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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 12 KB, 480x360, FB_IMG_1426480028802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9614761 No.9614761 [Reply] [Original]

new palewave general

>> No.9614767
File: 5 KB, 480x480, FB_IMG_1426480017593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep it chill as always, guys

>> No.9614778
File: 5 KB, 296x752, 1426735236344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was about to make a new thread, nice

>> No.9614815
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>> No.9614835
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thoughts on these kicks? which one would you choose

>> No.9614855

Top for sure
Bottom confirmed for notpale/10

>> No.9614869

Should i buy a pale wave wardrobe? I'm buying new clothes and I don't know if this style suits me but I read it looks really nice and is easy to pull off. I'd just feel weird wearing only blue and white all the time.

>> No.9614872

I wouldn't buy an entire wardrobe. It's better to slowly integrate pale pieces in.

>> No.9614888
File: 20 KB, 480x324, FB_IMG_1427232638739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude on the right is p a l e

>> No.9614925
File: 252 KB, 511x428, 1360511240265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never live in a chill, pale community with other /fa/ggots who you drink heineken with until your wife who works at the animal shelter comes home and makes you linguini

feels tepid

>> No.9614952
File: 31 KB, 234x483, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pale! Really embracing the comfy aspect of palewave

>> No.9614964

diggin that grungy look pal

>> No.9615027
File: 116 KB, 664x886, V.chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish the colors on this cardigan were more pale, but i still think overall the fit is p chill
Armpits are not v dece
Looks cozy man, I cant wait for my converse to get this dirty

>> No.9615093
File: 324 KB, 1280x1920, aCzMMZ3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The red characters are too harsh for this thread...

>> No.9615096

Taylor swift is so hot

>> No.9615169

Changing my wardrobe to pale wave...So far I plan on buying




Any suggestions?

>> No.9615226

I like those jack purcells a LOt

>> No.9615228

nice, did you age the AF1s yourself or are they second hand

>tfw palewave threads have totally changed your outlook on life
>changing my wardrobe up from memechrome to palewave
>generally happier
>more care free
>nicer to people


>> No.9615233

what's the quality like on Zara jeans? want to get some pale jeans and was going to aim for Uniqlo as they do cheap selvedge I believe

>> No.9615245

nice that we brought you the chill feel, good luck to you man and I hope you get a good future, you'll probably pass the next test. Oh btw the next interview you're going too? Pst, you'll pass it. You're chill and outgoing, but not hyper or annoying, you're easy to be around and great attitude without being too much. You will make it.

Stay chill

>> No.9615407
File: 30 KB, 236x253, MF PEPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw try to be chill and outgoing but end up being hyper and annoying

Idk why I say half the shit I do. Like I say something dumb and annoying and in my head I'll know that it was really unnecessary to say, and it's like why tf did I even say that

>> No.9615423

choose when you want to speak, not when you don't want to

>> No.9615426
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x1836, 20150324_095857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys

>> No.9615437

not pale

>> No.9615445

you almost had it
are you at the library?

>> No.9615451

looks a lot more pale irl

>> No.9615459

yeah its pretty chill there

>> No.9615464

cop leather white jack purcells instead

>> No.9615478

true.. i gotta go check out the siddhartha book
he was really chill did you know that

>> No.9615505

I used to be exactly like that, pointing out unnecessary shit and most of the time just giving a uncomfortable environment around the people I talked with. I just kept in mind that whenever I was about to ask something or make a follow up question I would think to myself "is this really relevant/necessary, would this provide anything that would make an interesting point or turn the conversation around to a worthy point". It was REALLY hard in the beginning, I'm not going to lie. The hardest thing about this is that you have too start to realize that when you do this you'll come off as ego centric and awkward even if you don't intend to be.

Eventually I just got the memo and practice in my head and after some time I did not have to think twice about what is dumb or not. I stopped open my mouth and asking or talking about unnecessary details, question or factoids no one really cares about or find too "straight up" to talk about. This may sound silly, but a good exercise for this is the "10 seconds breather" or whatever, when you take 10 deep breaths before you decide if the thing is appropriate for the situation or not.

This sounds so fucking autistic, but honestly a lot of people have problems with starting a conversation and coming off as confident, especially in university. To keep a conversation interesting, solid and mentally stimulating is something everyone can do, it just takes a lot of self control when it comes to going out of your comfort zone.
Study circles are a great way to practice this, as you all work for the same goal to research and find out the answer to specific questions, yours and others input will be appreciated and this way you'll learn quite quickly when something is relevant to the conversation or not and how to listen to others and take in what the say.

>> No.9615543
File: 66 KB, 723x1280, 2015-03-25_18.50.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heloo brothers B^)

>> No.9615562
File: 62 KB, 555x986, 15 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9615647
File: 165 KB, 3608x956, MSPaint is gr8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got them off Ebay last summer when they were just becoming a "meme". Glad to hear you're living the pale lifestyle
This is great advice. Why cant the rest of effay be as kind as the people in these threads?

Also here's a really shitty drawing I did :)

>> No.9615676

that hit fits horribly anon :(

>> No.9615687

lookin good tucker

>> No.9615712

Heineken isn't chill.

It's literally the faggiest fag beer of all.

>> No.9615718

I like.

>> No.9615722

autismo 101

>> No.9615727

looks like bradford cox

>> No.9615742

I don''t care brother

It's what my late father used to drink and it tastes nice, also I like the design of the bottle and label - maybe you're from the US and i'm from the UK and things are different but get over yourself mate

>> No.9615790
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>> No.9615797
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>> No.9615824
File: 229 KB, 497x669, dope2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9616112
File: 56 KB, 342x1024, Pale interests me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fam, trying to work in some chill for spring and summer, but somewhere along the lines my silo is fucked in my opinion, and I can't decide if it is the jeans, the shirt, or a combination of the two. I think it is making my hips look a little wide, so maybe the shirt is too fitted or the jeans are fit too weird. (Rise is pretty high, since they are Levi's)

Would appreciate some help, either tailoring the jeans, finding more relaxed shirts, or something else.

(And also eating more and lifting a bit because hips aren't chill)

>> No.9616152
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1200, 984132187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about copping, is it pale enough?

>> No.9616160

bigger t shirt man
and start bending
lose more weight, only skelegs chill on da wave

>> No.9616172

I had the jeans bent earlier, but I let them down.
Anyways, I'll grab a bigger t-shirt. I'm working on bumping myself up (or down?) to ottermode, since the best chill fits I've seen have been from either skeletons or otters

Thanks fam

>> No.9616234
File: 499 KB, 1500x1500, april77skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOTE:This model is a skeleton but he is the only model I can find for this color. There are other colors on regular sized models and they look nice.

In need of pale skinny jeans. pls help. $150 and under

>> No.9616239

Uniqlo has a pair that color I think

>> No.9616262

how are they quality wise?

>> No.9616267

Couldn't' tell you, allegedly they changed their blend. From what I heard about the old blend though, they were pretty comfy and really didn't feel like denim.

Might be worth copping and tailoring.

>> No.9616270

where are they?
i can only find pure white or a darker blue

>> No.9616276


I think colorwise they are pretty similar. Again I can't comment on cut, but for the price you could probably just spend ~20 bucks getting them fit the way you want.

>> No.9616351
File: 84 KB, 720x960, 11087048_1580305275519865_349331052_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how'd i do?

>> No.9616357


>> No.9616365

hot if guy
hot if girl

>> No.9616374


Your room is a fucking mess.

>> No.9616380


>> No.9616383

v cute

>> No.9616411


Apologies accepted.

You're pretty /fa/. Keep it up.

But seriously, clean your fucking room.

>> No.9616424

i thought bending jeans was a mee-mee

>> No.9616471


>> No.9616488

Any good pale summer shoes that go with shorts? I've been thinking light gray or light tan shoes. Already got Stans

>> No.9616554

not /fa/

average girl core

>> No.9616576


>> No.9616610


>> No.9616633
File: 538 KB, 1920x1080, 1422914083616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that pic is awesome I want that on a t-shirt man

>> No.9616639
File: 115 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Kelli. You're pretty cool in English. You lost a ton of weight btw looks really good. Hope to see you in philosophy tomorrow.

>> No.9616646
File: 115 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some new socks and shoes :(

>> No.9616728


>> No.9616736

Jack Purcells. I love mine

>> No.9616883
File: 237 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i pale /fa/

>> No.9616888

w2c sweatshirt?????

>> No.9616891


>> No.9616896

good look bro

>> No.9616897

Absolutely the worst, both pockets were torn through after 2 wears

>> No.9616909
File: 771 KB, 1920x1080, 1427320456167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9617324
File: 72 KB, 975x1463, 35075217_016_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9617397

Shoes like pottery

>> No.9617405

Don't be a skeleton, at least be skinny fit. Being tired all the time isn't good, pale is a positive lifestyle and you should be healthy.

I'm just concerned for some of you guys, you can still retain a slim profile while looking proportional and having some meat on you.

>> No.9617464

Fucking love this album.

>> No.9617465

Don't like the band but I like everything else. Good fit friend.

>> No.9617476

W2c good long sleeve, palewave, large floral print (basically hawaiian) casual shirts on the cheap?

>> No.9617496

I like this. Nice and minimal.

>> No.9617536

Are you crazy? I have a pair of Zara jeans and they're still good like 5 years after.

Zara jeans are okay. H&M and Uniqlo too.

>> No.9617542

literally everything
no one should own jeans like that, way too short (this is no the same as rolled up jeans)
shoes look like they cost you 3€
tshirt could be ok but looks boring
also your room is horrible, who has purple walls?

>> No.9617550

I have one since a year, works good. Generally is the quality of Zara low but this one jeans i have is good.

>> No.9617552

calling it bending is.

they're talking about cuffing and theres nothing meme about it.

>> No.9617558

holy fuck that sweater is nice

>> No.9617561
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_7361[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best pic i have, is this pale? ;__;

>> No.9617576

no bending jeans is a stupid meme catchphrase for j cut denim retard

>> No.9618060

honey beer is more chill
or mead

>> No.9618072

chill bro

>> No.9618120
File: 60 KB, 500x409, 1415121795087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy he was responding to here
Thanks for your concern fam, I promise I'm not gonna aim to just lose a bunch of weight. I'm trying to get skinnyfit - ottermode right now. First step is fixing my diet and I'm gonna slowly integrate better foods into my diet starting today. Really don't want to be unhealthy and miserable by the time I'm 30. Stay chill, man.

That being said, if anybody wants to suggest to me things to buy and to snack on or meals to cook, I'll gladly take suggestions. Pretty much starting from the bottom here.

>> No.9618275

black jacket isn't pale
good job on everything else

>> No.9618280

chill out

>> No.9618313

W2c sweater

>> No.9618323

Your mind is in the right place just make sure you do the right stuff.

Judging from your photo I don't think you're ottermode at the moment, just skinny, not auchwitz or anything though. That's not a bad place to start though, that's where I began and I'm getting on my way to a physique I'm much happier with.

You ever lifted before?

>> No.9618343

w2c pale jackets? nothing beige please

>> No.9618344

There's this new brand called our legacy
You should check them out

>> No.9618351

OL is too boring for the price imo

>> No.9618352

W2c sweater?

>> No.9618359

Nah I know I'm not ottermode or anything, just skinny/skinnyfat if anything. Probably need to eat more.

I haven't really lifted before, so I'm currently dabbling around in bodyweight routines for the purpose of preparing myself and getting all of my ducks in a row. Currently just working on a lot of flexibility and the like, because in my current state I think I would probably injure myself.

Which I think is okay, because I also need to get my diet and time management in check as well, so at least it gives me a good stepping stone to overcome.

>> No.9618403

I recommend just getting into the whole lifting thing sooner rather than later, find the nearest gym with free weights and ask an instructor for help on how to do them. Stronglifts is a pretty good beginner program for getting you going, I've moved onto something a bit different now but SL really helped me get going. Also getting a pull up bar wouldn't hurt either, I got one for about £10 and I'm doing a few sets every day. If you can't do them then do negatives until you can, a lot of it's just about conditioning.

As for diet, basically eat a lot, 2600 cals a day might be ok to start off with but I'm getting to the point where I'm needing to eat upwards of 3000 to see any tangible effects, lots of protein too. Don't do GOMAD (gallon of milk a day), I used to drink loads of milk, not quite GOMAD levels but still a lot, and it just made me get loads of spots. I limit my milk intake to porridge and smoothies now and my skin is much clearer. You'll find yourself getting a bit of flab but as long as you aren't eating really shitty food it shouldn't get much worse than that. Read the /fit/ sticky section on diet for further info, don't bother with the rest of /fit/, very unchill board.

Basically for diet:
>Get a lot of calories in
>1g of protein for every lb of body weight or more if you can manage
>Don't eat too much fatty, oily stuff
>Eat your fruit and veg
>Drink a lot of water

Do that until you've got a decent amount of muscle on you then think about getting rid of excess fat, it'll probably take a while but stick at it. I've not gotten to that final bit yet but a goal is in sight.

>> No.9618456

both nice. prob go for top ones

>> No.9618553

better buy a shirt with a colorful print or funny pun

>> No.9618559
File: 75 KB, 459x847, FullSizeRender (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a fit i wore earlier this week, is it pale enough?
really liking the pants w/ those shoes, also i think i saw you post the other day. I know you probably get this a lot but your hair is legit adorable b

>> No.9618565

Yeah I have a pullup bar, I train myself 3 times a week with it + some other moves. I did this once before and saw pretty good progress in myself, but I struggle with certain movements still because of my flexibility. Feels shitty man.

But that's okay, I'm gonna make it. I've been really inspired lately to not be so mediocre. I've just been looking around at everyone and I don't wanna be one of those people who gives up as they get older. Seems so depressing.

>> No.9618577

2nded that sweater is lookin p chill

>> No.9618628

sure, cause thats what makes a garment interesting

>> No.9618682
File: 3.13 MB, 4160x2340, 14273925625471861027785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need new beaters 8)

>> No.9618683

This is p dope

>> No.9618691


N -core

>> No.9618718

Hmm what about shoes that don't make my feet look big?
I likem but that's just a problem :((

>> No.9618765

ur a mess

>> No.9618801

W2C sweater? I love it.

>> No.9618804

This post is false.

>> No.9618855

do you think her outfit looks good?

>> No.9618858

On chicks palewave just looks like soccer momwave.

>> No.9618866

please fart on my dick

>> No.9618904


>> No.9618919

What are the best jeans for palewave? I like all these quite light ones I see, but I don't know how they should fit? I have my black ones that I like, and they are quite skinny. I have the impression that light wash jeans shouldn't be as skinny as black ones, so what do you reccomend?

E.g. what jeans?

>> No.9618970
File: 35 KB, 650x650, 13538_a118edb773-n55-01230219-43-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this or

>> No.9618977
File: 38 KB, 650x650, 13533_1466c03e3f-n55-01180951-22-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9619005

fuccin adorable/10

>> No.9619009

L-looking good t-today pale-chan

>> No.9619013

light washed out colours, so not black lmao

levi's 511 red rain are the go to palewave jeans but, the 511 cut changed and is kinda shit rn

acne and patrik ervell make nice pale washes if you're down to spend a little bit more on them

>> No.9619017

the one you prefer

>> No.9619023

What color looks palest?


>> No.9619027

I wasn't suggesting black lel, I was contrasting - I think black jeans work well when they are very skinny. I think light washed ones don't look good when they are that skinny.

Thanks for recs

>> No.9619033

o my bad misunderstood

but, yeah light wash for palewave looks better in a like a slim/straight cut not a skinny one

>> No.9619044

I dont like the color of the tied sweater but otherwise its a good fit imo

>> No.9619063
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x2250, 0221288001_21_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these chill?
Bought today at Weekday

>> No.9619101

they are chill, they are pale blue of course they are chill fucking hell i'm sorry but the amount of identical posts i see people posting pale blue slim/skinny jeans 'ARE THESE CHILL?'








palewave sucks anyway /jewellwave/ is king

>> No.9619120

that post wasn't v pale of u

>> No.9619125

chill man

>> No.9619128

Thrifted it

>> No.9619134

This makes chill seem v pretentious

>> No.9619136

dude chill some people need help along the way

just chill man, questions are welcomed

>> No.9619144

What size do you wear? I don't think they make my feet look very big. All I wear now.

Toebox isn't big and bulky at all fyi

>> No.9619147

This guy is right. People asking this question ad nauseam are killing the wave.

>> No.9619155

i need new light socks. is uniqlo worth ordering from? there is no good shopping near me so otherwise i would just get shit from kohls

>> No.9619156


samefagging is most unchill

>> No.9619163

listen to this guy

>> No.9619164


Honestly not even a good outfit. The fact that the model looks repulsive notwithstanding.

>> No.9619167


unchill samebro. plz lrn to act dece

>> No.9619173

im chill af and im not this dude

>> No.9619177

calling ppl out 4 sameposting is unchill

also anxiety is unchill

>> No.9619185


meta posting is the least chill of all

>> No.9619186

guys stop being unchill, the mentality of the wave is not your fit, its the paleness of your mind and clothes

>> No.9619194


Actually, it's the paleness of your skin and eyes. Non-whites look retarded in palewave

>> No.9619196

pls anon let me into ur secret pale club

>> No.9619217

Im new to this sorry man


>> No.9619223

everybody just needs to have a v dece chill

>> No.9619283
File: 74 KB, 500x500, M65Ladiesbeige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this pale?

>> No.9619304

ur a real cunt u know that

>> No.9619317

you can decide that by yourself man dont worry you know the pale colors take it chill boy

>> No.9619354
File: 128 KB, 768x1024, zd6mi2Nh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate pale jacket

>> No.9619367

just a cable knitted sweater from h&m

>> No.9619382
File: 648 KB, 2448x3264, YzvquwZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to find a proper jacket for this setup. Is white denim jacket a good idea?

>> No.9619385


>> No.9619387

not really, sorry

>> No.9619392

Match and Kerosene. They make the best jackets for ensembles like yours.

>> No.9619394

takes a shitty pic with his phone while his expensive dslr hangs at his side like a fucking acessorie

>> No.9619396

can tell gay just from ass posture

>> No.9619400

guys where else can i find anoraks?
rains makes some but not pale

>> No.9619414

nice ass bb where u @?

>> No.9619455
File: 131 KB, 490x735, paleaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you like it :)
Undershirt is from ASOS and I got the Cardigan from the thrift store

>> No.9619456


gross... asians are not pale or chill

>> No.9619478


>> No.9619483

I wear maybe an 8 in converse

>> No.9619492


tiny footed, tiny cocked little boy

>> No.9619499

Gin & Tonic is more chill.

>> No.9619506

How old are you? It could be a straight up maturity thing, or maybe it's just you. I used to be like that, but now I evolved to just be extremely socially anxious so now I'm working on that. :)

>> No.9619681

what jeans amigo

Looks very nice

>> No.9619694

No but you were unnecessary, prob because she was getting attention

She has good hair, makeup and body so her base is already stronger than 99%

>> No.9619717

Mate, if you start a pale commune in the UK, i'll come and drink Heineken with you.

>> No.9619721

I like that jumper, wtc?

Also, for beating up white shoes, do you guys recommend just not giving a fuck and wearing them in mud etc., or try and keep the clean but wear them a tonne??

>> No.9619730

I like your drawing man, I would wear a t-shirt with that on.

>> No.9619737

that post was not v chill

>> No.9619741

I would say cream or white, but I don't know how dark the cream is irl, so I would go for white. Good album, and a nice design too.

>> No.9619744

This is cool, but man I think it would be hard to pull off.

>> No.9619748

Anyone know w2c some cool palewave socks?

>> No.9619755

american apparel, uniqlo

>> No.9619768

Thanks dude.

>> No.9619809

and thats not what was criticised
but this is a clothing board

>> No.9619835

They're actually just some shitty skinnies I got from hot topic! Only like $20 too, they actually had a pretty nice selection.

>> No.9619899


>> No.9619905

>This model is a skeleton
lel I'm no bigger

>> No.9619910

It's actually not that bad, it's not too different from wearing a shirt with a weird print, a lot of my friends thought it actually was a shirt at first.. Just got to make sure your colours work.

>> No.9619919


That's seriously nothing to be proud of, dude

>> No.9619927

w2c pale shorts?

>> No.9619939

says who exactly ?

>> No.9619944
File: 862 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I palewave? My white jeans are still at the tailor

>> No.9619947

Hafthór Júlíus Björnsson

>> No.9619957


nice gut, fatso

palewave is for people who aren't disgustingly obese

also, you're jeans looking faggy as fuck and only call attention to your bulbous fat fucking stomach

>> No.9619969
File: 43 KB, 279x550, hb1-9565_fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not very chill of you.

also is this hoodie pale enough

>> No.9619984

i think so

>> No.9620008

our legacy rainbow jacket good luck copping tho

>> No.9620051

Nigga, you carry bricks in your pockets?

>> No.9620071

Do you have the leather or normal ones?

>> No.9620081
File: 1 KB, 99x99, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copped this
is it palewave
p sure, but need your chill advice

>> No.9620082

This might be a stupid question but, W2C shoes?

>> No.9620089
File: 41 KB, 510x495, chambray six panel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or not? Been looking for some pale headwear

>> No.9620099


>> No.9620105

not pale

>> No.9620107

I'm always wondering if that's suit a black-haired (bearded) guy

I guess it's for blond guys

>> No.9620164


>> No.9620182

I have a seven inch booiiii

>> No.9620200


lol, your dick is tiny and no amount of lying on the internet is going to change that

>> No.9620206
File: 89 KB, 988x956, _20150327_122432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 27 of autumn, and it's still 30(86F) degrees every day unless it rains. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll be able to wear a sweater in June.

Fuck I hate this city.

>> No.9620207


nobody cares

>> No.9620212

Not chill

>> No.9620244

thats all DSLR is to a lot of people man
Borderline meme camera

>> No.9620276
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>Yahoo! Weather

Use the Weather Network it's chiller

>> No.9620280

Could work with a pale shirt underneath and some pale jeans, would be nice to see some EG pieces being used in pale fits

>> No.9620288


would look pretty sick with linen pants

>> No.9620389
File: 33 KB, 515x592, Capture88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copped
how did I do /fa/?

>> No.9620415


>32 waist


>> No.9620420

sorry i'm not a twink

>> No.9620434

;^) you're not reeeee

>> No.9620463

w2c jeans?

>> No.9620484

I'm full skeleton and I take 30's (28 edwin)

>> No.9620558

you should probably lose weight or dont wear pants as tight because it looks like you have bitch legs

>> No.9620597

not chill

>> No.9620603


>not a twink
>buys 510s


>> No.9620609
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>getting this upset at a girl on a chinese cartoon forum

>> No.9620616

Never had any bad experiences with 510's maybe it's just you

>> No.9620620


Nope, you just look like a gay boy

Bye bye gay boy

>> No.9620651



>> No.9620660
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>projecting projection

haha what a little kid

>> No.9621114

your legs are short as fuck

>> No.9621117


We call chicks like her spinners

>> No.9621184

this thread needs to chill. stop hating, just ride the wave bros

>> No.9621197

the absolute madman

>> No.9621222

>that filename
its painfully obvious this isnt you

>> No.9621289

Sunny days are v pale

Branch out from jumpers

>> No.9621332

stop talking like you're a surfer you faggot

>> No.9621469


>> No.9621759

Cheap Monday "slim" jeans are skinny as fuck, I knew that they would be skinnier than Levi 511s but man they fit like leggings. I hate sending things back but eh

>> No.9621780
File: 157 KB, 570x471, FuckCold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to have some sun. I can give you my 7°c.

>> No.9621796
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would Uniqlo slim straight jeans fit like 511s?

>> No.9621801

Don't try April 77, they're skinny as fuck, even with a size up. I couldn't button a 32 (40) when an H&M 30 (38) is baggy on me.

>> No.9621867

yeah I won't, the Cheap Mondays were in 28, I'm a 28.5 but even if I did size up they'd still fit like skinnies

Also interested in >>9621796

>> No.9621877
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cop or nah?

>> No.9621889
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are these hollister jeans acceptable?

>> No.9621890
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>> No.9621968
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>> No.9621972
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how can i make these more off-white? especially the soles

or should i just not cop?

>> No.9621975

i dunno man they dont look chill honestly, too much going on imo but whatever dude maybe they're chill dunno


pale jeans, v chill dont have to ask

>> No.9621986

wear them on a night out

>> No.9621992

you fucking WEAR THEM

or put them in the washing machine; they'll yellow a bit after that.

>> No.9621995

don't walk in the mud, wear them to parties/clubs etc

>> No.9622101

i just don't want to deal with that awkward phase of wearing bright white shoes

>> No.9622152

fuck off shitlord

>> No.9622166
File: 1.40 MB, 1020x1210, Norse indigo shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reckon some of Norse's new stuff would work well in some pale wave fits.


w2c this shirt.

>> No.9622197

they came in the mail yesterday, i actually really like how they fit. I bought a pair of black ones a while ago but i like these better

>> No.9622199

be chill

>> No.9622204

any pics? Would help a lot

>> No.9622208

did you mean cop or not instead of where to cop cos you linked it yourself, ill assume you did and say to cop. not superpale but def chill and compatible with the style

>> No.9622214
File: 752 KB, 517x682, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think this could work in some sick pale fits?

It's 2XL and I'm a medium but it seems pretty pale

>> No.9622223

looks too college-y for my own taste but it will work with a lot

>> No.9622225


>> No.9622228

for sure

>> No.9622235

interested in copping

>> No.9622245

I did mean that. Think I will cop it on payday

>> No.9622263

Best jeans for Palewave fit?
>510's or 511's?

>> No.9622267

sorry to break it to you buddy, but it's only awkward because you're awkward
can't fix that.

>> No.9622282

thats some middle school-core shit right there son

>> No.9622305

I was thinking it might work with some pale pink pants, white af1 mids, and a black wool overcoat

>> No.9622318

if you already got a plan for it and shit just wear it, you can pull off anything with the right attitude and some confidence

black wool overcoat isnt /pale/ btw but i guess ur buildin your own kinda style and thats not illegal

>> No.9622319


this x100

Man up, you little wuss, girls can sense insecurity from a mile away. You aren't ever getting laid if your constantly worried about how white your shoes are, little faggy princess

>> No.9622385
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>> No.9622390

that building isn't chill at all

>> No.9622391

how comfortable are jack purcells? do they feel exactly the same as the regular converse?

>> No.9622396


trainspotting core

>> No.9622397


he's obviously a minority. that's prolly the nicest house in his shithole neighborhood lol

>> No.9622401

he used a white baby he must be white I figure

otherwise that would be p weird

>> No.9622542

bruh I wear a size 9 and my feet look completely fine in them. The toebox is NOT that big IRL, and I'm wearing black pants and white purcells right now.

I have the newer version of the canvas ones. (I'm still in the palewave prep phase right now) I can imagine that the canvas ones would get dirtier faster. Great if you are going for a grungy pale, otherwise the leather ones are pretty good too.

>> No.9622585


>> No.9622865
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>> No.9622893
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>> No.9622906

hey I like those snowy mountains that's pretty chill

>> No.9622946

Are GATs palewave?

>> No.9622969
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>> No.9622981
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>> No.9622985
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>> No.9622992
File: 98 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way my man. Sorry for the shitty edit btw.

>> No.9622997

also /r/ing pics, never handled Uniqlo denim

>> No.9623025

24°c? That's pretty hot I think. Keep it chill. 19-20°c.

>> No.9623056
File: 34 KB, 485x728, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pale overalls came in the post today :)))

>> No.9623059

>carefully calculated dishevelment

>> No.9623060
File: 37 KB, 485x728, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palefully yours

>> No.9623176


me and my boys were browsing and saw this post.
Here's what we came up with:
1. Do those overalls cover your massive nipples?
2. What are you hiding in those pockets? is it my cock?
3. Do they call them overalls because they go over all of your shame at having paid actual real life dollars for such a trashy piece of shit?

tbh i don't give a shit what you wear, but gtfo with your bustedass farmboy aesthetic. u tumblrcore trashbaby

>> No.9623184


super gay

>> No.9623188

this it looks pretty bad not pale or chill at all I mean like I would fuck your boypussy but only ironically

>> No.9623208

That's not very pale of you

Sounds like somebody needs to chill

>> No.9623222
File: 89 KB, 458x610, denim booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question about pale wave.

Should the clothes also have a comfy fit?
IE slightly loose

>> No.9623224

you're the one taking fashion advice from him
if he were gay i'd let him dominate me too

>> No.9623226

wtc socks?

>> No.9623228

American Apparel

They're like $12 I think

>> No.9623229

thanks bud.

>> No.9623233

brave. Couldn't pull that off.

>> No.9623235


huh i never took advice from any of you autists

>> No.9623238

I think it's better to err on the loose side, but I don't think it's a requirement.

>> No.9623247

agree with the other guy.

looks good on you. I'd probably compliment you if I saw you irl. I couldn't pull it off tho

>> No.9623265
File: 147 KB, 550x651, bazingaringubanana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to do a comfycore x palewave outfit soon. Any recommendations.

>> No.9623288

soft sweaters
thick hoodies

>> No.9623778

ur not even the real reeeeeee

>> No.9624120


>> No.9624164
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>> No.9624670

based, I like them, looks like a cool fit too. Are they completely straight all the way through the leg?

>> No.9625113

i think they've got a bit of a taper, not super super skinny though these are the 28-32s

>> No.9625348

Hey what does that london thing mean?

>> No.9625362

nice supras fag