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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 49 KB, 736x1108, 32ea87125e303378992f0955c846f6fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9756664 No.9756664 [Reply] [Original]

and why is it paleo?
> inb4 cigarettes and cocaine masterrace

>> No.9756670

those toenails

>> No.9756674

I'm looking for a arms chest and core workout to go along with my daily run. I don't want to use any weights. Not looking to build mass just cut. Any suggestions?

>> No.9756690

You could google this shit, you know

>> No.9756696

I was just about to but then this thread popped up so I was gonna see if anyone could spoonfeed me

>> No.9756699

ffs, ree no one asked you

>> No.9756774

working out is not /fa/ lmao, neither are gimmick diets

its /fa/ to either be naturally perfect or starve yourself/abuse laxatives

either way you should smoke cigs and do coke because its fucking fun

>> No.9756777

How's middle school treating you buddy.

>> No.9756785

Working out is modern culture. When I'm talking about working out I don't mean using weights. Doing daily non weight routines to increase your lifespan and body so you can do coke longer.

>> No.9756812


work out without using weights? bodyweight workouts you fucking idiot. do you not know what a push up is?

>> No.9756818

Starting strength

>> No.9756820

cardio + body weight routine to be lean and cut without the bulk

>> No.9756821

well actually, anon asked for suggestions and ree said he could google that shit which would be 10x faster. when you really think about it, ree was the most helpful person itt

>> No.9756825
File: 37 KB, 460x276, David-Bowie2-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cigarettes and cocaine masterrace
you forgot milk you pleb

>> No.9756827

great for strength but not /fa/ at all

no one can pull of large quads

>> No.9756830

Yes you fucking retard. I want a routine catering to those. There's many different exercises you can do with just your body. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9756873

honestly just figure out your own routine, hit the areas you want to hit.

supinated/neutral/wide pull ups

rows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYUxXMGVuuU

wide/narrow/one handed push ups

body/pistol squats

glute plank/bridge

sit ups/L hangs/ body Vs/ any ab workouts

front and side planks

pretty sure that hits everything.

>> No.9756875

why is everone so hostile here?
i fyou dont have anything to add, then dont bother.

op you might as well go to fit.

everyone here is just letting you know how much of an idiot you are for askig a normal ass question, apparently.

>> No.9756876

Thanks for the info.

>> No.9756880

lifting weights will make you cut. The body mass comes from your diet. If you lift and then make sure you don't over-eat, you won't get big.

>> No.9756881

I don't give a fuck what anybody says but reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness is helpful

>> No.9756909

Makes it seem that she's been playing football barefoot in the asphalt and kiced the ground with both feet, a those are bl00d puddles

>> No.9756946

the type that makes you taller.

>> No.9757396

> implying muscles are /fa/
> implying most of us don't want to look like we have an eating disorder
nigga u stupid

>> No.9757413

Working out is for uncultured people and people with receeding hairlines

>> No.9757424

>modern culture


>> No.9757437
File: 439 KB, 640x360, 1425405900868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Working out is for uncultured people and people with receeding hairlines

>> No.9757462

>not being born perfect
seriously lmaoing at your lives

>> No.9757507

can red bull be used to diet?

fuck you, you fucking ectomorph anorexic cunt

>> No.9757521

i drink sugar free monster

does not affect my losses [haha get it opposite of gains.... fuck fit culture 8)]

>> No.9757522
File: 71 KB, 614x496, 1398689464711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you hungry skelly of nogains

>> No.9757526
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, U5ndkyX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what does it feel like to be cucked by alpha male powerlifters?

do she allow you to lick up the cum?

>> No.9757532

I want /r9k/ to leave.

>> No.9757550
File: 60 KB, 500x399, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laugh hard at you faggots. I was Bon with your /fa/ body and I'm actively working to improve it by getting bigger. Never seen a well draws skinny guy with any girl that was more than moderately attractive.

F a g g o t s

>> No.9757578

my dick is 8.1 inches the only person getting cucked is you my man
i dont even need to lift a weight to do my thing and do it better than thou : )

>> No.9757587

paleo is not a workout

>> No.9757600

High five babe :)))

>reminder that no one ever "makes it", you're either perfect or worthless from birth

>> No.9757731

Are you also enlightened by your own intelligence? People who do sports perform better in class, too.

>> No.9757772

Working out makes you look tacky

>> No.9757920


>> No.9757995

Rick Owens said modern couture not culture you fucking dipshit god kill urself

>> No.9758512


>> No.9758528


>> No.9758603

Doesn't lord shia have large quads?

>> No.9758630

You are retarded if you are serious.

>> No.9758632
File: 94 KB, 1000x991, 1427131845161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



C ' M O N

>> No.9758634

definitely kettlebell swings and deadlifts

>> No.9758649
File: 61 KB, 412x594, merchant-stephen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here, reading this thread I figured out the average /fa/ggot looks like pic related.

>> No.9758654

>you will never lewd those feet

>> No.9758661

>when you have those exact frames

>> No.9758671

What does the size of your dick mean if you never get to use it?

>> No.9758684
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>> No.9758685
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>> No.9758705

>asking /fa/ for fitness advice

Go to/fit/. Gay, but helpful

>> No.9758713

So what I'm getting out of this thread is that /fa/ is full of weakass beta faggot that dress like retards and don't know shit about shit.

>> No.9758715

Take me Affluent Piano!

>> No.9758723

/r/bodyweightfitness is the only reason to go to leddit. This is the most effay workout OP

>> No.9758738

Pretty much this. I was born with what /fa/ considered a 10/10 skinny body and I'm trying to get some more muscle, body looks even better now.

>> No.9758744

munchin DNP caps

>> No.9758753

nice trole buddy

>> No.9758769

back to your containment board manlet

>> No.9758770

this thread is gold, thank you guys

>> No.9758772
File: 47 KB, 640x480, i came here to laugh at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to use any weights.
>just cut

>> No.9758827

/fa/ to /fit/-

whats the best way to tone? i dont want to be bulky

>> No.9758836
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>> No.9758837
File: 64 KB, 368x600, 1428780852638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Workout and cut calories. Your never going to accidentally get bulky, so dont worry about it. Probably going to want to do alot of ab work, but every muscle group is important.
Having a powerful chest/shoulder combo makes shirts look much better.
Traps (trained by doing shrugs) are an often forgotten " mirror muscle," work them to look better in clothing

>> No.9758839

Are you fat? Lift and eat under maintenance.
Are you skinny? Lift and eat under maintenance.
Once you've achieved your goal body, lift and eat maintenance. You won't gain muscle mass unless you eat more than you burn.

>> No.9758849
File: 105 KB, 610x915, 1407923068230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore these trolls. if you wanna get small you gotta eat 4 scoops a day and avoid lifting at all costs.

>> No.9758851

Troll thread. Go to /fit/ faggot.

>> No.9758857
File: 113 KB, 345x383, 1427611758562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW literally feel my insides cooking
i...its worth it for abs, right?

>> No.9758872
File: 132 KB, 245x208, maiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9758876

>0 results

swimming a great all body work out

>> No.9758896

>/fa/ workout
go to fit and read the sticky faggots

>> No.9758897
File: 129 KB, 778x518, lachlan9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get some rings and use them daily

it's no secret that everyone on /fit/ is jelly of gymnast physiques and nobody there even does any of it. bonus: you have a great excuse to never work out your legs

>> No.9758971


>> No.9759020
File: 7 KB, 250x250, muffmutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uncultured people
>receding hairline

>mfw this is me

>> No.9759037


You know most male-models (the top of the crop, most well-paid ones, not your heroin chic SLP twinkies) do work out, right? lmao

>> No.9759253

You niggers are weird. Actually you probably hare the cringiest board. This whole board is a cringefest of autismal people buying clothes because they look good on models, without realizing that is the model making the clothes look good and that you inside those clothes look terrible.

>> No.9759276

oh aye wats your fav board on here lil bud?

>> No.9759298
File: 145 KB, 518x1106, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking joking right?

>> No.9759301

This is grotesque

Daily reminder: There is no functional difference between a bodybuilder in clothes and a fat guy in clothes

>> No.9759312


A guy with a well built body looks way better than any other guy.

>> No.9759318


>> No.9759320

o i am laughin

>> No.9759321

you can tell them all you want those /fat/ies just refuse to believe it

>> No.9759322

I'd kill myself if I'd look like that no fucking kidding holy shit, I wouldn't be able to wear skinny jeans anymore, god that's gross.

>> No.9759323
File: 154 KB, 600x900, klokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is absolutely nothing to gain fashion wise by having big thighs. calves make shorts look better and having dat teardrop peek out from under your shorts is kinda cool but other than that it's all negative.

>> No.9759324


Only thin/skinny people look good in clothes. If you are very muscular, you look as grotesque as a fat guy

>> No.9759330

literally nobody in this history of /fit/ is muscular enough to look grotesque in clothing. 99% of them look DYEL in clothing and the biggest ones just make [normal] clothes look better.

>> No.9759334

Wrong. If you have too much muscle to be considered thin or skinny, you will look absolutely grotesque in clothing, just like fat people.

I laugh at the irony of curlfags working their ass off just to look as grotesque and bizarre as your average Walmart customer


>> No.9759338
File: 82 KB, 500x281, IMG_1458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9759345
File: 49 KB, 400x339, Fratty Aronld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop pretending anyone takes posts on /fa/ seriously. ur b8 is not gr8 m8

>> No.9759349

>posting an image proving MY point instead of your own

Thanks, servant

>> No.9759351

don't try to out autism me m8. I'll reply to you all night.

>> No.9759354

I welcome a warm hand on my opening

>> No.9759359

/s4s/ :3

>> No.9759360
File: 37 KB, 600x599, t5GkNyE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider yourself replied to. pic related. somebody is is actually too big to look good in clothing.

>> No.9759362

Could you post what you consider to be the cutoff for grotesquely muscular?

>> No.9759365
File: 853 KB, 610x813, 1382567142917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9759367

This is a guy who roids. He doesn't simply roid, he roids HARDCORE.
Brotip : A natty swole guy will look good in a suit
A non natty guy who only does test will look good
In order to look bad in a suit you need to enter slin and HGH territory.

>> No.9759369

>consider yourself replied to.

I will do no such thing. I am considering myself unreplied to. I refuse to acknowledge your existence and thus I will not respond to you. This is not a response. You don't exist.


>> No.9759372
File: 471 KB, 854x469, v8QOIHy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this

>> No.9759376
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>> No.9759381
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>> No.9759389
File: 152 KB, 400x500, arnold-schwarzenegger-young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Arnold is borderline too big for a suit. He looks great in almost all other clothing though.

>> No.9759395

>He looks great in almost all other clothing though.


>> No.9759405

>"He looks great in almost all other clothing though."
>Posts a pic where he looks like he should be wearing a C-cup bra


>> No.9759410

we get it. you are mentally ill enough to believe skeletons look good. /fit/ is mentally ill enough to believe Arnold looks good. no need to shitpost so hard.

>> No.9759417
File: 18 KB, 300x300, arnold-schwarzenegger-bud-light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove me wrong fagets. he even looks good at 60

>> No.9759420

>You object to people pursuing grotesque body deformation, you are mentally ill!

Fucking freak.

>> No.9759425

anorexia is a mental illness yes

>> No.9759427

>says "prove me wrong" along with posting a pic proving himself wrong


>> No.9759436

prove that I proved myself wrong

>> No.9759450
File: 352 KB, 1140x1600, Justin-Bieber-Shirtless-19th-Birthday-justin-bieber-33771469-1140-1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9759452
File: 31 KB, 400x287, brad-pitt-fight-club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9759453

I just did

enjoy your wrongness faggot


>> No.9759461

Excellent example

>> No.9759462
File: 42 KB, 92x230, Screenshot from 2015-04-26 05:39:53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9759484
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>> No.9759493
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>> No.9759496
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>> No.9759508
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>> No.9759537

Who is this and what went so horribly wrong?

>> No.9759539
File: 155 KB, 480x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats my goal body, how to achieve?

>> No.9759540

Why would someone even censor Sparrow's tatas?

>> No.9759545

Dk who but I guess he was fat then starve himself while working out then died (look at his face, he's almost a walker already)

>> No.9759546

this is an american website and we respect american christian values of evil female nipples here

>> No.9759550

apparently it was an anorexic kid who took tren but didn't eat. idk how legit that info is.

do nothing but 50 push-ups a day and eat at a caloric deficit until you're lean enough

>> No.9759552

Makes sense except for the lumpy asymmetrical abs

>> No.9759554

He was probably on performance enhancers for the movie.

>> No.9759555

ab appearance are just unfortunate genetics

>> No.9759650
File: 96 KB, 575x861, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do nothing but 50 push-ups a day and eat at a caloric deficit until you're lean enough
So it's basically what I do, I guess it'll take time
I run too though, is it bad to achieve such a body look?

>> No.9759889

Do you have any idea how long it takes to build that kind of muscle. You people piss me off

>> No.9759974

but breh i dnt wanna get big just toned yeah?

>> No.9759982

do you think you'll magically turn to arnold swarzenger after you pick up a bunch of tiny weights once?

holy shit, are you this daft

you realize people spend YEARS of DEDICATED training to be "big", right?

damn /fa/ is actually filled with idiots

>> No.9760012

ive big bones, a little bit of musle looks like a lot. i wont look like arnold but my friend who lifts told me i could get somewhere close pretty easy if i actualy worked out at all and that would be bad fashon-wise.

>> No.9760089

Squats, so you cant wear any skinny jeans

>> No.9760440

swimming and rowing are the most effay

>> No.9760454
File: 15 KB, 340x450, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're trying to quote the god he said couture not culture

or not

>> No.9760458
File: 39 KB, 400x385, 6826098704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except you're wrong

>> No.9760460

who the hell do you think you are

you really do believe you know everything don't you

>> No.9760464


They look like straight out of Tex Avery. Some cartoon level fucking proportions right there.

>> No.9760598

I was speaking specifically about /fit/.

I already posted this.

>> No.9760606

>my friend who lifts told me i could get somewhere close pretty easy
your friend is a retard

you will never look anything close to Arnold unless you take thousands of dollars in steroids while training for years with an immaculate diet

>> No.9760614

>I run too though, is it bad to achieve such a body look?
no but that may increase the size of your thighs/calves undesirably depending on your genetics

>> No.9760622
File: 49 KB, 490x386, arnold-coleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to give an idea of the difference between arnold and a modern bodybuilder (also keeping in mind arnold is taller than the average modern bodybuilder which will make his clothes look better)

>> No.9761966

Claymore is garbage

>> No.9762098

He only looks grotesque because he's 50 years old.

>> No.9762129

pushups pullups sittups and running, you'll look cut and have decent proportions

>> No.9762212

>150 lb bench


>> No.9762243


or just
>15 minutes of jump rope
>3xinfinite all kinds of ab workouts
>3xinfinite pushups
>3xinfinite dips

ur done

>> No.9762293

Do you do that routine? Sounds too easy to really have an effect though, doesn't it?

>> No.9762318

I think you're making a joke, but I hate that the people who don't take care of themselves are often particularly ugly. With even a little effort, a lot of ugly people could be average or at least close to average. Instead, most of them neglect themselves and dedicate time to their "hobbies." Why are the only people who take care of themselves already decently attractive?

>> No.9762328

Do you mean 3xfailure or 3xset-amount-of-time?

>> No.9762360

You won't build much muscle, if any at all. You probably will be a bit leaner than the average skinnyfat person if your diet is good enouhg. You should consider doing some sort of weight lifting routine. You won't turn into a disgusting bearmode /fit/-fag by touching weights once, and you'll have a nicer body in a shorter amount of time. If you did want the no chest, visible abs, anorexic look that a lot of /fa/ wants, that routine would be alright. Just make sure to keep eating. Anorexia is dangerous, and if you're going to be doing all of this exercise, don't drop below 1800-2000 calories, depending on your build.

>> No.9763314

You're a meanie bobini.

>> No.9763348

Yeah for sure he starved himself to lose the weight, you can tell by his sickly as fuck appearance. Either the dude is going through chemo or he's not eating.

>> No.9763361

Pitt said he just did a shitload of push ups, sit ups, and pull ups for his fight club body.

>> No.9763369

Coleman just looks like he's been inflated.

>> No.9763409
File: 197 KB, 960x960, 539642_363485487026272_52708513_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>looking for a arms chest and core workout

literally a push up