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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 231 KB, 610x260, unchained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9263557 No.9263557 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9263687
File: 2.42 MB, 2048x2048, collage_20141228191338021_20141228191521310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hittin up the bars. Take care everyone

>> No.9263690

Ditch the chain and the bowl cut and you're golden

>> No.9263702

diggin the slav gangster look you got goin on
shoes maybe too shiny for my tastes

>> No.9263704
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>> No.9263708

>shit shoes
>shit legs
>shit pants

I bet hoes laugh at you

>> No.9263718

Clean. Simple. Nice.

>> No.9263726

hey look its mr steal yo girl

>> No.9263729
File: 1.29 MB, 1502x4320, IMG_20141227_190643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9263737

No chance, stay home. I'm being serious you have 0% chance of getting lucky. This isn't a trolljob. Stay home until you can sort yourself out. Bars aren't the right place for un/fit/ berry gatherers.

>> No.9263739
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Trying something different not sure if i like it

>> No.9263742
File: 78 KB, 717x960, image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me /fa/

>> No.9263744

holy fugg

>> No.9263747

lose w8

>> No.9263748

ayy lmao that ass

>> No.9263751

Awesome! Jumanji style :^)

>> No.9263760
File: 3.02 MB, 2144x4128, DEC28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting, going to bed so I can't respond to posts about the chair.

>> No.9263768

If people saw you on the street they would laugh, jeer and hurl tomatoes at you

Cool but you look adolescent. You should inject steroids.

>> No.9263776

Pencil neck

But wait. I'm here to save you!

You just need to buy the Head Strap Fit For Hercules! Once you achieve a 16 inch neck women will open their legs and men will respect you. I hope you succeed.

>> No.9263778

i like it

>> No.9263782

remember don't shoot anyone if you start getting upset

>> No.9263788


I get what you're going for, but every single piece is so boring that it just comes across like your mom dressed you for church but then you threw a hissy fit until she let you wear your stan smiths instead of those square toe shoes you got for christmas one year.

>> No.9263793

hello hungry skeleton

>> No.9263797

lose the hat fuckface

>> No.9263819
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>> No.9263827
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>> No.9263833


>> No.9263835

transcendent youth aviation repair core

>> No.9263837

thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.9263840

So dope, except for the cuff on the pants, uncuff those.

>> No.9263841
File: 417 KB, 960x1280, sundaynight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the jizz stained mirror

>> No.9263845

how far along are you? any moring sickness?

>> No.9263850

Anon, please help me recreate this fit.

What are the parts involved?

>> No.9263867
File: 334 KB, 957x732, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys ready for this?

>> No.9263874

wear some fockin socks u mong

>> No.9263876
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x3264, 112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuccboi reporting in with shit lighting
shirt is black
pants are navy
socks are salt & pepper
self esteem is low

>> No.9263880

i am u just can't see them christ

>> No.9263882

fucking kek.

>> No.9263886

slippers? and wear you jacket proper

>> No.9263893

this is awesome
/fa/ has a pretty bad aversion to giving credit where it's due lately, wats up with tat?

>> No.9263921
File: 97 KB, 533x971, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9263925

looks like shit

>> No.9263933

Samefagging is not /fa/

>> No.9263941
File: 67 KB, 1024x683, Fb6ZCzah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copying my fit

>> No.9263942


pls be troll

>> No.9263945
File: 34 KB, 429x429, 32199314124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wears a joy division hoodie
>calls others embarrassing

>> No.9263947

looks comfy

>> No.9263982

The pants are skinny olive Asos chinos.
The shirt is just a cheap long sleeved cream henley. I honestly just copped that at Target.
The sweater is just a cheap burgundy cardigan from Forever 21.
The boots are cognac Aldo Popaks (http://www.aldoshoes.com/us/en_US/men/boots/cold-weather-boots/c/233/POPAK/p/33391765-28)) The watch is a gold Timex, and I have an antler collar chain pinned on the sweater. I got that from an Etsy shop (https://www.etsy.com/shop/DapperandSwag)), but beware, the antlers both face the same direction so they don't make the U shape of an actual rack. I still like it though and use it as an accessory a lot.

>> No.9263985

What bomber is that?

>> No.9264017

it was hot
and no

>> No.9264025

what are the denim pants?? looks grate

>> No.9264044
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l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o l m a o

>> No.9264069
File: 122 KB, 1263x949, gt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fit on those asos chinos
im fucking dying here lads

>> No.9264079

post fit or fuck off

>> No.9264086
File: 289 KB, 480x476, wp_ss_20141228_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally my first hour on /fa/ and I've given completely guessed advice to people in two different threads

That being said, how much to I have to change to not get laffed at by qts

>> No.9264093
File: 38 KB, 364x547, 8997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you honestly think that's any worse than this shit?

>> No.9264097


l a m o

>> No.9264099

Awesome, thanks a bunch.

>> No.9264112

>he thinks they're clarks
bro just leave

>> No.9264117
File: 35 KB, 333x306, krule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just what the FUCK were u thinking, guy?

>> No.9264120
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Fit of the year

>> No.9264122

Close to good. Swap the shoes. Ignore autistic 13 year olds.

>> No.9264129


dope but needs better shoes

>> No.9264130
File: 1.27 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_5688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norse Projects

>> No.9264143

Another painfully boring fit, why post?

>> No.9264145
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>> No.9264147

how's college life going bruh?

>> No.9264150


>> No.9264153

thankyou for legit response
didnt expect this faggotry from such a looked up on fellow aus shitposter

>> No.9264155
File: 434 KB, 1224x1632, 1413653378945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you?

>> No.9264156

The thread is "what are you wearing today" not "post avant-garde fits"

>> No.9264157

don't resize your images in ms paint

>> No.9264159
File: 82 KB, 551x604, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underage pls go hawai

>> No.9264160


>> No.9264161

Yep that's me

>> No.9264163
File: 67 KB, 368x629, 6896708099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty obviously is

>> No.9264165

haha nice one! very 'e f f a y' my dude! love what you did with the bottom half! but uh... where's the 'q t e f f a y g f'? mind if i snag her from you?...

>> No.9264170

oh my god stance just shut the fuck up

>> No.9264172

your fits are clean homie
do you always wear the same shoes and socks though?

>> No.9264177


>> No.9264178

yoo wtc coat/shirt

>> No.9264182

holy fucking shit every fucking fit from you is such absolute garbage. Just stop posting Im so tired of seeing nice pieces look like trash when you wear them. Seriously you are probably the worst poster here besides tproc and the 80s coke dealing jew. FUck off

oh and please refer to this thread

>> No.9264183
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>> No.9264190

Thanks stance I like your fits tho

Usually same shoes, I have a couple derbies that I post here along with a few others that aren't really /fa/. I'm not too wealthy so I get new shoes pretty infrequently. I have a million pairs of grey socks though, those are always different

>> No.9264191
File: 1.70 MB, 246x437, 1411571105149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9264193

but if its the same shit we've all seen a multitude of times before what is the point of posting you stupid cunt?Its just the same shit over and over again
>cp derbies/acne adrians

>> No.9264195

Patrik Ervell

>> No.9264202

Idk some people like my fits that I'm sure don't mind me posting. You can filter my trip if you want

>> No.9264203

dude just shut up
if it looks good it looks good
shit doesn't have to be complicated to look good

>> No.9264207


i remember i bought this shirt, it was XS and was way tooooooooooo small

>> No.9264213

Your fits are pleasing to the eye but you look too soft and girly. Work on an alpha physique and stubble, and lose glasses. Even Gosling starts looking beta with glasses.

>> No.9264230

no dude, just no. sell all your shit until you figure out how to dress

bruh that shirt is godly

>> No.9264234

>Idk some people like my fits
>if it looks good it looks good
Its like you people think taste is objective or somethin fuck off you stupid cunts. Basic shit can look nice but not with the same boring pieces over and over again. Your fits aren't fashionable at all is what you need to realize just stylish, so yeah the lowest common denominator of this board is oin to fawn over this because of how accessible it is. Bascially your fits are radio music no one who actually likes music listens or likes radio music.

>> No.9264251

fashion doesn't have to adhere to your vision
it can be as simple or as complicated as it wants
just like every other art form
accept it

>> No.9264259

Honestly it sounds like you think taste is objective. Like something has to be cutting edge to be good. You are affixing one definition to something that isn't really definite, why can't you just accept fashion as something flexible and subjective? People here like my fits and people here don't like my fits, and neither of those opinions validate a certain way of dressing

>> No.9264277
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>said he went to sleep
>30 minutes apart

classic Johnathon :)

>> No.9264282
File: 31 KB, 400x1118, pickerimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

switched shoes

>> No.9264284

But there is good art and bad art, no? So there must be good outfits and bad outfits.
There are tons of fits posted here I dont like your are just consistently boring and extremely similar. Your fits would be fine if you either, didn't post as often or fuckin added or changed your fits in the slightest way. Seriously do you not see how similar your fits are?

>> No.9264300

Still shit...

>> No.9264308

constructive criticism

>> No.9264312

Could you please spell my name right.

>> No.9264317

Still shit
You are on the wrong website pussy, but Ill help you. Let me let you in on a secret. You need to taste to look good not just a lot of money.

>> No.9264318

Your head is smaller than the one on the fucking Eraserhead baby. That neck is a joke. What kind of shit are you trying to pull here son this is a board for alpha males who want to look like studs.

>> No.9264321
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>> No.9264322

He just wants proper representation!!!!!!

>> No.9264325
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>> No.9264327


>> No.9264328

You say the exact same shit every time I post. Your opinion is worth nothing to me

>> No.9264338

You'd think it would sink in at some point then. Your fits are bad dude I don't know what else you want to here, Ive given you real criticism before and you still got all fussy about it because I didn't like your fit. Grow up

>> No.9264343

Feeling insecure babe?

>> No.9264347

Idiot I bet he would KO you in one punch. Looks almoat alpha but needs roids to attain Gosling mode.

>> No.9264353

Dude calm down your embarrassing is showing

>> No.9264360
File: 61 KB, 720x1280, 1419771029315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gosling mode

>> No.9264363 [DELETED] 

this board is terrible
worse than /mu/ at this point

>> No.9264374

Fucking filter him you silly bastard. Like you said, taste is not objective. I happen to like his stuff, why should he stop posting just because you think his fits are boring?

His fits aren't even that similar really, he just has a simple style in general.

>> No.9264375

I just don't get what I am doing wrong here though, everything fits me perfectly, it's clearly defined, the textures play well with each other and I am listening to peoples advice. What do you want me to change?

>> No.9264388

Bcoz u have shit on ur shirt wtf is it there's shit all over it also jacket looks cheap is it cheap or a real lux item? I heard Rick's quality is abhorrent so I dunno.

>> No.9264389 [DELETED] 

then what reason do you have to browse lmao?

>> No.9264396

His fit is actually pretty bad but why are you even bothering to respond to him if you're just going to give shitty uninformed advice

>> No.9264398

>go to any board
>"this is the worst board, im moving on to ___"
Lmao just fuck off then, youve contributed nothing.

>> No.9264399

>I heard Rick's quality is abhorrent so I dunno.

l 0 l

>> No.9264405

Funny how 50% of the board says it's awful quality and the items fall to pieces. Who to believe? They've actually owned the stuff.

>> No.9264412
File: 258 KB, 858x690, 899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taek TWO, casual style

>> No.9264420

good fit

>> No.9264422

Depends on the garment, if we're talking unstable cottons, yeah. Outerwear? No. Pants? No. Tailoring, no. Footwear, no.

Quality doesn't always mean a garment lasting for years unscathed

>> No.9264424

Wow, dope. Well done anon.

>> No.9264426

l 0 l
only 5% of this board has ever owned rick
fashion victim clown shoes also dont count

ot the quality is fine
even his shilled moldovan leathers hold up
basics fray and deteriote as intended
only beef is with the soft blazers that tear at the armholes quickly

dont make assumptions about things uve never worn

>> No.9264427

Jacket looks too big but I assume it's because you're small and asian.

>> No.9264432

Bai said the heel on his Rick footwear fell off after 2 weeks. Almost all geo owners mirror this.

>> No.9264436

just leave Anon
everyone's too focused on ethering each other instead of being serious
birthday and the onani gang are the new face of /fa/, all the good trips left ages ago

>> No.9264438

I like it, what jacket?

>> No.9264439

They're rubber soles. Of course they wear out. But the leather work and the build of the shoe other than the sole is superb.

You can get the thing resoled and move on.

>> No.9264440

Work out, you have the body of a chubby indian.

>> No.9264441


>> No.9264445

Dismount the dick man


>> No.9264446

Those shoes are legitimately attractive in very basic Rick fits I don't think they're fashion victim shoes but quality is a big decision factor.

>> No.9264451

lmao, such bullshit, fucking converse and any shoe from shoezone will last longer

people are this desperate to trash rick

>> No.9264454

come on, thats not you.

>> No.9264456

After 2 weeks? My K-Swiss aren't even close to falling apart after 6 years (!!!) Rick falling apart after 2 weeks at that price point would be even more outrageous than the quality of MMM shirts (worst in the world and I own one)

>> No.9264457

newer versions dont wear that fast
stapled soles can be hit and miss

more like a year and half of continued wear until the heel will start getting iffy

i wore ss12 ramones thru cow shit, mud, gravel and rain for a year and mine held perfectly fine

>> No.9264460

Why would he lie? He said it himself I think on his Insta in fact. He's got a good rep.

>> No.9264466

I've had my geos for 2 months already and the sole which is wearing, yes. Is still perfectly viable.

The point your raising is probably paraphrased and diluted. If you seriously think a sole in a shoe is gone after 2 weeks you're just being immature.

Yeah, Dunks I can see having a huge wear and tear issue but we all knowingly bought the shoe knowing it'd have to be resoled.

>> No.9264469

thanks, you guys are super cool

jacket is some garbage i found in the clearance rack at h&m (don't hate me wil it was only $40)
other than that don't know where you could find one, sorry dude

>> No.9264471

ok its obvious now
9/10 because i really thought u were a ill informed suburban dweeb

>> No.9264475

Is this the cardigan?


>> No.9264485

>it's expensive so the quality must be good

when will people learn that Rick is a dickhead

>> No.9264486

Wtf are you talking about? Bai the guy who works for ACNE and posts sik but gay fits said that the heel on his dunks got fucked after 2 weeks. Or geos or w.e. Do you not know who he is or something? He was posyed as inspo all the time a year ago.

>> No.9264487

Hope you don't mind.

>> No.9264490

Bai is not the end all be all of fashion. Find more outlets and broaden your horizon.

>> No.9264492


ok fox settle down now

>> No.9264493

Wait. So Dunks are the shit shoes. Geos are constructed well? I'm legit interested in a mega basic Rick fit for once bi-weekly wear but concerned about this resoling and construction quality/stapled shit.

>> No.9264497
File: 214 KB, 1224x1632, KOXdaYh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why would you say that?

>> No.9264503

stop posting

>> No.9264509

geos are literally just timbs with huge tongues
built like tanks
revolting shoes compared to the pre 2010 version

>> No.9264526

Geos are earlier work, the soles were stapled in the back which often lead to the operation of the sole from the leather along with the rubber corroding at alarming speeds.

They are now constucted as a whole without staples to fortify them.

It's not that Dunks are shit it's that their built differently without longevity in mind. I wouldn't bother trying to get a pair of Dunks because you're paying outrageous prices for a shoe with such little life left.

Kind of a rudimentary comparison, seeing pristine Dunks you can obviously see the very similar construction between the new and old iterations. When Rick's shoes are worn and loved for a long time they become a lot more appealing.

>> No.9264527

sweater looks really good irl!! i kinda wanted it but i wasn't sure cuz it looked weird in the product thumbnails but it's actually really cool

>> No.9264530
File: 74 KB, 286x798, 2014-12-28 20.08.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stephanie kelian

fuq I look chunky

>> No.9264532

It's a bit small but you can't really tell from the picture, if you're thinking of copping I'd personally size up

>> No.9264538

That means you can get it from h&m, right? Sweet

>> No.9264542

do you go to ebay, google expensive brands and buy the cheapest things you can get just for the brand name regardless of how they look in an outfit? curious

thanks, what site did you order from? i wish i had all your sweaters lol

>> No.9264543
File: 34 KB, 489x463, 4556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah not anymore, they stopped selling it. or i don't know, maybe they never sold it, i never saw it on the website. a better option would be an eg type 5, but i think those are sold out.

>> No.9264544

he said it was on clearance so they're probably not selling it any more, but you could always check at a store

>> No.9264545

I believe this one is from ebay (gf got for me for christmas so not 100% sure)

>> No.9264549

I'll paypal $5 to anyone who finds me a link to buy that jacket online

>> No.9264550

You look very nice, Hun.

>> No.9264556

It was this one (http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=21men&Category=mens-sweaters&ProductID=2000060900&VariantID=)), but I would wager just about any burgundy cardigan would do the trick.

>> No.9264564

Nope, I get most of my stuff from designer consignment places though.

>> No.9264571

Oh okay i was just wondering cuz your fits are better than before at least

it's hard to find old mall stuff online but try ebay or the basics part of grailed

>> No.9264575

What do I even search?

>> No.9264577

Am I being rused? This is shit

>> No.9264581

post fit

>> No.9264587
File: 30 KB, 448x1130, pickerimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed the shirt out, I think this is an improvment

>> No.9264608

How fucking stupid are you? Opinions exist. You're entitled to yours, why does the opposite opinion mean you're being 'rused'?

>> No.9264625


TBH the fit he's talking about isn't that bad, but it's hilarious that it's getting such good reception here. It's an exceptionally unexceptional outfit.

>> No.9264633

ID boots.

>> No.9264637


cheeki breeki iv damke

please post squats

>> No.9264642

Still bad

>> No.9264645
File: 8 KB, 322x430, 10294126_1520351_322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silent Skate Sneaker with removable straps

>> No.9264652

Jealous, huh?

>> No.9264655
File: 2.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-12-28-22-51-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore shoes they are borrowed slippers

>> No.9264695
File: 1.17 MB, 1152x2048, 20141229_000216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple fit out to dinner

>> No.9264703

Found this on Forever 21, it's pretty fucking similar. Almost the exact same in everything except for colour


>> No.9264707

Implying anyone can make out anything, let alone your slippers

>> No.9264730

Not bad bruv

>> No.9264736


There's a Rick DRKSHDW undyed denim worker jacket which would fit the bill, not sure w2c though.

>> No.9264753
File: 838 KB, 1520x1520, IMG_20141229_003137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't decided shoes yet.

>> No.9264762

Different anon but the filenames are similar to the Facebook download default

>> No.9264778
File: 251 KB, 393x687, 8965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why ya gotta copy me

>> No.9264787

I thought of it first also where did you cop your shirt?

>> No.9264793
File: 1.39 MB, 260x195, 1419295086149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think >>9264122 is a legit response?

>> No.9264794
File: 267 KB, 363x738, 7975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walmart (no i'm not kidding)

>> No.9264809

>Don't post in a What Are You Wearing Today unless you are a special snowflake
You realize how empty these threads would be?

>> No.9264815
File: 1.06 MB, 2448x3264, 1418176492500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes birthday we should all aspire to cutting edge fits like yours

and is that a joy division hoodie? i thought i was the only one on this board who listens to those guys haha

>> No.9264820
File: 65 KB, 500x374, 1417236092733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and is that a joy division hoodie? i thought i was the only one on this board who listens to those guys haha

>> No.9264824
File: 373 KB, 450x650, 4bP8BpH (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

>> No.9264840
File: 117 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2014-12-28 at 21.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had the bottom two buttons buttoned for a few hours. its corduroy :/
shoes were black brogues


>> No.9264850


honestly this isnt bad, but something about it irks me. Imo maybe change the pants to jeans so you get some stacks or something.

shirt is dope and so are the shoes

also remember that most of this board trashtalkers wear fedoras and yesstyle so.........

>> No.9264855


imo put collar in the sweater

>> No.9264858



>> No.9264867
File: 2.02 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-12-29 04.43.34 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a special snowflake reporting in

tbh i'm not wearing a shirt

>> No.9264869

Will try it man cheers

>> No.9264870 [DELETED] 


(pureboost not shitty roshe run)

>> No.9264876


stop letting the internet dress you. lurk more. this fit is some ultra basic shit hopefully done only for social approval. start losing weight if you haven't already.

>> No.9264884

This is cool, where are you from

>> No.9264887

What shoes?

>> No.9264890

tumblr core

i bet you think females are really unequal huh


>> No.9264892

P good. W2c sweater?

>> No.9264895

stan smiths
my grandmother (srs)

>> No.9264898

Are you from Tas or something wtf

>> No.9264905

victoria and the weather is fairly miserable where I live atm

>> No.9264916

I know I can see it on the cricket lel

>> No.9264918

not him but i am from tas
pretty windy today c:

>> No.9264942

Wear a blue collar shirt, it'll look nicer

>> No.9264946

Outfits don't need to stand out to be good.

>> No.9264953

I have this shirt too lol

>> No.9264958

thanks, don't have any but will keep in mind, might be hitting up the 'qlo tomorrow to stock up for summer

>> No.9264959

but you need to stand out for your posts to be good?
drop trip you faggot

>> No.9264974


>> No.9264988

are you back on meds or something? will you shitpost less now?

>> No.9265004

Looks better than the other guys

>> No.9265005

Fuck off, this isn't /fit/

>> No.9265011 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9265015

fucking rekt

>> No.9265022

she got banned for trolling, probably just needed a time out from /fa/

her posting is better now

>> No.9265025
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>> No.9265039
File: 329 KB, 961x1280, 1419836791892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here bro let me help you out

>> No.9265043

judging by the fit he is beyond help

>> No.9265046

Is that a long sleeve tee on your legs

>> No.9265047


>> No.9265063

Atl east he is unique and original, unlike all you sheeple

>> No.9265065

Please do a favor for the future generations and mankind, kill yourfuckingself you fucking faggot

>> No.9265069
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>> No.9265075

Your diaper is full, bro.

>> No.9265079

I dig it

>> No.9265080

ayy bb u want a dick pic

>> No.9265108

lol no thighs

>> No.9265140

are you aiming for a 1975 aesthetic? jacket around the waist is pretty damn white girl tier. lol. lose the hat, put on some white sneakers and maybe wear your jacket to make this good

>> No.9265352


>> No.9265398
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>joy division

>> No.9265433
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>> No.9265437

your feet look so little

>> No.9265452

>being this new

>> No.9265464

is that joy div raf simons sweater

>> No.9265467






>> No.9265471
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>> No.9265472

Good call, they've gotta be size 6 at most.

>> No.9265473

>m-muh undercover

>> No.9265475
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>> No.9265478
File: 1.49 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20141229_045015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9265482

>upside down long sleeve tshirt with neck opening sewn shut for drop crotch pants
>black chucks
>gray basic tee

fuccboi on a budget

>> No.9265483


>> No.9265487

Anon, I fucking love you. I've legitimately been searching for that for the past two hours.

>> No.9265491

You are no.

>> No.9265495
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

techno interests me

>> No.9265498

slay bitch slay

>> No.9265499


nice broski

>> No.9265505



>> No.9265510

serious question: are those your undies?

>> No.9265517

w2c jacket

>> No.9265520

thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.9265522

read >>9265483

>> No.9265523

What are you thanking me for?

>> No.9265525

it's all yours my friend :)

>> No.9265529


>> No.9265530

seriously go the fuck away. you dress way too terribly to warrant all the shitposting you do.

>> No.9265532

Is it more visibly gold when worn, or is it legitimately the exact same as the one in that anon's photo?

>> No.9265535


Lol are you the guy who bought my pair off grailed?

>> No.9265536

41 euro size

>> No.9265539

you copied my generic /fa/ bomber, lounge pants and boots look >:(

and NO its not just a joy division hoodie its DESIGNER so its tasteful

>> No.9265544

black on black on black on black
nice not even shades of gray

>> No.9265575
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more like poop_poop

>> No.9265606





>> No.9265620



>> No.9265699

>no "waywt" in op

how are we supposed to ctrl-f it you fuck?

>> No.9265703


>> No.9265725

I'm willing to bet money you're white

>> No.9265731

nigga im white as a magnum

>> No.9265742


>> No.9265748


>> No.9265753


>> No.9265754


>> No.9265755



>> No.9265759


>> No.9265760

cuffs are too fat and ruin crisp pants
pants are too crisp compared to top anyways tho

>> No.9265761

So I was watching the Walking Dead the other night. I thought to myself, "Uh, what is this? Me BEFORE MY MORNING COFFEE?"

>> No.9265765

you're dead inside :)

>> No.9265769


>> No.9265771

ur neck + gray head remind me of the baby in eraserhead
solid fit but include ur jacket next time

>> No.9265775

thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.9265878

Almost dope but the shoes fucked it up

>> No.9265898
File: 9 KB, 180x180, 10348212_10152531748972502_1298185238717741929_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9265909


That's the point of posting, getting to see what the board wears today.

Can you please fuck off now lmao

>> No.9265919


>> No.9265927
File: 675 KB, 250x334, pants.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9265949
File: 186 KB, 442x738, new look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9265954


also kill yourself

also also get a better camera

>> No.9265957

give us a better picture dude, i have a feeling this one isn't doing it justice

>> No.9265958

Isn't the point also to discuss the fits?
Pretty fucking straight forward critique imo
"Another boring fit" maybe it's you who should fuck off now "lmao" :^)

>> No.9265962

birthday literally everybody's against you on this one, why have you got to be such an edgy rebel bad boy outcast?

>> No.9265967

w2c jacket?

>> No.9265973

Nice try faggot
I'm just saying you are shitposting as bad as that guy except he had actual fucking critique (which these threads are also obviously for as well) in his post.
>better call someone a tripfag so I can disregard anything he said cause he is right
I mean I think his fits are fine, unremarkable as fuck but yall niggas dickriding him because he has trip or some shit and get your panties in a twist because critique that fucking lame.

>> No.9265980

w2c jacket?

>> No.9266057

wd-40 belongs in the fucking garage! I see it still! Don't try to hide that shit from me!

>> No.9266186

i tried
that's what counts

>> No.9266203

you look like a rectangle with limbs

>> No.9266207

i bet it doesnt tho