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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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9595541 No.9595541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ok /fa/ so i think we've reached a stage where 80% of the board hates niggers, and i feel like the blacks are starting to get the idea that they arent welcome.

how do we further expand our anti nigger effort? invade jordan/kanye/nike/fake threads where niggers tend to congregate and spam and derail them, viciously attack any niggers that post in WAYWT threads with racial slurs and offensive jpegs, anyone you see using the word 'nigga' remind them that we use 'nigger' here.

any other suggestions welcome.

keep up the good work, lets help one another rid the board of this monkey madness.

>> No.9595553

Low effort

>> No.9595555

if he then who is neck

>> No.9595557

invite people from r9k they hate them

>> No.9595562

ok /fa/ so i think we've reached a stage where 80% of the board hates pigfuck, and i feel like the retard is starting to get the idea that he isn't welcome.

how do we further expand our anti pigface effort? invade pugfick threads where the idiot tends to shitpost, and spam and derail them, viciously attack any piggy supporters that post in WAYWT threads with cuck memes and offensive jpegs, anyone you see using the word 'nigger' remind them that they are literally dumber than corn.

any other suggestions welcome.

keep up the good work, lets help one another rid the board of this monkey madness.

>> No.9595568

not so many people hate pig as you think, everyone hates ree tho

>> No.9595572
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pig please...no more.

please believe when i say that we're kindred spirits

you must reevaluate your priorities...for your own sake.

>> No.9595592

when did /fa/ become /b/

>> No.9595597

When all these edgy teenagers came here.

>> No.9595598

ehen pigfuck arroved...he shitposts for hours every day...(°°;)

Ugh i feel so drained...

>> No.9595601

The sad part is pigfuck is 27

>> No.9595603

so much fucking edge
i'm not even whiteknighting when i say you look completely autistic when being this racist
the only people you'd impress are people from /pol/, youre delusional if you think you're cool because youre racist
you sound like a 12 year old who just discovered /b/

>> No.9595604
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>please believe when i say that we're kindred spirits
you know what i look like, BOC.

>> No.9595605

hahahaha what a fucking loser

>> No.9595606

*23 you moron

which is creepy af


Pig, I....I'm sorry, i guess...

I'm sorry.

>> No.9595613
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I'm sorry!!!!

I'm sorry for everything, now...

I get what I deserve. I will be leaving now.

>> No.9595648

Pigfuck is slowly unravelling day by day week by week and I for one am watching and waiting in anticipation for the day he finally loses it

>> No.9595657

he already has

human beings are remarkably resilient unfortunately

he's adapted whatever circumstances he's been dealt

>> No.9595667


>> No.9595671
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if i am swine then what are you "pig"???

>> No.9595687
File: 937 KB, 736x578, BEAUTIFUL MAIDEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


post your big wet ass all over the board

>> No.9595714

Fuck anybody that's racist here. This isn't /b/

>> No.9595730

lol is that stance?
what an ugly kid

>> No.9595734

no he just looks so old because of the Australian sun, it really wrecks their skin

>> No.9595736

this is what white people think is ironic comedy when they really could be using their time to reach a higher personal utility by jacking off to either lucie wilde or saori hara instead.

>> No.9595743


>Of the offenders for whom race was known, 52.4 percent were black, 45.2 percent were white, and 2.4 percent were of other races.


>In 2012, 9.7% of non-Hispanic whites (18.9 million) were living in poverty, while over a quarter of Hispanics (13.6 million), and 27.2% of blacks (10.9 million) were living in poverty.


>> No.9595744

The tables do not list the murder rates for Black Men or Black Women (they divided by sex and race but not both at the same time).

In relation to murder:

In 2011, there were 9,485 MALE murder offenders. There were 1,138 FEMALE offenders. 3,925 were unknown. Women apparently commit murders at 11% the rate men do. 11% of the unknown 3,925 is 431. So let's just extrapolate:

Men committed ~12,978 murders and women committed ~1,569 in 2011.

Now, like you said, blacks make up ~13% of the US population.

In 2011 there were 5,486 Black murder offenders. There were 14,548 overall murder offenders in 2011 (NOTE THAT 256 OF THESE WERE OF "OTHER" IN TERMS OF RACE); this means that Blacks were a whopping 62.29% of all murder offenders! There were also 4,077 murders in 2011 where the race of the offender was unknown. 62% of 4077 is 2,527.74. Wow! Let's just call that 2,527 (I'm feeling generous). That means that the total Black murder offenders in 2011 was: 8,013.

Like I said up top; Women, over all, committed murder at a rate of 11%. So. That means that Black women make up 881.43 of all murder offenders in 2011. Black men make up 7051.44 of murder offenders.

Black Men: 7,051.44
White Men: 5,587.42
Black Women: 881.43
White Women: 690.58

Now that that's all lined out: Let's say Women make up 50% of the total US population for all races. While not entirely accurate (since there are probably more Women than Men) it will be used to illustrate a point. And since I rounded down earlier on everyone's behalf I'll do the same here:

There are 319 million people in the US. 41,470,000 (13%) are Black. 26,95,550 (6.5%) are Men. That means that Black Men, 6.5% of the population committed 7,051.44 murders (51.53%).

Let me say that again. In a country with 319 MILLION PEOPLE, 6.5% of those people commit FIFTY-TWO PERCENT of all murder

>> No.9595764

bump this great fucking thread

niggers and nigger lovers need to learn

>> No.9595765

kill yourself

>> No.9595775


>> No.9595778

kill yourself.
i dont know what you find so entertaining about trolling, it's not like youre 12 years old any more, neither are you on /b/ so fuck off.
also i'm white.

>> No.9595780

this isnt trolling

niggers are not welcome on this board

this is a serious and concerted effort to make niggers leave. it will continue.

any worthless faggot that defends niggers has their white status revoked anyway, so yes, you're a nigger.

>> No.9595790

leave neo-nazi
you're not as hard as you think you might be
you dress like shit and your opinion is not welcome
i highly doubt many people appreciate your presence on this board you cancerous fuck

>> No.9595795

>also im white

Nearly as pathetic and see through as people who start off comments with 'as a black man'

>> No.9595796


>> No.9595799

so much cancer on this shitty board
where did it all go wrong

>> No.9595802

the niggers ruined it

we're changing that

>> No.9595803

Having unintelligent opinions is not /fa/. Racism is not /fa/

>> No.9595805

good old piggy and followers, reassuring everyone that racism is for lonely, angry not-yet-men and that their opinions are entirely safe to ignore

thank you, keep it up

>> No.9595807

pig please leave
you are not welcome

>> No.9595808

shut the fuck up fucking idiot. i am more intelligent than all of you, whats my iq? 169.

whats yours? sub fucking 110, guaranteed.

not only that i am the fucking authority on fashion here, not you, you fucking nigger.

>> No.9595809

1/10 bait, i read the whole thing

>> No.9595815

the sooner blacks leave the better

after that their nigger loving friends can go too

>> No.9595820

>80% of the board hates niggers
I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken friend

>> No.9595826
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>authority on fashion

>> No.9595828

fuck hes hot

>> No.9595830

you forgot your trip piggy

>> No.9595835 [DELETED] 

If you take the fashion board on a Vietnamese child porn archive this goddamn seriously you need a fuckin life.

>> No.9595836

>authority on fashion
>never once posted a fit

sure thing kiddo

>> No.9595839

however shit this site may be, the individual boards were made for a reason
this one was made to discuss fashion, not black people
in conclusion fuck off pigglesworth

>> No.9595841

>b-but I like helmut lang
>really I do

>> No.9595852

i actually unironically enjoy pigs company
we have very contrasting views on clothing but i like his disdain for sub-par races

>> No.9595855


>> No.9595859


>> No.9595864

posting fits doesn't really have that much with fashion to do though, more about styling

so technically it could be correct

>> No.9595872

I'm white. I lived in Europe, I lived in Africa, I lived in the US, I know the stats. there are some seriously toxic parts in the black 'culture' but i will never write off an entire race. No reason to be racist just because you never had actual black friends.

>> No.9595876

league of legends player please go

>> No.9595897

get off the Internet man, take care of yourself, do you really want the next 10 years of your life to go the same way as your last 10

>> No.9595919

keep it bumped

>> No.9595921


>> No.9595937

keep it bumped nigger.

>> No.9595947

niggers are the worst

>> No.9595969

niggers die

>> No.9595973

I like black people

>> No.9595979
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>> No.9595985

t-thanks I like you too

no homo

>> No.9595992

Ill check those quads for you

>> No.9595996

Please go back to reedit or newgrounds or somthing

>> No.9596044

most autistic thread to every have been posted on /fa/

think about what youre spending your tmie doing for one second. some people are actually out there living. not you though.