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/fa/ - Fashion

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9298643 No.9298643 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it exactly that girls copy each other to such an extent?

The common understanding is that girls are into fashion/are fashionable, yet I see far less girls dressing in a way that suggests they put much thought into their outfit than I see guys (this only includes those who put *any* effort in). They all just seem to do whatever they see all their friends do. I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone here, but those massive scarves that girls just hang over their shoulders are literally everywhere in the UK at this point. I also notice the trends of girls all dying their hair the same colour in waves. Brown. Blonde. Brown. Blonde. Shoes as well, especially for school-uniforms for girls, they copy brown or black, they copy style (like those plimsole things, or the leather type).

It's even factual that more men than women have android devices, more girls have iPhones... because they are all the same so they can all copy.

Then, of course, there is the Han Solo cosplay meme.

What is the deal? Why is it then that girls are considered more fashion-oriented when they, in the majority, don't have any real taste?
I do realise that this is a board where almost everyone copies the memechrome look, but from what I can tell there really any places like /fa/ for girls to discuss fashion and to mass-spread a single look, yet they all just copy each other.

I suppose my main focus is the fact that while perhaps more girls put an amount of effort into their dressing, it's not like the guys who do put effort in wear 'uniform' fashion on such a widespread scale as it is with the fairer sex.

mb even tripsk can weigh in on this, she has seemed active recently.

>> No.9298645

there really aren't any places*

>> No.9298650

why do guys on /fa/ copy each other to such an extent?

>> No.9298674

op already talked about this..
you didnt read the op. that's bad. that's evil.

>> No.9298687

girls at flyoversville, USA dont count

this better be bait

>> No.9298977
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>from what I can tell there really any places like /fa/ for girls to discuss fashion and to mass-spread a single look, yet they all just copy each other.
Yeah.... ever heard of real life?
How about Pinsterest?
Facebook/Instagram/Vine/whatever social network kids use these days?

>> No.9299009

Do you not know what "in style" means? Or what a trend is?

>> No.9299072

>especially for school-uniforms for girls
underage b&

>> No.9299102

because most females are incapable of independent thought

>> No.9299126

A lot of girls subconsciously have to maintain their status amongst their peers. If X has something Y doesn't, Y will have to get it as well.

>> No.9299140
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i can tell you don't go outside often