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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 142 KB, 964x641, article-1034573-01EDE0D900000578-956_468x286_popup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9776984 No.9776984 [Reply] [Original]

> he doesn't live in a country that borders the Mediterranean
> he thinks he's fashion!

>> No.9776999

morocco represent

>> No.9777033
File: 363 KB, 1024x681, Majorelle-Gardens-Marrakech-Morocco-by-travel-photographer-Matthew-Williams-Ellis-1024x681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> morocco
> borders mediterranean
> worshiped by yves saint laurent

yep, its /fa/

>> No.9778584

what about miami

>> No.9778595


>> No.9778639

lakes are cool, right?

>> No.9778763


pick none

>> No.9778900

>wake up
>"thank allah I live in a place that still beheads people as capital punishment"
>walk out of my primitive adobe house to the local bazaar to peruse my good friend Muhammed's collection of crystal glasses and jeweled swords
>car bomb goes off and kills my goat
>such is life bordering the Mediterranean

>> No.9778939

Fuck lmao

>> No.9778944


I bordered your mums mediterranean last night bruv

>> No.9778973

Are we not going to talk about that George Clooney looking guy being a manlet?

>> No.9779599

not everyone is that insecure.
personally I'm 6'1 so I don't give a shit.

>> No.9779603

>not living in America
lel poorbois

>> No.9779627


>not /fa

top kek

>> No.9779638
File: 45 KB, 487x286, 1405423060632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is bordering the north sea effay?

>> No.9780203

troll harder

>> No.9780205

the greatest

>> No.9780225

>literally being owned by German/Aryan alpha masterrace

Wtf OP?
A whole country can't be effay anyways

>> No.9780249
File: 317 KB, 659x368, siesta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if Greece doesn't pay back this artificial debt in an imaginary currency then they won't have GOAT tier landscape, food, culture anymore
> why don't these Greeks give a fuck? Please, care about what Germany wants!
> hurr durr why don't they "work hard" like balding "aesthetic" Germans who are curious about what steel and shit tastes like

Southern Europe invented civilization and will outlast the north.

>> No.9780263


>implying all of the worthwhile blood didn't head north and then west a long time ago

stay ignorant though

>> No.9780264


i live in sicilia

/fa/ ?

>> No.9780320

The pic you posted is from Santorini.
This is a wealthy island in Greece known for its tourism during summer and there are still rich people who can afford some Santorini or Mykonos but have you been to Downtown Athens? Homelessness,drugs and urban chaos, apart from Parthenon and University or Kolonaki region,Downtown Athens is a dirty city full of crime and graffiti. Nightlife goes hard though but poverty is very intense.

>> No.9780334


>> No.9780342

South of France here

>> No.9780369

Oh wow you defeated me with baseless 'implying implications'

>> No.9780374

I'm sure Berlin is much different

>> No.9780383

>living in a third world country

>> No.9780394
File: 142 KB, 640x426, torre-del-pirata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not living in an Island in the middle of the Mediterranean
Step it up

>> No.9780396

Damn it, were trying!

>> No.9780399

>not living in a self-made boathouse in the Mediterranean

It's like you don't want to get invited to Rick Owens runways

>> No.9780401

D'où dans le sud ?

>> No.9780468
File: 374 KB, 575x384, lake-shore-chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /lakeshoredrive/ here

>> No.9780480


>> No.9780535



>> No.9780545

No one in the Mediterranean likes Rick Owens, its strictly an Anglo highschool thing

>> No.9780556

I'm fashion, I browse r/mfa instead of dressing like a edgy teenager in full black

>> No.9780559

>evening approaches
>i sip wine while overlooking the ocean from my veranda
>hearing panic I pay more attention
>less than a mile off the coast is a dinghy full of tourists having what I assume is engine trouble
>boat flips so I call it a night
>how terrible
>I sleep off the wine
>wake in the morning and get my papers
>they weren't tourists but illegals seeking asylum
>they couldn't swim
>nothing of value etc

Such is life in the Mediterranean

>> No.9780561

>not being /southshoredrive/

>> No.9780566
File: 1.96 MB, 300x225, 1429691269168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm fashion

>> No.9780593


>evening approaches
>i sip wine while overlooking the ocean from my veranda
>hearing panic I pay more attention
>less than a mile off the coast is a dinghy full of tourists having what I assume is engine trouble
>boat flips so I call it a night
>how terrible
>I sleep off the wine
>wake in the morning and get my papers
>they weren't tourists but illegals seeking asylum
>greek government boats pick up several hundred people from the ocean
>you're now paying to house and feed this muslims for several years

that was a cool fantasy bro but i fixed it to be more realistic

>> No.9780639

Its more like, Greece goes full out and gives anyone who claims their Syrian refugees citizenship with no questions asked (because that's fucking racist) and then the refugees get EU membership, sees more social welfare benefits in the north rather than south.

Then the north slowly becomes black, greece, a supposedly bankrupt country laughs all the way to the bank.

>> No.9780692


I thought the rest of the EU vetoed allowing them to travel freely across the region?

>> No.9780760

Rest of EU confirmed for racist shitlords who only push diversity for others.

>> No.9780799
File: 100 KB, 313x400, DGAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9780834


>> No.9780835

stupid but really funny at the same time

>> No.9780876
File: 39 KB, 500x501, fanazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whole country can't be effay


They did get one thing right.

>> No.9781293


>> No.9781302

>posts actor in costume

>> No.9781433

>warm countries

>white suit

>that moustache

>leo print

>the blonde girl

Choose one each.

>> No.9781470

> morocco

Truly disgusting

>> No.9781481

The Morocco/Algeria conflict is horrible

>> No.9781496

Can you speak in fully formed sentences?

>> No.9781505

>if we edit this picture enough we can make the brown almost look blue and green!

>> No.9781518

I could, but honestly? Why should I?

>> No.9781695

>not living in America

>> No.9781704

>TFW can see my house from there.

>> No.9782142

A small kek was kek'd

>> No.9782184

I love Miami

The USA has so many neat places. NYC, Austin, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, New Orleans(lel), Dallas, the florida Keys, all the coasts, Alaska, Hawaii. i mean like holy crap I love this place

>> No.9782278

Too bad morocco has a higher standard of living.

>> No.9782290

who the hell would rather live in morocco than america?

>> No.9782393

Lake Michigan looks v nice in the summer, that photo isn't too edited.

>> No.9782410

>Not living in small town America, free from degeneracy, homosexuals, and dangerous minorities
>Not living the American country club life
>Not drinking whisky, eating apple pie and perfect barbecue

It's like you all aren't even affluent.

>> No.9782429

Moroccan Represent. WE ARE EVERYWHERE.
Ironically most Moroccans outside of dem tourism centers think fashion is a nike shirt and some Adidas Sneakers.
U w0t m9?

Pick one.

>Implying this is not 4chan.

>> No.9782530

morocco was the most interesting country I've ever been to. europe all feels the fucking same

>> No.9782593

But you're all retarded protestants.