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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 258 KB, 1000x1238, scarlett-johansson-kate-winslet-without-makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9580401 No.9580401 [Reply] [Original]

How can she be fucking ugly and beautiful at the same time?
99% of the population you easily rate on ugly/beautiful or using a 10 points scale. If you ask me if she's beautiful I wouldn't know what to say, it's like you put a lot of bad features together (I personally dislike blondes) and surprisingly came out with something really good.
Also Cara gives me the same feeling. Maybe the cause is:


>> No.9580422

welcome to the entire field of theory and knowledge known as aesthetics

surprise: the popular conventions of our times somtimes don't predict what we as individuals believe to be beautiful

>> No.9580435

Any reading recommendation?

>> No.9580437

White people love stealing black culture but hate black people

She has a rare case of black nose and black lips, but white skin

Instant celebrity, she cant even act

>> No.9580439

like any other jewess, she is aging like warm milk

>> No.9580443



>> No.9580454

Grimes has a black nose and I still find her ugly.

>> No.9580530


start with the first result "the concept of the aesthetic" or "aesthetics" in the iep and then browse through other articles, reading ones that seem interesting. be forewarned that many of the articles will be several levels abstracted/generalized from particular discussions people usually have about beauty, such as our preferences about the bodies of others, or music.

>> No.9580534

she pulls off black features better than blacks lmao

>> No.9580540


Plotinus On The Beauty

>> No.9580587


>> No.9580616
File: 57 KB, 600x900, cara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shitty body somehow hot

>> No.9580667

Because you're attracted to whatever the media tells you is attractive. If they say Scarlett Johansson is hot you begin to believe it.

>> No.9580730

it's because she isn't actually ugly, you lazy troll. most people are easy on the eyes, only a few are truly hard to look at, it is only these poor souls that can be considered "ugly". still, attraction is more than just physical beauty, so there's that too.

>> No.9580738 [DELETED] 

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little suck dick meme up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" CIA agent guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a capeshit movie. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Banefag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "SUK DIK SUK DIK SUK DIK." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

>> No.9580740

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.9580746


>> No.9580773

do you have anywhere where you post fits? why exactly do you trip on this board? usually I just see you being really negative in threads and de railing the fuck out of them for..attention? idk, but seriously, do you have an interest in fashion? maybe a blog where I can see your fits or are you just a "le troll XD"

>> No.9580778


Good body.

That's about it. It only works with women though. Males can't be beautiful and ugly at the same time. And they also get treated more harshly if they're ugly.

>> No.9580822

no i don't do blogging

i am vaguely interested in high fashion, designer garments, contemporary wear


>> No.9580840
File: 761 KB, 557x558, ggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It happens with girls I see on a daily basis too that never shown by any kind of media.
Yeah. And you can't even say you like X or Y because you'll always find a example against you.
The pathetic redpill/MRA/MGTOW/loveshy waste hours and hours discussing how women are attracted to a very specific physical feature or personality type, failing to realize how stupid this is.
Another classic claim -- women don't know what they like when it should be nobody knows what they like.

>> No.9580844

you know what's funny? i know you in real life. you would be embarrassed if you knew who i was.
also you're not funny at all, please stop trying so hard to be.

>> No.9580854

hi there bitter black girl

>> No.9580856

>no i don't do blogging
>i am vaguely interested in high fashion, designer garments, contemporary wear

because honestly all I see you do is talk shit on everyone's fits/opinions and don't see any evidence you got to back it up, why don't you ever post in waywt threads?

>> No.9580858

Why not? Do you believe testosterone is a social construction too? If I liked men, I don't see why I wo'nt find a guy ugly and beautiful at the same time.

>> No.9580880

sure you do

i don't talk shit on every fit
only bad ones

am i supposed to lie and pretend they're good?!

>> No.9580883

Shrekt holly fuck

>> No.9580912

idk, i feel like she can be hot if she wants to be. I mean half of the time I find her unattractive, and other times I think she is hot af, thats just my opinion tho

>> No.9580920

hot if she wants to be = 2 pounds of makeup and photoshop filters

>> No.9580932

post info unless you're a faggot liar

>> No.9580936

But this way if you ever touched a weight you use makeup too.

>> No.9580947

i had a brain stroke reading your post
can you say that again in english

>> No.9580976


Well she have nice eyes and beautiful lips and smile

>> No.9580986

Oh hello Azealia Banks, welcome to 4chan. I don't know if you have noticed but niggers aren't generally tolerated here. Now if you could kindly leave and go back to tumblr or twitter, and complain about the police, or da whitey, or talk about #blackexcellence (ha) it would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.9581003

I think a dash of ``ugliness'' can make people seem approachable. Sometimes, features that are supposed to be attractive can make someone seem "too perfect" in a way that is weird or even intimidating. Toning that down with some ``ugly'' features lessens that effect. It definitely works better if they're smiling in a friendly way, of course.

>> No.9581005
File: 33 KB, 760x350, bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to burst your bubble, but it's actually racists that aren't tolerated here

now if you could kindly leave to kill yourself that would be greatly appreciated

>> No.9581013

why do newtrips always try so hard

>> No.9581018

Oh no Le epic apologist screen captured the rules, why don't you go bend over for Tyrone again, you contribute nothing to this board and I doubt you contribute anything outside of this board apart from aggravate your mothers crippling depression. Just fuck off and take an overdose you sad excuse for a human.

>> No.9581043

Both of you: fuck off.

>> No.9581052
File: 322 KB, 546x700, 1387479671181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9581084

I don't know OP, I've always been very open minded when it comes to beauty.

Also, the racism thing on 4chan is rather embarrassing... even for 4chan.

>> No.9581097

I'm ok with this
This world doesn't need to be so shitty.

>> No.9581110

>brain stroke
didn't know there were other types of strokes
please, keep sharing your biomed knowledge

>> No.9581125

>What is being a celebrity/model?
>What is make-up?
>What is photo-shop?
Most people recognize her from movies when she's all dressed up, I'm sure if the average pleb found this picture of her looking average he'd be surprised as well

My tin foil hat tells me that women will say a girl who slightly above average is really beautiful to collectively make themselves feel better about their looks,

>> No.9581242

i mean scarlett johansson it's about her body more than her face am i wrong ? xD

>> No.9581262

Dick stroke

>> No.9581348

Kill you're self

>> No.9581374

how are black features "black culture" plus her nose is not even close the size of the average black womans

>> No.9581396

Fuck off back to /pol/, retard. Calling someone a nigger is about progressive challenges to cultural assumptions through shock and jar, it's not about dismissing a human being from the brotherhood of man. You are so painfully entrenched in the newfaggotry that if this were as Nazi as you want it to be, you'd end up as a camp prisoner for being a toxic foreigner.

>> No.9581424

I don't think I would be in a camp my friend. If you think im as openly racist as I am on here you are truly deluded and your mother drank too much alcohol while she was pregnant with you.

>> No.9581446
File: 439 KB, 680x798, 1297199080171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not the guy you're arguing with , but all I can read from this post " Im pussy and can only express myself here where I cant get punched "
>pic related

>> No.9581462
File: 145 KB, 391x372, Jessica_Alba_Face_Proportions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr things look good because we don't like different
fuck off


>> No.9581468

i am self ? xDDDD

>> No.9581475


classic meme, always makes me laugh

>> No.9581506

I couldn't care less about getting punched, but I have a career and a reputation to uphold, I know when to be quiet and I know that it's better to keep my edgy views to like minded people / anonymous imageboards. It's not being a pussy, it's called having common sense.

>> No.9581512


Your career is shit and you amount to nothing. Loser fatfuck.

>> No.9581518

damn you bowed out in two posts

weak shit man

>> No.9581527

Haha ok man you keep thinking that, just because somebody doesn't agree with your tumblr tier drivel it doesn't make them a fat loser.

>> No.9581542
File: 151 KB, 784x1028, ugly bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

means you just need to get your dick wet

ugly bitches start looking p good once you get thirsty

quench the thirst get him wet

>> No.9581547 [DELETED] 

You will get nowhere with Middle class pseudo socialists, it is like talking to a brick wall. They can keep taking it from Jamal for all I care, when their paycheck is taxed to all hell to provide for lazy niggers, and they still get looked down upon, beaten, robbed and raped by these people they can carry on supporting them, I hope they have a fun life.

>> No.9581548


It does in your case

>> No.9581558

Im 6'3, 140 lbs, young and I could buy you out of your third hand Rick Owens and it wouldn't even affect me. Stay mad that you have nothing in your life and have to get cucked by a race that finds you pathetic.

>> No.9581565

That's it, you're the worst trip ever.

>> No.9581566

what? you didnt even posit a stance to argue with. all you did was just call someone a nigger and told all black people to leave 4chan. there was nothing substantial in your post; youre purely shitposting

>> No.9581575


Sure thing, fatboy manlet. I'm 7 feet tall, drive 6 Teslas, and am heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune.

>> No.9581581

He probably means black culture in the sense that those features are much more appreciated in a typical black community, but generally not endorsed by mainstream media which is lead by the western (white) idea of beauty.

>> No.9581593

she's a kike.

>> No.9581598

Lmfao what a dumb fuck, embarrassed himself on this entire board

>> No.9581604

Judging by all the apologising and cucking in your posts it wouldn't be surprising if you drove a Tesla. Then again, they're fairly expensive aren't they? A gender studies degree probably only covers the cost of a bus pass.

>> No.9581725


top kek

this is 4chinks...

>> No.9581731

jesus Christ teenagers these days. you are so ridiculous. you could probably benefit from some mind-expanding substances considering you are the most narrow minded dumb-ass bitch
white trash
all this rude nonsense shitposting = self defense mechanism for low self esteem

before you start with your "this is 4chan" BS notice this is a fashion board - DILUTE UR SHITPOSTING with at least a little knowledge of fashion or fits...but you've never posted in waywt have you? only thing ive seen you wear are fucking cut-offs

your ignorance is baffling.
if you don't grow out of this you will have a difficult life girl-child.

every post I read is so cringe-worthy ive ignored you so-far bc why give attention-whores attention? but youre cearly beyond trash. ironically the thing you call everyone else

so before you make such stupid senseless posts - think for a second - pretend you are a mature classy lady and prince charming is watching you - wouldn't you be fucking ashamed of yourself?

>> No.9581761

sieg is like 40 tho

>> No.9581774

It's the new dank meme