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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 26 KB, 241x499, idek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9222753 No.9222753 [Reply] [Original]

Been lurking for a few hours out of curiosity since I never cared about fashion until 4am

so far I have learned
>more guys on this thread than I imagined
>I have no sense of fashion or 'cores'

enlighten me.
>pic related, my christmas shit

ITT: bash on the amerifat's no taste

>> No.9222754

your pic is really small

are you actually fat? this determines whether it even matters what you wear

also most dudes on /fa/ do not give a fuck about women's fashion because they are vain and are constantly looking for things which benefit them, women's clothes need not apply

>> No.9222758

>most dudes on /fa/ do not give a fuck about women's fashion because they don't know anything about fashion, and they're so thirsty it wouldn't matter anyway

>> No.9222761

that's a good addendum but what I said is also true

>> No.9222767

Yeah, I'll give you that.
I know I for one certainly don't.

>> No.9222770
File: 745 KB, 2288x1712, DSC49209593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP just state your height and weight I can't guarantee nobody will ask for pics of you / your feet / back of your left knee / whatever but it'll give an estimate as to whether you can be /fa/ or not

hint: don't lie it's anonymous

hint 2: you're not fashionable yet judging by your OP pic

>> No.9222772

well, the lounge pants are real monsters
>are you actually fat?
nah not actually fat but I liked the terms I picked up here
>do not give a fuck about women's fashion
gotcha, just thought i'd figure out what is trendy these days because I have to agree that 'murica is behind on fa even though idk dick about it

>> No.9222777


It's not that America is really behind; it's that the general populace favors less contemporary movements in fashion. There are so many primitive values preserved in the culture that impede styles seen in east asia and some of eu. The best American /fa/sufu posters are just as good as the best EU /fa/sufu posters.

>> No.9222779

I'm not a model or I wouldn't be here showing off my sweet generic black vans
probably 5'3" 130

>> No.9222781
File: 329 KB, 1440x823, ice-cube-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week fucked around and got a triple double

>> No.9222783
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>> No.9222785

I would imagine everyone obsessed with fashion would stay current with the rest of the world
>less contemporary
saying that mildly might apply to big cities but damn i'm tired of seeing uggs and northface

>> No.9222786

pretty qt ratio

everyone on /fa/ calls everyone on /fa/ fat so dont sweat it too much

if u wanna be a true nxtlvl fashionista then pay attention to actual designers and shit and buy lavish pieces

if you wanna look cute, dont get fat and put some effort into how u dress (check lookbooks n shit for inspiration if you have no ideas). don't be a "basic bitch" as the term goes aka brown riding boots / uggs, yoga pants when you're not doing yoga or at home, north face fleece, etc etc.

change it up a bit, check out a different site / store, dig around. u will find some shit.

>> No.9222795

kek idk if i'm that hardcore, sorry
I don't own any of those clothes at least
lookbooks, there a recommended site for this?

>> No.9222806



>> No.9222819

Plain white T
Black Bomber
Black Acne jeans
Stan Smiths

>> No.9222823

I must be 1/7 basic minimum, I'd cop that sweater if it were less pointy

>> No.9222826

Why are you attracted to men?

>> No.9222829


>> No.9222849
File: 499 KB, 500x205, basic bitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to /cgl/ and ask

"hey girls, how do i dress ITA?"

and pretty much follow their advice

disclaimer they like to buy from taobao an online ebay store en masse through shopping services because its like forever 21 suppliers for cents on the dollar

>> No.9222871

I'll be walking around like kokoa-chan or some shit

>> No.9222877

had to look up the pants
why do they have a zipper in the back..?

>> No.9222893

nah they dress well

>> No.9222904

makes your ass look good

>> No.9222914

post pic of self

>> No.9222918

for 200usd it better be able to make jabba's ass look phat

>> No.9222919


>shocked at 200usd

You really are new.

>> No.9222930

>some shit
>for 200usd it better be able to make jabba's ass look phat

why are you so crass?
unattractive trait

>> No.9222938

You're seeing the skin cut. Acne is a brand. It has lots of cuts. One of them is Skin. It's popular on tumblr and marketed to women. The popular cut here is Max Cash

>> No.9222939

>being fat as shit
Unattractive trait

>> No.9222947

tfw im almost a foot taller than u and only weight 5 pounds more

>> No.9222952

then you probably don't like twizzlers as much as I do

>> No.9222953

based sieg telling it as it is

>> No.9222954

I don't like food at all.

>> No.9222958

poor college kid here

>> No.9222960

no food... not even pizza?
fruit? wat

>> No.9222961

>max cash
is this your first month here? ace cash is the popular cut

>> No.9222963

We're all poor college kids. We just don't make excuses about our appearances

>> No.9222964

My girl is 5'2" and 95lbs. I think u may be fat

>> No.9222968

everyone's different
I don't mind my weight but thanks for the concern
I don't go to college for fashion design, sweatpants for days

>> No.9222975

Do you look at your peers and do they dress like you?

>> No.9222979
File: 456 KB, 500x682, 1418572013137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no sense of fashion or 'cores'
yeah stop being portuguese

>> No.9222980

kids at my college?
no, typical white converse shorts and baggy shirt with 'messy updo'
the 4 other girls in my program dress goth, lesbian, white trash nascar, and black
>my fashion terms

>> No.9222982
File: 118 KB, 1444x1080, 1392391793368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't go to college for fashion design, sweatpants for days

ignorant and quick to assume negative bias' towards people who like clothes?

<<<< here is a woman that posts here (used to), is beautiful, blonde and she's holding an iphone....typical ditzy blonde right?.......she's a med student

>> No.9222986

If you don't want advice why are you asking for help? It's a bit confusing.

>> No.9222988


she sounds like the typical reddit insomniac

>> No.9222993

she's pretty, but I can imagine her in sweatpants going to college because she's super busy
Sorry. I just don't understand the weird lines of fashion that brands have, like huge wool toga looking things. Even the 'casual' lines are odd to me. The things I picked out are casual for me, but looking at other threads and these lookbooks they seem like they would be taboo to something i'd wear and feel dressed up.
I don't reddit, I chive if anything

>> No.9222999

I'm 6 ft and a guy and I have the same weight.
get on my level fatty

>> No.9223004

>she's pretty, but I can imagine her in sweatpants going to college because she's super busy
shes not wearing sweatpants to college because she is studying in Germany
students here dont go to class wearing sweatpants

>> No.9223005


I think you're too normal to be here. I think 9gag might be more your kind of edgy.

>> No.9223017

murica. clothes aren't a big concern to me
but everyone wears them so I like to know what's at least 'trendy' as in an average poorfag like me.
no thanks i'm not that edgy

>> No.9223021

sorry I can't get there with my fatty legs qq

>> No.9223024

post pic pls, u can cover face

>> No.9223047

where in the us do you live?

>> No.9223064

Well, i did go to college wearing sweatpants. But I am on a little side campus, so no fashion show like on our central campus. Somedays i just dont care at all, and so are other people. Some guys even walked barefoot in summer

>> No.9223068

I remember the time when inspo threads contained both male and female.

>> No.9223084

your english is getting rusty

>> No.9223104
File: 647 KB, 1536x2048, 01b2fb91bba3c7865137b1a2d04da3f5cdf0fd9038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delivered, bash away
the dirty south
get er dun
this college is probably smaller than your side campus and without the central campus.
could wear portuguese clothes and be a 'fashionista'

>> No.9223110

probably Ohio

>> No.9223123

>the dirty south
explains the vocabulary and the behavior

also explains the lack of effort in apperances

honestly, just continue what you're doing currently

it's better to go to school barefoot, and dressed in that heneley blending in with everyone else

than to be that one girl in alabama dressed head to toe in dior that she got cheap on yoox or something

anyways, nice knowing you. hope you enjoyed your one day stay

>> No.9223128



>> No.9223133

once a redneck, always a redneck. good luck sweetheart. lay off those hoe hoe's while you're at it

>> No.9223172

lol, im not even insulting her

you don't wear a nascar t-shirt into court. and you don't wear high end clothing drinking bud light at some satellite campus in the south

>> No.9223177

truth, being /fa/ would ostracize her too much

>> No.9223180

exactly, there is a "uniform" of dress code for certain life styles and what is deemed socially acceptable

more of /fa/ needs to realize this

>> No.9223188

yea if you deviate from the mean too much you become an outlier and that's not as edgy and cool as you think it is

>> No.9223193


>> No.9223200

>implying living in the south makes me like every sterotype of the south
luckily I don't have a southern accent thank god
no one goes barefoot here
I'm going to college for computer networking, probably change that later
might be a tiny campus but this is the only one that learns subnetting.
the fashion here isn't the normal sterotype of 'swamp people' and nascar anyway
glad I entertained this thread to some extent at least

>> No.9223209

Honestly the best advice I can give you OP is to lurk. You'll get the hang of things after a while. LURK LURK LURK. Sometimes we have grill inspo threads and sometimes we have grills that post in WAYWT threads. Just lurk, ask questions, if you see a guy wearing something you like, check the brand out, look at their women's sections. Make sure you have a definite budget for whatever item. Also never buy designer items at retail price, wait for sales or look some up on ebay/rakuten/yahoo auctions

>> No.9223214

that fact that you brought up college as something that differentiates you from other rednecks just goes to implicate just how much a redneck you. I have cousins in Houston, Alabama & Nashville and my uncle drives a truck. When I tell people I'm not redneck, I tell them about my cousins in Mumbai and Barcelona, not the fact I'm going to college. If you're not redneck, it's implied you're in college.

>> No.9223227

i agree, but most of /fa/ is to autistic to pick up on these kinds of social conventions. so they end up wearing a julius blazer with some yohji trousers to their granma's funeral making all their aunts and uncles squirm in embarassment

>> No.9223230

Southern accents are the best tho
I guess not so much on girls but really thick southern accent is like sex to my ears
But then I'm non-native speaker europoor

>> No.9223233

yeah, I don't dress up to walk around the house on my day off
yay some actual advice
thanks anon. not that I dress up all the time working but it's nice to have decent clothes when I can, because people actually do dress up here in piss poor south.
my family is pretty wealthy, just not me. I work for what I have at least.
thanks for not being ignorant

>> No.9223235

you like that? I find it intimidating and barbaric. I want a cute little indian accent or Persian accent. Or english. yum

>> No.9223245

quality of your small town education aside, you still have the mannerisms and the behaviors of the group of people that you're putting down

like i said earlier, the society dictates what is acceptable as far as fashion goes.

something acceptable in antwerp may not be acceptable in rural america or rural germany

you may differ from your peers, but your peers dictate what is an acceptable amount of deviation from the norm in your small town

do you really want to appeal to people living in fashion forward cities on the east and west coast through social media sites most people in your area don't frequent

or would you rather have friends, a boyfriend and family not making fun of you on xmas?

humor is a method of informing someone that they're not conforming to the the social norms of your immediate society and quality of life will suffer as a result

>> No.9223246

there are different southern accents, most are just annoying.
to me anyways

>> No.9223254

*switching lights on and off* welcome to hell! welcome to hell!

>> No.9223257

No problem OP, I can't say I know a lot about women's fashion because what this guy said is essentially true
>most dudes on /fa/ do not give a fuck about women's fashion

But what's usually true in general about fashion is that you gotta work with whatever body type you have. Especially women.

>> No.9223263


do you go to Emory / Oxford

>> No.9223265

i'm still going to wear this alien sweater on christmas.
no I can't say I don't conform to this 'small town' but at the same time I don't let anything dictate what I wear. Just whatever I like, idc about some name brand all over me if it compliments me.

>> No.9223268

that sweater is hideous

>> No.9223278


>> No.9223280


>> No.9223282

whatever you need to tell yourself to boost that fragile ego of yours

feel free to take off

>> No.9223283


>> No.9223290

this is why I like /fa/ so far.
yeah, not that I care that i'm not skinny but finding clothes for curves is awful
neither but I enjoy going to oxford, they know how to party
still going to look fabulous in it
does this help yours?
that's fine, you don't have to reply

have work soon
bye /fa/ it was fun actually

>> No.9223431


Being fat sieg is unattractive.

>> No.9223433


You look like you might actually be kinda cute. WB/10

If you want some actual decent advice you should go to www.reddit.com/r/femalefashionadvice

/fa/ is overrun with autistic 12 year old hypebeasts, and other assorted fuccboi retards with zero sense of style.

Stay away from shapeless/slouchy tops, unles they show some shoulder. The way they will drape onto your hips will conceal the thinness of your upper body and make you look fat.

Stick to form fitting tops to accentuate your hourglass figure. Pants that are form fitting in the thigh with larger leg openings will flatter you best. Ditch the juvenile bitch tennis shoes and buy some flats or something else a little more sophisticated.

>> No.9223438

Tfw my brother ',:^)

>> No.9223440

>ctrl+f ayy lmao 0 out of 0

>> No.9223548

i go to uni for engineering and that's *why* i can dress in rick wedges and cdg dresses
gotta love em paid STEM internships

>> No.9223686

Christ, you speak a lot of sense, thank you. I (used to) live in a midlands city of England, it was pretty big, some fashion forward individuals, we even had a shop that sold a lot of Rick Owens, SLP, BBS and more. Even then, wearing high end clothing was almost looked down upon, people liked it, but they would also mock you, and you honestly didn't fit in. Even SLP, which is pretty standard looking clothing for the most part, just a lot skinnier and feminine, was mocked.

The point I'm trying to convey is, even in a slightly fashion orientated city in England I was still ostracised, I cannot imagine how worse it would be in the Southern states of America. Sieg is right, if you want to dress like you're into fashion, nxtlvl or whatever, move to a city where you won't be mocked, looked down upon, or even beaten for it. People on this forum will argue that you should wear what you want and to 'fuck everyone else' but at the end of the day, your safety is more important than being a special snowflake.

>> No.9223751


Both disgustingly obese

>> No.9224442
File: 399 KB, 1600x1200, 20140904_075249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the fuccigirl style

>> No.9224494

pic has been posted a million times, don't fall for it.

>> No.9224497


I'm an astronaut

>> No.9224756

My girl is 5'10" 98lbs
Your girl might be fat
> tfw im fat at 6"1' 190
> totally let myself go
> my girl is a chubny chaser

>> No.9224760

You have a very unhealthy and incorrect definition of obesity. Are you insecure about your own weight?

>> No.9224761

ayy lmao

>> No.9224766

Why not post a picture wearing clothes where we can actually see what your body looks like instead of this nondescript bullahit

>> No.9225258

I'm A$VP F3rg
Astronawts 4lyf

>> No.9225333
File: 28 KB, 370x640, 1388883978034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'4 and 120, but judging from the pic you've got the same body type as me (heavy bottom half). So unfortunately you can't do that stronk layer game without looking frumpy. Dress around your upper half.

All of the clothes in your OP image are disgusting, except maybe the blazer but who knows because its like 100px tall. The sticky actually has lots of useful links for girls/unisex clothing options too, not just guys. I don't know what kids wear these days but judging from your pics I'm guessing you're young, the OP image makes me think you're getting inspo from tumblr.

>> No.9225360

>those toes

qt confirmed

>> No.9225376

eating isn't fashionable

>> No.9225392


you remind me of this girl i go to school with that i have a crush on. she's very short and dresses like that.

does your name start with an n?

>> No.9225427

not about to dress up right before work just to impress, shit clothes I know
but hey that's why i'm curious about what i'm 'supposed' to be wearing.

>> No.9225432

Lol how's junior high going.

/r/femalefashionadvice is the best if you have absolutely no clue about fashion tbh

>> No.9225443

not sure I understand that style in the pic
I like comfy clothes, i've never really dressed to impress and I don't have anything to go by, and no not tumblr. lookbooks are nifty at least
the feedback i've gotten (the actually useful ones) have been advice enough for now.
still have no clue about fashion tbh but i'll work on it.

>> No.9225447

all I see are Middle aged women acting crass

>> No.9225451


>> No.9225455

This is exactly what I do.
Cgl doesn't have much stuff that interests me but neither does fa as it's 99% mfa. Some do women's lines so that's my only hope.

>> No.9225458

Well OP, as an ugly person from a country known for its ugly people (that isn't the US), knowing which colours work for you and which clothes fit you is half the battle. The other half is knowing how to combine different colours, textiles and cuts. Just wearing something that fits would improve your appearance tenfold.

The only way to find out what fits you is to try it on, all that said. Go to a store and get something in your size, size above and size below. Go higher or lower if necessary and cop what fits best.
If you want to shop online, it'd be helpful to know your measurements (make sure to measure yourself each time) and consult the size chart before you buy. Also trying it on in person is always preferable to buying it online.

Try on different colours or hold them against your face/arm to see if they fit your skin tone.
http://www.truth-is-beauty.com/ is helpful for getting to know your "season".

Pay attention to quality and the fabric a garment is made of, but expensive doesn't always mean better. Use common sense. Thrifting is a good way to find good quality clothing for less, and you can always find a tailor or seamstress if the fit needs work.

Also, please start with basics. From what I see in the OP pic, there's a mishmash of funky prints, aliums and weird colours which is going to look like shit if all your clothes are like that. Get some basic cotton tees from Penney's/H&M/what have you and make sure to catalogue your wardrobe so you know what to get next. You can use a piece of paper, or your computer, or an excel sheet, or that Closet app, whatever you like. Build up on basics (make sure they aren't shit quality!) before you go for more daring things like a triple-lapel quadruple-breasted neon tweed jacket with a facebook emoji print.

In the end, you learn by doing and I'm certainly no expert either. Cheers.

>> No.9225461

I'm 5'2, 95 lbs. I didn't realize size 00 was considered obese.

>> No.9225469

oh and don't post in waywts here and don't listen to /fa/ (for the most part). most people here are edgy teenagers who wear meme fashion and shit on everything that isn't popular at the moment. FFA is more for normalfags but the people there are whiny fatty tumblrinas who complain and get offended about the smallest thing, so pick your poison I guess.

>> No.9225480

>I like comfy clothes, i've never really dressed to impress
>my body, hygiene, and popularity are below average and i dress to match

youre pretty much exactly what id expect from a girl going into computer school

below average in every aspect with no desire or drive to change

a born loser

>> No.9225502

Thanks anon
I don't dress as trashy as the items seem, though they're not up to par with standards as far as looking attractive go.
i'm just an average nobody not trying to impress the world with some famous dudes name on my purse, but knowing how to dress in a way that compliments me is always nice.
thanks again~

>> No.9225504


noted. I tried the lookbook that was recommended earlier in the thread but the interface was shit, and not much of a gallery.
just clicked on the first one and these seem normal to me

same boat as everyone, love
just trying to get by
might as well be a somewhat fashionable loser

>> No.9225513

Yes. They're cute toes

>> No.9226090

jesus I didn't know your cancer had spread to other boards sieg

>> No.9226352

yeah ur fkn fat

>> No.9226368

American designers are some of the most well known, you'll find tons of shitily dress people here and over seas.

>> No.9226373

this is his home board.

>> No.9226380

can you imagine this midget ass frump ass bitch with a hick accent trying to get all close to you in a general ed class

she's all shifting her cheap ass plastic and chrome school chair net to you by doing that seat jump shift nerdy chicks always do while asking a question to get closer

stick your foot up on her chair and force her back a foot-foot and a half to get that cheap no shower, juicy couture french shower scent away from your clothes

she probably has a tumblr about feminism and how everyone wants her to give her the D


>> No.9226407

top kek, 6 ft, 125 pound guy here

>> No.9226528

hows auschwitz treating you?