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9380888 No.9380888[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do i see so many people on this board talking about smoking? is damaging your health to look cool effay?

>> No.9380894

yes /thread

>> No.9380945

>he obsesses about "health"
You're going to end up as a corpse sooner or later and in the grand scheme of things it won't make a difference if you live to 5, 55 or 105. Take a chill pill.

>> No.9380962

Smoking is cool, being addicted is not. Don't pick up smoking you have an addictive personality and aren't sure you can handle it.

>> No.9380969

*If you have an addictive personality

>> No.9380971

I recently started smoking and I wish I hadn't

However, it did take me 2 weeks to finish a pack of 10 so I don't think I'm addicted

>> No.9380974

you dont smoke

>> No.9380981

>you're country
>Do you smoke?
I'll start.


>> No.9380995


what a surprise kek. don't mean this negatively bro but honestly not surprised a bosanec would smoke.

>> No.9381004

>Smoking is cool, being addicted is not.

But isn't cocaine dependency effay? What's your basis?

>> No.9381040


>> No.9381057

Not at all. Leonardo DiCaprio posing as a cocaine addict in Basketball diaries is effay, but if you've ever met a real life addict you know that there is absolutely nothing effay about a real life coke addict.

They smell like shit, look like shit, dress like shit, etc because all of their effort/money goes into getting that next high.

Being addicted to smoking isn't uneffay for the same reasons though. Personally, to me, I think being dependent on any substance is just a bad look. Smoking at parties/after an awesome meal/after sex is definitely the way to go, although most people don't have enough self control to do this on the long term from my experience.

>> No.9381075

that's not really smoking
3 a day is entry level

>> No.9381087

smoking looks cool sometimes because holding a tiny stick and having smoke around your face can be cool looking sometimes but it's not worth it because they're expensive and bad for your skin and stuff

>> No.9381135

So, your body is entirely insusceptible from the effects of nicotine? How did you learn to do that or train your body to resist naturally-occurring chemicals that are purposely added into cigarettes and cigars? If you're smoking at every part, after every awesome meal, or every time you get laid, you're completely impenetrable to these chemicals.

You should really take yourself to a genetics laboratory or a cryogenics place so your perfect body can be preserved for centuries...that is if you don't ruin it with all of these decadent food and fulfilling intercourse you're having.

>> No.9381156

10 a day here

i kept changing my mind about whether i want to quit or not (addiction is bullshit), but now ive just decided for good that i want to smoke for a few more years at least, i cant be assed with the stress of constantly debating with myself whether or not i should stop doing it

>> No.9381215
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Was a heavy smoker here. Had (still have) depressions and anger issue though I quit smoking some time six months ago due to health reasons.

Stop smoking if you could. I don't care how fucking effay it will make you look but like what they always say, you and your health is all you have etc.

>> No.9381229

smoking relieves my stress and depression temporarily

>> No.9381240

No, but used to, and I think about it all the fucking time

>> No.9381246

New Zealand
No, it's expensive, bad for your health, and smells awful

>> No.9381247

people that smoke in hot countries are weird

SAD is real people

england is a depressing shit hole

>> No.9381253


smoking is cool is Europe. In America it's pretty trashy.

>> No.9381279

this is tru

>> No.9381304

what about adderall dependancy? I get it for free and it makes me not hungry, what've I got to lose?

>> No.9381316


>> No.9381326


>> No.9381330

is being borderline addicted to weed /fa/

>> No.9381366

it's not really something to fuck with unless you have adhd. It's pretty good but being dependent on it wouldn't be hard if you get it for free. People don't realize it's just a dubbed down cleaner version of meth. I say take a ton of it for a week straight and report back on your findings.

>> No.9381375

hell yeah. Nothing screams "fashion" like being a pathetic loser who can't deal with his privileged life without a drug that's physically impossible to get "addicted" to

>> No.9381378

what the fuck does that even mean..I'm on temporary lay off and I've been smoking all day everyday up until this past month because of money issues. It's the easiest thing to give quit, just gotta get past a few days. If you say you're addicted tho id probably kill yourself

>> No.9381400

I do that, quite often actually. I think I might actually have add though because it makes me incredibly calm and clear headed as well as focused and I never really get any kind of comedown from it and I have never experienced any of the negative side effects from it. I usually only take small doses of it though, like 20-30mg

>> No.9381441

i'm not addicted, i only started smoking a few months ago, when i smoke, i smoke a packet a day, but i can go a week without smoking any or even thinking about it, then i smoke a packet a day again

i guess the guy who said, that the addiction depends on you as well and not just on the chemicals, has some truth after all
you just need to have a strong personality and will (which helped me losing 25 kgs a few years ago, that kind of strong will)

>> No.9381454

I don't smoke because it's not healthy

>> No.9381459

Yeah same, makes me calm and clear headed. I like it but you build tolerance if you are using it for recreational value everyday. Please don't think you wont get side effects, that's just silly and ignorant

>> No.9381473


This argument is so beyond flawed... there are about, oh, a gorillion things in the modern age that can ruin your health. Smoking is just the icing on the death cake. It's so easily avoidable and there's so much scientific data about smoking out now that it's become outdated and borderline symbol of retardation to do it. If you use your vocal chords and you smoke, youre an idiot. If you're an athlete or you exercise and you smoke, you're an idiot. If you rely at all on your appearance and you smoke, you're an idiot. It just isn't worth the hassle and health problems down the line.

>> No.9381479

you're right, I should cut back on it but it's quite easy to get accustomed to taking it everyday. It's makes you feel so much more functional and I no longer zone out, or lose my stuff or end up completely off topic and it's also balanced my mood swings out a lot too. I am seeing an ADHD specialist on Feb 2nd, I want to get a perscription or maybe try a different one like Dexedrine or Vyvanse. I should definitely take a break from it though before anything. Thanks mate

>> No.9381538

>Naturally occuring
>purposely added

>Completely misunderstanding how addiction works and talking as if you have the slightest knowledge about it.
>Being this much of a butt-hurt weak-willed faggot.

There's nothing special about being able to smoke from time to time without becoming addicted, dude. Get over it, you just have no self control.

>> No.9381561

Kek, if you didn't know that, then you're just misinformed Nicotine is a natural product of tobacco, occurring in the leaves in a range of 0.5 to 7.5% depending on variety, but because of it's addictive nature, it's purposely added by tobacco companies (read: keep business coming back). Poor strawman is poor.

>acting as though you have a higher understanding of addiction
>projecting your own delusions

keep bumming cigs from people who would never look at your twice and don't forget to smile through your coughs.

>> No.9381599

If you're already cool, smoking amplifies that coolness. If you're not, you'll just end up looking like a tryhard. It's a difficult balance.

>> No.9381630

United States, California

>> No.9381644
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>actually smoking when you're alone or not socializing


>> No.9381662

>smoking is cool
only because corporate marketing and product placement have made you think so