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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 48 KB, 550x665, Time_Fall_1993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9893952 No.9893952 [Reply] [Original]

Is being mixed /fa/, /fa/?

How has being mixed or being purely of one race affected your fashion senses?

>> No.9893964

its about culture and upbringing man. being mixed doesn't guarantee shit to affect fashion senses/style but maybe skin-tone will.

>> No.9894087

To me if you're mixed with black you look better, I like the olive and brown skin and the mix of features.

>> No.9894092

for white+black it's ultra hit or miss, you're either really pretty or very ugly.

>> No.9894105

>mix of several races

>> No.9894156

so then thats black mixed with white, no?

For me I find some black and white mixed people extremely attractive

Black with asian can work as well

Is it just me or is white and asian a bad mix?

>> No.9894197

anything mixed with black imo, im not attracted to other mixed

>> No.9894205
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This, you either have muses or complete ogres

>> No.9894237

Being mixed is /fa/ as fuck, but it's because generally people with parents with different genes look better.

>live in the middle of nowhere
>everyone keep fucking their cousins or other towns people
>they all look like shit
>the only nice girls are mixed ones

"Mixed" is not intended only as White/Black or White/Asian, but also as White/White, the only thing that matters is that the parents should be from very different places

>> No.9894325

Keep trying.

>> No.9894326

not even some mixed south americans?

>> No.9894327

There's variety among white people

>> No.9894328

Mixed blacks and mixed south americans aren't mutually exclusive, see the population of Brazil. But if they're mixed with black they're potentially attractive to me

>> No.9894333

White and native american works very well

>> No.9894335


>> No.9894337

just saying there are race mixes that work well besides anything with black

>> No.9894342

I'm sure any racial mix "works" well enough it's just not attractive to me

>> No.9894343

na, usually mixed people get the worst features of both races

>> No.9894344

I'm Hispanic mixed with Asian

It hasn't affected my life other than that I've learned Latinx and Asians are the most racist people on this planet, both races don't consider you one of them unless you're full-blooded.

>> No.9894345
File: 862 KB, 1200x881, antonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most mixed women (aka mulata) in Brazil are just average-above avergae imho like pic related

>> No.9894349

>both races don't consider you one of them unless you're full-blooded.
That's just about everyone

>> No.9894353

just because you arent attracted to it personally doesn't make it not /fa/

>> No.9894354

Keep trying.

>> No.9894355


>> No.9894356

>I find this potentially attractive but I do not find this other thing attractive
>W-well i-it can still be /fa/
Why aren't you capable of reading and comprehending? Are /fa/ and attractive the same thing to you?

>> No.9894358

This thread was about what is fashionable not what your personal tastes are

>> No.9894359

Half Asian as well and I will agree Asia s are racist as fuck. They'll generally exclude you, but if you do anything good they'll try to attribute it to your Asian side. Disgusting.

>> No.9894360 [DELETED] 
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mixed is quite possibly the most unfortunate thing that could ever happen.

>> No.9894361

Most people are just average

>> No.9894368

american detected

>> No.9894369

Ok? The outstanding majority of post in this thread discuss whether or not they find mixed race people attractive, responding to "this is attractive" with "well this other thing is /fa/!" is pants on head retarded.

>> No.9894374 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9894375

Stop trying to comfort yourself, Jamal. Nig nogs and shitskins are not /fa/.
Only asians and whites are.

>> No.9894377

lmao racists trying to resist interracial relationships in a globalised world. you're gonna hate the future mate

>> No.9894378 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9894380

Keep trying.

>> No.9894393 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 1200x929, screenshot-2015-01-03-18-11-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, sorry mongrel, biology trumps propaganda every time, racemixing is still very uncommon despite what the media would have you believe.

>> No.9894394

>Alex Rutherford, Dion Harmon, Justin Werfel, Shlomiya Bar-Yam, Alexander Gard-Murray, Andreas Gros, Yaneer Bar-Yam

>> No.9894398

I think "ban evasion" is a bannable offense,

and since that's what pigfuck always does with his proxies,

any of his posts is reportable simply because his posting here itself if now a bannable offense

i learned this when i got banned for impersonating him :^(

>> No.9894402

lmao american literally thinks scandinavians and southern europeans are the same "white people". the only reason you think that is because of your own country's large scale race mixing lmao. smh at self hating mixed white people

>> No.9894404

He's legitimately mentally ill and is on /fa/ at all times of the day, reporting him does nothing but wind up deleting almost half of an entire thread (he's known to shitpost under both anonymous and his trip in the same thread because he has a genuine personal investment in how blacks and asians are perceived on /fa/) since he just ban evades anyway.

He had a thread on here made specifically for racism just earlier today get deleted.

>> No.9894407

As a white woman, I can't wait to bear a beautiful black or brown baby and raise it in a healthy, loving environment

>> No.9894408

Im american

>> No.9894410

>teh media

>> No.9894411


>> No.9894413 [DELETED] 
File: 1.35 MB, 2355x2356, it hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you're a nigger you can ignore the majority, the stats on pie charts on interracial marriage are what you're gonna wanna pay attention to.

>> No.9894414

nothing mixed with black is /fa/. Black facial structure and hair is shit tier.

>> No.9894416

Keep trying.

>> No.9894424 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 326x456, 1430919408198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do halfbreed mongrels think their existence is anything but an affront to humanity.

>> No.9894437

gb2 reddit

>> No.9894438

Mixed girls and boys are really cute, were I not in a long term relationship with a mixed girl I'd definitely get with an asian solely for the mixed offspring. To me black and indian girls are really underrated

>> No.9894448

posting /pol/itics in /fa/ is a bannable offense which is why pigfuck is banned literally every time he post, ban evasion is also a bannable offense but banning him does nothing since he has nothing to do at all throughout the day and will just evade.

>> No.9894458 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 991x517, mad chink mongrels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fav subreddit, gives me a nice schadenfreude fix


>> No.9894485 [DELETED] 

another good one if you want to laugh at inferior races


>> No.9894590


>> No.9894597


>> No.9894604


>> No.9894631

>I'm Hispanic mixed with Asian
so you're basically filipino?

>> No.9894638
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pigfuck as always trying too hard

what a waste of human being

>> No.9894639
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>tfw I'm in a country where being mixed is highly sought after and worshipped


>> No.9894641

what country?

>> No.9894642


>> No.9894650


>> No.9894667 [DELETED] 

>>tfw I'm in a country where being mixed is highly sought after and worshipped
thats because anything is an improvement on a base malaysian, bottom of the barrel.

>> No.9894672

wokay baby

>> No.9894693

Estonian x little bit russian
rockin it

>> No.9896102 [DELETED] 

anyone here have a tiny bit of something in them that makes them look very different? im english but 1/8th romani gypsy. I consider myself white and not mixed, but my skin and hair are darker than other english people. In my dad and grandad its even more pronounced. Its weird cos its such a tiny ammount of gypsy

>> No.9896121

estonians are russians anyways you cuck

>> No.9896136
File: 115 KB, 700x740, 1427123554238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i knew injun/italian mixes and heard of injun/jew mixes
i myself am half french/injun

>> No.9896146

nice meme

>> No.9896227

I find white to be the only attractive race in my own subjective opinion

>> No.9896231

why does she still look fucking white?
white genes are recessive as fuck, if that woman is a "mix of several races" she should look much more bulbous and dark featured

>> No.9896269
File: 342 KB, 463x641, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>half white half asian
>have chinese people say i'm a whitey and french people say I'm asian
>having to give the presentation expose everytime i meet someone new

It feels....alienating.

>> No.9896282

you got the better features from the two.

>> No.9896286

oddone + doublelift

>> No.9896316
File: 15 KB, 480x310, 1429836516072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf,i'm supposed to be tan but i have a low low vitamin d level because of haelth issues so everyone keks when i claim to be anything but white.

>> No.9896341

Why thanks

>> No.9896475

As a white girl, I would never date an Asian guy. I find them unattractive and I can do much better than that.

>> No.9896480

lol we got cucked

>> No.9896482


>> No.9896509

this is so fucking true lmao.
not surprising though considering majority of white women that date black men are degenerates. plus those recessive white genes can only do so much to mask those prominent black facial features.

>> No.9896522
File: 3.90 MB, 3888x2592, childish gambino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think whites look fa on their own but mixed minorities are fa.

>> No.9896523

Either Key or Peele lmao

>> No.9896546

Only thing i know is that i hate being a Brazilian and i'm not even a nigger

>> No.9896561

Half White/Asian here, I feel like Asians exclude me from their culture but they put me on a pedestal so its a hit and miss with these people. Other than that feels nice that I can approach cultures from a neutral perspective but I also have identity issues.

/fa/? /fa/.

>> No.9896575
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>> No.9896679

Is this a 'shit americucks say' thread?

I see it's already full of meme sayings.

>> No.9896699

omgosh lindsay mixed ppl are
like so biofifuullll
like GOSH
i want a mixed bb like they so healthy roght and like cute LOL

like i was watching the kardashinans yesterday and now i TOTALLY want a mixed bby its like so american LOL

>> No.9896836

You know. Americans are weird with this race thing

>> No.9896851

I can relate 100% with you. I've always wanted to step into Asian culture, but when I do I can only feel like I'm being a stranger...

>> No.9896980

p-panda bear...how a-are you?....

>> No.9897011

the only only advantage is that mixed ones dont have acne

>tfw white, and acne, and sun can literally kill me(skin cancer)

>> No.9897052

>only Asians and whites are
Hahaha oh boy, that's why I love 4chan

>> No.9897075
File: 93 KB, 970x1188, mugshot20n-1-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mulatto is definitely the most aesthetic race of all time
don't fucking deny it man

>> No.9897139
File: 200 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 5-15-15 at 7.38 PM #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half hispanic (mexican) half white

really hasnt affected my fashion taste at all

>> No.9897591

I think mixed white/black and hispanic/black people have a greater potential for beauty than either of their races alone.

I'm "mixed white" Polish, a little bit of Irish from my maternal grandmother, along with some smattering of eastern and western European blood. No Greek, Italian, or Hispanic ancestry but I get mistaken sometimes because of my dark skin, hair and eyes. It's pretty aight I guess

>> No.9897718

always hit or miss. you either get the best of both races or the worst

>> No.9898801

I am so confused with any ethnicity south of the US. So you say you are half Hispanic Mexican. Does that mean your parent is native Mexican, or are they mixed with European, or are they full European that are from mexico?

>> No.9898825

>my white mom was rapped by my nigger dad.
>i most do damage control to make me feel less like shit.

>> No.9898831


>> No.9898914

I'm mixed German and Spanish.
On the bright side, I have glorious Aryan facial aesthetics, amazing jawline and wonderful hair to boot.

On the downside, I'm 5'9" and have a 5" penis.

>> No.9898919

lol ugly pasty loser

>> No.9899086

Black hair (jet black, not just a dark brown)
Pale skin.
European facial features rather than asian.

Allows me to get away with wearing say, lots of black that would look bad on those without black hair.

Pretty much it.
I guess I look pretty dapper in a dinner suit.

>> No.9899104

In a way its similar to the melting pot that is North America. Except its a little more difficult to find which races have been mixed in because Mexicans are stubborn when it comes to nationalism.