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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 54 KB, 604x549, 1430669885748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9824127 No.9824127 [Reply] [Original]

wogs only edition

>> No.9824134

requesting more pics of the sexy GUC admin

>> No.9824152

are there any good stores in sydney?
incu, harrold's and the PAM store suck

>> No.9824169

are u cousins with pigfuck?

>> No.9824173
File: 302 KB, 1636x814, betabitchliam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9824175


>> No.9824178

he has cancer

that is pigfuck circa 2008 i believe

>> No.9824181

where did you get this?

>> No.9824183

Daily reminder SEVEN years ago pog Wog was 21. Fucking no life dressed like that when 21 in 2008. Scene kid faggot.

>> No.9824194

he posted it, iirc hes 16 here.

>> No.9824205

Around paddington there are a few although I don't remember the names of them. On Oxford Street.

>> No.9824232

apart from the colour of his hair he has undeniably anglo-saxon features

people on this board are deluded

>> No.9824237

i dont think anyone seriously believes hes a wog, its mostly one guy who hates pf

>> No.9824321

nah he's clearly mixed
hes deffo not full on wog like uuuhhh tho

>> No.9824325

maybe mixed to the extent that like pretty much all australians are mixed

>> No.9824348

I'm not actually full Italian lol

>> No.9824355

hes "deffo" not. are you the same dude who made the thread?

>> No.9824370
File: 53 KB, 620x372, Sven-Marquardt-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man... I got that 3 pizzas + 2 Garlic bread + 2 big cokes for $30 deal tonight from Dominoes... Shittest idea, feel like the fattest cunt right now :/

>> No.9824377

the guy who made the thread is posting above u tard

>> No.9824391 [DELETED] 

its literally one dude who is obsessed with pig.

>> No.9824579

If i recall his mum supposedly was Italian

>> No.9824666

What are you planning on copping for winter aus/fa/?

>> No.9824680

apc x kanye fleece vest

>> No.9824683

looks like a kid ready to get penetrated by a black male in a gay porno movie

>> No.9824687

even aristos the surprise chef is more anglo than pigfuck

he looks like should've played a role on Acropolis Now

>> No.9824699 [DELETED] 

god, he really is a beautiful male.

>> No.9824703

when are u and stance gonna give up this pigfuck is a wog meme? its so obvious u two are samefagging it anon
mad because he isn't a manlet or ugly af like you two little cunts?

>> No.9824711

i just moved to brisbane from UK....where the fuck do i buy clothes in this country???? shipping and taxes are BS and you don't even have amazon wtf

>> No.9824715

ill cop your ass bitch

>> No.9824716
File: 451 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys who wants to ram keta of this young studs (me) wilson at rats? 1 blowie 4 1 gram what we say cunts. I got herpes but I'm clean as they come, trust

>> No.9824936

Does Xvideos look weird to anyone else too?

>Chain store pizza
Why would you do that?

>> No.9825187

>Does Xvideos look weird to anyone else too?
Looks like they changed the format of how the videos are listed.

Anyone know where to buy Doc Martens in Melbourne?

>> No.9825200 [DELETED] 

ask me about the time this pic got me pussy

>> No.9825213

he can't be wog, his hair isn't black and shaved on the sides enough

>> No.9825232


>has major bravado/facade of anti-black racist fuccboi.
>dressed (and probably still does) like a baby blue Crip in training.


>> No.9825236

pf is hot

>> No.9825237
File: 201 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop shirt?

>> No.9825872

didn't know he was 28


>> No.9826708

Nice tits in your camera roll

>> No.9827001

literally anywhere

but try get some second hand ones in savers or something ;)

>> No.9827161 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are indeed very nice.

>> No.9827924


>> No.9828707

bump tbh

>> No.9828739

Buy from urban outfitters bro, pretty cheap, can buy monos and free shipping to aus

>> No.9828766


>> No.9828943

why the hate for piggy
i know im going to get called out for samefagging but he's doing well to clean up the board

>> No.9828953

The board is currently the worst its been in years.

>> No.9828957

he used to be cute

do you think he is cut or uncut

>> No.9828960
File: 28 KB, 650x366, 855042-57eaaf7c-7c1b-11e4-885c-7f351daf918f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to cop good pizza in Sydney?

>> No.9828972

i usually go for your mom's vagina when i want something with a cheesy crust

>> No.9828977

just copped an aussie made sweater at the thrift shop for $7

proportions are fucking weird

the collar is tightish around the neck
the shoulder seam is like 3 inches from the top of my shoulder blade
the cuffs are tight

its nice

>> No.9828978

he is probably cut and that is his reason for hating jews

>> No.9828989


you enjoy vag with a cheesy crust?

all the more power to you my good sir

>> No.9829007

gigi's in newtown

>> No.9829015

Frankies pizza in the city, near qvb I think

>> No.9829027

pigfuck lives in sydney doesnt he? maybe his wog mum will make you one m8

>> No.9829044

This entire thread is just 1 single person who hates pf with an autistic intensity. Everyone else loves and supports pf.

I know it because pf told me so himself.

>> No.9829050

oh okay martin

>> No.9829067

i can only find the monos in the womans. Is the sizing any different?

>> No.9829073

>Everyone else loves and supports pf

i support pigfuck's intestinal wall with my penis

i don't enjoy it nearly as much as he does but i consider it my civic duty to help out those who cry out, beg, moan for help

my penis will always be there for you, pigfuck. always

>> No.9829091

you faggots are gay as fuck
im coming to the next meet and bashing all you cunts and raping all the girls

>> No.9829095

ready when you are, sargeant pembry

>> No.9829132

pigfuck do you actually live in Sydney?

>> No.9829137

did you buy a female sweater? lmao

>> No.9829157

so no raping?

>> No.9829169

oh shit you might be right

i wondered why there was a massive buldge at my non existent boobs

>> No.9829171

If you're into streetwear at all, there's Subtype at Martin Place, Capsule at Town Hall Westfields and Central Park Shopping Centre, Supply at Darlinghurst, and Half Sleeve in Surry Hills.

>> No.9829269

Ah just had a check then, the men's mono ones that I bought last month are sold out, sorry fam

>> No.9829273 [DELETED] 


>> No.9829279

Manoosh Enmore
Disregard any other fucking answer

>> No.9829281

He's not lol he's 22.

He was 16 in OP. He was probably popular in high school judging by his looks even then. I bet after uni he got lonely and wanted to be popular again and that's why he took up tripfagging.

>> No.9829284
File: 296 KB, 1380x1518, ff94727166ae4349147997813f40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop? its made out of denim.

>> No.9829286

piggy can u post a fit in waywt
a new one, not ones we've seen 100 times

I bet it would rile those cucks up something fierce

>> No.9829287

Has anyone ever fallen for the wog meme?

It's clear he's not (OP pic is literally all the proof you need look how red he is like a whitey gets) and I don't think that one guy that always says it is catching on that nobody else believes it and he looks dumb af

>> No.9829290

frankies is the only place i feel like when the pizza craving kicks in. besides, sydney is burger mad right now so you should get onto the americana dinner hype train

>> No.9829291


>> No.9829298

fuck i hate our country. i live in brisbane and all you people excessively use the word cunt and love rugby and drink XXXX, plus taxes are fucked and clothes prices are also fucked.

>> No.9829304 [DELETED] 

i havent taken one in ages

>> No.9829310

anyone mind giving their thoughts? would much appreciate it

>> No.9829316

Fucking love it or leave it cunt

>> No.9829319 [DELETED] 

tacky tasteless normie cotton on core

>> No.9829341

Least I don't get mad when I lose at pokeymans like a bbug chasing CISHET pig.

>> No.9829350

mad yank trying to taint aussie culture detected

>> No.9829366

pf dresses like shit m8. oh wait you are pf

>> No.9829367

leb pizza tastes like sweat and bicarb soda

>> No.9829369

Hey you fucking scrub, i was born on the sunshine coast, Hinterland area (born in nambour hospital) then at the age of 10 my parents moved to Newfarm. Went to Brisbane State High. Plus i buy half my clothes from apartment if im not internet shopping (only store that sells decent clothes in brisbane asides from Fallow). Everybody is a chino wearing fag that just discovered new balance and roshe run. I'm either bailing to melbourne or going to Germany, fuck this shit.

>> No.9829375

i read this post in ian curtis singing voice

this is the post of a man who doesnt have long to live. RIP anon suicidal brisbane teen unable to cope with the modern world

>> No.9829377

I'm only saying that because female neck lines are usually smaller / tighter and the cuffs would be too.

>> No.9829379

whats the technical differences between men and womens jeans

>> No.9829380

I don't know.
Google it?

>> No.9829386
File: 53 KB, 600x338, Liamgriffithuni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly, short, dumb ginger mad at the world for having the worst genetics possible

even the other shitty aus trips shun u

lmao@ ur life m8

>> No.9829406
File: 30 KB, 544x416, 1430053153761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody appreciates muh upmarket garments :(

lmao@ ur life m8

>> No.9829418

>you dont even have amazon


>> No.9829420

no bruh, nothing to do with fashion. brisbane is just generally a sheit city for everything, especially all forms of culture, and work. melbourne and and CBR are the only worthwhile city to live in in AUS. lmao at your life m8

>> No.9829436


i went to dominos in glebe, fml

>> No.9829448

BTW at least i dont look im on chemo, fuccboi

>> No.9829456
File: 26 KB, 440x397, ebebeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still pissed off 15 minutes later

sorry i made fun of you, it's only bants lol

>> No.9829457

lol dickshit implying melbs is better than bris, apartment is the GOAT store of straya

>> No.9829482 [DELETED] 

who /beginning the fitness journey/ here

>> No.9829487


chino wankers are everywhere, they just listen to tiesto in germany instead of allday and disclosure

>> No.9829495

im playing on the wing for the broncos

>> No.9829497 [DELETED] 

round the legs boys

>> No.9829559




>> No.9829582

I am, started getting a gut and realised my skeleton days are over
Just started lifting and I've never been so sore in my life

>> No.9829610

implying u've ever played sport in ur life
as if u weak little gay cunt :^)
prop here btw

>> No.9829615


are you a big guy?

>> No.9829622
File: 90 KB, 500x675, 1333434209595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9829624
File: 121 KB, 671x667, 1332881084910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's your little bitch dress stancey boy? Why don't you put it on for us?

>> No.9829649

hey stance post your pathetic mullet you gimp cunt

>> No.9829655
File: 653 KB, 1339x2000, castlevaniacdbooklets2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little bitch detected

>> No.9829664

i can guarantee you would not say that to my face.

>> No.9829665
File: 729 KB, 1338x2000, castlevaniacdbooklets7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i would

>> No.9829670

you would not. fagget you wouldnt even look me in the eye, and if you even dared to look in my direction id punch you id coward punch you so you go into an instant coma, then id bite your dick off and spit it down your throat so you choke on your own 2 inch dick you piece of shit

>> No.9829675
File: 369 KB, 2000x985, castlevaniacdbooklets6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga please

>> No.9829679

please stop posting your nerd anime shit in this thread please.

>> No.9829683
File: 182 KB, 800x1164, MDA0MQ==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9829686

this is really awful banter guys

>> No.9829690

im currently tracking your ip. i hope you are ready for 5 lebanese guys to show up at your house and fuck you till you die.

>implying you wouldnt cry the moment started to banter with you IRL
fucking log out

>> No.9829696
File: 74 KB, 429x500, 1331818709632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently tracing your dick, it's the size of a quilting thumble >;-D

>> No.9829743

100% of people who watch anime are kiddie fiddlers, no exceptions

>> No.9829749
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>> No.9829764
File: 78 KB, 700x1007, 1333368548855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually true

>> No.9829787

why is such a strong young man living in such a povo house

>> No.9829802 [DELETED] 

i recognise this person, you were in a picture with asokone

>> No.9829808

Ive been to germany, Munich/dusseldorf/berlin are significantly better cities than anywhere in AUS imo

>> No.9829811

Hi Owen, what the fuck re you doing on 4chan :)

>> No.9829819

lmao those prices

>> No.9829827


youre gonna get bashed with those crispy whites

gutted at the charnwood chicken shop, rest his soul

>> No.9829836

just an ethnic young man going to university

hell bored, procrastinating

i reckon i could bash most people in the inner north so locally im safe. as you go further north and south the people get tougher

>> No.9829869

lads don't exist in sydney anymore

>> No.9829883


charnwood isnt in sydney

and yes they do

>> No.9829894

I remember you, youre that xxowenxx guy that memes the fuck out on fb

>> No.9829913

owen ya big fat leb dog. good shit m8 keep up the good work on fb lad sounds like you really dusted some cheeks by the looks ov things bruv

cya m8

>> No.9829936

only ironic lads

>> No.9830340
File: 388 KB, 985x1400, cure lolicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some shit to help you fucking degenerates

>> No.9831462

what that means

>> No.9831745

Pretty sure I saw you at that twerps gig on the weekend. If I knew for sure I would've bashed ya kunt.

>> No.9831807

Jesus I'm so sorry for your cultural loss. Fortitude valley has the most consistently good independent places. Hook yourself into The Thousands newsletter to start finding more local auscore stuff.

>> No.9832376


>> No.9832839

lol what a stalker
get a life dude

>> No.9832869

twerps are shit m8

>> No.9832900

Who UWA here?

>> No.9832981

does anyone go to ANU here?

>> No.9833001

didn't the singer bash some chick LOL

>> No.9833139


In class right now

Based raiders

>> No.9833407

Why are there always gooks camped outside shoe stores in the city?

>> No.9833410

>those scrawny ass legs

>> No.9833650

your mother doesn't mind them haa

>> No.9833782
File: 43 KB, 500x376, 3872935339a4156410593b834190979l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw laughing at asian gothninjas at uts with the boys

>> No.9833896

>manlet with bitch legs

>> No.9833931

your mother doesn't mind them haa

>> No.9833981
File: 1.08 MB, 1035x690, Screen Shot 2015-05-12 at 7.04.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9834090

w2c hanky

>> No.9834101


fresh, where to cop a mechwarrior tee but

>> No.9834103

w2c toupe
(that's what u should be asking u balding cock sucker)

>> No.9834105

please beat me up and take my lunch money

>> No.9834121


i already have a toupe, your mums cunt when i pop my head in there

>> No.9834132


>> No.9834134


>> No.9834295
File: 76 KB, 275x183, pigfucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9834303
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>> No.9834324
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>> No.9834326

is he looking at himself in the magazine

>> No.9834334
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, wsimg.232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is pigfuck mart?

>> No.9834345

that'd make sense tbh

>> No.9834500

>you will NEVER be mal meninga

>> No.9834554

Imma fucking wreck ur fucking face stance

I sware on me mum

>> No.9834857

kiss my ass mudafucka!

>> No.9835547

iloveugly mandarin shirt. enjoy lad, I love mine

>> No.9835558

new Zealand is above aus in every single aspect literally. aussies r just white trash. nz masterrace

>> No.9835560

>kiss my ass mudafucka!
How can he tell your face and your ass apart?

>> No.9836658

get a load of this guy

>> No.9837257

wow very /devilish/

>> No.9837796

you guys

I'm reading an Australian novel and a guy said "I'm not a sook" and I only knew about that word because of you people

big ups

>> No.9837962


loving this weather /fa/m
finally got to break out my raf parka I got off God, love it

>> No.9837979

every passing day is a day closer to the R.M Williams sale

>> No.9838085

Looks good, if good quality cop

>> No.9838095
File: 179 KB, 960x960, double denim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wassup bozos rate my 'look'

>> No.9838103

It'd be great if /fa/ realized pigfuck is AIDS.

>> No.9838109

damn nice mull.....
damn very dreamy tbh

>> No.9838116

literally me

if ur the dude w 3 pairs of rick take off ur cowboy hat n fight me

>> No.9838123 [DELETED] 

>two shirts longer than jacket that serve to exaggerate already wide hips


if you're going to wear a jacket over a shirt the shirt needs to be the same length as the jacket or tucked in, otherwise you create the dreaded tutu effect like pic im quoting.

>> No.9838133

pf with the style advice over here

got our own personal alex perry

>> No.9838136

fucking mull wave cunt

>> No.9838137

I can get RMs 40% off whenever I want

>> No.9838141

also fuck up pig wog you cant dress 4 shit m8. even with your dank wardrobe wog cunt

>> No.9838145 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 600x450, katz-leotard-tutu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just trying to save you from looking like this

dont say i dont do anything for you

>> No.9838151 [DELETED] 

ballerina boy give us a twirl :P

>> No.9838508

is this u asok

>> No.9838510

FUCK wogs

>> No.9838513


button up the shirt

hair on point

>> No.9838533

ew your hair. what year was this even taken.

why is it ea time im on this board there is a pigfck thread. either you all are just complete pieces of shit or pigfck is doing it himself.

btw ive never known anything about Australia bc its irrelevant altogether....however all this board has taught me is to hate you guys

>> No.9838547

lmao this little bitchboi probably does even have the testosterone to cultivate a bangin mullet like that

come down to the servo m8 and bring ya best fit we'll see who's the big dog then

>> No.9838553
File: 340 KB, 1016x800, camel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore prodigy posts

>> No.9838558
File: 47 KB, 473x644, Fish on head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw I gave up anime years ago.
But still a pedo

>> No.9838560

lmao i can't believe you've saved pictures of Jlaw's tits on your phone. Pretty sad man.

>> No.9838562


nobody cares you fat slut

>> No.9838651

Wog cunt