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/fa/ - Fashion

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9779207 No.9779207 [Reply] [Original]

Hey fa what's the next countercultural movement going to be, and where will it be centered?

Eg hipsters in Williamsburg, hippies in Haight-Ashbury, what's next?

>> No.9779214

your mother on my dick

>> No.9779217

OP is a cuck spread the word

>> No.9779225

punk is not dead i guess??

also see the auth movement on carles.buzz

dont be a contemporary conformist!!

next question

>> No.9779232

only thing you cant do right now is love isis lol

>> No.9779237

different brands of hipster will evolve, I think there will be east coast and west coast versions, with NY and maybe one other city being eastern hubs, and SF + Portland + LA being western hubs.

>> No.9779238

Things like that do not happen anymore. There are a million huge movements happening and dying all the time. The communication age speeds everything up, as a rule, and makes it all overlap. There won't be another movement in the sense that you're thinking.

>> No.9779245


>> No.9779262

hipsters gonna dress like normal people but do hipster thing because hipster is now mainstream and normal people buy and do hipster things.

>> No.9779268


FJM fuckin sux.

>> No.9779269


>> No.9779273

williamsburg hipster phenomena was only a few years ago

it feels like manhattan is the hip place now for ny fashion

you're forgetting about texas, namely austin, but houston will really take off in a few years

>> No.9779274


this is so fucking true it hurts, they're already doing this, next they'll be curling and playing golf.

>> No.9779278

so normcore?

>> No.9779279

that's what happened in the 70s 80s and 90s

then in the 2000 they all conformed into hipsters

it goes

hipsters(1950s or 2000s)>hippies(late 60s or 2010s) and then it fractures into multiple sub cultures

time is cyclical and all that shit, everything that has happened already will happy again, the cycle never ends


>> No.9779282

hows it like in austin?

>> No.9779294

mullet culture in regional aus

>> No.9779306

>tfw its not spreading to usa

>> No.9779318

Post punk revival is happening rn, "pure stuff" like new found glory and warped tour are gaining popularity.

Wtf is this auth, and who is carles buzz

>> No.9779328

faux punk brooklyn clones living in philly.

>> No.9779366

damn. im so ready to be a punk right now fuck yeah

carles is the dude who wrote hipster runoff and invented chillwave genre, he's back again and writes at carles.buzz about internet culture and auth music

cool post

funny social criticism

sorry to shill

>> No.9779386

has he explained why he stopped doing the hipster runoff blog radio show on sirius xmu?

he did the show until feb. even though hipster runoff died in like 2012

>> No.9779393

mullet is a cool concept but everyone I see doing the whole post ironic mullet ting is a huge gronk

>> No.9779399

no and the motherfucker promised a podcast he has yet to deliver on smh

>> No.9779410
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>carles and post metal/pre 2013 /mu/ are dead

>> No.9779424

tibetan goth

>> No.9779432


>> No.9779437

/mu/ died in 2011 with MBDTF you pleb

>> No.9779445

>muh metal!
>muh share threads!

>> No.9779450


CounterCULTURAL, I dunno, maybe a backlash against social progressivism?

What I really think is going to happen is that tattoos and piercings are going to lose their appeal again.

>> No.9779452

carles is out of touch tbh
sam is the ~premier~ social critic

>> No.9779454


>> No.9779457
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>> No.9779461
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>What I really think is going to happen is that tattoos and piercings are going to lose their appeal again.
the future is now

>> No.9779466

Here's my take on everything, we are moving into higher planes of novelty at an increasing rate. Defined styles are and will get more and more vague, and complete individual expression will become much more prevalent. Everything is rearranging into infinity.

>> No.9779476
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not the same guy, but literally every single person i know outside of me and one of my good friends either
A. has 1+ tattoos (not neccessarily unique or good ones
B. has 1+ piercings

>tfw you are the only person in your western LA neighborhood that is clean shaven, didn't adopt the hipster version of the hitler youth, has no tats or piercings

>> No.9779505

looks fat

>> No.9779522
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>> No.9779528

I think these are the most accurate. even compared to 5 years ago, everything is so easily accessible through the internet that no trend can develop on its own, untouched in its epicenter. people are more aware than ever and its easier than ever for people to be trendy. cultural movements aren't centered anywhere physical anymore, they occur online. you don't have to live in a trendy neighborhood to be a part of a movement anymore, all it takes is frequenting the right sites. its for that reason that no one movement will occur again; movements and trends will continue to shorten in lifespan until everyone exists in a complete individualistic plurality

>> No.9779534

Neo-pagan white nationalism.

>> No.9779544

it really did
rip cooltop, hampus, clt, capn die katz, nigfish
good discussion, sharethreads, good album releases, less memes, retarded edgy teens who don't know shit about music

>> No.9779550

>tfw live in vancouver and want US prices for beer

cascadia now!

>> No.9779571

Counterculture feels like a waste of damn time. People end up conforming with each other until the counterculture becomes mainstream culture. In the end it isn't your own style if you are copying it. People always end up being stuck up little pricks about it like I see many hipsters and punks are (punks seem like dicks looking at the way they act).

If you really want to be countercultural just wear whatever you want.

>> No.9779573

>live in seattle my entire life
>fucking techies are moving north from the Hill >they're moving into the UD.
>i hope the fucks go back to flyover states
cascadia now

>> No.9779577

The most different thing to do is to reject being different all together. When the fringes get more and more crowded, Mass Indie turns
toward the middle. Having mastered difference, the truly cool attempt to master sameness.

>> No.9779585

Well, I thought of people doing that but to me, in the end people just end up changing from style to style, whoever having found the next countercultural style being the most countercultural.

I think the best is to break out of that whole fashion cycle thing and just wear what you want without regard to what other people are wearing, whether they dress like you or don't.

>dress in straight colours and smooth sillhouettes mostly now
>look similar but a bit different to people around me

>> No.9779591

that's whats so interesting though, there's so many factors that go into what you like, and you cant ever truly escape being a consumer. you can try and distance yourself from trends and advertising but its almost like there are always people who dictate what you like. their are ads catered to trendy people and ads catered to those who dgaf and ads catered to people like you who consciously choose not to subscribe to trendy or anti trendy.

it's late and i think i make no sense, been reading too much k-hole

>> No.9779601

awwwhhhhh fuck yeah nigga

we had some good /pol/ threads back in the day before it became strictly /stormfront/

man the plan was so good

>nationalize banks, wood, and water
>invade alberta and make them join us so we have their oil
>improve relations with chinese hackers
>declare independance
>shut down entire US infrastructure
>win the civil war without any violence
>cascadia exists, rest of US and canada falls into civil war.

now it's all just

>lel, stupid black people

in /pol/

>> No.9779605

"anti consumerism" and counter culture are two very different things

>> No.9779630

You make enough sense. What I got from you is that there's always something in the way you dress that comes from some trend. Most pieces of clothing have been trends at some point so you make sense. It's really in the way you put it together tbh. I tend to be different by wearing things in a colour that isn't usually commonly seen on that item of clothing.

>> No.9779633

Yeah, I don't like most of the "lets kill all non-whites" ideology. I mean that whole don't let the banks control the world and don't let western imperialism divide and conquer other countries is nice, but the white supremacism and other similar ideologies are pretty bad.

>> No.9779663

>didn't adopt the hipster version of the hitler youth
So you have the regular version of hitler youth?

>> No.9779845
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That guy is so fucking bitter and depressing

>> No.9779851

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Ub55qx2wQ yeah hes a fucking psychopath too

probably a serial killer

>> No.9779852 [DELETED] 

i am counterculture

>> No.9781950

>Hipsters in Williamsburg


>> No.9781989

post ironic meemsters on 4chan

physical existence is played out

>> No.9781997

but hampus only disappeared in late 2013

>> No.9782061

60's mod is happening right now in echo park/silver lake.

I hate it

>> No.9782067


>> No.9783581

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates this look.

>> No.9783936

you just think this coz you're a rich sydney boi and can't into lower class aesthetics

>> No.9783943

don't ever try getting a mullet because your upbringing will immediately be obvious to everyone who sees you

>> No.9783954


>> No.9783957

valley fag here

is this true?

My health goth/trap scene buddy tells me about all the tumblr chicks he gets out there

then again I'm not 21 yet and don't hit the silverlake bars to experience this trendy shit myself

>> No.9783960
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Right now Casual and Mod revival are getting big in England, especially in the North in cities like Newcastle and Manchester; Due in no small part to brands like pretty green becoming popular, i think it might be something like that, in England anyway

>> No.9783965

>we have their oil
this is one of the most retarded statements and misconceptions.
even if that shit was on us soil, it would be owned by transnational corporations. When oil was discovered in the north sea, it was good news in britain and in the US. There's just these supranational blocs emerging controlled by certain groups of transnationals.