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File: 97 KB, 767x462, 4L_dbErQqd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9634242 No.9634242 [Reply] [Original]

just finished painting my monochrome converse with black gesso. it's still a little wet;)
the were originally black converse but I painted them with white gesso and realized I have no light colored clothes so I sprayed them down with plastidip and it looked like shit so I painted it with black gesso.

>> No.9634247
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, 4L_SOhb9EWI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the other shoe. I'll finish it tomorrow because peeling off the plastidip takes a long ass time.
as you can see it looks like shit.

>> No.9634252

honestly think it looks kinda cool, consider leaving them

>> No.9634253

also what the fuck is with this lame captcha I've been experiencing for the past three days.
literally takes me about 6 tries before I get one correct.

>> No.9634256
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, 4L_hQ8bHHtl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have another look
they look diseased.

>> No.9635123


OP how long did you let the gesso dry for? I just painted some knockoff vans with white gesso + acrylic thinning medium a few hours ago, and they feel really rubbery

might sand/peel off and start over

>> No.9635156

OP wear them like that and let it wear off on its own. looks cool af.

>> No.9635164

it looks disgusting. look how shiny that is, it wouldn't look good irl.

>> No.9635167

mine dried in like 30 mins top.
I didn't think it.
I just grabbed a paintbrush and applies straight from the jar.

>> No.9635175

Would look cool if you left the toe black and flaky

>> No.9635176

I promise you guys it isn't as good as you think.

>> No.9635205
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, 4L_TT4lV8Wq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my before picture - when they were covered in white gesso

>> No.9635215

W2c converse style shoes but where the sole is stitched to the actual shoe

>> No.9635277

If they were lowtops, this would look sick (both literally and figuratively.)

>> No.9635278
File: 38 KB, 494x321, diy9389239842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't have a pic of them handy but I have some beat up white converse that I used blue acrylic paint to make some Adidas stripes lol

They came out looking good to be honest, fun to wear when I run errands or walk my dog

here's a mock up I just made in MS Paint (1000+ hours spent on this)

>> No.9635285


>> No.9635293

...why? Are you Slavic? It would make sense if you're Slavic.

>> No.9635310

cp tournament lows

>> No.9635354

>1000+ hours spent on this
How? All you did is draw on some blue stripes.
Are you retarded or something?

>> No.9635367

w2c gesso in 3rd world

>> No.9635375

>not understanding memes on fourchan dot com

>> No.9635376

cant tell if meta joke or faggot

>> No.9635426

Any others?

>> No.9635691
File: 25 KB, 585x442, black_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plastidip didnt work very well??
i was planning on getting some white and black to paint a few pairs of cheap converse with cause it wont crack since its rubber paint
also whats gesso?? and how is it better? and w2c gesso??

>> No.9635752


>being this fucking new on the internet


>> No.9635880

does anyone know how long approx it would take to make a tshirt

using a sewing machine of course

also any recommended guides

>> No.9636326
File: 218 KB, 1200x744, 24131023_z1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a pair of converse that's falling part at the rubber outsole
Any idea how to glue it back? shoe goo and goop doesn't hold it

>> No.9636392

I doubt it'd take long. You should get some curtains from a thrift store and practice first though.

>> No.9636477

sew it with a little bit of thread

>> No.9636540

Anybody know how well india ink stains white t-shirts? I want to write something on one of mine, but im wondering if it will fade horribly in the wash.

>> No.9636552

Use acrylic paint instead

>> No.9636565

ive got 4 sheets of lowish quality fabric im gonna have a go with, will post results for my first run and then the actual thing i want to make

>> No.9636635

Post pics when you're done anon. Really want to get into making clothes.

>> No.9636706

maybe this only applies to hobby paint, but after you paint something, and it looks dry, you need to let it sit and cure so that the paint is more durable. Handling it during this process will only weaken the hold that the paint has.

>> No.9636757

India ink is water soluble. Find out what material the shirt is made of and a quick google search will let you know what the best dye is.
dont listen to this

>> No.9636925
File: 1.16 MB, 2936x2201, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I be that cheap ass muthafucka.
Poorfags who I'm repping.

>> No.9636933


>> No.9636936

mmmm SLP hitops..

>> No.9636991

I apologize for a bland post, but I'm adding 3M safety tread to the sole of my shoes.

>if you can afford expensive shoes, you can buy another pair

Yes, I can and I (clearly) did. I dropped off my worn pair to my cobbler to see if he can fix the heel drag and topy/Vibram the entire sole. Like those folks who get their Ricks resoled, I want to do the same with my low tops--well, most of my shoes really.

I feel sad having to throw away a nicely beat pair of shoes due to heel drag so I wanted to preserve the sole while still beating them up.

They're the low tops, but they're still tight.

>> No.9637004

Wait so you're adding skateboard-deck like griptape to the bottom of SLP highs?
Fuck man

>> No.9637016

Something similar to that; this is tread you add on stairs. The tape used on skateboard decks is abrasive. This has a hard rubber texture so wooden floors don't fret. :)

>> No.9637062

aren't you doing it a bit too close to the edge of the shoe? it will be seen while youre wearing them

>> No.9637097

hey anon, OP here.
plastidip was really bad in my experience other than blacking out my car emblem.
the plastidip didn't adhere too well to the shoes and it was very shiny and bumpy and disgusting looking.
within the same day of dipping them, my left shoe already had a tear on the plastidip and the shoelaces rubbed off the dip as well.
my shoes looked really gross though I can't even get over that part

>> No.9637105

nice I plan on gluing a black piece of cloth on the bottom of my shoe too.
how's yours feel when you slide around with it? I'm worried about it tearing though in the middle of a slide

>> No.9637113

Unfortunately, yes because the sole on these shoes aren't flat like shoes using the Margom sole; e.g. Balenciaga, Common Projects, Kris Van Assche).

I just realized I misinterpreted your question. My apologies. Yes, there's a good chance someone may notice something odd about the sole, but my goal is produce as little wear as possible. So let's say you're walking without the thought of your soles protected. The probability of heel strike will increase because you didn't account for the additional area covered. My friends say I'm OCD, but I just like things to things a certain way.

At any rate, if someone notices something odd and mentions it to me, I'll explain why. I'm usually walking so it's kind of difficult to catch, but what they think is not any of my concern.

I'm not sure if you're poking fun at me, but I can't slide.

>> No.9637115
File: 38 KB, 620x620, Nike-SFB-Field-6-Mens-Boot-631360_220_A_PREM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very interested in getting these. Would it be possible to dye / gesso with the different kinds of material on this?

>> No.9637505

Genuinely unsure if I've rattled some cages or started an unstoppable meme train

>> No.9637539

I know nothing about dyeing them, but those boots are great

>> No.9637561

Does sanding the sole of a shoe make it more grippy?

>> No.9637709
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this
don't know how i feel about it

>> No.9637712


I have never felt so much second hand embarassment for another human being in my life

May the gods bless your soul

>> No.9637719

too tryhard?

i only pinned it on

>> No.9637725


Hahah ur Achilles hills? More like achilles spine. Disgusting lol I bet it runs up all the way to ur ear lobes.

Btw really shit slogan lol. But I mean yolo haha lol

>> No.9637727

haha moe is back
hows it going #allah?

>> No.9637734
File: 141 KB, 990x1191, raf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like trying to recreate that ss15 raf parka but instead of adding in your own photos you just copied the pictures on parka and had it screenprinted on a completely different jacket

>> No.9637739


Just livin free
Dying strong

>> No.9637741

as i said, i only pinned it on
any good suggestions for the text?

>> No.9637747

you too?
i live free die strong so hard i put it on my jacket

shit's cash

>> No.9637752



>> No.9637755


>> No.9637756

idea is cool, but the slogan is just so cringey man

>> No.9637758

aight, no on the slogan
would it look cool if i crossed it out?

>> No.9637763

i guess it could look better is striked through the writing using them graffiti cans

>> No.9637764


Replace it w/ the joy division logo I heard that p neat.... I know u like the fu fighters n all but should b a big step up

>> No.9637765

*spray paint

>> No.9637775

how about those teethy things and swans writen above it?
i heard it's all the rage in the "underground rap core scene"

might do that ye

>> No.9637785
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9637791


The slogan is something Youd get on a fortune cookie or a snapback
If ure gonna have something on ur back don't have words

>> No.9637808

how bout a print of a prolapsed anus?

>> No.9637810


>> No.9637812

christ that is fucking awful
>"patch" looks like it was cut by 5 year old with paper scissors
>cringe worthy 15 year old tumblr quote
>attempt of being edgy by putting a cross over it

>> No.9637824

Handwriting is pretty good

>> No.9637854


She pees the memes

Nah be weird havin ur fits on the back. The X makes it look like ur older brother laughed at it so u ran to the shed to cover it.

>> No.9637857

Fml on my phone.

>> No.9637859


she moes the memes
by memes i mean grass

>> No.9637866


Ur not gonna be a teen forever kid
N when that day comes in takin ur name. Square up

>> No.9637995

W2C dog?

>> No.9638127

ur local farm

>> No.9638146

w2c local farm?

>> No.9638164


>> No.9638187

lmao this fool doesn't even have a farms dealer

i thought so too :)

>> No.9638241

w2c pants pls

>> No.9638258

I've actually been thinking about bleaching an older pair of canvas boaters I have. They're a boring grey color atm; I figured bleached white would suit them. Any advice or links?

>> No.9638302


Look at butt
Carharrt WIP

>> No.9638417
File: 3.71 MB, 2880x1880, bomber1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I made this bomber jacket from scratch. It was my first time making something so i think it turned out ok. The jacket was actually a little long so it made it so it can be interchangeable from a regular bomber to a long bomber. I got the inspiration to add the strap from space jew (cheese) whos jacket is amazing. So what do you guys think

>> No.9638423

abit puffy but p. cool

>> No.9638427

Noyce work

>> No.9638445

make sure you get the ones with the better free sole not the ones with the same sole as the pic

>> No.9638479

Cool AF

>> No.9638491

Very nice.

>> No.9638500
File: 109 KB, 958x533, zlad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no pics but
>bleach denim shirt
>dye it dark green
>turns out too green
>dye it black on a whim because it couldnt get worse
>give up and place it to dry
>when dried it actualy looks cool but the mix between black and green is too unbalanced, some places waay too dark others with barely any dye
>it also has tiny black spots all over due to the black dye not diluting properly
>bleach it again
>first 10 seconds soaked in bleach turns the color into the olive green i was trying to achieve the first time
>black spots are still there
its currently soaking in bleach to try it all over gain

>> No.9638549
File: 1.26 MB, 1456x2592, cumjeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bleached these jeans. They used to be dark blue, now theyre all light and cum stainy. I like it. I wanna put some edgy patches on em now.

>> No.9638574

can you post a better pic they look p cool also what jeans were they I like the look of the fit too

>> No.9638628
File: 249 KB, 1037x583, WP_20150331_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are wranglers

>> No.9638695

Lookin' good :D
Dont like the ends thoug, ask tailor to do his work

>> No.9638701

cool texture maybe to it with some better cut jeans tho. did you just let it sit in a rectangular tub or something?

>> No.9638738

yeah ill hem them myself
haha yeah i just soaked them in a bucket

>> No.9639239
File: 331 KB, 960x1280, 87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP of removing the logo from a freebie US Army duffel I acquired somehow.

>> No.9639251

Completely new to DIY clothes but I wanted to try something so I guess this is a good place to test the waters.

Is cutting some half ovals out of an old flecktarn parka and sewing them onto a black tee going to work? Is there are sort of specific materials I need to use? Do I need to do anything to protect it after? etc. just some general advice for a complete amateur please, or hell am I just over-thinking?

>> No.9639341

that sounds really weird anon. I can't imagine what this would look like.
all you'd have to do is make a clean cut out of the flecktarn then sew it on securely. possibly super glue the back of the flecktarn piece before sewing it on too so it is ultra secure.

>> No.9639426

there exists some sort of iron on stuff too, think that would work better than super glue.
looked into it, its called Heat n Bond, probably goes by other names too.
still, dont forget to sew the edges.

>> No.9639441

nawwww. you ripping off CDG isn't very artistic. you could've at least did something original...

>> No.9639445

got 8 months to go :^)

>> No.9639463

oh don't worry I'm almost certain it won't be that wearable, I'm just setting out to see if DIY is something I want to get into, cheers for the advice
thanks I'll look into it

also when you say 'sew the edges' do you mean simply sew around the edge of whatever piece of fabric I attach to the tee, or do you mean the edges of the cutout material need to be folded back onto itself and sewn shut? sorry if it's a dumb question but I'm a bit clueless tbh

>> No.9640319
File: 1.04 MB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did my old jean jacket from high school today. Would not have bothered but it fits great.


>> No.9640334
File: 1.14 MB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It surpassed my expectations, there's a hint of blue left. Lightning is end of day so it's distorted.

>> No.9640359
File: 1.02 MB, 1535x2250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost of my rust oleum converse style. They're aging faster than I expected. I will lay off them for a while once I finish my WIP converse, hopefully tomorrow.

>> No.9640379
File: 1.37 MB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"DIY" sole yellowing out on a slightly muddy trail.

>> No.9640380

the text you chose is pretty lame but the idea of making what is basically a knockoff raf jacket is actually pretty cool. where is the bomber from?

>> No.9640384
File: 870 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9640446

Where did you get the pattern for a bomber?

>> No.9640456

>outdo my novice sewer skills
>can't wear shirt cause they're made of curtains

>> No.9640461

The parka is made of a woven material whereas the shirt is a knit. So the shirt stretches by the parka does not. I would not suggest doing this.

>> No.9640471

Hey nice work my man

>> No.9640540

gesso is a primer for acrylic paint
don't know why OP chose gesso over other paints, i guess because it's easier to layer

any art supply store will have gesso. it's used as a base for every acrylic painting ever

>> No.9640576


I think it's pretty fucking funny. Looks p nice too. Keep it up.

>> No.9640584


I think it's kind of a joke though

>> No.9640628


>> No.9640741

your interest in cutting up a flecktarn for an unwearable diy project makes me want to cry

>> No.9640926
File: 129 KB, 640x480, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys are my jeans fucked or is it totally possible to cover the rip with patches/something like scab jeans is what I've been looking at.
the black part underneath was my underwear and the white thing is the pocket
i have a sewing machine and shit so its not like it should be impossible

>> No.9641001

Not going to lie that's actually pretty cool doop. Don't really feel the slogan like everyone said but I like the idea. It's times like this I really wish I could sew. But I really didn't pay attention to home ec in grade school.

>> No.9641203

is that logo embroidered on? if so it'll leave a permanent star mark where the logo used to be
then again, its a fucking bag so no one's really gonna care

>> No.9641209


>> No.9641223

Yeah, but looking at where the stuff I've already removed was, it's only faintly visible on the outside (You'd have to hold it super close to notice it.)

>> No.9641224

>patches/scab jeans
def works, had my jeans rip in the same place
looks kinda weird if there's just one long patch imo
to make things easier i would lightly stitch the two ripped sides together to add some structural integrity to the jeans, then just patch over the new seam

>> No.9641285

thanks homie!

>> No.9641664

V. Nice

>> No.9641673

gay af
suddenly dope

>> No.9641737

industrial grade metal glue

>> No.9641747
File: 292 KB, 1452x1936, IMG_2666-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up. Thankfully, they're cheap chink reps. I'm going to take the paint off and just gesso it up.

>> No.9641750

How to distress suede shoes?

>> No.9641758

/diy/ here
Does anyone wanna see my home made condoms I made from rubber glove fingers?

>> No.9641866

Nah don't do that shit is dope

>> No.9641878

this looks like you stabbed them with a brush with half dry paint on rather than just flicking paint

also you used highs instead of lows for some reason and you covered far too much of the shoe

>> No.9641881

Only if you post pictures of you wearing them

>> No.9641916

ngl, you could just go with the idea that you crossed out the quote in the first place.

like your own way of saying "fuck this stupid shit" even though you made the stupid shit with your stupid shit idea

>> No.9641922


>> No.9641935


Your paint was too thick.

>> No.9641966


How'd you make these, again?
They look pretty dope.

>> No.9643012
File: 411 KB, 1296x1728, 20150401_111746-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made these out of a pair of ill fitting pants. Now I want to make them lighter. What bleach:water ratio should I use?

>> No.9643048

1:0 works best

>> No.9643056
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this to my jeans. Not too impressed

>> No.9643057

Thanks man

>> No.9643062

yes its just bleach

>> No.9643081

use like 1:2 or 1:3

it might take a bit longer to bleach but you have a little more control over it
unless you want them completely white, then whatever

>> No.9643323
File: 340 KB, 970x1271, WP_20150401_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tailored this jacket, was originally a large so I removed the side vents and stitched the edges together. If there's interest ill post more pics. Jacket was originally a large, tailored to a small

>> No.9643372

Get the $105 nike special field boots. They have a free sole and it's the one Shia wears

>> No.9643555

Looks decent

>> No.9643789
File: 1.53 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20150401_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brought these two seams together when I eliminated the extra fabric

>> No.9643804


>> No.9643956

pretty interesting, not a fan of the patterns sewn on but deffo cool

>> No.9644079

w2c gat reps??

>> No.9644521
File: 167 KB, 1000x1000, MANBITESDOG template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this on a jacket or tee or something?

Maybe without text or just with the "NOIR"?

>> No.9644666


>> No.9644781
File: 2.26 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy that wanted to do scab jeans here, is this punk enough?

>> No.9644790

Cool idea with the stitching but it's executed poorly, why did you stitch a box around the rip? Looks weird.

>> No.9644798

I admittedly didn't use my full effort in an effort for some kind of aesthetic.
The box is a piece of fabric underneath the whole thing to keep the rip together. I could probably take the bottom part of the box out but I don't think it'll hold together well enough

>> No.9644819

Like the stitching is really cool, now I know the aesthetic is irratic and unpredictable but if it was just a little bit more uniform it'd look like a bit less of a mess. Not the good kind of mess. More like you took a sewing machine and started putting thread everywhere if you get what I'm saying.

>> No.9644831

word i understand what your'e saying.. maybe if i put more patching with black thread over the existing white thread?

>> No.9644871

Yeah that sounds like it'll turn out cool, good luck friend.

>> No.9644873

just use a seam ripper to get the white stitches out and redo them.

>> No.9644940

thanks guys

>> No.9645058

looks dumb to me because you did it on the outside of the jeans, i know thats how crust jeans often work but honestly if you ripped them then patched a lot of the inside i think it'd look better

>> No.9645147

Inb4 "april fools" :^)

>> No.9645192

Way cooler meng

>> No.9645197

Too clean. The jeans underneath actually need to be wrecked for this to work

>> No.9645214
File: 2.20 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I bother repairing this bag? There's some mold stains and pen marks. It's also pretty thin.

>> No.9645221

nah, looks pretty gross

>> No.9645232

Okay, thanks!

>> No.9645257

the color would have been kind of cool otherwise but i can see the mold even in the picture. also that hole

>> No.9645262

w2c shirt m8

>> No.9645270

I always loved the album art so I would do it

>> No.9645276

I know. I just didn't want to spend the time to do all that. It was just a quick experiment

>> No.9645280

I am scab jeans guy from last thread. Is guy who worked at Salvation Army here?

>> No.9645321

Yeah it's pretty bad. I'm just too attached to this bag and needed an outside opinion.

>> No.9645956

anyone ever waxed their own denim/denim jackets?

>> No.9646603
File: 10 KB, 340x340, MJ124_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna print some clean graphics on one of these. I have no idea how to though because of the material. How do I go about this?

>> No.9646620

Has anyone had any experience with gore-tex?
I'm thinking about making a little rain cloak thing out of it. Where can I cop some?

>> No.9646753

Salvation army guy reporting in

>> No.9646757

Nvr waxed. I suggest blk acrylic.

>> No.9646769


>> No.9646773

Time &effort = results

>> No.9646777

I put most of my patches on my crust pnts on teh outside, but it looks much more crust from inside rips like anon had said

>> No.9646815

otterwaxed jeans, it sucked. shit just leaked everywhere and i smelled like a tree

Painted them with black acrylic/gel gloss and it turned out great though


>> No.9647204

gap circa 2012

sorry m80

>> No.9647449
File: 1.65 MB, 2560x1920, 20150402_141201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been werkin on mah pants

>> No.9647482
File: 991 KB, 694x938, tee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here it is, did it on a army shirt also.

template: >>9644521

>> No.9647495

Edging on full throttle

Do you even own a gun, bullet bill?

>> No.9647522

i get the impression your junk smells like dust

>> No.9647529

The only people who should wear crust-pants are vagabond gutter-punks. You are completely inauthentic.

>> No.9647602

Did it get stiff/fragile or anything?

>> No.9647605

shoulda bought a taobao fake or something mane

>> No.9647612

Looks cool, but it would look better if the jeans were really, really distressed.

>> No.9647627

You're the biggest poseur of all time. You faked fake shoes. That is so sad.

>Wow are you an artist?
>n-no just a fashion victim

You can't even cop out and say it's to flex your billfold. You'll have to explain that you made fake designer shoes that are poseur shoes in the first place. You should be beaten with canvases and easels for being such a phoney

>> No.9648039

You're the guy that works at Salvation Army

>> No.9648141

>bullet bill
my sides are now in orbit

>> No.9648364
File: 1.67 MB, 2279x1627, diystacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are some jeans i put together. wanted some opinions on what i should do next to them.

someone mentioned bleach before but has anyone had any experience with dye? im not sure.

i could also put some rips into them

>> No.9648403


yup about 5 cups in a plastic bucket. i put a large rock on it to keep it submerged. it soaked for maybe 2 hours tops, i rotated it twice to get even coverage. a little more color came out in the wash, fyi. that photo is post wash.


It was actually a bit stiff before, it is damaging to the fibers to bleach in general but it softened it up nicely. It did fray the stressed areas a bit more.

>> No.9648420


I debadged the tongue logo, bleached them and then sprayed them with textured cream Rustoleum. Also they are denim uppers so doing it on canvas would yield different results, I would assume.

Didn't get a chance to finish my candle drip black canvas yet, maybe I will tonight, otherwise it will have to be next week as I am going to Florida for a long weekend.

>> No.9648434

Theylook good as they are imo. I can't see rips or bleaching improving them

>> No.9648436

It looked cooler before.

>> No.9648447


The after photo doesn't do it justice really, there are light blue patches and spots that make it not look so plain, I'm really happy with it. It wasn't a bad wash before hand but that color didn't really fit with my wardrobe at all. My vintage auto is white, too.

>> No.9648503
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id slim them down so theyre tighter on the leg, and fray the shit outta where the different parts meet and have that distressed julius esq look pair of of jeans, this is what im planning on doing so i can get mad stacks like you and julius

>> No.9649002

Easy way to distress them is to ball them up and scrub on concrete. It won't put actual rips in them, but they will look mad distressed quick

>> No.9649194

what fit type? may have to just copy you, I'm sorry.

>> No.9649383
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Dyed and oiled. I think they turned out pretty good

>> No.9649490
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How do I dirty up Shia boots? I don't like them looking 100% fresh

>> No.9649506

wear them you tard

>> No.9649519


>> No.9650102
