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9653088 No.9653088 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /fa/ friends,
How was your day?

did you live up to your own expectations?

>> No.9653306
File: 351 KB, 500x500, feelsgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>woke up too fucking early
>got on plane
>flew down to Florida for a holiday weekend at my parents vacation house
>laid in the sun and made mein hair even blonder
>took a nap
>ate 5 guys burgers
>had some drinks in the hot tub
>watched archer
>posting on 4chinz

Good day, but shit I am still butthurt over my Acronym selling out yesterday.

>> No.9653932

>everyone's at a party this friday night
>drunk snaps constant
>at home drinking green tea
>tfw I realize I'm on 4chan for a reason
>21 and still have no close friends
>not in school
>evening crisis

>> No.9653989

>still not a world famous, renowned author

I want to die

>> No.9653991

>did you live up to your own expectations?
obv not, if i did i wouldn't be on 4chan...

>> No.9653996
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>was out drinking yesterday
>my qt friend saw me walking yesterday
>she sent me a message and we goin out 2day
>no hangover
>listening to bach's st. matthew passion while drinking german coffee with my brother
>got a Laudatur on my english matriculation examination, which is the best grade available
feels gud

pic: traditional fall fashion

>> No.9654042

FALL fashion haha I get it :^)

>> No.9654044

I know right bruh ;)

>> No.9654133

get the fuck up off your lazy ass and go write a book then anon, make us proud

>> No.9654142

>wake up at 8 on a saturday
>leave home at 930 to go on some family excursion for the day that i didnt even find entertaining
>end up arriving home 4 hours after i estimated
>start to feel sick
>my few friends have gone to bed already or are away on holiday
>be sad and am about to go to sleep

i want to eat some leftover pizza but i think that will make me feel worse

>> No.9654151
File: 12 KB, 240x375, ouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still can't get over gril
>spent whole night lying on the floor stoned listening to shit music
>found a cool sweatshirt though

>> No.9654153

clearly your family poisoned you

>> No.9654155
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>this morning (saturday, i'm a eurobro)
>waking up at 6:30 am to go to class
>shitty courses morning
>back home driving
>ask mom for a navy-tier waywt fitpic
>posting on 4chinks waiting for lunch to be ready
>i'll probably go /out/ with my bro who came back for easter

>> No.9654162

anon, you always move on eventually. goes for every girl.

>> No.9654234


>> No.9654277

>Went to work
>Made assholes some food
>Eat very little
>Drink lots
>Listening to Crywank and sitting on a fashion imageboard on 4chan while cuddling with gf

A normal day actually.

>> No.9654289
File: 98 KB, 701x1125, 89134874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are so many other nice girls anon, you will meet a lot

you always move on

>> No.9654454

Th-th-thanks dude

>> No.9654463


>> No.9654476


>> No.9654479

I expected it to be shit and that I'd feel lonely. It matched my expectations.

>> No.9654624


>> No.9654810
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>got up today
>watched 4 episodes of House
>went back to bed
>just got up again, slept all afternoon, still feel tired
ok brain

I usually have no or very little expectations for my day, so there's nothing to live up to!

>> No.9654844
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what part of florida, Fort Laudy reporting

>woke up at 4AM for Marathon training
>took a shower
>ran 15 miles to the beach
>swim in track shorts, get funny looks as i swim because my junk is showing hardcore
>talk to Qt3.14 while eating lunch at local place
>turns out she goes the uni
>cant tell her i go to community college (pleb tier)
>go home
>clean my house for easter
>post on effay
>tfw your not effay and still on effay, wore track shorts and a faded yellow striped shirt today
>tfw you cant post in waywt threads

>> No.9654997

>sleep for 5 hours
>feel fine
>sleep for 15 hours
>tired all day
brains are full of fuck

>> No.9655002

So far so good. Woke up, drank coffee on my porch and drank a cup of coffee, drove to the store and bought some weed, and now I'm sitting on the couch and watching a documentary on the Iron Sheik.

>> No.9655009

Whoops. I smoked a cigarette and drank a cup of coffee.

>> No.9655195


>> No.9655377

Which is that jacket Anon

>> No.9655422
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only recently got over mine myself, it doesn't seem like he's right right now, but he is

>> No.9655432

>woke up hungover at friends house
>packed stuff went home
>went on walk with my FR bulldog puppy
>talked to some girls i met while walking cause i have a cute dog
>went home had easter dinner with family and friends
>about to go to friends house and get high
good day but got cockblocked yday so could be better

>> No.9655448

>Woke up at 2 in the afternoon
>Sit on PC all day
>Watch movies play vidya games
>Realize it's 2 in the morning
>Watch videos in bed til 3/4 am
Holidays are fuckin' boring.

>> No.9655466

>no work today
>woke up mid morning
>bj from wife (only been married three months, fuck me do I love her)
>longish shower
>decided what to wear
>no breakfast
>went for lunch here: http://www.pebblebeach-uk.com/
>crispy chicken salad for meal, black coffee for dessert
>got home and lounged around in sitting room for a few hours on laptops, chatting and browsing clothes shops
>going here for dinner in about half an hour: http://www.sixtymillionpostcards.com/ best burgers around
>gonna get back later and eat the fuck out of wife's pussy for my dessert, then fuck like mad

>> No.9655511
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you have a nice life, anon. keep on trucking

>> No.9655513
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>friday nite
>go to some club where a character from game of thrones was the dj or something
>mom bought tickets so I went
>got drank as fuck
>go home
>don't even think I saw the dj
>fall out of car and vomit all over my rick skirt
>go on computer and skype with my friend telling him how much I love him etc (apparently, he just told me that's what happened)
>catch up on trailer park boys
>post on effay

feel like shit mayne

>> No.9655522

look at this guy just eating pussy and burgers all day

well done anon. out of curiosity, how old are you?

>> No.9655531

fucking shite m8y. Went to shopping centre and used one of the mobility scooters to avoid getting pleb dust on my shoes. Some cunt saw me get off to look at something and called security saying I wasn't disabled. I had to pretend limp, they believed me but said it was needed for really disabled people. had to limp off like a reet bozo

>> No.9655534

cheers bud, this isn't every day though, I don't make nearly enough to eat out at places like that every day. We both had no work today though so we wanted to do something nice.

pussy + burgers is p dece not gonna lie

I'm 25, she's 26 (she's Jan and I'm May)

>> No.9655535

look like shit too you fat cunt
Rick doesn't make tents so there's no way you have a skirt from there you fat autistic faggot

>> No.9655536


>> No.9655543
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you made it my dude

>> No.9655553
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>> No.9655564

Pretty good, went to York with a friend and bought a pair of black skinnies, a bomber jacket and a nice v neck.

(maybe) going out tonight

>> No.9655567

hi dylan

>> No.9655575

that is not my name friendo

>> No.9655585

living the fucking life hombre, hope it stays idyllic for you

>> No.9655596

hi dylan

>> No.9655601

ok fine ill be dylan

>> No.9655761
File: 244 KB, 342x490, caa13b0b-2217-4986-94aa-6a951ec09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>get up early while wife and son sleep in
>have coffee, knock out some work on the porch in the sun
>get off my lawn
>son goes out for easter party, lunch and movie with wife
>cop a rad bag
>4channel while wife naps

inb4 old

>> No.9655764

fuck you dylan you disgusting namefag

>> No.9655771

nothin wrong with being an adult

i didnt choose the name, the name chose me

>> No.9655788

That a bomber?

>> No.9655933

>woke up
>went to the gym
>showered and got dressed
>got coffee
>read weekend newspapers at the public library (homelesscore)
>walked across town to drugstore to pick up prescriptions before vacation
>went to chocolatier to buy Easter gifts for my little sister
>went to Whole Foods to buy stuff for Easter brunch
>going home to bake now

>> No.9655938

what you gonna make

>> No.9655950
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you sound so cute :333

post feet? (^;

>> No.9656621

>jerk off
>repeat 2 and 3 sometimes

>> No.9656880

I wrote the note almost two weeks ago. I still don't know if I'm going to leave it or not.

>> No.9656907
File: 41 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n1nsqhoBUa1ru5nloo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MKI twill bomber. :)
Recently got rid of it for the Our Legacy bomber though.

>> No.9656918

>relationship ended months ago.
>still have to live with her because I'm paid until June.
>arguments every day
>no sex
>no social life because she alienated all my friends over time
>no money because student
>stressed as fuck because I'm so behind on work and can't get a minute of peace
>somehow putting on weight, even though I have no appetite
>haven't eaten in three days
>smoking has gone from 5 a day to 20 a day
>hair is shit, needs a cut
>no plan after uni because of shitty degree
>still looking forward to leaving
>can't wait till June, providing I don't fail my degree


>> No.9656919

Absolutely bonkers luck at the thrift store, otherwise ehh. got in an ok whole body, nice walk in the spring weather, ate well, read a book. 8/10

>> No.9656938

Well I'll just start from yesterday because that's more interesting anyway.

>had breakfast date with qt girl
>honestly would marry a girl like this
>been wondering what "we" are because never really asked or been said
>"hey, so what do you think this between us is"
>"you know like us going out"
>"well I don't want to date"
>"o-oh, why not?"
>she gives some vague answer about her dad or something
>I asked at the beginning of the date like a retard so now it's awkward
>as pulling of of parking lot hit a fucking car
>person is inside eating so I leave contact info under windshield wiper
>get home and sit on couch expecting call
>within a minute get call "hello is anon there"
>"this is the [city] police, I suggest you bring back your vehicle immediately"

>> No.9656959

>moving in with your gf during college

why does anyone ever do this?

anyway, check this shit out man.
>no money because student
>spending $20 a day to 'smoke'
>about to graduate

first of all stop fucking smoking. i just saved you $600 every month. you wonder why you feel like you're going to fail? have you considered that decisions like spending 600/month on something other than rent and food when you're broke will leave you feeling more broke and worthless?

you're about to have a degree, which is a marketable skill even if it's in basketweaving. if anything you should have the wherewithall to have some perspective if you have the work ethic and intelligence to complete a degree. which, mind you, doesn't take leagues of either, but definitely takes more than your average high school drop out who probably makes more money than you do right now because he works at a fucking factory or some shit.

here's the thing. you can make your life better.
>arguments with ex every day
fuck that shit. don't even talk to her. obviously she's causing stress in your life. you're only living with her because your rent is paid. forget about her, and about your friends that abandoned you. just focus on you. she comes in the room screaming and whining about xyz? just continue doing whatever the fuck you were doing. focus all of your attention on your activities and on improving yourself.

you will always get more friends and sexual partners. they come and go. they're replaceable, as cold as that sounds. everyone is replaceable. what's not replaceable is your inner fire. so fucking spend all of your energy stoking and tending that shit. you don't have to pour gas on it--slow and steady is how you sustain it.

get any job. any job. you're not too good to work. you can always leave it and get a better one, but if you're about to graduate, then you need to get cash rolling in quick. just until you find something more careerish

>> No.9656964

>went to bed at 6am last night (more like this morning)
>wake up at 9 quick shower and go to soup kitchen
>talk to funny asian girl there
>meet a qt ginger friend of mine there hang out afterwards
>ginger girl is a succubus; touches me a lot and tells me she wants to seduce me (couldn't tell if she was serious)
>go over to see my friend who lives in Columbia Uni campus
>they have some big event going on on their campus
>meet his friends, talk to this cool black girl with short hair
>after she left she asked my friend for my #
>can't decide whether I think she was cute or no
>hang out with two of my friends that I haven't seen in a while after
>feel the need to be alone and go back home
>make dinner, 4chan, Internet

very solid 7.66/10

>> No.9656976

>can't decide whether I think she was cute or no

that means she is. if you thought she was ugly, you would have known right away. just because she's not halle berry from 10 years ago doesn't mean you don't know whether she's cute.

>> No.9656978


Thanks for the advice man.

My smoking usually costs about £4 a week. Bulk bought rolling tobacco with about 4-5 skinny rollies a day. Not too bad in terms of money.

>> No.9656985

Things sold out everywhere. No wonder, looks snug as fuck.

Thanks Anon, really suited you.

>> No.9656987

>drive 20 minuets back and find out that I hit some random qts car who was just visiting her father.
>the cop tries to arrest me for hit and run
>show him the piece of paper on the wipers
>he clears that up but now have dad yelling at me about insurance rates and such (still on his insurance family plan)
>get home and have to rush to an interview (had a dope fit with new Allen Edmonds for this at least) for a min wage job and it doesn't sound like they're interested anyway
>came home and just stared at a wall for two hours swelling with tears but trying so hard not to cry
>today family friend of qt's totally blindsides me and says "I heard you got a hot date anon ;)"

I've felt so shitty for like a year and this girl made me feel a little better at least and now even that's gone. Every time I walk outside I just hope a car hits me or something Jesus Christ. Now tommorow is just gonna be

>so anon you have a gf?
>got a job yet anon?

I don't care how I come off I just feel so lonely and disconnected god damn

>> No.9656988


that was a very solid piece of advice. Thank you. I really liked talking to her, she had a great vibe. If possible I'm gonna try to get to know her a bit better

>> No.9656998


>so anon you have a gf?
>got a job yet anon?

just reply

>are you offering your daughter to me? i don't think that's appropriate and that makes me feel uncomfortable. don't get me wrong, your daughter is very pretty, but i just don't think it's right that you're trying to pimp her out to me??


>why, are you hiring?

>> No.9657002

Not bad advice but I'd rather not make an incest joke at Easter brunch.