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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 36 KB, 365x719, 11198393_10155545435165574_1347273768_n.jpg?oh=1d3e0f4ba6e610b92ba5bae8f8cff9b0&oe=5542E367&__gda__=1430457206_142aa868a986f80d00485437b1ba92ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9776930 No.9776930 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/,

First time posting here and all that.
I've always thought about my hair as my best feature and about ~8 months ago I dyed the top part of it blonde.
>pic related me and gf and how it looks now.
Will post another pic in a second.

I'm planning on dyeing it Platinum gray tomorrow.
>also pic related in a sec

Can I have a general opinion on whether I should do it or not? If it will fit my skin color/dress style/round face?

All help is appreciated.

>inb4 lose weight
Already have and still going strong.

I didn't see any thread like this in the catalog so I guess I can advise any other anons with hair help.

>> No.9776934
File: 67 KB, 752x960, 11180117_10155545435185574_320839855_n.jpg?oh=730c702060826c507633629501326ec5&oe=5542CCB4&__gda__=1430456165_7452c7ae9040cac94c8d708516a0daf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair pic #2

>> No.9776937
File: 11 KB, 236x322, 11117476_10155545345175574_1858486506_n.jpg?oh=9659f77fdf68c925e2a77e864cd80d76&oe=5542DC10&__gda__=1430450069_3ef1268960384f8ac96d1710a20050f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair color wanted.

I will be dyeing it the same method. As in only the top part of my hair.

>> No.9776945

You're too fat to post on this board.

>> No.9776948

I know you
I met on you on r9k's omegle chat, lmao

>> No.9776953

I never said I wasn't. I know I am which is why I'm dieting and such.

Help would be appreciated ;-;

>> No.9776958

>I guess I can advise any other anons with hair help.

No thanks.

>> No.9776977

First and foremost, you need to actually get a decent haircut and get rid of those ridiculous sideburns.

Secondly, I don't think dying your hair grey would suit your complexion/facial structure.

>> No.9776985

Of course I am. It's just shaggy because I haven't cut it in a while.

Thanks. Will consider.

>> No.9776995

lurk moar fucking faggot


>> No.9777001

im sorry to tell you, but you will look like a tryhard.

if youd loose weight your face would get the definition like pic related and you could consider dying your hair in that color

until that, stay as basic as you can get

>> No.9777022

Appreciated! Thanks. Don't be sorry i asked for opinions

>> No.9777050

There is a rat faced faggot at my place who bleached his hair and now he looks even more disgusting than before. Don't do it OP, focus on getting your bmi below at least 20.

>> No.9777051

Get a decent haircut, drop the emo tumblrcore shit.

Never ever dye. Ever.

Lurk more.

>> No.9777064

Definitely working on it.
>Already lost 170 lbs
>Still going strong

>emo tumblrcore shit
I kinda thought it always comes through as a "swagfag gone urban" sort of deal but you guys know best.

>Never ever dye. Ever.
Taken into consideration thanks.

Will probably start to lurk moar :^)

>> No.9777080

It' s okay man, just take /fa/ with a grain of salt. Most of this board is the most basic regurgitated shit, especially the waywt.

Look at things, develop your own style. You'll get there :-)

>> No.9777091

Thanks man. Will do! And it's fine I've lurked for a while actually but never went on /fa/ before today. Thanks for the help you're a good sport.

>> No.9777098
File: 21 KB, 211x246, whatthefug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me next time you see me

>> No.9777117


>> No.9777124

>implying someone could lose 170 lbs on dieting alone.
>implying anyone is stupid enough to diet without working out

>> No.9777136

Who are you quoting? You scream of /b/, you fat, ugly fuck.

>implying anyone is stupid enough to diet without working out
You're stupid for thinking that

>> No.9777146

Jesus christ have you even read the thread or just immediately went to shitposting?

Okay babby let me feed you information
>you scream of /b/

>You fat, ugly fuck.
Muh insults!

>Who are you quoting?
Nice s4s meme.

Jesus Christ I thought you could have real conversations on /fa/

>> No.9777168

>on /fa/
Click back to /b/ and go dye your hideous hair and make it look even more meme core

You can't even spell baby right, at least try not to look so fucking pathetic

So you go on to /r9k/ omegle, a fucking cancerous thread, oh wow haha sorry.

>Muh insults!
You forgot your meme arrows :)

>Nice s4s meme
Wouldn't know, I don't go there. Green text is for quoting though

>> No.9777195

How insecure do you have to be actually take the time of your day to reply to a "fat, ugly fuck" and come up with arguments that a 5 year old could produce.


Fucking hell. Go outside it'll do you some good.

>> No.9777209

>Fucking hell. Go outside it'll do you some good.
Why are you on 4chan? Why do you go to /r9k/?

You're openly a fat fuck basic bitch normie who gets rustled very easily. Enjoy your incoming wage slave life, forgive her when she cheats on you for someone who can see their penis still.

I bet you tell all your friends of all the cool memes you see here :)

>> No.9777228

>Why are you on 4chan? Why do you go to /r9k/?
Why not? :^)

>Enjoy your incoming wage slave life
Med school here. Will enjoy it profusely.

>forgive her when she cheats on you for someone who can see their penis still.
Enjoy your 4" penis m8

>I bet you tell all your friends of all the cool memes you see here :)
Only on r/4chan where all my friends post ebin threads xD

I literally have no idea why you're so buttblasted

>> No.9777267
File: 140 KB, 752x960, 1430333290053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Med school here. Will enjoy it profusely.
That's a hard thing to lie about when you look about 15

>Enjoy your 4" penis m8
Penis size, that's a funny thing to bring out of nowhere, could this be... protecting?

>I literally have no idea why you're so buttblasted
Says the guy trying VERY hard, but struggling to defend himself because someone insulted the fact he's over weight on an anonymous korean image board.

cry more, little piggy

>> No.9777293
File: 216 KB, 393x391, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a hard thing to lie about when you look about 15
Implying I would post my face if I'm 15. 19 :^)

>could this be... protecting?
No, it was my answer to you projecting your insecurities onto me.

>Says the guy trying VERY hard, but struggling to defend himself because someone insulted the fact he's over weight
I never defended myself but you came here all high mighty thinking you're tough shit. I'm not gonna take that from a faggot like you.

>Taking the time to download a picture of me
>Taking the time to edit/draw/doodle on it
>All to prove that he's right on an anonymous image board

You amuse me so much.

>> No.9777326

>No, it was my answer to you projecting your insecurities onto me.
Did you just say to me exactly what I said to you a second ago?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH step two projecting, you literally do have a little chode.

>you came here all high mighty thinking you're tough shit
What the fuck? hahahaha I said maybe you should do exercise instead of dieting to lose wait. Not my fault you can't take suggestions, like I said, cry more piggy.

>I'm not gonna take that from a faggot like you.
oh shit sorry man, please don't hit me, big guy

Looking at your fucking OP for fuck sake.
You look like the Pillsbury Doughboy doing an Asain female teen pose

>> No.9777333

If you'd like my advise, I'm going to have to see the nudes my friend.

>> No.9777346

>Did you just say to me exactly what I said to you a second ago?
No, I explained what I said before you called me out for my "projection".
>you literally do have a little chode.
K e k go hope over fences. Confirmed for projecting mexican.

> I said maybe you should do exercise instead of dieting to lose wait.
Which then I replied to you telling you that I already do exercise.

>oh shit sorry man, please don't hit me, big guy

>You look like the Pillsbury Doughboy doing an Asain female teen pose

I don't wanna disappoint dub-trips but /fa/ is worksafe ;-;

>> No.9777355

wow i hovered over your picture and vomited a little bit in my mouth

get off my board

>> No.9777366

>I don't wanna disappoint dub-trips but /fa/ is worksafe ;-;
You seem sort of /b/ like, can you fuck off there. Don't try and deny it, it's pretty clear

>> No.9777370

>K e k go hope over fences. Confirmed for projecting mexican.
You're literally projecting about projecting now

Holy shit, don't worry man, she doesn't care about your chode, she's probably a chubby chaser if she's with you.

>> No.9777374

You are both retarded, jesus

>> No.9777390

Wanting not to be banned is /b/ like. K E K

>she's probably a chubby chaser if she's with you.
How is that a bad thing? That's literally perfect in my situation ty anon!
Agreed. Leaving board.

>> No.9777395

>K E K
No it's because you do stuff like that and say implying in almost every post you make

>> No.9777400

Lose weight breh,then you can worry about your hair.
What works on your chubby image wont do for your ripped and built image.

>> No.9777403

Have you ever been on r9k? Serious question. Have you looked beyond what is on this board?
Getting there

>> No.9777424

lmao you cannot and will never be able to pull off that hair colour

face it shitskin

>> No.9777514
File: 65 KB, 416x812, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9777534

ahahaha fatty gets cucked

>> No.9777541

Oh my god you guys are worse than /b/-tier.
Holy shit I am appalled at how childish and butthurt you are. Enjoy living your single bitter life newfriend

>> No.9777544


ayy lmao :^)

>> No.9777550



>> No.9777552

oh shit

>> No.9777561

>le fat meme xD
You guys really don't get that I could not give two shits right? I came here asking for advice on a board that model-tier people lurk. I have no hate for how I look and I completely accept it.
Look in the mirror and see if you accept how YOU look :^)

>> No.9777569

>ou guys really don't get that I could not give two shits right?
But you seem to be trying very hard to show how much you don't care

>> No.9777581

Because you seem to be trying very hard to get a reaction out of me.
You literally went through the trouble and the mental cancer of going on /b/ and screenshotting it and cropping just to somehow "spite me".
How sad do you have to be to do this. Fucking hell. I'd love to have a chatroom with you so we can banter all night.

>> No.9777592

So you do go on /b/

>> No.9777597

No, but you posted a screenshot with the post number on it.
Assuming it wasn't /pol/ because in no way that would be posted there in any context.
You wanted to spite me so it was obvious this was posted in a cringe thread.
The post number is so high this is obviously /b/.
I go on there and search for post number


>> No.9777600
File: 120 KB, 634x936, 3db93944_264e_466e_b279_2b937664c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look OP, you're a good looking guy and good luck continuing your weight loss. You also have really nice hair. Ignore all the retards on here. However, I don't really think grey would suit you. I personally think you should just get a better haircut before you worry about the color. You do look like you have nice healthy hair though. Good luck man.

>> No.9777605

I didn't post or screen shot it.
If you don't care then stop taking the bait for fuck sake.

>> No.9777609

What haircut would you suggest? I'm gonna go to sleep soon and going to my barber tomorrow. Any advice would be helpful.
Why not? I'm really having fun though. R9k dies around the week when the normies are at work.

>> No.9777615

some study came out saying exercise isn't really linked with weight loss

not nearly as much as exercise

>> No.9777628

>some study came out
Where? Your ass? That will probably make a change from all the Mcdonalds that usually passes out

>> No.9777653

dont get your hair cut till youre skinny because a 'trend' might come in when youre skinny

>> No.9778756
File: 108 KB, 437x531, so much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some study came out saying exercise isn't really linked with weight loss
>not nearly as much as exercise

>study came out
>exercise isn't really linked with weight loss
>not nearly as much as exercise
>exercise isn't really linked with weight loss
>as much as exercise

>> No.9778774

You are fat. That's it. You will never look good. You will never be attractive. You will never be fashionable. Drop weight you fat fuck.

>> No.9778974

i love platinum grey in 2015, srs

go for it

if you lose weight you'll be hapier

i'm fat too hehe

>> No.9778984

I'll settle for just a regular picture.

>> No.9779004


Also, for my advise, I'd say hold of on the silver for now. Maybe set it as a goal for after you lose your next 20 pounds. As of now if you had it I would judge you as a fat tumblr nerd and I would have a hard time respecting you. I'm also a productive member of society with actual friends unlike my fa counterparts.

>> No.9779006


>> No.9780294

>my gf

that's your sister