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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 7 KB, 259x194, DNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9492901 No.9492901 [Reply] [Original]

how effay are your genes?

>fat level/metabolism
>hair/family history of hair loss
>bone structure

did you get fucked over by biology or are you gods of old tier

>> No.9492906

under eye bags
shit skin
no defined cheek bones
weak chin


atleast im not fat amirite?

>> No.9492915

>I have a fast metabolism & I can maintain 125lbs, but going down to 110 requires a disproportionate amount of work. I also have a hard time getting abdominal muscle.
>Female, so doesn't apply, but I think one of my great aunts had thinning hair, no one closely related to me though.
>SHIT. Had to take accutane cause it wouldn't go away. I still have terrible pores though & an uneven skintone. At least I have a nice skin colour.
> I like my cheekbones.

>> No.9492916

>very low fat, fast metabolism
>father is bald, all others have hair as far as I know. Have noticed my hair thinning slightly, but no bald spots.
>minor blemishes but never had a full-on acne breakout
>ectomorph bone structure, no deformities

>> No.9492930

>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>high cheek bones
>nice lips (girls tell me this all the time)
>decent jaw

>bi polar disorder inherited from mother
>slightly receded hairline
>introverted to the point that i have no desire beyond what is necessary to interact with literally anyone
>shitty vision
>imperfect teeth

>> No.9492931


Holy shit I am like the male version of you. Neat

>> No.9492937

>thin and good weight (about ~145 to 150 lbs) + fast metabolism
>my mom's side has great hair and I inherited that
>Bad skin in middle school, skin is clearing up now but not completely
>ever since I fixed my teeth, my bone structure has been on point

>> No.9492951

Blonde, Blue/green eyes
high well defined cheek bones
strong masculine Jaw and chin
defined aquiline nose
positive eye tilt
~13% BF
good skin (spots are extremely rare)
wide shoulders.
no baldness in immediate family, very little in extended.

>> No.9492962

I give my genes 3.5/10

>naturally skinnyfat
>5'8" so pretty short
>Large frame for size
>reddish hair
>kinda goofy lookin face but not deformed
>hazel(mongrel) eyes

>> No.9492978

>metabolism like a fucking jet plane; can't gain a pound no matter how hard i try (120lbs)
>thick hair, no early hair loss in the family; slightly curly and frizzy unless i just don't wash it/use product
>decent overall; a little bacne + strawberry nose though
>decent to good jawline, no defined cheekbones

also my teeth are total shit and my forehead is too big. i'd change a lot about my genes but i could be much worse off i guess.

>> No.9492981

oh and my eyes are hazel, which is the only part of my body that i like aside from my hair, which is my favorite shade of brown

>> No.9492995

>not fat at all but can lose weight quick
>my dad is going bald but he's the only one I know of that is.
>brownish similar to kid cudi skin color (not black btw)
>pretyy ok bone structure. Good jawline and nice cheek bones
>brown eyes
>black hair
>big nose
Body proportions are nice and equal.

>> No.9493004

>blonde, no hair loss
>clean, light tanned skin
>thick bones, muscular

Could've been worse I guess.

>> No.9493012

Below average level of fat. Ok metabolism
Both parents have full heads of hair but my dad's is thinning possibly because of stress from work
No more acne but I'm still trying to get rid of the redness
Round face but I'm well proportioned. Wide hipbones means I have to size up for pants even though I'm not fat

>> No.9493039

>140 skele
>straight dark blond hair
>blue eyes
>pretty defined jaw, decent cheekbones
>acne never a major issue


>> No.9493047

>Pretty slow metabolism, I was pretty fat before but had to work really hard to drop down to a reasonable weight. Still chubby though.
>Dad has hair problem where he gets random patches of lost hair
>Average amount of acne, have moles on face though. Skin tone is pretty uneven.
>Shit jawline, heads a little on the big side, short legs.

I think i kinda got fucked, but atleast im at an acceptable hieght

>> No.9493057

>perfect metabolism, easy to maintain current weight or gain muscle if I try
>good cheek bones and chin
>black hair/green eyes
>great beard
>easy olive tan if I care to go outside

>social anxiety
>persistent acne when younger, minimal scars though
>some family baldness but no signs yet at 24
>useless eyes without glasses/contacts

I think I made out pretty good

>> No.9493080
File: 23 KB, 395x396, 1424723864483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>180 kg
nigga what

>> No.9493086

Height- either 5'8 or 5'9. My shirts have been getting shorter on me in the last few months, so I may have gone through some kind of growth spurt, which is weird as shit because I'm 28. I can't tell.

Metabolism- fairly fast. I also seem to be one of those 'ectomorphs,' as I seem to put on muscle with fairly little effort. Currently weigh 170 lbs, much of it muscle. Do have some fat around my waist that I am trying to exercise/diet away.

Hair- fucking great; as mentioned, I'm 28, but I still have a very full head of hair. I was terrified I was going to go bald because my mom's side of the family has lots of baldness, but I dodged that bullet.

Skin- fairly good. I do get little whiteheads on my face and neck every so often, and my skin is fairly oily, but I don't have serious acne and for the most part my face is clear. The pores on my cheeks are a little larger than I'd like, though.

Bone Structure- not bad. My face is pretty good, I have a strong jawline and a good brow. Body-wise, my torso is a bit short, or my ribcage is a bit large- one of the two, it leads me to have a bit of a short waist. Legs are a bit longer than average relative to the rest of me, arms are a bit short.

>> No.9493089

Are you me? Like actually sound like exactly what I'd type up

>> No.9493115
File: 299 KB, 685x1024, 1418080730137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'6 manlet-town
>Normal/skinnyfat, /fa/ fat I guess
>Really thick hair, no history of balding, but also pretty hairy everywhere else too
>Alright skin, nice eyebags, but I have a weak chin and babbyface
>My bone is pretty average, 6" with a nice big juicy head

So no not very effay I suppose.

>> No.9493138

tfw 6 feet king of manlets, could be better
>fat level/metabolism
goat, eat whatever, no work out and body like na'vi warrior
>hair/family history of hair loss
hair is curly fantastic, men go bald at 60 but that's normal
shit, on accutane, cystic acne on neck and blackheads on back and face
>bone structure
good, dope cheekbones and jaw and broad shoulders and little waist

>> No.9493169
File: 175 KB, 1280x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat level/metabolism
>hair/family history of hairloss
>bone structure

feels good to be me

>> No.9493178

Nah I'm azn and a grill

>> No.9493390
File: 40 KB, 283x352, eagle-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully he means pounds

>> No.9493427 [DELETED] 

you're like the epitome of what it is like to really post shit and be a disgusting person.

I guess that's why you spend your time sitting alone and posting all the time on /fa/. no one wants to be friends with you.

>> No.9493435 [DELETED] 

your incredible self-denial is so sad to see. it's like you'll never be able to get yourself out of lying to yourself and everyone else, and that you'll never be able to change your shitty life for the better.

>> No.9493438


You're a girl though :^)

>> No.9493444
File: 36 KB, 480x640, 1422918753133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice samefagging rexy

>> No.9493460
File: 371 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you delete your edgy insults? kek

>> No.9493465

I didn't

>> No.9493486
File: 61 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

193 cm tall, 70 ~ kg, blonde, blue eyes, bags under eyes cuz insomnia. pic related. hairloss in later ages in my family im 20. cheers

>> No.9493493
File: 44 KB, 500x500, SremmLife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have great hair but non of that really matters cause got fucked over in the other depts

>> No.9493505
File: 38 KB, 525x335, edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That wasn't me you stupid bitch.

Also nice use of that meme word

>> No.9493510

>v. little fat/fast metabolism
>good hair all round apart from dad who is receded
>acne on face
>don't know anything about cheekbones but I like my bones in general

>> No.9493515


164 pounds rail thin

super thick hair so dark it's almost black, no baldness at all in my family

pretty average skin, had horrible acne but it hasn't come back since I took accutane and was left with no scarring.


I don't really like my nose very much and I have very thick eyebrows, strong jaw but I'm not sure about my cheekbones

I rate my genes about an 8/10. I'm really good looking but there's some small stuff I'd change

>> No.9493516
File: 71 KB, 496x881, ponytail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you guys tell me my face shape?

I'd like to know so I can choose hair and stuff that complements it well, I can't tell what the shape is.

Here is the imgur album:

(Any suggestions on makeup that would also go well, eyebrows, etc. thanks :) )

>> No.9493538
File: 460 KB, 800x1000, aryan man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'1 (I'm dutch so this is more or less average)
>good skin
>high cheekbones good jaw (kinda too big)
>Mom's side all has hair dad's side is bald, but gene for baldness is on the x chromosome so I'm good I think.
>I also have green eyes and black hair

tfw you will never be this attractive

>> No.9493546

>always skinny. my mom ran track in HS and my dad always made sure I wasn't being a fat fuck. god tier parents
>dad's side loses hair mid 40's. mom's side has glorious manes at 80
>have keratosis pilaris. want to die
>high cheekbones. good jaw. nose a bit big but its a good accent to my face

I think I'm like 7/10

>> No.9493549

post pic

>> No.9493551

Ahhh /: I thought I met my doppleganger!

>> No.9493552

>>fat level/metabolism
130 pounds
>>hair/family history of hair loss
No hair loss, will probably go grey early though
Pale, clear/no acne problems
>>bone structure

>> No.9493560

>kill me
fast metabolism, skinny
hair has always been thin but no difficulty growing it
very mild acne on my face but that's just from touching it, other than that my skin's fine
I wish my jaw was a little stronger but high cheek bones

>> No.9493563

forgot weight. I weigh 140 pounds.

>> No.9493595

>muscular, little fat
>very, very thick wavy black hair. dad's hair is still there and black at the age of 50 something.
>golden, relatively clear
>cheekbones and jaw are great. very broad shoulders.

>> No.9493599

>like 180 pounds, in the skinnyfat zone
>straight hair, no family history of hair loss
>shit skin but accutane cured me
>good jaw but probably because Im not a fat fuck yet

>> No.9493618


>> No.9493625

You are a fucking stick, go lift some weights.

>> No.9493635

5'11, not the tallest but thankful because my dad and older brother are 5'9
around 130-135 now, not sure. low body fat.
bad hairline but wavy hair with a nice natural texture if cared for properly
moderate amount of acne scars because of not caring in high school, no active acne now though
>facial structure
could be better, but it's decent. worst feature is weak chin, it bothers the hell out of me. would give myself 6/10

>> No.9493652

Ectomorph but well toned muscles
Very fast metabolism but that comes with sweating like a gypsie with a mortgage on a day over 20 degrees
Father has receding hairline, so do i but she'll be right
large pores and quite bad acne when i was younger. clear skin now at 20
strong jawline
good skin tone
very large nose
blue eyes
thick, mouse brown hair with blonde streaks

>> No.9493665


>> No.9493671

High metabolism, 170lbs
Every male except my dad has hair in my fam
Fair, pretty sensitive skin
Thin bone structure, not stringbean tho

>> No.9493674

>5'3 (grill)
>Weight lingers between 105-110 with little effort on my part
>Fine hair, but I have a ton of it, so it looks like my hair is voluminous. Strawberry blonde. No family history of hair loss.
>Hazel eyes
>Had very persistent mild-moderate acne for almost a decade that just recently went away finally. No scarring. I'm the palest person I've ever met. My skin is naturally stupidly dry (will flake within a day if I don't put something on), but fortunately I've found a good moisturizer and it only takes a couple minutes a day to keep it looking and feeling nice. Overall I'd say I have shitty skin even though it's under control now.
>Okay bone structure. Nice brow, eyes, and cheekbones, but jaw and chin are kind of manly. I've come to accept it.
>Lifelong anxiety problems
No deadly diseases run in the family and everyone lives a long time, so I'm satisfied with my genes. My main goal in life is to not die.

>> No.9493675

glorious aryan

not much fat, but probably fat for /fa/, where the a/ is for anorexia
skin is not like porcelain, but very light, plus i dont really ever burn, and i never wear sunscreen
not great bone structure, i have birth defects, would be pretty fucking attractive but some issue with growth as a fetus so fuck that

>> No.9493686

maybe 80 kilos? lmfao pics pls op

>> No.9493702


Ye - it's perfect

>> No.9493705

>fat level/metabolism
very fast metabolism, 135 lbs
thick and straight, no history of hair loss in my family
minor neck acne, multiple scars on my hands
>bone structure
high, defined cheekbones, strong chin, face symmetry is almost spot on except my right eyelid is a bit lower than my left
My teeth are also very nice

>> No.9493707

>fat level/metabolism
Decent metabolism, medium amount of fat
>hair/family history of hair loss
I'm not likely to lose hair anytime soon, but if it that happens i'm black, i can rock the shaved look.
Rarely breakout
>bone structure
Jaw is pretty good, could afford to lose meat around cheeks though.

>> No.9493737

>rail thin
wtf man you're a beast

>> No.9493746

>huge forehead
>ugly earring
>middle schooler haircut
>asymmetrical face
>dresses like a man
>looks like a man
>imgur link on 4chan

>> No.9493747

5 11'
>fat level/metabolism
155 not much fat. Great metabolism.
>hair/family history of hair loss
Dad is bald. As are his brothers. My hairline is beginning to recede at 24.
Fine. Had a few blemishes as a teenager.
>bone structure
Decent jawline. Very symmetrical face.

>> No.9493765

Assholes like you are the reason this place is a sausage-fest. Fuck off, nobody wants you here.

>> No.9493778
File: 105 KB, 600x903, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just being brutally honest
that's what /fa/ is all about right??

*let me defend you m'fair lady* *tips fedora* *wipes keyboard*

>> No.9493783


>fat level/metabolism
fast metabolism but all my fat gets stored in my ass/thighs and it makes my body look retardedly disproportionate

>hair/family history of hair loss
wavy light brown hair.
shit facial hair genes, males on dad's side get insane widows peaks and males on mom's side have solid hairlines so we'll see

big pores/kinda dry sometimes but no bad acne

>bone structure
been told I'm an 8 or 9 out of 10 so I pretty good I guess

other pros:
both parents look relatively young at 49 yrs. (dad has been mistaken as my brother before)
lactose tolerant

other cons:
mild PE
shape of my molars makes me more susceptable to cavities
history of alcoholism/mental illness

I guess I did okay

>> No.9493793

> fast metabolism but all my fat gets stored in my ass/thighs and it makes my body look retardedly disproportionate

this is called skinnyfat, son, you dont have 'fast metabolism'

>> No.9493847

>light skin
>tick black hair
>dark brown eyes
>ectomorph fast metobolism (got /fit/in less than a year)
>skin bit oily but no acne just some black heads in nose from time to time

By /fa/ standards I should kill myself but in my country I'm not that bad and girls like me.

>> No.9493862

"fast metabolism" does not affect body composition. Not to mention everyone stores fat in different areas...

>> No.9493871

the fat I have is a result of some changes in my diet that I made last semester (HGOMAD/poor diet b/c college/excessive drinking) that caused me to gain ~20 pounds. before that I ate whatever/how much I wanted and always maintained a consistent healthy weight.

>> No.9494013

I am you but 6'3" with possibly better than 20/20 vision

>> No.9494039

Blonde, both of my granddads lost the fuck out of their hair so i'm boned
Decent face with minimal acne
kinda crooked nose (is that genetic?)
Skinnyfat on a bad day, almost decent on a good one

i can't complain. any issues i have would go away if i just fuckin worked out

>> No.9494054

>5'6 shit height genes
>metabolism mediocre tier, slight chub
>god tier hair, 80-some year old gpa still has full head of hair
>skin ok, white is a + but some acne
>pretty ok bones, slight defined jaw and normal body

>> No.9494072

minus the height, you are me

>> No.9494113

Same as this except 6ft something.

>> No.9494145

come from two extremes of mexican genetics, the tall northerns (thankfully not as fucked as those uncivlized fucks) and from minions from the coasts, i´m the only one in three generations who is over 1.80m

most of my family is slim or slighlty obverweight, i´m skinnyfat right now but i´ve been skinny almost all my childhood

>hair loss
i will get bald when i´m 35 probably, my father is like 40 and he´s balding already

i was like brownish when i was a kid, now i´m getting paler and sensitive to the sun

>bone structure
according to my nutriologist i have a medium complexion in terms of bone structure

>tfw no future SLP model
pls kill me

>> No.9494299

>male, Asian
>thick, straight hair
>both sides of my family has great hair
>150 pound skinny fat weakling
>skin is alright

>bone structure...?
>tfw asian

>> No.9494312

>fat level/metabolism
50kg, fast metabolism
>hair/family history of hair loss
thin hair, grows really fast. No hair loss neither in my dad or mom
horrible, terrible acne
>bone structure
meh, i can't complain

>> No.9494341


>130lb, fast metabolism

>clear complexion, pink toned, light skinned.

> dark brown hair, slight wave, medium-medium hair texture and fill.

>nice facial structure, though perhaps a bit too expressed.
>get called cartoony every time face posted

>> No.9494364 [DELETED] 

dope fit fam

>> No.9494478

Persianfag here. I'm actually thankful for my genetics

>ottermode naturally
>grandpa on moms side had hair loss
>skin is clear, never had acne and not dry or oily
>pretty masculine facial aesthetics including a slightly big nose (which I dont like but girls say it looks good so whatever)

>> No.9494703

very fucked so I'm on meds
>hair and nose
no acne yes scars

>> No.9494733

>175 cm
>Medium fat cus bulking. fast metabolism metabolism
>Hair is thick, no sign of balding and no one in family is/was balding.
>smooth just some zit now and then but otherwise clean, not dry and not greasy, just perfect.
>strong jawline game and a nice chin
>I like my face, nice shoulders, fuk it i love it all, i'm perf.
would say 8/10 just wish i was taller

>> No.9494736

fuckoff edgelord you sound autistic as fuck

>> No.9494746

insanely fast metabolism, can't put on wheigt if i wanted to
zero hair loss in family
skin shakey atm but getting better
bone structure 9/10 cheekbones nice, jaw 2 stronk, chin perfekt
my nose is a bit stubby but that's fine

9/10 genes i would say
just shit hair, goddamm swiss mountainfolk genes tainted the german genes

>> No.9494759

>183cm asian
>thick hair
>nice ass
>acne and dry skin
>dont get sunburnt
>able to grow facial hair
>flat nose
>strong jaw

>> No.9494767

>>fat level/metabolism
Excellent but I'm wasting it by basically never working out so I'm just permanently skinny. Not bad for clothes though.
>>hair/family history of hair loss
Father is 49, hasn't lost a hair and hardly has greys. I have really thick l-l-luscious hair, as does most of my fam. Granddad on dad's side, however, had an awful widow's peak and was bald by 45. Hoping I'm gonna avoid that cos I have a straight hairline.
Nothing amazing but I didn't get acne pretty much at all throughout puberty so it's good on that side.
>>bone structure
Average. Good jaw, nothing else is special. Shit chin balances out the jaw.

I'm pretty good by this criteria but I don't think you'd know it if you saw me

>> No.9494778

Did you cunts see the height? 2.05m. 80kg at 6'9" would be insane. 180kg is still a big mofo but he could be an athlete or some shit

>> No.9494816

-180 kg
-43 bmi

if he's not a rugby player he's just fat

>> No.9494830

184cm, fuck murican units
>fat level/metabolism
decent, having trouble getting past a certain point to achieve proper ottermode but a nice body nevertheless
>hair/family history of hair loss
dad and his brothers lost most of their hair at their 40-50s, his dad never lost any. on mothers side I only have gramps who had fairly good hair till his death at 60 something. i got a shit hairline though, hope i'll maintain this until i'm like 30
awesome complexion, kinda big pores. no acne, so pretty good overall
>bone structure
longish face and a not-so-good jawline, pretty well balanced overall though

>> No.9494831

>I gain fat quickly but I also lose it quickly. I still look good, because of my body, posture and muscles, even if I'm not slim at the time. I weigh 75kg.
>will probably have to shave when 40 because of the growing baldness
>skin is pretty smooth, but I get some nasty pimples now and then. I also have a big (but now noticeable only when I grin or if I touch it) scar on my forehead
>maybe my hips are a little wide I blame food for that because I drank a lot of soya milk when I was a kid, but It's not even noticeable when I'm dressed up. Jaw and cheek bones defined nicely.
Some defected genes but mostly they would be considered good.

>> No.9494856

Decent body structure, never get fat. About 180lbs (not effay, but good for what I need)
Good hair line, hair is thick.
Okay skin, never had problems with acne.
Somewhat handsome face, I'd say I'm slightly above average.
I've been told I have nice eyes :3
Can grow a decent beard.

Bone structure is not spectacular, >tfw no prominent jaw or cheekbones
Skin is pasty, grand mostly but if people take a picture with flash on then my ,y face is as white as paper and my skin flaws show up obviously.
Whenever I shave I get shaver's rash, so I can't go clean shaven.

All in all, I'd give myself a 6/10.

>> No.9494987

I compete in rugby and strongman.

>> No.9494990

>still believing the BMI shill

Looks like they got our shekels anon.

>> No.9495010

>clear skin
>deep voice

>significant hairloss at 22
>high hairline
>week chin
>barrel chest
>wide legs

i've never been thin so who knows what i'd be like if i weren't like 82kg (180 lbs)

>> No.9495029

> Asian
> shitskin
> 5'8 70kg,fat
> thick hair
> no cheek bones

>> No.9495039

then it's allright

first off, what does this have to do with jews?

also, bmi is just height/weight ratio
of course muscles throws this off
but it's not a scam

>> No.9495049
File: 305 KB, 1330x1863, 7W58cRb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than 10% body fat (distance runner)
>Good hair
>defined cheekbones (jawline is alright)
Could be a bit better, could be a hell of a lot worse, can't complain at all

>> No.9495055


couldn't put on weight to save my life

not bad skin, had a bit of acne as a teenager but im also pretty tanned so i think it covers it up a lot

defined cheek bone, very strong jaw, Romanesque nose

blue eyes, long eyelashes

thick hair at the moment, will probably go bald but not till im about 40 and i look good with a buzzcut so whatever

white skin, blue eyes, light brown hair
its nice to boost ur ego sometimes

>> No.9495071


put a sock in it!
i bet a snickers you're proud of having an under 16 bmi

>> No.9495082

>that feel when 5'11" manlet
>mesonorphic body type, can't put on weight to save my life.
>nice broad shoulders and a skinny waist, feels good bruv.
>parents are in their 60s and still have full, coloured heads of hair.
>badish skin, started accutane and its clear now, no scarring thank god.
>blond hair, Very Blue eye
>Above average facial aesthetics, could be better, I'm 20 and was a late bloomer (16) so they're still coming through.

I've yet to really have a problem pulling recently. Do better than most my friends, so it could he worse. Wish I was about 3 inches taller and had slightly smaller lips.

>> No.9495296

kill me
>Kinda /fit/, 69kg
>Slightly damaged hair right now, father was balding.
>Shitty skin, acne.
>Good bone structure, wish I had a stronger jaw.

a-atleast I'm fit, r-right?