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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 42 KB, 300x613, replyrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9608445 No.9608445[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

LOOK AT THIS SHIT! I am a black man and this shit depresses the FUCK out of me, why are we so undesirable? I've been seeing this shit even on /fa/ now, these daily "nigger hate generals" everyone seems to despise my race?

I've tried with so many women, black, mexican, white, and I've been rejected by all but ONE fat black girl.

I came on /fa/ to up my game, I got AF1s, I got Jordans and even got some HBA to up my cool but NOTHING works. I did some digging and I found this image which basically explains it all! NO ONE, not even our OWN WOMEN want us?!??! So I am fucked, I can never be effay and I accept that....but what the fuck should I do?

>> No.9608458

black men have the highest levels of testosterone

>> No.9608460

and also the highest levels of estrogen :)

>> No.9608463

OP here look JUST LOOK as if I wasnt depressed enough as it is


this thread reminds me, not even HOOKERS will fuck my race, like WTF??!?!?

>> No.9608472

>I am a black man
good one

>> No.9608477

>I am a black man
Post pic with timestamp.

>> No.9608478

Oh let me guess, because blacks cant be "men" right? I've heard it all on this racist fucking board dude, ENOUGH! I NEED HELP not BIGOTRY!!!

>> No.9608490

Oh here we go, thanks effay thanks a lot. "Run around and take pics for me BOY, do it BOY" I am seriously at my wits end and here I am being straight with yall and all you folks can do is be nasty??? What the FUCK????????????

>> No.9608512

gtfo whitey

>> No.9608517

fuck off crackers

>> No.9608519

Keep to your own kind you spearchucker

>> No.9608520


How can you sit there and be so STUPID when a fellow black man is asking for your help? LOOK AT THE GOD DAMN STATS EVERYONE THINKS WE'RE FUCKING UGLY!

Even our own god damn black women would rather fuck everyone else but us...

How cam I supposed to be fashionable with this shit on my mind? Why are we so fucking pathetic?

>> No.9608522


>> No.9608523

Did you even read the table you damned nAZI??? Black women prefer other races, a black man can't get shit...

IF black women don't want us then who am I supposed to fuck???

>> No.9608526

Think of it this way: at least you're not Indian.

I'm not Indian myself, but I look it enough to give women pause.

>> No.9608528

Black guys can wear a lot of shit and make it look good, whereas white guys have trouble with a lot of those looks

And if you dress with personality and style and keep some self-confidence, you'll have a lot less trouble with women

basically just calm your pity party and do the same shit the rest of us have to do

>> No.9608535

>implying black men can read tables
post pic or fuck off cracker

>> No.9608538


Black men look like SHIT in anything but gangsta trash, how am I a middleclass black guy supposed to rock the gangbanger look without feeling like a fraud?

I actually got SPAT ON when I was wearing my HBA shirt by another nigga


>> No.9608545

Its niggas like you keepen us back man, course we can read tables nigga just cuz yall cant dont mean we all is dumb

>> No.9608554
File: 285 KB, 810x540, Jaiperdumaveste_JPMV_Nabile-Quenum_Street-Style_T-Michael_Paris-Fashion-Week_Spring-Summer-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that's really not true at all, black men can wear bold colors that make white people look like pink-ass irish manchildren, and looks that would be frankly ridiculous on 90% of white dudes

Black guys have a hard time with like, goofninja and techwear, shit like that, but that's hardly a big deal

You probably just look like a bitch because you treat yourself like a bitch

>> No.9608559

Before PF started posting more there was a hell of a lot less racism on this board, and the racism that existed could be attributed to being a board on edgy 4chan. There still isn't a tonne of racism here its mainly just pigfuck, his goons and a couple shit posters who make it look as though /fa/ hates black.

This poster is obviously not black trying to impersonate a black man and just trying to shut off any implication that he isnt by being irrationally angry. its either PF or his goons

I don't know why the mods don't delete these threads any sooner as they appear or why people bother posting on them at all. they are off topic and unnecessarily bigoted.

The worst thing is that Pigfuck is from the middle of nowhere Australia and even in the capital cities we don't have that many africans at all, let alone african americans. the few we have are usually a result of escaping conflicts and seeking asylum in Australia who are lovely people and are more timid then anything. I doubt Pigfuck has ever met a black man and he certainly doesn't have a reason to bitch about them as we are not America and they're social issues are irrelevant to us.

I was under the impression that SJW controlled the moderation of 4chan now. if they truly were /fa/ would be a better place

>> No.9608560

>I am a black man

nice try

if you were black you wouldn't know how to internet

>> No.9608565

shut up coal burner

>> No.9608566


like, he will never be white, why is he wearing a suit??? SICK OF UNCLE TOM IDIOTS AND WHITE LIBERALS TREATING US LIKE BABIES!!!!

racist cracker telling ME what looks good on MY people!!! GTFO!!

>> No.9608568

Shit dude chill out

At least you're not a black woman

>> No.9608572

snow is a beta incel teen dweeb, to be fair he is the male equivalent of a coalburner.

>> No.9608573

we all know who is behind this post
tables are the abomination creations of the white devil

>> No.9608576

Hispanic master race checking in

>> No.9608578

oh no you summoned the self-important shitposter

Sorry boi women still prefer bigger dicks and they always will, keep tryna make it taboo, though, everyone likes girls rebelling against their parents

>> No.9608580

All Pigfuck has to do is reset his router and he has a new IP - he will sit and samefag entire threads

It's pretty amusing tbh

Don't take anything he says or does seriously

>> No.9608583

You're so pathetic.

Didn't pigfuck live in the US for a while with his gf anyway

Pretty sure he knows what blacks are like more than you do, since according to your logic all you know about them is wow kanye west and rappers are so cool! One love! We are all the same!! ie what you've seen of them through the media

>> No.9608588
File: 153 KB, 838x982, 1424091262591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you couldnt be more this image if you tried

>> No.9608594

okay now you're trying too hard, I was kind of enjoying your shitposting until this

>> No.9608601
File: 1.35 MB, 2355x2356, it hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep tryna make it taboo
its not taboo, its natural that people dont like blacks man. i am a black man and i experience this firsthand every dam day. every white girl looks at me like im a freak, and who could blame her? i got a big fucken nose, nappy ass hair, im a joke, our race is a fucken joke man...

fuck this shit depressen me fam...

>> No.9608607

They want our ass dead nigga ;__;

>that low score from black fems to us
Its over niggas, extinction

>> No.9608608

lel did you rename that just for me
if racist insecure white folks weren't afraid of black men stealing their women, they wouldn't shame race-mixing, that is a fact

>> No.9608620

i think people shame white girls racemixing for the same reason they shame beastiality tbh =/

>> No.9608624

MAN FUCK why you gotta post dat shit man?? I told you I was depressed and now yall just contributing to this shit doe? fo real?

Dam nigga this shit hit close to home

>Lower attractiveness and higher weight in white girls is associated with greater interest in black men

GOT DAM man why it gotta hurt so bad??

>> No.9608626

i read frue dat whole image and i nigga im be str8 wit u i cried. im a black guy and i str8 up cryed on dat.

>> No.9608628

why are you talking to yourself

>> No.9608633

>what do you do in your spare time anon?
>i pretend to be a black man on a chinese cartoons image board

>> No.9608636

Im an arab and you're fucking stupid
Also where do native american girls hang out mostly ?

>> No.9608653

the liquor store

>> No.9608674

white people got to much time on they hands

>> No.9608686

Ayy hold my RPG I got this

>> No.9608696
File: 65 KB, 136x191, 1421849068929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those black females getting rejected across the board
>black males absolutely summarily rejected as well

is anyone really surpised?

>> No.9608737

Well said.

It's a damn shame /fa/ is being invaded by the lowest common denominator.

What's it like up your own ass?

>> No.9608747

This thread is fuckin hilarious.

Thanks OP

>be black
>effay as fuck
>no gf
>fuck around with qt's

It's not hard m8.


If anyone thinks this fuccboi is black. You're stupid. Pigfuck what hell are you even trying to accomplish?

>> No.9608761

read that in Huey Freemans voice and kek'd heartily

>> No.9608764
File: 13 KB, 240x320, 1360943140722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>be black

that sucks dude, my condolences.

>> No.9608767

well I mean, at least he's not you

>> No.9608769

sucks not to be me too, my condolences, cant all be perfect :)))

>> No.9608774

You're not black you're prob the same loser on /so/ that constantly posts this shit. Match.com is a horrible site to base real life off of.

>> No.9608777

that means a lot coming from you piggy ;)

>> No.9608784

No way OP is black. I'm black and have gotten attention from women of all races. This data might as well be surveying girls on reddit, it's meaningless in the real world.

>> No.9608789

these /pol/-tier threads are so embarrassing, and moronic.
kindly fuck off.

>> No.9608798
