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/fa/ - Fashion

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9190513 No.9190513 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /effay/ careers?
>19 and thinking about becoming a pilot

>> No.9190560

>Getting a job as a pilot

Get a load of this guy hahah

>> No.9193190

>Choosing a career because its " /fa/ "
You're a fucking dumbass.

>> No.9193216

brother is civilian pilot
only 12 out of 550 applicants made it into the program
works in shifts of 5 days of work, 4 days off
makes approx $7k
almost never sleeps home during the work week
a lot of sitting still during long periods of time - detrimental to health.
I asked him if he felt like a cool metropolitan who travels everywhere and is like the pilots who are idolized in the watch commercials: absolutely not.

also: don't choose a career because it's "effay", you dense fuck.

>> No.9193222

7k? A shift or did you mean 70k a year?

>> No.9193227

$7K per month. Northern Europe.

>> No.9193230

Any pilots who aren't miserable?

>> No.9193232

That's fucking nothing!

>> No.9193246
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get a grip

>> No.9193256
File: 108 KB, 744x489, 1270085032420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at river island (employed 2 weeks ago)
>area manager came around yesterday
>accidentally missed one section on the stock report, Men's Accessories
>Managers got chewed out because they didn't check it
>Managers chewed me the fuck out today because of their butthurt
shit always rolls down hill

>> No.9193716

is being an architect fa?

>> No.9193724

Unless you've had some basic flight training, are studying or planning on studying in a degree relevant to the aerospace industry, your starting to leave it a bit late.

Sort out your life mate and decide.

>> No.9193747


>> No.9193762

what about being a city planner

>> No.9193766

holy fuck yes

>> No.9193772


sounds like an idiot

>> No.9193774

Provided that you're not employed, which is pretty common in architecture.

>> No.9193780


work >40hrs a week and make bank

>> No.9193786

>clean people's teeth for a living
>have to deal with kids
Soooo /fa/ omg getting me wet

>> No.9193802

Is being rich and unemployed /fa/?

>> No.9193820

Why are all dentist suicidal and or alchoholics.

>> No.9193830
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It is the most /fa/ thing in the world. Many of history's most /fa/ people ever were rich and unemployed.

>> No.9193846

>84k a year
i dont even

>> No.9193851

did you miss the section? if so then you deserve to be fucking chewed out

>> No.9193880

Wouldn't you be an alcoholic or suicidal if you knew that everyone that you work for genuinely despises having to visit you?

>> No.9193886
File: 45 KB, 800x450, Escritores-y-sus-gatos-Jorge-Luis-Borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think that being a writer can be /fa/. Half of it is that attitude they all seem to have.

>> No.9193888

Lol, that's one way to look at it.

>> No.9194008

hardly any jobs are /fa/ by nature, pleb

working less time a week than you spent in high school and making >$200k is /fa/ however

because thats /fa/

>> No.9194020


I think it's because the art of writing requires embodying a lot of different ideas, sentiments, personalities, personas, and emotions all at once - it makes sense that someone who writes heavily would be more aware of the way people work, and the way they're perceived.

Not all writers are like that, but I agree with you.

>> No.9194425

so being an employed architect isnt fa?

>> No.9194443

im a technical writer

i write for a living, is that /fa/?

>> No.9194452
File: 65 KB, 700x875, Navy_Blue_Tie-700x875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a writer myself and I'm a really conscious dresser, even when all I'm wearing are jeans and a white t-shirt. When you're constantly thinking of your characters and how they look, it's only a short move to thinking about your own looks in similar detail.

>> No.9194543
File: 42 KB, 658x370, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9194564

i'm just gonna say this now, a little pre mature, but this is an underrated post

most of /fa/ is too young to have ever watched seinfeld

>> No.9194574

that is not true at all
most people who go on 4chan have watched seinfeld

>> No.9194583

most of /fa/ is probably under the age of 20. they watch more big bang theory and its always sunny than they watch seinfeld. i wish that wasnt the case

>> No.9194605
File: 68 KB, 600x398, waywt-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is working for the government /fa/?

I'm involved in passports, births, deaths and marriages.

>> No.9194609


LMAO br8 b8 m8

>impling people on 4chan don't seinfield

>> No.9194759


you would be surprised. Seinfeld is heavily syndicated, and still retains its status as a must watch show. That plus all the Costanza references get kids into seinfeld.

>> No.9194761

Pilot is pretty effay. Currently in the pipeline for naval academy or ROTC scholarship with hopes of becoming an aviator

>> No.9194762
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Venture capitalist / angel investor / successful entrepreneur.

>> No.9194767

Industrial engineering is very /fa/

>> No.9194773

Pilots make shit for money, sleep in ratty hotels five nights a week, and are often forced to fly when overly tired.

You'd better be squeaky fucking clean or they won't even look at you.

It is extremely hard to find availability in positions as a job for a pilot.

You will not make the cut for applicants. Less than five percent of applicants are CONSIDERED for employment through CPTP, less than one percent are employed. Also, you aren't competing for a spot with a bunch of equally unqualified applicants. You're competing with straight a students with four degrees who have been preparing for aviation since age ten. Good luck, enjoy your /fa/ness :^)

Many pilots hate their jobs.

>> No.9194807

the people saying "dont pick a career cause is /fa/" and then proceeding to insult OP dont understand that this is purely a joke thread for what would be considered "/fa/" by our own standards.

>> No.9194812

>I don't even

Fuck off back to tumblr.

>> No.9194836

That's where you invest, pal.

>> No.9194838


Did you play the game AdVenture Capitalist?

>> No.9194865


I enjoy dressing my characters, but I used to catch myself namedropping brands.

>> No.9194902

Ha, I don't go around doing that. I do like to describe pattern and color, though. Do you write full-time?

>> No.9194915
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Heard of it, never played it. I play a toned-down version with real cash though, I own a few websites :)

>> No.9194930

Is working in IT /fa/?

>> No.9194940

any job you love is effay :)

>> No.9194948


Wait, is that true? I'm thinking about majoring in architecture? What about city planning?

>> No.9194960

Production Lighting designer & Chief Electrician are my goals. Are those /fa/?

>> No.9195018

at one point in my life i want to work as a forester in some national park
even if the job is clean the rest stop bathrooms at least the scenery is too good.
i dont even mind the shit tier pay sooooo

>> No.9195036

Is being an English teacher in Japan /fa/?

>> No.9195238


No one wants to hire white people in Japan.

>> No.9195253

iirc japanese people look down on foreigners who only come to teach english or some shit

>> No.9195258

they hate white people who come only to mess around
if you actually try to be involved in the community you'll be fine

>> No.9195264

lol no you won't

PLENTY of people come there just to teach English. It is the absolute most looked down upon aspiration there is. Do you want to be laughed at?

>> No.9195506

I really wanted to become a Pilot, everyone told me not to bother and said I had no chance.
I went for it, and guess what?

I didn't get in, in fact I'm determined medically unfit and can't join the Defense Force period.
This is all because of peanut allergy I have.
So if you really want to become a pilot, and you have a chance, go for it

>> No.9195537

writer/musician/artist are pretty effay

>> No.9195549

I did miss the Men's which is weird because I did Women's. They're in the same room though. I think I did the Women's, checked the Men's, forgot to mark the page, and then filed it. I also missed Footwear for Infants(1 shoe on it) purely because it was 1 item and it was on the back of the last page, meaning I didn't see that shit because it was under the clip of my clipboard.

>> No.9195570
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, 1392531281498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English teacher in Japan here. Good god no. Either you're a corporate slave or way out in the middle of nowhere. And half the teachers at the public schools are dressed in athleticwear.

But it's an easy as hell job. I do fuck all at work, travel almost every weekend, and 75% of my income is disposable.

Sure they do, but only for English teaching. Only those with actually valuable skills or people who know how to hustle get anywhere further.

This guy knows what he's talking about. But this mostly applies to the countryside. Pretty difficult to do this in the big cities, but not impossible.

Unless you work at a name brand company, are a doctor, lawyer, rich, or graduated from a prestigious college, you're on the same level as everyone else. That is to say, not important.

>> No.9195617
File: 542 KB, 1999x1356, 03404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about being a park ranger
not because it's effay but because I can work outdoors, spend time in the nature and be alone

>> No.9195860


Doing no work and making money to burn in Japan sounds pretty fun. How did you get started doing this? Is the program called JET? And what is really required of you? Do you need to know to speak Japanese?

>> No.9195861

The fact that you immediately started justifying getting the job tells me that maybe you don't actually want it.

>> No.9195862

>tfw aircraft maintenance engineer
>tfw worst uniform imaginable

>> No.9195868

"I don't even" has been on 4chan years before tumblr m8.

>> No.9195875

m-muh secret club