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/fa/ - Fashion

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9521672 No.9521672[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Am I ugly? (INB4 nigger)

>> No.9521680

yes you are sorry

>> No.9521683


you have big cocc brother?

>> No.9521685

Shitty angle, hard to tell.

>> No.9521686


you look alright

try to get some length off the top of your hair but keep the squareness it all adds to your head

>> No.9521690


>> No.9521699

average looking but shave and do something with your hair

>> No.9521702

What do you think the best aesthetic would be for me?

>> No.9521707


Why am I the first one to post this?

>> No.9521724

srsly dunno but definetly shave. as someone already wrote just chop some lenght off the top and keep it neat. but yeah you not ugly

>> No.9521732
File: 837 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another picture of me

>> No.9521748

shave as previously stated

>> No.9521754

You could stand to lose some fat but I'd say say you're an average black guy. I've met plenty of black guys way way way worse off than you who were still charismatic and cool dudes to hang out with. I met a dude from detroit named Sam aka Nigga Beast who was ugly but still pulls bitches. He hit on two white chicks right in front of me. Dude was chill af and gave me his number in case I wanted to buy some trees.

>> No.9521756

shave and get a flat top m8

>> No.9521772

I'm not really into that style. I am a big fan monochromatic & Minimal styles. I would go for the Raf look, but i think i am too big for that.

>> No.9521857



>> No.9521863

Too black for me. I'm trying to sway away from that.

>> No.9521866

I'm gonna be honest, you're black so you're pretty much inherently ugly m8

>> No.9521875

Not always the case friend :)

>> No.9521886

It literally is

>> No.9521892

Is there an objective standard for beauty? What is it?

>> No.9521898

>Too black for me
>You are darker than night

>> No.9521903
File: 32 KB, 415x478, 1387730586985[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thin, pronounced and light features obviously

As opposed to black features which are fat, flat and brown

>> No.9521906

OP, you are a beautiful wonderful strong independent black woman.

>> No.9521911

>>9521672nah bro your facial aesthetics are nice.

>> No.9521930

pale skin is disgusting though

back to /pol/

>> No.9521942

Not ugly.
The height of your hair does a lot for the round shape of your face but it needs more structure, a clearer silhouette.
Idk how afro hair works but maybe you could do those tiny dread-like curls with a fade below them?

>> No.9521953

no you're not , you are the most normal nigger , cuz mainstream niggas have bald or dreads cornrows and they don't post on /fa/
also real niggas don't ask if theyre ugly or not . low self esteem is not a nigga thing

>> No.9521969

the square glasses help a lot
making your hair and beard do the same thing is probably how you'll look the best
you're not too bad m8

>> No.9521971

Tutsi tribe fit your aesthetic. Except they didn't have light skin, it was lighter than the surrounding tribes though.

Their people were raped and murdered by the Hutu tribe (who are described by your latter aesthetic). These are the people that were slaved and sold to western countries.

What i'm saying is that your 'white' features are not exclusive. There is a lot of diversity in Africa (A very fucking large country with many fucking people).

Hell, even a lot of east asian display these features. But insecure whites have to always say it's plastic surgery when they do see an asian having these features. Because a diverse population with over a quarter of the worlds population must ALL have the same features.

I've lived in Australia for my whole life. The amount of ugly white mutts i've seen is appalling, so no amount of white brain washing is going to convince me otherwise.

>> No.9521972
File: 30 KB, 428x299, aryan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, skin and eyes the colour of shit, fat wide noses, black wiry hair and enormous lips are the epitome of beauty, aren't they?

>> No.9521978

I said LIGHT features, not your filthy black hair and eyes Xing Chang of Australia

>> No.9522003

>These are the people that were slaved and sold

i agree with your main point but christ, dude

>> No.9522014
File: 127 KB, 282x298, 1419805751977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh slavery

Get over it

>> No.9522019

pale skin has been a beauty standard for literally thousands and thousands of years

>> No.9522024


>> No.9522060


>> No.9522193

lmao. just stop

>> No.9522241

>not him
I have to agree. People have been dying sense day 1, especially those fucking Jews. And you Russian faggots.

>> No.9522331
File: 121 KB, 680x497, 94f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not ugly, I think you just generally suffer from the curse of being a black nerd
Even though you got some style, that doesn't help a black nerd much (according to my black nerd friends)
Confidence is probably the only cure

>> No.9522356

shitty pic, OP

but nah I think you look fine. Could maybe use a slight trim just to make your hair sharp and neat

is that a goatee?

I like the glasses

>> No.9522366

not really

you have creepy eyes, a bad hairstyle, and shitty glasses

>> No.9522369

oh, I just saw your other pic

Almost tempted to ask if you're FtM from this pic. But, shave the mustache, and go back for the glasses you had in the OP pic. they're too big and feminine, unless you're going for a genderqueer look

>> No.9522393

Lol i'm a straight male.

>> No.9522417

the term is cis, you FUCKING BIGOT

>> No.9522422

what does that have to do with being trans*. is an FtM who likes women not a "straight male"


>> No.9522435


but no, you look good, OP. just a haircut and shave

>> No.9522442

No i am a guy. I was born a guy and never had a operation.

>> No.9522522


>> No.9522610

see no, because genetics. this gives you people with different face shapes and features of all races! crazy what a middle school level knowledge of biology would do for you

>> No.9522629


>> No.9522680

nah youre fine

>> No.9523445
File: 61 KB, 640x640, 1423865757776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you're probably an ugly fuck

>> No.9523458

No it hasn't, it was historically usually darker skin (i.e. Mediterranean) wtf are you talking about

European mutts are probably the ugliest group, fucking disgusting and basic

>> No.9523467

now shoo
needs a different haircut

>> No.9523512


how many grills have you fucked, and how many of those grills were white

>> No.9523519 [DELETED] 

you;re an ugly nigger

which itself is a tautology

>> No.9523551

Amerifag here

I've seen some damn ugly white folk. And they're dirty as fuck.

>> No.9523586

I don't know. None of them were white.

>> No.9523632


>> No.9523661

Smile bruh

>> No.9523719

you're fucking saving /fa/ on your own


>> No.9525159

You look like Maxwell Osborne.

>> No.9525180
File: 11 KB, 290x290, derek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get hair like this your not ugly maybe go to gym if your over weight

>> No.9525447

I hope Embiid doesn't take your minutes when he comes back

>> No.9525450


Lmao you self hating fag

Stop trying to be white and embrace your racial origins you bitch, if a flat top will make your nappy hair look better than trying to make it look like a whiteboii's head then what's wrong with a flat top

this is the reason white people hate us man, just be a straight up respectable black male and stop being a little bitch

>> No.9525514

This. I mean shit, there's still slavery in the world today. Infact there are more slaves today than at any other period in human history.

>> No.9525547

It's not anything about being white. What i should of said is that i think flatops are a little immature and people who usually get them are people are their teens.

>> No.9525555

Source on the claim that slavery is at a historical high.

>> No.9525564

>should of

Sorry for being a grammar nazi, but that was too black for me. I'm trying to stay away from that.

>> No.9525635

You look like an average black dude. Hair is a little wack, but I have no suggestions.

>> No.9525662

Go to www.google.com

and just check it out

>> No.9525684

you're actually pretty good looking. If you just shave and do something with your hair you'd be set

>> No.9527018

you're not ugly dude, just average, and there's nothing wrong with that. but in all seriousness, you should be building your confidence elsewhere on your own instead of asking insecure anons on a burmese astronomy board.

>> No.9527232

not ugly