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9456810 No.9456810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ

>> No.9457620


Brb moving to asia

>> No.9457624

>Americans now strive to weigh, on average, 162 pounds. U.S. men's "ideal weight" is 14 pounds heavier and women's "ideal weight" is 11 pounds heavier than they were 20 years ago, the Gallup report showed. Specifically, men today say that their "ideal weight" is 185 pounds.

Time to abandon the country. Also just date petite women and your problem is solved.

>> No.9457666

What are Asia's standards?

>> No.9457675

>Also just date petite women and your problem is solved.
if a woman's too thick for the dick, drop em and fill your time with a better hobby.
Fat women will get their act together and be better off for it.

>> No.9457688


Avg Japanese woman weighs 115, South Korean 124

>> No.9457690

If there was an English speaking country where the women were still thin, I would move within the end of the year. Not even joking

>> No.9457694

What makes American women so awful?

>> No.9457697

>tfw 5'3" and 97 lbs
I'm trying hard to lose 10 lbs and that's supposed to be the fucking average?

>> No.9457719

Wait, did someone ask for your measurements? No? Oh, okay.

>> No.9457724
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>Be 5'10''
>Weight 159 lbs.

>> No.9457728

That's height and weight, anon.

>> No.9457733

>I was fat and ugly in high school and nobody liked me. American women are pigs. I LOVE JAPAN!!! :3

>> No.9457735

That's a BMI of 28.3.
Obese is 30 BMI or greater

>> No.9457744

fat as FUARK

>> No.9457747

If you're already 97 at that height it'd be unhealthy for you to lose ten pounds.

>> No.9457750
File: 49 KB, 400x311, 1361167317054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're almost fucking obese and when we remark in shock, you resort to making assumptions and talking out of your ass, as if that is okay? Are you retarded by any chance?

>> No.9457752

Alcohol culture, fast food, free health insurance for single unmarried women with children

>> No.9457753

>tfw 5'11" 135lbs

>> No.9457754


>Your BMI is 22.8
>Congratulations! Your healthy weight is well worth the effort. It reduces your risk of serious health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Stay mad lanklet.

>> No.9457759

Unless you're a child, 97 pounds is extremely small.

>> No.9457762

Damn, I'm 6'4 and feel like I'm overweight at 184

>> No.9457768

inb4 tumblr
Not everyone is full skeltal. That is okay.

>> No.9457775

>people on 4chan
>deserving to have standards

>> No.9457778

False Dilemma
That's borderline obese

>> No.9457783

>I'm not a skeleton because of genetics

>> No.9457784

>full skeletal
Oh come on, the average American ham can stand to lose 50 lbs without being skeletors.

>> No.9457805

we r ppl 2!!!

>> No.9457810

i know that feel
at least I cycle and have some tone.

>> No.9457834
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>> No.9457865



>> No.9457886


>tfw living in a country full with beautiful, skinny women with nice asses and tits

I feel sorry for you 'murica

>> No.9457896

>Hullo i am an american white bitch but im also 1/12th this 20% this and 60% this
>things that happened

>> No.9457934

walking around my college campus and I am able to see this average weight. However, it's still shocking when you're also 5'4" and weigh between 95-100lbs, knowing you're around 70lbs under the average.

>> No.9457944

>be 5'11 with a good build
>the average woman weighs 5 more lb than you.


>> No.9457951

lol more because they stuff their faces with antibiotic pumped animal products and cardboard junk food with 100 artificial additives

industrialized food not even once

>> No.9457964

87 lbs?
Bitch you'll snap in half if you fall over too hard.
This is coming from someone with a bmi of 17.

>> No.9457997

That is a meaningless statistic, because there aren't twelve foot monsters skewing the height average ridiculous up by being outliers and alive. Can't say the same about weight.

>> No.9458005

No they're not. The typical American -- "average" is not "typical" -- is no heavier than the typical Brazilian, Mexican, German, Englishman.... You just don't know anything about statistics, bro.

Also, this isn't on topic for /fa/. Fuck off back to /b/ or /fit/.

>> No.9458006


Have fun faggots, it's a real eye opener

>> No.9458010

>The typical American -- "average" is not "typical" -- is no heavier than the typical Brazilian, Mexican, German, Englishman

Are you kidding me
Americans, Mexicans, and Brits are fat fucks
Germans and Brazilians aren't I think, piss off

>> No.9458019

Germans are within 1% of the UK. That's enough to be a measurement error. Brazil is only 1 BMI smaller than Yuropoor, or less than 4 from "fat" America. You don't know shit, son. You see Americans concerned about their weight ratios and advertising the problem to their populace because of their global hegemony and don't even know shit about your home.

>> No.9458022

>0 BMI
>Below National Average
>Below Global Average
>You are most like someone from Vietnam

>> No.9458024

This. Obesity is a GLOBAL thing, even the starving countries are edging towards fat fucks. Why? Because some people get monster-fat and fuck up all the statistics, and because food is worse all over than it used to be.

>0 BMI
Are you a fucking air spirit?

>> No.9458031

>Are you a fucking air spirit?
Hey now anon, that's just what the website said.

>> No.9458032

this is just as bad as fat women saying "men prefer girls with curves"

>> No.9458033

>over 25 is overweight
>15 is starvation
>over 30 is fat
>over 35 is obese
>over 40 is morbidly obese

>retards bragging about being 17, as in skeletons
>retards mocking 27, which isn't even that bad in relative terms
>nearly all countries have an average bmi over 25
>thinking if you aren't 20-23 you are some kind of perfect size

No, nigger, you ain't.

>> No.9458039
File: 29 KB, 563x269, Worldwide-Obesity-Pic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obesity is a GLOBAL thing

>> No.9458040

Are you fat?

>> No.9458043

17 bmi
Below average
You have a lower BMI than 99% of males aged 15-29 in your country
Below average
You have a lower BMI than 90% of males aged 15-29 in the world

>You're most like someone from DR Congo

>You're most like someone literally starving to death and running from domestic terrorists

I eat oatmeal and ice cream for breakfast. What more could I possibly do to put on weight?

>> No.9458046

>obscuring data
>obfuscating cause and effect
>unsourced numbers
>pointing out that there are critical obese in every country, totally defeating your point

Thanks, retard.

>> No.9458049

>"men prefer girls with curves"

And yet you call someone of normal height and weight "fat"
Okay bro, you're obviously some twink twig

>> No.9458050

>17 bmi
Why the fuck did I get a 0?

>> No.9458055

No, I'm a skeleton. I'm just also a mathematics grad and statistical illiteracy grinds me up.
>Below average: lower BMI than 95% of females aged 15-29 in your country Global
>Below average: lower BMI than 81% of females aged 15-29 in the world
>You're most like someone from Vietnam

>> No.9458057

Below average
You have a lower BMI than 99% of males aged 15-29 in your country Global
Below average
You have a lower BMI than 90% of males aged 15-29 in the world

considering nz is now full of more fat pieces of shit than america

good feels all around

>What more could I possibly do to put on weight?

why would u do that

>> No.9458064

You forgot to fill in one of the fields with a sensible number.

Because underweight is as health risky as overweight. Because sex can be painful. Because I don't like how I look. Lots of reasons.

>> No.9458066

>>pointing out that there are critical obese in every country

Of course dumbass, there are fat people all over the world, but obviously some countries have more obese people than others.

Do Norway and the US have the same amount of Obese people even when you adjust for population? No. DURRR


>> No.9458067

did you not even read my post? is your fat obscuring your vision?
"men prefer girls with curves" is something fat women say to feel better about themselves
>you're obviously some twink twig
these are things fat men say to feel better about themselves

>> No.9458070

Filled in the person from the OP image. An OP image that does not cite shit and could have come from anywhere, by the way. It certainly doesn't match the data in >>9458006

BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is National
Above average
You have a higher BMI than 60% of females aged 15-29 in your country Global
Above average
You have a higher BMI than 92% of females aged 15-29 in the world

Did you know?
If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 55,683,363 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population
You're most like someone from Barbados*

>> No.9458073

>these are things fat men say to feel better about themselves
Nigger did you not read MY post? I'm average height and weight, I'm the normal one, you're an anorexic faggot

>> No.9458078

your BMI may be in the "normal" range but that doesn't mean you're not fat
>anorexic faggot
stay mad tubby

>> No.9458089

there is a legitimate source for this data
>Height (inches): 63.8
>Weight (pounds): 166.2
that's actually heavier and shorter (which is a higher BMI which is fatter) than the data provided in the OP

>> No.9458090

What about when you adjust for demographics, like poverty, race, and age? Oh shit that would actually be meaningful data can't do that or you wouldn't be able to be a nationalistic dicksuck ignoring the real problem in favor of getting egotistical about shit you don't even have a hand in. Or what about showing the outliers, both on the "starving" and "morbid obese" end, the ones that are radically different from the statistical mode or normal average? Aw damn better not perform meaningful data selectivity or you can't be a sneering cunt on the internet, waving around numbers you don't know the meaning of and linked to firms with agendas and outdated samples.

>you fat, you american, you tumblr, you intelligentsia


>> No.9458094
File: 59 KB, 150x192, 1341021837313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your BMI may be in the "normal" range but that doesn't mean you're not fat
Yeah I'm actually obese but with a "normal" range BMI because that's totally possible.
Go to bed now Stringbean, adults are talking.

>> No.9458096

>One prevailing pattern that certainly helps keep obesity rates down is a higher prevalence of poverty than the OECD average.

>> No.9458099

>your BMI may be in the "normal" range but that doesn't mean you're not fat
thats actually exactly what it means

>> No.9458100

the bottom line is that being 159 lbs at 5'10", unless you have a substantial amount of muscle mass (which I'm sure you don't), means you have an excess of body fat and are thus fat
rather than denying it I suggest you channel your anger into something productive, like going on a run or a jog or even a walk if that's all you can manage

>> No.9458108

>unless you have a substantial amount of muscle mass (which I'm sure you don't)

>I have 0 muscle mass
>Therefore no one else does
Go eat half a kid's meal cheeseburger

>> No.9458117


Am i underweight?

>> No.9458120

literally if you had muscle mass you would understand the implications of BMI rather than resorting to insulting anyone with a healthy amount of body fat

>Go eat half a kid's meal cheeseburger
this is exactly what I'm talking about
I have an appropriate amount of body fat
eating a cheeseburger won't make me any healthier
this is why you're fat

>> No.9458125

>live in murica
> 5'6" and 113
>people encourage me to eat more and tell me its okay for me to eat junk food.
> if I talk about even losing a few pounds I'm the worst person in the world.
being skinnyfat is the same as being anorexic here

>> No.9458128

>5'4 160 pounds is simply not full skeletal
stfu nerd

im 5'10 155 and Im skinnyfat as fuck, I can grab my gut with my hand and I have love handles and I look like shit in skinny jeans because of my fat ass thighs, so that should put 5'4 160 lb in perspective for you

>> No.9458137

>your BMI may be in the "normal" range but that doesn't mean you're not fat
"You may have autism but that doesn't mean you have autism".

>> No.9458141

If you work out you'll have a "higher" BMI than usual because muscle mass has a much greater density (it takes up less volume than an equal mass of fat).

You cannot grasp this concept because you're just a 100 lb sack of bones.

And yes I can eat a whole cheeseburger because I eat angus beef, we're not little vegetarians like you lanklets ;)

>> No.9458162

BMI is a statistical measure, it has nothing to do with how much excess fat a person has (not the person you're replying to but seriously, how do people not understand this?)
You can have a bmi of 17 and have a high body fat, you can have the bmi of an obese person and be fit as fuck (Football players & Bodybuilders)

>> No.9458171
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>> No.9458174

>89 lbs

>> No.9458177

the phrase "fat" refers to an excess of body fat not an excess of total body mass
the former is what you have, the latter is what you think you have

>If you work out you'll have a "higher" BMI than usual because muscle mass has a much greater density (it takes up less volume than an equal mass of fat).
this is true but your reasoning isn't even remotely correct
why are you bringing density into this? bmi has nothing to do with density
it has everything to do with height
you have an excess of fat, not body mass
your BMI isn't high because you work out too much, it's because you eat too many cheeseburgers
and you can eat a whole cheeseburger because you're already fat and you've already given up in life
idk why I'm arguing with you though
you know what they say about manlets

>> No.9458180
File: 24 KB, 600x800, chubby asian5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me father, for I have sinned.

>> No.9458183

are you 9?

>> No.9458186


>> No.9458187
File: 51 KB, 457x496, 1423184243313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your BMI isn't high because you work out too much
It's not "high" you mong.
>you know what they say about manlets
yeah yeah, "when will they learn hurhurhur"

>> No.9458188


Mmm, the rare chubby Asian. Like a legendary pokemon where I live.

>> No.9458195

am 6ft1

how does the average american woman weigh more than me? being fat seems really gross, hard on the knees, sweat, unattractive, nice clothes are not meant for round sagging bodies, like that, their hearts have to work too hard.

Are they suicidal? wtf.

>> No.9458202

yeah right maybe if you count your age in base 4

>> No.9458204
File: 41 KB, 425x473, Hipler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Vancouver

Fat asians are commonplace
fobs bloat up fast
especial CCCCCCCCCkoreans

>> No.9458219


165 is a lot for someone at that height. I would consider myself at an average weight for my height (110lbs, 5' 3") but this makes it seem like if I were to be the American average I'd have to weigh another 30 pounds. They're one inch taller and have an extra 1/3 of a person on them.

>> No.9458237

If you are grossly overweight, like 165lbs at 5ft4, your main goal in life, before Television, reality tv shows, baking, laundry, buying maternity wear, grey's anatomy, boys, your family, taylor swift, country music, friends, should be to lose weight.

I really can't see anything wrong with this idea.

>> No.9458240

damn some of these women carry their weight infinitely better than others
ridiculously fine honey:
then this thing:

>> No.9458246

>lower BMI than 68% of the US
>higer BMI than 72% of the world
>25 BMI
>most like Greece

>> No.9458253

if somehow had the choice to be covered in 30+ pounds of lard that stretches out their skin, on teh only body they will ever have for all time, or to spend 4 months watching what they eat to look as good as possible, why would they choose the Lard Option?

The Average American chooses the Lard Option.

>> No.9458295

That is overweight

>> No.9458316

are you serious?? koreans are some of the thinnest in the world. even thinner than the japs

>> No.9458382

I live in San Francisco. Some mornings on the way to work I play "try to find a woman over the age of 30 who doesn't have visible abdominal fat". I have literally gone 2-3 days at a time without seeing any (if I don't count Asians).

I don't understand how married men just accept their wives slowly destroying their bodies. I would rather stay single and fuck prosututes all my life. Would save more money that way

>> No.9458386

>ridiculously fine honey

Beta detected. That thing looks like a bouncy ball

>> No.9458407


>Are they suicidal

Nah, most women here dont care since feminists have made it incredibly taboo to even discuss anything relating to weight. I see fat women happily devouring junk food all the time.

What's most fascinating to me, is that, as a woman like 60-70% of your attractiveness is based on your body. It is SUCH a competitive advantage to be a skinny woman in America because they are so rare (especially as you go up the age chain). Yet most women still don't give a flying fuck. If you told me "you can do this one thing to make yourself WAY more attractive", I would be fucking ecstatic. But it's not that easy as a guy

>> No.9458473

>29 year old

>> No.9458476

what the fuck are you inb4memeing for? you are tumblr with this response

>> No.9458480

Average Korean weight 75 lbs
Average South Korean weight 125

>> No.9458486

this is false and hardly makes any sense

>> No.9458496

"You're most like someone from DR Congo"
dam & i'm male , this is pathetic

>> No.9458529

Native koreans maybe, but once you move to the us, 2-3 generations down they're pretty much like anyone else. Grew up in california, east asians were like 30% of my high school. Maybe if they had 1st gen parents they'd have something different.

>> No.9458560

this exactly this

>> No.9458570

underrated post

>> No.9458599

trolls are boring

>> No.9458611
File: 781 KB, 900x889, 1329452120398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 20 of those pounds can fuck right off
Jesus christ America get it together.

>> No.9458616


>> No.9458626

>"you can do this one thing to make yourself WAY more attractive", I would be fucking ecstatic. But it's not that easy as a guy
Be rich

>> No.9458641

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.9458654

u sound stocky and nasty

>> No.9458660

6'1 probably somewhere in the 180s,havent weighed myself in a while n prob not going to until im comfortable enough w/ my cut but
>tfw not fat and yes muscle

rick shirts look rly nice on a good build tbh makes my back and chest rly pop

>> No.9458721

You have to be trolling. She is gorgeous. Hip pinch, big tits, no overhang, curves like a mountain road.

>> No.9458744
File: 35 KB, 400x284, haha_estoy_usando_el_internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why i only date asians

the heaviest one ive dated was 120lbs at 5'4

all the other ones didnt go over 100lbs

its hard for a mexishit like me to get asians, but not impossible

>> No.9458772

how does a mexiguy get an asian girl?
i'm mexican aswell. i've been mistaken for flip or iranian though.

>> No.9458806
File: 277 KB, 1600x1200, update1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does a mexiguy get an asian girl?

have asian friends
hit on asian girls

youll be surprised, there are a lot of asian girls (and guys) that like hispanics...some even exclusively

one of my friends exclusively dates mexican girls, he is korean

>> No.9458839

lmao 185 is still too small

>> No.9458842

>darker skin than they are

you have no chance

>> No.9458859

>You're most like someone from DR Congo
Holy shit

>> No.9458865


>> No.9459488


>> No.9459504

Liberia, nice

>> No.9459508

>What more could I possibly do to put on weight?

Work out, you sissy. Eat healthie. Protein, not ice cream.

>> No.9459535

bmi has been proven to be flawed it dosen't even cover in bf%, why would you want to be 'normal' when the normality is to be fat anyway

>> No.9459545

how does free health insurance affect weight?

>> No.9459554

At first that didn't seem like it's too bad.
Then I found out that 165lbs is 75kg. How the fuck can someone of that height think being so heavy is healthy? Shit's fucked yo

>> No.9459562


>tfw Bhutan

so close
oh well seems like a better place than the Congo anyway

>> No.9459587
File: 76 KB, 500x374, kim_jong_un_gun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u laughing at my country faggot ?

>> No.9459635

>Which end do I point to South Korea?

>> No.9459646

lol stupid americans
come on down to australia, we've got heaps of hot skinny chicks, wayyy hotter than yankee sluts
sucked in americans

>> No.9459658

where the fuck is Comoros?
lower bmi than 84% of males in my country

and im actually fit with decent muscle mass

fuarkin fat cunts

>> No.9459669

fuck that, I'm 6 ft and weigh 140, after losing 30 pounds

>> No.9459681
File: 1002 KB, 3632x4536, vomit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9459698


that means there are american women fatter and smaller than this

>> No.9459727

best country on earth. 15 times less people than americrap and basically achieving just as much in sports, culture, economy, science
we're just a lot better on average

>> No.9459741

>basically achieving just as much in sports, culture, economy, science
>we're just a lot better on average
are you kidding me?
nobody anywhere else in the world gives two shits about australian culture or sports or science. and your economy is solely propped up by china, so when that goes to the shitter expect yours to as well

>> No.9459755

>goes to the shitter
sorry dude but china will take over usa's gdp within 2 years and won't get any smaller. their middle class is bigger in population than the entire usa
australia is only going to get better and better
we have the highest wealth per person as well on average

>> No.9459761

australia is fucking disgusting

>> No.9459769

jealous kiwifag detected

>> No.9459773

new zealand is shit, too

>> No.9459905
File: 16 KB, 360x240, carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26 BMI
>Below National Average
>Above Global Average
>You are most like someone from Samoa
Jesus christ, I'm doomed.

>> No.9459918

The problem is although I'd rather die alone than pair off with a fatty, fat ham planets have the most babies so my sacrifice is in vain

>> No.9459937

>tfw 5'1" 100lbs gf

>> No.9460010

Are you sure the average isn't hurt by outliers? Like, if there's 50 women who weigh 130 and 10 women who weigh 300+, it could seriously mess it up. Judging by people I see on the street everyday I feel like most women I see are no more than 140 at most. Then again, every time I pass through a rural town while traveling it seems like everyone is at least 30 pounds overweight.

>> No.9460139

sometimes i wonder if you're serious and i worry

>> No.9460165


>> No.9460402

Pick one

>> No.9460412

>food is worse

top kek bad food makes you fat right?

>> No.9460470

I'm a 5 foot 11 grill and In weigh 148, should I commit sudoku?

>> No.9460476

>You're most like someone from Afghanistan

>> No.9460499
File: 176 KB, 400x406, 1420749348511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DR Congo master-race ?...guys ?

>> No.9460509

"You have a lower BMI than 88% of females aged 15-29 in your country "
"You have a lower BMI than 61% of females aged 15-29 in the world"


>> No.9460518


I refuse to date anybody heavier than me. And seeing as how 155lbs is going to be viewed as anorexia it looks like I'll have to start looking for my dates at counselling centers or start buying onaholes from j-list so I don't resort to fucking fatties

>lower BMI than 90% of U.S. males 15-29
>lower BMI than 57% of males worldwide 15-29
All this superiority and yet I still have no lanklet indie gf. I bet the 10% above me take all the gfs

>You're most like someone from Guinea

>> No.9460526
File: 547 KB, 1209x1373, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UK average weight: 75kg (165lbs)

>> No.9460532
File: 14 KB, 500x500, 1421948185478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DR who?

>> No.9460533

>Lose 10 more pounds
What's the need OP, you've already unlocked hungry skeleton mode.

>> No.9460602


same bro, bulking though, trying to gain some upper body strength and hit 145 by spring, then cut back down

>> No.9460613

What BMI is the most effay for guys?

>> No.9460636
File: 185 KB, 251x284, 1380884351981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a foot taller and weigh 11 lbs less.

>> No.9460741 [DELETED] 

over consumption, materialism, lack of ideals, lack of knowledge, fast food, awful public education system, media oriented ideas, fat acceptance, feminism, lack of self identity.

>> No.9460747

its spooky around here tonight boys

>> No.9460750

I'm 6 feet taller and 30lbs less.

>> No.9460760

I'm 9 feet taller and weigh 45lbs less.

>> No.9460765

I'm 11 feet taller and have no weight,

>> No.9460770

I'm 100 feet taller and have a negative weight.

>> No.9460961


Nope, weight is on a normal distribution

you're just not noticing women over age 35. Outside of New York and Miami, the female population in America over age 35 that is legitimately thin (aka flat stomach) is like 1-2% at most, with half of that being asians

>> No.9460976

>I refuse to date anybody heavier than me

I won't touch a woman who's >120. I couldn't care less if I'm single my entire life. I'll just accumulate wealth and fuck high class escorts. If women as a whole are throwing in the towel, I'm not going to just accept it like the majority of betas in this country

>> No.9461059
File: 38 KB, 430x453, 1413909849993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grils with a weight over two digits

>> No.9461111
File: 119 KB, 768x600, 3e4ed83b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 5'6
> 100lbs
> b tits
> flat ass
why even be a woman?

>> No.9461143

I think that western men have enabled this by constantly telling their wives and gfs 'i prefer a bit of meat on my women' or 'curves are sexy'. If men didn't accept such slovenly appearances in women, then women would make more of an effort.

>> No.9461170


But most men are afraid of the cognitive dissonance. Biologically they are hard wired to find thinness attractive, but there are virtually no thin women around anymore. So what do they do? Pretend to actually like thick women, or "women with curves". There is a reason that 99% of EPL players, movie stars and hedge fund managers have extremely thin gfs/wives, it's because they have the ability to actually choose their optimal mate and don't have to lie to themselves


>> No.9461180

i think you're fucking retarded and have no idea how to analyze large trends and causal relationships

>> No.9461185
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>tfw girlfriend is 6'1 and hovers around 125lbs
>tfw i'm not a hedge fund manager
>feels good man.jpg

>> No.9461186
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>> No.9461187

5-4 and 128 lbs girl in america, where i live most people are only a little fatter than me

>> No.9461209

you get 0 because you fucking put for example 180 instead of 1.80

>> No.9461313


All x = y does not mean all y = x. Also statistically speaking there's a good chance your gf will let herself go once you put a ring on it

>> No.9461334

that's still pretty big

my gf is an inch taller than you and weighs 90lbs. she's not even anorexic

>> No.9461395

k but does she have D boobs and a butt worth speaking of

>> No.9461407


>Real women have curves :^)

Delusional fatty detected.

How many fat rolls do you have? What about chins? Surely no less than 3.

>> No.9461419


you mean fat tits and fat ass?

>> No.9461424

he le epic trolling

>> No.9461429


>Le Epix shitposting :^)

>> No.9461430

fatty detected

>> No.9461476

34-24-34 measurements. i plan on never putting a ring on that girl

she'll just stick around.

>> No.9461881

>mixed vietnamese/german-irish woman


I read a lot of Japanese magazines that have weightloss ads in them and a lot of azn women have that apple body shape. Not that whites can't have that kind of body shape but "... androgens tended to be lower in Western-born women, with differences of more than 10% observed for A and T." (source:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2364275/))
Androgenic fat distribution would be more common in azn populations where their bodies don't produce enough estrogen to counter the male hormones on average.

>> No.9461908
File: 262 KB, 800x1180, 131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur typical East azn doesn't really look like >>9461111

Those fucking hips, though. god.

>> No.9461964
File: 284 KB, 800x1180, 138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if you want moar hot asians to fap to, don't fret, I've got plenty.

>> No.9461973
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can't beat that holocaust victim-tier body!

>> No.9461982
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>> No.9462003
File: 448 KB, 760x576, jesus.......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so hot!

>> No.9462025

But I'm a tranny, anon. If I get buff then everything is ruined.

>> No.9462041

>as much in sports
Which is why you're a nobody at the olympics every year?
Which is why you're a laughingstock at best and no one knows anything about your shit country except "eh cunt throw another shrimp on the barbie this is a knife"?
Okay now you're just being retarded. You aren't even remotely an economic competitor.
Name three important Australian discoveries, inventions, or innovations. I give you three chances, in three categories, to dazzle me. You can't.

Hahaha the Australian education system, everybody! "Artificial inflation bubbles created by ghost cities and an economy completely failing to transtition away from factory work that kills millions of their own people is never ever going to burst ever because it's just SO REAL and HISTORICALLY SUSTAINABLE!"

>> No.9462055

Yes, retard. You don't know a fucking thing about nutrition or about the biological response to a steady stream of poor quality.

>> No.9462100

>e biological response to a steady stream of poor quality

stop being such a tryhard

Having mono/poly unsaturated fat-laden foods as a staple in your diet isn't nearly as bad as eating ONLY saturated-fat laden foods. Your body needs fat to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

Eat what you like but only in small portions is what nutritionists rec much of the time because that's what fucking works. If you want top lose fat,a low-carb to no carb diet is optimal. Cutting out all fat is stupid and dangerous.

>> No.9462146

Yall niggas getting baited
>Read it on the internet so it must be true.

>> No.9462167

lol, confirmation bias, my friend. /Fa/gotts only believe what they want to believe.

>> No.9462179

>19 bmi
>You're most like someone from DR Congo
bitch u guessed it

>> No.9462479

dear leader plz

>> No.9462537

No one is fucking talking about fat, you stupid fuck. Now who's being the tryhard?

>> No.9462790

>bmi of 30.2

Might as well kill myself.

>> No.9462837 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9462854

i almost thought i was the skinniest in my country... until i noticed that i didn't put the dot into height

>> No.9462865

pls dominate me with your big feet and bladder

>> No.9462893

125lbs at 5'10 is thin though...

>> No.9462896

look like trannies with bad photoshop

>> No.9462899

>girl on the right

Thank you hungry skellington please do not steal my gains

>> No.9462902

Hey man, I was 32.1 this time last year. Now I'm 24.5. I still got some work to do but it's definitely an improvement. You can do it too, bro. I believe in you.

>> No.9462909

Or; You could get off your lazy ass and do something about it, instead you fuss on an anonymous imageboard.

You made yourself that way, no one should feel bad for you.

The only thing stopping you from losing weight is yourself.

>> No.9463013


damn. i'm 21 years old and weigh 130 lbs.

>> No.9463035

>22 BMI
>lower than 89% of males 15-29 in the US
>lower than 56% of males 15-29 in the world
>most like someone from Cambodia

Anyway damn US get your shit together. Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.9463144

>You're most like someone from DR Congo*