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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 28 KB, 500x667, 1398219116256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9095274 No.9095274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets settle this guys.

>> No.9095280

you didnt include oioi bro

>> No.9095297

>no fascist

>> No.9095373

In the lead right now smfh

>> No.9095382

straw is actually pretty cool
birthday realized everyone hates him the other day and is trying to be normal now
trunks is weird

>> No.9095390

Shittiest poll ever, all you did was list every tripfag in WATWT.

Where's positivity? I voted strawtengu because she's the only one who doesn't shitpost.

>> No.9095395

agree with this. i think trunks might have some legit disorder though, like autism-spectrum shit
who else would dress like that, admit to fucking some 1/10 chink trash and plays magic the faggening in 2014?

>> No.9095396

Looks like PF broke out the old VPN and straw probably posted the link in skype group so its basically fucked for any legitimate fairness.

>> No.9095397

>not shitposting

lol fucking autistic retard

>> No.9095399

Is Sieg Sweg?

>> No.9095403

you can put your trip back on now bud. no one gives a shit about you thats why youre not on the list

>> No.9095407

are you retarded?

>> No.9095415

fake trunks pls

>> No.9095417

well look at that list. moe sizlack is on it: some australian autist who just put his trip on 2 weeks ago and has been stalking pigfuck for months as anon.
the board is very quiet and slow. out of that list who are normal, decent posters? straw, coco, tesselate? thats about it

>> No.9095424

all these trips suck ass

>> No.9095442

So do you little anon

>> No.9095455

where the heck is einstein

>> No.9095461
File: 103 KB, 465x573, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the best

>> No.9095463
File: 787 KB, 3110x2073, 1413611284442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Pigfuck ever posted a fit?

>> No.9095474

fuck off samefag. you're that autist who is stalking pigfuck and constantly uses crept's and uuuhhh's names. you are so obvious

>> No.9095482

he tried properly once and it was not too horrible, but not good enough to justify all the shit he talks. then he just played it off that fashion is lame and he only took the pic for fun before selling it. total cop out

>> No.9095483

wheres stance ;___;

>> No.9095488

/fa/cist faggot is rlly good too

>> No.9095507

the post ur referring to is here
every word is true
sold the jacket to a man in greece named dimitrios, hes cool

>> No.9095513

Make another poll for worst trip

>> No.9095529
File: 483 KB, 1257x2799, 1415079268463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is is
The one and only fit

>> No.9095563

so bad. wouldnt even be considered a good fit in 1999.

>> No.9095580

wow he sucks

wheres stance btw

>> No.9095588

forgot to name up pigfaggot
trunks has autism, whats your excuse loser?

>> No.9095589

Heh - it's really me this time you weirdo

>> No.9095592
File: 5 KB, 180x180, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strong ayran redpilled alpha male

>> No.9095597
File: 101 KB, 322x750, tumblr_n88150YwkW1sit9wvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted a few here and there, is this ur first month

when i make posing for pics in clothes my #1 priority u guys will be first to know

>> No.9095599

nice samefag. it's so obvious you're that stalker following around pigfuck everywhere. get lost

>> No.9095609

damn i always thought u were white
are u slav or mixed?

>> No.9095618
File: 495 KB, 311x601, 1407740832673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not recognsing this working class classic

>> No.9095619

"we want stance!" - the american ppl

>> No.9095627
File: 28 KB, 722x101, Screen Shot 2014-11-18 at 12.55.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9095637

since he is an ozzy i'd guess he's half or quarter italian or greek
maybe his mom, not pure white though for sure

>> No.9095650

where the fk is theo

>> No.9095656

stance got doxxed and then rolled at uni few weeks ago. dont think he will be back

>> No.9095663

Even though he doesn't post here with his trip, (i hope he's still here in some capacity) poet is my vote.

>> No.9095666

positivity is handsome and intelligent

>> No.9095669

really? is there any evidence?

what i'd give to see pics of his beat little ginger ass

>> No.9095678

Dude its not happening. No one cares about you!

>> No.9095681

he's my favorite poster so fuck off
i bet you voted for pigfuck

>> No.9095689

how does this poll not have /fa/scist

>> No.9095701

doubt it

>> No.9095731

where is teddy?

>> No.9095751

Yeah where is he?

I don't care if I'm on there at all. Just came by and added Straw as my favorite trip.
We talk and shit and he a cool bro.
Tesselate is literally the only one with good fit wow.
Aren't you the dude that takes pics on a rounded brick circle or some shit? Or is that a ded trip?

>> No.9095767

I'm not upset

>> No.9095773

hey dude
ur a fag
dont talk to me on the internet
it gives me second hand embarrassment

>> No.9095781

hahah rekt by earth

>> No.9095786

you should see his sister

>> No.9095787


u mean the ssense catalogue that has become self aware

>> No.9095795

why are you so jealous of trips? teddy is young, has a good career and can spend money on clothes he likes. we are lucky that he shares with us. just because his style isn't your cup of tea doesn't mean you have to samefag and spout negative shit off as anon all day. focus on improving yourself and express your outfits instead of dragging others down

>> No.9095797

what does teddy do?

>> No.9095800

tips fedora

>> No.9095804

fuck, ive been wondering this for a while.
whats his career??

>> No.9095805

i am a 6'3 135lbs male model draped in ann demeulemeester don't even speak to me

>> No.9095806

suck his dick harder. yea dece job and young so? all his fits look the same.

>> No.9095814

ok so just scroll past if they bore you? no one cares if you don't like them. he does and plenty others do too
post some next level shit yourself if you think teddy's contributions are below standard

>> No.9095820

Assistant Project Manager but hes in school atm for interior architecture

>> No.9095826

he can't. that's why he just shitposts like most of the other tryhard faggots on this board. teddy tries a lot less hard than they do with his posting and puts out good content, whereas losers like pigfuck and crept just sit there shitposting 8 hours a day with barely anything funny or interesting.

>> No.9095829

wearing 'next level' shit does not mean you're rocking 'next level' shit

teddy seems like a nice guy buts hes a perfect example of the 'clothes wearing you' phenomenon that a lot of people obsessed with sz-affiliate brands suffer from.

it takes a special kind of person to do ccp et al justice, 5'6 asian 20 something is not it.

>> No.9095838

Am I too Kwaiii for you Pigfucku-sanshiro.
I'm literally a loli in vietnamese shit skin form faggot.

>> No.9095845

he is young, slim and the clothes fit. that's basically all you need to look "good" to most people
you're just projecting and have become way too focused on internet fashion communities if you think a consumer has to do a brand "justice" beyond paying money for them (which it seems like he does retail, unlike trunks et al. who just cop second hand shit on jap ebay)

>> No.9095847

ITT: the upper echelon of autism

>> No.9095849

but where is oioi

>> No.9095853

he's listed as pigfuck

>> No.9095857

trunks looks a lot better in his clothes than teddy does

why is buying things second hand even a criticism? You can see a lot more pieces firsthand from different designers and you can actually make a profit from it.

>> No.9095859

He buys what he likes and actually wears all the pieces he is interested in.
You on the other hand flip decade old meme crap while wearing flip flops and ripped mall-tier jeans.
Your opinion re: Teddy's sense of style is worthless.

>> No.9095864

sorry trunks, but no

>> No.9095868

It's a compromised endeavor in fashion

You're at the mercy of what's available at the time

On the other hand there's also the, "organic", "let it be" / "entropic" aspect of being at the mercy of what's available when you're ready to cop, but I can't hold it to any trip to ascertain that approach properly

>> No.9095874

if u spend 2K+ on an outfit u probably want it to do more than simply fit u

every fit is the same nondescript 5/10 amoprhus black blob

if u somehow manage to make CCP, RO, Julius look about as special as a H&M collab than ur doing something wrong.

hes like an asian sundance except everything fits a little better and he doesnt have knock knees.

>> No.9095883

You know what I'm glad that this board exists.
Know why? It's because everyone tries to dress good enough to shit post and get better at it.
Or they try real hard to look good in /fa/'s eyes. But in actuality a lot of people would be mystified by why they spend money on fashion and other trinkets. I myself am using fashion as a hobby and that alone. So many others try and do that. But effay is a special place where we all want to know more about each other by insulting others. Pretty funny.

I love you guys and all you've done to me.

>Proceed to call faggot or blog.
IDC go fuck yourselves GAYLORDS.
I know by fact that you all are homo for these trips.
Especially pigfuck, OiOiOi, and Birthday.

>> No.9095886

Trunks/pigfuck/the rest of the yahoo.jp autists think that by quantifying their purchases by being able to engage in tri-market arbitrage they are somehow more legitimate than someone who simply buys a piece because he or she likes it. It is a sad and narrow view of fashion and is the reason why none of that group have any sense of "style" or are even able to put together a single coherent fit that isn't completely derivative from what they've seen in look books and runway shows.

>> No.9095897

how do u manage to get that from a bunch of iphone selfies? u dont know shit man and its obvious how clueless you are if your critique boils down to having to look "special"
you are in too deep and need to take a step back from all of this if you seriously believe what you are writing and aren't just trolling

>> No.9095898

>all you've done to me.

that's a funny and accurate way of putting it.

>> No.9095910

yo dude its ok man
settle the fuck down u absolute mad man
teddy will get through this
u absolute fucken lunatic mate
hes gonna be ok u fucken skitz cunt
ur fucked mate

>> No.9095912

all listed trips in this poll buy and sell from second hand markets

straw does
coco does
mother does

Even professional stylists do. Buying and selling second hand is sensible.

You are at the "mercy" of what is available retail as well

>> No.9095924

you still don't get it. whatever

>> No.9095931

>gets btfo
>resorts to gibberish because he is too dumb to reply
stay dumb

>> No.9095933

Teddy invests a lot of effort into taking pics that are "quality"-- not just the clothes, but the atmosphere, etc. and that's fine, that's what he wants to do, take pics that look cool so the internet likes them.

The other autists don't really care as much, they snap a pic while they're out, they don't put as much thought into it, because it's not as much of a priority to them.

I don't think it's fair to compare or call one better than the other, they all have their good qualities and bad ones, they're different is all. Some care more than others.

This thread is a mess

>> No.9095939

ur fucked mate
ur fucken loose cunt lol
r u fucken psycho or wat mate but dont fucken come round here again

>defending someone on the internet
>getting flustered when someone critcises someone on the internet

ur fucked in the head mate

>> No.9095943

the amount of time teddy invests here is a lot less than self-professed shitposters like trunks who might put less effort in each individual post, but on a whole are complete tryhards in terms of sheer quantity with 7 hours a day logged in filling out captures for google

>> No.9095947

Yea, I'd much rather read diarrhea like this:
than have to scroll past a boring RO fit by Teddy.

>> No.9095953

lol ur fucken insane dude
loopy cunt i swear man
who is this skitz cunt man
nah cunt
nah mate ur fucked mate

ur fucked in the head or somethen man i swear ur fucken out there man far out

>> No.9095958

put ur trip back on

sorry but it needs to said

ur whole look is manufactured

u buy everything current season

u samefag every waywt

u live in a flyover state suburb

u baixchen-ified ur bedroom

u have an account on every fashion forum like thearm

u are literally dressed by the internet

>> No.9095959
File: 42 KB, 550x412, australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9095961

Have you seen any of Teddy's fit pics? They are just a mirror shot with his phone taken in his bed room. You might be thinking of trunks or birthday who go out of their way to take fit pics in special locations.

>> No.9095964

I'd rather read whatever goofy shit pigfuck is saying than see the same fit from teddy + him samefagging compliments every time

>> No.9095969

maybe pigfuck will stop shitting on you in waywt if you suck his dick harder

>> No.9095972

struth mate

>> No.9095975

>u live in a flyover state suburb
i lol'd

>> No.9095981

Don't recall that ever happening

>> No.9095982

Man... You really love teddy do you.
I mean I'm kinda gay for Straw, but Teddy?
To shit talk and talk so much about him.
You sound obsessed boi.
Get a new boyfriend man.

>> No.9095983

crikey you're a pretty random fella for a half wog chippie moit :^)

>> No.9095984

~~~▄▄██▌█ Cargo: BTFO
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ Destination: PopularTrips

>> No.9095988

I would say I've been one of the more interesting and diverse trips in recent memory

>> No.9095989

dont understand why you guys are going head over heels for a guy that never post here anymore

>> No.9095991

this is way too dumb and has to be imposter pigfuck
he's usually a lot smarter and more aware than this and accompanies his posts with some batman gif

>> No.9095994

why are like half of /fa/'s aussie trips wogs? its weird

>> No.9095996

sounds like feelings were caught

>> No.9095999


I completely agree my friend

>> No.9096002

Pigfuck is funny but you're just a manlet tryhard

>> No.9096005
File: 32 KB, 616x376, these are the dubs i got when i check em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting repeaters

>> No.9096008
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Thanks guys

>> No.9096012
File: 1.46 MB, 296x193, 1411104959658.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try, now check these

>> No.9096014

And now that weird pigfuck stalker is pushing a new rumor that pigfuck is part wog and keeps samefagging it

I know it's you you started doing it yesterday

You're such an autist

>> No.9096017
File: 31 KB, 519x476, 1415339726037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9096025

caught ya same-fagging, whoever you are. i doubt you are the real crept. the tells were too easy
try harder next time

>> No.9096038

whats even funnier than the supposed pigfuck stalker is that theres now an autist obsessed with the pigfuck stalker

everytime i see a thread with pigfuck in it this guy shows up ranting about the autist stalking pigfuck. how deep does this go

>> No.9096039

Is it time for a tripcode?

>> No.9096049
File: 1.07 MB, 2270x2837, 1395453313959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intimacy is dope af where'd he go?

>> No.9096050

lol caught

>> No.9096052


remeber there is good and bad in everthing

caesar was a bad guy but it is a goood salad

cold sore is bad on your mouth but cold slaw is good inside of there

spinach is good bu t the spinach inquisition was so bad

( these examples are food but its true for other things to)

so be carful we only have one life together and it is sometimes very complicate d

give someone a brake today
they are doing there best i promise

have a grate dang day
im tom ;-]

>> No.9096054
File: 45 KB, 320x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smh - a night that I'm actually here too

>> No.9096057

my theory: pigfuck, his stalker, and the pigfuck dick licker who goes around crying that pigfuck is being stalked are all the same person
fits the m.o

>> No.9096060
File: 151 KB, 719x575, 1411108127896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time
dubs for the dubs god

>> No.9096064


>> No.9096067

this proves nothing. you were caught posting without your name up, the only speculation is whether you are og crept or not
im guessing not because you seem to be more of a defensive little faggot than he is

>> No.9096070

dubs and pigfuck has been replaced by a reptilian

>> No.9096072

every cloud has a silver lining

>> No.9096075

lol are you retarded?

>> No.9096086

post garden pics

>> No.9096089

You're really on one

>> No.9096094

why are you samefagging as crept? probably the same autist who is stalking pigfuck. what is wrong with you?

>> No.9096099

>6'3 135lbs
you're barely alive m8

>> No.9096101

>implying pigfuck doesnt have heaps of woggish features

>> No.9096114

>not including literally the only trip who is bearable and does more than just post in the waywt

It's ok fascist, I still like you

>> No.9096120

moe is a wog faggot

>> No.9096190

Trunks is a Jew cunt

>most posts
>most laughed at
>longest time spent here
>worst dressed

What a fag

>> No.9096196

this trunks is pathetic

>> No.9096233

buttface faggot eat my poo or surrender to me

>> No.9096307

Probably piggies cousin lol

>> No.9096324
File: 1.51 MB, 1075x809, 1405628974873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no matt lelders
>no doctor
>no pepyn
>no Sasha grey
>no Natalie Portman
>no tripskank
>no poet
>no tinfoil
>no uhhh
>no no
> no timber
>no mifune
>no turnleft
>no zero
>no more bannana or tomatoe ;_;
>no momma död

Missing a lot of good trips and a lot of pre 2012 ones but current trips are so lackluster.

>> No.9096331


>> No.9096339


>> No.9096354

ur a pimple of a person. drop trip you gay shit stain

>> No.9096359


>> No.9096365
File: 452 KB, 600x338, 1406561365079.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qko will always be #1 in my heart

>> No.9096369

she really lost it there for a bit

>> No.9096373

I'm sorry I don't speak haterese. Heehehe.

>> No.9096386
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Struth mates

>> No.9096387

The least knowledgable and most irrelevant trip comes to join the party. This will probably be the only acknowledgement you get I have no idea why you would trip in the first place.

>> No.9096390
File: 77 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these trips for themselves lmao

>> No.9096392

he's probably the best aussie trip tbh
the whole "i dont care about fashion at all its just for the lols" shtick that some of the aussie trips put on is so tryhard because they sit here 8 hours+ a day

>> No.9096403

Totally. The sad/funny thing is that out of all the oz trip/namefags it is Pigfuck that has the most brand knowledge and at least a basic idea of style. The rest like stance, lamy, moe, etc just know nothing and are pissing their time down the toilet for nothing. It's like someone who doesn't give a shit about cars sitting on /o/ posting pics of their mom's Hyundai over and over again. I guess some people's time truly is worthless.

>> No.9096424


holy shit i havent seen pigfuck get rekt this hard in a single thread before
holyfuck i dont think ive seen pigcuck get rekt so hard in a single thread before

>> No.9096489

damn... asides from some of the more tasteless and unwarranted shitposting, pigfuck is actually a pretty solid poster (when he's taking things seriously)

>> No.9096500

Pigfuck best trip

>> No.9096592

pigfuck isn't even a trip

fascist /fa/ggot is

yet pf is here and ff isn't

you cunts need jesus

>> No.9096599

what is this faggot poll why cant you chose me btw im new

>> No.9096613

hnnnng are there more?

>> No.9096645

There's only 1 tripfag I hate, the "moe_sizlack" dude.
He is the most unfunny troll on this board, even OiOi is a better trip, he makes me laff at least.

Moe thinks it funny to samefag with his trip on and then act all surprised.

I filtered his trip so I am cancer free now.



>> No.9096683

[500 gun emojis]

>> No.9096691


>> No.9096695

probably gone away for a photoshoot or something
he always comes back

>> No.9096697

>muh glory days

>> No.9096701

>best aussie trip

like being the best Cuban hockey player

>> No.9096704

he still posts like everyday what are you guys on about

>> No.9096712

where pls

>> No.9096714

Tessellate is the nicest of all the trips. Pigfuck, due to his autism, knows a good deal about raf and helmut. Fascist is helpful and knowledgeable but his fits aren't very good. Trunks has pretty good fits and is funny, but he's very unhelpful. Tesselate or Fascist probably would get my vote.

>> No.9096717

i have it but i know q_ko doesn't want it posted \(^O^)/

>> No.9096720

i have a pic of her nipple

send me 25$ paypal and its urs

>> No.9096727

>no kuzu :C

>> No.9096729

$20 and deal

>> No.9096730

>who is the best newfag?

>> No.9096731


she is an average looking asian girl who dresses well- my dream. if only she was skinnier. but no i will not pay, and if she doesnt want them posted (duh) then whatever

>> No.9096732

send to

>> No.9096744

I would have voted sieg BUT HE'S NOT ON THE LIST
fuck you op u gay af

>> No.9096746

I'll snapcash you it

>> No.9096759

>He paid over one thousand dollars to look like this

>> No.9096770

>>no kuzu :C


>> No.9096772

I'm 3 of these

>> No.9096774


>> No.9096775
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, chupop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread inspired me. Thx so much guys love you all xoxo :3 vote me best trip thank you

>"RAF SIMONS, RICK OWENS", I yelled in a bystanders ear.
>My black gown trailed graciously behind whilst I marched in front of my local Zara.
>"RAF SIMONS, RICK OWENS", I exclaimed one again, and handed out another pamphlet.
>"RAF SIMONS, RICK OWENS USUA......", my voice failed me when I say my idol, Tricky Ricky, enter the store.
>I dashed up to him, felt inside his pockets and fell onto my knees.
>Those pockets weren't big enough to hold a passport and a sandwich....
>"raf simons, rick owens", I whispered while closing my eyes, never to be opened again.

>> No.9096778

I forgot my trip and made a typo... god damn, I'm finished, I'll never recover from this ordeal...

>> No.9096784
File: 3.36 MB, 3264x2448, 20140515_121054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


post was embarassing, you did good my man

>> No.9096806


all me btw

>> No.9096809

yo're fits are cool tbh

>> No.9096821

fuck off moe

>> No.9096832

go back to sufu u ugly little fag

>> No.9096837


>> No.9096838

>tfw you have the same job as Teddy
We're all gonna make it, /fa/m

>> No.9096851
File: 342 KB, 423x328, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup babe

>> No.9096860

i shud win this bby

>> No.9096910


>Pf/Trunks takeover

Might be about time to pick up a trip and assist with the upcoming mass cuck exodus of 2014

>yfw /fa/ sees a return to strong values, chinks and sjw's flee to their containment sites and the manlet cut off is raised to 6'.

>Flawless removal of kebab, merchant and negroid results in a board where coherent reading comprehension is the standard.

>The lack of w2c, fuccboi general and feel threads leaves a vacuum for competent discussion to take place.

>WAYWT consists of fits with a net worth greater than $50

In all seriousness though this board should look to /tv/ for guidance.
/fa/ 'board culture' is a shameful thing

>> No.9096915

m-muh board culture

>> No.9096928

go to bed pigfuck

>> No.9096933
File: 31 KB, 480x320, crept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9096936

Clearly not a pigfuck post.

Off topic but if you really are the trip stalker you're a legitimately interesting case.
This post is in all sincerity btw.

>> No.9096944

huge nose and hairline is unfortunate

>> No.9096947

lamy is 2nd best

stance is best

fuck the rest

>> No.9096950

agree with this post tbh :^(

>> No.9096968

Stance is that u

Is it true you got fucked up at uni?

>> No.9096970

>tfw no poet
I want to cry.

>> No.9097022

it was me not stance but i dont believe that, who from /fa/ can roll anyone

>> No.9097030

>no poet
how could you forget our lord and savior

>> No.9097050
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>> No.9097065
File: 31 KB, 514x459, 1415651095827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f fatsacks

Come on you guys..

>> No.9097074
File: 310 KB, 400x600, big-sean-raf-simons-adidas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i made top 10

tenx :')

>> No.9097088


>> No.9097094

this. He has the best fits hands down. It's just that he doesn't really do anything except for posting fits

>> No.9097108

In your dreams piggy boi.

>> No.9097136

>no sieg
>no cooltop
>no casemods

Shit list.

>> No.9097148

I was a tripfag on for about 2 years, from '06-08. Dropped that shit cuz it was fucking stupid and Tripskank started flapping her lips all over the place. Early 20s you think you're hot shit. Now I'm way better looking than all you faggots and have aged like a fine wine. I still may be poor but my looks alone get compliments. Any clothes I wear are automagically bumped up several tiers of quality due to my good looks and manly aura. If only I wasn't autismo maximo I would be better in public. ;__;

> tfw tall, blonde/blue, German genetics
> tfw poor and still look better than "models" like Trunks with $500 shoes and $800 jackets
> tfw favorite rule of fashion is don't be unattractive

>> No.9097152

/fa/ wasnt a board till 2009...

>> No.9097154

Where is tinfoil

>> No.9097160

February 29 2008


>> No.9097165

Either way what he said was bullshit

>> No.9097170

This is going to devolve into a shitshow if it hasn't already.

>> No.9097174

>only has votes because all the 3 world poverty riddled australians love him
>porbably has 15 bots with 3 different VPNs going at once
Shitty skype group
>probably the only name most of the newfags know

>> No.9097208

moe is the worst trip.

>> No.9097219

Can I ask you something?

>> No.9097222

>Im so attractive but i wont post a pic because im totally beyond that ehehehe let me live out my fantasy huhuhu

>> No.9097238

That's a cool jacket, just needed a better shirt, pants, and shoes
His face seems nice but why did he ditch the only good thing in his fit?

>> No.9097243


>> No.9097263

>3% tesselate

I voted for u

>> No.9097275
File: 392 KB, 1288x2042, 1416261117396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9097283

vote carebear in ur heart <3

>> No.9097319

you are the nicest trip <3.