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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 199 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2014-11-29-23-27-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9406196 No.9406196 [Reply] [Original]

Regular clothes edition

>> No.9406201
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>> No.9406203
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Going to my own funeral tbh

>> No.9406221

you're thighs are too muscular/fat for those pants, they look silly

dressed by internet, iron your shirt, okay trousers

>> No.9406228

honestly, if you got /fit/ and put on some muscle these fits would look so much better

its just the proportions are a little weird and people probably think youre gay in public but if you lifted it would look goat

you still have the greatest jackets

>> No.9406236
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>> No.9406245


>> No.9406249

uhh would you happen to be even the slightest bit bicurious

>> No.9406261 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9406265
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thrifted the jacket

>> No.9406268

w2c shirt+jacket?

>> No.9406272
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as per request

>> No.9406275

Not even a little. Exclusively interested in women and hamburgers

>> No.9406289

idk man
why would you voluntarily wear that color

>> No.9406291

both are poeme bohemien

>> No.9406304
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>> No.9406315

making a quick getaway

>> No.9406331
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>> No.9406335 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9406339

I usually dislike your fits.

This is really cool. I can see this work in urban envorinments.

>> No.9406340

Are the shoes Schmid?

>> No.9406341

Huck is pretty buff... Have you seen his calf's?

>> No.9406346

Any tips to improve? Always open to suggestions, that is one of the reasons why I post.

Shoes are ma+

>> No.9406349

better than yesterday
I really like your fit, but it looks like you work in a bait and tackle store

>> No.9406356

coat looks cool, deets?

>> No.9406365

one of the nicest outfits ive seen on here

>> No.9406369


I literally can't see past whatever the fuck you are doing with your sleeves. Please don't do that.

>> No.9406376

this is... really well done. the baseball cap juxtaposed w the boxy, reminiscent-of-formalwear angles of the coat and the fact that they share the exact same texture and color, the rumpled socks, the long sweater, the fact that you've got the neck pulled up around your nose to protect you from airborne pathogens. would bang/10

>> No.9406378

Oh... just wear what you like and how you feel like, I guess?

I really don't like giving advice here. /fa/ pretentiouness has ruined that. People tend to state their opinions like they're facts.

>> No.9406387

I like this one, huck

>> No.9406401

what's wrong with standing like a normal person?

>> No.9406411

my mirror isn't good for standing up for fits bc you couldnt see the whole thing if i did

>> No.9406420

m80 did you really have to wear shelltops

>> No.9406445

and i just don't feel like it

also it shows i'm a dynamic, on the go person ;)

>> No.9406471

true. works with my avant fits. not so much this one :3

>> No.9406477
File: 572 KB, 1437x2133, ay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should i work on?

gimmie some critique

>> No.9406492

working on your photography would be the best start lmao

>> No.9406546
File: 1.25 MB, 1872x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximum Keking

>> No.9406553

You're cancer

>> No.9406556

Holy shit roll down your sleeves dude.

>> No.9406557
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Reposting old pic cus wearing almost the same thing

>> No.9406560
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smh fukin normies

>> No.9406561

$1200 shoes in a poverty neighborhood

>> No.9406568

Get rid of that fucking jacket holy shit.
Also fix what the hell is going on with your hair.

>> No.9406572

proportions look like shit

>> No.9406593

U dont know ???

Yah tbh, poverty is modern couture

>> No.9406611

the fur hood is utter trash what are you the female antagonist in a disney movie?

>> No.9406616
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>> No.9406620

nice fit.

can i get info on the undershirt?

>> No.9406639

post face

>> No.9406662
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>> No.9406667


you should include your face in your fit pics, i bet you'd get less hate

>> No.9406680

we dont deserve you

>> No.9406706


Thanks, its a diy shirt from years ago made by an old trip named user, he used to sell some items off his tumblr

>> No.9406712

Lose reflector on spokes, no rake of fork is cool but the arms look a little chunky. Is this an aluminium frame? Replace stock brake levels, those look cheap.
Maybe replace entire brake system and go for cantilever brakes. Always wear a helmet when riding.

>> No.9406718

really like this
the supreme hoodie instead of the crew would look better imo tho
better shoes, slim hightops or something
meh, i dislike the print

>> No.9406720

yeah, ive been meaning to mod this bike

im copping bullhorns and removing front brake(its god awful) and then knocking iff reflectors

its chromoly so its a bit heavy

lovely thing tho is that its got a double top tube

probably not going to convert to fixed though, i like the ability to place the pedals on single speed

>> No.9406725

also what you mean by "no rake of fork"

>> No.9406728

it's awesome

>> No.9406734

>cantilever brakes
>not a cross bike
I'd go for discs m8. I do have cantis, but I would never recommend them for someone who rides in a city

>> No.9406736

odds are im just gonna leave the stock rear brakes, they are good enough to drift on command so im not in danger yet. the front is god awful. im actually removing those rn

>> No.9406737
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Old road bikes used to have a bend at the fork taper. Pic related. It was tacky, and now with crabon forks, they become useless.

>> No.9406754
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>> No.9406755

>sleeping dogs core

>> No.9406757


>> No.9406763

oh tru

yeah str8 is best
anyreason why no one does double top tubes anymore? i can seat peope on my bike wiht it

>> No.9406765

not even that guy but look whos talking
the unlikable tryhard faggot that tries too hard to fit in

>> No.9406766

Those arm stacks tho.

>> No.9406775


>> No.9406777

>not even that guy but look whos talking

>> No.9406781

Pants look off, looks blue to me. Guess I'm color blind. The rest looks excellent. I.D on shirt?

>> No.9406789

Really great, love the palette and most of the pieces in here.

w2c socks?

>> No.9406799

wrong open world crime thriller game with the word dogs in it bro

>> No.9406813

Whats the newshit on /fa/? Last time I was here I q_ko was a dude and I immediately left

>> No.9406814

There is always one thing I dont like about your fits. In this one its the pants and the socks now that I think about it. Not only do the pants stylistically fall out of place but also texturally, the biker pants just look odd here. The socks I dont like because they make your ankles look weak and puny but also because they fuck the palette. I know you like changing it up with stuff but I just think when you do some stuff like the biker pants it hurts the fit.

>> No.9406823

Fuck off no one you and your creepy soft porn foot fetish or your trash opinions.

>> No.9406839
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The horse head was when I went to get snacks on campus with my coworkers. I did not wear it all day.

>> No.9406841
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>> No.9406850

some steel touring bikes still do, but having two top tubes is a great deal of unnecessary weight and manufacturing time. Check out the riv Sam Hillborne for examples

>> No.9406852

Before I was fashion I ran a bike shop

I don't recommend conversions from geared to fixed ever. The bottom bracket is lower on road bikes, and you can get some seriously dangerous pedal bite

Also just being a turd. Bike looks rad! Just ride safe;
I say canti's because they apply pressure evenly to both sides of the wheel well. They aren't the most practical, but I think they look cool and are harder to work on which makes then more fun. Disc brake are badass but if his chronoly is already heavy it might add a bit to the weight.

>> No.9406862

you are the best trip

>> No.9406863

its already single speed, i have a flipflop

fixed looks completly unreasonable. i cant even go faster could i?

>> No.9406866

Socks are CDG
These are the crits I come here for- was trying to make it more urban with the pants. Would have been better with a textured sock that matched palette of the jacket. I do try and go for looks that aren't totally "safe" and sometimes thwy are at 90%. Thank you for the insight!

>> No.9406869

one of your best, shoes are maybe a lil out of place and the pockets look lame

>> No.9406871

like it, do u bruv

>> No.9406872

he's not even a trip

>> No.9406877

not feeling the bottom half but its still a very nice fit. points for originality as always

>> No.9406879

fixed is only a good idea for bmx or track. hit up /n/

>> No.9406882

god awful


>> No.9406886

It doesn't matter how long you wore it, you, a grown adult put a fucking plastic unicorn head on your body for longer then 60 seconds and went out in public with it. You are a reddit meme. I hope you're happy

>> No.9406889

yeah thats what i thought. all my friends ride single and so do i. is fixed just a meme then?

i can see you doing track and being used to it but to have a commuter be fixed is wack to me

>> No.9406891

Dad-core pleb

>> No.9406893

your jaw. jk, work on bottom half. pants arent the worst but they look awkward, might be your posture. shoes are just boring

>> No.9406894

Pants fit are a bit off but other than that p dope. Where did u cop that hoodie?

>> No.9406911

please ride with a front brake.

>> No.9406914
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>> No.9406923

your shoes are bumming me out man

i think youd do well with a suede buck instead

>> No.9406926


those are suede. What exactly is a buck?

>> No.9406929

Ive been putting off getting them altered forever. The hoodie I copped on grailed a while ago its Undercover fw09 if that helps
Thanks. I like the pockets without them the pants would be just another generic wool pant. What shoes were you thinking?

>> No.9406931


Bucks are a specific type of derby, almost always made of suede and usually with a contrast sole.

>> No.9406939

username *whatever*

>> No.9406941
File: 29 KB, 750x540, rwpostman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something more akin to a traditional derby

ive been wearing these postmans for the last month and have found that they work remarkably well with darker pants

>> No.9406992

oh well

>> No.9407004

You're one to fucking talk bud

>> No.9407014

really good

>> No.9407018

nice one birthday

>> No.9407042


>> No.9407051


those are pretty nice

>> No.9407069


>> No.9407076

please kill yourself you fucking epic juge meemer i gfukcing hate all these stupid fucking faggots telling me i am bad and they fucking do shit like this this vboard is so sillyt and nobody is serious but i fi ileaave then ill be a faggot

>> No.9407078

To ride fixed you have to live in a good city for it. A city like Charleston, SC I perfect. Flat, too small for a car and just too big to walk around. Fixed is a very pure way of riding, ACTUAL kirin track bikes have the minimum amount of parts it takes to make a bicycle. That means less things to go wrong and it is easier to repair.

Track bikes arent the most practical for commuters and your legs will get HUGE. But fucking hell, they are so fun to ride.

>> No.9407085
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>> No.9407086


i ride single in both chicago and lauderdale

you deal with any backpacks?
i need a new one and im thinkin chrome or some one similar, i need something techy and milly thats breathable enough to ride.

>> No.9407094
File: 49 KB, 720x721, IMG_20150130_163008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only backpack I fux wit is pic related DAWG
Actually just go for an actual bag maker. Chrome bags are meme but they are durable as fuck. I haven't been in the circle for a minute so I'm not sure which brands would be good or practical right now.

>> No.9407097

triple aought design

>> No.9407113
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Damn these captchas suck

>> No.9407120

Outfit is bomb.com

You tried the voice captchas? Freaky shit

>> No.9407123

at least if i fucking stroeked i wouldnt ahve to read your fuckign shitty posts

>> No.9407125
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Stop fucking around and post cool shit

>> No.9407128

yo what's up dada, thanks man

didn't even know they had voice captchas

>> No.9407131


Neither did I until my computer started talked to me like a snake fart

>> No.9407132
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Went back to my hometown over the weekend and got to hit up my favorite thrift store. Got this flannel :^)

>> No.9407134

i feel as if im missing some meta-commentary in your fits. i like very few of them but it seems as if some people do which i don't understand. maybe im stupid.

>> No.9407136

teenager core

>> No.9407149
File: 174 KB, 1020x1403, fukken sick inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off im a free hero

>> No.9407154

hey dada how much clothing do you own?

>> No.9407175

oh yeah, those
shit's straight out of an art-house horror film

>> No.9407185

Maybe we're all just different and have seen different things and made different ideals based on our experiences. Giving us some culture and a reality to perceive. Maybe some of my fits belong in your reality and you enjoy that. Maybe they're different and they make you uncomfortable.
Maybe some people have seen some stuff like mine before and it makes them nostalgic, or its something they've never seen before and it gets them excited.

I don't know either man.
I'm just some punkass

>> No.9407188



>> No.9407194

im gonna go ahead and try to take that as a compliment
>tfw 20
>no longer a teenager, feeling old af
>surrounded by people only a couple of years older who dress like it's 2006 and are just really late on everything, like what you would expect a 30 y/o to be like
>what if that's me in two years
>what if that's me now

>> No.9407195

really dope

i personally dislike the graphic hoodie, shoes aren't too good either

what shirt is that?

>> No.9407199

Are thoe clothes real?
on the bottom they got price tags and all.

>> No.9407213

everlane heather

>> No.9407271
File: 1.90 MB, 2448x3264, 1416794528346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you the dude who had his mom take a picture of him

>> No.9407293

this guy's fits are forever ruined for me now

>> No.9407309

just like you

>> No.9407326

oh my faggot please die in combat or hiv

everyone else here looks like a fucking fool. your moms must be embarrassed to have their sons beg them to take pics of them with faggot clothes on

>> No.9407330

this is actually the worst thing ive ever seen
birthday go kiss your little brother and get raped by doop doop after your shift is over at the movie theater

>> No.9407335

oh wow its you. your like a small piece of poop that wont flush down the toilet tbh. fuck off

>> No.9407336

i personally like the change in texture that the biker pants bring as well as the sock/shoe combo

i think fashion is becoming more welcome of variance in texture/color, as can be seen in a lot of the fits on Sufu nowadays where people are wearing long plaid undershirts instead of a basic white tee and and varied color palettes with a lot of bright's and earthy tones

even more so having this variance in texture and color is a way of establishing your unique style. i cannot say there are many posters like you that experiment with textures and colors and can pull it off in the fashion you do.

>> No.9407350

oh wow its another fuckboy who swears he's better than everybody has cause of "mur fashion cunt its so nxt lvl" smh

>> No.9407357

/b/ or tumblr? which shithole did you spawn from, and will you go back?

>> No.9407365


>> No.9407369

I agree he needs to fuck off but seriously how new are you?

>> No.9407372

not very

>> No.9407374

kek i love showing this board off to my mates and have a good ass laugh that people like you exist and care so much about something trivial like fucking cotton clothes

god bless you guys. please continue to dress like this

>> No.9407376

i missed u

>> No.9407396

you know nothing of fashion
you just come here to shitpost
at least you're honest about it i guess

>> No.9407404

>you know nothing of fashion

tell me, are you a designer?
of course not youre a ugly faglord who spends his time looking at other guys wear overpriced clothes

take a good long look into yourself kid

>> No.9407534

>take a long look at yourself kid

From the guy doing literally the exact same thing as the people he is shitting on

It must suck being broke AND having low self esteem

>> No.9407544

>all this projection

>> No.9407546


People convince themselves that they're good fits just because they're not "the /fa/ uniform" and post compliments because they want to seem like their taste is somehow better due to the fact that they like something different than what's popular on /fa/ at the moment. They're just the same as the people that started prep threads as soon as they saw monochrome outfits gain popularity on reddit.

>> No.9407550


>> No.9407612


>> No.9407631

nice dick, p big

>> No.9407642

wtc jacket?

>> No.9407648

wtc scarf?

>> No.9407663


its military

>> No.9407703


>> No.9407711


military surplus

>> No.9407753

>military surplus
where can i buy this jacket specifically?

>> No.9407766

Conflicting styles with the pants and the top. Otherwise, great

>> No.9407780

Military surplus store. Army navy store. Any army surplus site. You should be more interested in which issue the piece is and what year.

If you like the style of that jacket and have never been in a military surplus store, you definitely have something to look forward to.

>> No.9407813

any idea about specific issue/year? also, thank you !

>> No.9407850
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>> No.9407861
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Haven't been on /fa/ in a while, how'm I doing?

>> No.9407871

Sick jacket man.

>> No.9407887

i think it'd be better with a solid black long shirt under, or none at all
the way the graphics are positioned (sides, chest, groin) is very distracting because of that black block in the middle

>> No.9407923

Everything is nice, but none of it goes together. Also your hairstyle feels like it's clashing with the outfit. Too much going on.

>> No.9407925

u always make me wanna bash u but then not and it makes me wanna bash u harder

>> No.9407929
File: 500 KB, 500x375, Dancing cracker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strut yo stuff, white boi

>> No.9407931

Nice skirt

>> No.9407933
File: 66 KB, 645x470, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, if i didn't know how ugly you are i might get offended
but that long ass face with the frail body underneath
nobody could love a face like that, even a mother
that's why you even shit on the place where you spend all of you time

>> No.9407934

id on your shoes huckboi?

>> No.9407955

American apparel.
What? Why?
Dont know what else I would do

>> No.9407959

Nice outfit, if you were going for the dirty grunge rock fan look

>> No.9407966


1950's Korean war era probably

>> No.9407969

Meh, better than most people on here but not great. Good job tho

>> No.9407978

wh-what? how could you tell anon-kun
Thank you! That's exactly what I was going for. I was also wearing blacked out hi top chucks with the top part unlaced that one way that looks all grungy or w/e.

>> No.9407985

huck, brah, you got a qt smile and you should dress like this more often because your normal fits weird me out
-dude that shaved his beard

>> No.9407994

You should grow a fu man chu. Thatd be cool

>> No.9407995

if there's one thing ill leave 4chan with it's the image of your face branded into my iris

>> No.9408004

I used to hate you but with each waywt thread I'm liking you & your fits more and more.
It's nice to see someone who pays close attention to the way they look but doesn't come of as a pretentious perfectionist.

>> No.9408013

Your facial expression is always a nice touch to your fits I feel :3

>> No.9408017
File: 1.04 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No flex zone
No flex zone
They know better
They knoooow better

>> No.9408019
File: 908 KB, 1123x2231, WP_20150203_07_19_22_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I comfy enough?
I feel pretty comfy

>> No.9408036
File: 791 KB, 1663x3268, DSC_0050~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't sorry

>> No.9408049

looks labial but i dont hate it

>> No.9408062

I love this, and I love your aesthetic taste.

>> No.9408064

10/10 pretty comfy with a hint of professionalism.

>> No.9408070

I like it, you're cute.
str8 male btw
bretty gud.
w2c pants?
like. but take better pics.
Oh god no those sleeves.
wtf r u doing with this picture.
Diggin it.
Jacket is a little big on your shoulders, though.
White hoody kills the fit. looks bunchy and blah. Try something that lays better.
You are 2 sizes too skinny to wear a jacket that bulky.
I like it but the white shoes kind of clash with the sweater. An off white would be better
bretty gud.
Not bad
Jacket needs to be a shade or two lighter to work with all the white. but the silhouette isn't bad.
boring but i like it.
fashion victim /10
no. I see what you were going for with those shoes and you missed by a mile. And this comfy core shit needs to stop.
nice job

>> No.9408077

You forgot me :(

>> No.9408080

it was intentional you faggot

>> No.9408102


>> No.9408107
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x2000, IMG_20150201_215413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop fucking around and post cool shit

>> No.9408119

>Looking like this much of a bitch
You often get beat up at bars?

>> No.9408154

good fit, don't listen to these fucbois

>> No.9408160

Please never stop wearing that jacket

>> No.9408162

>poverty neighborhood

>> No.9408171
File: 103 KB, 768x1024, MNfvryx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip me limb from limb manlets

>> No.9408185

hahahahaa lol what???? the heck

>> No.9408187

>H&M sale rack got me like

>> No.9408219

Topman. You were close

>> No.9408246

But seriously your outfit looks like shit
The material the pants are made from looks cheap from the puckering in the knees. Your shoes make your feet look like turds and clearly don't have any arch support, again very cheap. The under shirt is some trickle down fast fashion shit lifted from like 6 years ago when givenchy did paisley which sucked then and this rehashed idiot version makes you look like one of those bisexual forever 21 employees that have dirty fingernails and smell like they've touched a mans ass since the last time they showered. The denim shirt is literally the blandest most basic thing on the planet and I just hate it. Its awful. Your earlobes are too big to be aesthetic. The tile in that bathroom makes me depressed.

>> No.9408247

Thanks for making me smile :) haha

>> No.9408250

And btw, its not even denim, jew-boy.

>> No.9408261

Fake denim. Whatever. You still look like a gay mans fart smells.

Are you at a hospital BTW?

>> No.9408270

No. An office. Those kind of tiles are everywhere man

>> No.9408282

I asked if you were at a hospital because if I were dressed like that I'd literally be dying

>> No.9408310
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>> No.9408464
File: 991 KB, 768x877, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y's For Men Jacket / Uniqlo T / YYPH Pants I tried to dye black / Docs

>> No.9408465
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Damn just realized the way it was sitting on me made it look like I have a huge mangina jockstrap shape goin on

Does not look like that when fixed

>> No.9408468

Please tell me why you like those pants

>> No.9408470

you clearly doesn't comprehend our comfy ways

>> No.9408476


they come up to my nipples when unrolled
they're massive and have really cool details shown here >>9408465

>> No.9408481

[JH] hoodie?

kills the fit, doesnt look that great sorry :/

>> No.9408482
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eh I'm comfy

>> No.9408484

good lord that is horrifying, delete immediately

>> No.9408488

if you weren't comfortable in a tshirt and shorts i'd be worried for you

>> No.9408490

Sorry bout shit quality pic, plus gf's dirty mirror

>> No.9408498

i bet it reflects her personality

>> No.9408508


>> No.9408509



>> No.9408536

seems to fit, p basic but that being said it looks nice

>> No.9408560

Thanks brother

>> No.9408566
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>> No.9408590

w2c shoes

>> No.9408594


Not the cunt but those are European edition stan smiths

>> No.9408647


>> No.9408658


>> No.9408671

haha. looks like it might be his dad?
either way looks like the person is wearing shorts, which makes it even more hilarious because this kid is in chinos with a blazer and a scarf

>> No.9408674
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im so ok with boring.

>> No.9408675

shit man is there a third gunman? if the dad's wearing shorts then theres also someone wearing long pants + converse

how deep does this go

>> No.9408682

keking at this whole outfit

>> No.9408683

how fucking stupid can you possibly be?

>> No.9408684

look closely behind the fence on the grassy knoll

>> No.9408710

lol 4 shirts
looks fucking stupid

>> No.9408913
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l m a o

>> No.9408925

i would love this but shoes kill it, dont do rest of it justice at all.
its a travesty.

>> No.9408959
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>> No.9408970

looks exactly like julius

>> No.9409043

If you notice in the bottom right it says "Julius"

>> No.9409069
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>> No.9409083
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>> No.9409084

Bottom says spring/summer top says winter. Put on some socks or something if you want to look more wintery or a lighter top if you want to keep the bottom.

>> No.9409087
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pale today

>> No.9409089


>> No.9409092
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nothing special

>> No.9409094


>> No.9409097


>> No.9409103
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>> No.9409104

Top giggle

>> No.9409107

overrated toast

>> No.9409110

nice. w2c jacket?

>> No.9409112

legit thought you were doing the head swivel from the exorcist from the thumbnail.

>> No.9409114
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smaller image here

>> No.9409118

w2c big cock

>> No.9409120

You live in Colorado rights?

>> No.9409126

no, london

>> No.9409131
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I know it's still a bit basic but critique is welcome.

>> No.9409132

Oh lol don't know who I'm thinking of then, fit is cool but you need some difference in texture between top and bottom and the white tube socks are lame and played out. Shoes are cool but could look much better if you changed a few things.

>> No.9409140

w2c jeans?

>> No.9409145
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>> No.9409147

this makes me laugh for some unapparent reason

>> No.9409148

fuck lol

>> No.9409153

dont know why my pic decided to tilt, though

>> No.9409157
File: 615 KB, 1113x2058, 1420114309659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuccbois will always be fuccbois

>wearing raf simons x adidas
>wearing adidas shoes
>wearing rafs weakest shoes yet
>g-guys it's designer

>> No.9409160

you look like one of the guys that own tres bien

>> No.9409163

what shoes are these? i never knew ;/

>> No.9409164

what pants?

>> No.9409166

raf x adi from the aw 14 collection

>> No.9409167

why thank you

>> No.9409168

thanks, I appreciate the advice. The camera and lighting are shit so it makes the jean look a lot weirder than rl.

QQ, talk shit post fit lol

>> No.9409171
File: 291 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-3-15 at 12.45 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need advice on this. I used to really like this shirt but I'm not sure how "good" it looks on me. None of this shit is iron'ed and it looks sort of..goofy or something on me. maybe it's the angle of the picture too. I'm struggling to find what colors look good for my certain skin tone. Navy and normal blues look good but I feel like alot of colors just don't work for me.

>> No.9409172

I have never seen such a fuccboi.

>> No.9409173


>> No.9409174
File: 189 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-3-15 at 12.37 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another pic

>> No.9409180
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>> No.9409181

I know it's bad :/ i guess I'm just looking for advice on skin tone and what colors would look best. I realize the pants are a fucking terrible combo with the shirt

>> No.9409184

w2c henley?

>> No.9409185

how new r u?

>> No.9409188

American apparel

>> No.9409189

Yeah the clothes aren't good, but the fuck is wrong with that posture, what the hell man?

>> No.9409190

you would get better advice over on reddit

>> No.9409191

hucklesnich fix your teeth

>> No.9409192

lol I'm not sure exactly, was just doing a stupid pose for shiggles. Is the shirt bad in itself? would it look better with darker or lighter pants or should I just ditch the shirt completely?

>> No.9409193

>clothes aren't good


>> No.9409195

wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.9409198

not even once

>> No.9409199

I don't know! I really liked the shirt, it was an impulse buy and now I'm having buyer's remorse

>> No.9409202

but there's not nothing fucking wrong with the shirt. if you like it, wear it.

>> No.9409236

Hey man

Shirt could be cool if you brought it in a little. Buy a sewing machine and look up a tutorial on YouTube, it is MUCH easier than you think and can really help. Just make it more fitted in the sleeves and body and you're on you're way to mfa heaven.

>> No.9409314


>> No.9409369

pretty dope

>> No.9409551

yo that mockneck looks super weird with the shirt
i dig it, might try it myself some time

>> No.9409560

that standoff a shit. that guy on the left could just shoot him, the other guys sword is under his arm theres no way he could get killed

>> No.9409571


i'm put off by the short length of the pants, would want them at normal length, otherwise cool!

>> No.9409583

definitely different shoes, cool top half thou!

>> No.9409657
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It's my dad in the reflection wearing jeans and converse. I dont know why this is such a big deal, I assumed that's how everybody got their non selfie fit pics. Anyways I slept in late today and my dad was already at work when I woke up so here's today's fit.

>> No.9409662


the shirt is cool and it looks good with the jeans. It's just weird cause you're seeking /fa/'s approval so hard. It's just a plaid shirt.

>> No.9409675

>I assumed that's how everybody got their non selfie fit pics
if i asked my dad to take a picture of me like that to post on the internet he'd rightfully give me an ass whoopin

>> No.9409678


sorry your dad doesn't like you

>> No.9409682
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>> No.9409685


no need to cuff the jeans in this fit. Also, black jeans aren't ideal with a lighter denim jacket,

>> No.9409689

Is that you Mikey?

>> No.9409694
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Wish I coulda got more of the sweater in the pic. I'm so comfy it's so heavy and the pattern is great

>> No.9409727



>> No.9409754

Oh God hahaha. You are trying so hard... poor you.

>> No.9409784

Nah it is you ya buzzy cunt, I recognize that house. It's me, Bazza, we used to be mates back in Year 8 but then you kinda became a loner and we stopped hanging out. You still living in in Dubbo? Me and the rest of the boys moved to Sydney ages ago.

>> No.9409860

damn this guy doesn't catch a break

>> No.9410430
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granny edition

>> No.9411144
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shit grey hoodie. Suglasses and coat from thrifting.

>> No.9411513

the shirt's neckhole feels sorta weird to me and i think the jeans look a bit too long. otherwise is pretty decent

>> No.9411517

i like it. it'd be cool if you played around with different pants to go with that jacket.

>> No.9411532

im not really feeling the socks but this is fine