins work?

the fuck is ''reeeeeeee's'' diamond dogs

the fuck are you doing

>> No.9919367

6'1 in the morning
age 20
father 6'4
mother 5'4

fortunately I feel like I'm still growing. I have a twin brother who matured faster than I. He got armpit hair at 13, I got it at 15. His voice dropped middle school, mine dropped sophmore summer. He's 6'2. If the pattern continues, I should be 6'2 before I'm 22. IDK whats wrong with my late blooming genetics. Think I'll live longer too?

>> No.9919379

the examples are guesstimates, the point is I'm 2 years behind

>> No.9919431
File: 38 KB, 585x677, 1362413444001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The height challenged man should wear clothes that eliminate any contrast and clutter in the midsection. On the original Two and a Half Men, both guys were about the same height, but Alan always wore large horizontal stripes while Charlie wore vertical stripes with a bit of scruff. Be Charlie, not Alan.

Get well fitted clothes and blogs like A Modest Man and shops like Peter Manning will help.

I present Buzz @ 6:38:

>> No.9919489

confirmed self-conscious that he'll be shorter than his brother
>not being 6'2

>> No.9919535

All the people in this video look like shit

>> No.9919557

Ha, I forgot to edit my post to be troll proof.
Youre right, I have been conscious of the growth differences since I was self aware. It always evens out though.

If not, oh well

>> No.9919564

>57 posts
you're still giving a shit

>> No.9919570

>>9919557 meant for >>9919489

>> No.9919576
File: 571 KB, 642x630, one of them learned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy did well.

>> No.9919585


>> No.9919602

Flusser looks good for a guy in his 60s, but yes the classic menswear examples are being told what to do better.

>> No.9919613
File: 25 KB, 149x135, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that filename

>> No.9919616

lmao what a faggot

>> No.9919625
File: 1.60 MB, 299x399, manlets.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9919693
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, 1343159782342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even though he was 5ft 7in

>> No.9919778

Should I post the one of you not having any friends or is that pretty much overdone by now?

You're worse than pigfuck

>> No.9919835

The taller u r, the shorter the life span.

>> No.9919851

naturally maybe; most manlets end up killing themselves, doing a favor to society ending their pathetic genetic line. consider the same

>> No.9919925

fuck off trunks

>> No.9920781
File: 81 KB, 617x684, p05E9u4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9921465


>> No.9921484

Stop being self conscious by feigning confidence until you are happy with what strengths you do have

>> No.9921704

1. Fall asleep before 11pm every night, 9-12 or 10-12 is like growing time or something. Sleep 8 hours minimum.
2. Eat calcium and iron rich foods, foods which grow your bones.
3. Exercise, do exercises which make you jump, and lift yourself up.
4. Look at your mum, dad and grand parents, if one of them at least is tall, you have a chance, if all short, you're doomed. Good luck manlet.

5'9. King of Manlets.

>> No.9922218

british racing green

>> No.9922234

it was a horny girl, what the fuck

>> No.9922292
File: 254 KB, 500x615, Won-Bin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'6"

dodged a bullet there

>> No.9922992
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9923007

19 and 6'5
how to stop being a manmore, /fa/ ?

>> No.9924249

Kill yourself and try again on the wheel of reincarnation.
The only real answer.

>> No.9924422

I'm sure the actual growth from 18+ is fuck all. It's like 1cm in the rarest cases.

>> No.9924435

>I wore red shoes everyday since I was 14
>grew a total of 3 feet
>just wear red shoes anon

>> No.9924491

You fucking freak of nature.

>> No.9924511
File: 20 KB, 329x357, feelsgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'10
>tfw 5'10 in Malaysia where 5'5 is the average male height


>> No.9924547

>tfw 5'4
>smell bad
>getting fatter
>no qualifications
Impeccable taste in music, fashion and art though

>> No.9924564

>Impeccable taste in music, fashion and art though

10 favorite albums of all time, go

>> No.9924588

>tfw 5'9 is actually a pretty normal average height
>but you live in the Netherlands with average 6'1

>> No.9924592

All designers are like that tbh

>> No.9924608

18, 5'9 but somehow I feel like I'll grow to a minimum of 5'11, maybe because I still have a babyface, no belly hair and very weak facial hair

>> No.9924618

Led Zep IV
The Best of The Beatles
NOW 42
Problem Child 2
2Pacs Greatest Hits
Poor Little White Guy
Backstreet's Back
NOW 45
Trout Mask Replica

>> No.9924619

too bad you're in fucking malaysia

>> No.9924627

this is really sad

>> No.9924638

same : ) south east asia feels good man

vietnambro here

>> No.9924680
File: 68 KB, 600x350, women-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trout Mask Replica

>> No.9925072

5'10. 135 pounds. effay? or should i go more skinny? I have big cheekbones and a pointy nose so I dont wanna look completely aushwitz mode.

>> No.9925107

same height as you but 120 lbs

>> No.9925152

lekker voor je

>> No.9926403
File: 1.16 MB, 1129x1600, SAMBYRAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy measured at 5'11 aged 17-18
At 19 he was 6'0

Now he's either 6'1 or 6'2 aged 21

You may still grow OP

>> No.9926414

My dad got involved in Basketball and said he would have been a manlet had he not played.

All his brothers are manlets. So maybe there is some genetic expression.

>> No.9926427

You're probably right

Doing shitloads of streching and jumping when your growth plates are still open can make you grown more than normally.

Must be the same for the post you replied to,since soccer players do it since childhood.

>> No.9926443

I swear the whole basketball = grow taller is a myth.

I read somewhere that the reason you see such tall basketball players is because they are successful due to their height; they don't become taller as they play. It's a bias. It's like some people think Oxbridge students are the smartest due to the superior teaching at the university, but really, it's due to rigorous application conditions and rough interviews allowing only the smartest to enter. The people who actually get in are naturally smart regardless of how good the teaching is.

>> No.9926452

>I read somewhere that the reason you see such tall basketball players is because they are successful due to their height; they don't become taller as they play. It's a bias. It's like some people think Oxbridge students are the smartest due to the superior teaching at the university, but really, it's due to rigorous application conditions and rough interviews allowing only the smartest to enter. The people who actually get in are naturally smart regardless of how good the teaching is.

You're 100% right

Same thing goes with weight lifting; some people claim the weight pushes down on you somehow and makes you shorter.

It's actually the opposite; if you're shorter, you'll have an advantage since you have to lift the weight a smaller distance from the ground.

>> No.9926515

>I swear the whole basketball = grow taller is a myth.

Lel who the fuck ever thought this in the first place. You've invented an old wive's tale.

post another picture of your face

>> No.9926516

>mom 5'8
>dad is 5'10
>get stuck as a 5'11 manlet
true suffering