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9868700 No.9868700 [Reply] [Original]

Post your daily routine, product preferences, acne solutions, etc here

Have any of you fags tried Benzoyl peroxide? I already bought the 2.5% gel, but i'm scared to try it because apparently it burns your face like a motherfucker.

>> No.9868874

I look quite a bit like him

>> No.9868899

i rub day old carcasses on my body twice a day for that authentic carcass smell

>> No.9868906

post a pic

>> No.9868939

real talk: if you have acne fuck this pussy shit and just go to a dermatologist and get accutane/roaccutane. it dries your skin out like a motherfucker for a few months but after it's done you're done with acne forever (unless you have insanely shit skin then you'll still have a few pimples here and there)

>> No.9868941

One one day. Such a pleb.

I bet you don't even burry your Levis.

>> No.9868954

Yea, I can second this. I've had acne since I was 14 and I'm 26 now. Long story short, I'm on topical tretinoin now (many people know it as Retin-A) and it's purging the fuck out of my skin. I'm using this Internet dermatology website that's pretty legit, I won't name the name b/c "shill" but I am being treated by a real, licensed dermatologist. It's nice cuz I just have to send pics and chat with her.

If this topical tretinoin doesn't work, I'm going to have to ask my dermatologist to prescribe oral isotretinoin (commonly known as Accutane) so I can finally be done with this acne bullshit.

Fight on acne bros. I like to think that I could be a model if it weren't for my shit skin... alas... haha.

>> No.9868958

Fuck this guys. Accutane has a shitton of harmful toxins along with all the other shit chemicals you are told to buy. Go natural and your shit will be clear within a month. Use apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, honey, cinnamon, green tea and chamomile tea, essential oil and all that shit. It will save you money too.

>> No.9868959

>Post your daily routine, product preferences, acne solutions, etc here
To put a long story short, I use a facial cleaner in the morning, moisturize, and will put on sunscreen in limited circumstances.

At night, I tend to focus on stuff like facial scrubs, masks, spot correction, etc.

>> No.9868965

>calls a proven medicine "a chitin of harmful toxins" and "shit chemicals"
>recommends homeopathic remedies

>> No.9868968
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>facial scrubs, masks, spot correction, etc.

stop traumatizing ur skin

it can heal on it's own, don't trucking scrub it.

>> No.9868969


Only bad part about accutane is that it makes you a manlet if youre not done growing.

>> No.9868970

you're a dumb motherfucker. go read the fucking active ingredients of accutane.

>beeswax, butylated hydroxyanisole, edetate disodium, hydrogenated soybean oil flakes, hydrogenated vegetable oil, soybean oil

oh, whats that? accutane IS primarily natural? b-but it's in capsule form for easy administration? well fuck me in the ass

>> No.9868976

Guessing /r/skincareaddiction.

Its good man. Not everyone is /fa/natic all the time.

>> No.9868977


this is even more retarded than accutane. Doing acne without at least antibiotics and retinA is just a no.

>> No.9868980
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accutane annihilates ur liver

i don't take any drugs. My immune system is extremely efficient if i eat well.

>> No.9868992

most prescription drugs annihilate your liver bruh

>> No.9868994

Lolno, PocketDerm.com is the site. People on /r/skincareaddiction use it tho too.

>> No.9868998

You faggots will never know truly healthy skin or healthy bodies. You scum will die and early death. I wish you wouldn't believe the myths of western science. If only you knew ancient natural remedies are the key.

>> No.9869007

lol ur funny man

>> No.9869013
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but anyway, 'ancient remedies' isnt always a good euphemism because the human body has changed quite a lot in the past thousand years. unless you live outside and eat primarily flowers and shit you probably shouldnt be putting faith in medicine used by people that did

>> No.9869028

Oh, and wtf do you know? You pleb, our bodies still strive for the same things it did thousands of years ago. How fast do you think evolution goes? You think you know it all, you correct others to feel better? Worst of all you doubt the natural remedies. You show natural selection at its finest.

>> No.9869039

accutane annihilates my acne lol
but now im holding some scars on my face that make me looks older and i need to wait 1 year after completing the treatment to solve this

>> No.9869042

how do you solve it? i have scars as well but i was under the impression that they were permanent even if you went full yolo with the laser stuff

>> No.9869043

You can always just respond to those by linking

>> No.9869055

Okay well how do you like the argument against non-toxic chemicals and toxic chemicals? You just eat up what big pharma gives you and in return you help their wallets and kill yourselves.

>> No.9869061

drink 4l of water a day
sleep on a t shirt

>> No.9869067

True shit. Stay hydrated always and keep dirt/hands off your face.

>> No.9869069
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i went to pharmacy school land no, they don't. unless you take like 10x the rec'd dosage like an idiot. Some ppl have adverse reactions to certain meds due to autoimmune disorders and shit but most of the population (read: 70%ish+) won't.

Do u know how long the line for liver transplants is? DO YOU.

>> No.9869095 [DELETED] 

if you went to pharmaceutical school you should also know that delayed liver failure is extremely uncommon unless you have a genetic disposition to it

sure livers can fail from drugs but that's more of a "i'll just take this handful of pills at once" kind of thing and not a "my liver is slowly failing and i'm not doing anything about it" thing.

im a BMS grad student so we probably have taken most of the same classes so telling you anymore is redudant

>> No.9869105

accutane has been found to cause liver failures though, hasn't it? At the proper dosages?

>> No.9869108

morning: just wash with water
apply BP

night: shower, cleanse with cetaphil gentle
apply retin A
moisturize (if skin's dry)

minimal yet pretty effective

>> No.9869113

i deleted my post because i realized i was actually agreeing with you when i thought we were arguing so there was no point anyway lol

>> No.9869117


>> No.9869127

does accutane affect your hair growth at alL?

>> No.9869139

Read the OP.
BP stands for Benzoyl Peroxide, the thing OP was asking about.

>> No.9869144

Nice satire m8. (hopefully that was satire)

>> No.9869151

I heard that drys the skin out. How does it work for anyone whos tried it? Ive had bad acne for a while. Im glad I stumbled along this thread. I want to start trying something just not fuckup my skin or body while doing it.

>> No.9869171

Wait our bodies have changed in the past thousand years?

Lol I know people got larger but I don't think we're different in the slightest.

What worked a thousand years ago will work today but that doesn't assume that a thousand years ago they had superior medicine. That would be retarded.

>> No.9869174

Go to a dermatologist. As someone who has tried literally everything except going to a dermatologist and seen only temporary results, just go to a derm.

>> No.9869186

benzoyl peroxide. It's a staple in the acne community.

I mean, when you begin using any of these products, some irritation/drying is common. The key is to NOT overdo it - don't just dump a bunch of shit on your face or you'll irritate the shit out of it. To combat this you can apply ever other day, moisturize, or start with small applications. After a week or two these products probably won't bother your skin.

>> No.9869188

Of course they didn't have superior medicine, we have the same things. Those people are still us, we're still humans. But now we have companies making profit of plebs with shit skin because they have shit diets and shit lifestyles.

>> No.9869196
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if your acne is bad, the culprit is almost always hormonal, and that's where accutance comes in. Don't take accutane.
also research ANYTHING they rec u yourself.

>> No.9869200

Thanks man, I think that's probably the best advice.

>> No.9869208

Did they even need medicines for acne? Did anyone even have acne? And if they did who the fuck would have cared so much.

>> No.9869215

Dude just get a bottle of salicylic acid and dump the whole thing on your face. Itll be gone in the morning if you leave it on.

>> No.9869218

It does ravage your liver but not too severely. It takes 3 less drinks to get going which is a plus, just avoid tylenol

>> No.9869241

can you also do 1000 crunches?

>> No.9869247
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don't do this. use a dime sized amount at first or you'll irritate ur skin.

>> No.9869249
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>> No.9869396

I went to one, and she prescribe me this, and the liver tests and stuff. Then i investigated, and got scared as fuck because of the supposed side effects and long lasting treatment.
I'm sorry, but i'm nor going to fuck up my colon and dry up my liver just because of some little red bumps here and there

>> No.9869401

Wrong. A whole bunch of fucks were given.

>> No.9869419

Fuck off

>> No.9869452

Those are only rare side effects, not guaranteed.

>> No.9869491

I already super from IBS, and all females of my immediate family have autoimmune syndromes.
I'm not gonna risk it.

>> No.9869533

Drink 2 cups of water after you piss, make it a habit. You'll look and feel better, and piss crystal clear

>> No.9869750

1 more day of accutane left!

>> No.9869759

anyone have experience with proactiv plus?

>> No.9869953

bunch of dumb fugs in this thread.
Drinking water, cutting milk, doing natural voodoo remedies will only work for SOME people not all. Yall cant change natural hormonal shit.
accutane pretty much completly obliterates acne for pretty much everyone.

>> No.9870047

Going to ask my derm about that in a couple weeks. Care to share about your experience? Dosage, duration, side effects?

>> No.9870067

accutane is the nuclear option, shit makes you bleed through your pores and gave my buddy toxic megacolon. shits serious man

>> No.9870094

it's a matter of vocality. people are less likely to go back and review something when it works great than if it doesnt. millions of people get prescribed accutane every year and come out fine, having a few thousand that suffer side effects that may or may not be related to the prescription is acceptable

i personally went on accutane 3 years ago and have had no sideffects

>> No.9870105


>> No.9870146

I don't cysts on my face any more but my face is still pretty red and dryish. What can do to fix the blemishes?

>> No.9870211
File: 152 KB, 1073x1600, CETAPHIL-DAILY-FACIAL-MOISTURIZER-SPF15-50ML-4a97807f-7dce-43c3-b5ac-c4d68d5516b7-jpg-96ff69dc-ab49-40c5-bd50-bdfb3b69654a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stlhm should my face like its like not pleasant to rub and also should my face by shiny after?

I'm using this

>> No.9870216

how do you get your hair to look like that.

all stringy and shit.

>> No.9870356

get incredible genes, thousand dollar hair products and photo filters

>> No.9870371

don't listen to this memeing moron

I had moderately bad acne and tried antibiotics (minocyclin, tetracyclin), a topical retinoid (differein), benzoyl peroxide, and salicyclic acid

Accutane is the only thing that worked. BP was actually worse for my skin it burned so much. Side effects from accutane were negligible (dry skin and irritated skin)

If you are tired of acne and have tried bunch of things just get the TANE

>> No.9870418

how much did it cost the treatment anon?

>> No.9870470

Damn, I really hope I don't end up being like you. I'm on topical tretinoin right now (week 8) and am still "purging". If my skin doesn't clear within another couple months, I'll be on to isotretinoin aka Accutane. :(

>> No.9870942
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Ive been using pic related for the past year or so since my severe acne was making me too depressed... I suppose it works but in no way did it work like i hope or it claimed.... I still get pimples if im not careful with my routine or diet ... In even taking their zinc pills but my shit skin is too tough of an opponent i suppose... And im still dealing with my scars and pigmentation marks which are red spots on my cheeks and lower jaw... Sigh i have to keep telling myself its going to get better...

>tfw i wash my face everday 2-3 times a day with this soecial organic clay and facewash but still get cysts and pimples
> friend on the other hand rubs vaseline (grease) on his face because he says it feels dry
>not a single zit
>i hate my genes sometimes

>> No.9870949

youve hormone issues

pimples arent caused by dirty skin, thats a myth

>> No.9870955

Morning: Wash my face with a benzoyl peroxide/kaolin clay mix, put on a light face lotion, sunscreen

Night: Kaolin face cleanser, toner, moisturizer. Every week I do a clay mask and every third day I use an exfoliant.

this keeps my skin pretty damn clear.

>> No.9870965

dont wash it for a day or two, then wet it all over with hands or whatever, then dry

at least that does the same as francisco's hair for me

>> No.9870968

Yeah i learned it was my hormones a while ago .... How do i fix that shit tho? Im 20... I lift a lot so that involves my testosterone ... I dont consume dairy products anymore because of hormones in it ... I fap 1-2 times a week to balance my test... Idk if its placebo but fapping 1-2 a week does seem to help

>> No.9871033

It depresses me how attractive he is and makes me realise how ugly I really am.

>> No.9871035

I, too, am depressed over how ugly you are.

>> No.9871599
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That specific product from Cetaphil is not as good as many other products from that company. Chemical sunscreens can cause irritation in some people.

Have you considered any of these?

Ordinary moisturizers:

http://www.amazon.com/CeraVe-Moisturizing-Cream-16-Ounce/dp/B001V9SXXU/ (less shiny for most people)



>> No.9871634

used to have acne all over face, hormonal shit at 22

went to dermatologist, got

6x salicylic acid peels
antibiotics every day
at night after cleansing, benzoyl peroxide and obviously moisture afterwards

face is super clear and baby smooth now :^)

>> No.9871740
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>hormone issues
>pimples arent caused by dirty skin, thats a myth


Excessive sebum production, regardless of if it is caused by sex steroids/growth factors or something else, is necessary for acne to develop.

If this was the only factor, however, then everyone who had excessive sebum production/oily skin would automatically develop acne.

Excess sebum production combined with excessive local skin peeling (desquamation) form plugs in the sebaceous ducts (microcomedones), which can later evolve into both inflammatory lesions (IL, different kinds of ordinary pimples) and non-inflammatory lesions (NIL - comedones: blackheads and whiteheads.)

What the microcomedo evolves to depends mainly on the amount of P. acnes inside of the plug, and the resulting amount of "proinflammatory" substances that is produced by the bacteria as they grow.


Simple English: Acne appears when your skin creates too much fat, and when the skin is peeled off a lot right next to your pores. This creates a gunk that blocks the pores. Bacteria then eats this gunk and creates bad chemicals that your skin doesn't like. Your skin gets red, swollen, and painful.

>> No.9871771

Do what works for you
There really is no "cure"(except accutane), since the cause of acne is so different from person to person
What helps me is limiting dairy, sugar and drinking lots of water

>> No.9871893
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I actually have a bottle of the first moisturizer you rec'd, is it OK for the face?

>> No.9871927
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It works well for most people who try it! There's only one way to find out if it works for you. Do tell us how it turned out later!

>> No.9871937

I exploitate once a week, moisturez as needed, drink a lot of water and try to avoid the sun.
I'm really prone to getting freckles. I don't mind freckles I just don't like them on me.

>> No.9873036

>There really is no "cure"(except accutane)
It does not work on everybody, tho. The next step after actuate is laser

>> No.9873048

nah I'm good

>> No.9873052

>not having perfect skin

it must suck to be genetically inferior

>> No.9873063

get zinc cream
that shit is magic i swear

if you actually have acne just get accutane

>> No.9873197


Tretinoin and tazarotene are the only two products that are FDA approved to reverse photo-damage to the skin (aka make you look younger). Everything else is literally money down the drain (except of course sun screen)

>> No.9873506

Hey STHLM, I just wanted to say thank you a lot for your contributions to these threads. Some time ago I took your advice and purchased AHA and SA ointments. At first I was applying it everyday, which was too much. Eventually I settled on once a week. I'd apply it and over the next week I'd literally have what looked like little beads of sebum fall out of my skin and leave little holes where they were clogging my pores. I couldn't believe it. After several weeks of this my skin improved, not perfect but still. Thank you. A quick question if you would? The skin on my cheeks and nose area is usually red though the skin on my chin is absolutely perfect. I was prescribed a corticosteroid for an unrelated problem. However if I use it on my face the redness goes away. So this means the skin is inflamed for some reason?

>> No.9873938

pretty much this

>> No.9873960

I used to have acne and did accutane for 7 months, now I have near perfect skin
best shit ever

>> No.9874183
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Thank you so much for letting me know. This is the kind of response that makes me keep coming back here to help people. Really happy for you. (:

This is exactly the kind of results one can expect from evidence-based dermatology.

Re. the little beads of sebum: probably "comedones" (whiteheads/blackheads), possibly sebaceous filaments. The comedones will most likely recur if you don't continue the treatment (possibly to a lesser degree) during at least a month or so (many factors affecting this).

They automatically fill up if the cavities aren't kept clean, but otherwise the holes formed in the skin will shrink over time, as they are no longer clogged by sebum/skin residues.

Re. redness, some possible explanations:

1. Rosacea. Usually starts with redness in the nose/cheek area and other parts of the face. Can be temporarily alleviated using steroids (such as cortisone), but shouldn't be used as they can make the condition worse within weeks.

2. Dermatitis (eczema). OTC steroids is standard treatment.

3. Dry/irritated skin from chemicals/washing (such as too much AHA/SA/cleansers). Wash/exfoliate less, and moisturize more.

4. Something completely different.

I think you should see a doctor about it if the redness persists or gets worse.

I hope everything turns out alright.

>> No.9874203

Guys I bought this exfoliator and skin cleanser in one product and used it Sunday night. Every since then my face has been very red, a rash has formed with these cystic-looking bumps, and burning. I've put lotion, moisturizer, and vaseline on it. These all make it burn worse. So does water. What do I need to do? Right now its still dry and bumpy and i'm not putting anything on it. Not really burning anymore though.

>> No.9874278

my face is fine but my back is FUCKEd acne everywhere, I've tried everything natural.. what should I do?

>> No.9874327

In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.9874391

Whats the product name? Try to find out the active ingredient thats shit on your skin.

>> No.9874398

Top kek. I think I haven't seen this one before.

>> No.9874453

/bateman/ when

>> No.9874547

Vaseline is fine for your face. It's a pretty effective moisturizer.

>> No.9874559

anyone got any info for hyper pigmentation?
is it even possible to get rid of it??

>> No.9874570

Is burts bees worth the hype?

>> No.9874575
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got pic related for my face, idk if it helps my acne much but it feels really good. anyone else have this stuff?

>> No.9874600

realer talk: accutane isn't the end-all be-all of acne medications. i went through a 6 month regiment, was acne free for about 4 months until a few pimples starting showing up. fast forward one year from stopping accutane and my skin looks the same if not a bit worse than when I started (granted I wasn't taking good care of it at the time but I shouldn't have to after accutane...)

I have a cleanser/moisturizer combo that works for me now but I wish people would stop calling it a miracle drug.

>> No.9874614

Yes. It works wonders but is a nuclear bomb and can wreck sensitive skin, so use it with caution and don't slather it on daily or something.

I tend to use it every two weeks or so.

>> No.9874617

I like it. It's like toothpaste for your lips.

>> No.9874624

makes my red bumps goes away but zits come up here and there still

>> No.9874642
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I find their lip products (tinted lip balm, lip shimmer, lip crayon) moisturizing and reliable but their plain lip balm is kind of boring. The tingly sensation is overrated and it mostly works how all lip balms work. Nonetheless my favourite is the pomegranate iteration, but that one reminds me of being 15 and awkward

>> No.9874644

Any advice on seborrheic dermatitis? I just use H&S shampoo specifically targeting this atm. Anything else I can do?

>> No.9874651

At first i thought this would act as magic on my skin, but don't get me wrong, it works. Try using it will apple vinegar and use it everyday; it will clean your skin from oils and stuff that could block your pores. I found out that taking aver 1000 UI (2-3 tablets) of vitamin e and 2 bottles of water per day helps a ton.

>> No.9874657

I prefer Carmex, if only because it works better for me.

>> No.9874659

just dropping by to also thank you

thanks dude, you've been really helpful and all-around cool guy in all these threads, you always answered any questions i (or others) had and are p knowledgeable

anyway cheers bruv good to have people like you here

>> No.9874666
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This may sound obvious, but shower every day, and make sure you get the hot water on your face, followed by coldish water

I used to only shower every few days but just wash my face in the sink every day and my acne was pretty bad, once I started showering daily (forced to since I started playing a sport and it made me smell) My acne cleared up almost entirely

>> No.9874672

>use it everyday
ups, depending on your skin type.

>> No.9875175

how to get rid of dark spots? I recently got a mild irritation because of shaving and now its like tiny lil dark spots where it got irritated.

>> No.9875303 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9875324


Yeah, I think I might go for this again as I took an oral one for a bit but I was dumb and wasn't faithful with it. Currently doing a nightly full routine but I've hit a wall with my skin and it isn't getting any better and I always have like 3 or 4 really visible spots on my face, plus a face routine obviously doesn't help with shoulder and back acne and even though it's mild shit sucks since if I get scratched I end up sometimes getting blood on my white sheets/clothes.

>> No.9875353
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This is me, i took benzoyl peroxide and doxycycline before and i became beautiful, but i stopped and it returned. I'm on it again and it'll work, because I've seen it work.

Benzoyl Peroxide works best when coupled with Doxycycline, apply a thin layer nightly, and take doxycycline daily, with or shortly after food. Be sure to wash your face before applying it, and don't scrub really hard.

If you are worried about burning, you can prevent that by moisturizing regularly. Dehydrated skin will burn when creams are applied, and moisturiser will burn as well when skin doesn't have a moisture barrier.

When you first take Benzoyl Peroxide it will probably burn, and your skin WILL start flaking and your skin colour will go off IF you don't moisturise regularly. Be sure to keep clean and hydrated, so drink lots of water and again... MOISTURIZE.

Doxycycline will kill the outer layer of your face, and encourage regrowth. Put on sunscreen or your skin WILL scar even if you don't touch it. Sunscreen is super important.

Don't use soap, use cetaphil wash.

It will take about three months to work but it will work.

>> No.9875370

I have absolutely no acne/inflamed skin.

However, I have very clogged pores basically all over my face, back, and some on my chest (wtf). The ones on my nose are huge and disgusting if you look up close. I have tried nearly everything; so far the only thing that actually gives me results is to steam my face then manually squeeze the fuckers out. They come back in like 3 days however.

Should I just bite the bullet and see a derm for this?

>> No.9875419

See: http://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/1fmg0t/some_more_information_about_sebaceous_filaments/

Don't worry about them too much, nobody actually notices them, they're called sebaceous filaments and they're totally normal.

>> No.9875466

Fan tror jag har rosacea och använt sån kräm som jag har köpt på apotket som ska tydligen kämpa mot det har använt den i typ en o halv månad nu har blivit lite bättre... men är det kanske mer värt att lasra?

>> No.9875526


it was kind of expensive but healthcare covered a lot of it for me.. i think you can find online isotretinoin if you are really stretched for cash, but idk if i can recommend using it without a doctor.


it's not even that bad. your skin is essentially clear in three months. i was on it from late September to mid March. i haven't had a zit since like february

>> No.9875549


>> No.9875589

you can't say for sure at all that they are sebaceous filaments

might as well be comedones

treated the same way anyways

>> No.9875598

read the rules. this is not /pol/

>> No.9875627

confirmed ugly

>> No.9875732

Cetaphil threak?

>> No.9875783

I don't get pimples, I just gets lots and lots of closed comedones/blackheads. My doctor put me on tretinoin 7 months ago, and that didn't make me break out but it didn't....do anything either. I go to an esthetician once a month where she extracts all of the blackheads.

Right now I'm using dermalogica products and still using tretinoin at night (though it doesn't do anything). Is there a way for making blackheads go away without having to extract them?

>> No.9876840

see a derm!

>> No.9876873


if i buy , all of product u link, my skin could be good ?

>> No.9877252
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>great facial skin but acne and scars all over back and upper arms
>tfw I'll never be perfect

>> No.9877276


No, google it, you can only keep them under control but there's no way to stop getting them.

I have been using biore's face wash and exfoliator and it does a pretty good job cleaning them if used daily, plus it's cheap. Once I tried those strips to remove blackheads and they also work pretty well BUT after using them you'll need to have a strict daily cleaning routine or they will reappear but worst.

>> No.9877775
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Yep. Copypasta:
One easy thing to do is to start using sunscreen in order to keep the hyperpigmentation from becoming worse (as sun may darken the already dark spots). +30 SPF for both UVA as well as UVB is not overkill. Not irritating the area in general is another priority.

Hyperpigmentation wiil generally fade with time (several months-a few years) to some degree. The time it takes depends primarily on how dark your hyperpigmented area is in relation to the rest of your skin (and pigmentation depth).

Hydroquinone is a common OTC treatment, that in your case only should be applied to the dark spots. Topical retinoids is another option. Also in-clinic chemical peeling, as well as laser. Treatment efficacy will depend mainly on pigmentation depth iirc (superficial pigmentation is easier to reach and treat).

Best things to do: 1. start using sunscreen, and 2. see a dermatologist.

Top man! Thanks.

I think there are some retinoids that are better at removing comedones than tretinoin. It's untrue that there's no way to stop getting them, like >>9877276 says. Just read the story here >>9873506 for example.

Alpha-hydroxy acids (such as lactic/mandelic acid). Beta-hydroxy acids (generally salicylic acid). "Oil cleansing method" (OCM). Also azelaic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Plenty of options. Your comedones will most likely continue to require mechanical extraction if you don't treat them chemically. chem treatment >>> mech treatment imo


Perfection is not something anything one can attain anyways, but there are a lot of different ways to treat and reduce scars!

>> No.9878166
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Anyone have experience with derma rollers?

Ive been trying to get rid of old acne scars and i came across them. Do they really work?

>> No.9878185

>just found out my insurance full covers a Dermatologist

neat, do you think I should let me skin go back to it's more natural state and just only wash it beforehand so she can judge better or keep my routine going?

>> No.9878206

Is there something everyone should use on their face? I get the occassional pimple, and my nose area is kinda pore-ish (to the point that it's a bit gross).

>> No.9878301

Is doxycycline something you can just buy or do I need a script?

>> No.9878596

Yeah dawg fuck with Accutane if you want a damaged liver, fucked up metabolism, quick fat gain, extra dry skin, blood tests, and a high likelyhood of having to go on it again for short term results after completed dosage

>> No.9878635

Are you a dermatologist?

Do you know how to treat oily skin? My acne is pretty mild lately but my skin has the oiliness of a potato chip. I'm on retin-A, aczone, and minocycline. I know accutane reduces sebum production but I don't think my derm will prescribe it because my acne isn't that bad.

>> No.9878719

accutane will reduce sebum production while you are on it, that's about it. dont get tto excited about that though, because aside from other side effects, your skin is going to get dry and flake so you won't be able to enjoy the reduced sebum production. you cannot permanently reduce your sebum levels, you are stuck with what you have.

>> No.9878747

If not, can someone help me out with products

>> No.9878788


>> No.9878814

I dont have insurance, is there anything else that i could do

>> No.9878907

Kek everyone is.

>> No.9878914

Save your money up for treatments, or waste it on products that won't do anything for you besides a slight fading, if even that

>> No.9878937
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>using corticosteroids on your face

>> No.9878946

Which ointments did you get?

>> No.9878951

How much does laser resurfacing usually cost?

>> No.9878965

>reading up on accutane
>possibly fucks your liver, your hairgrowth, your bloodpressure, your eyes and your psyche.

Damn atleast it doesn't steal your wife.

>> No.9878979
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>tfw psoriasis all over my scalp and face

>> No.9879003

look up areas around you, they'll typically let you pay in installments if you need.
i'm not going to spoon feed you baby bitch.

>> No.9879117

Fuck you man, thanks for the info doe

>> No.9879134

>apple cider vinegar before bed
>indian healing clay mask once every 2 weeks
>black african soap bar

body acne sucks.

>> No.9880464

most of my skin issues are caused by my sleeping face-down, i think..

what fucking do? how to undo 21yrs of habit

>> No.9880862

>confirmed for not being insecure enough to look for the approval of a Vietnamese knitting forum

>> No.9880868


you spend all day worrying about what your hair looks like, then a hair stylist does it for you.

>> No.9880897

You can just wash your pillowcases every week. If your acne is particularly bad sleep on a clean t-shirt every night. But in general you should try & change your sleeping position because sleeping face down can cause wrinkles.

>> No.9880944

They increased amount of dosage needed to complete from 150% of your weight in KG to 200+% in thousands of mg (eg weight 70kg, before take 10500 mg, now take 14000+). So more likely to work. I'm on it now, maintained my weight after ~6 mo, metabolism is the same, blood tests take 5 minutes and are covered under insurance. Yeah dry skin but after a few months it isn't bad and putting on lotion becomes routine.

>> No.9881019

for how long have you been on tretinoin? And what's your dosage?

>> No.9881032

No, thats not really true.
Your doctor will inform you of the side effects of Accutane. It's really like a nuke. That's why you need your blood checked etc. while you're on it.

Obviously not everyone has to have side effects, but for not insane acne you don't use a nuke.

>> No.9881040


>> No.9881640

So /fa/, I'm curious as to why chocolate gives some people pimples. Like what's the mechanism behind it?

>> No.9882458
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Harvard med student here.

Personally took 2 courses of Accutane, met required dosage each time (120-150mg/kg), still have some mild acne. My baseline is SUPER EXTREME oily skin, I'm Asian and I Asians tend towards oilier skin, but I got like some extreme mutation or something. No doubt that was aggravating mein acne, Accutane helped that.

BUT... Accutane basically is like a temporary measure, temporary being ~2yr max of good effect. For most ppl, acne is like a 6mo-2yr ordeal anyway as their whore-moans fluctuate during puberty, so the Accutane treatment masks it and they get over it. For other ppl, acne is like a 10yr+ ordeal (i.e. for me), so it always slowly creeps back after the 'tane.

For women, hormonal approaches (birth cunt-roll, Spironolactone) work. For men, we can't take those pills unless you wanna fuck your balls up, so we don't have other options.


>> No.9882464

it doesn't

>> No.9882710
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>Harvard med student here.

Right. Regardless of if this is the case or not, please try to use reason rather than authority to convince people that you're right.

Re. long-term relapse of acne vulgaris after oral isotretinoin treatment: I don't doubt that the glands can recover to some extent after massive isotretinoin-induced apoptosis of the sebocytes, but it would be great if you could link to some articles supporting these claims as I'd love to read them.

All I found about it in Evidence-Based Dermatology (3rd Ed) was pic related.

>> No.9882734


I took two cycles too, now I get a couple pimples on my back when I was in Uni during finals and high stress, maybe a small pimple on my face once or twice a month, but otherwise I have no acne. I never wash my face except for the shower. I just lotion to not dry out.

>it may poison your stomach or liver, make you roid rage or get depressed. temporarily.

>> No.9882831
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No brah it's from reading many many articles, talking to many derms, etc. you realize that the real practice of medicine isn't what % of patients got better in some biased-ass study some poor investigator had to get positive results on in order to maintain his job as a research professor, etc. etc.

You can measure the outcome however you want, it doens't matter, the overall gestalt from the derm field is that it doesn't actually "CURE" acne. Just gets ppl over the hump, which is enough for most patients' acne.

>> No.9884865
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when you apply heaps of shit on your face you are basically fighting the symptoms of a preexisting problem. That's like trying to fix a broken pipe with masking tape, you can cover up the problem but the pipe is still broken.

Try increasing your intake of zinc, and cut down on foods containing heaps of copper. LIke chocolate, mushrooms, avocado etc.

Theres many reasons why people breakout but for most its due to crazy hormonal swings taking place, this is why acne turing teens ins so prominent, try stop fapping for awhile and also increase exercise to burn off extra testosterone. Exercise also increases Tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin. So you will most likely improve your brain at the same time. Things like memory, cognitive skills etc.

If you do want to go down the road of just applying creams, try something more natural. French green clay, it has been used for hundreds of years and although can leave your skin dry will make it clean as fuck. Apply some cetaphil or any well known moisturizer after 1 hr of having the clay on. Use a good moisturizer on a daily basis anyway to improve skin texture and reduce wrinkles in years to come.

Obviously hygiene is important but unless you are a disgusting peice of shit you don't have to go crazy on keeping your face clean all the time, it will actually reduce the natural oils and make you dry as fuck looking.

No fap
And no touching.

= clear skin