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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 26 KB, 500x500, ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9654776 No.9654776 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we post reasons why we'll never be /fa/, we cry, we h8 and masturb8

>mfw I have a very noticeable asymmetrical face

>> No.9654798
File: 37 KB, 833x768, 2490578923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too man, we will never make it

>> No.9654809

after bills i have about $150 a month and i spend it all on beer and smokes.

i haven't bought an article of clothing in almost a year, though I did find a nice beanie on the floor a few weeks ago

>> No.9654811
File: 42 KB, 500x632, 1414131577082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the manlet genes from my dads side of the family. Everybody on my mothers side is tall as fuck

>> No.9654822

Acne and acne scars, 28yo here. Thanks to genetic.

I think I have come to terms with it.

>> No.9654828

Broke af

>> No.9654829

same here... my mom's dad and her rip brother were both very tall but apparently I got all my genes from my manlet dad's side. I'm taller than him tho so it's a little success, but I'm still a manlet.

>> No.9654835

my skin has spots all over it

>> No.9654839

I would rather drink and smoke than be fa, you're doing the right thing.

>> No.9654841

went from a full salary to poorboy student -_-

it hurts so much

>> No.9654842

I'm so broke that it has been 6 month since the last time a bought a jean. I only have 2 ACNE ones and I hate them now.

>> No.9654843

Oversized potato head with little pokey-out years

>> No.9654855

>pants and trousers are a huge fucking problem, everything looks so baggy on me
>I should buy XS but my legs arent fit enough

>> No.9654856

>no money
Feels bad.
But atleast im funny, right guys?

>> No.9654861

not white

>> No.9654867

I have shitty Jewish looking curly hair.

>> No.9654877

Small yellowish teeth with soft enamel prone to cavities thanks to genetics and living in 3rd world country for the first 13 years of my life and no dental care... So mad jelly of my grandfather with not a single filling at the age of 70 who barely brushes his teeth...

It's such a fucking bummer no matter how decent looking I am or how well I dress this shit reks my confidence on a daily basis.

Don't know if Europeans care all that much about it but I'm planning to move to Murika in the future and everyone I've met has immaculate big white teeth.

I'm praying for Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralisation to become a legit thing in the near future.

>> No.9654878


>> No.9654888

let's hold each other


>> No.9654895

>I can't get my shoes to shine like CPs derbies

>> No.9654904

>tfw hair looks weird all day after I shampoo it

>> No.9654908

>tfw didn't inherit maternal grandpa's height
>tfw didn't inherit other paternal grandpa's broad shoulders
>tfw inbetween
>tfw didn't inherit maternal grandpa's long face, manly jaw, high nose, perfect teeth structure and strength
>tfw didn't inherit paternal grandpa's fighting ability
>tfw probably don't have neither one's physique at their prime
>tfw skinnier wrists than both grandpas


>> No.9654914

That feel when you're a student with no job and your parents are so un-effay they won't give you money to buy shoes over $70 because they think it's ridiculous

>> No.9654938


I had £12 to my name a week ago. Did the switch to a new bank for their £125 reward and now spending it all on perfume...

>> No.9654946
File: 94 KB, 403x482, Nightmarish feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw mega mantel

>> No.9654951

tfw gyno

>> No.9654953
File: 129 KB, 579x730, >ftw I'll never be Elias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this thread have me so many feels
I'm with you, bros

>> No.9654958

how "tall" are you?

>> No.9654987

But you're a qt. And probably one of the best dressed here. You also seem to be well off. Unless there's something psychologically wrong I don't understand why you have complaints.

>> No.9655012



Make fun of me if you want.

I'm used to the abuse.

>> No.9655028

all u wannabe manlets don't know real pain
at least houston has a lot of mexicans, so its not that bad :(

>> No.9655064 [DELETED] 

no worries brother, I'm 5"6' too

>> No.9655069

no worries brother, I'm 5'6 too

>> No.9655074

Half white half Asian
White face shape, Asian hair and no facial hair
Nothing will look okay.

>> No.9655080
File: 49 KB, 536x573, 1386043357054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /widehips/ here
have to wear L instead of M on t-shirts
currently starting to lift to hide it

>> No.9655092

me... I have to wear M pants and jeans instead of S. shit looks baggy af but this is the only way to hide my large hips and legs

>> No.9655095

Manlet, no matter how "fa" you are you'll always look like a try hard if ur a manlet. we r doomed...

and also kyphosis.

Because it is ridiculous you fucking mong, make your own money and spend it on geobaskets, you fucking retard. I make my own money since I was 15. You have to be mentally challenged to not be able to make money and this is coming from someone who lives in Eastern Europe.

>> No.9655132
File: 94 KB, 620x927, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same head shape as Miles Teller
My jaw and neck are a bit better at least.

>> No.9655136

>will never be white

>> No.9655140

I don't like my friends and we never go anywhere so I never have the opportunity to wear cool fits.

>> No.9655154

Of course, Ilya, you had to start working the farm or the landlord will make your family serfs!

>> No.9655156
File: 628 KB, 800x800, http.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manelts can be fa but they need to learn how to dress well in way and with a style that will suit their figure. stop looking at tall models, find your style and find the right clothes. of course you are going to look like a try hard if you apply the style of a tall man on yourself. cleanse your mind. find YOUR style.

>> No.9655192

maybe not as short as others but fuck mane

>> No.9655215
File: 201 KB, 433x313, ;onj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw social anxiety and worsening paranoia
>tfw spend all day on the internet

>> No.9655217

I drop all my money on clothes and don't even go outside.

>> No.9655225

>a long dead spot where its former shape remains on my nose
>can't tell if I have a wide neck or a weak chin
>pigeon's chest
>poor posture

>> No.9655239

>Has 2 ACNE jeans
Either you are not broke or you are really bad at managing your money

>> No.9655250

I have a 31 inch waist but each of my thighs are 24 inches around.

>> No.9655282

my shoulders are too broad and even if i'm fit i still have man boobs

>> No.9655293

aw. this makes me sad.
one of my bffs growing up had an auto-immune disease and her facial tissue started eating itself away. literally. doctors didn't know what it was and nobody had seen anything like it. to this day I feel like a bitch complaining that something on me doesn't look right bc i have flashback of her saying "well at least your face isn't disintegrating!"

>> No.9655295

tfw not tall and japanese
their fashions are dope as hell but cant pull it off

also tfw only average height

>> No.9655299

shit this made me feel even worse

>> No.9655302

oh + my eyes are sunken quite far back so the shadows are sometimes quite unattractive and my teeth, while not abhorrent, are a bit crooked at the front

>> No.9655303

>lazy eye
>ugly skin (some red spots, dark circles around eyes)
>horrible head shape
>almost no chin
>disproportionately wide hips
>tights too thick
but worst of all
>shitty, boring personality

>> No.9655307

isn't Japanese fashion the salvation for manlets?

>> No.9655312

I have wide shoulders + chest relative for my build
only asian fashion that fits my shoulders is huge in every other area

>> No.9655318
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>but worst of all
>>shitty, boring personality


>> No.9655319

>barrel chested

>> No.9655329

I'm 5'5, dad is 5'6 and mom is 5'2.

Destined to be a manlet straight from the womb

>> No.9655715

Ya, but there's gotta be a beautiful story of manlet/womanlet love behind your existence.

>> No.9655732
File: 11 KB, 645x773, feel_blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty skin
>insecure af
>student, living at my parents' who are pretty rich, spend much on stuff but zero on clothes

>> No.9655762

That's Arca - Xen, you pussies don't even smoke crack

>> No.9655770
File: 5 KB, 234x215, stenson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hispanic 5'10, get on my lvl

>> No.9655776

make up is okay man, use it

>> No.9655808

Just discovered my right cheekbone is lower than the other, and I was going to a walk-in session for a model agency on Wednesday.
Probably my brain talking me out of it.

>> No.9655829

That asymmetry makes you better

>> No.9655830

And I was crying about my 21.5 inch thighs

>> No.9655836

Really? Whys that?

>> No.9655840

post pic ur probably still handsome

>> No.9655841

>tfw have huge childbearing hips no matter what

>> No.9655851

>6'3 160 lbs
>Mixed white/black skin, shit genetics
>Acne hyperpigmentation all over cheeks and forehead
>People see me and are either confused, disgusted or both.

I wish someone would just off me. Really.

>> No.9655868

>tfw 22" thighs and 23" waist
Will never be a waify waifu

>> No.9655885

I have horrible acne scarring. I look like a leper and I get gawked at when I go out.

>> No.9655904

>stupid jewfro hair

>> No.9655940

>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.9655944
File: 20 KB, 500x373, 10411180_893346234021406_8262634009457076927_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retruded maxilla

>> No.9655953

I will never be Tyler Seguin

>> No.9655965

>tfw 28 inch waist and 17 inch thighs

>> No.9655971

models dont look directly at the camera right
that means that if you have perfectly even cheekbones and look away from the camera, it looks weird

also it looks like u have had plastic surgery if u have perfectly even ones

post face

>> No.9655974

I know someone like this. I thinks it's cool and reminds me of Freddy Krueger

>> No.9655976
File: 231 KB, 850x645, 1307821200918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lost cause mentally
>no personality
>sexually confused
>practically braindead
>only thing I enjoy is funposting
why go on living?

>> No.9655983

to funpost forever

>> No.9655986

Being perceived as a freak isn't cool

>> No.9655991

I humbly disagree.

>> No.9655994

if you dress like one and own it then its cool

>> No.9656012

Quit your bitching, Elliot Roger. You'll be fine. (Please don't hurt us.)

>> No.9656018


>> No.9656019

ur qt

>> No.9656024
File: 1.63 MB, 956x818, faeccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Mongol genetics made me ugly af

>> No.9656028

>no shoulders; my arms just kinda lazily attach to my torso
>lack of sleep as a child gives impression that I just came from getting my ass handed to me

>> No.9656046

you forgot

>hated by strangers online
I'd probably kill myself if I had that list of issues

>> No.9656055
File: 32 KB, 480x355, 134753546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys it's me
the big bad koi-shi

ya'll nigs think yo tough
well I'm here to say
yo mom has a dank muff
you might think I'm cray
but I'm here to tell
you bout my day

I woke up and had a thought
why couldn't I remain asleep
in this shitpost war I'm caught
my vocaroos you will keep
reposting in ya sleep
cuz you think you're so hot
but I gotta tell ya you're not

you're a skeleton cracka
put on some weight
you're a skeleton cracka
stop bringin on the h8

>> No.9656101

lol thumb head

>> No.9656122

your hair is nice though

>> No.9656140
File: 21 KB, 560x516, i-know-that-feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's end it all together man.

>> No.9656185
File: 204 KB, 1170x923, that feel bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short, weak chin and hairy as fuck.

>> No.9656189

tbh that's sheep, not xen. unless you're talking about the character.

>> No.9656191

Sometimes, out of nowhere your nose starts to bleed and you have to abruptly stop whatever you are doing and head for the bathroom. This is what my annoying nose always does for me. Most of my nosebleeds are minor. The worst I've had was about 320 drips, but above even 80 is rare. Frequent, but minor, and extremely annoying. That's the main reason why I hate my nose. Otherwise it just hurts often. I have seen a doctor on this, but the "fix" seemingly was just temporary and the frequency returned to normal in about 6 months. The doctor used these strange sticks that looked like matches and gave a small burn sensation.

The purpose of the nose is to smell, right? My nose doesn't seem to be able to pick up most anything besides smoke where I'm extremely sensitive to. My parents once bought chicken from KFC. They can smell the chicken from even ten feet away. I, who was holding it, couldn't smell it from even a foot away! If a dog's sense of smell was 10,000,000 units, as an example to compare, the average human would get about 2000 units (smell masters would get more around 4000 units). My nose seems to output more around 80 units, a tiny fraction that of normal.

My nose, to conclude, has almost no use, but has a lot of strong negatives to simply having it.

>> No.9656194
File: 645 KB, 500x300, tfwkakarotdied.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stretch marks
>squidward nose
>shingles induced bald spots
>no mass
>patchy facial hair
>vegeta hairline
>grow blond hairs instead of white hairs
>no money
>not smart

>> No.9656235

What is or was your job?

>> No.9656337

hard to translate, but i basically designed circuits for the doctorates at a uni
a lot of the projects were very interesting (development for BMW etc.)

now i'm going to be an engineer
and poor for 3+ years :|

>> No.9656351


Latino so I only suit tank tops and cargos.

>> No.9656353

my personality can be immediately summed up in "tops-from-the-bottom". Pretty happy with my friends and relationships, but it would be nice is I had a more androgynous aesthetic to go with it.

>6'0", big nose, wide shoulders.

On the other hand it is inarguable useful to have the right build to act tough when appropriate, so my pity game is weak.

>> No.9656537

Skinny fat and not enough muscle mass yet. Basically look like shit in any outfit

>> No.9656560

Holy shit me too m8 plus I look like I am 12 and no effay clothes ever fits. I'm glad there is someone like me :^)

>> No.9656585

used to be really fat and lost the weight, but lost it too fast so Im stuck with like 15lbs of extra stomach skin that hangs when i bend over and can only be removed with surgery that im too poor to afford to get or too poor to afford to miss out on work for recovery

>> No.9656604

i have no money and all i do is listen to post-rock and death grips and smoke weed. i'm still in school so i have time to change but being surrounded by plebs all the time drags me down

>> No.9656611

Man or woman?

>> No.9656617



>> No.9656707

I'm Indian.

>> No.9657097

;-; new friend?
Uniqlo is the best fits for me. I wear a medium. Half way down my zipper and the sleeves are perfect. I think it's weird that a medium is my perfect fit. I probably have short stubby legs and a long torso.

>> No.9657102

Snapchat? Are you going to see death grips? Meet up pls ;-;
I have a friend that's going with me but that's it. He's pretty cool. He has a lot of sneaker hook ups. But yea it's just me and him going. I have more friends but my other friend is going into the marines and leaving in May :(

>> No.9657187

>tfw redhead
>tfw girls tell me they're jealous of my hair colour
>tfw only old people say im handsome

>> No.9657215

Light or dark?

>> No.9657273

Another south Asian dude, but light. C-can I still be effay?

>> No.9657287
File: 361 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose will always be too big :,(

>> No.9657289


No. Asians are not /fa/.

>> No.9657290

>weak hairline
>curly hair is always "fuzzy"; curls have no shape
>dark circles
>'angular' face
>thick lips
>keratosis pilaris
>5'10" so 5'11" on the internet

>> No.9657308

your nose is fine dude, it might be my potato-nose talking tho

>> No.9657318

South Asians are the brown folks, brother. I'm from the Persian end of the spectrum. inb4 still can't be effay.

>> No.9657328

I find H&M also fits well with xs, where do you find nice fitting jeans?

>> No.9657353

I just buy my size in pants and taper them. They usually fit really good after. And they sort of stack to so its not like they're overly big. But I mostly have levis, APC, and a few american eagle jeans that I tapered. Im still trying to find my style.

>> No.9657358

H&M jeans fit me well. Also have you heard that Ian Connor is opening up a store in houston? It's going to have like raf and acne. Im pretty excited for that. The Gallo gets pretty boring after awhile.

>> No.9657412
File: 107 KB, 640x640, 10616892_677720825650411_102869998_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my body isn't ottermode
>my nose isn't perfect
>I just want to be 2 inches taller at 6'2"
>my squad doesn't dress like pic related

>> No.9657497

>all these un/fa/ people
You don't belong here.

>> No.9657693

Wow doop I assumed you just spent daddys money because of how nice your house and clothes are. Respect.

>> No.9657726


>> No.9657749

hey OP other asymmetrical face people

there's this asian lady on youtube that teaches this face yoga thing
it's helped my slight asymmetry
you retrain the muscles in your face and in a few days or weeks you'll see a difference

especially in the eyebrows and eyes, if you have one eyebrow that sits above the other you keep doing these exercises until you can move each eyebrow independently and then you just work them out till theyre on the same level

other things are not so easy, though. it's not very noticeable but i went in for a mouth xray and noticed that my jaw is very asymmetrical :/

>> No.9657778

I have a literal lady ass and its larger and better than most of my female friends. Its make it incredibly annoying to find the right size pants male pants that won't look silly on you.

>> No.9657955

5'8, 50kg. Stomach is toned and chest is shapely enough that it looks like I have pecs when wearing a shirt atleast, but hate being shirtless cause dem ribs and my back follows my spine with 0 fat.

>> No.9657986

>No money
>Really long, flat face
>Shit beard but I look like a 12 year old without it
>Weak jawline
>Awful posture
>Too depressed to do anything about it

>> No.9657996

My body. I am 180 and weight about 150 I consider my weight to be average but somehow I look really skinny, my arms are noodles my legs are chicken. I have shitty genes I guess

>> No.9658000


Lol you already know deep down that Iranians or Arabs of any kind are very ugly and un/fa/. God I hate minorities on /fa/, seriously most fucking useless posters ever. Shitposting trips are better than all these tryhard minorities

>> No.9658003


Lol, you really did get fucked over. That is really unfortunate face. Hope you have a great personality.

>> No.9658008

Also, can't grow facial hair

>> No.9658010

My eyes and eyebrows are ugly looking and too close together.

Also, skinny body but fat-looking face

>> No.9658015

>fat and lazy

>> No.9658039

>5'11" (only good thing)
>half-Peruvian half white
>ugly Hispanic-ish features, balding
>weak chin
>keloid acne scars all over back and chest
>severe eczema makes me scratch scabs all over my arms and legs while I'm sleeping
>21 and still living with parents
>really terrible at school, dropped out of community college twice
>ugly gf that I resent but every girl prettier than her has friend zoned me
>bad at sex because I lost my virginity at 19 in 5 seconds during one night stand, had a two year long dry spell afterward
>grow a beard to hide my acne and poorly shaped head
>have to constantly delude myself into thinking I'm not a miserable failure
>jealous of everybody
>older brother is taller and much better looking than me, we don't even look related

>> No.9658070
File: 2.61 MB, 400x400, 1402888907823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I think if this cure turns out successful I could become /fa/ and a legit 7-8/10. Not the kind of 7-8 that everybody on the Internet thinks they are. I'm talking legit 7-8/10.

>> No.9658100

I'm not that guy but I'm in houston.

Snapchat is adera_1

>> No.9658130

Added :) I think I had you before but I like wiped my snap.

>> No.9658235

whatever that story was it ended after 11 years of marriage

I hope someday I will have a manlet / womanlet love story of my own tho

>> No.9658356


ur welcome

>> No.9658389

I have hooded eyes and a little lazy eye, not that dramatic it's hardly visible but I know it.

>> No.9658401
File: 3 KB, 121x127, 1312104076194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a mixed dude with vitiligo. It has progressed to the point where most people have no clue I'm black. It used to really bug me but I'm cool with it now.

>> No.9658417 [DELETED] 

Be glad dude. You know what it is to be black and to be white. It's like losing* then winning the life lottery. Having a second chance. EMBRACE IT.
*Being black is losing the life lottery because you have less points in the luck stat. Cops aren't always alarmed etc..

>> No.9658421

Be glad dude. You know what it is to be black and to be white. It's like losing* then winning the life lottery. Having a second chance. EMBRACE IT.
*Being black is losing the life lottery because you have less points in the luck stat. Cops are always alarmed when they see you etc..

>> No.9658752

i like u now

>> No.9658802

>probably won't grow much taller if at all
>cut off all my hair in a psychotic fit and have avoided my peers for the past 8 months cause it looks like shit
>mentally fucked from past drug abuse
>high school dropout neet

getting my shit together soon, though

>> No.9658817
File: 55 KB, 680x453, 1ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hair too curly
>big thighs
>noticeable af stretch marks on upper arms and hips
>one side of my face is way wider than the other

>> No.9658856

The first two must be b8.

>> No.9658876

>slightly wide face
>cheekbones aren't striking
>get bad cases of shaver's rash, so can never be clean shaven

At least I'm 6'2", with a pretty symmetrical face and good skin/hair.

>> No.9658896

Whats the measurement of your thigh m8

>> No.9658967
File: 34 KB, 868x492, smart investment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listening to bladee right now

>> No.9659483

m8, you're not a manlet, the world is yours.

>> No.9659490

i'm too tall and my feet are too big. i can kinda deal with the heigh (6'5) but my feet are gigantic (US 15 and wide) so it's hard to find good shoes.

>> No.9659503
File: 23 KB, 187x198, 1415169374078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these manlets
i wish i could break you guys off like 3 inches of my spine and legs and give it to you, it would benefit us both

>> No.9659511

The things I'd do for 3 inches. Tfw 5'4

>> No.9659527

I broke my nose so it looks like a comma from the front, jewish from the right and roman from the left
I have bug eyes and sparse eyebrows/eyelashes, and cheekbones that remind people of ayylmao crumplesnatch
oh and I'm also ginger

>> No.9659539

The problem is his hair I think.
I think he'll look better with something flat. Like combed back.

>> No.9659556

nah you're just fat

>> No.9659581

well just going off what he presented there, the hair was the best bit. Agree with you though, maybe he could try for like a ducktail or something

>> No.9659634


>> No.9659638

>9/10 facial aesthetics
>Good sense of style
>completely ruined by being 5'7

>> No.9659648

>tfw I'll never be Elias
Man if you see how he used to look 2 years ago, if anything it gives me hope.
He is seriously one of the most handsome dudes I have seen in a long time, but damn was he weird back then.

>> No.9659657

Dye it black anon.

>> No.9659667

>oily acne-damaged skin
>receding hairline, not sure where it might stop if at all
>fat face and having difficulty losing weight

That's basically it. I'm 5'11" but that's not so bad. I can cover my fat face with my pretty good beard genetics. My face is generally not repulsive despite my skin and such, my teeth are naturally straight but not without character, I build muscle quickly, my hair is curly and straddles the line between brown and blond for while it's still here now.

I guess I'm not so bad off. I really just want to get my weight and skin under control to stop feeling like a stupid teenager again.

>> No.9659676
File: 26 KB, 319x664, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genetically thick chest
>long neck
>round head shape

i'm in the process of fixing posture but pic related

been thinking of copping turtlenecks but an 18 year old in rural australia wearing turtlenecks is meme core

>> No.9659680

>>genetically thick chest

I think it's called barrel chest. I know a guy who has that too

>> No.9659686

is 5'9" manlet status? ive got the same thing as you. everyone on my moms side is 6' and up

>> No.9659691

>is 5'9" manlet status?
Yeah, 5'10'' is king of manlets

>> No.9659756


>> No.9659840


>beard genetics

Lol at this pathetic fat piece of shit desperately trying to make the most of his hopeless situation

>> No.9659850

similar situation. Stopped smoking and started putting the money I usually spent on ciggies into a piggy bank just for clothes.

>> No.9660588


>> No.9660657

how old are you? youre upbringing probably stunted all your potential if youre young, us youngsters have been robbed of a active youth

>> No.9660673

mfw i grew up with mexicans and grew up believing i was a tall guy, it wasnt until i stepped into the real world that i realized mexicans are fucking midgets

>> No.9660692
File: 141 KB, 803x688, 3bniMcR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak chubb ugly

>> No.9660704
File: 552 KB, 1631x1571, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attractive but have acne and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation


>> No.9661609

sl ef made man

>> No.9662048

>tfw no parents

>> No.9662062
File: 11 KB, 324x299, 10359391_710887869008760_2439441001577044929_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bacne

>> No.9662117

>lazy eye

I know that feel

>> No.9662660
File: 79 KB, 750x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mixed, more brownish skin than your average mestizo
>not too extroverted with people but i can keep a fun conversation going
>broad as fuck shoulders that would look a lot better if i was 4 inches taller
>thick af thighs, finding well fitting jeans is a nightmare
>foot problems so i walk and run in a quite funny and weird manner if i'm not paying attention at how i'm doing it
>occasional acne outbreaks
>prominent nose
>hairy as fuck but can't grow proper facial hair
>broke because of uni so i can only afford thrifted clothes
>getting overweight slowly

>> No.9662679
File: 18 KB, 510x430, 1369500239059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw $8.50 an hour

>> No.9662708
File: 135 KB, 483x442, mCv5Zk8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw chest and back hair

>> No.9662714
File: 34 KB, 768x679, 1425269546188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9662717


>> No.9662718

i try really hard to be an intellectual and all it does is make me hate everything and everybody

>> No.9662740

You are absolutely pretentious by definition. You are a joke

>> No.9662743

you act like I don't already know that

>> No.9662751

I hate you less now tbh

>> No.9662753

> Pretty above average looking, enough for it to be mentioned pretty often.
> Decent height, 5'11" - wish it was more, but not the death of me

> Stunted, introverted personality
> Widespread cognitive dissonance
> Shit finances, poor work ethic
> Depressed and paranoid
> Can't hold onto any of the things I care about
> Hate myself further every time I complain about anything
> Greentext for far too long, lose train of thought

>> No.9662759

You're implying, but that coordinates with your bullshit

>> No.9662760


>> No.9662782

I dunno honestly I don't always hate people, I just get really chaotic sometimes and I want to just not think about anything at all, but of course that isn't possible
I think I'm lonely and pathetic, and I want to have somebody again but I don't know what I'm doing right or wrong so I end up changing nothing, like always

>> No.9662786


>lack of sleep as a child gives impression that I just came from getting my ass handed to me

I cackled.

>> No.9662794

so u wanna be 6'4?

>> No.9663369

I've been told I look like Agyness Deyn and Liv Tyler, so not sure if having this strong jawline is a good or bad thing.

>wide birthing hips since puberty
>social anxiety
>probable autism

>> No.9663419

Weird ass hairline that looks like it's receeding on one side but i've had it since birth.

>> No.9663421

me too brutha

>> No.9663427
