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/fa/ - Fashion

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9562967 No.9562967 [Reply] [Original]

New brit thread, old one 300.

Its become abundantly clear that our american brothers think vnecks are okay, this needs to change.

>> No.9562975


>> No.9562982

New Cross Goldsmiths represent.

>> No.9562992

Loughborough here

midlands is shit lads

>> No.9562995

when do you plan to move

>> No.9563004


>> No.9563033

i'm at uni so I can't
only one more year though - can't see myself returning once I go

>> No.9563040

Who /Lancaster/ here?

>> No.9563046

Loughborough is high on my list of choices, what's so bad about it? Heard the uni life there is great

>> No.9563050
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>the uni life

>> No.9563054

It's in Loughborough.

>> No.9563065

it's a good uni and that don't get me wrong
nightlife is a bit shit but it's close to Nottingham which is good
Loughborough isn't a very nice town though
what course?

>> No.9563069


>> No.9563073
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>> No.9563075

out of genuine interest, why have any of you bothered going to a university that isn't high up in the russell group?

you'll literally make more money doing an apprenticeship

>> No.9563087

Soz but glasgow is way more effay m8

>> No.9563091

>implying anyone cares about the Russell Group any more
when shit tier unis like Manchester are on there it becomes meaningless

>> No.9563093

I know a guy who went to Oxford and became an alcoholic within the first month.
A friend's sister went to Oxford and became anorexic.

Why does Oxford fuck people up and why don't I hear the same horror stories about Cambridge.

>> No.9563095

manc is fine, a bunch of people i know went there and do fine

i'm talking places like

why bother

>> No.9563098

I dont think Goldsmiths is in the Russell group and its highly regarded so I dunno. I think only universities that are in it think it matters. Maybe if you study something boring like politics but I dunno.

>> No.9563103
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>highly regarded
>going to an art school that isn't saint martins or chelsea

>> No.9563105

Oh my days. Most of my friends left st martins to go to camberwell. Chelsea is good. Where did you go?

>> No.9563109


>> No.9563114

Cool. What you doing?

>> No.9563118


>> No.9563120

would rather be at kings though

>> No.9563126

I do media and communications at goldsmiths. How bad and dossy does that sound? I really wish it was called something else it doesn't reflect the program at all. How do people dress for history? I assume everyone wears jumpers with elbow patches and red cords

>> No.9563138

I go Loughborough and it's a good uni

something like 13th in the country

>> No.9563146
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>> No.9563155


>> No.9563207

wat course?

>> No.9563372

Where do you shop in Dundee. There is nowhere to buy high-end gear.

>> No.9563406


Full of pikeys and wannabe posh totty

>> No.9563419

my uni (leicester) was better than my second choice uni, Liverpool, which is in the russell group (isnt it?)

>> No.9563701

there is a shop in the city center where you can buy some high end shit, its in the street where the McDondalds is

>> No.9563752


>> No.9563758

2012?? am i missing something?

>> No.9563793

yeh thats when it was kinda in fashion, universally gay since then. maybe even more 2008 thats when I had a bape hoody and threw it

>> No.9563825

tell me what you dress like

>> No.9563837

take your fucking garbage heap of a general back to /int/, no one gives a fuck about your ugly faces here inbred island monkeys. blogging about your shitty school isn't fashion

>> No.9563845

stop wearing v necks

>> No.9563849

these threads are so shit

people at uni are fkin huge plebs tbh

>> No.9563860

really pissed off some guy now knows what I look like on campus

>> No.9563862
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hate it here.

>> No.9563871

This. And stop making Britshit on every board. People could care less about your inbred has-been country and your dumbass monarchy. Fuck the queen in the ass you dumb faggots. Hope you fags get arrested for talking shit on 4chan

>> No.9563885

stop wearing vnecks

>> No.9563902

>having your v neck chafe you this hard

>> No.9563922

boat shoes too tight tbh take a break from the internet

>> No.9563932

I'm UK and why do you people constantly talk about your unis like anyone gives a fuck.

Can't you talk about how Americans on this board still think chinos are okay?

>> No.9563956

anyone at Swansea? Not particularly fa. I see a lot of Asians wearing red wings

>> No.9563977

are you the HW guy?

>> No.9563985

Might move to Brighton from a small town in the middle of nowhere

Give me opinions

>> No.9563988


>> No.9564011

wow no one has ever done that
thats so cool, what a great story
make sure u bring ur guitar so u can play wonderwall on the sea front

>> No.9564026

b/c cambridge takes the seriously gifted.
>would rather be at kings
something's wrong in ur noggin m8

>> No.9564072

Eyy. Fucking loved when KFC finally moved into town.

>> No.9564091

And primark. Looking mint in me £8 chinos beiiii

>> No.9564100


>> No.9564115

and manchester is like 40th

>> No.9564134


>> No.9564139

>could care less

>> No.9564149


>> No.9564168

>could care less
why are yanks so fucking retarded? how can you say that and not think to yourself how fucking stupid you sound?

>> No.9564646

The Russel Group is about research, which we, as undergraduates, will not be involved in anyway.

All of my choices happen to be in the Russel Group but it doesn't mean much. Good universities ranking higher than Russels aren't in it and even a great university like Durham only became part of the Group in 2012.

Are you really saying St. Andrews, for example, is a shitty uni?

>> No.9564680

v neck looks a little tight there m8

this general is made for british people, and it's allowed on the board or it would have been deleted a long time ago. you dont need to come anywhere near it. go and complain about the canada threads.

>> No.9564698

Anyone go the Hertfordshire? Shit tier uni but I fucked my a levels, so hey ho. Its super un/fa/ as well

>> No.9564769
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>> No.9564797

u ever been to worcester before?

>> No.9564805
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Can you wear adidas in britain as a white person without looking like a chav?

>> No.9564807

absolutely not

>> No.9564811

some stuff yes, some stuff no

>> No.9564818


dont just wear it the way a chav would and nobody will associate you with them

>> No.9564819

First year at brunel reporting in, got blackout drunk and failed to hand in 2 assignments for 2 different modules worth 50% each
Am I fucked?

>> No.9564828

You're the problem with university

Hope you fail

>> No.9564833

nope, hand them in late and get your mark capped at 40% which is what you need to not get kicked out

>> No.9564834


>> No.9564836

nah.. what I mean is I missed the final, final deadline
As in I would be capped at a U

>> No.9564839


>> No.9564845

What the fuck are you on about of course you can. Adidas is a classic sportswear brand that sells some of the best trainers out right now don't act like a chav or buy shitty models and you'll be fine matey

>> No.9564847

you are a bellend, could go either way tbh

>> No.9564854

I know mate, I'm just gonna work hard from now on and pass my exams
I've just had a girl fuck me up and I'm starting to get depressed.

>> No.9564858

how is this a problem with university? if you're lazy you fail

>> No.9564867

allow that m8, shouldn't be letting one girl get you down during the golden age of pulling that is 1st year

>> No.9564871

>graduated in 2012
>done literally nothing since

Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.9564890

This thread is fucking terrible. It might as well be moved to /soc/ as the entirety of its content is "HOW'S UNI GOING LADS WHEEYY"

>> No.9564892

why absolutely not?

>> No.9564898

University of Herts (2 yr foundation degree) then hopefully Bournemouth for the 3rd year and then masters

>> No.9564910

btw University of Hertfordshire is literally the deadest place on earth

>> No.9564930

You've obviously never been to Lancaster.

>> No.9564939
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Nah m8 but I've seen it on The Goodies

>> No.9564964
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Man Met lol

>> No.9564982

lol st andrews and bath, the two good unis that aren't in the russell group, anon has eliminated the need for such a silly concept

>> No.9564992


>> No.9565014

dont fully understand what you mean

>> No.9565029

Cumbria massive here, Tourists in overpriced 'outdoor' gear as far as the eye can see.

>> No.9565089


Its fucking awful ain't it?

How's your course?

>> No.9565135

Course is pretty good (Media Production), it's a small class so it's nice and intimate with classmates and tutors and I've done quite a bit of work experience. Also I'm basically the best in my class so I get a nice ego boost from that.

How's your course?

>> No.9565137
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Anyone know where to cop a pair like these?

>> No.9565138

do you clap when you purchase v necks?

>> No.9565144


>> No.9565148


what campus you in? cav here

>> No.9565179


>> No.9565205

For years I wanted to go there because I thought it was where Cumberland sausages came from.

>> No.9566607

Oi oi where's all the posters at?

>> No.9566612

anyone /eton/ here?

>> No.9566924


Fam, same.

>> No.9566935

>housemate is northern
>all he goes on about is being a "casual connoisseur"

is there anywhere worse in the UK than the North?

>> No.9566997


i had no idea until i walked past it on the way to gym was fucking hyped

>> No.9567059

who /nottingham/ here

>> No.9567081

I hope the rest of the board hates us. A brit general on /fa/ is literally the most nigger thing you could do.

>> No.9567097

UoL degree>Russell Group degree

>> No.9567098

Can't wait to be gone though. I miss being back south.

>> No.9567160

Edinbr-ahh is the place to be

>> No.9567332

fuck off

>> No.9567350


>> No.9567353

Sheffield here lads

>> No.9567364

The south

>> No.9567461
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>> No.9567467

>Its become abundantly clear that our american brothers think vnecks are okay, this needs to change.

nobody in the US thinks that.

Its become abundantly clear that our british brothers think inbreeding on an island is okay, this needs to change.

>> No.9567470
File: 36 KB, 647x407, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw the only new blood to enter that shithole is from ahmed

>> No.9567514

1 day late is like capped to A- and going to liquid or global isn't worth getting capped for lol.

>> No.9567526

Sorry I can hear you over the sound of your vneck

>> No.9567538
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>Its become abundantly clear that our british brothers think inbreeding on an island is okay, this needs to change.
So that's why it's legal over in large amounts of the USA but not in Britain

>> No.9567544


>modern laws matter when you were inbreeding for 100s of years previously

the damage is already done bro.

>> No.9567545

Alright britbongs, I need advice.

I will study abroad summer of 2016 and here are my options for England, let me know if any of these are worth it. If not, I'm going to Italy:

Lancaster University
The University of Exeter
The University of Plymouth
The University of Sheffield
The University of Lincoln
Kingston University London
Edge Hill U. Lancashire

>> No.9567564

I used to live in plymouth, do not go there. Exeter is a cool place, bit hippy and a few hours train to london. Kingstons okay, what you doing? Its in london I guess so thats good. Sheffield i dunno but noone cur about sheffield

>> No.9567565


>> No.9567569


>> No.9567571

What course? In the UK it really depends on what you're studying

>> No.9567572

My major is psychology with a pre-med track. I just want to get out of my shitty small town in the U.S. and study abroad. Where has the most attractive women?

>> No.9567579

For women exeter or lodnon, every where else = bad

>> No.9567585
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>i can tell by your stupid faces that you all are inbred

Born: 1993, London, United Kingdom

>> No.9567588


so you're going to work at starbucks when you can't get into med school?

>> No.9567605

>Thinks getting into med school is the slightest bit difficult

>> No.9567610


post acceptance letter or MD diploma then

>> No.9567656

>Implying I'm going for an MD
Maybe, maybe not. Not quite sure yet, something I'll decide when my options are presented and I weight them out.

It's like you think people can't be successful in this world. Damn.

>> No.9567661
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>> No.9567664


>i'll decide to go for phd in psychology when my grades are too low for med school

>> No.9567672
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>> No.9567674


definition of inbred

>short teeth
>no chin

>> No.9567741

2k14 KCL graduate here, you're fucking nuts bruv

>> No.9568025 [DELETED] 

hahaha what year u in? im 5th form at another private school in thames valley

>> No.9568038

>Doesn't know what a DO is

You may be the biggest idiot I've encountered on this board. Maybe 4chan, actually.

>> No.9568102
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WTF just went to the new curry place and the fucking pakis haven't peeled my prawns

>> No.9568117

If you knew anything about facial anatomy in regards to femininity you'd know that a large forehead like she has is a good indicator of high estrogen exposure in the womb and overall production throughout her life, thus making that a subconsciously attractive feature in the eyes of most men.

The smaller the forehead, the more masculine a face looks. I'd even go as far as to say her face might be somewhat close to the golden ratio.

>> No.9568124

Go to Italy.

>> No.9568134

not him, but I'm also studying at HW

>> No.9568159


/L E E D S B E C K E T T/

>> No.9568179

loooooooooooooooool why??? Leeds is like a fucking village

>> No.9568191

What are some modelling sites to upload to? I only know of places like Storm but they're obviously way too high up to start out from

>> No.9568237

I'm at Liverpool, how come a couple of people are bad mouthing Russell group unis in this thread?

>> No.9568259

They hate us cause they ain't us

>> No.9568317

Oh shit you're here too? I hate wales so much

>> No.9568326

I hear accommodation is dirt cheap in Wales

>> No.9568341

It is in Swansea mainly because its full of druggies and generally isn't a nice place

>> No.9568342

I'm a fucking Kraut and let me tell you: no city in Europe comes close to London. Italy is a lovely place but honestly visit London if you can.

>> No.9568382


Steel city unite

>> No.9568900


Boyos. What year?

>> No.9568955
File: 41 KB, 740x1110, 1818_4e87b29e5d-img_1114-rtail-standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's the Yank version of couldn't care less. I once asked someone to explain it to me, but they couldn't give a logical explanation...

>> No.9568961

Yanks are bad at English. There you go.

>> No.9568965

yh im going to uni there
will u beat me up?

>> No.9568969

Im going to fucking rape you mate.

>> No.9568974

breaking news - the north is >5 years behind LNDN

>> No.9568978

bong. yeh im in london just wanted to say i was gonna rape him

>> No.9568984

Get in here cunts


Play tunes and talk about clothes or whatever

>> No.9569112

come in guyz

>> No.9569133

first year?

>> No.9569147

No, I am, hello.
Which halls are you in?

>> No.9569201

yo guys come put some songs on

>> No.9569252

Yeah. Birmingham is just better. We have selfridges, cos, loads of shit. >>9567081
>Racist. In Britain

>> No.9569260

Wait I'm at uni in brum, where's cos?

>> No.9569267

Bullring. Top floor.

>> No.9569309

How great is next though?

>> No.9569312

No wonder I never noticed that place, I'm a poorfag

>> No.9569424

sweet d00d where the /fa/m @

>> No.9571152

new cross boiii

>> No.9571191

That's a massive spread in terms of academic and social life quality of universities.

Exeter is the best academically though, Sheffield 2nd best but I imagine a better social life (can't say for sure though).

I wouldn't go to Edge Hill, Plymouth.

>> No.9571247

it's good if you live your life by the ladbible

>> No.9571252


Out of those I think Sheffield is the most respected uni, as long as it's not Sheffield Hallam

>> No.9571398
File: 224 KB, 1280x460, 701_Newcastle_City20120906-2-1g1uzhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4 week break just started. already bored shitless

>> No.9571505

I grew up in Sheffield and the nightlife is the best out of anywhere I've been personally. Uni of Sheffield is pretty up there academically too.

>> No.9571513

Hull: avoid this city like the plague

>> No.9571880

Lord home

>> No.9571927

Dropout loser here, but I was in Lord Home until the Christmas break. Which floor are you on?

>> No.9571985

What are your initials, if you don't mind me asking. I might know you, I ken some people from Lord Home.

I remember one of my mates mentioned something about a guy that dropped out around November/December. Might have been you

>> No.9572009

>not going straight into industry and bypassing a now redundant part of the education system unless you are wanting to study a hard science

Was going to QUB before I went into industry though. Good uni, good nightlife

>> No.9572018
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Leeds Uni here.


m8, pls. Leeds is great.

>> No.9572039


Me. I leave in a few months. Can't fucking wait, the city is a grey, souless nigged-out shithole and half the students are daddy's-money london overspill. After I leave I will never again set foot in an NG postcode. Thank the sweet lord.

>> No.9572041


>going straight into shitty job unless you want a good one

yup thats how it works m8

>> No.9572047


Go to Edge Hill Lancs, I live in the next town over, we'll have bare dranks.

Lol don't really go to Edge Hill.

>> No.9572111

Where to go for computer science?

>> No.9572135

My m8 says York is good

>> No.9572141

2nd floor is where im at

>> No.9572168

>Harvey Nicholls
>The Liquor Store

>> No.9572268

The only people who will have noticed are the lads I shared a kitchen with. You might know them? G17 I was in.

>> No.9572337


>> No.9572427

i know people on G but only a few stoners

>> No.9573416


newcastle first year is piss easy and its rated ok, nightlife is v good though and you can make most of it

>> No.9573448

c u on college lane Herts boys. Keep repping that all black

>> No.9573626

the midlands

>> No.9573630

worcester is a shithole

>> No.9573632

Escaped Coventrian here. You poor bastard.

>> No.9573822

West midlands > east midlands

>> No.9573979

Manchester. Architecture Postgrad

>> No.9574326

dunnoe the dunnoe

where my other Kentfags at? you've all been hiding these past few years

>> No.9575298

>Be at University of Northampton
>Told it was good make it first choice with Nottingham coming in second
>30mins drive from home so it is close by
>Start my course
>Feels like I am back at college

>> No.9575831


What are you studying lad?

>> No.9575948

are you from northern ireland?? qub is full of cunts

>> No.9575969

man met lmao uni is an absolute shambles
city and halls are good.

>> No.9575976

why do you soggy islanders make generals everywhere

>> No.9575979

Leeds is full of retards though, seriously wish I'd worked harder and gotten into Bristol.

>> No.9575981

First year, in Arthur Vick

>> No.9576063
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>> No.9576176

probably because the east midlands is literally who

>> No.9576400

cambridge halls are fun

>> No.9576407


>> No.9577178

Architecture represent

>> No.9577354

tfw depressed
help me /fa/

>> No.9577387

whats wrong m8

>> No.9577406

what's going on

>> No.9577435
File: 45 KB, 274x274, FALSE-RAPE-CLAIMS-DONT-MATTER-BECAUSE-REAL-RAPE-OCCURS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i thought i was depressed too, then something actually shit happened to me and i realized what an ungrateful, mopey little shitbag i had been the whole time. i guess you could say i deserved it, either way it's gonna make or break me.

>> No.9577475

i fucked a woman on friday
i got really paranoid i might have caught hiv
used a condom and it didnt break but whatever
we kissed too
i feel like i have some weird cold now and my throat hurts in a weird way
dont know if i didnt catch anything
getting trapped in the minimum wage routine where i work all the time just so i can survive
plus im not going to lie
ive ordered some grail online that i found and it turned out to be fake
it really killed my emotions because the grail had sentimental value to me
i didnt spend too much on it (normal resell price isnt something i couldnt pay) but i feel like shit nonetheless

i was so happy with life before these 3 things happened within a couple days

>> No.9577504

Where to get speed(not in liquid form) around University of Hertfordshire? I only want to try a little but all my m8s are clean

>> No.9577506
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>> No.9577510

at least you have your freedom. trust me its not to be taken for granted when it compromised so easily in thispolice state. all the problems i thought i had before are nothing. id say getting a serious illness is the worst thing that can be happen to someone, being falsely accused of rape is the second worst. for all i know this could to court with my name in the local news as the onus is basically on me to prove im innocent. in america i wouldnt have even been arrested; fuck this backward and archaic state.

>> No.9577556

meanwhile the bitch updates her social media with some obnoxious selfie explaining how 'bored' she is oh i wish i could enjoy the luxury of boredom right now you fucking bitch i swear to fucking god i hope you die

>> No.9577560
File: 1000 KB, 500x281, cheers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FBI reports from 1996 consistently put the number of "unfounded" rape accusations around 8%. In contrast, the average rate of unfounded reports for "Index crimes"[clarification needed] tracked by the FBI is 2%.[3] This estimate was criticised as meaningless by academic Bruce Gross:

Many of the jurisdictions from which the FBI collects data on crime use different definitions of, or criteria for, "unfounded." That is, a report of rape might be classified as unfounded (rather than as forcible rape) if the alleged victim did not try to fight off the suspect, if the alleged perpetrator did not use physical force or a weapon of some sort, if the alleged victim did not sustain any physical injuries, or if the alleged victim and the accused had a prior sexual relationship. Similarly, a report might be deemed unfounded if there is no physical evidence or too many inconsistencies between the accuser's statement and what evidence does exist. As such, although some unfounded cases of rape may be false or fabricated, not all unfounded cases are false.[2]

So if a woman cowers and doesn't fight back b/c she's paralyzed w/ fear that isn't "grounds" enough for declaring the rape to be a rape.

If there was ever a deserving candidate for a fucking flaying, it's teenage boys like you.

Useless human trash.
One fucking day, man. One fatherfucking day.

>> No.9577572

that's fucked up
how did ti come about? is she trying to archive something or does she just not like you or something

>> No.9577581

>it's their fault i fucking scarred someone for life!!

>take my word for it, the "police state" is out to get me!!

fuck off.

>> No.9577583

lol in the uk with lack of presumed innocence and compensation scheme its probs more like 50%

>> No.9577589

>Don't want to go back to flat after uni because then I'll have to write essays
>Decide to take bus into town
>Check TK Maxx because I'm bored
>Shitload of Illamasqua nail polishes at £3.99 rather than £14.50
>One is called Load
>It's cum coloured

How has everyone else found their Monday.

>> No.9577594

rape is horrible and people who actually do is deserve everything they get, but he hasn't scarred anyone for life and hasn't caused irreparable damage
she's probably done that to him actually.
a false rape accusation can ruin a person. how are you on the side of somebody who is just plain lying about something so terrible

>> No.9577598

lol read a few posts up, she is definitely not scarred by anything

>> No.9577614

> probs more like 50%

Bullshit, the law is the law. there needs ample proof. Stop pretending that you live in North Korea, you degnerate.

>Limitation periods under the law of England and Wales are laid out by the Limitation Act 1980, and are the periods of time during which an individual can bring a private (civil) claim, or else lose the right to bring it.

> English law says that it is contrary to "public policy" for people to be perpetually exposed to litigation for allegedly wrongful acts.

>>> contrary to "public policy" for people to be perpetually exposed to litigation for allegedly wrongful acts.

>A 2005 study, "A gap or a chasm? Attrition in reported rape cases" was the largest and most rigorous study to date commissioned by the British Home Office on UK rape crime, from the initial reporting of a rape through to legal prosecutions. The study was based on 2,643 sexual assault cases (Kelly, Lovett, and Regan, 2005). Of these, police departments classified 8% as false reports.


I can't find anything on how these rape claims are determined but i'm gonna bet it's very similar to the US.

Enjoy the imminent but raping, you deserve it. :)

>> No.9577620

basically i met this girl in a club and she felt used when i left really early in the morning and so went to the police and told them that she 'woke up' to find me on top of her penetrating her at some point which just...never happened.

>> No.9577628

>but he hasn't scarred anyone for life and hasn't caused irreparable damage

Says fucking you, who is not the rape victim.

People hide their scars well.

fuck off and die, men have been subjugating women unfairly for centuries. If the horrible shit that women endured at the hands of men for centuries was OK, then so are men being persecuted for actions very closely resembling a rape now. Retribution, fatherfucker.

>> No.9577631

Mods please delete these threads. These aren't fashion related.

>> No.9577634

if the law doesn't believe you then you are fucked.

That's what you get for participating in hookup culture.

>> No.9577635

he didn't rape her.
i know you're just memeing anyway but

>> No.9577637
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Jesus Christ, pls go back to Tumblr

>> No.9577638

So she isn't denying you had consensual sex at some point? Lol if that is the case, don't worry I'm sure the cps will have absolutely no interest in pursuing it.

>> No.9577639

R-e-t-r-i-b-u-t-i-o-n, fatherfucker.

>> No.9577640

lol british people r gay and talk funny

>> No.9577648

i hope so, although my solicitor said he has seen similar cases go to court. although i cant really find any online anywhere, which gives me hope

>> No.9577665
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you can't stop the due course of law :)

>> No.9577666

Have you by any chance leaked government documents?

>> No.9577672

Kingston is a pretty good place to be but the uni is shite

>> No.9577674

there is no hope for you

resign yourself into accepting the prison rape that is incoming

>> No.9577694

my condolences lad

t. former coventrian

>> No.9577713

firmed it today as my 1st choice, why do you think its shit?

>> No.9577715

What is this post even supposed to mean?

>> No.9577720

my solicitor has said he cant imagine me getting convicted. tho i am worried about it going to court because loads of bullshit cases get sent there.

>> No.9577721


any /fa/ places to check out/go for nights out?

already hit up a few Under the Surface events, plan on going WHP next year

>> No.9577745

fucking this, southern slang and attitude is atrocious

>> No.9577751

ofc he's gonna feed you bull, the chances that you will be become part of the sex offender registry is high

your life will be ruined

just what someone who doesn't have any kind of mutual understanding with his sexual partner deserves

>> No.9577766

yh but how tho when i dindu nuffin

>> No.9577768

how the fuck does he deserve that, you are one square

>> No.9577769

Long shot here but any Bangor students?

>> No.9577773

Antwerp Mansion is pretty /fa/, on the edgy side of the spectrum though. other than that I suggest going to normal/popular clubs unless you don't want to make friends

>> No.9577800

Lawfag here. Court is merely a playground. Just talk in RP and be white and you'll be fine. Also be personable and perhaps crack a few subtle jokes along the way. ~0% of being convicted for anything ever.

>> No.9577869

m8 ive already began upping my posh game in preparation. every night before i go to bed i visualize the courtroom and my eventual sweet victory. i will NOT go down

>> No.9577878


Antwerp is the shitty, grotty GOAT

>> No.9577885

you do not want posh game for Manchester, just be subtly private school and you should be fine

>> No.9577887

>tfw your flatmates prefer factory

>> No.9577888

im from south east

>> No.9577893

What sort of music do they play there? I'm back in town from my uni and I still haven't checked out the best of Manc's nightlife.

>> No.9577896

classic, don't forget your wavey garms m8

>> No.9577899

what a fucking dumbass

Judges aren't won over by friendly banter esp. when such a a serious charge is involved. Esp. if you get one who is actually interested in doing their job.

>> No.9577921
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>he thinks the judge decides if youre guilty or not

>> No.9577924

just generic stuff, its basically a baseline club, large not awful not expensive but won't augment your night in any way. try goldteeth on a Tuesday if you like funk, soul etc. Sankeys on a Thursday for more basementy shit. also how old are you? because this is coming from a first year experience so these places tend to be teaming with freshers.

>> No.9577947
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no, but they're the ones hearing you out, aren't they? Of course they'll be playing a potent role.

Do you understand the law at all? Or are you one of those people who doesn't need solid proof to believe in things?

>> No.9577948

2nd year, I'm 20

I'm basically searching for a club that's enjoyable in itself and not teeming with cunts. I'm after the same atmosphere that you might find at a gig where people are all loving the music and on the same wavelength. I sound like a bit of a knob when putting it like that but that's what I'm looking for.

I think I might check out Soup Kitchen's club nights, they have MeAndYou on there a lot which is supposed to be great.

>> No.9577952

enjoy your rape accusations, you sleazehound

>> No.9577961

Antwerp is great for live acts, seen some sick dub and not so sick but very grimey grime there

>> No.9577972

Hello there, for the sake of being open, I really want you to appreciate the kind of spiritual link your dad and I enjoy. It's not just that we are romantic companions, rather our souls are merged like two wandering clouds on an otherwise clear, spring afternoon. So magical is our bond, that time appears to grind to a halt every time we part, and his husky aroma is my oxygen. It's not unusual for us to spend several days in bed at a time, entwined around one another like weeds, tangled up and tense with sexual tension. Afterwards we achieve what we like to call a marriage of aromas- I smell like him, he smells like me, though that my friend, that is the smell of love. During those heavenly days there is not an inch of one anothers' bodies that goes unexplored, without worship, and we're both so aware of how comfortable we are with one another that it's just the most beautiful relationship anyone could ask for.

>> No.9577982

What is the most effay way for a glaswegian dole scrounger to dress?

>> No.9578005
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Trainspotting core

>> No.9578011

Who City Uni L O N D O N here??

>> No.9578023

w2c Ewan's wardrobe?

>> No.9578031

mate I thought antwerp would have been assumed, been there probably 6 or 7 times since the start of the year, always have decent shit on there and it's pretty much a completely safe space to get utterly fucked in

>those bitches that try and get everyone to go every friday just so that one of them can pull

factory is just a bit shit tbh, same with deansgate locks

>> No.9578087

Is it any good? I'm starting in September

>> No.9578194

Lancaster is alright

>> No.9579673

Royal Holloway, University of London represent

>> No.9579704

I could've gone to Loughborough to studyMechE but I chose manchester because Loughborough has no engineering background and Its a shitty sports science uni.

The tables shouldn't dictate what uni is better but it's definitely a good guideline I guess

>> No.9579709

>doing law at UoM

just don't they are going down the drain. It's a shit uni for that stuff

>> No.9579739


>> No.9579770

You shouldn't be in London, you're outside the m25

>> No.9580128

>no bristol

it's like you hate wavey garms

>> No.9580356

u go goldsmiths?

>> No.9580363


>> No.9581159

I was at the forum on saturday.

it was fun

>> No.9581164

because "scran" and "whopper" is sick slang bru

>> No.9581798

Edinburgh here, get on my level

>> No.9581834

who game for /northwest/ meet?

>> No.9583046

only if it's in M A N C H E S T E R

>> No.9583278

what's it like there? I remember seeing the campus a while back and it looked p nice

>> No.9583498


Bath here, close enough to Bristol to get in for pretty cheap, but I've never really been shopping there. Any good stores?

>> No.9584092

Where the other Dundee heads at?

>> No.9584117

I lived in cambridge first year, was good. lived in oxford my final year, pretty meh. low flow showers in there were lame as fuck.

>> No.9584145
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Bris is best for the culture and vibe rather than the stores though they are much better than Bath

>> No.9584156
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Bath is pretty cool tho

>> No.9584158


Where do you like to go out in Sheffield?

>> No.9585022

are you dumb cuz? Loughborough is primarily an engineering university - that's what it started out as
people think it's a sports uni but it's just coincidence

>> No.9585057
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Bath's got a lot of nice architecture (pic related), but the nightlife's not great. There are a few good pubs though.

The main reason I go through is for climbing at Redpoint, but the small amount of Bristol I've seen definitely has a good vibe.

>> No.9585594
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I think the main problem with Bath is it's size. If you're into climbing the climbing centre in Bris is pretty good.

>> No.9585616

Yeah, that's what I like about Bristol. It's got the things you want from a bigger city, but doesn't feel overly urbanised. I've got a friend doing comp sci at Bristol Uni, so I if I want a bigger night out than what we have here in Bath, I've got somewhere to stay.

>> No.9585749
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sound pretty cash

>> No.9585886

How is travel between the two?

>> No.9585894

Who /bleep/ here?

>> No.9585924

Bath Spa to Temple Meads is only about 15 minutes by train, and a return is about £4 with a railcard. There are buses, but they take much longer and aren't any cheaper. Car is about 30-40 minutes, depending on traffic. I normally take the train but if I can get a lift that's usually a better option, there's no taking a bus when you arrive or walking somewhere.