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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 141 KB, 1200x800, 14140747271820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9585744 No.9585744 [Reply] [Original]

old one is 3 hunna

>> No.9585754
File: 211 KB, 500x749, oni-mask-japanese-tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9585757

Tattoos are degenerate, ugly, and gay. No self-respecting person should harm or modify their body.

>> No.9585760
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1412779298552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9585761
File: 49 KB, 750x552, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Long hair thread
>Goth/metal look thread
>Tattoos thread

Pic related;
The ugly fucks who shitpost this.

>> No.9585781

quality post

>> No.9585783

i think youre really funny, do you think we could get together and hang out sometime?

>> No.9585786
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>> No.9585787

this. the only people i know with tattoos are kids who wanted to rebel against their suburban upbringing or poor people who know they are going to be working fast food their whole life

>> No.9585790

tattoos are already very out of fashion within alternative circles

>> No.9585791
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>> No.9585808
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>> No.9585825
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>> No.9585857

i strongly agree

>> No.9585967

i feel like these tattoos only look good under these filters

>> No.9585985


hows that virginity treating you?

>> No.9585990

It's not (;

>> No.9585996

My friends kept asking shit like "has the realization landed yet that it's gonna be there forever??" like fuck off nigger I realized that as soon as I took the decision to get a tattoo, fuck kinda thought process does people have these days.

Just fuck it, mane. Only way to deal with it is to live with it. I can't make any general statements about being happy with it, cause judging by these threads some people have genuinely fucking awful tattoos.
Don't be a fag and trust your decisions I guess?

>> No.9585998

I'd be seriously impressed if ree was a virgin, she can't possibly have the self-esteem

>> No.9586012

You're never going to get into ryerson if you spend all you're time on a chinese fur appreciation forum instead of doing your math homework.
>not being smart enough to get into UofT

>> No.9586035
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>> No.9586038

>or modify

lol yea dont ever lose weight or anything hehe

>> No.9586043
File: 53 KB, 500x698, tatspo108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9586052
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>> No.9586190

he doesn't even have tattoos in real life

>> No.9586204

At the end of the day who cares, too. Life is so short it doesn't even matter.

>> No.9586230

post fit or face. Let's see who's talking.

>> No.9586301

whats your point

>> No.9586304

you cant even see the fucking tattoos. get out

>> No.9586851

Post your face, don't be a faggot.

>> No.9587111

LOL ryehigh

>> No.9587138

not dissing tattoos, but why is it that so many guys who have them are skinny? Is it to cover up their lack of muscles?
inb4 zyzz

>> No.9587151

huh, this is a pretty novel sort of troll to me, but then, it sounds ripped straight from /fit/

you be the judge

>> No.9587253

people who hate on tattoos are terrified of being judged by other people
>man up

>> No.9587266

the point is the king of /fa/ even knows tattoos are so fucking stupid

>> No.9587268

it's the fact that i dont want to ruin my perfect skin for some dumbass tattoo. tattoos are only popular because they're "cool" to 15 and 16 year olds who get them and then regret getting them later on in life. you look like a tool

>> No.9587270

>being scared of tattoos
>having a harsh opinion on tattoos
>having a bias towards tattoos
>body mods included

dont get me wrong a lot of them look fucking stupid

but most of you are confirmed for not living in an /fa/ city

most people I know have a tattoo or have done some sort of modification to their body

and that goes for hundreds of people

>> No.9587300
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>> No.9587308

go watch some more tv and let the media tell you how your own body should look

>> No.9587312

>trying to rebel against social norms to be hip and fresh

you proved my point you trend heavy faggot. My body should look like my body and not like every other faggot who has a tattoo. Post yours, dude. I'm sure it's laughable.

>> No.9587317

I don't have tattoos and I think you're a dumbass

>> No.9587325


Why no tattoos, anon?

>> No.9587329


>being this fired up about a subjective life choice within the social norm

it isn't a trend anymore

tattoos are normal and I bet you're not from a major city where its prevalent

if you aren't used to seeing or being around people with tattoos you're either an eskimo or from bum fuck no where

or you just don't go out enough
or you have a lame click of friends

>> No.9587330

Because in order for me to get one I'd want to make certain it's something properly representative of me beyond what I think is cool in the short term, which requires me to spend decent money on it and (in my personal opinion based on who I am right now) be older than I am currently

>> No.9587345

it is a trend. A very long trend that only dumb people mistakenly do. Whenever i see someone with a tattoo i think less of their intelligence. Most people do. Also just because my friends are smart enough not to get something that would label them as a trendy dumbass doesn't mean they're lame, it means they're smart enough to not follow every stupid person ever. I can it see if you get something that means a lot to you tattooed somewhere on your body but it just seems so played out and stupid. I don't want to pay someone X amount of dollars for a picture on my body id regret later

But everything you like now is cool on the short term. eventually you'll out grow things and regret ever getting the tattoo. that's my point. People get tattoos just to get tattoos because they think "cool" people get them when most people who get them are people who are going no where.

>> No.9587357

>certain it's something properly representative of me beyond what I think is cool in the short term.

You're in the same level of a memeloving faggot.

Good job.

>> No.9587366

Not everything I like, because I like a lot of things that aren't really tied to trends or media market shit, but it's especially hard to convey something like that visually without falling prey to other, smaller trends like the 'silhouette of trees' meme tattoo and I don't quite trust myself to do it

Keep in mind I don't actually dislike most tattoos, I just hold myself to a nearly unachievable standard. Statements like the ones you're making can't be true just by virtue of how sweeping and general they are

bro I'm only a few years removed from high school, I feel like I'd be deluded if I said I knew myself at all. I'm too young to get married too but I'm not gonna be a dumbass and say anybody who does just wants to be cool

>> No.9587369

i admire tattoo art dude. But i still think people look dumb with them. I agree with >>9587357 dude. Just because other people have them doesn't mean you need to get one.

>> No.9587373

Eh, I like the idea of them and the look would work for me, but I'm not really putting a huge amount of energy into the thought either way, I've got plenty of other things going on, nothing will be super missing from my life if I keep a blank slate for now, and whether I get one in the future is in the future, no use trying to morally decide it until then

>> No.9587377

true dog

>> No.9587393
File: 791 KB, 1000x1000, c52-Irezumi, Senko, senju, madako, umeå, japanese tattoos, japansk tatuering (15 of 26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its nice to see after i posted a shit ton of irezumi a few threads ago it caught on :)

>> No.9587402
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>> No.9587410
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>> No.9587437
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>> No.9587506
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>> No.9587526

>Giving tripfags attention
Then again /fa/ is pretty much the Tumblr board of 4chan.

>> No.9587810
File: 494 KB, 1596x1020, idkmane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help here guys. I'm not saying "decide for me!" but maybe some input would help me make my decision in the future. Long post incoming, so get ready.

I've been wanting to start getting some arm tattoos which would eventually be a sleeve but I'm still unsure on the style since I like both of these so much, but I don't want to mix.

The one on the left is thick lined and "looks" like a tattoo if you know what I mean. It looks solid and is the traditional style, even from a distance you can kind of tell what's going on. I don't want any color so imagine it just in black. Problem is, I'm afraid I'll get tired of the style, plus there's not that much freedom of designs since it mainly sticks to traditional themes. Also, literally every lame hipster tumblr kid goes for this style thinking they're a sailor or some shit and I don't want to be associated with that.

The one on the right is really detailed and nice without being too obnoxious and thick lined. If you can think of anything you can pretty much get it done in this style. The thing I'm worried about with this is that it might look unimpressive and kind of dirty from a distance, and there's stories of these not aging well. Every pleb goes for this style and it's just not that flattering. At least in the UK, every dudebro goes for this trying to look like David Beckham or Justin Bieber or some fag, it's sort of become the "acceptable" generic tattoo style. I wouldn't go for religious themes, but the photo gives you an idea.

I know some of my points are stupid, but they matter to me. The main issue is just not knowing which style I want to go for. I've been thinking about it over a year so this isn't a sudden thing I want to do. I know that anything done by a good artist will look great. My gut feeling tells me the left one since it was my initial idea, but then I started seeing these amazing realistic pieces that completely make me doubt what I want now.

>> No.9587814

>pic my tattoo

>> No.9587872
File: 198 KB, 612x612, 966f4131caa34751c103ce58d3f69669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apprentice tattoo artist here

it sounds like you need to seriously think about what you want out of your life and who you are as a person before you get an entire goddamn sleeve which was picked by an east indian newspaper forum

pick things that you can identify with, or identify with the meaning of personally, as it will help make it a part of who you are instead of having a "syck piece of art yo" which you'll get bored of and eventually want to get a new one because you're bored with the design and have no connection to, instead of cherishing them because they're a part of who you are and what you want or strive to be.

this is exactly why i love and appreciate the art of irezumi, because there is a long history and meaning to each and every design from the small mundane cherry blossoms and finger waves, to the incredible designs of the dragons, tigers and oni, etc, but thats my taste and its the style i like and appreciate, but believe me i understand what youre going through its hard to decide what you want to have on your body for the rest of your life, and as an artist i get bored of things easy so i think thats why i like something with a deep history and meaning to it like irezumi, because its easier to live with

>if you want to know more here are some of my favorite irezumi documentaries and i suggest anyone in this thread to watch them







>> No.9587896

David Beckham is no fag m8 no fag can score an absolute screamer from the half way line he is one of the defining players of the golden age of football

>> No.9587905

nice tato

>> No.9588219

Plenty of muscular guys have tattoos, tattoos aren't a trend/style exclusive to skinny guys.
I don't want to generalise here but 99% of the muscular guys I see have pretty shit tribal/tough guy tattoos.
The reason why you see tattoos on skinny guys on /fa is because they're getting tattoos based on their aesthetic, not for some tough guy statement like some meathead would.

>> No.9588348
File: 36 KB, 578x361, Pham-Woodbridge-Tattoo-Fitness-578x361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol stereotyping much??
go to /fit/ and you'll realize most of us are nervous stuttering aspies that just want a nice physique and >tfw no gf
id say a small percentage of /fit/ doods get tattoos for the tough image, but a small percentage, just cause you lift doesnt mean you're drastically different than everyone else and doesnt mean you cant get tattoo's for the same reasons as everyone else.
you sound very resentful of anyone who lifts and takes pride in their physique, and think we all just lift for 16 hrs in the day and that we cant have any other hobbies other than lifting so we can fit into your paradigm lol
thats like if we all thought that everyone from /fa/ is a clown-basket wearing fag goofninja lol but we dont

>> No.9588355
File: 121 KB, 714x1085, 86e22791b8fe05b6873586f541a634be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9588555

haha fucking awful

>> No.9588597
File: 1.07 MB, 1600x1067, 1423772677208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9588669

This post is real as fuck

>> No.9589030
File: 12 KB, 236x198, tatspo92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm here with u now homie

>> No.9589050

that chest hair looks fucking gnarly

>> No.9589070
File: 92 KB, 736x981, tatsno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your thoughts on irezumi done in strictly black & grey? i have tan skin and even i didn;t i don't think colour tattoos would suit my personality. i've done quite a bit of research on it and i have tons of inspo but your thoughts/comments/opinions would really help.
i would really like to incorporate the traditional backgrounds (thick wind bars etc) but i'm worried it'll end up looking flat and shit like pic related.
inb4 dirty beaner gtfo

>> No.9589511
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>> No.9589516
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>> No.9589754
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yo this is tumblr core as fuck but god damn i love me some maruo suehiro

>> No.9591501
File: 64 KB, 604x604, LnDy-Rr9IYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about either heart or astronaut. What do you guys think?
Also bumping

>> No.9591507
File: 1.98 MB, 158x158, iapprove.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9591563

cliched and stupid, the reason tattoos are retarded. what importance does an astronaut or a heart have to you?

>> No.9591587
File: 127 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some weird shout out to my Italian heritage.

>> No.9591734

Why does a tattoo has to have some importance or deep meaning behind it?

>> No.9591751
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>> No.9591754
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>> No.9591757
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>> No.9591765

I kinda like this, gonna save.

>> No.9591848

What importance and story does your newly acquired Vans hold to you? You only do it for aesthetic reasons? LOL what a posing fag.

>> No.9591866

dat gyno
dat Advent children reference
the weeb is strong

>> No.9591880


the idea is that it is something unchanging about yourself, something meaningful and profound to you personally.
In the same way you'll decorate your room and house in a way that's appealing to you, you can decorate your body.
I have a tattoo that is a wolf and it says "Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!" which, if you didn't know, is a quote from Bram Stroker's Dracula
I have it because
1. I love dogs and wolves and volunteer at both a wolf sanctuary and dog shelter
2. I love gothic literature and art.

>> No.9591890

>I have a tattoo that is a wolf and it says "Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!"
p gay tbh

>> No.9591893


>> No.9591904

lol that sounds full homo.
Also, you have one tattoo. Please do not think you represent anyone other than your own opinion by telling others what "the idea is". There are lots of reasons people get tattoos, if that's yours, good for you. Just don't think you can encompass the mentality behind literally millions of people.

>> No.9592032

you sound like a reliable source

>> No.9592330

actually he does have tattoos. not as many as he had for this role but he still has them. fucking learn to google faggot.

>> No.9593462
File: 339 KB, 450x600, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tattoo apprentice from this post >>9587872

i have olive skin but im not very tan like what you posted, but if you have very dark skin like a black or latino's skin and are curious as to getting a colored piece done id HIGHLY suggest getting a small colored piece on your leg or your thigh and if it looks ok there, then you'll be more confident in getting a colored sleeve or backpiece that is bigger or more public, as well as having a MUCH better idea and understanding of what its going to look like

so get a small colored irezumi piece on leg or thigh and see how well it comes out, or if you personally like it, cause i know theres very white guys that would rather have mostly a black and grey piece with a bit of red or something instead of full color and vice versa so pick whatever YOU'RE personally going to like

>> No.9593494
File: 3.45 MB, 1800x4884, tats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of my favourites

>> No.9593541

i really want to get some hand tattoos, im just a little worried as they are the hardest to cover up

>> No.9593546

don't do that, unless you'rea criminal or plan on working as a barista till you die

>> No.9593570
File: 399 KB, 1280x1280, meveg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had my first tattoo done a few weeks ago.

>> No.9594529

what is it

>> No.9594537
File: 207 KB, 369x439, Screen Shot 2013-07-29 at 06.51.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ryan gosling

>> No.9594552

>muh nordic roons

It's a cool tattoo tho anon, far better than the average sailor jerry shit or dreamcatcher stuff

>> No.9594567

/fit/ is a miniscule percentage of dudes who lift. dudes who lift usually get shitty tattoos. Most people who get tattoos get shitty tattoos. Skinny pale artfags get good tattoos because they know what looks good and tattoos are best on pale flat skin. You took that shit way too personally

>> No.9594616


whats the story behind this? Mason's logo+skull=?

>> No.9594662

It's an Ægishjálmur Anon, a symbol from Nordic religion

>> No.9594726

But hand tats just look so great

>> No.9595408
File: 29 KB, 424x595, 11084562_10204765538791907_1642054016_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only picture I have found of exactly how I want my tattoo.
Its St Michael

>> No.9595463
File: 29 KB, 500x248, 1424817903492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UGH I just watched this.

>> No.9595498

People on /fit/ are drastically different from the majority of guys who lift where I live though. Blokes on /fit/ actually care about diet, keeping low body fat and aesthetics, so it's less a tough guy thing and more just being the best they can be...
Look around my gym and everyone is a fat fuck with big arms and shitty tattoos (not bulking, they look like that all year). Sure they can lift but they're the ones I see in the pub the same night necking pints and starting fights outside pizza shops. I'd say for every 10 of those in my gym theres 1 decent lad who's just there for improving himself and making aesthetic gains, or possibly to improve at a sport etc...basically any decent reason other than 'to kick peoples heads in on nights out'.
I don't resent people who lift at all, I resent the people who lift for the wrong reasons and the majority of those I see have terrible tattoos. I actually do frequent /fit/ now and then so I know the people there aren't what I described in my original post, but you're a minority for sure, at least where I live.

>> No.9595545

why is it so bubbly? was that picture taken immediately after it was finished and thats your blood?
if so, he hacked your arm to shit for such a small space of fill in.
make sure you take extra good care of it or else some of that black is going to fade out and there will be splotchy sections.

>> No.9595573

didn't read but do traditional trust me i have plenty of good tattoos
go to a big city do research and find a good tattoo aritst

Educate yourself

>> No.9595575

shut the fuck up lmao

>> No.9595658


What kind of style is the first one and the sun/ shell from the second image?

>> No.9595685

>frequent /fit/ now and then

>> No.9595692

Cardio general. Still counts.

>> No.9595695

nah, i approve of cardio and other aspects of /fit/. i was laughing at frequent now and then, since frequent implies to visit often.

>i often visit /fit/ now and then

>> No.9595700
File: 95 KB, 500x500, rich-piana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos are approved on big guys.

>> No.9595806

You forgot to put in a > at the beginning.

>> No.9595848
File: 49 KB, 640x640, X3A8dpDD7go[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think, /fa?

>> No.9596608

What is the point of doing a tatoo and nobody see it?

>> No.9596617


>> No.9596748

what is the point of doing a underwear and nobody see it?

>> No.9596765

keeps my nutsack from sticking to my leg.

>> No.9596784
File: 22 KB, 236x447, 326fe7443e6c98bac2a7402976832ce0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This style is kind of interesting but also you get labelled as a hipster cunt immediately. They also age even worse than most other tattoos. So I wouldn't get one even though I like some of the water color styles a lot. Just not worth it. Tattoos are kind of outdated really.

>> No.9596933


>> No.9597490

>ryan gosling also has pectus excavatum

There's hope for lanklets everywhere

>> No.9597592

tfw you post your tattoo one time and nobody gets it

>> No.9597598
File: 285 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_nl5f9aa4vQ1unkhheo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this look cool as a tat? i can't tell, friends.
please help.

>> No.9597607


where are you planning on getting it?

>> No.9597610

cool idea anon

>> No.9597624

thumbnail looks like a butt plug going in an asshole

>> No.9597625

I'm thinking about placing it right above my inner elbow.

>> No.9597959

i would get it on my chest somewhere. but do you sunshine

>> No.9597985

Has anyone actually have an example of an older water colour tattoo/ one that has actually turned to shit?

>> No.9598063

they turn to shit the second you get it

>> No.9598726

Nice, only way tattoos should be is black ink.

>> No.9598733

Such a great but sad film.

>> No.9598736

Sorry but your balls are so small hey don't hang low enough to get BSTL.

>> No.9599240

Is getting the japanese character for "breath" (息) too gay? Does it help that im buddhist?

>> No.9599243

would white people get beat up over having yakuza tats?

>> No.9599263

Mohammed stop preaching

>> No.9599490
File: 149 KB, 494x750, tumblr_mf4q9oHgqI1r7s2kso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill your self

>> No.9599499

>beat up

you're getting fucking killed you dumbass
white people are so fucking stupid when it comes to culture of others shit legit gets people killed

get a black hand tatted on chest too while youre at it

>> No.9599518

This guy speaks the truth- tho in the US you won't catch any shit for having gang style tattoos unless your in a maximum security prison or hanging around south central LA

>> No.9599544
File: 63 KB, 406x364, 1355896413186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you will never have tattoos as cool as mc ride

>> No.9599548

wow i hope youre fucking trolling holy shit

>> No.9599568

probably makes more sense to get something like 唵

>> No.9599878

Why is every tattoo thread filled with weaboos?

>> No.9600058



>> No.9600091
File: 22 KB, 384x449, hmprod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



If you going to do tattoos do a lot

having one tattoo is lame as fuck

>> No.9600104

this board is so fucking stupid. i swear to god 90% of the faggots here are in high school

when was the last time you saw any yakuza walking around irl you dumb fuck? you think there going to pull out their katanas and murder you in the street because of your generic japanese tattoo?

>> No.9600160
File: 248 KB, 974x992, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this I just drew?

>> No.9600164


>> No.9600173

Not with better line work or color? I Don't want something big, just a little thing.

>> No.9600224
File: 1.32 MB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest tattoo I would get

>> No.9600235

looks like a shitty tribal

>> No.9600236

youre gona get so tired of seeing that shit
make it so if someone asks you what it mean you dont go 'uh i j-just think it l-looks cool heh heh.' a tatto should represent something and it should be timeless

>> No.9600252

Desperate teen boy trying to rebel against his parents scouted

>> No.9600272

Okay, then I'm not getting it. Well, I mean I was really just experimenting anyways

>> No.9600277

this is pen '__'

>> No.9600280

I said I just drew it :)

>> No.9600285

tattoos really dont have to mean shit. As long as you like the motive and you get it from a good artist it will forever be a good and well made tattoo.

Stop with the miami ink/LA ink shitty mentality that you need to have a "purpose" behind your tattoo. If it's a cool motive and you like it and you trust the artist, get it. You really dont have to make up stupid excuses like "oh yeah my mom one time said she likes the moon so im going to get a wolf and a skull who barks at the moon with a rose in their mouth and a text that says "i like my mom" yada yada"

fucking hate miami ink mentality, fuck.

>> No.9600419

So I'm thinking about getting my first tattoo when I go back to the states, but I'm a indecisive person. So I been sitting here looking at a bunch of anime shit starting off with the thought "Oh man I think that would be a cool anime tattoo" then I pause and think what I would think if I saw someone else with the same tattoo which usually ends up something like "Man, that looks lame as fuck"

Right now the idea I'm sitting on and feel the most confident is a coat of arms on either my left shoulder or left shoulder blade and sneaking in some subtle nerdy shit

>> No.9600424

Err... Don't get an anime tattoo? Please?
You will hate it when you're older.

>> No.9600840

what;s this guys name again?

>rich panini

>> No.9601248

I'm not planning on that, I already said I'm sitting on the coat of arms idea cause not only does it sound the best design wise but it also sounds the safest of all the choices I've made so far

>> No.9601285
File: 168 KB, 571x800, 1301620190538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as anime tattoo's get, this is what I would choose, but I wouldn't trust anyone to draw something this complicated on my body

>> No.9601291

Some kind of mason's memento mori.
Somethong along the line of "you are building this world but don't forget you're gonna die."
Seems pretty logical.

>> No.9601323

look at those horrible lines, you are right.

>> No.9601501

so absolutely gay

>> No.9601561

Thinking about getting a tattoo, but the army changed their tattoo policy last year and I'm not entirely sure what are the parameters I'm allowed to meet in order to get a tattoo and have it be in regs

>> No.9601738

it's not "miami ink mentality" it's being smart. Don't get something just because it's cool because your tastes are going to change. 10 years ago if I got half the shit I thought was cool i'd be paying for laser removal or living with it now. If you get something that symbolizes a person. place or event that you'll always remember fondly you dont have that problem

>> No.9601857

Go back to /r9k/ before I rape you

>> No.9601881

the idea that tattoos need an importance or significance to you is very recent. shows like miami ink that have made people think like this. ami james, who is a great artist, actually quit tattooing for a while because he couldnt handle every person coming to him for a tattoo telling him a sob story about why theyre getting it and what it means to them,

tattooing is an art form in and of itself and it is ok to get a tattoo just because you have an interest in tattoos and like them and want a tattoo.

>> No.9601918

tattooing isnt just about getting shit that you think is cool. its a piece of art from an artist, if you go to a good artist and get a well done tattoo chances are you wont regret it.

i would say that ironically, the people who end up regretting tattoos are the people who got something that was meant to be significant or whatever, and focused more on the reason for getting the tattoo rather than its aesthetic qualities or the artistry involved. they dont even research and choose artists that they like. thats the problem.

>> No.9601923
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also ive written lots of words so instead, ill post some cool tattoos that i like now

>> No.9602322
File: 676 KB, 959x896, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a super quick sketch of what I've been thinking about for a little bit. I'd get the star, wind, sun and moon on my left tricep, and the knight gear on my right tricep. Just a consideration atm.

>> No.9603371
File: 44 KB, 450x677, tatspo97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the advantages of tabor over modern machines? I'm planning two 3/4 japanese sleeves but can't decide which method would suit it best (looking to do it in black & grey)

>> No.9603382


>> No.9603391

is this resident evil

>> No.9603418
File: 470 KB, 1350x1808, liz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9603538

It's a Nordic rune that means "never lose sight". It's supposed to protect you from evil magic or something like that. I have a friend who has it on his chest because he's got some weird defect in his eyes that's slowly making him go blind.

>> No.9603715


>> No.9604416

What's the opinion on coat of arms?
I was thinking of getting a coat of arms personally, standard knight helm on top, not sure what to add on the shield, and for the tassel or tapestry I was thinking "Noblesse Oblige" would sound nice, besides I think it's a respectable way to live, I'm not noble or anything, but I like the thought of it

>> No.9604430


>> No.9604454

fuck no

>> No.9604512

What part of the body is that, you skinny fuck?

>> No.9604514

A vegvisir. I have my own interpretation of it as a tattoo alongside the actual meanings.
Thanks! It actually has a big personal meaning, I didn't want something purely aesthetic as my first tat.
I'm assuming it was just ink? I don't think that was blood. its been about three weeks, and it healed up fine. Needs a few touch ups that he said he would have to do for free. But honestly I like it the way it is. I am no expert so I can't dispute what you are saying but I think he did an amazing job.

>> No.9604526
File: 51 KB, 900x490, tmp_10611-FB_IMG_14271040711841721191751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9604538

Grey Lmao for lyfe

>> No.9604559

Don't get coat of arms. If you are wealthy enough to have a coat of arms, getting a tattoo would be gaudy and improper. If you aren't descended from nobility, your coat of arms was whacked together by some faggot working in a tourism/trace muh heritage shop.

I don't like the idea even if it is your own creation either, for the reasons outlined above.

>> No.9604851


>> No.9604854
File: 53 KB, 393x391, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!

>> No.9604859
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>> No.9604862

<3 Lizzy <3

>> No.9604867


Holy shit, is that real? Why would she do that?

>> No.9604875

Wait till you got a secure job for that.
It´ll take a while, but the risk of getting one beforehand is too big.

>> No.9604876

its a recently developed style so there isnt really examples of aged tattoos like that, though it probably wont look good

>> No.9604878

>I go to the gym to achieve the best state of functionality for my body
>Nah, man, I can´t move my arms closer to my body.

>> No.9604889

Hahaha dumb bitch

>> No.9605096


>> No.9606228

that's viking as fuck

>> No.9606403


>> No.9606494

The skinny guys are getting them to compensate for their lack of aesthetics.

>> No.9606512

I guess that is one way of interpreting it. The generally accepted meaning behind it is a charm to just not lose your way. Specifically carved onto viking ships to help with safe voyage and get them through tough weather.

>> No.9606930

The skin in the tattoo area is starting to itch and tiny scabs of skin are coming off. I try not to scratch it but sometimes it gets too much. Is this normal? Tattoo is exactly one week old.

>> No.9607020

Sounds normal to me.

Here's a tip: when the itching gets to be too much, pat the affected area instead of scratching. That's the best way to go about things and prevent infection and such.

>> No.9607093
File: 98 KB, 717x960, tbjuMFM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9608234
File: 248 KB, 730x400, cole mohr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know anything about tattoos so im sorry if this is a really stupid question, but would the color fade a lot from a tattoo like cole's flower?

>> No.9608251



hands and feet tattoos fade quicker

it would still be clearly visible for years though

a stick n poke would fade quicker as well

>> No.9608347

I've simplified criticism

Ok-almost good



>> No.9608389
File: 56 KB, 232x365, 1426576422207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking loser

>> No.9608417

hand and foot tattoos fade faster only because there's a higher chance to bump and scrape them against stuff, as well as other factors like wearing gloves, shoes, stuff like that.

if you take care of your hands and feet, your tats won't fade too badly. Just don't get them on the bottom of your feet/palm of your hands and youll be fine. You're right about the color and stick and poke tats fading quickly though

>> No.9608427

You wouldnt know where to find a large index of irezumi designs/glossary of symbolisms would you? All I've turned up on google is several sites that talk about maybe 10 of the same most common forms (dragons/koi/oni/cherry blossoms etc.) I've already watched all of these documentaries, they're fantastic.

>> No.9608432

cut along those lines

>> No.9608746

Love you babe.

>> No.9608970
File: 150 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with tabori colors are much more saturated in color and are more permanent and dont fade very much

machines are quicker and easier and much cheaper since most tattooists charge by the hr and size, so since tabori is by hand it takes much longer therefor its much more expensive

"the more you know"

>> No.9608987
File: 505 KB, 1300x1300, tatts_06-1300x1300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also tabori is MUCH more painful since its plucking the skin with only 1 or 2 needles at a time so the surface area that it covers is very small
but some ppl say that its not too bad, but there are also quite a bit that would say otherwise

also its VERY hard to find tabori tattoo artists since its a very old craft and there hasnt been many ppl that have decided to pass it down as well as a lack of ppl that even want to learn it, so its almost forgotten

>> No.9609005
File: 92 KB, 736x383, 2059d75f7b4d26fcc38cb7474d20b99e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so essentially anything that you dont personally like is considered "bad"
cause you actually know whats good as well as whats difficult to do...

>> No.9609021

looks like hermetic / alchemical art,

>> No.9609023

wtc tabori qt3.1415927 gf?

>> No.9609047
File: 324 KB, 1440x900, sleeping_dogs_game_2012-wallpaper-1440x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a Chinese-American undercover cop in Hong Kong

>> No.9609052
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>> No.9609079
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>> No.9609161

that girls pussy like a foot below her belly button that anatomy is fucked up

>> No.9609169
File: 73 KB, 500x600, jellyfish tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9609173
File: 159 KB, 1297x556, friday 13 small skulls contrast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9609186
File: 121 KB, 580x690, hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine. also have a waning moon on my wrist. bash them all you want it won't change the fact that I'm happy with them.

>> No.9609189
File: 41 KB, 800x533, china-tattoo-fair-2010-10-16-6-40-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9609228
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, 1371390074055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make way for GOAT tat on a chick

>> No.9609324

I would get the crests and keys in full design and line them up horizontally instead.

Meaning the decorative lines around the designs, not just the interiors.
For example, do the entire top bit of the keys, not just the symbol, but imagine someone cut the key off where the skinny bit starts.
Frankly, the crest design look pretty mediocre without the backing fields.

But 8/10 for Resident Evil 1.

>> No.9609328

Are all of these replies the same person?
That's a decent design.
I don't know who that is though.

>> No.9609335

I'd call her back just for that.
>she wouldn't answer

>> No.9609349

>as soon as I start losing my looks to old age I'm getting runes and occult symbology over 95% of my body
>full wizard mode

>> No.9609498
File: 25 KB, 312x720, 9fd028802a5fccd9d99fbe2bd777e0f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9609638
File: 9 KB, 200x240, 157225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you new to opinions?

>> No.9609858

Is that samuel l jacksons character from django unchained lol

>> No.9609907

>difficult to do
who gives a shit

>> No.9609923
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 10808670_408934699256320_2145566565_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9610257
File: 11 KB, 696x194, adfas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So something like this? I'd wouldn't know where to get it though. Maybe on the outside or inside of my upper arm. Or maybe even the outside of my thigh.

Do thigh tattoos age well though?

>> No.9610259
File: 58 KB, 499x750, 7ff85c03e98aa36b8e6d241745fff706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9610263


You seem to hate asian tattoos

>> No.9610289

Not that anon, but I find them ugly as fucking sin.
Puke-worthy tattoos.

>> No.9610865

how is gosling handsome with a jawline thats like 145 degrees

>> No.9611716

shittiest taste I have seen