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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 274 KB, 610x260, 54baf710_waywt..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9467395 No.9467395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

new 02/18/15

>> No.9467420
File: 984 KB, 1008x3032, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way plebs. 2k15's FRESHEST look coming though

>> No.9467422
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laundry day

>> No.9467424
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>> No.9467426

You wearin' those to work at Yawbus?

>> No.9467427


>> No.9467460
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>> No.9467467



>> No.9467471


>> No.9467474

your friend is really ugly

>> No.9467475

that outfit cost $600+ asshole

>> No.9467479

aryan master race
blonde hair blue eyes is the epitome of beauty what are you even saying

>> No.9467482

her weight is fine
i just dont like her lipstick shade

>> No.9467487
File: 351 KB, 500x500, feelsgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw my bomber was more than your entire fit and it's not even leather

i hope that was b8, m8.

>> No.9467490

Apparently it is not, since your blonde haired, blue eyed beast friend will never be described as the epitome of beauty.

>> No.9467495

called sarcasm

beauty is on the inside anyway

>> No.9467499


>> No.9467500
File: 146 KB, 400x538, god_damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying our best characteristics aren't our intelligence, innovation & intuition

>> No.9467503

when did flatlander start working at subway?

>> No.9467504

>implying this applies to snownigs

>> No.9467505
File: 28 KB, 345x960, fitfeb182015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wool wool stanz

>> No.9467506

is that your fat dyke gf?

>> No.9467509


When you wonder what that weird kid from high school is doing today... this is what he's doing.

>> No.9467511


gingers? lol

>> No.9467514
File: 31 KB, 500x172, Screen-Shot-2012-04-24-at-2.51.03-PM-copy-500x172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying you're any of the above

>> No.9467515

he's doing his laundry
okay, cool

i bet your mom still washes your clothes lmao

>> No.9467518
File: 393 KB, 1366x768, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shoes

Wearing XXL thrifts doesn't turn your outfit into Yohji unfortunately, sorry to disappoint

>> No.9467531
File: 421 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9467535

is this your way of showing youre jealous

>> No.9467544


pretty dark in that room kek

>> No.9467545

lol huh?

>> No.9467553

you're cute
no homo :^)

>> No.9467556

oh youre a girl?

lol thanks :P

>> No.9467561


not just a girl. a queen. Queen of the Basic Bitches.

>> No.9467573

Oh you were serious about that being you.

>> No.9467575

sickly. youre amazing. dont let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.9467641

aww :') thanks xo

*virtual hug*

>> No.9467646
File: 80 KB, 680x459, tfw no gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's your first day on /fa/ going

>> No.9467651

sadly i think its been at least 3-4yrs since ive posted on this board

i couldve learned like 8 programming languages and built an app or soemthing with all that time

>> No.9467656

What's it like being here 4-5 years?
Do you mean being on fa?
I just started here maybe like 4 months ago but I browsed different fashion forums. But anyways what's it like being here for that long? Is it depressing?
You seem like a fun character but if something has to be keeping you here you know?

>> No.9467658

lol yeah..why wouldnt i..do i look weird or something?

>> No.9467659

what /did/ you do

>> No.9467662

you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

>> No.9467680

it was fun when i first started
cause it was like "oh cool anonymous feedback! everyone is being super honest etc"
realized that a lot of the ppl on here are stupid (1-2 yrs later)
then more ppl just started trolling/giving me bad advice..and i was cute/innocent and took it way too seriously/wasted too much time caring
hmm realized that this isnt really the best place if i want to learn more about fashion..eventually got a life..spent less time online in general
more just somewhere i go on if im bored now/need 3rd party feedback asap..other boards are slower to get back to you

think i learned that the best moments in life are ones that you dont need to post online about (on fb/other social media too)

>> No.9467681
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>> No.9467689

that space jacket is making you levitate wtf

>> No.9467694

ive changed a lot since when i first posted
i was really shy (still am) and didnt have a huge circle of friends back then
even if i did waste 3-4hrs a day on here i didnt really have a social life so it didnt matter
now i feel super guilty if i spend too much time on here (which i do accidentlaly)
cause i either have 100million other important shit i need to do urgently/real ppl irl that im ignoring etc
i miss being that young..but yeah i was p depressed then/had low self esteem
i still do now but not to that extent

>> No.9467695


>> No.9467706

Lemme sex u

>> No.9467717 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9467730

w2c jacket

>> No.9467733
File: 1.85 MB, 884x1304, Screen Shot 2015-02-18 at 9.31.52 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9467782

>at least 3-4yrs
And you still dress like a basic bitch! Ridiculous.

>> No.9467784

implying the people on this board dress well
half these ppl look like idiots irl/have no lives

>> No.9467786

half of /fa/ is meme designer discussion and the other half of /soc/-lite

which side do you think she spent the last 4 years in

>> No.9467917

when did you get cheekbones?

>> No.9467959

where u live in seattle?

>> No.9467968

lmao. Fresh af corpcore

wear shorter socks (srs)

>> No.9468005

nice tits basic bitch

>> No.9468008

is basic bitch supposed to be the new hipster
cause literally ever other thing is "basic" now

being basic is still better than being goofninja/dad-core/whatever else stupid "fa" trend is cool rn

>> No.9468011


>> No.9468018


>> No.9468070

Tits or gtfo (timestamp)

>> No.9468089


>> No.9468093

there are people itt RIGHT NOW who dont know who sicklysweet is


>> No.9468097
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>still not a jap

>> No.9468118
File: 1.58 MB, 3179x4928, 1415290864469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your fits, but why do you always wear so much navy? Anyway, I think you should do something about those cuffs/the taper on your jeans, they're a little too wide--it looks quite jarring when the leg is tapering until it gets blown out at the bottom. I like the Stans, it might be because I own the same pair but It's mostly because they're fucked up, they look pretty good fucked up. I feel like you should look into some different shoes though, what sort of thing are you looking into? Light grey cps seem like they'd work.

I like the vest, as I said in another post, but it doesn't look as good unzipped and there are much better (more jap/mens nonno-esque) versions, the uniqlo j+version is sold out but I think that's a good example. I personally hate the shirt and undershirt. And your backpack.

It also seems like your wardrobe is in a bit of a rut. It's a good thing to have a 'capsule' imo but your fits have stayed very similar for a long time.

Pic related, for example, is similar enough to this fit. I hate your fits with the light wash jeans, too.

>> No.9468134
File: 3.54 MB, 1505x2035, IMG_01455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still getting more pussy than doop_doop reguardless of how real it is lmfao

>> No.9468146

Cut your nails you fucking schmock.

>> No.9468170

go back to reddit

>> No.9468171

did i inadvertantly rek u at some point in my longlasting rekking career?
because you seem to mention me in every (terrible) post

>> No.9468191

Taper those trousers a lil more

>> No.9468192

yeah he should throw himself in the laundry

this isnt meant to be symbolism or anything

he should kill himself.

>> No.9468193
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forgot to upload

>> No.9468199


go suck my butthole u big fag

>> No.9468200

>"8 programming languages"
Girls know what a programming language is?!
I'm in shock...
>If that is you
You're defo cute

>> No.9468205


>amemerican footlel

>> No.9468208

>blazers and skinny jeans

2012 uk teen topman core

>> No.9468212

what dat mouf do gurl

>> No.9468222

I like your knitwear under your 3M

>> No.9468223

I like it!

I've been here since 2009, all I do anymore is shitpost.
You're welcome :^)

>> No.9468226
File: 186 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week

>> No.9468229

>why do you always wear so much navy?
Because i like it and people tell me this color suits me well
>those cuffs/the taper on your jeans, they're a little too wide
I like the way they fit. I could probably lower the cuffs tho.
>what sort of thing are you looking into?
I think a pair of plain white/light grey sneakers (stan smiths) is enough. Probably gonna cop something more chunky like reebok pump furys when i'll have money.
> there are much better (more jap/mens nonno-esque) versions
Well, i can't afford an expensive one from a jap brand or something, so i'm stuck with uniqlo ones.
>And your backpack.
People tell me this often, but i need a comfortable pack with plenty of room in it.
>your wardrobe is in a bit of a rut
I know about this too. I can't afford designer (well, expensive stuff in general) so i'm pretty much stuck to basics and "gap/uniqlo core".

Thanks for the feedback m8.

>> No.9468248
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>> No.9468256
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>> No.9468273


you look like a blade runner here

>> No.9468274

nice and clean

where to cop sweater?

>> No.9468276

thanks meme bros. just imagine me in 2012 when pavement was my favorite band

>> No.9468331

norse projects

>> No.9468344
File: 59 KB, 800x600, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u get the picture

>> No.9468347


>> No.9468349

is that one of the trips here?

>> No.9468355
File: 61 KB, 500x334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.9468367

she was
the grainy photo and the hair made me think it was her

>> No.9468377

Where can I get pants like this?

>> No.9468389
File: 891 KB, 1950x2764, IMG_20150218_152918~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you, I am a robot.

>> No.9468397

This is really nice

What is the flannel?

>> No.9468415

Thrifted levi's

>> No.9468422

those are levis 510

>> No.9468430

>those nails

>> No.9468432

when he started sucking them in

>> No.9468435

fit of the year tbh

>> No.9468441

Mexican janitor/core

>> No.9468443

trim ur fucking fingernails before you

>> No.9468447

awful, looks like you an 8th grader trying to look cool on a kmart budget.

>> No.9468450


>> No.9468454

Are you working out? You look like you lost a lb or two.

>> No.9468457

Lmao what

>> No.9468459
File: 918 KB, 1060x1510, x5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never live in the 90's again

>> No.9468461

> paying that much for a bomber
> being proud of it

>> No.9468463
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>> No.9468470
File: 90 KB, 1137x446, liar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a goddamn liar. This was just a few months ago.

>> No.9468483

uhhh what?
how am i lying

i had another trip i used before/post anon sometimes

>> No.9468485

Who the fuck has a giant mirror in their bathtub? Who the fuck takes a picture in the bathtub. Fucking /fa/.

>> No.9468489

Fuck off Dave.

>> No.9468493

yeah i used to lift/squat/work out a lot more in the summer..starting to get back into it
im actually fatter than normal in that pic

aha aww thanks

>> No.9468497

man, you havent even been here for as long as sickly
no wonder /fa/ is shit now, everybody is new

>> No.9468500


lol'd irl

>> No.9468502

seems like you're new here :^)

>> No.9468504

You just said you hadn't posted in 4-5 years, but here you are.

>> No.9468509

carnival - went as lean

>> No.9468511

can you come back after you learn to read english

>> No.9468512
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>> No.9468518

oh wow i literally forgot to put in one word ..."since i FIRST posted"

like holy fuck are you actually autistic
cant you infer the meaning w/o every little thing being spelled out..sheesh

>> No.9468520

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.9468530
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>> No.9468532

>sadly i think its been at least 3-4yrs since ive posted on this board

This is a pretty straightforward sentence. If you want people to understand you, try and communicate properly.

>> No.9468533

lmao what is wrong with you

im not that guy but u come here and post the most basic shit fit and then use this thread like a chatroom then you get all pissy for something u were wrong abt

>> No.9468534
File: 283 KB, 1126x1675, 1424039821624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not many clothes

wore this again

how bad?

>> No.9468541

what are you trying to do?

>> No.9468544

what is her name? i need to know ;_;

>> No.9468545

Consider suicide

>> No.9468550

sweater is very bad

boots too big with those skinny jeans, looks like clown feet

>> No.9468558

it was carnival/fasching/mardi gras :)

>> No.9468561

w2c glasses

>> No.9468564
File: 2.22 MB, 4128x2322, 20150217_140034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposted af

>> No.9468566

change jeans to black

>> No.9468568

this is a man who wears bucket hats, buys a fake pussy, squats in his parents house and calls me out for not getting pussy
8/8 broheme

fit's not horrendous though
i guess i just hate your personality

>> No.9468571






>> No.9468572


>> No.9468579


doop ur the type of guy to name his shirts and jackets after snakes,spiders, creepy crawlies, etc..etc

>'Viper likes it when u say he looks nice today, dont u viper'

>> No.9468580

kekking at those cuffs m8

>> No.9468586

haha wat

>> No.9468594


you're affraid of cussing so instead u say the following words when around friends, family, church friends (and foes) and what not

ghouls, goons, frigging, frick, turd, douchebag, a-hole, motherlover, what the heck, gosh darn, holy moly, and what a cotton picking minute

>> No.9468597
File: 671 KB, 1000x1073, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chill day, weather isn't shit for once
how is it?

>> No.9468598

>3 tops

>> No.9468600

got me in 1

it's cold

>> No.9468601
File: 160 KB, 638x638, My_Dad_Took_This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retoasting abread because all anyone does is bitch about a repost instead of giving some actual feedback

>> No.9468605

not feeling the knee bags but p nice otherwise, w2c jacket?

>> No.9468618

That's a really cool way of looking at things. And it's cool you took the time to answer!

>> No.9468622

why thank you, fellow cool person
i wish we could hang out, you seem cool

>> No.9468623

>it's cold
so you have a sweater tied around your waist

thats just good logic

>> No.9468624

thanks, jackets from river island

>> No.9468631

Can you stop. you can jingle Santa's balls all you want, but you're still going to look like you're going to a Christmas patty.

>> No.9468636

incase i get cold balls along the way

>> No.9468656

You've posted this is every waywt for the past 3 weeks pls stop youre not cute youre not effay and your fit is shit

>> No.9468660

hahhahhahha faggot

>> No.9468672

There isn't even 18 months

>> No.9468681

lol this isnt me

if youre serious tho thanks ? lol

>> No.9468686

>of that thing

grasping at straws much xD

>> No.9468688

how can i give feedback other than its shit like salmon pants and a blue jumper oh fuck dude way to push the boundaries of fashion i know nobody else does here but at least memechrome looks nice you look like one of those fuckin rocket popsicle things i used to eat in middle school dude are you in college you a freshman thought so like fuck dude come on look at you this might be bait but i wouldnt put it past you to be serious about this look at those boots dude fuckin the most mfa man in the world that was a meme but youre a meme too youre literally a walking meme look at yourself dude what the fuck are you holding in your right hand is it a gun like one of those small concealed guns women put in their purses to shoot rapists with i hope it is like i may be overreacting telling you to shoot yourself in the throat over a fit but i mean how else am i supposed to react dude like fuck your hair looks like fuckin old spaghetti flopping around all over the place you cant wear prep clothes and pull off cool disheveled hair you look like a fuckin spiders nest take that hairbrush on the left and brush your fucking hair dude at least you look like youre living in poverty and you dress like it too dude youre squatting in some fuckin trashed house cause your parents spent all their money on your tuition but instead of going to class youre taking pictures of your shitty fuckin uninspired prep shit fit and posting it on 4chan dude go to fucking class please

>> No.9468698
File: 1.53 MB, 4128x2322, 20150218_083315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyyy memeshirts

>> No.9468700

nice fit bro w2c shoes

>> No.9468757

Hnnnngngg I think I'm in love

>> No.9468766
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>> No.9468771

u dont look good

>> No.9468782
File: 586 KB, 1100x825, sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9468791

Show us some more of those juicy upper arms bb

>> No.9468816

lol thats fresh for real

>> No.9468824
File: 1.09 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9468828


>> No.9468831

really badly fitting clothes, would say TOO baggy for oversized fit
selfie sticks are cancer
not a fan of the 3M/Reflective thing right now, sorry doop
not offensive but pretty boring
so much matchy blue
does a btec in manchester-core
alright, not sure of the texture on jumper tho. I like the colour.
v generic but fits well
i hate you if you roll your jeans up that far and its not just cus you're sitting
I can dig it, but how many of those clothes do you actually own?
genuinely angered me
>wants to dress like they know what they're doing
>doesnt know what they're doing
black jeans
cuffs way to big, consider getting jeans tailored cus they're obviously way too long
19 year old uk shots weed from front door core
ditch grey jacket, i can dig it
would look nicer if coat was all black, dont put gloves in top pocket looks fucking stupid

>> No.9468842
File: 462 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20150218_122924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going for a freaks and geeks look today. Just copped this coat. Comfortable as fuck. Just copped the jeans and skate his... Needed a new skate shoe and they look sexy so whatever.

>> No.9468847
File: 414 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20150218_123117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without the coat.

>> No.9468859

is this ironic

>> No.9468868

Fuck i fucking hate you sickly. Plebcore attentionwhore

>> No.9468876

Nice new balance hat

>> No.9468877

you cant talk this much shit without posting a fit

>> No.9468892

His criticisms were pretty much solid, sorry he shat on your fit.

Sometimes all people deserve is to be laughed at.

>> No.9468900

i wish everyone would chill out and stop taking clothes so seriously

>> No.9468908

he didnt shit on my fit, he said it was "v generic but fits well"

you think things like "disgusting" and "hideous" are solid criticisms? i think that's completely unfair. im not about to say my fit was anything totally new, but he barely made any "solid criticisms"

>> No.9468909

If you mean what I think you mean... then, yeah. IIt's an ironic as fuck fit.

>> No.9468922
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student teaching

>> No.9468953
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>> No.9468957

youre so cute if only you didnt dress like this

>> No.9468971

your students make fun of your clothes, don't they

>> No.9468977

kill yourself

>> No.9468979

You don't deserve to wear that shirt

>> No.9468987

Gr8 b8 m8, give it 8/8
In all seriousness, do you know where you are?

>> No.9468988

You look like a cunt

>> No.9468990

It's a multi-billion dollar industry you fucking plug. Why would people not take it seriously? Go watch The Devil Wears Prada and educate yourself.

>> No.9469005

not usually, sometimes though. builds good raport to joke around about it though.

>> No.9469014

It is Norse project

>> No.9469030

coat and jeans are too big bruh
jeans are an ugly ass color too

>> No.9469042
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>> No.9469052

do you even listen to daniel johnston? please tell me you aren't just wearing that shirt to look like you are into the "2indie4me" crowd...

>> No.9469055

Ph 14 - Basic as hell

>> No.9469091

I've seen Daniel live

>> No.9469096


>> No.9469109


>> No.9469141

What's with all the sub 6ft manlets in skinny jeans and skirts?

>> No.9469167

I would put on black jeans but I'm really liking the light blue jeans with black look altely

and the sweater isn't quite black, or is faded black or something so it looks funny

>> No.9469182

did you buy that off grailed you fucking shit god damnit i asked one question about it one /fa/ and then it gets -SOLD- right when i was gonna buy it

>> No.9469187

chill breh

>> No.9469206
File: 177 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fux is

>> No.9469216

homosexual clown dad

>> No.9469218

It looks like you can suck some mean dick

>> No.9469255

ayy cousin, you wanna go bowling?

>> No.9469270
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>> No.9469274

That jacket simply does not fit you, it looks like it was tailored for someone with a 10" waist and the shoulders of a god.

>> No.9469277

listen here plebgirl, i would fuck you but i wouldnt fuck your outfits if you know what im saying

peace out

>> No.9469281

hope you are trolling

>> No.9469282 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9469287 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9469292

I don't, maybe you should show more (i.e. take your shirt off)

>> No.9469296 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9469301 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9469302
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shut up he gets away with it because he's poor and as deep as poet :)
everyone has to suck this guys cock because they feel bad for him being so poor and delusional
"I'm me Idc I'm the huck and I'm here to fuck"

/r/ing dada to jerk him off

>> No.9469307

Stop it, you dingbat

>> No.9469308

you're required to post a fit after this much shitposting

>> No.9469311 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9469318 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9469323
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>> No.9469329
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This would be better if you took off one of the jackets, or just wore a shirt instead of a hoodie.

>> No.9469330
File: 158 KB, 590x359, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ridicule me, how bad the pants look?
i really like them :( but my senses tell me to wear them only at home

>> No.9469337

it looks like it's tucked into your shoes or some shit (not a good thing)

plus it makes your ass look flat af

>> No.9469339

Are you the lady that lives in the carpark where I work?

>> No.9469345
File: 85 KB, 316x850, IMG_20150218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9469349

you bulking or what

>> No.9469357

i was more talking about the diaper look they give :/
but yeah i tucked them into the shoes cause it was cold... not intentional

maybe in few years, please save me a nice carton box or two

>> No.9469360

Call him Macauley Bulkin', cus he's always home alone.

>> No.9469369

Will do, I'l save up some fridge boxes and throw a party for the other hobo that retires.

>> No.9469382

Halloween wasn't last week l

>> No.9469406
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>> No.9469417

Take your school trousers off, and buy an iron you scruffy little urchin.

>> No.9469448

thanks :'D
k gonna wear them at home and make a t-shirt pocket when they die

>> No.9469481
File: 3.79 MB, 4160x2340, 1424293459569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of laundry rooms

>> No.9469487

That looks like a Spanish hotel room, I'd say either Ibiza or maybe a Greek island.

>> No.9469492
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now nobody can run you over

>> No.9469511
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Challenge accepted

>> No.9469527

that's rude

>> No.9469536

Knoch, can I be so rude to ask for your chest measurement?
It's not as weird as it sounds.

>> No.9469549

I'm not knoch, sorry you got your hopes up.

>> No.9469559

Holy shit, what the fuck man; how did you know I lived in Greece? What tipped you off?

>> No.9469560

Glad he left again or at least doesn't post with his trip on

>> No.9469572

I love bowling.

>> No.9469578

that's dumb

>> No.9469581

yep yep, you still want it?

>> No.9469585

No it's not, because every thread with him in it derailed. Kinda like this one so I'll stop posting ;^)

>> No.9469597

Really gay

>> No.9469609

Literally why would you post this? Fuck off

>> No.9469611

that's even more dumb

>> No.9469614

Fuck this is incredible.

>> No.9469617

Um. My jeans are my exact size and I don't think you know what my post ment when I referred to Freaks And Geeks.

>> No.9469618



>> No.9469629


>> No.9469662

i aspire to have the cheekbones of this man

and no, they can still run me over
they just won't get away with it

also with this jacket i don't have to attach ugly reflectors to my bike

fun fact
in switzerland, if your bike is below 10kg, you don't have to have a bell on it
otherwhise they fine you
the more you know

>> No.9469679

Man in the yellow hat lookin ass

>> No.9469687

Why wouldn't he?

>> No.9469700

this is really nice

>> No.9469704
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>> No.9469799

I don't know, it always has a look to it that's really recognisable.
I'm a designer so I notice the small details and how they relate to the whole, and that room added up to either Spain or Greec.

>> No.9469808
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welcome to middle school :^)

>> No.9470029

You cant even pull off basic bitch lmfao

>> No.9470034
File: 66 KB, 589x786, 1406895059483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a basic bitch means you have no sense of fashion and dress like everyone else. Pic related

>> No.9470040

then everyone here are basic bitch

>> No.9470055

Not really. There are many different styles in this thread. Most people just find their own style through others inspo, not just wearing what others wear like basic bitches

>> No.9470092
File: 2.01 MB, 1152x2048, 20150218_173028_20150218173853058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9470100

damn lol, ur projecting so hard right now

>> No.9470102

is this in Austin?

>> No.9470119

yo huck you work for AA right? like in store retail?

>> No.9470125

wow u look normal here

>> No.9470127

didn't mean to quote that

>> No.9470131


>> No.9470134

Yeah bud.
Yes sir. Training in back stock next week. But I'm a salesman.

>> No.9470139
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>> No.9470142

could do with a cuff or pinroll and maybe a white oxford under layer.

>> No.9470154

what's the book?

>> No.9470155



>> No.9470184

Good feedback. Will pinroll. I plan on wearing an oxford under it for other fits but I think it looks good w/o one too.

>> No.9470190

By chuck

>> No.9470332
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>> No.9470339
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Working with what I have, does it look alright?

>> No.9470353


>> No.9470363

Could you be more specific?

>> No.9470367

Lel nice copypasta. Saved.

>> No.9470381

I think he is saying you should get a haircut but im not sure... Im new xD

>> No.9470382
File: 7 KB, 198x254, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sorry. Id shorten the sides keep the top long. I feel you dude I also have jew hair, no poo helped me.

>> No.9470393

yes please

hmu on grailed and consider buying something to help me out :)


>> No.9470398

You look like any other person.
What were you trying to accomplish?

>> No.9470481


>> No.9470549

w2c cardigan?

>> No.9470561


>> No.9470642

dude...that tight leg opening is not working at all with your shoes
ronald mcdonald lookin ass TA

>> No.9470648


>> No.9470651

stans look terrible here and your clothes aren't interesting enough for all black

>> No.9470690

Shirts navy mang

>> No.9470727
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no its not

>> No.9470749


>> No.9471106

This is okay, nothing special.

Ditch the hoodie, find a better jacket
sik shoes

>> No.9472538
File: 796 KB, 649x865, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
